Culata JD 6466
Culata JD 6466
Culata JD 6466
Name Usra
JDE138 Valve Spring Compressor Compress valve springs when removing and
installing valves
Nacno US6
P1569 NEVER-SEEZ Compound Exhaust manifold and cylinder head front plate
cap screws.
Valve Head Oa
6466D-Intake 48.2-48_4 min (1,93-1,91
646811-Exhaust 43.4-43,7 mm (111-1/2 In.)
164567 and 6486A-Intake and Exhaust 43.4-43,7 mm (1.71-1,72 in.,)
Valve Stern-lc-Guide Clearance 0,051-0,102 mm (0.002-0.004 in,) 0,15 mrn (0_006 in.)
/5 I MOIRA .1
Firing Order
$1 1.200.5,14Pl .151.0RAIJOSI
Cy&rarer Head and Valves Cylinder Head and Valves Specifications
Cylinder Liner Cap Screws (for Checking Liner Siandoui) 68 N.m (50 lb-ft)
SI .21:145,1iti .11406,41004