Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Taysan National High School
SY. 2019-2020
NAME ___________________ DATE: _________________________
SECTION:_________________ SCORE: ________________________
Directions: Read the following questions comprehensively. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number.
________1. This focuses on explicating the literary work by using the insight provided by
knowledge of the author’s life. This means that the biographical data should amplify the
meaning of the texts, not to drown it out with irrelevant material.Which school of criticism is
being talked about?
A.Historical Criticism C.New Criticism
B.Gender Criticism D.Biographical Criticism
________2. In discussing T.B.Wood’s “A Leaf of Bread,” you focus on symbols, characters, and
theme and how these various elements help to create a unity in the work. You don’t discuss the
author, the reader, or any considerations outside the text itself. What kind of critical approach is
being used?
A.Structuralism C.New Criticism
B.Sociological Criticism D.Psychological Criticism
________3. An artistic work which is an assemblage improvised from materials ready at my
hand. It is also used to refer to the practice of transforming “found” materials by incorporating
them into new work. What postmodern literary technique is being stated?
A.Bricolage C.Fabulation
B.Metafiction D.Magic Realism
________4. This takes a fundamental tenet that “literature” exists not as an artifact upon a
printed page but as a transaction between the physical text and the mind of a reader. It attempts
“to describe what happens in the reader’s mind while interpreting a text” and reflects that
reading, like writing, is a creative process. Which school of criticism is being talked about?
A.Mythological C.Reader-Response
B.Psychological D.Sociological
________5. Postmodernism is a disputed term that generally refers to the phase of 20 th century
Western culture that succeeded the reign of high modernism, thus indicating the products of the
“space age” after some time in 1950s. Which of the following is excluded on the Postmodern
Literary Techniques?
A.Tragic Realism C.Bricolage
B.Fabulation D.Metafiction
________6. This National Artist is a Filipino artist, poet, critic, translator, editor, teacher, and
cultural manager. He worked as the chairman of the Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino(KWF). Who
is being referred to?
A.Cirilo F. Bautista C.Edith L. Tiempo
B.Bienvenido Lumbera D.Virgilio S. Almario
________7. The works of this author, his stories in particular, are surreal but believably
so,leaving you in a curious world much like yours, where the boundaries of possibility are easily
changing. Who is being referred to?
A.Etgar Keret C.Mong Lan
B.Haruki Murakami D.Kim Young Ha
________8. The works of this author, his stories in particular, are surreal but believably
so,leaving you in a curious world much like yours, where the boundaries of possibility are easily
changing. Who is being referred to?
A.Etgar Keret C.Mong Lan
B.Haruki Murakami D.Kim Young Ha
________9. The theme for a short story is built on a topic. And as for the reader’s point of view,
the theme focuses on what the story is revealing about a particular topic. Which of the following
is the best guide question in order to identify the theme of a short story during a short-story
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A.How is the topic developed? C.What images are used?
B.What is the tone of the story? D.What is the mood of the story?
________10. Short stories as a work of narrative prose contains different distinguishing
elements and characteristics. Which of the following elements is considered as the part of the
story which is the point of greatest tension or intensity?
A.Conflict C.Style
B.Climax D.Theme
________11. This author is a South Korean writer and when he/she is a child, he transferred
from one place to another since his father is a military. This national artist lost memory before
ten because of gas poisoning from coal gas. Who is being referred to?
A.Peter Zaragoza Mayschle C.Eliza Victoria
B.Timothy Montes D.Kim Young Ha
________12. Flash fiction is a medium of brief and enclosed stories. These are usually 1,500 to
2,000 words. This is considered as an underdog prose because it is often considered as a short
story that is why the concept of short story is the one which is always being talked about. Which
of the following comprises of setting up expectations and turning the upside down in a short
A.Beginning, middle, ending C.Twist/ Surprise at the end
B.Brevity D.Length
________13. This is an approach to literature that focuses on the study of cultural behaviour
and expression in relationship to the colonized world. It also talks about the analysis of literary
works written by writers from countries and cultures that at one time have been controlled by
colonizing powers. Which school of criticism is being referred to?
A.Cultural Criticism C.Structuralism
B.Postcolonial D.New Historicism
________ 14. Carla M. Pacis is a writer, a teacher, and a former bookstore owner. She has
written several books for children, a couple of novels for young adults and has won several local
awards. What do you call the local organization of writers which is founded by her?
A. KUTING (Kwentista ng mga Tsikiting)
B. KULINTANG (Kulisap ng mga Tsikiting)
C. KUMINTONG (Kumintang ng mga Tsikiting)
D.KUMINTAPONG (Kulintang na Apo at mg Tsikiting)
________15. Eliza Victoria is a Filipino author whose fiction and poetry have appeared in
several online and print publications. She had published a lot of books and fiction anthologies.
Which of the following is NOT included on her books?
A.Dwellers C.A Blade of Fern
B.Unseen Moon D.A Bottle of Storm Clouds
________16. This is an approach of literature made popular between the 1940s and 1960s that
evolved out of formalist criticism and it suggests the detailed analysis of the language a literary
text can uncover important layers of meaning in that work. Which school of criticism is being
referred to?
A.Historical Criticism C.Gender Criticism
B.New Criticism D.Biographical Criticism
________17. Young Adult Fiction is the kind of literature intended for learners who are 12-18
years of age. Which of the following is excluded on the possible benefits that children can inhibit
from this kind of literature?
A.Motivation C.Personal Development
B.Increased self-confidence D.Group Identification
________18. In analyzing Art Spiegelman’s “ Prisoner on the Hell Planet,” you take a more
traditional approach and discuss the setting, conflict, characters, tone, theme, and other
elements of the story. You assert that ‘Prisoner on the Hell Planet” is not a legitimate form of
literature because it fails to meet our expectations of what a story should be. What kind of
critical approach is being used?
A.Feminist Literary Criticism C.Mythological Criticism
B.Structuralism D.Formalist Criticism
________19. The works of this author, poems in particular are deft, extremely graceful in the
way words move, and in the cadence that carries them. One is moved by articulate character of
“things seen,” the subtle shifting of images, and the quiet intensity of their information. Clearly,
this national artist is a master of art.” Who is being referred to?
A.Etgar Keret C.Haruki Murakami
B.Mong Lan D.Kim Young Ha
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________20. Conflict provides interest, suspense, and tension. At least one of the opposing
forces is customarily a person. This person, usually the protagonist, may be involved in conflicts
of four, different kinds. Which of the following is not included on the existing kinds of conflicts?
A. Struggle against nature
B. Struggle for mastery by three elements
C. Struggle against society the living environment
D. Struggle against another person or external conflict
________21. Edith L. Tiempo is a National Artist for literature. She was a poet, short story
writer, novelist, literary critic, and teacher. Included in her works are her collections of her
poetry. Which of the following is not included on her collections of poetry?
A.Beyond Extensions C.His Native Coast
B.The Lie and Corn D.Charmer’s Box
________22. This author is a contemporary Japanese writer. His books and stories have been
bestsellers in Japan as well as internationally, with his work being translated into 50 languages
and selling millions of copies outside his native country. Who is being referred to?
A.Kim Young Ha C.Mong-Lan
B.Etgar Keret D.Haruki Murakami
________23. Conflict is considered as tension in a short story. Which of the following is in
contradiction to conflict during short story criticism?
A. Is it an external struggle with the character?
B. Is it an external conflict or struggle?
C. Is the narrator trustworthy?
D. What is the main conflict?
________24. This National artist is attributed for the following: changing the date of the
Philippine Independence Day from July 4 to June 12, recovering the stolen original manuscripts
of Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo, and Mi Ultimo Adios, and changing the language
used in Philippine passports, coins, bills and diplomas to Wikang Pambansa. Who is being
referred to?
A.Alejandro Reyes Roces C.Bienvenido Lumbera
B.Edith L. Tiempo D.Virgilio S. Almario
________25. This is a postmodern literary technique wherein it is a mode of fiction that openly
delights in its self-conscious verbal artifice, departing from the conventions of realism. Which is
being referred to?
A.Metafiction C.Pastiche
B.Fabulation D.Bricolage
________26. Eliza Victoria is a Filipino author and her fiction and poetry have appeared in
several online and print publications in the Philippines. Which of the following is excluded on the
list of books that she wrote?
A.Dwellers C.Behind the Old Aparador
B.Unseen Moon D.A Battle of Storm Clouds
________27. In analyzing several of Faulkner’s works, you focus on the author’s Southern
background and how his own feelings regarding his family having possession of slaves greatly
influenced his portrayal of slavery and Southern attitudes toward slavery in many of his stories
and novels,including “A Rose for Emily.” What kind of critical approach will be used?
A.Formalist Criticism C.Biographical Criticism
B.Mythological Criticism D.Post-structuralism
________28. A short story is a work of short narrative prose that is usually centered on one
single event. It is limited in scope and has an introduction, body and conclusion. Who is the
writer of the short story, “Touchmove?”
A.Peter Zaragoza Mayschle C.Carla M. Pacis
B.Cyan Abad Jugo D.Timothy Montes
________29. Of Fish, Flies, Dogs and Women is a young adult fiction written by Timothy R.
Montes. This young adult fiction is comprised of different characters that contributed a lot for the
flow of the story. Which of the following is a correct match and distinction in the story?
A.Flat Character – Maria Disgrasyada C.Protagonist – Women/Mother
B.Dynamic Character – Mana Biben D.Antagonist – Father
________30. This National Artist is considered as one of the pillars of contemporary Philippine
literature cultural studies and film, having written and edited numerous books on literary history,
literary criticism, and film. Who is being referred to?
A.Virgilio S. Almario C.Francisco Sionil Jose
B.Cirilo F. Bautista D.Bienvenido Lumbera
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________31. Flash fiction is a medium of brief and enclosed stories. These are usually 1,500 to
2,000 words. This is considered as an underdog prose because it is often considered as a short
story that is why the concept of short story is the one which is always being talked about. Which
if the following is a mismatch?
A.Twitterature – 260 characters C.Sudden Fiction – 750 words
B.Drabble – 100 words D.Dribble – 50 words
________32. In discussing John Milton’s Samson Agonistes,” you infer that the shoring of
Samson’s locks is a symbol for his castration at the hands of Delilah. What kind of critical
approach is being used?
A.Mythological Criticism C.Marxist Literary Criticism
B.Structuralism D.Feminist Literary Criticism
________33. Francisco Sionil Jose is considered as one of the most widely read Filipino writers
in the English Language. His works were translated into 22 languages. Which of the following is
excluded on the list of these languages?
A.Latvian C.Ukranian
B.Slovakian D.Dutch
________34. Plot refers to the main sequence of events that make up a story. For short
stories,the plot is usually centered around one experience or significant moment that is related
to the main character. Which of the following is excluded on the parts of a plot?
A.Denouement C.Rising Action
B.Exposition D.Post Climax
________35. New Criticism is an approach to literature made popular between the 1940s and
the 1960s that evolved out of formalist criticism. This suggest the detail analysis of the language
of a literary text that can uncover important meanings in a particular work. Who among the
following is excluded on the list of critics under this school of criticism?
A.I.A. Richards C.Robert Penn Warren
B.Sigmund Freud D.John Crowe Ransom
II. Creative Representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills. Total=15 points
This was given ahead of time. In groups, the learners create an analysis with regard to
the movie assigned to them. They have to take note of the different elements present in this
particular movie. They are scored using the following rubric.
CRITERIA Exceptional / Outstanding Proficient / Very Good Average / Fair Needs Improvement / Poor
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Oral The presentation is well-rehearsed. The Fairly fluid delivery. Communicates ideas with Some difficulty communicating Great difficulty communicating
Presentation presenter’s voice, eye contact, and pacing proper voice projection; perhaps one ideas. Poor voice projections; some ideas. Poor voice projection; no eye
hold the interest and attention of audience. mispronounced work; made eye contact; eye contact; no introduction; contact; no introduction;
introduced self and project. Respond to mispronounced a few words; long mispronounced words; stopped or
questions. pauses; somewhat confused. had long pauses; confused.
Mechanics and The presenter uses correct grammar The presenter commits a few grammatical The presenter commits glaring errors The presenter commits a lot of
Pronunciation throughout the presentation. lapses but these do not affect the in grammar although these do not grammatical errors that distract the
Skills presentation. totally affect the comprehensibility of listener/viewer.
The presenter enunciates clearly and the presentation.
pronounces words correctly. The enunciation and pronunciation are The lapses in pronunciation are too
generally acceptable. There are a few lapses in obvious and these affect the
pronunciation of certain words. comprehensibility of the
The presentation is focused and very
informative. It effectively promotes the use of The presentation is generally focused and The presentation demonstrates The presentation’s usefulness is in
General computer technology to create the video and informative. It promotes the use of computer development of computer technology, question. It is not informative and
Usefulness makes others want to use the same type of technology to create a video to deliver although it has problems staying does not stay focused on the topic.
format in delivering information to an information. focused on topic and general purpose
audience. of the task.
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