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Active Community Contributors Institute

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LITERATURE 8 – Mr. Ronald H. Ibajan

NAME : ___________________________________________________ SCORE : ________


______1. Why was storytelling considered as a much-loved activity during the ancient times?
A. because it was the time that Filipinos having fun after their tiring work.
B. because it was the only way for them to appreciate the works of their ancestors.
C. because the Filipinos are fond of listening various story which made them feel belong to the community.
D. because in the ancient times, Filipinos are being entertained by the narratives that was being
told to them by the ancient storyteller.
______2. Why is Philippine Folk literature important?
A. because it gives us lessons of the past.
B. because the various literary works portray the Filipinos way of life in the past.
D. because the literary works in the past serves as an entertainment and for enjoyment.
C. because it portrays people’s lives, cultures, and traditions, as well as it introduces us to new worlds of
______3. Why is there very little record of Philippine literature during the Spanish era?
A. because the Spanish government banned the spreading of oral folklores
B. because the Filipinos back then realized that literature is waste of time and they need to focused on how to
survive in life.
C. because during the Spanish era, all the oral literature was Christianized and only Spanish Literature
depicting Christians belies and stories were taught and published.
D. because the Spanish government found out that the Philippine Oral literature talks about the wrong doings of
the Spaniards.
______4. How were the early forms of literature like riddles, proverbs and poems passed on to generation to
A. through oral language
B. by the records found in the caves
C. through the teaching of the ancient Filipino storytellers
D. by the written records found in the ancient Filipino houses
______5. Which of the following best describes fables?
A. It refers to the types of folk narratives handed down over generations and are believed to be
based on history.
B. It refers to the sacred traditional narrative, a story or a legend that is passed down orally from
one generation to the next and becomes part of a community’s tradition.
C. It refers to a short story that teaches moral, and often involves animals as characters.
D. It refers to a story that depicts the life of gods and goddesses and believed to be sacred.
______6. In the story “The Creation”, why did Lumawig choose to give the clay and salt to the Samoki in
the end?
A. because they follow what Lumawig said to them on how to mold the clay jars.
B. because the people of Bontoc always failed to mold the clay jars.
C. because the Samoki people add creative style on the clay jars.
D. because they buy all the clay pots to Lumawig
______7. What is the literary element that shows the series of events that unfold in the story?
A. Settings B. Characters C. Climax D. Plot
______8. How would you describe the monkey and the tortoise in the story “The Tortoise and the Monkey?
A. The monkey is the most intelligent and the tortoise is as slow as his actions in the story.
B. The monkey is the strongest character and the tortoise is weaker.
C. The monkey is the most resourceful and the tortoise is independent.
D. The monkey is gullible and the tortoise is smarter than the monkey.
______9. Which of the following best describes the Lion in the story “The Dog and the Lion”?
A. The lion is the most powerful animal in the jungle which acclaimed the king of the jungle.
B. The lion is the smartest animal living in the jungle that no one can beat him.
C. The lion, the acclaimed king of the jungle being tricked by the dog and made him sadden.
D. The lion known as Arimaonga and the acclaimed king of the jungle but hungry and emaciated.
______10. The stories “Monkey and the Crocodile”, “The Dog and the Lion”, and “The Monkey and Turtle
are all examples of what folk narrative?
A. Epic B. Legends C. Myth D. Fables

______11. Which of the following BEST describes a conflict in a narrative?

A. The message of the story and essentially what the writer wants to convey.
B. The part of a story that reveals that character’s struggles.
C. The strongest part of the story where it builds up the emotional peak.
D. The struggle between the two opposing forces or characters that gives to the dramatic action.
______12. In the story “The Legend of the Sampaguita”, why was Lakan Galing afraid to tell his true feelings for
A. because he thinks that he might be killed by her father Lakan Bungabon.
B. because he is afraid that Liwayway might spurn him.
C. because he thinks that he is not deserving to the love of Liwayway.
D. because Liwayway is a maiden that cannot be love by the other men in the village.
______13. How would you describe Lakan Galing?
A. A weak but a loyal man to his beloved wife.
B. A man with strong words and a strong personality.
C. A courageous and loyal husband to his beloved wife Liwayway.
D. A man with dignity and loyalty.
_______14. How is “The Legend of Sampaguita” influenced the Filipino customs in the early time?
A. by using sampaguita flower for decoration in every festivities held in a community.
B. by exchanging sampaguita garlands as the way of pledging their love for the young men and women.
C. by using sampaguita garlands in order to give respect for the deified saints.
D. by using sampaguita garlands as a symbol of love and faith in traditional weddings.
_______15. What does sampaguita symbolize according to the Legend of Sampaguita?
A. Loyalty and faith B. Love and patience C. Purity of Love D. Sadness
_______16. Why is reading strategies essential?
A. It helps us to communicate with the author of the text.
B. it helps us to understand the meaning of words in the text.
C. In order for us to evaluate the text.
D. It helps us to better comprehend the text with various strategies.
________17. Why is it significant to know the correct intonation and stress in communicating or speaking?
A. In order to avoid judgments and criticisms.
B. To increase self-confidence while speaking or communicating.
C. In order to avoid misunderstandings while speaking or communicating.
D. To amaze the person whom you are communicating.
________19. Why is characterization a writer tool?
A. It gives the reader the idea of the emotions of the characters.
B. It reveals what a character is like, directly or indirectly.
C. It gives the reader the idea of the personality of the characters.
D. It reveals the kind of character does in the story.
________20. “She was gray, beautiful, and slim. Her skin was kayumangging-kaligatan, golden brown with light
touches of rose. Her black dreamy eyes and her soft black hair made her stunning attractive”. In the
description of the character above, what type of characterization was used?
A. Direct characterization C. Narrative characterization
B. Indirect characterization D. Descriptive characterization
_________21. Why did Rizal write Mi Ultimo Adios?
A. To say that Rizal loves his country and fellow countrymen.
B. To address his appreciation for all the people who helped him all throughout his journey.
C. To say goodbye to all the Filipinos after his execution at Bagumbayan.
D. To show the wrong doings of the Spaniards.
_________22. Why do poets and song writers use various poetic devices?
A. to make their works sounds good and entertaining. D. to make it unique.
B. to express their ideas and images. C. to make great works.
_________23.When a poet gives human qualities and attributes to a nonliving thing the poet used what kind of
poetic device?
A. Onomatopoeia B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Simile
“On our grain, sunlight lies, Late from evening skies.”
_________24. From the lines above from the song Serenade ”Harana”, which of the following poetic devices was
A. Sounds B. Rhyming C. Personification D. Repetition
DIRECTIONS: Choose the best meaning of the underlined word as it is used in each sentence. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.
_______1. The lion, commonly known as Arimaonga and the acclaimed king of the Jungle but hungry and
emaciated, was walking on a muddy road when he saw a dog.
A. with bad reputation B. became very thin C. angry D. annoyed
_______2.”You infamous creature, here I have you at last!”
A. with bad reputation B. became very thin C. angry D. annoyed
_______3.As the bird was flying all the time, she became thirsty. But she could not quench her thirst with the salty
sea water.
A. ignite B. inflame C. satisfy D. kindle
_______4.“May the goddess, Pag-ibig, aid you in your promise then!” the youth said brimming with emotion.
A. annoyed B. empty C. overflowing D. void
_______5. “I am making a snare for you”.
A. trap B. smile C. Box D. gift
III. Reading Comprehension
DIRECTIONS: Read the poem below and analyze the lines in the poem by answering the questions below.

Serenade Arise and stir from where Did you think I’m forgetting, How pitiless you have been,
(Harana) you lie I remember you at night, how merciless!
For slumber deep sleeping; Mired is the earth with my
O lamp in the cold night, Open your window and look Flowing tears for my mat, tears.
You’re as a star in the sky; down at me Sorrow for my pillows. Open the, Dear, your little
O light in the quiet night, That you may know my true window
Your image, Dear, bringing pleadings. And look down at me
me pain; ay! pleading
______1. What is the purpose of the song/poem?
A. to pledge a love to someone C. to entertain
B. to court someone D. to make fun
______2. To whom did the poet/song writer dedicate this poem/song?
A. to a girl C. to his wife
B. to his son D. to his daughter
______3. What does the lamp signifies?
A. light B. moon C. a girl D. love
______4. In line 1 and 2, what poetic device was used by the author?
A. Personification B. Simile C. Onomatopoeia D. Metaphor
______5. What is the tone of the speaker in the poem?
A. motivated B. Obsessed C. pleased D. determined

DIRECTIONS: Read each questions carefully and answer the questions in direct manner. Write your answer legibly at
the back of your paper. (5 pts. each)

1. How is folk literature reflects the lives of the ancient Filipinos?

2. If you were to write a traditional song about life in the past, what would it be about? What personal feelings
and ideas would you express?

3. How is Folk literature helps us to appreciate our traditional culture?

 Today’s pain is tomorrow’s fulfillment. 

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