Melittin Inhibits Inflammatory Target Gene Expression
Melittin Inhibits Inflammatory Target Gene Expression
Melittin Inhibits Inflammatory Target Gene Expression
available at
Hye Ji Park a, Dong Ju Son a, Chung Woo Lee a, Myoung Suk Choi a, Ung Soo Lee b,
Ho Sueb Song c, Jeong Min Lee d, Jin Tae Hong a,*
College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University, 12 Gaesin-dong, Heungduk-gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763,
Republic of Korea
Department of Food and Biotechnology, Chungju National University, Chungju, Chungbuk 380-702, Republic of Korea
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyungwon University, 65 Bukjeong-Dong, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi 461-701,
Republic of Korea
Life Science R&D Center, Sinil Pharmaceutical Co, San 5-1, Bonpyung-Ri, Angsung-Myun, Chungju, Chungbuk 380-862,
Republic of Korea
Article history: We previously found that bee venom (BV) and melittin (a major component of BV) has anti-
Received 13 August 2006 inflammatory effect by reacting with the sulfhydryl group of p50 of NF-kB. Since the
Accepted 22 September 2006 sulfhydryl group is present in IkB kinase (IKKa and IKKb), anti-inflammatory effect of
melittin via interaction with IKKs was investigated. We first examined binding of melittin
to IKKs using surface plasmon resonance analyzer. Melittin binds to IKKa
9 9
Keywords: (Kd = 1.34 10 M) and IKKb (Kd = 1.01 10 M). Consistent with the high binding affinity,
Bee venom melittin (5 and 10 mg/ml) and BV (0.5, 1 and 5 mg/ml) suppressed sodium nitroprusside, TNF-
Melittin a and LPS induced-IKKb and IKKb activities, IkB release, and NF-kB activity as well as the
NF-kB expressions of iNOS and COX-2, and the generation of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2
IKK (PGE2) in Raw 264.7 mouse macrophages and synoviocytes obtained from rheumatoid
Inflammation arthritis patients. The binding affinities of melittin to mutant IKKs, was reduced, and the
inhibitory effect of melittin on IKK and NF-kB activities, and NO and PGE2 generation were
abrogated by the reducing agents or in Raw 264.7 transfected with mutant plasmid IKKa
(C178A) or IKKb (C179A). These results suggest that melittin binding to the sulfhydryl group
of IKKs resulted in reduced IKK activities, IkB release, NF-kB activity and generation of
inflammatory mediators, indicating that IKKs may be also anti-inflammatory targets of BV.
# 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author at: College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University, 48 Gaesin-dong, Heungduk-gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-
763, Republic of Korea. Tel.: +82 43 261 2813; fax: +82 43 268 2732.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.T. Hong).
Abbreviations: BV, bee venom; COX, cyclooxygenase; cPLA2, cytosolic phospholipase A2; DTT, dithiothreitol; EMSA, electrophoretic mobility shift
assay; GSH, glutathione; IkBs, inhibitors of kB; IKK, IkB kinase; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; NF-kB, nuclear factor-
kappa B; NO, nitric oxide; PGs, prostaglandins; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SNP, sodium nitroprusside; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-a
0006-2952/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
238 biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247
this heterodimer is normally sequestered in the cytosol as all of the secondary antibodies used in Western blot analysis
an inactive complex by binding to inhibitory kB (IkBs) in were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz,
unstimulated cells [1]. The mechanism of NF-kB activation CA, USA). T4 polynucleotide kinase was obtained from
involves the phosphorylation of IkBs via IkB kinase (IKK) Promega (Madison, WI). Poly (dIdC), horseradish perox-
activation [2]. Once IkBs are phosphorylated, they are idase-labeled donkey anti-rabbit second antibody, and the
targeted for ubiquitination and subsequent degradation by ECL detection reagent were obtained from Amersham
the 26s proteosome [3]. The resulting free NF-kB is Pharmacia Biotech (Centennial Ave., NJ, USA). Sodium
translocated to the nucleus, where it binds to the kB nitroprusside, LPS, TNF-a, Griess reagent, monoclonal
binding sites in the promoter regions of target genes, anti-b-actin antibody, 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-
thereby controls their expressions [4]. In several studies, diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and melittin, a com-
potent inhibitors of IKKs preventing NF-kB activity through ponent of BV were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich (St. Louis,
blockage of IkB release can be useful for the treatment of MO, USA). BV was purchased from You-Miel BV Ltd.
inflammatory diseases, such as, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (Hwasoon, Korea). The compositions are followings: melittin
[5–8]. (45–50%), apamin (2.5–3%), MCD peptide (1–2%), PLA2 (12%),
Bee venom (BV) therapy has been used to relieve pain lyso PLA (1%), histidine (1–1.5%), minimine (2–3%), 6pp lipids
and to treat inflammatory diseases including RA in humans (4–5%).
[9] and in experimental animals [10]. BV contains melittin, a
26 amino acid peptide, which forms an amphipathic helix 2.2. Cell culture
with a highly charged carboxyl terminus [11]. We previously
found that melittin inhibits lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- Raw 264.7, a mouse macrophage-like cell line and THP-1, a
induced NF-kB activation by preventing p50 translocation human monocytic cell line was obtained from the American
via a protein (melittin)-protein (sulfhydryl group of p50) Type Culture Collection (Cryosite, Lane Cove, NSW, Australia).
interaction, and that this inhibits inflammatory reaction in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM), penicillin, strep-
the development of RA [12]. Structurally, IKK subunits have tomycin, and fetal bovine serum were purchased from Gibco
cysteine residues in the kinase domains of IKKa and IKKb, Life Technologies (Rockville, MD, USA). Raw 264.7 cells were
and some of these are located at functionally important grown in DMEM with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U/ml
active sites [6,8]. In addition, several compounds that penicillin, and 100 mg/ml streptomycin at 37 8C in 5% CO2
disrupt specific cysteine residues of IKKs, and thereby humidified air. THP-1 cells were grown in RPMI 1640 with L-
prevent NF-kB activation have been suggested to be useful glutamine and 25 mM HEPES buffer (Gibco Life Technologies,
agents for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a Rockville, MD, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine
chronic inflammatory disease [7,13–15]. These compounds serum, 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 mg/ml streptomycin at
reduce large amounts of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglan- 37 8C in 5% CO2 humidified air.
dins (PGs), which are synthesized systemically in inflam-
matory diseases, as shown in animal models of arthritis and 2.3. Synoviocyte culture
in patients with RA [16–20]. Moreover, IKKs are essential for
NF-kB-mediated inflammatory responses [4]. In the present Synovial tissues were obtained, with consent, from nine RA
study, we therefore investigated whether BV or melittin patients who were undergoing total knee replacement or
inhibits NF-kB via disrupting IKKs through protein–protein arthroscopic synovectomy. All patients satisfied the 1987
(melittin-IKKs) interaction, and thereby inhibits the inflam- revised diagnostic criteria of the American College of
matory response in Raw 264.7 macrophages and in the Rheumatology [22]. The method of synoviocyte culture was
synoviocytes of RA patients. described in elsewhere [12].
The expression plasmid encoding IKKbK44A-Flag (Lysine 2.4. DNA binding activity of NF-kB
residue in the Mutant forms of IKKa (C178A) and IKKb
(C179A) is replaced with alanine) was obtained from Dr. Gel shift assays were performed according to the manufac-
Warner C. Greene (University of California, San Francisco, turer’s recommendations (Promega, Madison, WI) as
CA), and the expression plasmids encoding IKKaC178A-Flag described in previous study [12]. Briefly, nuclear extract was
and IKKbC179A-Flag (cysteine residue in the Mutant forms incubated with kB consensus oligonucleotides end-labeled
of IKKa (C178A) and IKKb (C179A) is replaced with alanine) using T4 polynucleotide kinase and [g-32P] ATP for 10 min at
were obtained from Dr. Dae-Myung Jue (University of 37 8C. Gel shift reactions were assembled and allowed to
Catholic, Seoul, South Korea) [21]. Rabbit polyclonal anti- incubate at room temperature for 10 min followed by the
bodies to cPLA2 (dilution 1:500), and goat polyclonal anti- addition of 1 ml (50,000–200,000 cpm) of 32P-labeled oligonu-
body to COX-2 (1:500), TNF-a (1:500), p50 (1:500), p65 (1:500), cleotide and another 20 min of incubation at room tempera-
IkBb (1:500), phospho-IkBa (1:200), IkBb (1:500) and mouse ture. For the competition assay, 100 or 200 excesses of
polyclonal antibody to iNOS (1:500), IkB kinases (1:500), and unlabeled double-stranded oligonucleotide of the kB binding
biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247 239
site (or 100 irrelevant oligonucleotide of AP-1 or SP-1) were Scintillation Counter (LSC: Beta Counter) (Beckman-LS 6500,
used as specific competitors. Supershift assay was done in the Beckman Instrument Inc., Australia). The sample was also
presence of p50 or p65 subunit of NF-kB (2 mg). Subsequently separated on SDS/12%-polyacrylamide gel, and then trans-
1 ml of gel loading buffer was added to each reaction and ferred to a nitrocellulose membrane, and then the membrane
loaded onto a 4% nondenaturing gel and electrophoresed until probed with appropriate antibodies to detect the amount of
the dye was three-fourths of the way down the gel. The gel was IKKa and IKKb as described in Western blot analysis.
dried at 80 8C for 1 h and exposed to film overnight at 70 8C.
The relative density of the protein bands was scanned by 2.8. Surface plasmon resonance analysis
densitometry using MyImage (SLB, Seoul, Korea), and quanti-
fied by Labworks 4.0 software (UVP Inc., Upland, California). Biacore 2000TM and CM5 sensor chip were both supplied by
Biacore AB (Uppsala, Sweden). Recombinant protein G, protein
2.5. Transfection and assay of luciferase activity IKKs and melittin, a component of BV were purchased from
Sigma–Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Activated CM-dextran
Raw 264.7 or THP-1 cells were transfected with pNF-kB-Luc matrix carried out by mixing ethyl-N-(dimethylaminopropyl)
plasmid (5 NF-kB; Stratagene, CA, USA) or IKKa (C178A), IKKb carbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccimide was surfaced on the
(C179A) and IKKb(K44A) mutant plasmids using a mixture of sensor chip. Recombinant IKKa and IKKb protein or melittin
plasmid and lipofectAMINE PLUS in OPTI-MEN according to were then layered onto the CM-dextran sensor chip followed by
manufacture’s specification (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). blockage of the chip using 1 M ethanolamine, pH 8.5 as described
The control pCMV (Clontech, CA, USA) was co-transfected to in elsewhere [12]. Serial dilutions of BV, melittin or IKKa, and
monitor the transfection efficiency. After 24 h, the cells were IKKb protein were prepared using HEPES buffered saline buffer
then co-treated with BV (or melittin) and sodium nitroprus- (pH 7.4), and then flowed sequentially with increasing con-
side. Luciferase activity was measured by using the luciferase centration. The regeneration of protein interaction was per-
assay kit (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s instruc- formed by changing of the pH of solution and then finally
tions (WinGlow, Bad Wildbad, Germany). Cells carrying IKKa determined by pH 12. The Biacore 2000TM system continuously
(C178A), IIKKb (C179A) and IKKb (K44A) plasmid were also monitors the change in mass at the sensor surface, and the
used for determination of NO and PGE2. kinetic of protein interaction was analyzed by BIAevaluation
3.0TM software (Biacore AB, 5-75450, Uppsala, Sweden).
2.6. Western blot analysis
2.9. Statistical analysis
Cell lysates were prepared as described in the previous study
[12]. Equal amount of lysate proteins (80 mg) were separated on Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance
a SDS/12%-polyacrylamide gel, and then transferred to a followed by Tuckey’s test as a post hoc test. Differences were
nitrocellulose membrane (Hybond ECL, Amersham Pharmacia considered significant at p < 0.05.
Biotech Inc., Piscataway, NJ). The membrane was incubated
for 5 h at room temperature with specific antibodies. The blot
was then incubated with the corresponding conjugated anti- 3. Results
rabbit immunoglobulin G-horseradish peroxidase (Santa Cruz
Biotechnology Inc.). Immunoreactive proteins were detected 3.1. Melittin interacts with IKKa and IKKb, and inhibits
with the ECL Western blotting detection system. The relative the activities of IKKs
density of the protein bands was scanned by densitometry
using MyImage (SLB, Seoul, Korea), and quantified by Lab- We previously found that the sulfhydryl group of p50 is a
works 4.0 software (UVP Inc., Upland, California). target of melittin. Since IKKa and IKKb have cysteine residues
in their active domains, we hypothesized that if these cysteine
2.7. In vitro kinase assays residues were also modified by melittin as in p50 [12], that
IKKa and IKKb activities might also be inhibited by reaction
Raw 264.7 cells and synoviocytes grown in 100-mm plates with melittin. To determine whether melittin interferes IKKs
were treated with various agents. Cell lysate for in vitro assay activity by reacting with IKKs, we studied the interaction
of IKKa and IKKb kinase activities was prepared as described between melittin and IKKs. The binding abilities of melittin to
in the Western blot analysis. In vitro kinase assay was IKKa or IKKb immobilized onto the surfaces of sensor chips
performed with immune complexes and bacterially synthe- were monitored using a Biacore analyzer. Increasing doses of
sized GST-IkBa proteins (2 mg) in 15 ml of kinase buffer melittin clearly increased binding affinity to IKKa and IKKb,
containing 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.7), 2 mM MgCl2, 2 mM MnCl2, and the maximum binding affinities of Kd values were
10 mM ATP, 5 mCi of [g-32P]ATP, 10 mM b-glycerophosphate, 1.34 10 9 M and 1.01 10 9 M, respectively (Fig. 1A and B).
10 mM NaF, 300 mM Na3 VO4, 1 mM benzamidine, 2 mM PMSF, Next, the interaction between melittin immobilized on a
aprotinin (10 mg/ml), leupeptin (1 mg/ml), pepstatin (1 mg/ml), sensor chip and immunoprecipitated IKKa or IKKb extracted
and 1 mM DTT at 30 8C for 30–60 min. Phosphorylation of GST- from a nuclear fraction of cells treated with either sodium
IkBa and GST-IkBb was separated in 12% SDS-PAGE, and then nitroprusside alone or sodium nitroprusside with BV or
the phosphorylated GST-IkBb and GST-IkBb was scraped into melittin was studied. The interactions between melittin (or
96-well and 100 ml cocktail were added each wells, and then BV) immobilized onto sensor chips and immunoprecipitated
IKKa and IKKb kinase activity was quantitied by the Liquid IKKa or IKKb extracted from Raw 264.7 cells treated with a
240 biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247
Fig. 1 – Melittin interacts with IKKs, and inhibits their activities. (A–D) Representative surface plasmon resonance binding
kinetic trace. (A) Full kinetic dataset for the binding of melittin to IKKa immobilized on a sensor chip. Lines represent fits to
a 1:1 binding model at the concentrations of melittin indicated. (B) Full kinetic dataset for the binding of melittin to
immobilized IKKb on a sensor chip. (C and D) Full kinetic dataset for the binding of melittin immobilized on a sensor chip
and immunoprecipitated IKKa (C) and IKKb (D) prepared from nuclear fraction of Raw 264.7 cells treated with sodium
nitroprusside alone or with a combination of sodium nitroprusside and different doses of melittin or BV. Similar results
were obtained from three different set of experiments. Raw 264.7 cells (E, F, H and I) or synoviocytes (G) were treated with
0.5–5 mg/ml BV or 5 or 10 mg/ml melittin in the presence of 200 mM sodium nitroprusside (E, F and G) or 10 ng/ml TNF-a (H)
or 1 mg/ml LPS (I) at 37 8C for 24 h, and then cells were lysed. IKKs were immunoprecipitated with anti-IKKa or anti-IKKb
antibodies and used for in vitro kinase reactions with GST-IkBa, GST-IkBb and [g-32P] ATP. GST-IkBa and GST-IkBb
phosphorylated by IKKs were determined by radioactivity (CPM) as IKKa and IKKb activities (E) or visualized by SDS-PAGE
followed with Western blotting (F, G, H and I). All values represent means W S.E. of three independent experiments
performed in triplicate. *P < 0.05 indicates significantly different from the sodium nitroprusside treated group.
combination of sodium nitroprusside and melittin or BV were melittin or BV were also confirmed with physiological
lower than the corresponding interactions with immunopre- inflammatory stimuli (TNF-a or LPS)-treated in Raw 264.7
cipitated IKKa and IKKb extracted from cells treated with cells (Fig. 1H and I).
sodium nitroprusside alone, and these interactions were dose
dependent (Fig. 1C and D). We also determined IKK activities to 3.2. Inhibitory effects of melittin on NF-kB-dependent
further investigate whether the interactions between melittin luciferase and DNA binding activity
and IKKs can reduce the activities of IKKs. As expected,
melittin dose dependently decreased sodium nitroprusside- We next investigated whether the binding of melittin to IKKs
induced IKKa and IKKb activity as determined by biochemical reduces NF-kB activity. Raw 264.7 and THP-1 cells transfected
assay (Fig. 1E) or by Western blotting (Fig. 1F) in Raw 264.7 cells, with a promoter reporter gene construct (a fusion gene
and in synoviocytes (Fig. 1G). These inhibitory effects of containing SV40 promoter, five repeats of the consensus NF-
biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247 241
Fig. 2 – Effect of melittin and BV on NF-kB-dependent luciferase and DNA binding activities. Raw 264.7 cells (A and C) and
THP-1 cells (B) were transfected with pNF-kB-Luc plasmid (5 NF-kB), and activated with sodium nitroprusside (200 mM),
LPS (1 mg/ml) or TNF-a (10 ng/ml) in the absence or presence of 0.5–5 mg/ml BV or 5 or 10 mg/ml melittin for 2 h, and then
luciferase activities were determined. All values represent means W S.E. of three independent experiments performed in
triplicate. *P < 0.05 indicates significantly different from the sodium nitroprusside or TNF-a or LPS treated groups. The DNA
binding activation of NF-kB was investigated using EMSA. Nuclear extracts from Raw 264.7 cells (D, F and G) or synoviocytes
(E) treated for 1 h with sodium nitroprusside (200 mM), TNF-k (10 ng/ml) or LPS (1 mg/ml) with BV (0.5–5 mg/ml) or melittin (5
or 10 mg/ml) were incubated with 32P-end-labeled oligonucleotide containing the kB sequence. H, For competition assays,
nuclear extracts from cells treated with 200 mM sodium nitroprusside were incubated with unlabelled NF-kB
oligonucleotide (100, 200 or 400) or with labeled SP-1 (200) and AP-1 (200) for 1 h before EMSA. I, For supershift
assays, nuclear extracts from cells treated with 200 mM sodium nitroprusside were incubated with specific antibodies
against the p50 and p65 NF-kB isoforms for 1 h before EMSA. (*) supershift by p50 antibody. (J–M) Effect of melittin on the
nuclear translocation of the p50 subunit and the release of Ik-B. Raw 264.7 cells (H and J) or synoviocytes (I and K) were
treated with 5 mg/ml or 10 mg/ml melittin in the presence of sodium nitroprusside (200 mM) or TNF-a (10 ng/ml) or LPS (1 mg/
ml) at 37 8C for 24 h. Eighty micrograms of cytosolic (p-IKKa and p-IkBa), or total protein extracted after treatment were used
to determine of p-IkBa and p-KKa. Each panel is representative of three similar experiments.
kB binding sequence), and transcriptional activities were dose dependent manner in Raw 264.7 cells (Fig. 2D) and in
measured after stimulating the cells with sodium nitroprus- synoviocytes (Fig. 2E). Melittin also significantly reduced the
side, LPS and TNF-a with or without melittin or BV. As shown NF-kB activation induced by TNF-a (Fig. 2F) and LPS (Fig. 2G) in
in Fig. 2, co-treatment of transfected cells with melittin Raw 264.7 cells. The specificity of DNA binding was examined
significantly inhibited the NF-kB luciferase activity induced by by competition assay by adding an excessive amount of
sodium nitroprusside in both cells (Fig. 2A and B). These unlabeled/cold oligonucleotides to reaction mixtures contain-
inhibitory effects were also found in Raw 264.7 cells treated ing Raw264.7 cell nuclear extract (Fig. 2H) or by supershift
with TNF-a or LPS (Fig. 2C). Melittin also inhibited the NF-kB assay using antibodies for the p50 or p65 components of NF-kB
DNA binding activity induced by sodium nitroprusside in a (Fig. 2I).
242 biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247
One of the consequences of melittin binding to IKKs is the Sodium nitroprusside-induced IkBa and IKKa phosphorylation
inhibition of the nuclear translocation of p50 and p65 through in Raw 264.7 cells (Fig. 2J) and synoviocytes (Fig. 2K) was
the blockage of IkB release. To study the translocation of reduced by melittin. As was observed in sodium nitroprusside-
subunits of NF-kB into the nucleus, we determined the treated cells, melittin also inhibited IkBa and IKKa phosphor-
appearance of the p50 and p65 subunits of NF-kB in the ylation by TNF-a and LPS (Fig. 2L and M). By the inhibition of
nucleus extracts. Melittin treatment dose dependently IkBa and IKKa phosphorylation, sodium nitroprusside-
reduced the sodium nitroprusside-induced nuclear transloca- induced translocation of p50 into the nucleus of cells was
tion of the p50 subunit, but their effects on p65 translocation significantly inhibited by melittin examined by confocal laser
were weak in Raw 264.7 cells and in synoviocytes (data not scaning microscopy (data not shown).
shown). Similar inhibitory effect of melittin on the p50 and p65
translocation was found in Raw 264.7 cells treated with LPS or 3.3. Inhibitory effects of melittin on iNOS and COX-2
TNF-a (data not shown). To elucidate the effects of melittin expression, and on NO and PGE2 generation
and BV on release of IkB, the kinetics of IkB release (IkBa
phosphorylation and IKK activity (detected with phosphoryla- To investigate whether the inhibition of NF-kB activity
tion of IKKa) in cytosol were studied by Western blot analysis. suppresses inflammatory gene expression, iNOS and
Fig. 3 – Effects of melittin and BV on inflammatory gene expression, and on NO and PGE2 generation in Raw 264.7 cells and
synoviocytes. (A, C and D) Raw 264.7 macrophages were treated with 0.5–5 mg/ml BV or 5 or 10 mg/ml melittin in the
presence of sodium nitroprusside (200 mM) or TNF-a (10 ng/ml) or LPS (1 mg/ml) at 37 8C for 24 h. (B) Synoviocytes were
treated with 0.5–5 mg/ml BV or 5 or 10 mg/ml melittin in the presence of 200 mM sodium nitroprusside at 37 8C for 24 h. Equal
amounts of total proteins (80 mg/lane) were subjected to 10% SDS W PAGE, and the expressions of iNOS, COX-2 and b-actin
were detected by Western blotting using specific antibodies. Each panel representative of three independent experiments.
The amounts of NO and PGE2 in the medium of cultured Raw264.7 cells (A, C and D) or synoviocytes (B) treated with sodium
nitroprusside (200 mM) or TNF-a (10 ng/ml) or LPS (1 mg/ml) with/without 0.5–5 mg/ml BV or 5 or 10 mg/ml melittin at 37 8C for
24 h were measured. Results are expressed as means W S.E. of three independent experiments performed in triplicate.
P < 0.05 indicates significantly different from the sodium nitroprusside or TNF-a or LPS treated group.
biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247 243
Fig. 4 – Abolition of the inhibitory effect of melittin or BV by DTT, GSH and H2O2. (A and B) Full kinetic dataset for the binding
between melittin immobilized on a sensor chip and immunoprecipitated IKKa (A) and IKKb (B) prepared from nuclear
fraction of Raw 264.7 cells treated with sodium nitroprusside alone or with a combination of sodium nitroprusside and
melittin or BV in the presence of DTT or GSH. Similar results were obtained from three different set of experiments. C and D,
Raw 264.7 macrophages were treated with 0.5–5 mg/ml BV or 5 or 10 mg/ml of melittin in the presence of 200 mM sodium
nitroprusside with/without DTT or GSH or H2O2 at 37 8C for 24 h. IKKs were immunoprecipitated with anti-IKKa or anti-
IKKb antibodies and used for in vitro kinase reactions with GST-IkBa, GST-IkBb and [g-32P] ATP. GST-IkBa and GST-IkBb
phosphorylated by IKKs were determined by radioactivity (CPM) as IKKa and IKKb activities or visualized by SDS-PAGE
followed with Western blotting (C and D). All values represent means W S.E. of three independent experiments performed in
triplicate. *P < 0.05 indicates significantly different from the sodium nitroprusside treated group. **P < 0.05 indicates
significantly different from the sodium nitroprusside with melittin treated group. (E) NF-kB DNA binding activity (EMSA) in
Raw 264.7 cells treated with 10 mg/ml melittin in the presence of 200 mM sodium nitroprusside with/without DTT or GSH at
37 8C for 1 h. (F) Release of IkBa (phosphorylation of IkBa) Similar results were obtained from three independent
experiments performed in triplicate. (G) The amounts of NO and PGE2 in the medium of cultured Raw264.7 cells treated with
10 mg/ml melittin in the presence of 200 mM sodium nitroprusside with/without DTT or GSH at 37 8C for 24 h were
measured. Results are expressed as means W S.E. of three independent experiments performed in triplicate. *P < 0.05
indicates significantly different from the sodium nitroprusside treated group. **P < 0.05 indicates significantly different from
the sodium nitroprusside with melittin treated group.
COX-2 expressions were determined. Correlated well with inhibited the expressions of iNOS and COX-2 in Raw
the inhibitory effect of melitin on NF-kB activity, sodium 264.7 cells induced by TNF-a (Fig. 4C) and by LPS (Fig. 3D).
nitroprusside-induced iNOS and COX-2 protein expression The effect of melittin or BV on inflammatory mediator
in Raw 264.7 cells (Fig. 3A) and in synoviocytes (Fig. 4B) was generation was then examined. Significant dose-dependent
dose dependently inhibited by melittin or BV. Similarly in inhibition of NO and PGE2 generation was also observed in
sodium nitroprusside-treated cells, melittin and BV also Raw 264.7 cells (Fig. 3A, right two panels) and synoviocytes
244 biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247
(Fig. 3B, right two panels) treated with melittin or BV 3.4. Abolition of the melittin effects by DTT and GSH,
in combination with sodium nitroprusside. Treatment and in IKKa and IKKb mutant cells
with TNF-a on NO and PGE2 generation (Fig. 3C, right two
panels), or treatment of LPS on NO and PGE2 generation To further demonstrate the sulfhydryl group of IKKa and IKKb
(Fig. 3D, right two panels) was also inhibited by melittin is a target of melittin as in p50 [12], the interactions between
and BV. melittin and immunoprecipitated IKKa and IKKb extracted
Fig. 5 – Abolition of the inhibitory effect of melittin in the cells harboring mutant IKKa or IKKb. (A and B) Full kinetic datasets
for the binding of melittin to mutant IKKs prepared by peptide synthesis (Bioneer, Cheongju, Korea). Similar results were
obtained from three different sets of experiments. (C) Raw 264. 7 cells were transiently transfected with wild or mutant
types of IKKs for 24 h, and then the cells were treated with LPS (1 mg/ml) in the absence or presence of melittin for 24 h to
determine IKK activity or Western blotting or NO and PGE2 assay, or for 1 h to determine NF-kB activity (EMSA). (C) IKKs
were immunoprecipitated with anti-IKKa or anti-IKKb antibodies and used for in vitro kinase reactions with GST-IkBa,
GST-IkBb and [g-32P] ATP. GST-IkBa and GST-IkBb phosphorylated by IKKs were determined by radioactivity (CPM) as IKKa
and IKKb activities or visualized by SDS-PAGE followed with Western blotting. All values represent means W S.E. of three
independent experiments performed in triplicate. (D) The DNA binding activation of NF-kB was investigated using EMSA.
Nuclear extracts from transfected Raw 264.7 cells treated for 1 h with sodium nitroprusside (200 mM) or LPS (1 mg/ml) with
melittin (10 mg/ml) were incubated with 32P-end-labeled oligonucleotide containing the kB sequence. (E–F) Effect of melittin
on the expression of iNOS. Transfected Raw 264.7 cells were treated with 10 mg/ml melittin in the presence of LPS (1 mg/ml)
at 37 8C for 24 h. Eighty micrograms of cytosolic or total protein extracted after treatments were used to determine of iNOS;
b-actin protein was used as an internal control. Each panel is representative of three similar experiments. (G–J) Amounts of
NO (G and H) and PGE2 (I and J) in medium were measured in the Raw 264.7 cells transiently transfected with wild or mutant
IKKs after treatment with LPS (1 mg/ml) with or without melittin (5 or 10 mg/ml) for 24 h. Results are expressed as
means W S.E. of three independent experiments performed in triplicate. *P < 0.05 indicates significantly different from the
sodium nitroprusside or LPS treated group.
biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247 245
from cells treated with sodium nitroprusside with/without Raw 264.7 transfected with IKKa (C178A) or IKKb (C179A)
melittin in the presence of the reducing agents DTT or GSH mutants.
was studied. As shown in Fig. 4A, the interactions between
melittin and immunoprecipitated IKKa and IKKb extracted
from cells treated with sodium nitroprusside and melittin in 4. Discussion
the presence of the reducing agents DTT or GSH was higher
than that in the Raw 264.7 cells and synoviocytes treated In the present study, we found that melittin interacts with
without DDT or GSH (Fig. 4A and B). These effects of DTT or IKKa and IKKb high affinity. The binding affinities of melittin
GSH on the binding affinity were consistent with the effects to IKKa and IKKb were 1.34 10 9 M and 1.01 10 9 M,
of DTT and GSH on IKKa and IKKb activity as determined by respectively. Moreover, these protein–protein interactions
Western blotting and by biochemical analysis (Fig. 4C and D) were associated with the suppressions of the activities of
induced by sodium nitroprusside in Raw 264.7 cells. Since IKKa and IKKb, the blockade of inflammatory stimulus-
redox status is critical for sulfhydryl group modification in induced IkB release, and the inhibition of NF-kB activity in
the cysteine residues of IKKs, and we also found that Raw 264.7 macrophages and synoviocytes. Consistent with the
melittin reduces sodium nitroprusside-induced H2O2 gen- inhibitions of the activities of IKKa, IKKb, and NF-kB, the
eration (data not shown), we therefore examined whether generation of the inflammatory mediators NO and PGE2 and
the inhibitory effect of melittin on sodium nitroprusside- the expressions of iNOS and COX-2 were also suppressed. By
induced IKK activity was partially involved with the using reducing agents and transfection assays with plasmids
scavenging of H2O2 by melittin. The addition of H2O2 dose containing mutant forms of IKKa and IKKb whereby cysteine
dependently blocked the inhibitory effect of melittin on IKKa residues were replaced by other amino acids), we found that
and IKKb activity (Fig. 4C and D). In addition, the inhibitory melittin probably interacts with the cysteine residues of active
effect of melittin on the DNA binding activity of NF-kB was cites in IKKs.
also abrogated by adding DTT or GSH in a reaction mixture The promoter region of the murine gene encoding iNOS and
containing a nuclear extract of Raw 264.7 cells (Fig. 5E). DTT COX-2 contains NF-kB binding sites [5,25], which suggests that
or GSH also dose dependently prevented the melittin- the inhibitory effect of inflammatory gene expression is
induced prevention of IkBa release (determined with related with the inhibition of the DNA binding activity of
phosphorylation of IkBa) induced by sodium nitroprusside NF-kB. The binding affinities of melittin to IKKa and IKKb were
in Raw 264.7 cells (Fig. 5F). A similar reducing effect was 1.34 10 9 M and 1.01 10 9 M, respectively, and these
observed in TNF-a or LPS treated Raw 264.7 cells (data not binding affinities of melittin with IKKs are much stronger
shown). Proportional to abrogation of the activities of IKKs, than normal binding affinities between proteins and their
the reverse effects of DTT, GSH and of H2O2 on the sodium receptors under physiological conditions. For example, the
nitroprusside-induced release of NO and PGE2 were also estrogen receptor-ligand interaction has a binding affinity
found in Raw 264.7 cells (Fig. 4G) and synoviocytes (data not about Kd = 10 2 to 10 3 M [26], and the binding affinity of major
shown). histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide complex to T cell
The interaction between melittin and mutant IKKa and receptors (TCRs) is about Kd = 1 10 7 M [27]. In addition, the
mutant IKKb was next analyzed with mutant IKKs (cysteine interactions between melittin and immunoprecipitated IKKa
was replaced with alanine) prepared by synthesized and IKKb extracted from a combination of inflammatory
peptide. The interaction between melittin and mutant IKKa stimulant and melittin treated cells, were reduced much
(Fig. 5A), and mutant IKKb (Fig. 5B) was significantly reduced more than its interaction with immunoprecipitated IKKa and
compared with interaction between melittin and IKKs IKKb extracted from cells treated with stimulant alone.
(see Fig. 1). We also conducted a transient transfection Therefore, this strong protein–protein interaction is likely to
assay using a fusion gene containing pCMV promoter and modify the activities of IKKa and IKKb, and thereby inhibit
IKK mutants. Raw 264.7 cells were transfected with these IkBa and IkBb release and reduce the DNA binding activity of
promoter reporter genes constructs, and then determined NF-kB. The binding affinity of melittin to IKKs is much stronger
IKKs activity by Western blotting and by biochemical assay. (10-fold) than that to p50 of NF-kB (Kd = 1.2 10 8 M) as
Consistent with the lower binding affinity, IKKs were not described in previous report [12]. Thus, the inhibitory effect
elevated by LPS treatment, and the inhibitory effect of of melittin or BV on IKKa and IKKb activities may be more
melittin was not observed (Fig. 5C). This abolishment of the critical for the anti-inflmmatory effect of by melittin or BV
inhibitory effects of melittin on NF-kB activity was also than NF-kB itself.
found after treating Raw 264.7 cells transfected with mutant Structural data on IKK subunits reveals that cysteine
IKKa and IKKb (Fig. 5D) by treatment with sodium residues are present in the kinase domains of IKKa and IKKb,
nitroprusside or LPS. Expression of iNOS, and generation and that some are located at functionally important sites (Cys-
of NO and PGE2 were then measured after stimulating 179), such as at the activating T loop and at the catalytic site
the cells for 24 h with LPS with/without melittin in cell [8,13]. We found that the addition of the thiol reducing agents;
supernatant. In contrast to significant inhibition of iNOS DTT and GSH as well as H2O2 abrogated the melittin-induced
expression, and NO and PGE2 generation in cells transfected inhibition of the activities of IKKs. Furthermore, in the
with wild type of IKKS, melittin did not inhibit LPS- presence of H2O2, this inhibitory effect was absent as similar
induced iNOS expression (Fig. 5E and F) in Raw 264.7 to the findings by Jeon et al. [6]. Therefore, a redox reaction
transfected with IKKa (C178A) or IKKb (C179A) mutants. NO could underlie the binding of melittin and IKKs. This notion
(Fig. 5G and H) and PGE2 (Fig. 5I and J) generation in was further reinforced by the observations that the inhibitory
246 biochemical pharmacology 73 (2007) 237–247
effect of melittin on the activities of IKKa and IKKb was regulatory targets through protein–protein reaction may be
abolished in cells transfected with IKKa or IKKb mutant also significant aspects of its anti-inflammatory effects.
plasmid where cysteine residues were replaced by alanine.
This resistance of cells transfected with IKKa or IKKb mutants
to the inhibitory effect of melittin or BV on the activities of Acknowledgement
IKKa and IKKb was associated with the abolishment of the
inhibitory effects of melittin or BV on NO and PGE2 generation. This work was supported by the grant from Korea Research
Moreover, the interaction between melittin and mutant IKKs Foundation Grant funded by the Korea Government (MOCIE)
was significantly lowered. These findings suggest that melittin (10018284200511).
may bind sulfhydryl groups on IKKa and IKKb, and thereby
hinder the activities of IKKa and IKKb which blocks IkB
release. A similar thiol redox mechanism has been shown to
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