Demo Public Lesson Plan Science 5

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Science 5
Grade V

At the end of 60-minute lesson in Science 5, the Grade V pupils are expected

A. Classify vertebrates into mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes.

B. Identify the characteristics of each group of vertebrates.
C. Participate in group activity.
D. Show proper care of animals.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Classification and Characteristics of Vertebrates
B. Science Processes: observing and classifying
C. Value: Taking Care of Animals
D. Materials: Cut-out pictures of vertebrates, envelopes, visual aids
projector, laptop, PowerPoint presentation
E. References: RBEC-PELC Unit II, 4.2, 4.2.1 p. 9
Science for Better Health and Environment 5 pp.66-72 by Efrain abracia
III. Learning Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Customary Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning, sir!

You may now take your seat. Thank You Sir.

2. Review

Last meeting, we discussed

about vertebrates and invertebrates.

What is the difference between

vertebrates and invertebrates?

Yes, Carla?

:Vertebrates are animals with backbone

Very good!
while invertebrates are animals without
Will you give an example of vertebrates? backbone.
Yes, Fredelyn?
: carabao ,sir

What else? Yes, Cindy?

That’s right!
: fish, sir
Another?; Heifer
: bird, sir
Will you give an example of
invertebrates? Yes, Anne?

That’s right! : worm, sir

3. Motivation

Children, let’s play a game.

This game is entitled “Where are my

brothers and sisters?”

I will give each one of you a strip

of paper where animals are written.
All you have to do is to find your
brothers and sisters. Your brothers
and sisters will be your classmates
who also picked the same name of
animal with you. You will find them
by acting and producing the sound of

( the teacher will give strips of paper)

You may now start!

( The teacher will facilitate.)

Class, did you find your

brothers and sisters?

Now that you already found your

brothers and sisters, you may now join : Yes, we did.
to other group of animals according to
the number of legs.

Group yourselves according to the

place where the animal lives.
: pupils do as told
Group yourselves according to the
protective covering of the animals.
: pupils do as told
B. Lesson Proper

1. Presentation :pupils do as told

Did you enjoy the game class?
Based on the activity, how did we group the
animals? Yes, Marriane?

That’s right! : yes, we did

What else? Yes, Yves

Our activity is related to our topic for today. : We grouped them according to the number
of legs, sir.
( The teacher will present the lesson)
Will You read it, class : We grouped the animals according to their
protective body coverings, sir.
2. Discussion

Vertebrates are grouped according to their

common characteristics.
: Classification of Vertebrates
They are divided into five classifications-
mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and

Will you read it class?

Let us first discuss Mammals.

( the teacher will present animated pictures

of mammals)
: pupils do as told
Class, what are these animals?
Will you try, Leanne

Lion and tiger are examples of mammals.

Will you describe their body coverings? : lion and tiger, sir
Yes, Maan
Very good!

Will you read it class

How about these animals class? : They have fur, sir

( The teacher will present pictures of
mammals feeding their young with milk)
: Mammals have fur.
Will you name these animals?
Yes, Eduardo?


These animals are also examples of

mammals. : The animals are cat, dog, horse and pig,
How are these animals born?
Are they hatched from eggs or born alive?
Yes, Arnel
That’s right!
Will you read it, class?

How do mother mammals feed their young?

Yes, Karen : They are born alive ,sir

Will you read it, class? : Mammals give birth to their young alive.
Do you think mammals need air to breathe?
Yes, Nadja : Mother mammals feed their young by
providing them with milk.
That’s right!
Mammals need air to breathe. : They feed their young with milk.

What parts of their body used to breathe : Yes, sir

air? Yes, Alyssa
Very good!
Will you read it class?

Class, most mammals can walk but there : They use their lungs, sir.
are also mammals that can swim and fly.
( the teacher will present pictures of whale : they breathe air with their lungs
and bat)
What animals are these, class?

Will you read it, class?

: whale and bat, sir

Will you give an example of mammal?Yes,

Mica : Most of mammals have four feet to walk,
That’s right! but whales swim with their fins and bats fly
with their wings.
What else? Yes, Christine

Very good! :kangaroo, sir

Now class, will you read the definition of

mammals. : monkey, sir

Let’s discuss the next classification of

vertebrates which is birds.

( The teacher will present pictures of birds : pupils do as told

hatched from eggs)

From the picture, how do birds reproduce?

Yes, Angel
That’s right!

Will you read it, class

How many legs do birds have? : Birds reproduce by laying eggs, sir
Yes, Ryan?
Correct! : all birds reproduce by laying eggs
All birds have two legs.

Will you read it, class? : two, sir

( The teacher will show pictures of owl and

: they have two legs
What are these animals class?
Yes, Ashley

Owl and ostrich are also examples of birds.

: owl and ostrich sir
Will you describe them? Yes, Angela
That’s right!
Will you read it, class

In that picture, what do you think the owl : They have feathers and wings, sir
can do that the ostrich cannot do? Yes,
Joemar : pupils do as told

Very good!

Will you read it class? : The owl can fly while the ostrich cannot.

Will you give an example of bird that can

fly? Yes, Angelo : Most types of birds can fly though some
Correct! cannot.

How about a bird that cannot fly? : dove, sir

Yes, Roje

Very good!
:penguin, sir
Will you read the characteristics of birds?

The next group of vertebrates is fish.

( the teacher will show pictures of fish)
: pupils do as told
Are you familiar with these fish?
( The teacher will show pictures of tilapia
and milk fish.)
What are these fish class?
: pupils will answer
What do they have in their bodies?
: milkfish and tilapia, sir
Very good! Will you read it class?

Where do fish live? Yes, Mike? : They have scales, sir

That’s right!
: pupils do as told
Will you read it class?

How do fish reproduce? Yes, Jon : They live in water, sir

Will you read it class? : Fish live in water

Aside from scales, fish also have tail, fins :by laying eggs, sir
and gills.
: Fish lay eggs
What do you think is the use of their tail
and fins?

Will you read it, class

What do you think is the use of their gills?
Yes, Reymond : They use their tail and fins to swim, sir
: pupils do as told
That’s right!
Will you read it class? : they use their gills to breathe, sir

Now class will you give an example of

: Fish have gills which are used for
fish? Yes, Bea
: clown fish, sir
How about you? Andrea
That’s right!
: Shark, sir
Will you read it class?

Let’s proceed to the next group of :pupils do as told

vertebrates which is reptiles.

(Teacher will show animated reptile)

What is this animal, class? Yes, Mark

: a snake, sir
A snake is an example of reptile.

Will you describe the body covering of a

snake? Yes, Ann
Very good!
: It has a scaly skin ,sir
Will you read it class?

Let’s take a look these animals class. What : Reptiles have a scaly skin.
animals are these? Yes, Mae
: turtles, sir
Turtles are also examples of reptiles.
Will you describe their body coverings?
Yes, Karen
: They have shells, sir
Very good! Will you read it class?
: Some reptiles have hard shells on
Based on the picture, where do reptiles their bodies.
: they live both land and water, sir
Will you read it class!

(The teacher will present animated picture : Reptiles live in land and water.
of reptile that hatched from egg)

What can you observe in this animated

picture class?

That’s right!
Will you read it class? :the reptile is hatched from eggs, sir

Now class, will you give an example of

: Reptiles are hatched from eggs.
reptiles? Yes, Mary
: crocodile, sir
How about you, Darren?
That’s right
: lizard , sir
Will you read the characteristics of reptiles?

Now, let’s discuss the next group of

mammals which is amphibians. : pupils do as told

( The teacher will show animated picture of


What animal is this class?

Frog belongs to this group of vertebrates -
amphibian. : frog, sir
Will you describe its body covering class?

Very good!
Amphibians have moist skin. Will you read : it has smooth and moist skin, sir
it class?

: pupils do as told
Where do they live?

Very good!
Will you read it class? : They live both water and land, sir
How do amphibians reproduce?
Yes, Osana
: pupils do as told
Very Good!
: Amphibians reproduce by laying eggs, sir
Where do amphibians lay eggs? Yes, Jam

Correct! : they lay eggs on water, sir

As we can see from the picture, amphibians

lay eggs in the water. Just like frog, it lays
eggs in the water which hatched into tad
Young amphibians use their gills to breathe
underwater. As they grow older, their lungs
developed so that they can breathe on land.

Will you read the characteristics of


What do young amphibians use for

Excellent! : pupils do as told

How about the adult amphibians? Yes,

: gills, sir
: lungs, sir
Do we need to take care of the animals?
Yes, Andrea

Why do we need to take care of animals?

: Yes, we do
How should we take care of them?

3. Generalization : pupils’ answer may vary

What are the five groups of vertebrates? :pupils’ answer may vary
Yes, Fernand?

Very good!
What are the characteristics of Mammals?
: mammals, fish, birds, amphibians and
Correct! reptiles, sir
Will you give examples of mammals? Yes,
: they have hair and fur, they feed their
What are the characteristics of birds?Yes, young with milk , sir

Will you give examples of birds? Yes, Kim : pupil will answer

What are the characteristics of fish?

: they have feathers and wings and they lay
That’s right! eggs , sir
Will you give examples of birds? Yes, yael
: pupil will answer
What are the characteristics of reptiles?
: They have scale, fins and tail sir. They can
Will you give examples of reptiles? also swim.

What are the characteristics of amphibians? : pupils will answer

Yes, Gian

Absolutely correct! : they have scaly skin, sir

Will you give examples of amphibians?

: pupil will answer

4. Application
: they have smooth and moist skin, sir
Class, I will divide you into three
groups. This will be group one, group two,
and three.
: pupil will answer

I have here envelopes. Inside this envelope

has activity that you are going to answer
with your group mates. After you worked
with your group mates, one representative
of your group will present your activity. Is
it clear class?

But before that, what should you do when

there is a group activity? Yes, Mike?


What else? Harry?

I hope you behave that way. :Yes, it is

Will you read the direction?

I will give you five minutes to answer with : Cooperate ,sir

your group mates.

You may now start answering.

( the teacher will facilitate) : keep silence, sir

Are you done, class?

: the pupil will read the instruction.
Activities inside the envelope:
Classify the following vertebrates.
1. frog
2. crocodile
3. snake
4. cow
5. parrot
6. newt
7. eagle
8. turtle
9. milkfish
10. lion
11. owl
12. toads
13. macaw
14. clown fish
15. shark

IV. Evaluation
A. Classify the following vertebrates as mammals, birds, reptiles,
amphibians or fish

____1.penguin ____2. pig ____3. crocodile ____4. Frog ____5.

toad ____6. Zebra ____7. milkfish
____8. salamander ____9. Tilapia ____10. bat

B. Identify whether the characteristics written below are for

mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds or fish.

1. They are covered with scales and breathe through their gills.
2. Their bodies are covered with feathers.
3. They have dry scaly skin.
4. They have smooth and moist skin.
5. They feed their young with milk.

V. Assignment
How do you show proper care for animals? Write your answers on
your notebook.

A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Science 5
Grade V

Date submitted:
February 17, 2015



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