Week 2 Lesson Plan Edited For Print 2
Week 2 Lesson Plan Edited For Print 2
Week 2 Lesson Plan Edited For Print 2
By: Clinton D. Zamora
I. Objectives:
At the end of 50-minute class discussion the Grade-8 students should be able to:
a. identify the coordinating conjunctions and its uses;
b. appreciate the importance of using coordinating conjunctions in literary pieces; and
c. write a biography essay of themselves using appropriate coordinating conjunctions
d. appreciate the story and portray the story by performing different task.
A. Presentation Stage / Pre-writing Stage
Strategy: Puzzle
The whole class will be divided into two groups, group one and group two.
The teacher will give one envelope to each group containing a puzzle of images which
gives hint to what will be the topic for today. The images in the puzzle are shown below:
Group one will arrange the left puzzle; meanwhile group two will solve the right puzzle.
The image in the left showing an image of individuals helping each other, hinting the
word coordinating, on the other hand the right image hints the seven conjunctions. Thus,
creating a word coordinating conjunction.
Unlocking Difficulties
The teacher will present a power point presentation that contains coordinating conjunctions and its
The teacher will present the different coordinating conjunctions and explain the uses of each.
Below are the conjunctions present in the PPT presentation
Teaching and Assessment of Macro Skills26
For – I have to find a job, for I am unemployed.
And- She didn’t speak to anyone, and nobody spoke to her.
Nor – I don’t expect children to be rude, nor do I expect to be disobeyed.
But – They rushed to the hospital, but they were too late.
Or – I will go shopping, or I will go camping.
Yet- Kelly was a convicted criminal, yet many people admired her.
So- I was feeling hungry, so I made myself a sandwich.
The teacher will then give the students an example of each coordinating conjunction used in a
sentence, to make sure that they’ve understood it perfectly.
After that the teacher will give a copy of a short story entitled “Seventh Grade by Gary Soto”.
The story is divided into three different parts and since there are three rows the first row will read the
first part, the second row will read the second part and for the third row will be the third part.
Students must read it loudly altogether.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
The teacher will then further discuss coordinating discussion give further explanation and more
examples for deeper understanding.
The teacher will then ask for more concerns and questions, if the students have understood topic
very well and its uses, then they must proceed to the activity.
This time the students will be divided into four groups by counting off.
After that they will go to their respective groups silently.
After the instruction they will be given 10 minutes to make their assigned tasks and after
that finish or unfinished they must perform it in front of the class.
Instruction: Each group assigned to make four different tasks. Group 1- Jingle making, Group 2-
Jazz chant, Group 3- Role playing and Group 4- Speech choir. You must portray the story
“Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto in your performance. In you script integration of coordinating
conjunctions is highly advised. Your grade will be rated depending on your performance and
how you utilize conjunctions in your script. You may start now!
Integration of Conjunctions-30%
Neatness and Orderliness –15%
Cooperation and Teamwork-15%
Time Management-10%
Originality- 10%
Audience Reaction- 10%
The teacher will ask the following questions:
Instruction: Write a biography essay about yourself. You can write anything as long as it’s about
you; example is your hobbies, likes and dislikes favourite sports and more. Note: Don’t forget to
include the things you learn about coordinating conjunctions and use it in your essay. Lastly your
essay must contain at least 300 words and must not exceed 500.
Instruction: Since it’s weekend already and you will have a two day vacant, Saturday and Sunday
I don’t we make it fun? For your assignment you will make a video presenting propaganda, any
topic of your choosing is allowed and you will make it by pair. So you don’t have to count-off,
and your seatmates will be your pair. Just to remind you please be mindful in using the
appropriate conjunctions in your scripts or dialogues. Meet with your pair tomorrow and pass
your video on Monday. That’s all!
I. Objectives:
At the end of 50-minute class discussion the Grade-8 students should be able to:
a. identify the meaning of coordinating conjunctions and its uses;
b. appreciate the importance of using coordinating conjunctions in literary pieces; and
c. write a biography essay of themselves using appropriate coordinating conjunctions
d. appreciate the story and portray the story by performing different task.
Principle or Approach to be applied: Inductive approach was applied in this semi-detailed lesson plan
because the teacher starts with giving a motivation activity to the students in which they are going to
sing a song based from the other word that they choose. After the activities they found why the words
are ended with a suffix –ly because the words are the examples of adverb of the manner in which clearly
introduces that the topic is all about adverbs of manner.
Teachers Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
To start our day, can you lead the :(Daniel will lead the prayer)
prayer Daniel?
Before sitting, kindly fix your chairs : (The students will fix their chairs and
and pick up all scattered mess around pick up all scattered mess around them
2. Checking of Attendance
1. Listen attentively.
2. Avoid making unnecessary noises.
3. Raise your right hand if you want to
4. Always remember to speak kindly.
5. Respect me, so that I will respect
you too.
Very good!
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Your time’s up! Let’s see your work. Group 1’s puzzle will come up like
2. Presentation of Lessons
Okay, let’s hear from Daniel Estaniel. : (Students will raise their right hand)
: A coordinating conjunction is a
conjunction that connects words,
Very good Daniel, you got it right! phrases, and clauses that are
coordinate, or equal to each other.
Another question, what are the seven
coordinating conjunctions? Let’s hear
from Jimbie Turtugo.
3. Unlocking Difficulties
: Yes sir!
Let’s dig further and see what
coordinating conjunction is all about.
: Yes sir!
Okay Juara Matias, can you read it for
: (Students raised their right hand)
5 Item Quiz
Instruction. Fill in the blanks with the
correct conjunction. (After five minutes
exchange your papers within
seatmates). : Yes sir!
1) Alex stood first ___ got a prize.
2) Robin ___ Russel went the beach.
3) Sleep now__ you will miss the class
4) Robin did not try hard __ he did not
5) He is sad ___not broken.
After 5 minutes.
4. Discussion
: No sir!
C. Concluding Activity
1. Application
Integration of Conjunctions-30%
Neatness and Orderliness –15%
Cooperation and Teamwork-15%
Time Management-10%
Originality- 10%
Audience Reaction- 10%
After 10 minutes
Now, let us witness the presentation : (Students will perform their Jingle)
of group 2. Let’s hear their Jazz
(The teacher will execute the clap.) : (The students will do the wow clap.)
2. Generalization
Since you all did an excellent Job, let’s : Victor makes funny faces throughout
give yourselves a round of applause. the school day, as he believes that
making people laugh is the most
D. Evaluation important thing. Victor is willing to do
Instruction: Write a biography essay anything to get Teresa's attention, even
about yourself. You can write anything if it means lying, because he likes her
as long as it’s about you; example is so much.
your hobbies, likes and dislikes
favourite sports and more. Note: Don’t
forget to include the things you learn
about coordinating conjunctions and
use it in your essay. Lastly your essay : (The students will do the clap.)
must contain at least 300 words and
must not exceed 500.
E. Assignment
Instruction: Since its weekend already
and you will have a two day vacant,
Saturday and Sunday why don’t we
make it fun? For your assignment you
will make a video presenting
propaganda, any topic of your choosing
is allowed and you will do it by pair.
You don’t have to count-off; instead
you can choose anyone you like as
partner. Just to remind you please be
mindful in using the appropriate
conjunctions in your scripts or
dialogues. Meet with your pair
tomorrow and pass your video on
Monday. That’s all!
Goodbye class!