Bts - 2010 - Sujet Anglais
Bts - 2010 - Sujet Anglais
Bts - 2010 - Sujet Anglais
DEARBORN, Mich. - Well before its electric vehicles hit the road1, the Ford Motor Company is focusing on how consumers will charge their car batteries. Ford said Tuesday that it is testing new technology that allows drivers to communicate with 5the nation's electric-power grid 2and makes charging the batteries of vehicles as cheap and convenient as possible. The communications system is part of a larger effort by Ford and several utilities to gauge the electricity needs of battery-powered vehicles and to prepare an infrastructure to accommodate them. 10"This has to be easy for the consumer," Bill Ford Jr., the company's executive chairman, said Tuesday. "This can't be an interesting science experiment." Ford has been quieter about its electric-vehicle plans than its rival, General Motors. Last week, G.M. claimed that the Chevrolet Volt, a battery-powered car assisted by a gasoline engine, would get 230 miles per gallon. 15The Japanese automaker Nissan countered with a claim that its all-electric car would get more than 360 miles per gallon. Mr. Ford said those claims were hardly relevant now, given that the soonest any of the companies would have electric cars for sale is likely to be 2011. "I certainly won't, dispute their numbers, but I'm not sure it's totally relevant until we have a 20federal standard that everybody understands," he said. Ford plans to introduce a battery-powered commercial van next year and an electric Focus compact car in 2011. The company also has a so-called plug-in hybrid vehicle coming in 2012 that runs primarily on battery power. The company is testing plug-in hybrids in California to assess how drivers can best recharge 25the batteries from an electrical outlet in their home. The main consideration is the time of day. The optimal time is late in the evening or early morning, the off-peak3 hours for electricity use. Ford is adapting its existing in-car communications system, known as SYNC, to alert drivers on when to recharge. The system also communicates directly with electric grids to 30prepare the home for the charging process. Ford's utility partners are studying which parts of the country will have the most electric cars the soonest. Those areas include cities where hybrid cars are most popular and energy conservation appears to be a high priority. New York Times, August 19, 2009 35 (376 words)
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hit the road: arrive sur le march electric power-grid: rseau lectrique 3 off-peak hours: heures creuses
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4 points 6 points
Rpondez aux deux questions suivantes en anglais: A) Explain the differences between Ford and its opponents concerning their strategies. 80 words B) In your opinion, will the car of the future be electric? Develop. 120 words
1 Comprhension
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Contrairement ses concurrents, GM et Nissan, le grand constructeur automobile amricain Ford, Prfre se concentrer sur l'alimentation des voitures lectriques plutt que sur la voiture lectrique elle-mme. En effet, un premier vhicule utilitaire tout lectrique sera 10commercialis en 2010, mais Ford collabore dj avec les fournisseurs d'lectricit afin de s'assurer que le rseau lectrique sera prt accueillir tous ces nouveaux vhicules. Les usagers devront pouvoir recharger leurs voitures aussi facilement que possible, c'est-dire en "communiquant" directement avec le rseau, et ce, en se branchant sur une prise chez eux par exemple. Des tests sont dj en cours en Californie. Le propritaire pourra 15choisir le moment de la journe o il souhaite recharger sa voiture, la nuit par exemple afin d'viter les pics de consommation et de bnficier du tarif heures creuses. Ford n'aura qu' modifier le systme de communication SYNC dj en place sur ses vhicules pour prvenir le conducteur qu'il doit "faire le plein". Les partenaires de Ford effectuent actuellement des tudes de march afin d'anticiper la 20demande en se basant sur les rgions o les vhicules hybrides sont dj populaires et o les exigences en matire d'conomie d'nergie sont leves.
2 Expression
A) Ex p lain the differences bettiveen Ford and its opponents concernin g their strategies? 25-ide principale : Ford wants to make sure that people will be able to recharge their car if they buy an electric vehicle. -they want to make sure that there will be a real market. Valoriser l'utilisation de la comparaison, de termes tels que "whereas", "unlike". attribuer ? points sur le fond, 2 points pour la forme. 30B) In your opinion, will the car of the future be electric? -the advantages: clean, silent, green, cheaper than petrol... -the limits: autonomy, sources of energy (nuclear?) -alternatives: hydrogen, solar panels (Toyota)
attribuer 2 points sur le fond, 1 point pour l'organisation des arguments, et 3 points sur la recevabilit linguistique dans l'optique d'une valuation positive, et de la russite dans la 35ralisation de la tche