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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sic1, an inhibitor of Cdk (cyclindependent kinase), blocks the activity of S-Cdk1 (Cdk1/Clb5,6)
kinase that is required for DNA replication. Deletion of Sic1
causes premature DNA replication from fewer origins, extension
of the S phase and inefficient separation of sister chromatids during anaphase. Despite the well-documented relevance of Sic1
inhibition of S-Cdk1 for cell cycle control and genome instability,
the molecular mechanism by which Sic1 inhibits S-Cdk1 activity
remains obscure. In this paper, we show that Sic1 is functionally
and structurally related to the mammalian Cki (Cdk inhibitor)
p27Kip1 of the Kip/Cip family. A molecular model of the inhibitory
domain of Sic1 bound to the Cdk2cyclin A complex suggested
that the yeast inhibitor might productively interface with the mammalian Cdk2cyclin A complex. Consistent with this, Sic1 is able
to bind to, and strongly inhibit the kinase activity of, the Cdk2
cyclin A complex. In addition, comparison of the different inhi-
Abbreviations used: Cki, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor; Cdk, cyclin-dependent kinase; S-Cdk1, Cdk1/Clb5,6 (Cdk activity required to start DNA
replication); GST, glutathione S-transferase; pRb, retinoblastoma protein; SPR, surface plasmon resonance.
To whom correspondence should be addressed (email [email protected]).
c 2005 Biochemical Society
that the inhibitory domain of Sic1 [9] does not have significant
sequence identity with either p27Kip1 or p21Cip1 (as shown in this
paper) has hampered a comparative analysis of the relationship
between the structure and function of Cdk and Cki in budding
yeast and in mammalian cells, despite remarkable similarity and
functional interchangeability of their cyclins and Cdk [1,2].
Here we show that the inhibitory domain of Sic1 is functionally
and structurally related to the inhibitory domain of mammalian
p27Kip1 of the Kip/Cip family. Molecular modelling of the inhibitory domain of Sic1 suggested that the protein interface of
the yeast inhibitor should be able to interact productively with the
mammalian Cdk2cyclin A complex. Consistently, Sic1 was
shown to bind to, and strongly inhibit the kinase activity of, the
Cdk2cyclin A complex. In addition, comparison of the different
inhibitory patterns obtained using as substrates histone H1 or
GST (glutathione S-transferase)pRb (retinoblastoma protein),
the latter of which recognizes both the docking site and the catalytic site of Cdk2cyclin A, offers interesting suggestions for the
inhibitory mechanism of Sic1. The physiological relevance of
these experimental results was confirmed by overexpressing the
KIP1 gene in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeast and
mammalian Ckis in fact showed equivalent ability to rescue the
cell cycle-related phenotype of a sic1 strain. Taken together,
these findings strongly indicate that Sic1 from budding yeast and
mammalian p27Kip1 are functional homologues with a structurally
conserved inhibitory domain.
Molecular modelling of Sic1 protein
Initial alignments of the Sic1 sequence (SwissProt accession number P38634) were carried out using CLUSTALW [10], and secondary structures were predicted using the PHD [11], PSIPRED
[12] and JPRED [13] methods. A partial model of the Sic1 inhibitory domain (residues 215284) was obtained by using the
Swiss-Pdb Viewer 3.7 program [14] performing in silico mutagenesis of the Cdkcyclin-interacting portion of p27Kip1 , abridged
from the structure of the p27Kip1 Cdk2cyclin A complex (PDB ID
1JSU). The Sic1 model was docked on the Cdk2cyclin A complex, and the model of the ternary complex was subsequently
refined by 5000 steps of conjugate gradients energy minimization using the GROMOS force field [15].
Recombinant DNA techniques
Yeast cells transformed with pEMBLyex4, pyex-SIC1 or pyexKIP1 plasmids were grown at 30 C in a synthetic medium containing 6.7 g/l YNB (yeast nitrogen base) without amino acids
(Difco), 100 mg/l adenine, 50 mg/l leucine and tryptophan, and
2 % (w/v) galactose as carbon source to induce expression of
plasmid-borne genes.
The cell density of liquid cultures was determined with a
Coulter counter using mildly sonicated and diluted samples. The
fraction of budded cells was scored microscopically from samples
of at least 300 cells after mild sonication.
Flow cytofluorimetric analysis
Figure 1
Sequence alignment and secondary structure predictions for p27Kip1 , p21Cip1 and Sic1 inhibitory domains
(A) Schematic view of the full-length Sic1 protein, indicating the sites of phosphorylation by Cdk1 (black lines) and the Cdk1-inhibitory domain (grey). (B) Secondary structure predictions computed
by PHD, PSIPRED and JPRED programs for the inhibitory domains of p27Kip1 (residues 3860), p21Cip1 (residues 2749) and Sic1 (residues 215284) are shown (H, -helix; c, coil; E, -sheet).
Residues involved in binding to either Cdk2 or cyclin A are underlined. Residues predicted to be in an -helix within the Cdk2cyclin A-interacting region are shown as white-on-black characters.
Secondary structure deduced from X-ray crystallography is shown for p27Kip1 . Corresponding expected secondary structures for p21Cip1 and Sic1 in the Cdk2cyclin A complex are also shown.
BIAcore analysis
or protein complex using the BIAevaluation 3.1 SPR kinetic software (BIAcore).
In vitro Cdk2 kinase assays
Figure 2
Molecular visualization of surface interactions of p27Kip1 and Sic1 inhibitory domains with the Cdk2cyclin A complex
-Helices of p27Kip1 (residues 3860) (A) and Sic1 (residues 226248) (B) are shown in red; Cdk2 and cyclin A are visualized in green and blue respectively. (C) Analysis of the interface contacts
of p27Kip1 and Sic1 long amphipathic -helixes with the Cdk2cyclin A complex were conducted within the 5 A range. The indicated residues of the Sic1 -helix are involved in the same contacts
as the corresponding residues of the p27Kip1 -helix (see Figure 1B) with regard to the Cdk2cyclin A complex.
(ECL Western Blotting Detection Reagents; Amersham Biosciences) was used for antibody detection after immunoblotting.
The inhibitory domain of yeast Sic1 is structurally related
to that of a mammalian Cki
Figure 3
Analysis of the binding of Sic1 to Cdk2, cyclin A and the Cdk2cyclin A complex by BIAcore
Sic1 was immobilized on the sensor chip and the binding curves were recorded by flowing the analytes Cdk2 (A), cyclin A (B) and the Cdk2cyclin A complex (C) on the chip surface. (D)
Values for apparent association rate (k on ), dissociation rate (k off ) and affinity constant (K D ) were obtained by fitting of data in (A)(C), as detailed in the Experimental section. (E) Analysis of
stoichiometry of binding between Sic1 and the analytes, obtained by plotting ln [d(RU)/d(time)] against time. Trend line(s) approximating each curve are also shown. The original graph is shown to the
Figure 4
Cdk2cyclin A kinase activity was measured with various histone H1 (A) or GSTpRb
(B) concentrations at several fixed Sic1 concentrations: 0 M (), 1.5 M (), 3.5 M ()
and 5 M (). The ATP concentration used in the assay was 500 M, and the Cdk2cyclin A
concentration was 40 nM.
Figure 5
sic1 strains transformed with the URA3 -based plasmid pEMBLyex4 or the same plasmid expressing the SIC1 and KIP1 genes under the control of a galactose-inducible promoter were grown in
a synthetic medium containing 2 % (w/v) galactose, collected in mid-exponential phase (approx. 4 106 cells/ml) and scored for expression of Sic1 (A) or p27Kip1 (B) protein by immunoblots
with antibodies as described in the Experimental section, for the fraction of unbudded cells (C) by direct microscopic examination, for the fraction of cells in G1 by FACS analysis (C and D),
and for cell size by forward scatter (E). Data in (C) are means +
S.D. of at least three independent experiments. Representative DNA and size distributions and immunoblots are shown in the
other panels.
To ascertain the physiological significance of promiscuous interactions among yeast and mammalian Ckis, Cdk and cyclins, the
ability of the yeast and mammalian Ckis to rescue the cell cyclerelated phenotype of yeast cells deleted for the SIC1 gene was
examined. Cells carrying disruption or deletion of SIC1 are viable
[29], but display phenotypes indicative of aberrant cell cycle
progression. In fact, cultures of sic1 cells have a low fraction
of G1 unbudded cells and display an altered cell size ([30] and
Figure 5). The effects of Sic1 and p27Kip1 overexpression, driven
by a GAL1 promoter (Figures 5A and 5B), on cell cycle-related
parameters were thus investigated in cells growing exponentially
in galactose-supplemented media.
Overexpression of either Sic1 or p27Kip1 significantly increased
the fraction of unbudded cells (Figure 5C) and cells with a G1 DNA
content (Figures 5C and 5D), as one may expect for a Cki that
expresses its function at the G1 /S transition. Analysis of forward
scatter (a measure of cell size) showed that overexpression of
either Sic1 or p27Kip1 resulted in a shift in the size distribution.
Figure 5(E) shows that sic1 cells expressing either the yeast or
the mammalian Cki had size distributions shifted towards larger
cells compared with pEMBLyex4-transformed sic1 cells.
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requires removal of Sic1 [4]. A relevant role for Sic1 in the control
of the G1 -to-S transition is indicated by the fact that deletion of
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c 2005 Biochemical Society