Aa37f - Rele Estado Sólido

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Selector Guide

w w w. v i s h a y. c o m
Solid State relays
reliable and Versatile

Solid-State relays from vishay Semiconductors

Vishay’s Solid State relays (SSrs), previously sold under the infineon, Siemens, and at&t brand names, deliver fast switching
while optically isolating and protecting equipment from damaging external high-voltage spikes. By eliminating the majority of
wire bonds found in other SSrs, Vishay’s monolithic structure has set the performance standard.
With no moving parts, our solid state relays are noiseless, bounce-free and reliable, commonly replacing electromechanical
relays. Used in industrial, automotive, and communication applications, all of our solid state relays feature low power
consumption, small packaging, and low turn-on current. exceeding industry standards, they are approved by Vde, Ul, CSa
and other safety regulatory agencies.

Part number Coding

VO1400 A EF TR
LH1541 A AC 1

– TR = packaged in tape and reel configuration

– 1 = No DC contact for 6-pin package, at Pin 5

Package Configuration
1 or 2 Alpha Suffix designator
– B = 8-pin DIP
– D = 4-pin DIP
– T = 6-pin DIP
– AB = 6-pin Gull Wing
– AC = 8-pin Gull Wing
– CC = 8-pin “S” Bend Gull Wing
– CD = 8-pin SOP
– EF = 4-pin SOP
– DF = 4-pin Gull Wing

Electrical Variation
– A = No variation from test specification
– B,C, etc. = Test specification variation

Device Identifier



1. What are the advantages of SSRs over electromechanical balance sequence, high activation rate, dSo, dSi, dSia;
relays (EMRs)? reliable, long life, no noise, contact bounce or dSiC; dS2 and low ron. See appnote 67 for additional t1
arcing and low power consumption. (75 % lower than emr) switching information.
2. Do you have a low cost SSR for use in place of EMRs? 6. Do you have relays which can be used in PCMCIA
the lh1546aeF/ad (4 pin) depending on your application applications? yes, depending on your functional, package
requirements. other possibilities are: lh1529FP; lh1532FP; size and application requirements, see our lh1529FP and
lh1550 products. lh1532FP, and our lh1525aCd.
3. Can your SSRs meet my projects’ requirement for at 7. Do you have relays which can be used in modem and PC
least 2500-3000 I/O voltage? most of our SSrs provide applications? yes, we have several for modems in general.
5300 i/o. Based on your switching and ron application requirements:
4. Do you have High Speed MOSFET Drivers? yes, we have lh1529FP, lh1532FP, lh1546, lh1540, lh1550. See
the lh1262 which can be configured for best use in motor appnote 66 modem line interface Solutions.
drive controls, iGBt-predrivers and aC/dC power inverters. 8. How do I know which Agency approvals are available?
it can also be used to customize and build your own all SSrs are Underwriters laboratories (Ul) recognized.
custom solid state relay. most have Canadian Standards association (CSa) and
5. Do you have a relay for high frequency applications e.g. British approvals Board for telecommunications (BaBt)
T1/E1? yes, the lh1514 allows the ultimate in component ieC 950 en60950, FimKo ieC 950 en60950 and Vde 0884
isolation. it serves as a general purpose 2 Form a for certifications. See our website for information on a
specific product.
Output Characteristics input Characteristics

Load Current Limit Operate Time

Current Max. (mA) (msec) LeD Operate
Max. at 25 °C
Load recommended Typ. at 25 °C Max. at 25 °C Current Min. (mA)
(Ω) i/O
voltage (mA) if = 5 mA if = 5 mA
recommended (Min.) (vrms)
(v) 25 °C Test
Package Pins Part number AC/DC DC AC/DC DC AC/DC ton toff Current for
85 °C Operation
lh15465 350 120 — 35 — — 3.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 3000
1 Form a 4
Vo1400aeFtr5 60 100 — 5 — — 0.5 0.5 0.3 3.2 1500
lh15109 200 200 350 15 3.75 360 2.0* 2.0* 2.0 5.0 5300
lh1500 350 150 250 25 6.25 270 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5300
lh1540 350 120 250 25 6.25 210 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5300
lh1546 350 120 200 35 10 200 3.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 5300
1 Form a 6
lh15501 350 100 — 50 — 200 3.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 5300
lh1525 400 120 250 33 8.25 210 1.0 1.5 0.5 2.0 5300
lh15411 200 50 — 160 — — 0.5 0.5 2.0 5.0 5300
Vo14642 60 1000 2000 0.25 0.07 — 0.8* 0.8* 2.0 1.3 5300
lh1513 200 140 — 15 — 360 2.5* 2.5* 3.0 8.0 5300
2 Form a 8
lh1503 350 110 — 25 — 270 2.5* 2.5* 3.0 8.0 5300
lh1522 200 140 — 15 — 360 2.0* 2.0* 2.0 5.0 5300
lh15441 200 40 — 160 — — 0.5 0.5 2.0 5.0 5300
lh1505 250 120 — 20 — 200 4.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 5300
lh1520 350 110 — 25 — 270 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5300
dual 1 Form a 8
lh1526 400 100 — 36 — 210 1.0 1.5 0.5 5.0 5300
lh15325 350 110 — 25 — 210 2.0 2.5 2.5 5.0 5300
lh1533 350 70 — 50 — 200 3.0 3.0 2.5 5.0 5300
lh15565 350 110 — 35 — 210 3.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 5300
lh1511 200 200 300 15 3.75 — 3.0* 3.0* 2.0 5.0 3750
1 Form B 6
lh1501 350 150 200 25 6.25 — 3.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 3750
lh1521 350 110 — 25 — — 3.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 3750
dual 1 Form B 8
lh1523 200 140 — 15 — — 3.0* 3.0* 2.0 5.0 3750
lh15022 350 150 — 25 — 290 6.0* 3.0* 2.0 5.0 3750
1 Form a, B/C 8
lh1512 200 200 — 15 — 360 3.0* 3.0* 2.0 5.0 3750

1 Form a lh15295,6,7 350 120 — 25 — 210 2.5 2.5 2.0 5.0 5300
w/optocoupler 6
lh1549 400 120 — 36 — 210 1.0 1.0 0.5 3.0 5300
1 Form a
8 lh15398 400 120 — 33 — 210 2.0 0.5 1.0 5.0 5300
high Freq. (t-1) 8 lh15143 15 150 — 5 — — 1.0* 1.0* 3.0 8.0 5300
lh1262 15 — 14 µa* — — — 35 µs** 90 µs** — — 5300
moSFet driver 8
Vo1263 15 — 23 µa* — — — 26 µs** 73 µs** — — 5300
* iF = 10 ma 1. low capacitance SSr (3.5 pF) 4. Current through both poles operating 5. Surface mount Flat-Pack available 8. Current transfer ratio >300 %
2. Break-before-make operation simultaneously. load current for 6. Current transfer ratio min. 33 % 9. dC current limit 720 ma
** iF = 20 ma
3. high-frequency SSr (< 50 mhz) individual pole ratios is higher 7. Current transfer ratio min. 100 %
Cross reference guide
ArOMAT — viShAy lCa111S lh1500aaB xCa111/l lh1546at PS710al-1l-e3 Vo14642aaBtr
aQV101 lh1510 lCa142/e lh1510at xCa111/l lh1550at1 PS7200B-1a-F3 Vo1400aeFtr
aQV101 lh1518 lCa190/e/le lh1500at xCa111/le lh1546at Oki — viShAy
aQV102 lh1510 lCa190/eS/leS lh1500aaB xCa120/e lh1510at oCm200 lh1510at
aQV102 lh1518 lCa190/l/le lh1500at xCa120/eS lh1510aaB oCm202 lh1518at
aQV103 lh1510at lCa190/leS/lS lh1500aaB DiOniCS — viShAy oCm210 lh1510at
aQV103a* lh1510aaB lCa120e/l/le lh1518at diG130a lh1262CB oCm212 lh1518at
aQV104a lh1500aaB lCa120eS/leS/lS/S lh1500aaB diG131a lh1262CB oCm214 lh1541at1
aQV214 lh1525at lCa125e/l/le lh1510at diG132a lh1262CB oCm220 lh1510at
aQV214a lh1525aaB lCa125eS/leS/lS/S lh1518at diG22830-dd lh1262CB oCm220 lh1518at
aQV214S lh1525aCd lCa127e lh1510at fAirChiLD — viShAy oCm222 lh1510at
aQV217 lh1510at lCa127eS/S lh1518at hSr312 lh1510at oCm222 lh1518at
aQV217a lh1510aaB lCa142e lh1510at hSr312l lh1510at oCm224 lh1541at1
aQV221 lh1541at1 lCa143 lh1550at hSr412 lh1540at oCm240 lh1510at
aQV221a lh1541aaB lCa143e lh1540at hSr412l lh1546at oCm240 lh1518at
aQV225 lh1541at lCa145/e lh1500at hP — viShAy oCm241 lh1510at
aQV225a lh1541aaB1 lCa145/eS/S lh1500aaB hSSr-8060 lh1510at oCm241 lh1518at
aQV234 lh1525at lCa210/e lh1503aB hSSr-8060 lh1518at oCm242 lh1510at
aQV234a lh1525aaB lCa210eS/S lh1503aaC hSSr-8200* lh1541at1 oCm242 lh1518at
aQV254a lh1500aaB lCa220/e lh1513aB hSSr-8400 lh1510at OkiTA — viShAy
aQV414 lh1501at lCa220/eS lh1513aaC hSSr-8400 lh1518at adm1m21 lh1510at
aQV414a lh1501aaB lCa710 Vo14642at hSSr-7110 no Cross adm1m41 lh1518at
aQW210tS lh1529FP lCa710Str Vo14642aaBtr hSSr-7111 no Cross ad2m22 lh1520aB
aQW210e lh1532FP lCB110/e lh1501Bt hSSr-7112 no Cross PAnASOniC — viShAy
aQW210e lh1556FP lCB110/eS/S lh1501BaB 5962-9314001 no Cross aQV252 Vo14642at
aQW214 lh1520aB lCB111/e lh1501Bt 5962-9314002 no Cross aQV252ax Vo14642aaBtr
aQW214 lh1526aB lCB111/eS/S lh1501BaB ir — viShAy aQy221r2Vy Vo1400aeFtr
aQW214a lh1520aaC lCB120/e lh1511Bt PV15100 lh1262CB SOLiD STATe OPTrOniCS — viShAy
aQW214a lh1526aaB lCB120/eS/S lh1511BaB PVa1052 lh1510at ad4-C111 lh1532aB
aQW614a lh1502BB lCB127/e lh1526aB PVa1054 lh1510at ad4-C111 lh1526aB
aQW614a lh1502BaC lCB127eS/S lh1526aaC PVa1352 lh1510at ad4-C112 lh1521BB
CLAre — viShAy lCC110/e lh1502BB PVa1352 lh1518at ad4-C113 lh1502BB
CPC1017n Vo1400aeF lCC110/eS/S lh1512BaC PVa1354 lh1510at ad6-C111 lh1540at
CPC1017ntr Vo1400aeFtr lCC120/e lh1502BB PVa1354 lh1518at ad6-C111 lh1525at
CPC1035 lh1546aeF lCC120/eS/S lh1512BaC PVa2352 lh1510at ad6-C112 lh1511Bt
CPC1050 lh1546aeF oma130/e lh1510at PVa3324 lh1500at ad6-C211 lh1510at
laa100P lh1532FP oma130eS/S PVa3354 lh1530at ad6-C211 lh1518at
laa100P lh1556FP oma160/e PVr1300 lh1513at ad8-C111 lh1540at
laa110/e lh1532aB oma160/e lh1541aaB1 PVr1301 lh1513aB ad8-C111 lh1525at
laa110/e/eS lh1532aaC oma210 lh1503BB PVr2300 lh1513aB ad8-C112 lh1511Bt
laa120/e lh1505aB oma221 lh1503BaC PVr3300 lh1503aB ad8-C211 lh1510at
laa120/eS/S lh1505aaC oma160/eS/S lh1541at1 PVr3301 lh1503aB ad8-C211 lh1518at
lBa110/e lh1502BB oma160a lh1541aaB1 PVy116-t Vo1400aeFtr m271-tr Vo1400aeFtr
lBa110/eS/S lh1502BaC oaa160/e lh1544aB neC — viShAy TOShiBA — viShAy
lBa120/e lh1512BB oaa160/e lh1544aaC PFa101a lh1510at tlP172a Vo1400aeFtr
lBa120eS/S lh1512BaC Paa110/e lh1526aB PFa101a lh1518at tlP595G lh1510at
lBa127/e lh1512BB Paa110/eS/S lh1526aaC PFa112a lh1510at tlP595G lh1518at
lBa127eS/S lh1512BaC Pla110/e lh1525at PFa112a lh1518at TeLeDyne — viShAy
lBa145/e lh1502BB Pla110/eS/S lh1525aaB PFa113a lh1510at C60-3 lh1510at
lBa145/eS/S lh1502BaC Pla140/e lh1510at PFa113a lh1518at C60-3 lh1518at
lBa146/e lh1502BB Pla140/eS/S lh1518at PFa121a lh1510at C60-10 Vo14642at
lBa146/eS/S lh1502BaC Pla150/e lh1510at PFa121a lh1518at SC60-10 Vo14642aaBtr
lBB110/e lh1521BB Pla150/eS/S lh1518at PFa122a lh1510at Th eLeCTrOniCS — viShAy
lBB110eS/S lh1521BaC tS117e lh1529aB PFa122a lh1518at thr 003-400 lh1510at
lBB120/e lh1523BB tS117eS lh1529aaC PFd141a lh1510at thr 003-400 lh1518at
lBB120eS/S lh1523BaC tS120e lh1529BB PFd141a lh1518at thr 010-200 lh1510at
lCa110/e lh1500at tS120S lh1539aaC PFd102a lh1510at TOWArD reLAy — viShAy
lCa110/e lh1540at tS120eS lh1529BaC PFd112a lh1510at aB30S lh1546aeF
lCa110/eS/S lh1500aaB tS190e lh1549aB PFd114a lh1510at aB42S no Cross
lCa110/eS/S lh1540aaB tS190eS lh1549aaC PFd114a lh1518at aB30F lh1525at
lCa110l/le lh1500at xCa110/e lh1550at1 PFd123a lh1510at aa31F lh1540at
lCa110lS/leS lh1500aaB xCa110/eS lh1550aaB1 PFd123a lh1518at aa37F no Cross
lCa111 lh1500at xCa110/eS/S lh1500aaB PFd142a lh1510at aC30F lh1503aB
lCa111e lh1550at1 xCa110/eS/S lh1530aaB PFd142a lh1518at aC31F lh1503aB
lCa111eS lh1550aaB1 xCa110/eS/S lh1550aaB1 PS710a-1a Vo14642at
Solid State relays
Protection through optical isolation

1 Form A* 1 Form A* 1 Form B*

MiniFlat 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 5 4
1 4
A S 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

1 Form A 1 Form A 1 Form B

K 3
S S1 S S1 S S1
* Form
Form A "normally open";
B "normally closed"

1 Form A/B, C 2 Form A* Dual 1 Form A* Dual 1 Form B*

S1 S1' S2 S2' S1 S1' S2 S2 ' S1 S1' S2 S2' S1 S1' S2 S2'
8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Form A, B, C 2 Form A Dual 1 Form A Dual 1 Form B 8-Pin

S1 S1' S1 S1' S1 S1' DIP/SMD
S1 S1'
S2 S2'
S2 S2' S2 S2' S2 S2'

1 Form A/Optocoupler 1 Form A/Darlington MOSFET Driver

S S'
8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

4-Pin 4-Pin 6-Pin 8-Pin


DIP body dimensions are the same as the SMD DIP body dimensions are the same as the SMD
version presented on this drawing. version presented on this drawing.

Miniflat 4-Pin* 8-Pin* SMD/DiP 4-Pin* 6-Pin* 8-Pin*

a 0.174 (0.442) 0.374 (9.61) a 0.261 (6.62) 0.343 (8.60) 0.385 (9.78)
B 0.180 (4.70) 0.180 (4.70) B 0.300 (7.62) 0.300 (7.62) 0.300 (7.62)
C 0.080 (2.03) 0.080 (2.03) C 0.140 (3.35) 0.140 (3.30) 0.140 (3.30)
d 0.100 (2.54) 0.100 (2.54) d 0.100 (2.54) 0.100 (2.54) 0.100 (2.54)
typical* dimensions = inches (mm) typical* dimensions = inches (mm)

nOTiCe Specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. Vishay intertechnology, inc., or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. information
contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. no license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. except as provided in Vishay’s terms and
conditions of sale for such products, Vishay assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Vishay products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular
purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. the products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or
selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.
Rectifiers • High-Power Diodes and Thyristors • Small-Signal Diodes • Zener and Suppressor Diodes
• FETs • RF Transistors • Optoelectronics • ICs • Modules and Assemblies

Passive Components:
Resistive Products • Magnetics • Capacitors • Strain Gage Transducers and Stress Analysis Systems

One of the World’s Largest

of Discrete Semiconductors and Passive Components

The Americas EUROPE

Worldwide Sales Contacts

united states germany

Vishay Americas Vishay EuropE Sales GmbH
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Shelton, CT 06484 95100 Selb
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Ph: +1-402-563-6866 Ph: +49-9287-71-0
Fax: +1-402-563-6296 Fax: +49-9287-70435

Asia france
singapore Vishay S.A.
Vishay intertechnology 199, Blvd de la madelEine
Asia Pte Ltd. 06003 Nice, Cedex 1
25 Tampines Street 92 France
Keppel Building #02-00 Ph: +33-4-9337-2920
Singapore 528877 Fax: +33-4-9337-2997
Ph: +65-6788-6668
Fax: +65-6788-0988 united kingdom
Vishay Ltd.
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fax: +81-3-5832-6260

w w w. v i s h a y. c o m

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