001 - 1 Quick Keys
001 - 1 Quick Keys
001 - 1 Quick Keys
Learning Module 1
Release 3.0
Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Table of Contents
Quick Keys in Opera...........................................................................................................3
Lesson Objectives................................................................................................................4
Opera Log In....................................................................................................................5
Opera Main Screen................................................................................................6
Release 3.0
Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Release 3.0
Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Lesson Objectives
At the completion of this lesson, users should be able to:
1. Log into Opera Application
2. Navigate through the screens and extract useful information based on the
quick keys.
3. Check availability of the hotel in Opera
4. Check movement and information on arriving and in house guests.
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Opera Log In
Users can log into Opera by double clicking on the Opera icon
Thick Client
Thin Client
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Release 3.0
Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Menu drop down lists: Offer another way of accessing Opera modules. Once
users click on these menu options a drop down list of the sub menus within that
module are available for users to choose from.
Users can use the Quick Keys Menu to access quick keys within Opera. Alternatively,
users can directly use the function keys in combination with the Shift and Control key if
applicable from anywhere in the application.
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Shift + F1
Ctrl + F1
Shift+ F2
Ctrl+ F2
Shift + F3
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Ctrl+ F3
Shift + F4
Ctrl + F4
Shift + F5
Shift + F6
Quick_Business_Block must be turned on)
Shift + F7
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Ctrl + F7
Log Out
Ctrl + F8
Shift + F9
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Detailed Availability (Ctrl + F2) shows the availability and occupancy of various
room types per day.
User can view and edit business blocks from this quick key.
Field Explanation
Grid Details
The grid displays the availability numbers for each room type based on the
filters chosen.
If the toggle button is clicked the grid details will change to display the
occupancy figures.
Search Criteria
Start Date: Used to input a begin date the display.
Room Class: Allows users to select a room class for the display.
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Button Options
Search: Click this button once the search criterion has been entered.
Availability: This button displays a further breakdown of availability for
the date highlighted from the grid
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Blocks: Displays the block reservations for the date. Users are able to
edit block details and create new blocks from here.
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Release 3.0
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Toggle: This button allows users to switch the grid display between
occupancy and availability.
It is important to note the title of the screen in order to make sure that
correct figures are being looked at.
Close: Allows users to exit from the quick key.
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Grid Details
The grid displays the statistical figures against each date. The control panel is
displayed for seven days at a time. The current system date is the default start
date for the display.
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Out of Order: Displays the total number of Out of Order rooms in the
hotel for the day. Users can double click on an entry and go to the Out
of Order/Service page in the housekeeping module.
Inventory Rooms: Total physical rooms minus total out of order.
Overbooking: If the hotel is working with overbooking, this field
displays the overbooking ceiling for the day.
Sell Limits: Total inventory rooms plus overbooking limit.
Deducted Blk Rooms Not P/U: Definite block room not picked up.
Deducted Blk Rooms P/U: Definite block rooms picked up.
Total Deducted Rooms: Total definite rooms. This figure reflects both
individual and group reservations.
Non-Deducted Blk Rooms Not P/U: Total tentative (non-definite)
group rooms not picked up.
Non Deducted Blk Rooms P/U: Tentative block rooms picked up.
Total Non Deducted Rooms: Total tentative rooms. This figure
reflects both individual and group reservations.
Out of Service: Number of rooms designated as out of service for this
date. Users can double click on an entry to link to Out of Order/Service
page in the Housekeeping module.
Available Physical Rooms: (Inventory Rooms- Total Deducted
Maximum Availability: Total hotel availability. This figure does not
include tentative reservations.
Minimum Availability: (Hotel Availability- Total Tentative
Min. Occupancy %: Total hotel occupancy percentage not including
tentative reservations.
Max Occupancy %: Total hotel occupancy percentage including
tentative reservations.
Total Rooms Reserved: Total room reservations for the day.
Event: Defined event for the date.
Day type: Rate calendar day definition. Double click on an entry to go
to the Rate Calendar screen.
Adults In-house: Total number of adults in house for the date.
Children In-house: Total number of children in house for the date.
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Search Criterion
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Button Options
Waitlist: The wailtlist button is a quick link to the waitlist screen which
displays all the waitlist reservations for the day. Users are able to
accept or cancel waitlist reservations and view/ edit the profiles of
waitlisted reservations from here.
Block: Displays the block reservations for the date. Users are able to
edit block details and create new blocks from here.
Details: Allows users to view all room types and their allocation to
reservation types for the selected date.
Cat. Events: If the hotel has Opera Sales and Catering installed, this
button links a user to the catering event search screen.
Turnaways: Use this button to record a turnaway.
Close: Use this button to exit from the screen and return to the main
Opera curtain.
Context Menu
A context menu is displayed if users right click anywhere on the grid.
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Release 3.0
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This section shows number of Rooms and Persons for each of the following
Stayovers: Reservations that are expected to stay for tonight.
Departures Expected: Remaining departures for the day.
Departures Actual: Total number of rooms/persons that have already
checked out.
Arrivals Expected: Remaining arrivals for the day.
Arrivals Actual: Actual arrivals today, all the rooms/persons that have
checked in so far.
Extended Stays: Scheduled departures for today that have extended their
Early Departures: Departures scheduled for a future date that have
departed today.
Day Rooms: Number of rooms with both an arrival and departure date of
Walk Ins: Total number of walk ins for the day.
End of Day Projection
This section shows the currently projected number of Rooms and, where
appropriate, Persons for each of the following:
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Blocks Not picked up: Displays the total number of rooms allocated to
blocks that have not yet been picked up.
Individuals: Number of rooms FIT reservations and guests.
Groups & Blocks: Total number of picked up reservations for blocks.
Housekeeping Status
This section displays number of Occupied rooms and Vacant rooms in each of
the following categories:
Inspected Rooms: No.of inspected rooms occupied and vacant. This field
will only display if the hotel is working with the inspected status.
Clean: Number of clean rooms divided into Clean vacant and Clean
Dirty: Number of dirty rooms divided into Clean vacant and Clean
Out of Order Rooms: Number of rooms which are out of order.
Out of Service Rooms: Number of rooms which are out of service.
Pick up: Number of rooms that are on pick up status. Pick up is an
additional housekeeping status identifying that a room requires touch up
service only and not a full clean.
Search Criterion
Button Options
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Grid Details
The available room search grid displays the room details like: room number,
housekeeping and front office status, reservations status, room features, floors
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Field Explanation
Description: Displays the description of the room highlighted from the
Features: Displays the room features for the highlighted room on the grid.
If no features are linked this field will be blank.
Search Criterion
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Button Options
Search: Used to refresh the grid once the search criterion has been
Close: Used to close the form and exit from the screen.
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or press F5
Rate Query
Rate Query displays a listing of rates based on the search criterion input by
users. It shows at a glance rates available for each room type on any given
arrival date, departure date and number of persons.
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Click on the rate query button from the Rate information screen.
Rate query is used as the first step to start the reservation process.
Field Explanation
Arrival Date: Used to input the intended arrival date of the guest
Nights: The number of nights the guest will stay. The system will
automatically default to 1.
Adults: The number of adults. The system will automatically default to 1.
Children: The number of children.
No.of Rooms: Total number of rooms for this reservation.
Name: Used to input the name of the guest. Use the drop down arrow to
display the profile search screen.
Member Type: Used to input the membership details of the guest.
Member No: Used to input the member number corresponding to the
member ship type specified.
Company: The name of the company the guest is associated with. The
list of values can be used to display the profile search screen for company
Release 3.0
Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
profiles. If the company has negotiated rates set up, Opera will display
only the negotiated rates contracted to the company. This ensures that
incorrect rate are not quoted / sold to the guests.
CORP No.: Used to input the corporate number allocated to the company
Agent: The name of the travel agent the guest is associated with. The list
of values can be used to display the profile search screen for travel agent
profiles. If the travel agent has negotiated rates set up, Opera will display
only the negotiated rates.
IATA: Used to input the IATA (International Association of Travel Agents)
number for the travel agent profile.
Source: The name of the source the guest is associated with.
Source No.: Used to input the source number allocated to the source
Block: Allows user to input a specific block name or choose from the list
of values.
Show Rates
Here users can select filters for displaying the rates found by query
Room Class: Allows user to search rates for the specific room class. If a
room class is selected, the search will be limited to all Room Types
belonging to the room class chosen. Otherwise, all Room Types,
regardless of Room Class, will be considered.
Rate Class: Allows users to search for rates belonging to a specific rate
Rate Category: Allows users to search for rates by rate category.
Rate Code: Users can use this field to define a specific rate code to
narrow down the search
Promotions: The list of values can be used to choose from the current
promotions available in order to view the rates linked to the promotion.
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Button Options
Last Resv: Allows users to view the last reservation created by them.
Close: Used to close out from the rate query screen
OK: Click on Ok to proceed to the rate query details screen.
in the
Room Types: Across the grid are displayed all room types.
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Rates displayed in the grid are against each room type for a specific rate code.
For example, the RMBFA rate for an SDG room type is $119 or, the CORP01 rate
for SKC room type is $191.
To select a specific rate for room type users can click on rate code for the
required room type. A selected rate will be denoted by a blue box.
If a room type is already sold out for this range of dates, or if the query users are
making will cause the room type to sell out , Opera displays the column in red.
For instance, the PH room type is sold out in the above screen shot for the
search criterion selected- the query is for 3 rooms however only 2 rooms are
available for the required dates. Further, if a room type has been overbooked the
physical inventory will reflect the minus figures.
Any blank cells indicate that the corresponding rate code has not been defined
for this specific room type and arrival date.
Any cells that display the text Close indicate that the corresponding rate code
has been Closed for sale for this specific room type and arrival date.
A rate code that has 1P or 2P etc displayed against it denotes that the rate code
has one package element attached to it.
The arrows on the screen allow users to scroll back and forth additional rates that
could not be displayed on one screen.
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One Night Rates: This radio button is checked by default as the grid
displays one-night rates for each rate code specific to a room type.
Total Rates: If the number of nights selected in the query is more than one
users can use this radio button to display the total cost of the stay.
Negotiated: Untick this checkbox to view all rates. This option is only
available if a profile (identified during rate query selection) has negotiated
rates attached. Tick this checkbox to view negotiated rates attached to the
Day Use: Tick this checkbox to display only day use rates. Untick this
checkbox to display all rates.
Closed: Tick this checkbox to include the display of Closed rates in the
rate query details grid.
For the selected rate code and corresponding room type from the grid, the box
displays the following information
Room Type description in the first line
Rate Code description in the second line
Short information set up on the rate code
Button Options
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Release 3.0
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Property: In a multi property set up, this field allows users to select a
Date: Used to input a date for the search of rates and rooms
Rate Class: Used to search information by rate class.
Rate Category: Used to search information by rate category.
Rate Code: Used to search information on a specific rate code from the
list of values.
Room Type: Used to search information by room type.
Price Range: Allows users to search for rate codes that come close to or
correspond to a certain amount, select this option and enter the amount.
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Opera will display all available rate codes corresponding to the amount
plus or minus ten percent.
Button Options
Package Elements
With this option users are able to look up all currently available package
From the Rate Information quick key click on Package elements. Opera displays
a window with all currently available package elements in the hotel.
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Rate Availability
This option available based on the activation of Advance Rate Restriction
parameter is set to Yes. Operas rate availability allows users to create an
unlimited number of strategies and techniques for restricting rates to maximize
the hotel revenue.
Rate restrictions can be set up on four different levels- rate category, rate code,
room class and room type.
Click on Rate availability button from the Rate query quick key. Opera displays
the following screen:
Search Criterion
Start Date: Defaults to the current business date. Users can define a
different date from here.
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Property: This field is only available in a Multi Property set up. Users can
select different properties from here to view/ set rate restrictions.
Rate Category: Tick this checkbox to view restrictions by a rate category.
Rate Code: Tick this checkbox to view restrictions by rate codes
Room Class: Tick this checkbox to view restrictions by room class
Room Type: Tick this checkbox to view restrictions by room type.
Year View: Tick this checkbox to view the yearly display of restrictions set
up for a specific rate code.
Search: Click on search to display the result of the criterion selected.
Based on the selection made in the search criterion the grid displays a 31-day
view of the availability of the rate codes/rate category/room class or room type.
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In the above screen shot RMBFC rate code is closed, when users click on the
rate code the Daily Reservation Restriction Status change as below:
Stay: This field denotes whether the rate code/rate category/room class or
room type is open or closed for stay.
Arrival: Displays if the restriction has been placed for arrival.
Departure: Displays if whether the rate code/rate category/room class or
room type is open or closed for departure.
Min. Stay Through: Displays the minimum stay through restrictions.
Max Stay Through: Displays the maximum stay through restrictions
Min LOS: Displays minimum length of stay restrictions.
Max LOS: Displays maximum length of stay restrictions.
Advance Booking: Displays the number of days set for advance booking.
Max Adv Booking: Displays the maximum number of days set for
advance booking.
If any of the above fields are blank, it denotes no restrictions have been set.
Button Options
Activity: Displays the details of all the restrictions set for the date chosen
from the search criterion.
Restrictions: Allows users to set restrictions.
Actual: Displays the actual restrictions set.
Close: Used to exit from the screen.
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Release 3.0
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Field Explanations
Property: Use the list of values to identify the property for which this guest
details are being searched. This field will only be available in a multiproperty set up.
All Properties: Tick this check box if you wish to search for guest details in
all properties. This field will only be available in a multi- property set up.
Room No.: This field is used to input the guest room number.
Company: Use this field to search by Company name
Agent: Use this field to search by Agent name.
Name: Use this field to input the last name of the guest.
First Name: Use this field to input the first name of the guest.
Group: Use this field to search by a group profile name.
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Button Options
Search: Once the search criterion has been defined, click on search to
display the results in the grid.
Message: This button is used to record a view existing message for the
Locator: This button allows users to set up a locator for a guest
Trace: Allows users to set up a trace against a reservations.
Res: This button provides a quick link to the reservation details of a
selected record from the grid
Wk Up Call: Allows users to view/set up wake up calls for an inhouse
Profile: Creates a quick link to the reservation details of a selected record.
New Msg: Allows users to set up a new message for a guest.
Close: Used to exit from the screen.
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Adding a Locator
1. From the Telephone Operator Screen select a reservation.
2. Click on Locators. This will display the Locators Screen.
3. Click on New button. This will display the New Locators Screen.
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4. Fill in begin and end date fields. Locators must have a start and finish time
therefore, users should fill in the From Time and To Time fields.
5. From the locations grid choose the locator applicable.
6. Users can edit or add to the locator test in the locator text box.
7. Click OK to save the locator and exit from the screen. This will take users
back to the Locators screen.
8. Click on Close from the Locators Screen to return to the Reservations
Options Screen.
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From the Telephone Operator Screen search for the guest name.
Click on the Locator button. Opera displays the Locator screen.
Highlight the locator that needs to be edited from the grid.
Click on Edit.
Change the time in the To Time field. Enter the appropriate time in hh:mm
6. Click on Save to save your changes and return to the Telephone Operator
Deleting a Locator
From the Telephone Operator Screen search for the guest name.
Click on the Locator button. Opera displays the Locator screen.
Highlight the locator that needs to be deleted from the grid.
Click on Delete.
Click on Yes.
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
This option allows users to enter a message for the guest. An unlimited number
of messages can be tracked for each guest and these messages can be marked
as received or not received. They can be printed or maintained in an electronic
Any messages that are not picked up by the guest appear at check in, check out
and when a change is made to the reservation. Once a message has been
recorded for a guest, Opera activates a message lamp against the reservation.
Messages Screen- Field Explanation
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The Message Text box: display the text of the highlighted message from
the grid.
Tab Options
New: Is used to add a new message.
Delete: This option is used to delete an existing message.
Save Text: Allows users to save the text of a message
Print: This button is used to print the a selected message
from the grid
Print All: This option is used to print all the existing
messages in the reservation
Received: Once message has been delivered to a guest it
can be marked as received using this option.
Received All: This option allows users to mark all messages
as received.
Lamp: This option is used to turn the telephone lamp on in
the guest room indicating to them that they have a message
that needs to be collected.
Close: Takes users back to the Reservations Options screen
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3. Click on New to create a new message. This will display the New
Messages screen.
4. Opera chooses the guest name from the reservation and populates the
Message For and Language fields. In the Message from field enter the
name of the person who the message is from.
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5. Choose the Title (of the person who the message is from) from the list of
6. Enter the Company name if applicable.
7. From the list of values choose the message text. Message texts are predefined by the hotel at the time of configuration. If none of the message
text is applicable leave the field blank. Users can use the white box on the
right hand side of the screen to enter a personalized message.
8. Enter the Telephone number. Once the phone number is entered and the
tab/ enter key pressed the fields from the left hand side of the box get
populated into the blank white box. As mentioned previously, users can
edit the message from this box.
9. To print the message click on the Print.
10. Click on Save to save the message. Opera displays a prompt screen
11. If the hotel has a telephone interface, clicking Yes on send this message
to the selected guest will turn the telephone message lamp on. This brings
users back to the Messages Screen.
12. Click on Close to close from the screen and return to the Reservation
Options Screen.
Deleting a Guest Message
1. From the Main Reservations Screen click on Options.
2. Click on Messages. This will display the Message Screen.
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5. Click on Yes. This will take users back to the Messages Screen.
6. Click on Close from the Messages Screen to return to the Reservation
Options screen.
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Traces are electronic reminders and messages sent among departments of the
hotel. Traces have an action date and once the task is carried out it is recorded in
Opera as completed.
Creating a New Guest Trace
1. From Telephone Operator Screen (Ctrl + F7) select the name of a guest.
2. Click on Traces. This will display the Traces Screen.
3. The top half of the screen displays guest details from the reservations
screen. The bottom half of the screen displays Trace details. Click on New
to create a new trace. Opera displays the New Trace Screen.
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Release 3.0
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Release 3.0
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From the Telephone Operator Screen, highlight a guest from an appropriate group.
Select the Traces button.
Select the New button.
Select a trace date so as to notify the responsible department on the date.
Select the trace department who will be advised of the group trace.
Select one of the trace texts by clicking and dragging or by double clicking the
item to the text field.
7. Select the Save button.
8. Opera prompts whether the change should be applied to the entire group of
specific guests. Select the option to save the trace for the entire group.
9. Press Enter to confirm the saved trace.
10. Select the Close button.
Resolving a Trace
1. Highlight the guest trace you wish to resolve.
2. Select the Traces button.
3. Select the Resolve button thus changing the status of the trace to being
4. Select on the Close button.
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Property: Provides the ability to view the room plan across different
properties. This field is only available in a multi property set up.
Start Date: Users can define a start date from which they would like to
view the room plan
Rooms: This field can be used to input specific room numbers. Multiple
(,) as a separator.
Room Features: Allows the display of room plan based on specific room
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Room Class: Ability to select room class from the list of values. Only the
rooms belonging to the selected room class will be displayed on the room
Smoking: Users can select the smoking/ non- smoking feature of the
room. The room plan will then display all rooms that have that feature
Grid Details
The grid lists all the room types in alphabetical order. Specific and multiple room
types can be selected by click on them and ensuring that an X mark is placed
against them.
Button Options
All: Allows user to select all the room types from the grid
None: This button allows users to unselect all the room types selected
from the grid.
Search: Click on Search to proceed to the next screen
Close: Click on Close to exit from the screen.
Click on search to proceed to the Room Plan Screen. Opera displays the
following screen:
Release 3.0
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The above room plan screen is an eight day summary of statistics for all
individual rooms, in ascending order, that are part of the property. The
Room Plan Screen- Field Explanation
Button Options
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Release 3.0
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Reservation: Allows users to edit a reservation from the room plan grid.
This option is only available if a user clicks on a reserved/ in-house cell.
New Reservation: Allows users to create a new reservation. This option
is only available if a user clicks on a empty cell.
Room Move: Provides to ability to conduct a room move. This option is
only available to users if they click on a in- house cell.
Room Block: Allows users to block the chosen room for a reservation.
Extend/ Reduce: Allows users to extend or reduce the length of stay.
Out of Order/ Service: Provides the ability to set a room as out of order/
out of service.
Check In: Provides the ability to check in a guest. This option is only
available if users click on a reserved cell.
Walk In: Allows users to perform a walk in reservation.
Daily Events: Displays the property calendar.
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Property: In multi-property set up, users can choose a property from the
list of values.
Start Date: Allows users to choose a start date for the occupancy display.
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Room Class: If the hotel is working with room class, users can choose a
room class from the list of values to display occupancy figures for the
room class.
Include Non Deducted: This checkbox allows users to include tentative
reservations in the occupancy figures.
Show Grid: Tick this checkbox to display grid lines on the occupancy
Day: Allows users to choose a daily display. The radio buttons with
numbers allow users to choose the length of the display.
Week: Allows users to choose a weekly display. The radio buttons with
numbers allow users to choose the length of the display.
Total: Tick this radio button to display the both FIT reservations and block
Reservations: Tick this radio button to display only FIT reservations.
Blocks: Tick this radio button to display only group reservations.
Room Type: Allows users to select specific room types. As a default all
the room types are checked, this can be changed by un ticking the room
types that are not desired.
All: Use this radio button to select all the room types.
None: Use the radio button un-tick all room types.
Search: Allows users to proceed to the next screen once the search
criterion has been selected.
Close: Allows users to exit from the screen.
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The screen above displays the occupancy for 8 days with the days/ weeks on the
horizontal axis and the no.of room on the vertical axis.
The red stack bar indicates the definite reservations. The green stack bar
indicates the tentative reservations. The numbers against the stack bar display
the actual no.of rooms occupied.
Start Date: Allows users to change the start date for the occupancy
Show Grid: Tick this checkbox to display grid lines on the occupancy
Percentage: Tick this checkbox to display the occupancy in %age
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Release 3.0
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The grid lists all the floor set up in the hotel. User can choose a floor by
highlighting it and click on view to display the floor plan.
In a multi- property set up the property field can be used to view the floor plans in
a different property.
Button Options
New: Based on user permissions this button allows users to create a new
Edit: Based on user permissions this button allows users to edit/ modify a
floor layout.
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The colour coding of each room reflects the housekeeping and front office status
of each room.
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or press
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Users must enter the desired search criterion and click on search to view the
Field Explanation
Property: In a multi- property set up users can use the list of values to
display the maximum availability for another property.
Start Date: Allows users to select a start date for the availability search.
Room Class: Use the list of values to filter maximum availability by room
class. This field is only available if the hotel is working with room classes
Days: Allows users to define a date range. The + or buttons can be used
to increase or decrease the number of days.
Include Overbooking: Tick this checkbox to include overbooking in the
availability figures.
Button Options
Grid Details
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Release 3.0
Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Field Explanations
Property: Provides the ability to display the telephone book for another
property in a multi-property set up.
Partial Name Search: Allows the users to conduct a partial string match
search for all items in the telephone book. The partial name search uses
wildcard to search for the criterion input in this field. For example, if users
input EM- opera will display all entries that contain EM, start with EM or
end with EM.
Category Search: Use this field to search by category
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Button Options
Category: Use this button to add a new category in the telephone book.
New: This button allows users to add a new entry in a category.
Delete: Allows users to delete an entry or a category. A category cannot
be deleted if it has entries within it.
Print: Allows users to print the telephone book entries currently displayed
on the screen
Preview: Use this button to preview the entries of the telephone book.
Close: Use this button to exit from the screen.
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
The calendar defaults to the current month with the business date highlighted by
a blue box, users can use the tabs on top of the screen to select a different
month. User can use the
Hotel availability for each date is displayed along with any event recorded for that
date. The legend button will display any day types set up.
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Release 3.0
Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Search Criterion
Property: In a multi-property set up users can use the list of values to
display the simple diary for another property.
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
Start Date: Allows users to change the start date for the display of the
simple diary. Users can use the calendar and choose a date or simply type
in the date as free format text in the date field.
Space: This refers to the function rooms set up in the hotel. Use the list of
values to choose specific function room/s.
Event Label: Allows users to change the label of the event in the display
on the grid.
View Type: Users have the option to change the view type from this
screen to either narrow the range of display or broaden it.
Event Status: At the bottom of the screen users are given the option to
choose the event statuses for display.
Grid Details
The horizontal bar on the grid displays the time slots in 1hour intervals.
The vertical bar on the grid displays all the function rooms set up in the
A timeline is displayed against each function room for the event booked.
The colour coding is based on the status of the event.
Button Options
Search: Click on search to refresh the grid with the search criterion
Advanced: Displays additional search criterion for the diary.
Account : Quick link to the account profile screen
Contact: Click on the contact button to display the contact profile screen
for the event selected
Bus.(iness) Block: Quick link to the business block screen of the selected
Event: Displays the detailed event set up screen. Users can edit the
details of the event or create new events from here.
Resources: Only available if Opera Sales and Catering license is turned
on. This displays the resources linked to the event
Sub Events: Displays the sub events linked to the main event highlighted
from the grid. Additional sub events can be created from here.
Shared: ?
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Opera Hotel Edition Opera Hotel User Training guide Quick Keys
OB Events:?
Waitlisted: Displays all the waitlisted events for the day.
GRC: Quick link to the Group Rooms Control Screen
No Space: ?
Print: Allows users to print the function diary.
Close: Click on close to exit from the simple diary screen.
Release 3.0