Irtmm2019 PDF
Irtmm2019 PDF
Irtmm2019 PDF
Second Edition
September, 2019
Second Edition
September, 2019
“Indian Railways Track Machine Manual” was published in 2000 for the guidance
of the officials of Track Machine and Open Line/Construction organization.
Mechanisation of track maintenance over IR stated with induction of 4 nos. of
(B-60) on-track tamping machine of MATISA make during 1963. Now the fleet of track
machines on Indian Railways has grown from 4 No. (B-60) on-Track Tampers to 904 (as
on 01-12-2018) track machines covering almost all spheres of track maintenance and
track laying/renewal activities. Railway Board appointed a committee to review and
revise the Track Machine Manual – 2000 vide Letter No. 96/Track-III/TK/44 Vol. II dated
02-11-2015 based on latest developments, provisions and working rules with due
consideration to provisions of IRPWM, G&SR and other codes/manuals,
instructions/JPOs issues by Zonal Railways, instructions regarding operation,
maintenance, troubleshooting manuals etc. of OEMs & RDSO.
Following members of committee as nominated by Railway Board either by
name or by virtue of post participated during meetings and finalized the draft of this
manual –
Sl. No. Designation Name (S/Shri)
1 Executive Director (TM), RDSO Brijesh Kumar
Mudit Bhatnagar
2 Senior Professor, Track, IRICEN Chandra Shekhar Sharma
3 Chief Engineer/TM, Central Railway Naresh Lalwani
Pradeep Kumar Garg
4 Chief Engineer/TM, Western Railway Vivek Kumar Gupta
5 Chief Engineer/TM, North Central Railway C. P. Gupta
6 Chief Engineer/TM, South Central Railway Gautam Srinivas
Rakesh Yadav
7 Chief Engineer/TM, East Central Railway Vijay Kumar Sahu
S/Shri Anil Choudhary/Director/TM-III/RDSO, Sanjay Asthana/Executive
Engineer/NCR, Muslim Ahmed/Assistant Research Engineer/TM/RDSO and S. D.
Mahajan/Assistant Engineer /TM/ Western Railway rendered the valuable assistance
and contributions to committee during deliberations and preparation of this manual.
The committee also received valuable inputs and contribution from S/Sh. A.K.
Khandelwal/Executive Director Track (MC)/Railway Board & Tushar Kant
Pandey/Director Track (MC)/Railway Board. I hope this detailed and reviewed version
of manual will be very useful for the field staff and will succeed in its purpose of
disseminating the art of track maintenance using sophisticated Track machines to the
field engineers.
Any comments and suggestions from the reader regarding any
correction/further improvement for the manual will be highly appreciated.
Rakesh Goyal
New Delhi Additional Member/Civil Engg.
September, 2019 Railway Board, New Delhi
Track Machines were introduced on Indian Railways during the early
sixties. The use of the machines both for maintenance as well as track laying
increased with the introduction of heavy track structures. For working of these
machines, instructions had been issued by the Railway Board and Zonal
Railways from time to time. However, no manual as such was issued on track
machines. Under these circumstances, Railway Board vide their letter
no.96/Track-III/TK/84 dated 11-12-96 appointed a committee for preparation of
the manual, of Director/IRICEN, Executive Director (TM)/RDSO, Executive
Director Track (MC)/Railway Board and Chief Track Engineers (MC) of Northern,
Southern and South Central Railways. The following officers participated in the
committee from time to time:-
Designation Name
Director, IRICEN Shri Vinod Kumar
Executive Director (TM)/RDSO S/Shri
i) A.P. Mishra
ii) O.P. Agrawal
iii) Dharm Singh
The committee held its first meeting on 10-04-97 at IRICEN/Pune. Subject
matter of various chapters of the manual was discussed by the committee
during subsequent sittings. Draft of the manual was finalised and circulated to
Zonal Railways for suggestions, vide Railway Board’s letter no. 96/Track-
III/TK/44 dated 08-06-98. In the light of comments/suggestions received from
the railways, original draft was finalised with modifications as considered
necessary. The prevailing instructions in regard to working of track machines
over different railways, instructions issued by Railway Board, provisions in the
IRPWM, Indian Railway General Rules, other relevant codes/manuals and
circulars issued by RDSO, had also been kept in view while preparing this
While every effort has been made to cover all aspects of track machine
working, the Chief Engineers of zonal railways may issue such supplementary
instructions as necessary to suit local conditions on the railways. Such
instructions, however, should not contravene any of the provision in this
manual and other codes.
The committee was rendered valuable assistance and contributions by
S/Shri C.P. Tayal, Sr. Processor/IRICEN; Hitesh Khanna, Director Track (MC)/Rly
Board and J. S. Mahrok, Director/TM RDSO, during deliberation and preparation
of this manual.
Though every care has been taken in preparing this manual, any error or
omission, if found, may be brought to the notice of Railway Board. Suggestions
for further improvement in this manual will be welcome.
This manual has been issued in consultation with Finance and Traffic
Directorates of Railway Board.
Para Details Page No
101 Track Machine Organisation – Role 1
102 Functions and Organisation 2
(1) Functions of Track Machines Organisation
(2) Organisation at Zonal Railway HQ
(3) Field Organisation on Zonal Railway
(4) Central Periodic Overhauling (CPOH) Workshop
103 Duties of Executive (XEN)/Assistant Executive Engineer (AXEN)/TM/Line 3
(1) General
(2) Observance of Rules and Regulations
(3) Inspection by Higher Officers
104 Duties of SSE/TM/SDI 5
105 Duties of SSE/TM(SD) 6
106 Duties of SSE/JE/TM Working on Machines 6
107 Duties of SSE/JE Machine In-Charge 7
108 Duties of SSE/JE/MCM/TMM in Control set up in HQ/ZMD/Division 8
109 Duties of Master Crafts Man (MCM) and Track Machine Maintainers (TMM) 8
110 Duties of Machine Assistant 8
111 Duties of Assistant Divisional Engineer (Open Line) ADEN 9
112 Duties of SSE/JE (P.Way) Deployed with the Machine 10
113 Inspection Schedule of Track Machine Officials 11
114 Inspection Schedule of Open Line Officials 11
115 Items to be Inspected 12
(1) Inspecting Officials of TMO as well as Open Line
(2) Inspecting Officials of TMO- Additional Items
(3) Inspecting Official of Open line - Additional Items
201 General 18
202 Tamping Machine 18
(1) Functions
(2) General Layout
203 Important Assemblies of Tamping Machines 18
(1) Engine
(2) Tamping Units
(3) Tamping Tool
(4) Lifting and Lining Unit
(5) Satellite Unit
(6) Trolleys
(7) Brake System
204 Types of Tamping Machines 21
(1) Tampers without Satellite Unit
(2) Tampers with Satellite Unit
205 Tamping Mechanism 23
206 Tamping Parameters 24
(1) Squeezing Pressure
(2) Tamping Depth
(3) Tamping Tool Vibration, Amplitude & Frequency
(4) Vibration Pressure
(5) Tamping Cycle & Squeezing Time
(6) Tamping Tool Surface Area
207 Optional Equipment 27
(1) Laser Beam System
(2) Geometry Value Assessment (GVA)
(3) Automatic Guiding Computer (ALC) System
(4) Data Recording Processor (DRP) System
(5) Computerized Measuring System (CMS)
(6) Computerized Working System (CWS)
208 Lining System 28
(1) Reference Rail
(2) Lining Method
209 4 Point Lining Method 29
(1) Lining Principle
(2) Application of 4-Point Lining Method
210 Corrections to be Applied in 4 Point Lining Method 31
(1) Correction (FD)
(2) Versine Compensation (V)
211 Modes of Tamping using 4-Point Lining Method (Only for curves) 38
(1) 4-Point Smoothening or Compensation Mode
(2) 4- Point Design Lining
212 3 Point Lining Method 39
(1) Lining Principle
(2) Application of 3-Point Lining Method
213 Corrections to be applied in 3- Point Lining 40
214 Determination of Target Versine Values for the 3-Point Lining Method 41
(1) Curve with Parabolic Transitions
(2) Curve without Transition
215 Mode of Tamping using 3-Point Lining Method 45
(1) 3- Point Elementary Mode Lining
(2) 3- Point Design Mode Lining
(3) Measuring Run (with ALC) Lining Modes
216 Comparison between 3 Point and 4 Point Lining System 46
(1) 3-Point Lining elementary mode/4-point Lining Smoothening Mode
(2) 3 -Point Lining /4-point Lining in Design Mode
217 Levelling of Track 48
(1) Datum Rail and Cant Rail
(2) Selector Switch
218 Levelling and Lifting System 48
(1) Equipment
(2) Working
(3) Reduction Ratio
(4) Reduction Ratio of Various Machines
219 Mode of working for levelling 50
(1) Smoothening or Compensation Levelling Mode
(2) Design or Precision Levelling mode
(3) Measuring Run (ALC) Levelling Mode
220 General Lift 51
(1) Deciding General Lift
(2) Quantum of General Lift
(3) General Lift on Curves
221 Ramp in Ramp Out 52
(1) Value of Ramp
(2) Method of Ramping
(3) Feeding of Ramp Values
222 Input of the Lifting Values 53
(1) Method of feeding of Cant in Curves
(2) Correction (K) in Cross-Level
(3) Attention to Vertical Curve
223 Survey and working of Tamping Machines in Design Mode 57
224 Works required Before, During and After Tamping 57
(1) General
(2) Preparatory Works
(3) Pre-Tamping Works
(4) Operations During Tamping
(5) Post Tamping Operations
225 Dynamic Track Stabilizer (DTS) 63
(1) General
(2) General Layout
(3) Advantages of DTS
(4) Brake System
226 Working Principle of Dynamic Track Stabilizer 64
(1) Mechanism of DTS
(2) Levelling System in DTS
(3) Speed of Working of DTS
(4) Stabilization Achieved by DTS
227 Modes of working of Dynamic Track Stabilizer 65
(1) Maximum Settlement/Constant Pre Load Mode
(2) Controlled Settlement/Variable Pre Load Mode
228 Types of Dynamic Track Stabilizer 65
(1) Types of DTS
(2) Salient Features of Different DTS
229 Working of DTS 67
(1) General
(2) Precautions in DTS Working
Annexure-2.1 : Position of Tamping Tools In Tamping Machines 70
Annexure 2.2 : Important Features/Dimensions of DUOMATIC & WST 72
Annexure-2.3 : Important Features/Dimensions of Points & Crossing 73
Tamping Machine
Annexure- 2.4 : Important Features/Dimensions of UNIMAT Split Head 74
MFI & Multipurpose Tamping Machine
Annexure- 2.5 : Important Features/Dimensions of Continuous Tamping 75
Machine 09-32-CSM
Annexure- 2.6 : Important Features/Dimensions of Tamping Express (09- 76
3X) (Plain Track Tampers) of Different Models
Annexure- 2.7 : Laser Sighting System 77
Annexure- 2.8 : Automatic Guiding Computer (ALC) System 79
Annexure- 2.9 : Machine Trolley Distances 81
Annexure- 2.10 : Sample - Versine Compensation (V) 82
Annexure- 2.11 : Sample- F Values 83
Annexure- 2.12 : Example- Sequence of Tamping of Track by WST 08-32C 84
Annexure- 2.13 : Example – Ramp In and Ramp Out 88
Annexure- 2.14 : Sample - Correction (K) for Curvature 91
Annexure- 2.15 : Sample - Value of X for Vertical Curves 92
Annexure- 2.16 : Guidelines for Surveying of Track for getting Offset values 93
for Design Mode of Tamping
Annexure- 2.17 : Sequence of Tamping of Different Points & Crossing 96
301 General 99
302 Ballast Cleaning Machines (BCM) 99
303 Important Assemblies of Ballast Cleaning Machines 100
(1) Engine
(2) Excavating Unit
(3) Screening Unit
(4) Conveyer System for Distribution of Ballast and Disposal of Muck
(5) Track Lifting and Slewing Unit
(6) Recording Unit
(7) Brake System
304 Types of Ballast Cleaning Machines 101
(1) Plain Track Ballast Cleaning Machine
(2) Points and Crossing Ballast Cleaning Machine
(3) Plain Track and Points & Crossing Ballast Cleaning Machine
305 Working Principle and Capability of Ballast Cleaning Machines 102
(1) Excavation Width
(2) Excavation Depth
(3) Lifting and Slewing of Track
(4) Disposal of Muck
(5) Screening Capacity of BCM
(6) Controlled Ballast Distribution
(7) Total Excavation
(8) Deep Screening of Points and Crossing
306 Works Required Before, During and After Deployment of Ballast Cleaning 106
(1) Introduction of Ballast Cleaning Machines for Plain Track and Turnouts
(2) Preparatory Works
(3) Operations During Traffic Block
(4) Operations after Deployment of Machine
307 Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machine (SBCM) 111
308 Important Assemblies of Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines 111
(1) Engine
(2) Excavating Unit
(3) Screening Unit
(4) Conveyor System for Distribution of Ballast and Disposal of Muck
(5) Ballast Profiling Plough
(6) Broom
(7) Brake System
309 Types of Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines 112
(1) Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machine - FRM 80
(2) Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machine - FRM 85
310 Capacity of Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines 112
(1) Width of Excavation
(2) Depth of Excavation
(3) Muck Disposal System
(4) Ballast Distribution System
(5) Screening Capacity
(6) Total Excavation
311 Works Required Before, During and After Deployment of Shoulder Ballast 113
Cleaning Machines
(1) Operations Prior to Deployment of Machine
(2) Operations During Block
312 Ballast Regulating Machine (BRM) 114
313 Important Assemblies of Ballast Regulating Machines 114
(1) Shoulder Plough
(2) Front Plough
(3) Centre Plough
(4) Broom
(5) Hopper
(6) Rail Fastening Sweepers
(7) Welded-on-Tunnels for covering Rail and Fastenings
(8) Brake System
314 Types of BRM 115
(1) Without Hopper
(2) With Hopper
315 Working Principle and Capacity of Ballast Regulating Machines 116
(1) The Regulation Width
(2) Ballast Handling Capacity
316 Works Required Before and During Deployment of Ballast Regulating 119
(1) Operations Prior to Deployment of Machine
(2) Operations During Block
Annexure-3.1 : Important Features/Dimensions of Ballast Cleaning 121
Machine (RM-80)
Annexure-3.2 : Important Features/Dimensions of Ballast Cleaning 122
Machine (RM-76 & RM-80-92U)
Annexure-3.3 : Important Features/Dimensions of Shoulder Ballast 123
Cleaning Machine (FRM-80)
Annexure-3.4 : Important Features/Dimensions of Shoulder Ballast 124
Cleaning Machine (FRM-85 F)
Annexure-3.5 : Important Features/Dimensions of Ballast Regulating 125
Machine (Model - 56-3 & 66-4)
Annexure-3.6 : Important Features/Dimensions of Ballast Regulating 126
Machine (Model BRM PBR 400R)
Annexure-3.7 : Important Features/Dimensions of Ballast Regulating 127
Machine (GEMAC)
Annexure-3.8 : Important Features/Dimensions of Ballast Regulating 128
Machine (BRM 2000 SWS)
Annexure-3.9 : Important Features/Dimensions of Ballast Regulating 129
Machine (BRM METEX)
401 Track Relaying Machines 130
402 Planning for Working of Track Relaying Machines 130
403 Track Laying Equipment (TLE) 130
404 Important Assemblies of Track Laying Equipment (TLE) 130
(1) Side Frames
(2) Bridge
(3) Sleeper Gripper
(4) Rail Clamps
(5) Turn Table
405 Types of Track Laying Equipment 131
406 Working Mechanism and Capability of Track Laying Equipment 131
407 Setting-up of TLE Base Depot 133
408 Pre-Relaying Operations 136
(1) At Base Depot
(2) At Work-Site
409 Operation During Block 138
410 Post Relaying Operations 139
411 Track Relaying Train (TRT) 139
(1) Functions of TRT
(2) Works by TRT
(3) Advantages of TRT
(4) General Layout
412 Important Units of TRT- Model No. P 811-S 140
(1) Beam Car
(2) Handling Car
(3) Power Car
413 Working Mechanism of TRT 140
414 Operations Prior to Deployment of TRT 142
415 Operations During The Block of TRT 144
416 Post Block Operations for TRT 144
417 Precautions During TRT Working 145
418 Points and Crossing Laying/Changing Machine (PCCM) 145
419 Important Units of AMECA T-28 145
(1) Portal Crane
(2) Trolleys
(3) Jib Crane
420 Working Mechanism and Capability of AMECA T- 28 147
(1) Longitudinal/Forward Launching
(2) Transverse/Side Launching
421 Pre-Block Operations of T-28 M/c 149
422 Operations During Block of T-28 M/c 150
423 Post Block Operations of T-28 M/c 151
424 Miscellaneous 151
Annexure- 4.1 : Important Features/Dimensions of Track Relaying 152
Annexure- 4.2 : Important Features/Dimensions of Track Relaying Train 153
Annexure -4.3 : Important Features/Dimensions of Points & Crossing 154
Changing Machine (AMECA T-28)
501 Rail Grinding Machine (RGM) 155
(1) Purpose of Rail Grinding
(2) Advantages of Rail Grinding
502 Important Assemblies of RGM 156
(1) Components of RGM
(2) Front Control Car (FCC)
(3) Grind Car
(4) Water Tank Wagon
(5) Camp Coach Cum Rear Control Car (RCC)
(6) Rail Corrugation Analyzer (RCA)
(7) Obstacle Detection System
(8) Rail Profile Measurement System (Optical)
(9) Dust Collection System
(10) Brake System
503 Grinding Strategy 159
(1) Strategy
(2) Corrective Grinding
(3) Preventive Grinding
(4) Preventive-Gradual Grinding
(5) Target Rail Profiles
(6) Patterns
(7) Grind Data Management System (GDMS)
(8) Grind Quality Index (GQI)
504 Capability of RGM 161
505 Working Parameters of RGM 162
(1) General
(2) Target Profile
(3) Rail Wheel Contact Points
(4) Selection of Target Profile
(5) Grind Patterns
(6) Grind Cycle
506 Monitoring Equipment for Grind Quality 164
(2) Bar Gauge
(3) Star Gauge
(4) Digital Inclinometer
(5) Surface Roughness Measuring Gauge
(6) Rail Hardness
507 Working of RGM 165
508 Quality Inspection of Grinding 165
(1) Test Site Monitoring
(2) Other Quality Checks
509 Preparatory Works for Introduction of RGM 167
510 Pre-Block Activity Before Deploying RGM 168
511 Operation During RGM Block 168
(1) On the Track
(2) On the Machine
512 Post Grinding Operation 170
513 Utility Track Vehicle 170
(1) General
(2) Main Assemblies of UTV and their Functions
(3) Models of UTVs
514 Rail Borne Maintenance Vehicle 172
(1) General
(2) Main Assemblies of RBMV and their Functions
(3) Salient Features of RBMV
515 Works Required Before, During and After Deployment of UTVs and RBMV’s 173
Annexure-5.1 : Important Features/Dimensions of RGI Control Car 175
Annexure-5.2 : Pattern Sheet 176
Annexure-5.3 : Proforma for Data to be Fed in GDMS 177
Annexure-5.4 : Rail Grinding Monitoring Proforma 179
Annexure-5.5 : Important Features/Dimensions of Utility Track Vehicle & 183
Rail Borne Maintenance Vehicle
601 Planning 184
602 Pre-requisites for Deployment of Track Machines on Construction 185
Projects/Other Agencies
603 Inter- Railways Deployment 186
604 Line Blocks, Stipulated Corridors and Monitoring 187
605 Types of Blocks 187
(1) Regular Traffic Blocks
(2) Blocks on Construction Projects and Multiple Lines
(3) Special Blocks
606 Minimum Duration of Blocks 188
607 Measures for Ensuring Block 189
608 Through Tamping and Spot Attention 189
(1) Types of Tamping
(2) Tamping Frequency
701 General 191
(1) Categorization of Track Machines
(2) Self-Propelled Track Machines
(3) Provision of G&SR
(4) Knowledge of G&SR
(5) Manning of Track Machines and Possession of Safety Equipment
(6) Salient information of Track Machine
702 Operation and Working of Track Machine 192
(1) Responsibility of Track Machines
(2) Supervision of work of Track Machines
(3) Working – General
703 Competencies of Track Machine Staff 194
(1) Medical Fitness and PME
(2) Technical Training
(3) G & SR Training
(4) Route/Road Learning
(5) Competency Certificate
704 Safety Equipment 195
(1) General
(2) Head and Tail Lights
705 Rules for Operation – General 196
(1) Stabling of Track Machines
(2) Shunting of Track Machines
(3) Machine Ready Memo
(4) Movement of Track Machines
(5) Working in Group
(6) Run Through Movement in Group
(7) Working of Track Machine in Block
(8) Working in Automatic Block Sections
(9) Working in Integrated Traffic Blocks
(10) Use of Cell Phone on Track Machine
(11) Requirement of Pilot
(12) SSE/JE(P.way) as Guard
706 Working Of Track Machines In Single and Double Line Sections 198
(1) Single Line Section – Work and Proceed
(2) Single Line Section – Work and Return
(3) Double Line Section – Work and Proceed
(4) Double Line Section - Work and Return
707 Important Instructions and Precautions 201
(1) Protection of Work Site
(2) Fouling of Adjacent Lines
(3) Information to Level Crossings
(4) Safe Distance and Speed of Machine in Group
(5) Setting of Points of Stabling Siding
(6) Shunting in Line occupied by Track Machine
(7) Safety of Men
(8) Checking Infringement After Work
708 Failure and Accidents of Track Machines 203
(1) Protection in case of Breakdown
(2) Failures in Block Section
(3) Accidents involving Track Machine
(4) Action in case of Failure in Block
(5) Request for ART/Breakdown
709 Permissible Speed 204
710 Speed Certification for Track Machines 204
(1) Speed Certification for New type of Track Machine for Regular Movement
(2) Sanction for running of Machine by other Zonal Railways
(3) One Time Movement of New Machine
711 Infringements 209
712 Special Precautions while working in Special Circumstances 210
(1) Working of Machines in Ghat Sections
(2) Night Working
Annexure- 7.1 : List of Standard Forms 212
Annexure- 7.2 : Personal Diary 214
Annexure -7.3 : Competency Certificate 219
Annexure- 7.4 : Proforma of Machine Ready Memo 220
Annexure -7.5 : Proforma of Block Permit 221
Annexure -7.6 : Instructions for Machine Working in Automatic Signalling 222
Annexure -7.7 : Infringement to Indian Railways Schedule of Dimension by 225
Various Track Machines
801 General 233
802 Maintenance Schedule for Track Machines 233
(1) Maintenance Schedule for Various Track Machine
(2) Inspection of Wheel and Axle of On-Track Machine
803 Types of Workshops 235
804 Central Periodical Overhauling Workshop (CPOH) 236
(1) Functions of CPOH
(2) POH Planning for Track Machines to be Attended
(3) POH Execution
(4) Dispatch of Machine after POH
805 Intermediate Overhauling Workshop (IOH)/Zonal Machine Depot (ZMD) 238
(1) Functions of ZMD
(2) Facilities at ZMD
(3) Programme of IOH & POH
(4) Planning of IOH
806 Satellite Depot 240
(1) Functions of Satellite Depot
(2) Facilities at Satellite Depot
807 Mobile Workshop-cum-Transport Van 240
(1) Functions of Mobile Workshop
(2) Facilities in Mobile Workshop
808 Camping Coach Workshop 240
(1) Functions of Camping Coach Workshop
(2) Facilities in Camping Coach Workshop
809 Infrastructure Facility for Operation and Maintenance of Track Machines 241
(1) Infrastructural Facilities for CPOH, ZMD and Satellite Depot
(2) Storage and Carriage Facilities for Fuel and Oil
(3) Transportation of Spare Parts & Assemblies
(4) Communication Facilities
(5) Repairs and Stabling Facilities for Machines
(6) Resting & Cooking Facilities for Staff
810 Camp Coach Facilities 242
(1) Living Area
(2) Kitchen
(3) Bathing Area & Toilet
(4) Electrification Plan
(5) Store Management
Annexure- 8.1 : Maintenance Schedule of Track machines 245
Annexure -8.2 : Formats for POH Planning 240
Annexure -8.3 : POH Flow Chart 247
Annexure -8.4 : Requirement of Facilities in Various Depots 248
Annexure -8.5 : Machine wise list of 'Masters' required for Calibration of 257
Annexure -8.6 : Format for Master Calibration 261
Annexure -8.7 : Format for Repair Summary Sheet for POH 262
Annexure -8.8 : Format for 90 Days Feedback of POH 263
Annexure -8.9 : Typical Facilities to be provide in a Mobile Workshop 265
Annexure -8.10 : List of Equipment to be kept in Camp Coach Workshop 266
Annexure -8.11 : Typical Layout of Track Machine Siding 267
Annexure -8.12 : Rest House for Track Machine Staff 268
Annexure -8.13 : Layout of Camping Coach (Based on RDSO Drg. No.CSC- 269
Annexure -8.14 : Layout of Camping Coach (Based on RDSO Drg. No.CSC- 270
Annexure -8.15 : Layout of Camping Coach (Based on RDSO Drg. No.CSC- 271
Annexure -8.16 : Amenities to be provided in Camping Coaches 272
Annexure -8.17 : Paint Scheme for Camping Coach 274
Annexure -8.18 Electric Circuit Diagram of Camping Coach 275
MANPOWER 276-285
901 General 276
902 Requirement of Manpower 276
903 Training 276
(1) Officers
(2) SSEs/JEs/TM(s)
(3) Technical Staff
(4) Machine Assistant
904 Roster 277
(1) Weekly Roster
(2) Three Weeks Roster
(3) Duty Hours for Field
(4) Duty Hours for Zonal Depot and Satellite Depot
(5) Duty Hours for HQ Office & Control
Annexure- 9.1 : Weightage Factors for Track Machines and Yardsticks for 279
Annexure-9.2 : Scale of Staff for Repairs and Maintenance for POH - 283
CPOH Workshop
Annexure-9.3 : Man Power for POH of 24 Track Machine Units and 200 284
Tamping Banks
Annexure-9.4 : Man Power for POH of 50 Track Machine Units and 200 285
Tamping Banks
1001 Store Depot 286
1002 Inventory Control 286
1003 Procurement of Consumables, Components and Spares 288
1004 Sourcing of Components & Spares and Procurement Procedure 288
1005 Inspection and Acceptance of Materials 290
1006 Modes of Procurement, Repairs and Maintenance 290
(1) Cash Imprest
(2) Emergency Repairs/Purchase
(3) Annual Maintenance Contract (AMCs)
(4) Contracts other than AMCs
1007 Condemnation of Track Machine 291
1008 Codal Life of Machines And POH/IOH Frequencies 291
1009 Calculation of Unit Cost of Working of Different Track Machines 292
(1) Capital Recovery Factor
(2) Codal Life of Machines
(3) Proportional POH and IOH Cost
(4) Fixed and Variable Cost
(5) Working and Approval of Unit Cost
1101 GENERAL 295
(1) Data Collection & Entry
(2) Generation of Reports and Alerts
(3) Periodical Meetings
1102 Organization for Monitoring 298
(1) Track Machine Control at Headquarters
(2) Track Machine Control at Zonal Maintenance Depot (ZMD) Level
(3) Divisional Control
(4) Satellite Depot (SD)
1103 Functions of Divisional Control in respect of Track Machines 299
1104 Functions of Track Machine Control at ZMD Level 299
1105 Functions of Track Machine Control at Headquarter Level 300
1106 Monitoring Modules of Track Machines 301
(1) Parameters for Monitoring Productivity and Utilization of Machines
(2) Parameters for Monitoring Health of Machine
1107 Reports and Documentation for Track Machines 303
(1) Daily Performance Report
(2) Daily Log
(3) Breakdown Report
(4) Monthly Appreciation Report
(5) Monthly Summary
(6) Record for 3 years
1108 Track Management System (TMS) – Present Module 304
Annexure-11.1 : Track Machines Organization 306
Annexure-11.2 : Breakdown Report of Track Machine 309
Annexure-11.3 : Types of Reports in TMS 310
101 Track Machine Organisation – Role
(1) Track Machine Organisation on Zonal Railway will be the custodian of on-track
machines and will be responsible for making the machines available as per the
approved deployment programme with requisite staff for efficient working of the
machines. Each zone shall have at least one zonal maintenance depot and each
division shall have at least one satellite depot for overhauling, repair &
maintenance of machines.
(2) Track Machine Organization will maintain machines in good condition. The
periodical schedules for maintenance of the machines shall be drawn out and the
divisions will be advised of the same in advance. IOH and POH should be catered for
and shown in the annual deployment programme. Scheduled maintenance
activities could be combined with breakdown repairs wherever possible instead of
idling the machine exclusively for such activities.
(3) Track Machine Organisation will monitor the output of machines for quality and
performance with respect to blocks given.
(4) Track Machine Organization shall strive for development of its officials and staff to
be technically sound, professionally competent, medically fit and safety conscious.
All efforts shall be made to impart necessary training – technical as well as G&SR,
road learning etc. timely and effectively.
(5) Before giving the machine ready for block working, after daily schedule, the
machine shall be checked as per stipulations of OEM’s manuals/RDSO instructions
for ensuring trouble-free working.
(6) Immediately after major schedules/repairs of the machine, performance of
machine shall be closely monitored for the first few blocks.
(7) In the event of breakdowns of machine in block, immediate action should be taken
to rectify the defect. In case it is not possible to rectify the defect in the block, all
efforts should be made to clear the block section as early as possible to avoid
detention to trains.
(8) Efforts shall be made to rush spares, staff and other assistance to site for
immediate repairing of the machine. Division shall provide necessary assistance
like transport of spares, welding equipment, gas cutting equipment, manpower etc.
and assist in expediting the repairs. The objective is to reduce down time to
(9) In case, it is necessary to bring the machine to satellite depot, division should
ensure its expeditious movement to and from the depot. Decision on whether the
machine has to be brought to the depot for repairs shall be taken by Dy.CE/TM
(line) considering relevant factors.
(10) The track machines shall be worked as per divisionalised system of working with
division managing all day to day affairs including fixation of roaster, minor repairs,
arrangement of consumables, staff matters and ensuring suitable working
conditions for track machine staff. There may be some variations among the zonal
(11) It shall be endeavour of Track Machine Organisation to utilize IT based applications
to improve management of information of track machines. Modules for the same
shall be provided in TMS to aim for paperless working.
102 Functions and Organisation
(1) Functions of Track Machines Organisation -Track Machine Organisation (TMO)
shall be under the overall charge of Chief Engineer/Track Machines (CE/TM) of the
Zonal Railway. TMO shall be responsible for the following functions:
(a) Manpower planning including training and development.
(b) Planning, and deployment of track machines.
(c) Operation and monitoring of track machines.
(d) Repair and maintenance of track machines.
(2) Organisation at Zonal Railway HQ
(a) CE/TM shall be assisted by one or more Deputy Chief Engineer(s) at HQ ,
(b) Deputy Chief Engineer/TM/HQ in Headquarter shall be responsible for
deployment of machines, finalization of AMCs, planned procurement of
spares and consumables, co-ordination with division etc. He shall be assisted
by XEN/AXEN/TM/HQ(s) and SSE/JE/TM/HQ(s) working in HQ office and HQ
(3) Field Organisation on Zonal Railway
(a) Deputy Chief Engineer/TM/Line, posted in Zonal Maintenance Depot, shall
be responsible for operation and maintenance of machines including
emergency repairs and procurement. He will ensure proper deployment of
staff, initiation of proposal for AMC as well as that of procurement of spares
and consumables. The maintenance workshops in Zone i.e. Zonal
Maintenance Depots (ZMD) and Satellite Depots (SD) in the divisions shall
also be under his control. He shall be assisted by XEN/AXEN/TM/D for ZMD
and XEN/AXEN/TM/Line for Satellite Depots and for monitoring of machines
in field. He shall also have a 24x7 control set up in ZMD office.
(b) XEN/AXEN/TM/D shall be assisted by SSE/JE/TM/D(s). One of the SSE/TM/D
shall be nominated as Depot in-charge called SSE/TM/DI, who in turn, shall
be assisted by other SSE/JE/TM/D(s), MCMs, Track Machine Maintainers
(TMMs) and Machine Assistants.
(c) XEN/AXEN/TM/Line will be assisted by SSE/TM /SDI who shall be in-charge of
Satellite Depot and fleet of designated machines. He shall be assisted by
SSE/JE/TM/SD, SSE/JE/TM(s) working on the Track Machines, MCMs, TMMs
and Machine Assistants. SSE/JE/TM/SD can also be made in-charge of fleet of
designated machines and will be assisted by SSE/JE/TM(s) working on the
track machines, MCMs and TMMs and Machine Assistants.
(d) Each machine will be manned by one or more SSE/JE/TM as per the
yardsticks, of which one will be machine in-charge assisted by other
SSE/JE/TM(s), MCMs, TMMs and Machine Assistants.
(4) Central Periodic Overhauling (CPOH) Workshop
(a) CPOH workshops will be setup on Indian Railways for carrying out Periodic
Overhauling (POH) of Track Machines. These will function under CE/TM of
the respective railway.
(b) Deputy Chief Engineer/TM/CPOH shall be in charge of CPOH workshop and
will be responsible for periodic overhauling of machines. He shall be assisted
by XEN/AXEN/TM/CPOH(s) and SSE/JE/TM/CPOH(s), TMMs and Machine
103 Duties of Executive (XEN)/Assistant Executive Engineer (AXEN)/TM/Line
(1) General – He shall be responsible for operation and maintenance of all the track
machines in his charge. He shall perform following duties:
(a) Inspection and maintenance of all machines to ensure these being in a
satisfactory, efficient and effective working condition. For this he shall
ensure availability of tools & gadgets for inspection of the machines.
(b) Ensure adherence to stipulated maintenance schedules.
(c) Ensure availability of necessary staff, consumables and spares of fast wearing
components and unit replacement assemblies etc. for the operation and
optimum utilisation of machines.
(d) Ensure achievement of stipulated targets in respect of both the quantity and
quality of output.
(e) Breakdown repairs shall be organised by him so as to ensure that idle time of
machine is minimum.
(f) Initiate proposals and plan for major schedules, ensure their execution and
submit completion reports for all such works. He shall personally supervise
important schedules and major repairs.
(g) Ensure co-ordination with other units of Engineering Department as well as
those of other departments as necessary.
(h) Verification of stores held by the field units, once a year. He should ensure
that scraps and obsolete stores are returned to the zonal depot or disposed
(i) Ensure maintenance of various records and submission of various returns
pertaining to machines from the field units.
(j) Satellite depot in the division will be under his control through
(k) Training of Probationers – The Assistant/Executive Engineer shall take
interest in training of all probationers sent to him and see that training is
given according to the specified programme. He should periodically examine
the notes made by them.
(l) Staff Matters –He shall ensure that
(i) Strict discipline is maintained within the framework of the rules.
(ii) Service and leave records are maintained correctly and up-to-date. He
will ensure this by sample checks.
(iii) Appeals and representations are dealt with promptly and welfare of
staff looked after.
(iv) Assist Dy.CE/TM(Line) in selections for various skilled and semi-skilled
posts so that the same are held in time and the posts are promptly
filled up.
(v) All the SSE/JEs and other staff working under him possess necessary
medical, competency and other certificates, receive route learning and
proper training in maintenance practices, safety and protection rules.
(m) Ensure adoption of safe operation and maintenance practices and check
availability and functioning of safety devices provided on the machines.
(n) Ensure proper operation of Service Agreements in force.
(o) Counselling of machine staff for immediate action to be taken in case of
(2) Observance of rules and regulations - He shall ensure observance of rules,
regulations and procedures laid down in this Manual, G&S Rules, IRPW Manual,
Engineering Code and other departmental codes, extant orders and circulars issued
from time to time. He shall ensure that the staff under him possess these codes and
manuals and are acquainted with the relevant rules of operation and maintenance
procedures & stipulations connected with their duties and they perform duties,
(3) Inspection by higher officers - He shall accompany the higher officers during their
inspections. Following records shall be made available by him during inspections:
(a) History book of the machine, engine and major unit assemblies.
(b) Failure registers.
(c) Progress bar charts and analysis.
(d) Unit cost statement.
(e) Maintenance schedule register.
(f) Inspection notes of higher officers and compliance report.
(g) Operation and maintenance instructions of the machines issued by
(h) Programme of deployment of machines.
(i) Track Machine Manual and G&S Rules.
(j) Record of the training given to supervisors and their competency certificates,
road learning and medical certificates.
(k) Scale and Position of critical spares and consumables.
(l) Inspection checklist and maintenance schedule instruction issued by
104 Duties of Senior Section Engineer/TM/SDI
(1) SSE/TM (SDI) shall be responsible for the satisfactory operation, maintenance and
productivity of the fleet of machines under his charge and quality of work
performed. He shall inspect the machine(s) under his charge, as per laid down
schedule and take remedial measures wherever required within reasonable time.
He shall submit the report of inspection to his next higher authority. He shall be
able to work/operate the machine(s) under his charge when needed and shall be in
possession of valid competency certificate, road learning and medical certificate.
He shall also ensure that the SSE/JE/TM working under him in the depot and on the
track machines have valid competency certificates, road learning and medical
certificates etc.
(2) He shall be well acquainted with the working systems, operating instructions,
maintenance schedules, specifications of the oils & lubricants to be used, critical
components etc. of machine(s) under his charge. He shall have thorough
knowledge of the manuals supplied by the manufacturers of the machines and
associated instructions issued by RDSO.
(3) He shall have thorough knowledge of the rules and regulations and procedures
concerning his work and duties as laid down in this Manual, G&S Rules, IRPWM,
Engineering Code and other departmental codes, extant orders and circulars issued
from time to time. He shall guide all the staff working under him in faultless
operation and efficient maintenance practices pertaining to the machines in his
overall charge and educate them in rules and regulations. He shall ensure that the
staff perform their duties efficiently.
(4) He shall have in his possession up-to-date copies of the rule
books/documents/manuals pertaining to the safe, efficient and trouble-free
working of the machines and also other codes and books applicable and needed for
the day-to-day working.
(5) He shall maintain the records in the depot, pertaining to the machines under his
charge and submit the prescribed returns regularly. He shall periodically verify the
physical condition and quantities of stock in his charge and arrange to submit
periodical returns/requisitions of Tools & Plant, spares, consumables and other
stores, carry out verification of all stores including spares held by him, assist in
stock verification by Stock Verifiers, and ensure compliance of Account/Audit
Reports etc.
(6) He shall ensure discipline of the staff working under him within the framework of
rules and endeavour to keep their moral high and look after their welfare.
(7) He shall ensure proper handing over/taking over of the charge when
transfer/change of portfolio is affected.
(8) He shall plan and ensure timely execution of the maintenance schedules of the
machines within the specified time.
(9) He shall keep himself abreast of the various methods and techniques of
reconditioning of components and availability status of spares at the Zonal
Maintenance Depot for efficient re-commissioning of the machine during
breakdowns. He shall render technical assistance to the higher authorities in
developmental activities/import substitution and indigenisation activities.
(10) He shall investigate major failures of the machine critically for corrective
actions/remedial measures and also for fixing responsibilities in case of failures
occurring due to lapses of staff. He shall obtain the first information reports during
breakdowns, inspect the machines and take action for expeditious repairs.
(11) He shall be conversant with the provisions in various Service Agreements/Contracts
and organise the visits of Service Engineers (scheduled or break down). Effective
utilisation of expert advice and follow-up action on “Service Report Observations”
shall form part of his duties.
105 Duties of SSE/TM/SD - Where SSE/TM/SD is available in addition to SSE/TM/SDI
depending upon the machine units attached to satellite depot, he will carry out all the
duties assigned to SSE/TM/SDI for the fleet of machines assigned to him except those
related to stores. He shall follow the instructions of SSE/TM/SDI for improving effective
utilization of machines and such other duties assigned to him.
106 Duties of SSE/JE/TM working on machines - Each machine shall be worked
under the direct charge of SSE/JE/TM during the movement and working of track
machine. He shall be in possession of the valid competency certificate, road learning and
medical fitness certificate for working the machine. He shall perform the following
(1) Operate the machine following the instructions issued by RDSO/OEM including
calculation and input of data as required.
(2) Carrying out pre-block maintenance daily as per schedule, other maintenance
schedules, and making the machine fit for working and give machine ready memo
to SSE/JE/P.way or station master.
(3) Ensure proper functioning of all the systems and components and keeping a watch
on the controls/indicators/gauges.
(4) Initial setting out for the block working and closing the work of the machine.
(5) Taking precautions for Design Mode operations such as slewing, lifting etc. in case
of tamping machines.
(6) Deploying of MCMs, TMMs and Machine Assistants at respective places around the
machine for monitoring the work of various systems, maintenance activities during
block and also to attract attention of the SSE/JE/TM working in operating cabin and
assist him in the event of malfunctioning of the machine or obstructions in track.
(7) He shall ensure safety of staff working around the machine.
(8) Participate in IOH and POH activities of the machine as required.
(9) Assist SSE/JE/TM (in-charge) on the machine in all aspects of machine working and
maintenance within his competency.
107 Duties of SSE/JE/Machine In-Charge - One of the SSE/JE/TM on the machine,
shall be nominated as the machine-in-charge i.e. SSE/JE/TM/I. In addition to his normal
work as detailed in Para 106 above, he shall be responsible for the following functions in
which he will be assisted by all the staff posted on the machine:
(1) Carrying out the prescribed schedule of maintenance and keeping proper records
of the same.
(2) Safe custody, accountal and replacement of the spares, Tools & Plants and
consumables issued for the machine and returning of released spares to zonal
depot for reclamation/condemnation.
(3) Keeping systems of the machine in working condition and ensuring the target
output, duly maintaining quality.
(4) Maintaining log books and other records, sending daily and other periodical
reports/statements using appropriate fastest mode of communication.
(5) Liaison with the divisional officials and Engineering control for efficient working of
his machine, co-ordination with the permanent way staff and planning daily
programme of machine work and interacting with the permanent way staff for
working e.g. working in design mode for slewing and lifting of track etc.
(6) Actively associating during visit of firm’s Service Engineer, furnishing of such
information as may be needed for proper examination of the machine and taking
necessary follow up action.
(7) Furnishing necessary reports to and keeping SSE/TM/SDI or SD informed as the
case may be, about all the relevant aspects of the machines as also other records
and details as asked by him and carry out necessary actions as directed for proper
operation and maintenance of his machine.
(8) In the event of breakdown of the machine, he will be responsible for setting right
the defect in shortest possible time with the help of machine and other staff. In
case the machine cannot be repaired in the block, he shall be responsible for
winding up using all resources including back-up systems and clear the block
section as early as possible. He shall be assisted by SSE/JE/P.Way and demand the
engine/breakdown train through SSE/JE/P.Way, if required, without undue delay.
108 Duties of SSE/JE/MCM/TMM in Control Set Up in HQ/ZMD/Division - The
duties of the above staff in control offices are as given in Chapter 11.
109 Duties of Master Crafts Man (MCM) and Track Machine Maintainers
(TMM) - MCMs and TMMs attached with the machine(s) shall assist the SSE/JE/TM in
operation and maintenance of track machines. Their main functions are:
(1) To attend to the daily and weekly maintenance schedules of machine and record
the compliance in log book. To attend and assist service checks by the service
(2) To attend to breakdown and repairs of machines in block with due urgency.
(3) To keep in his custody the various tools, plants and equipment necessary to attend
repairs and ensure their working condition.
(4) To attend to the repairs and maintenance of machines including during IOH and
(5) To guide and supervise the machine assistants and other staff in attending to the
(6) To remain vigilant during movement and working of machine and to inform the
concerned SSE/JE/TM of any abnormalities.
(7) To ensure safety of the machine and staff working at machine site.
(8) Accompany the machines during shifting as directed, especially T-28 machine and
PQRS portals.
(9) Any other work assigned to him by the SSE/JE/TM.
(10) MCMs and TMMs posted in depots and work areas other than machines will
perform duties assigned by their controlling officials.
110 Duties of Machine Assistant - He shall assist SSE/JE/TMs and TMMs in performing
their functions and their main duties would be as below:
(1) To keep the machine in neat and clean condition.
(2) To replace spares like tamping tools as directed by SSE/JE/TM or TMMs.
(3) To recoup HSD oil as required.
(4) To assist TMM for carrying out daily and other specified schedule maintenance of
track machine including that for IOH and POH.
(5) Transportation of material, spares and consumables from depot to machine and
vice versa.
(6) To bring all necessary tools and plants from coach to machine or otherwise as
specified by TMM or machine-in-charge.
(7) To be vigilant during machine working and promptly inform machine-in-charge
regarding any obstruction in track viz. SEJ, Level Crossing, Bridge, joggled fish plates
etc. boulders, rail pegs etc. so as to enable SSE/JE/TM to take necessary preventive
(8) To warn for any abnormal sound, bursting of hose, breakage of any assembly etc. to
(9) To assist machine-in-charge in attending the failure in shortest possible time.
(10) Extend help during service check by service engineer.
(11) Ensure safety of self and colleagues during block.
(12) Perform duty of watchman for machine and coach, if required.
(13) Accompany the machines during shifting as directed, especially T-28 machine and
PQRS portals.
(14) At the end of the day, facilitate safe/proper stabling of machine in siding.
(15) Any other duties assigned by TMO officers or SSE/JE/TM or TMM.
(16) Machine assistants posted in depots and work areas other than machines will
perform duties assigned by their controlling officials.
111 Duties of Assistant Divisional Engineer (Open Line) ADEN - He shall perform
following duties regarding track machines working in his section:
(1) He shall ensure that the pre-requisites for introduction of various track machines as
specified in this manual are complied with, well in advance of deployment of the
(2) In the stretches where the requirement of tamping is more than the normal
tamping cycle, the cause should be analysed and suitable remedial action taken to
restore the normal cycle.
(3) He shall make arrangements for pre-block, during block and post block activities.
(4) He shall ensure that machines are utilised in continuous stretches as per planned
programme avoiding frequent shifting of the machines.
(5) He shall ensure suitable accommodation for machine staff as required with the
facility of water supply, power supply and resting arrangements.
(6) He shall periodically inspect track machines working in his jurisdiction as per
specified schedule.
(7) He shall arrange HSD for machines including transportation of consumables, spares
etc. required by the machines from the depot to site of work.
(8) He shall ensure adequate lighting arrangements when night working of machines is
(9) He shall monitor the output and quality of work done by the machines.
(10) He shall co-ordinate with other departments like Traffic, OHE and S&T in the field to
facilitate machine working.
(11) In the eventuality of breakdown of machine, he shall take all possible actions to
clear the block section expeditiously, once it is known that machine cannot be
repaired in the block.
112 Duties of SSE/JE/P.Way Deployed with the Machine - He shall be the in-charge
of the supervision of the work of track machine. He shall perform following duties:
(1) He shall ensure that the pre-requisites for introduction of various track machines as
specified in IRTMM are complied with, well in advance of deployment of the
machine like collection of site details and computation of values to be fed for
design mode of working.
(2) He shall be responsible for pre-block operations, block operations (other than
machine operation) and post block operations as detailed for various machines.
(3) During working of track machines, he shall check the track parameters and
condition of track, attending to any shortcomings, ensuring that the track
parameters are well within the tolerances. He shall also ensure that track is free of
obstructions and infringements for safe passage of traffic before clearing the line
block. As required or stipulated he shall allow traffic at suitable speed restriction
based on the condition of track after machine working. He shall be responsible for
issue of all necessary caution orders for machine working.
(4) Transportation of tamping tools to be reconditioned and bringing back
reconditioned tamping tools will be his responsibility. Similarly, he will be
responsible for temporary storage and timely arrangement and transportation of
diesel oil, lube oil, hydraulic oil and other consumables from the depots to various
machines working in his jurisdiction.
(5) In case the quality of work done by the machine is not satisfactory, he shall
investigate and take suitable remedial measures in coordination with SSE/JE/TM.
(6) He is responsible for protection of the site of work and adjoining track wherever
necessary. He will be responsible for arranging adequate precautionary measures
for the safety of staff working with machine in the block section against danger of
trains on the adjoining line(s). He shall arrange for track protection and provide
look out men for safety at site.
(7) He is responsible to ensure that the machine(s) are stabled in suitable sidings and
at such stations as to minimise idle run of the machines as well as wastage of block
hours in entering and clearing of the block section.
(8) He shall provide all assistance to SSE/JE/TM for repairing of machine and winding
up for expeditious clearing of the block section in case of failure of the track
machines in mid-section, duly calling for necessary assistance of light engine,
breakdown special etc. as necessary.
(9) He shall arrange for protecting and watching of stabled machines and he shall also
ensure that no sick vehicles etc. are pushed into the same siding affecting the
taking out of the machines to avail blocks.
(10) He shall co-ordinate with other departments like Traffic, OHE and S&T in the field to
facilitate working.
113 Inspection Schedule of Track Machine Officials - Track machines shall be
inspected as per prescribed schedule in accordance with detailed checklist of individual
machines issued by RDSO. Periodicity of inspection for officers and supervisors of track
machine shall be as given below:
(1) Inspection by Officials of Track Machine Organisation
Table 1.1
*The inspection schedule is for individual machine. e.g. if there are 3 BCMs under one
division, then AEN/TM/Line shall inspect each BCM, once in 2 months
The inspecting officials shall issue inspection reports to their concerned immediate
subordinates with a copy marked to immediate concerned superior.
114 Inspection Schedule of Open Line Officials - The schedule of inspection of Track
Machines for open line officials shall be as here under:
Table 1.2
Track Machine Inspection frequency of open line officials
SSE (P.Way) in- JE (P.Way)
charge sectional
Sr. DEN/DEN and ADEN shall inspect the track machines as per above schedule, duly
covering other aspects like, adequacy of all allied track works, quality of machine work,
safety aspects involved, items pertaining to the welfare of machine staff, records such
as programme of tamping, actual tamping, variations, repeated tamping, speed
restriction etc.
Copy of inspection report of ADEN shall be sent to AEN/TM/Line and that of Sr.
DEN/DEN shall also be sent to Chief Engineer/TM and Deputy Chief Engineer/TM/Line
and Dy.CE/TM/HQ in addition to concerned subordinate officials.
115 Items to be Inspected - RDSO has issued checklist for inspection of each type of track
machine, which is available on the web site of RDSO. The list of the same is also given in
Chapter 8. However, the broad list of items to be checked and inspected by track
machine as well as open line officials is given below.
(1) Inspecting Officials of TMO as well as Open Line
(a) Pre Block Inspection - They shall reach the stabling siding or station at least
one hour before the block time. They shall check the following:
(i) Staff accommodation/facilities.
(ii) Infrastructural facilities like sidings, rest house, water supply and
electrical connection etc.
(iii) Knowledge of safety rules of SSE/TM, MCM, TMM & machine
(iv) Working of emergency backup system for clearing block in case of
machine failure.
(v) Adequate safety of staff working in block section against danger of
incoming trains on adjacent lines.
(vi) Staff attendance.
(vii) Checking of competency certificates, route learning and medical
fitness of staff, issues of field staff.
(viii) Records of the machine failures and general health of machine.
(ix) Availability of Codes and manuals with latest correction slips.
(x) Availability of safety items/equipment as per prescribed norms.
(xi) Availability and expiry date of detonators, fire extinguisher and first aid
(xii) Availability of machine deployment plan and the actual deployment
vis-a-vis the plan.
(xiii) Working of braking system.
SSE/JE/P.Way shall inspect item (i) to (v). They will check the knowledge of safety
rules for MCM, TMM and machine assistant.
(b) During Block Working - Inspecting officials shall inspect working of the
machine(s) and safety precautions and practices observed, during traffic
block in addition to attention to pre-requisites, works to be done during and
post machine-working activities. They shall record the results of their
inspection and ensure compliance within a reasonable time. Immediate
action shall be initiated in respect of areas where the condition of machine
or track aspects needs quick attention. A report shall be submitted to the
next higher authority at the end of every month indicating inspections
carried out, deficiencies noticed and remedial actions taken.
(c) Machine Specific Items - Items to be checked for different machines by TMO
as well as open line officials are listed below:
• Adequacy of track data required for the selected mode of working.
• Mode of working and its appropriateness.
• Condition of tamping tools.
• Tamping parameters like; tamping depth, squeezing time,
squeezing pressure, vibration pressure.
• General lift, ramp in and ramp out, slew, lift, versine values, SE etc.
• Tamping quality.
(ii) BCM
• Condition of cutting chain and its fingers.
• Condition of Screens.
• Pre-survey and removal of obstructions.
• Quality of screening and ballast distribution.
• Waste conveyor safety switch operation.
• Width and depth of cutting of ballast profile.
• Safety precaution at closing of work.
(iii) TRT
• Condition of BFR, gantry rail and bridge rail.
• Sleeper picking and laying system (NT and OT conveyor).
• Sleeper spacing system (Index wheel).
(iv) BRM
• Functioning of all systems for dressing and distribution of ballast.
• Condition of broom and conveyor belt.
• Condition of different ploughs.
• Working of hopper system where provided.
• Quality of profiling done.
(v) SBCM
• Condition of cutting chain and its cap.
• Condition of Screens.
• Screening width.
• Operations of waste conveyor safety switch.
• Quality of screening.
(vi) TLE
• Proper laying of auxiliary track and its support system.
• Working mode and working speed of machine.
• Condition of BRNs.
(vii) PCCM
• Function of motorized trolleys.
• Arrangement of wooden block support for crawler.
• Proper hooking of turnout.
• Condition of hooks and pins.
• Quality of laying (alignment) by machine.
(viii) UTV/RBMV
• Condition of crane and its attachments for lifting materials.
• Availability of all specified tools and plant and their condition.
• Condition of BRNs.
(ix) RGM
• Condition of Grinding stone and spark arrestors.
• Check track data in GDMS format uploaded in machine,
particularly direction of curve.
• Grinding inputs (pattern) and input system.
• Measurements at identified test locations wherever existing.
• Sufficient water in water wagon and its discharge system.
• Grinding quality and improvement in GQI.
• Cleaning of machine of iron dust and its proper disposal.
• Precautions at location of obstructions like points and crossing
curve with checkrail etc.
(x) DTS
• Frequency of Vibration and static load.
• Working mode and working speed.
• Track parameter after work.
• Precautions taken on bridges, tunnels etc.
(2) Inspecting Officials of TMO- Additional items - Track Machine officials shall carry
out inspections as per laid down schedule and in accordance with detailed check
list issued by RDSO. Few important additional items to be checked are given below
for guidance.
(a) General
(i) Details of work done since last POH, IOH, and adherence to other
maintenance schedules of machines.
(ii) Condition of camping coach.
(iii) Availability of critical spares and consumables.
(iv) Functioning of safety devices, control unit and measuring units and
general cleanliness of the machine.
(v) Tightness of the nuts and bolts of all moving and vibrating items.
(vi) Availability of tools and plants.
(vii) Follow up action on Service Engineer’s reports.
(viii) Availability and proper maintaining of records.
• Log Book.
• History Book.
• Register of Periodical Maintenance Schedules.
• Critical Spare part List.
• Failure register.
• Follow up action on Service Engineer’s reports.
• OEM manuals.
(b) Engine
(i) General condition of engine with respect to starting problem.
(ii) Engine hours total, since last POH, and last attention given.
(iii) Smoke condition.
(iv) Belt condition and tension.
(v) RPM.
(vi) Oil pressure.
(vii) Oil temperature.
(viii) Oil leakages if any.
(c) Hydraulic System
(i) Measurement of hydraulic pressure of various units.
(ii) Maximum hydraulic temperature.
(iii) Condition of hydraulic cooler.
(iv) Quality of fitment of hose assemblies, leakages.
(v) Quality of hydraulic oil.
(vi) Level of hydraulic oil etc.
(d) Pneumatic System
(i) Air pressure and leakages.
(ii) Working of water separator.
(iii) Functioning of air oiler and air dryer.
(iv) Functioning of various valves.
(v) Functioning of brakes.
(vi) Condition of brake shoe and gap.
(e) Electrical and Electronics
(i) Condition of battery.
(ii) Condition of self-starter and alternator.
(iii) Condition of transducer.
(iv) Condition of all gauges, meters.
(v) Condition of lights, hooter.
(vi) Condition of safety devices like limit switches etc.
(vii) Condition of cable code and terminal code in junction box.
(f) Oil and Water Level – Level of oils like engine oil, diesel, transmission
gearbox and other gearboxes oil, axles gear oil and coolant/water in radiator
(g) Filters – Replacement/cleaning of air filters, air dryer filters, diesel filters,
hydraulic filters and lube oil filters as per schedule.
(h) Lubrication (Oiling and Greasing) –Adequacy of oiling and greasing of all ball
and socket joints, movable parts and cardon shaft as per schedule.
(i) Specific Items to be seen in Different Machines – Following items specific to
machines should also be checked in addition to that mentioned at Para 114
(1)(c) above:
(i) TAMPERS – Condition of rail clamps, hooks, trolleys, tamping bank,
tool tilting system, lining & lifting system, satellite, working of ALC,
Laser, GVA system etc.
(ii) BCM – Condition of cutter bar, screens, wear plates, corner rollers,
turret gear, plough, conveyors belts etc.
(iii) TRT – Condition and working of conveyer pads, sled, dynamic plough,
clamping and guiding rollers etc.
(iv) BRM – Condition of wear plates of different ploughs, rail top clearing,
rubber elements etc.
(v) SBCM – Condition of conveyor belts, tooth bucket & ditcher wheel etc.
(vi) TLE – Condition of sleeper gripper, rail clamps, sliding frames, simplex
and duplex chains etc.
(vii) PCCM – Condition of clamps, sliding frames, crawler and trolleys etc.
(viii) UTV/RBMV – Condition of outrigger and lifting capacity of crane.
(ix) RGM – Grind modules tilting system, dust collection system, working of
all grind motors and automatic system of its operation linked with
grind stone, working of front and rear camera, functioning of
obstruction detection system, working of buggy up and down system
and its locking.
(x) DTS- Roller clamp condition, working of vibration unit and preloading
(3) Inspecting Official of Open line - Additional Items - Open line officials shall look
for the following items also in addition to those listed above:
(a) Output of the machine vis-a-vis traffic block.
(b) In Tampers, they should check tamping charts and check reasons and suggest
for remedies to increase tamping cycle.
(c) In BCM’s they shall ensure that depth of cutting is a judicious mix of lifting
and excavation based on advance survey and proposed L-section.
(d) Check benchmarks & reference marks and obligatory points.
201 General - Purpose of tamping and stabilization of track (ballast bed) is to produce
well compacted sleeper supports in order to improve the load distribution across
sleepers, restore track to correct geometry and have long lasting retentivity of
packing. Tamping machines are used for correcting the track geometry and tamp
the ballast while Dynamic Track Stabilizer (DTS) is used for better anchoring of the
track skeleton in the ballast bed to improve the durability of track geometry under
running traffic.
202 Tamping machine - Tamping machine measures the existing track parameters
and lifts it to enable correction of the cross level and alignment, to achieve target
or pre-determined parameter values, with an aim to improve the track geometry.
It simultaneously packs the ballast under sleeper(s), using tamping tools fitted on
tamping unit, to provide well compacted ballast bed.
(1) Functions - The main functions of tamping machines are-
(a) Correction of alignment,
(b) Correction of longitudinal and cross levels,
(c) Tamping of ballast under the sleepers.
Some of the tamping machines have additional fitments for track ballast
stabilization also.
(2) General Layout - General layout and important units of a tamping machine
(09-32 CSM) are shown below-
Fig. 2.1
203 Important assemblies of tamping machines
(1) Engine - Diesel engine is the main source of power. The engine converts
chemical energy of fuel into mechanical energy, part of which is used directly
and remaining further converted into different forms of power for the
working of machine.
(a) Mechanical power through gear boxes - A part of mechanical power
generated is used, by means of hydrodynamic gearboxes (in most of
the machines), for movement of tamping machine. Remaining
mechanical power is converted to other forms as mentioned below.
(b) Hydraulic power through hydraulic pump - Hydraulic power is
generated by means of hydraulic pump driven by mechanical power. It
provides power for operations during working through various
hydraulic motors and cylinders.
(c) Pneumatic power through compressor - Pneumatic power is
generated by means of compressor driven by mechanical power. It is
used for brakes and locking/unlocking system of assemblies, up and
down movements of feelers, operation of bogies for datum selection,
horn operation and chord tension etc.
(d) Electrical power through alternator and batteries - Electrical power is
generated through alternator, or sourced from batteries. It is used to
provide electrical power for sensing devices, feedback of corrected
parameters, signals to hydraulic units, like directional valves,
proportional valve and servo valve for operations.
(2) Tamping units - Two or more independent tamping units are provided in
tamping machine (one or more for each rail depending on the make and
model of the tamper). These are mounted on the machine frame by means
of vertical guiding columns. In some of the machines, the tamping units are
fitted to the satellite frame.
The tamping units on Indian Railways have the capability for tamping
one/two/three sleepers at a time depending upon type and model of the
tamping machine. The tools are arranged in pairs and each of the two sides
of sleeper is tamped by four such pairs, four numbers on either side of each
rail. The units are held on horizontal guide columns in order to slide
sideways, which allow their manual/automatic centering over the rails in
curves. The tools are vibrated by piston rods pivoted on eccentric shaft
driven by hydraulic motors.
A typical layout of tamping unit and its different components are shown as
Fig 2.2
The lifting and lowering of tamping units is achieved by means of a hydraulic
tamping units lifting/ lowering cylinder. The insertion depth of tamping tools
and squeezing pressure can be varied for different types of sleepers. In case
of simultaneous tamping of double/triple sleepers, the opening width of
tamping tools can be changed pneumatically by changing the clapper piece
to suit the sleeper opening and by pneumatic operation of clapper cylinders
for joint sleepers.
Fig. 2.2
(3) Tamping Tool - The size & shape of the blade of tamping tool has a bearing
on the quality of compaction (tamping) of ballast. The size of tamping tools
differs, depending on model/make of tamping machine. Tamping tool with
carbide shield called Tungsten Carbide Tamping Tool (TCTT) are now being
used for improving the performance of tools. The positions of tamping tools
(TCTT) for various machines with important dimensions are depicted at
Annexure 2.1.
(4) Lifting and Lining unit - The lifting and lining unit is positioned in front of the
tamping units. Lifting is carried out using one lifting cylinder with the help of
roller clamps/hook on each side.
The lining operation starts simultaneously with the lifting operation. As soon
as the target values are reached, lining and lifting operations are
automatically stopped.
(5) Satellite unit - Continuous sleeper tamping machines have tamping & lifting
cum lining unit, provided on the separate unit called satellite unit. Satellite
unit is placed on an independent under-frame, which is mounted on wheels.
It can move independent of the main frame, capable of cyclic movement
from sleeper to sleeper.
(6) Trolleys - These are wheels mounted units provided with sensing feelers
used for measurement and correction of the track parameters. Four trolleys
are used in tamping machine, which are- front trolley, lining trolley, height
transducer trolley, measuring trolley and rear trolley.
(7) Brake system - Following types of braking system are provided on tamping
(a) Direct brake- It is applied only on machine during transit.
(b) Indirect brake-This brake is used for application on machine and
coupled camping coach/wagon while running. This brake system is
provided in machines with KE valve. KE valve is available in all new
tamping machines. It works with single piping system.
(c) Emergency brake- This brake is applied on machine during transit
alone or coupled with camping coach/wagon only when KE valve is in
‘ON’ position. It is applied through indirect brake system.
(d) Safety brake- This brake is applied automatically by switching off
hydrodynamic transmission gear (ZF Gear in Plasser machines).
Normally this should not be used for service brake application.
(e) Parking brake- This is hand operated mechanical brake, applied when
machine is stabled.
204 Types of tamping machines
(1) Tampers without Satellite unit - The tamping unit and the lifting cum lining
unit are mounted on the main frame of the machine itself. The machine
moves and stops at every sleeper for lining, levelling and tamping. One to
two sleepers can be tamped simultaneously in one operation. Following
machines fall in this category.
(a) Duomatic (Plain Track Tamper) - It is a Plain track tamper and with 32
tamping tools to pack two sleepers at a time. These machines are also
referred as Work Site Tampers (WST) for purpose of nomenclature. The
names of the models of Duomatic tamping machines presently in use
on Indian Railways; and the name of manufacturer, are given below-
(i) 08-32 Duomatic (Plasser India).
(ii) 08-32C Duomatic (Plasser India).
(iii) 08-32 WST with flat car(Metex–JSC Moscow, Russia).
(iv) VPR-02M without flat car(Kalugaputmash, Russia).
The important features/dimensions of these machines are given at
Annexure 2.2
(b) UNIMAT (Points and Crossing Tamper) - This is primarily a points and
crossing tamping machine. Tamping unit of this machine is designed in
a manner to allow independent operation of individual tamping tool.
This helps in tamping of almost all the sleepers in points and crossings.
Tamping tool(s), which infringes any track component, can be tilted
individually or in pairs and rest of the tools tamp the sleepers. Tamping
unit in most of these machines can be rotated to align with the
sleepers, which are laid at an angle e.g. Fan Shaped Layout design.
Advanced models of UNIMAT have the arrangement for lifting of third
rail and more advanced have the provision for both; lifting as well as
packing under the third rail. Various models of UNIMAT machines
presently in use on Indian Railways with the name of the
manufacturers are as under-
(i) 08-275 UNIMAT (Plasser India).
(ii) 08-275-3S UNIMAT (Plasser India) with arrangement only for
lifting of third rail.
(iii) 08-475-4S UNIMAT (Plasser India) with arrangement for lifting
and packing under the third rail.
The important features/dimensions of these machines are given at
Annexure 2.3
(c) Multi-Purpose Tamper (Plain and Points and Crossing Tamper) - This
machine is designed for spot attention on plain track as well as point
and crossing. These may have a flat platform at rear end with crane
facility for loading, unloading and transportation of P.way materials.
Various models of Multi-Purpose Tampers, presently in use on Indian
Railways are as given below-
(i) UNIMAT Compact (MPT) (Plasser India),
(ii) UNIMAT Compact Split Head (MFI) (Plasser India).
The important features/dimensions of these machines are given at
Annexure 2.4
(2) Tampers with Satellite Unit - These machines are provided with a satellite
unit, which moves independent of the main machine in working mode.
Components required for tamping, aligning and levelling of track are
provided on this satellite unit. While the main machine moves at a uniform
speed continuously, the satellite unit moves and stops at every sleeper
(sleeper set) for lining, levelling and tamping. These machines do twist
correction also. Different models of these types of machines can tamp
two/three sleepers in one operation. The machines falling in this category
(a) 09-32 CSM (Plain Track Tampers) - It is a Plain track tamper designed
for lining, levelling, twist correction and tamping of sleepers. It has
tamping unit with 32 tamping tools to tamp two sleepers at a time.
Single chord lining and double chord parallel levelling systems are used.
The important features/dimensions of this machine are given at
Annexure 2.5
(b) Tamping Express (09-3X) (Plain Track Tampers) - It is a plain track
tamper designed for lining, levelling, twist correction and tamping of
sleepers. It has 48 tamping tools to tamp three sleepers at a time.
Single chord lining and double chord parallel levelling systems are
used. The important features/dimensions of these machines are given
at Annexure 2.6
205 Tamping Mechanism - The tamping units work according to the asynchronous
constant pressure tamping principle. The tamping tools penetrate the ballast and
perform a closing movement with sinusoidal vibrations, as shown in Fig 2.3.
Fig. 2.3
The tamping tools continue to move, pressing the ballast till desired force is
reached and thus each of the tools applies the same force on the ballast. Since
each of the tools continue to move for different durations and presses the ballast
till the desired pressure is reached, the process is known as asynchronous constant
pressure tamping operation. Components of tamping unit are shown in Fig 2.3.
All tamping tools, therefore, apply the same amount of pressure to the ballast
being tamped; thus there is equilibrium of forces between the individual tool pairs
and the specific surface pressure of all tools. During tamping of ballast, resistance
gets built up in front of each pair of tools. The movement of the tool is completely
independent, according to the resistance encountered from the ballast. Once the
resistance reaches the pre-selected value (hydraulic pressure in the squeezing
cylinder), the corresponding tool pair stops squeezing automatically, however
other tool pair(s) continue to squeeze till the resistance for those also becomes
equal to preselected pressure. Individual tools may have different closing
movements as shown in Fig 2.4
W1 W2 W3 W4
Fig. 2.4
206 Tamping parameters
(1) Squeezing pressure - Squeezing force per unit effective area of squeezing
piston is called squeezing pressure. The force at face of tamping tool for
consolidation of ballast will correspond to this squeezing force.
For tamping units, presently available with Indian Railways, the squeezing
pressure for different track structure is as below:
Table 2.1
Type of Track and Sleeper Squeezing Pressure
Plain Track (CST9) 90-100 Kg/cm2
Plain track (ST& wooden) 100-110 Kg/cm2
Plain track (PSC) 110-120 Kg/cm2
P & C (ST/Wooden) 110-115 Kg/ cm2
P & C (PSC) 125-135 Kg/ cm2
The squeezing pressure should be kept on higher side of the stipulated range
for caked ballast, however for deep screening sites and newly laid tracks with
unconsolidated ballast bed, it could be on lower end of the range.
(2) Tamping depth - For effective tamping of the ballast below the sleeper
bottom, under the rail seat, the gap between top edge of the tamping tool
blade and bottom edge of sleeper in closed position of the tamping tool
should be adjusted depending upon the type of rail and sleeper. The
desirable gap between top edge of the tamping tool blade and bottom edge
of sleeper for different types of sleepers will be as under-
Table 2.2
Type of Sleeper Desirable gap between top edge of the tamping
tool blade and bottom edge of sleeper
Flat bottom sleeper 15-20 mm
Metal sleeper 22-25 mm
To obtain the correct depth of tamping tool during packing of sleepers, the
initial (Zero) position of tamping tool is set as shown in Fig 2.5
Fig. 2.5
Tamping tool depth is calculated as:
Tamping tool depth = Sleeper depth at the rail seat location + Rail
height + rubber pad thickness
Example 2.1:
For a track with 60 Kg rail and sleepers, the tamping depth will be
= 172 mm (rail height) + 210 mm (sleeper depth) +6 mm (thickness of
rubber pad to drawing no. RDSO T-3711)
= 388 mm (Fig 2.6)
Fig. 2.6
(3) Tamping Tool Vibration, Amplitude & Frequency - The tamping tools are
vibrated by piston rods pivoted on eccentric shaft driven by hydraulic motors
with following parameters-
Table 2.3
Parameters Value
Rate of revolution of vibration shaft 2000 to 2100 RPM (approx.)
Vibration frequency of tamping tool 33 to 35Hz. (approx.)
Amplitude of oscillation 3-5 mm
These values may vary depending on design/model/make of tamping
machine. Technical manual of the machine may be referred for details of all
such parameters.
(4) Vibration pressure - The vibration pressure of tamping tool is so adjusted
that vibration does not slow down or stop even while penetrating the
ballast. The vibration pressure varies from machine-to-machine and ranges
from 150 to 210 Kg/cm2.
(5) Tamping cycle & squeezing time - A complete tamping cycle involves
lowering of tamping unit to the desired depth, squeezing of ballast (till all
tool pairs reach pre-defined squeezing pressure), holding of tamping tools in
that position, releasing and lifting of tamping unit & travelling of tamping
unit to the next sleeper location. Time taken in squeezing the ballast with
preset pressure is called the squeezing time.
Normal setting of machine is such that lifting and lining of track starts when
the tamping unit is lowered by about 100 mm from its zero position.
Squeezing action commences about 30 mm before the tool reaches the
target depth. Squeezing
Fig. 2.7
circuit is cut-off as the preset squeezing time is completed. The tamping unit
is then lifted in succession. Lifting and lining circuit is cut-off when tamping
unit, while in lifting operation, is 100 mm before the Zero position. For
maintenance packing, squeezing time of 0.8 second to 1.2 second should
normally be adequate. Higher value of the above range of squeezing time is
required for track with caked up ballast.
(6) Tamping tool surface area - Surface area of tamping tools blade of different
machines is given in Annexure 2.1. Tools with more than 20% wear of the
original surface area should not be used. The worn out tools are to be
207 Optional equipment - The use of optional equipment like Laser Beam System,
Geometry Value Assessment (GVA), and ALC etc. simplifies working and reduces
error-proneness associated with manual system of data collection and feeding.
These systems are briefly described below-
(1) Laser beam system - A pair of photocells mounted on tamping machine
receives a fanned-out laser beam from laser emitter. In case of unbalanced
laser input received by photocells, a corresponding differential signal
activates an electric motor, to move the whole receiver assembly along with
front end of the chord to the centre of the laser beam. Thus, front tower end
of chord is shifted laterally by the amount of error to enable design lining
and levelling. Working of Laser Beam system is explained in Annexure 2.7.
(2) Geometry Value Assessment (GVA) - It is a small computer, which eliminates
the feeding of adjustment values from tables and marking on sleepers. The
locations of main points of curve i.e. starting of transition, transition length,
radius, super elevation data etc. are fed into the computer.
The use of GVA eliminates the necessity of attention by operator for feeding
values and thus avoids possible mistakes in calculations and/or feeding,
which result in better progress with improved quality.
(3) Automatic Guiding Computer (ALC) System - It is advanced system, which
automatically calculates the values of various track parameters, to be fed
into machine on the basis of target track geometry. It has the capability to
measure and record existing track parameters during a measuring run, in
advance of working, and also allows flexibility to choose the desired track
geometry. It also saves the operator from entering various parameters to be
fed, as it does automatic feeding of parameters. The detailed working of this
system is explained in Annexure2.8. ALC’s are being provided with fault
finding diagnostic software also.
(4) Data Recording Processor (DRP) System - It is a system for recording track
parameters during working operation, at the working speed of the machine.
It records the parameter of tamped track, like unevenness, alignment, cross-
level, twist. The measuring sensors are so mounted that tamped track
parameters are recorded in the working direction of the machine. It has a
system to predefine the limits of individual parameters and it is possible to
evaluate and classify the measurement results. The parameters can also be
displayed graphically along with calculated standard deviations of different
parameters in small lengths (say 200 meter section). Apart from the track
parameters, it can also be designed to record the machine working
parameters like squeezing time, squeezing pressure and squeezing depth.
(5) Computerized Measuring System (CMS) - This is on board computer used for
displaying track parameters measured i.e. super elevation, versine and
Longitudinal level etc. It also displays the nominal value fed by the operator.
It also displays lifting and lining values fed manually, through Laser system
and through ALC separately. It is used for digital calibration of lining and
levelling system (For calibration of systems controlled by servo valve) &
diagnosis of signals for proper working of these units.
(6) Computerized Working System (CWS) - This computer receives the various
machine working parameter (controlled by proportional valve) from its
circuit some of which are listed below and displays it on monitor-
(a) Driving: RPM of engine, work drive speed, run drive speed etc.
(b) Tamping: tamping depth, tamping position, speed of up and down of
tamping unit, squeezing pressure, squeezing time etc.
(c) Satellite drive (if provided): satellite speed etc.
(d) Automatic positioning: Sleeper distance setting during automatic
It is also used for setting of the above parameters i.e. tamping parameter
like tamping depth, squeezing time, squeezing pressure, satellite forward
and reverse speeds etc.
208 Lining system - Lining system is for measuring and correction of track
alignment. Single chord lining system is used in all tampers working on Indian
Railways. The chord stretched between front and rear trolley is used for
measuring alignment of track by means of measuring transducers. The track is,
then slewed by lifting-cum-lining unit to the target alignment.
For the purpose of lining -
• Machine measures alignment of only one pre-selected reference rail
and rectifies that rail i.e. reference rail.
• The alignment of other rail, being fixed with the sleeper,
automatically gets rectified except for correcting the gauge defect.
• Versine on curved track depends on radius of curves, chord length
for measurement and location of measurement.
(1) Reference Rail - The reference rail for carrying out attentions to alignment
should be selected as given below-
(a) On curved track – outer rail (however, if outer rail is highly worn out,
inner rail should be taken as reference rail).
(b) On straight track on single, double and middle line in multiple line
section –Any of the two rails of the track being tamped, which is less
(2) Lining method - Tamping machines follow two methods of alignment
correction; 3-point & 4-point. Some of the latest machines have provision for
only 3-point lining method.
(a) 4- Point Lining method - The selected reference rail is measured at four
points on the curve taking two measurements for versines. These values are
then compared to correct the geometry. This method reduces existing error
significantly to improve the track alignment.
(b) 3- Point Lining method - The selected reference rail is measured using 3-
points and the lining is performed until the measurement at middle
measuring point reaches the target versine value. This method restores the
geometry to almost perfect provided correct measurements are fed.
209 4 Point Lining method
(1) Lining principle - This method can be used for correcting alignment of only
the curved track. In this method track is measured at 4 references point and
versines measurements of two intermediate points are compared (using
geometrical versine ratio relation) to control the lining. The principle
followed is that, in a circular curve, versines measured at two pre-decided
locations on a chord of given length will have a fixed ratio, depending on the
position of measuring points. This versine ratio is constant and is
independent of the radius of the circular curve . The four points in machines
are as below-
H2 H1
Fig. 2.8
Here A is the rear trolley location, B is the location of measuring trolley
(where versine is measured), C is lining trolley (where also versine is
measured and correction is done), and D is the front trolley location.
Trolleys at A, B, C and D are pneumatically pressed against the outer rail
(reference rail selected for alignment). A wire forming the chord is stretched
between A and D representing the ‘base Line'. The transmitting
potentiometers (transducers), which are fixed to the measuring trolley B and
lining trolley C are connected to this wire by means of forks and the wire
drives for measurement of versines. The geometrical property used in this
method is explained below-
H2 H1 R
Fig 2.9
From the above figure,
Theoretical Versine H1 =
Theoretical Versine H2 =
Versine Ratio i = = (is independent of radius of the curve)
units so that H1 becomes equal to H2.i or the ratio H1/ H2 = i is maintained
and galvanometer indicates zero reading.
In the machine having satellite units, the constant value ‘i’ may vary due to
relative movement of position C. To overcome this problem a compensation
system is provided to automatically adjust for measuring locations.
(2) Application of 4-Point Lining Method - 4- point lining method can be used in
following situations-
(a) When theoretical track geometry is either not known or not required
to be known, track is aligned according to geometrical properties of
existing curve.
(b) When, due to the location of track defects, the track slewing values are
expected to be so large that they cannot be implemented without
additional measures, and it is decided to smoothen the curve and
rather than bringing it to the targeted/design profile.
Lining can also be carried out according to reference points or previously set
slewing values, as explained below-
210 Corrections to be applied in 4 Point Lining method - The curve to be
corrected as explained above has to be further compensated for following errors-
• The error due to front trolley being on disturbed track,
• At variable curvature where front trolley and rear trolley are on curve of
different radii and the ratio of H1/H2 equal to ‘i’ does not remain true, like
transitions portion of the curve or while exiting and entering from one
curve to another.
(1) Correction (FD) in 4 Point Lining due to Front trolley on Disturbed track
Fig. 2.10
In figure 2.10, curve marked 1 shows the targeted alignment, 2 shows
existing position of track (disturbed) being attended and 3 is corrected
alignment with front trolley on disturbed track.
Points A and B in figure 2.10 are on the previously aligned track, point D is
the front end of the chord i.e. front trolley is on the disturbed track with an
error FD, resulting in incorrect measurement of versine H2. Point C is slewed
until H1 is in the correct ratio to incorrectly measured H2. Depending on the
distances of the measuring points (which are fixed for a given machine), an
error remains at lining Point C, as shown in the figure, which is also called left
over error or residual error ‘FR’.
Left over error FR = 𝑭𝑭𝑫𝑫 /𝒏𝒏𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒
Error reducing ratio n4pt =
Value n4pt depends on trolley distances and its value for various machines
are given in Annexure 2.9.
A Correction equal to FD in the direction opposite to it needs to be fed in
front tower to eliminate this left over error, to apply FR at lining trolley.
The FD value has to be computed from the readings taken during field survey
to be done prior to tamping. Either of the two methods may be adopted for
the field survey.
• Measurement of versine on reference rail of the track (which is
generally termed as disturbed track) and calculating slews by suitable
software for realignment of curves, for deciding target curve which
will be termed as desired curve.
• Survey with respect to fixed references like reference post, OHE masts
etc. This is to bring the track on targeted alignment which is termed
as design lining.
(2) Versine Compensation (V) in 4 Point Lining at location with changing
For simple curves with transition at either end, the corrections are applied at
following sections of the curves:
• For entry of machine from straight to transition and existing from
transition to straight.
• Machine working in transition.
• For entry of machine from transition to circular curve and existing
from circular to transition curve.
When machine enters from straight to (leading) transition with front trolley
on transition and rear trolley on straight, the measurement of H2 and H1 are
as shown below:
Fig. 2.11
The correct versine at C will be H2.i +V, where V is the versine compensation
required to bring track to target position. In the above curve, this
compensation will be towards outside of the curve. The value of
compensation increases as transition curve is parabolic of third degree and
will become maximum (Vm) when entire machine is on transition curve and
will then remain constant.
When the machine enters from leading transition to circular curve, the
compensation reduces from Vm and will eventually become zero when the
entire machine enters the circular curve. Similarly, when the machine enters
from curve to trailing transition and from trailing transition to straight, the
versine compensation is applied in opposite direction as shown below:
Vm1 Vm2
L1 L2
Fig. 2.12
Note: Versine correction is applied at trolley C but is to be fed by operator in
front cabin and therefore to be written for front trolley D location i.e CD
distance ahead of where it is applied. The above graph has been made
Here R is the radius of circular curve, L1 and L2 are the transition length at
either end, Lo is the chord length of machine, and Vm1 and Vm2 are
maximum versine compensations at the two ends.
The value of Vm depends on 3 factors i.e. position of different trolleys of the
tamping machine, length of transition and radius of circular curve and
worked out by formula:
Variation of V is not linear from zero to maximum value (Vm). The value of Vm
for different lengths of transitions and radii of curves along with
corresponding values of V at intermediate locations are given in machine
manufacturer’s instruction manual.
A sample distribution for V in the chord length of Lo as given manufacturer’s
instruction manual is given in Annexure 2.10 for guidance.
In machines with ALC, radius of curve and transition length can be fed into
ALC, and feeding of V value is done by ALC itself.
Example-2.2 below explains the method of calculating V and Vm value.
Example 2.2:
To attend a curve of radius R=583 m with transition length 70 m by
DUOMATIC 08-32C using 4 Point method.
For DUOMATIC 08-32C from Annexure 2.9
AB=5.0 m, BC=5.3 m, CD=9.35 m, AC=10.3 m, BD=14.65 m and AD=19.65 m.
Machine constant= (10.3x9.35x5.3)/6=85.06,
Hence Vm=85.06/70x583=0.002 m i.e. 2.0 mm
From Annexure 2.10
V value from straight to transition-
Distance from ST 0 to 8 m 9 to 13 m 14 to 19.7m
and CT (Meter)
V in mm 0 1 2
For remaining portion of transition length V=Vm should be fed. Direction of
feeding will be as shown in Fig 2.12.
Note: These values are to be written on sleepers to be fed in versine
potentiometer in front cabin when front trolley is above that location
The general principle followed in deciding the direction of feeding (toggle
switch) versine compensation is as below:
If machine is entering:-
From large radius (straight has infinite radius) to low radius
towards outside
From Low radius to large radius towards inside
Versine compensation and its direction in different curve layout are as
(a) Curve with Transition
(i) Straight to Transition to Curve to Transition to Straight
Fig. 2.13
Fig. 2.14
(ii) Compound Curve
• R1>R2 V0=V2-V1
• If R1<R2 Vo=V1-V2
Fig. 2.16
(iii) Reverse Curve
Fig. 2.17
Note: The chord length shown in above figures is machine chord length.
(b) Curve without Transition - For curves without transition, the
correction values applied is called F. The versine correction F, when
machine is entering from straight into a circular curve is zero at the
tangent point SC (Straight Curve Junction) and as the front trolley
moves into the circular curve, the value of F gradually increases till it
attains a max value Fm. It then gradually reduces, till it becomes zero
when the rear trolley reaches at the tangent point CS (Curve Straight
Junction). The value of Fm can be calculated as given below-
(fig 2.11)
F will increase to Fm at a distance X from SC and from CS where X is
equal to
The variation of F is not linear. F depends on the position of trolleys
and radius of curve. Its value for different curves for a particular
machine is given in machine manufacturer’s instruction manual. A
sample of F values with reference to radius of circular curve for a
particular machine, as supplied by manufacturer is shown in Annexure
2.11. The method of feeding F value for different curve configurations
are given below:
Fig. 2.18
• CURVE 1 TO CURVE 2(R1>R2) Fm0=Fm2-Fm1 (Fm1 and
Fm2 are corrections as given by machine manufacturer
for curve 1 and 2 respectively)
Fm0 R2
Fig. 2.19
• CURVE 1 TO CURVE 2 (R1<R2)Fm0 = Fm1 – Fm2
Fm0 R2
Fig. 2.20
(iii) REVERSE CURVE (S-CURVE) Fm0 = Fm1 + Fm2
Fig. 2.2
211 Modes of Tamping using 4-Point Lining Method (Only for curves) - The modes of
tamping by 4-Point lining method for correcting the curve are
(1) 4-point Smoothening or Compensation Mode - In this mode, tamping is
done on the basis of existing (theoretical/average) track geometry without
conducting alignment survey. However, the beginning and end of
transitions and radius of circular curve are needed to calculate versine.
Compensation value V, for maximum it is called Vm value (for curve with
transition). Or F value, for maximum compensation called Fm value (in case
of curve without transition). The value of Vm depends upon transition
length and radius and Fm value depends upon radius of curve and
depending upon machine constant. The machine constant. In this method
existing curve is smoothened, however it is not brought to any targeted
In machines with ALC, radius of curve and both transition length can be fed
into ALC, calculation and feeding of Vm value/ Fm value done and feeding
of V value is done by ALC itself.
(2) 4- Point Design Lining – Here field survey of curve to be attended is done in
advance to ascertain the error (FD) from targeted profile (which can be
design or desired alignment) at different locations. In addition to correction
Vm and V or Fm and F as applicable for design or desired curve (R and L is
taken for this curve for all calculations), correction FD is also applied. The
curve here is smoothened and also brought to near targeted profile.
In machines with ALC, radius of curve and transition length can be fed into
ALC, and input of V and Vm or F and Fm value is done by ALC itself. Front
offset values can also be fed through ALC by making a data file. These
values can be fed for any chosen interval (say every 10 m – lower value of 3
to 5 m is desirable) and the ALC interpolates the values for every tamping
location in between accordingly. FD values can be written on sleepers also
and fed by operator in slew potentiometer.
Annexure 2.12 gives an example showing stepwise procedure, to be
followed for 4-point Lining.
212 3 Point Lining Method
(1) Lining Principle - 3- point lining method can be used for straight as well as
curved track. The track is measured using three points B, C and D and
aligned according to pre-specified theoretical versine at point C. The chord
at measuring position B is fixed by the fork and the potentiometer is
switched off. The ordinate at C only is measured on chord BD and
compared with pre-set (or fed) ordinate value. Any difference detected
will activate the lining control to effect the necessary correction.
R H1
Fig. 2.22
The measuring chord is fixed between Points B and D. Geometrically
Theoretical value 𝑯𝑯𝑯𝑯 = 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 =
The theoretical versine of H1 at point C is dependent on chord length for a
given machine and curvature. Alignment correction is done until the theoretical
versine H1 is achieved.
(2) Application of 3-point lining method - The 3-point method is mainly used
(a) The track is to be lined according to specified radii or versines. For
straight track this versine is taken as zero.
(b) The lining system is used in conjunction with a sighting device and
remote control or a Laser.
213 Corrections to be applied in 3- point lining method
F R = FD
= 2R
Fig. 2.23
In above figure, Point B is on the already aligned track (target alignment) behind
the machine. The front end of the chord, point D is on the existing (disturbed)
track and is having lining error FD. Point C is aligned until H1 corresponds with the
specified theoretical versine. Due to wrong position of trolley D, the residual error
FR = FD / n3pt, remains, which needs to be corrected. This error, if not corrected,
will also results in wrong positioning of trolley B for next position of tamping as
machine moves forward and therefore the error at correcting position C further
accumulates/increases as machine moves forward.
n3pt = BD/BC
n3pt value for available tamping machines is listed in Annexure 2.9
The FD value has to be computed from the readings taken during field survey to be
done prior to taking up tamping. Any of the three methods may be adopted for
the field survey.
• Survey with respect to fixed references to get slews which is FD required to
bring the track to original design location w.r.t which references were
• Measurement of versine on reference rail of the existing track and
calculating slews using software for realignment of curves to get desired
curve. The slew value becomes Fd.
• Recording alignment by taking measuring run using ALC and on deciding
targeted alignment, the versines to be achieved are calculated by ALC duly
considering displaced location of front trolley (FD). Fd is automatically taken
while tamping using ALC and are not to be fed separately.
The correction FD would be accordingly applied for tamping without using ALC as
shown below.
R3=R1 R1
H1= 2R n3pt
n3Pt= BD
Fig. 2.24
Note: These values are to be written on sleepers to be fed in slew potentiometer
in front cabin when front trolley is above that location.
214 Determination of target versine values for the 3-point lining
method -Target versines are achieved at C but are fed in versine potentiometer in front
cabin. Thus, the versine values to be achieved at trolley C is fed CD distance ahead at front
trolley D position. Machine manufacturer has accordingly given the versine diagram to be
fed at front trolley position and is discussed below. Following nomenclatures are used for
target versines-
H= Target versine of circular curve.
Hx, Hy, Hz, Hw = Target versines for parabolic transitions. (In Plasser India
Machines, these parameters are shown as Ha,Hb,Hc,Hd. Hv is the rate of
increase/decrease of versine in transition.
The target versines for different portions of curve are calculated as shown below-
(1) Curve with parabolic transitions
Hv Hy
Fig. 2.25
H Hv
Fig. 2.26
Section X, Y, Z and W equal to machine chord length (BD) for 3point lining.
The versine of circular curve is:-
𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺 𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄 𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗𝒗
SECTION X - The versine Hx for section X is calculated by dividing the
prepared operation constant value “Cxz” for X and Z portion by the product
“R* L1”. L1 is the length of transition at entry.
Hx =Operation constant value for X & Z (Cxz)/(R.L1) =
BETWEEN SECTION X and Y - After section X till TC (end of the transition)
the versines are increased by adding of one “Hv” per meter
Hv = System constant value/R*L1 =𝐇𝐇/𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋
SECTION Y - Hy for the section ‘Y’ are calculated as
Hy = H – Hw where Hw=
Where Hw is further defined below
SECTION Z - Hz for the section ‘Z’ is
Hz = H –Hx where Hx= and L2 is transition length at exit
BETWEEN SECTION Z and W - After section “Z” till “TS” the versine are
decreased by subtracting of the “Hv” per meter, where Hv=H/L2
SECTION W - The Versine “Hw” is obtained from formula
Hw = Operational constant value for Y and W (Cyw) /R.L2=
The operational constant Cxz and Cyw are given in manufacturers manual
and can also be calculated for different machines.
An example with calculations of various versines is given below:
Example 2.3.
Method of attending curve of Radius 583 m and transition length 70 m at
both end by 09-32 CSM using 3-Point lining system.
For 09-32 CSM (from Annexure-2.9)
AB=6 m, BC=4.7 m, CD=10.05 m, AC=10.7 m, BD=14.75 m, AD=20.75 m
Here H =𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵. 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶)/2𝑅𝑅 = 𝑅𝑅
= 40.5 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
Hv= 40.5/L = 0.578 mm/m
R. L 40810 m
H x = Cxz/ R.L
0 0.01 0.08 0.3 0.6 1.3 2.2 3.3 3.7
Hz= H –Hx 40.5 40.5 40.4 40.2 39.9 39.2 38.3 37.2 36.8
Hw = Cyw/ R.L
4.8 3.63 2.55 1.6 0.8 0.3 0.06 0 0
Hy = H –Hw 35.7 36.9 37.9 38.9 39.7 40.2 39.9 40.5 40.5
Here the operational constant value Cxz and Cyz are given by manufacturers after
every 2 m, therefore the calculation of versine is for two meters interval. This may be
calculated for alternate sleepers.
For portion between X and Y in transition, the versine at end of section X is increased
at the rate of Hv per meter for the length of (transition length –chord length) where
at the end it should be equal to versine at starting of section Y.
Distance from end ST 14.75 24.74 34.75 44.75 55.75 65.75 70
Fig. 2.27
H H*Fw
HFx= H. Fx
HFw= H.Fw
The versine H for the circular curve is obtained from formula
H = System constant value/ R
The operational constant Fx and Fw are given by machine manufacturers in
their manufacturers manual.
215 Mode of Tamping using 3-Point Lining Method - The modes of tamping
by 3-Point lining method for correcting curve are
(1) 3- Point Elementary Mode Lining – In this mode, tamping is done on the
basis of existing track geometry (theoretical/average) without conducting
field survey for calculating shift (FD) of curve and tamping is done using
calculated versines H, Hx, Hy, Hz and Hw or HFx and HFw as applicable on
the basis of theoretical or average track geometry (Preferably) as
ascertained based on versine measurement for feeding into the machine
In the machines with ALC, the track geometry parameters i.e. radius of
curve, transition detail can be fed and the versine H, Hx, Hy etc. are
calculated by ALC and fed to the machine
In this mode of lining, since front offset is not fed , curve is not brought to
the any desired or designed location. Error is reduced but curve is not
smoothened as front trolley error is reflected at correcting trolley position
(2) 3- Point Design Mode Lining – In this mode, tamping is done to achieve
targetted (desired/designed) track geometry. However, in addition, field
survey of track to be attended is carried out in advance to ascertain the
error (FD) of existing track at different locations from desired or designed
alignment. Here, calculated versines i.e. H, Hx, Hy, Hz and Hw or HFx and
HFw as applicable, on the basis of designed/desired track geometry and
correction FD for achieving this desired/ designed alignment is fed into the
machine manually.
In the machines with ALC, the targetted track geometry parameters i.e.
radius of curve, transition detail etc. and FD required for target profile is fed
(by creating a separate computer data file) and targeted versines H, Hx,
Hyetc. are calculated by ALC and fed to the machine. FD can alternatively
also be fed through front potentiometer (front cabin).
The track is brought to the designed or desired target geometry and
location based on target curve taken for calculating versine values and FD.
(3) Measuring Run (with ALC) Lining Modes - In machines with ALC, measuring
run for recording of the curve and correction to curve is done using 3-point
mode. The targeted (desired) curve parameters (SE) including transition
details etc. are decided based on recorded data and fed into ALC. The target
versine at each location i.e. H, Hx, Hy etc. are calculated by ALC itself (after
taking into account FD at different locations) using desired target geometry
and the measured curve data to correct curve accordingly.
Annexure 2.12 gives an example giving step wise procedure, to be followed
for 3-point Lining.
216 Comparison between 3 Point and 4 Point Lining System:
3 Point lining method can be used for both straight and curve while 4 Point lining
method should be used only for curves. The comparison of two methods is given
(1) 3-Point Lining elementary mode /4-point Lining Smoothening Mode
Table 2.4
S.No 3 Point Lining in elementary Mode 4 Point Lining in
Smoothening/Compensation Mode
A Versine of desired curve i.e. H, HX , HY, HZ For circular portion of curve, machine
and HV etc. are calculated based on measures versine at measuring trolley
theoretical geometry of existing curve and (H2) and versine at lining trolley (H1) is
chord length of machine. The calculated corrected on the basis of versine ratio.
versine value is fed through versine In transition, versine correction (Vm
potentiometer. etc) are calculated based on
theoretical/average geometry of
existing curve and chord length of
machine and is applied through versine
B Since FD is not considered, residual error is Residual error here is FD /n4pt. The value
FD /n3pt. Depending on chord length, the of n4pt is in between 6 to 7.5. The
value of n3pt for machines working on Indian residual error is thus FD/6 to FD/7.5 i.e.
Railways is between 3 to 3.5. The residual 13 to 16% approx.
error is thus FD/3 to FD/3.5 i.e. 33% approx.
(i) The residual error in 4-Point lining in smoothening mode is less as compared to that in 3-
Point lining in elementary mode. When curve is not measured in advance, the curve
achieved based on the theoretical/average geometry may not be to the acceptable
(ii) In 4- point method, left over error at any station could influence the track alignment at
next station. However, it is still desirable to use this method for smoothening of curve, as
it reduces the station-to-station versine variation.
Table 2.5
S.No. 3 Point Lining in Design Mode 4 Point Lining in Design Mode
A Versine of target curve i.e. H, HX , HY,For achieving targeted desired or designed
HZ and HV etc. are calculated based curve geometry, machine measures versine
on desired or designed curve at measuring trolley (H2) and versine at lining
geometry and chord length of trolley (H1) is corrected on the basis of versine
machine. The calculated versine ratio. In transition, versine (Vm etc)
value is fed through versine correction calculated for targeted geometry is
potentiometer. applied in addition by feeding these values
In addition slew values (FD) are fed in through versine potentiometer.
the front tower in slew In addition to above slew values (FD) are fed
potentiometer. in the front tower in slew potentiometer
B In machines with ALC, In machines with ALC,
(i) The target geometry
(design/desired) may be fed directly The target track geometry may be fed directly
in ALC along with FD to get that and Vm correction is applied automatically
targeted alignment. based on radius and transition details.
(ii) Measuring run data can be
used for deciding the desired curve
alignment ALC considers correction
FD, calculated on the basis of
measured run curve profile and
targeted curve profile and is not to
be fed separately.
C Used with LASER system Not applicable.
D The curve can be brought to the The curve here can be smoothened and
designed or desired target geometry brought to near designed alignment or
and location. desired alignment
(i) If the track is desired to be brought to the known position and geometry (designed
alignment) using fixed references for FD, 3- point lining in deign mode should be
followed {refer para 213 & 215(2)}.
(ii) In absence of fixed references, it is advisable to use measuring run mode of tamping
for achieving desired alignment {refer para 215(3)}.
(iii) In absence of fixed references and when measuring run is not feasible, desired
geometry based on ROC calculation and corresponding FD be used with or without ALC.
{refer para 213 & 215(2)}.
(iv) 4-Point design mode should normally be used only when it is intended to smoothen the
curve and bring it close to desired alignment.
217 Levelling of Track - Fixed type parallel chord levelling system is provided on all
tamping machines. Longitudinal level of both rails and cross-level is corrected.
(1) Datum Rail and Cant Rail – For correcting longitudinal profile, one of the
rails is selected as datum (base) rail and other as a cant rail. Machine corrects
datum rail and maintains cross-level on cant rail (other rail in case of straight
track) with reference to datum rail. Datum (base) Rail should be selected as
• On curves- inner-rail.
• On straight track in double line-less disturbed rail, which is generally non-
cess rail.
• On straight track in single line and straight middle track in multiple lines
section- higher/less disturbed rail.
(2) Selector Switch –In tampers supplied by Plasser India, Cant Selector Switch is
provided to select cant rail, which is kept opposite to the datum rail (base
rail). In Russian Tamper, datum Selector Switch is provided for selecting
datum Rail.
218 Levelling and Lifting System
(1) Equipment –It consists of two chord wires one for each rail, stretched tightly
from Front tower (F) to Rear tower (R). Tamping machines rectify level
defects in track by lifting it with reference to these levelling chords. Height
transducers are mounted on middle feeler rods (M), which rest on track in
between lifting unit and tamping unit. Both rails are controlled separately.
Pendulums are provided between left and right feeler rods to keep both
chords parallel and also measure cross level.
a b
Fig. 2.29
(2) Working – Height transducers provided on middle feeler rod measures the
gap between its zero level and chord wire. Datum rail is lifted to eliminate
this gap and other rail (cant rail) is lifted to bring specified cant between two
rails, which is kept zero in straight track and equal to super elevation value
on curved track.
(3) Reduction Ratio– In levelling process, front tower always remains on
unlevelled track and rear tower on levelled track. Because of level defects at
front tower location, the front end of the chord goes out of its correct
position equal to level offset at that point. Due to incorrect position of the
front end of chord proportional level errors remain after levelling.
Thus, the levelled track at M is having
Level error = 𝑳𝑳𝑳𝑳. 𝒂𝒂+𝒃𝒃 = 𝑳𝑳𝑳𝑳 (𝒀𝒀)/r
LF = Level offset (Y) at front tower
r (reduction ratio) = (a+b)/a
(4) Reduction Ratio of Various Machines –Various machines have different
reduction ratio (c/a) for lifting. Values for some of the important machines
Table 2.6
Bogie 08-275 08-275-3S 09- 32 UNIMAT T-Express 08-32C
Distance (m) UNIMAT UNIMAT CSM Compact(MPT) (09-3X) Duomatic
RM(a) 3.32 4.85 3.90 5.10 4.56 5.3
MF(b) 8.89 10.73 8.90 9.05 10.67 9.35
RF(a+b) 12.21 15.58 12.80 14.15 15.23 14.65
Reduction 3.678 3.212 3.232 2.775 3.333 2.764
Ratio (r)
219 Mode of Working for Levelling - Tamping machine corrects the levelling
error in following two modes.
(1) Smoothening or Compensation Levelling Mode- In this mode, long level
defect of track is not surveyed and general lift over the datum rail based on
short wave defects is generally fixed (fed through potentiometer in front
cabin) and the longitudinal level of track is smoothened accordingly.
Longitudinal level is not completely corrected and thus some residual error
(FR) remains. Y
Fig. 2.30
Only short wave defects, within the base of the machine can be
smoothened. Super elevation in curve & correction value X & K (discussed
at para 222(2) & (3)) are fed in addition. In the machines with ALC, the
general lift and curve detail (design or desired as decided for alignment
correction) may be fed through ALC in advance and the ALC will
automatically adjust cant value fed and distribute SE in transition length.
In machines with CMS, the general lift, ramp in and ramp out is displayed
on its screen.
(2) Design or Precision Levelling Mode – In this mode instead of general lift,
the lift value (Y) for achieving target level based on field survey are fed
through general lift potentiometer over the datum rail to rectify 100%
error. All long wave and short-wave defects can be completely removed.
Super elevation in curve & correction value X and K are fed in addition.
Fig. 2.31
In the machines with ALC, the target lifting value can be fed through ALC
by preparing a data file or by writing them on sleepers. While working on
curve, the radius, super elevation and transition length of targeted
desired/design curve can be fed in advance and the ALC will automatically
adjust cant value fed and distribute SE in transition length.
Note: Lift values at every location are to be written on sleeper to be fed in
general lift potentiometer in front cabin when front tower is above that
(3) Measuring Run (ALC) Levelling Mode (for level on machine chord length)
In machines with ALC, measuring run recording of the tangent track and
curve can be done. The level of track is measured on levelling chord and is
smoothened by eliminating different peaks and dips. However, long wave
defect is not eliminated. In curves, after deciding targeted level and SE in
circular portion the cant is distributed along the transition. In case
additional lift of track is required, the minimum and maximum lift limits can
be changed in ALC and track will be smoothened accordingly.
220 General Lift - It is the amount of lift, given to cover all undulations, for datum
rail. The other rail is then lifted to maintain cross-level/super-elevation as required
with reference to corrected datum rail.
(1) Deciding General Lift –The lifting of the track is decided based on the
magnitude of the dips/peaks in the track. The target level for the datum
should be such that it is always higher than the largest of dips, as ascertained
by P.Way supervisor in advance, duly increased by a value of at least 10 mm
at high points to achieve a uniform top surface of rail.
Therefore, the amount of lift, to be applied to datum rail, will be the
algebraic difference of higher and lower point of Datum rail + 10 mm. Dips
and peaks are decided on preliminary survey of Datum rail in chord equal to
machine chord length (15 m) approximately for eliminating short wave
defects. However, for straight track where datum is lower than other rail, it
should be more than maximum cross level difference.
10 mm
GL= x+10 mm
Fig. 2.32
(2) Quantum of General Lift –However, while fixing the target level, for datum
rail, care should be taken to make sure that total lift value does not exceed
50 mm at any point on Datum rail. If more than 50 mm lift is required, it
should be undertaken by in two passes of tamping machine. If lifting
required is more than 30 mm but less than 50 mm, double insertion in the
same pass tamping should be done, minimum lift at any location should be
20 mm for effective tamping.
(3) General Lift on Curves – For Curves, when the existing super-elevation (SE) is
less than equilibrium SE, general lift will be equal to track irregularities over
the datum rail (inner rail + 10 mm) and when the existing SE is more than
equilibrium SE, general lift will be the track irregularities in the datum rail
plus max difference between existing and equilibrium SE
221 Ramp in Ramp out
(1) Value of Ramp –While giving the general lift, ramp in of 1 in 1000 and also
while closing the work ramp out of 1 in 1000 should be given to the track for
smooth transition.
To be lifted
1 1
Existing Track
Fig. 2.33
(2) Method of Ramping –Method of ramp in and ramp out and closing and
opening of two successive blocks.
Fig. 2.34
(3) Feeding of Ramp Values –The principle of feeding lift for front tower (ramp
in) is shown below:
X= r Y-X Y
r =c/a
R M M' F'
a b
Fig. 2.35
𝑳𝑳 𝒄𝒄
= = 𝒓𝒓 (𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓 𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓𝒓)
𝑿𝑿 𝒂𝒂
As this machine is ahead to next position and suppose a lift of Y has been
given to the front cabin. Total actual lift at lifting point (M) can be written
𝑻𝑻 = 𝑿𝑿 +
In other words if T is the lift required at any position, the Y value at front
tower would be
𝒀𝒀 = (𝑻𝑻 − 𝑿𝑿). 𝒓𝒓 + 𝑿𝑿
An example for ramp in and ramp out calculations is attached as
In machines with ALC, general lift value and ramp gradient is fed through it
directly. In machines with CMS, general lift, and ramp gradient is displayed
on screen
222 Input of the Lifting and Cant Values - In machines like CSM, Tamping
Express and UNIMAT-4S, the cross level is entered in the working cabin at location
M. In other tampers it is fed in front tower (F).
The adjustment of the track lifting value (general lift/target height) is fed at the
front reference (front cabin) point F manually or automatically. Proportional value
is transmitted to electronic control and measuring transducer mounted on the
middle feeler rod (M), which measures existing longitudinal level. Lifting of track is
done till the difference becomes zero.
(1) Method of Feeding of Cant in Curves – In machines designed for feeding
cross level through front cabin F, following steps are to be followed:
CT 6
7 8
Fig. 2.36
(j) Beyond this the negative XL at F is increased to Zero in a distance of
“a” i.e. till R reaches TS.
In machines like CSM, Tamping Express and UNIMAT-4S, in which cross
level is entered in the working cabin at location M, the actual cant value at
M is entered and additional feed of cant through + 10 mm potentiometer
may also be required to be fed in front tower. In latest model machines,
provided with encoders, additional feeding through + 10 mm
potentiometer is not required. In most of such machines, the + 10 mm
potentiometer is not being provided at all.
If the galvanometer does not come to zero position (desired cant is not
achieved), additional correction required to bring it to zero, is to be fed
through +5 mm potentiometer in working cabin at M.
(2) Correction (K) in Cross-Level to be fed due to error created by Curvature –
While working in curve, both the levelling chord shifts inside. Also the
height transducer gets tilted thus causing extra lift equal to K beyond
general lift or lift value Y fed. Therefore, to achieve the desired level of
track the general lift/lift value, will have to be reduced by value called
correction “K”.
(a) Correction value “K” is fed while working in curve and is equal to
𝑲𝑲 =
(b) The correction value "K" depends on radius, super elevation and
gauge of the track. The constant varies from machine to machine.
The K value is deducted from the amount of general lift/lift to be
given in the front tower. The K value distribution is given in below.
(c) Value of K correction, depending on curvature, gauge and super
elevation, for any machine is supplied by manufacturer in the
instruction manual. A sample is enclosed as Annexure 2.14.
Fig. 2.37
(3) Attention to Vertical Curve – The levelling chord and track profile are not
parallel when machine works in vertical curve. The requirement of lift is
either more or less than that given by machine in case of summit and
valley curve respectively. To account for the same, general lift/lift value is
adjusted depending on type of curve. Accordingly, additional correction
value “X” is applied to general lift/lift value as below
Fig. 2.38
(a) For Summit Curves– X’ value starts from beginning of summit (AA) as
shown in Fig 2.38. The value of ‘X’ gets added to the existing lifting
value & reaches maximum when the complete levelling chord is on
the vertical curve. The value ‘X’ reduces from end of summit (AE) and
becomes zero at the point so that the complete levelling chord is out
of vertical curve. L is levelling chord length.
(b) For Valley (sag) Curves – If the vertical curve is as below then ‘X’
value starts from beginning of valley (AA) as shown in Fig 2.39. The
value of ‘X’ gets subtracted to the existing lifting value & reaches
maximum when the complete levelling chord is on the vertical curve.
The value ‘X’ reduces from end of valley (AE) and becomes zero at the
point so that the complete levelling chord is out of vertical curve. L is
levelling chord length.
Fig. 2.39
(c) The value of X for different vertical curves are given by machine
manufacturer, One sample is enclosed as Annexure 2.15.
223 Survey and Working of Tamping Machines in Design Mode - The
Guidelines for survey of track (for getting FD and Y), and operation of tie tamping
machines in Design mode is given in Annexure 2.16. The methods of operation
including feeding of requisite data in various modes of tamping are given in
224 Works required Before, During and After Tamping
(1) General - Activities/works to be done before, during, and after tamping are
elaborated in following paragraphs. In addition to the above, areas needing
special care in respect of various machines are also brought out.
(2) Preparatory Works for Introduction of Tamping Machines for Plain Track
and Turnouts - Before undertaking through maintenance tamping of plain
track and/or turnouts, advance planning and fulfillment of pre-requisite are
necessary to ensure quality work and increased retentivity of tamping.
Action as detailed hereunder shall be taken and a detailed project report
prepared duly incorporating location specific needs, if any.
(a) A field survey should be carried out to
(i) Determine existing profile of track including availability of clean
and total ballast cushion, to decide the extent of lift and assess
ballast requirements.
(ii) Take census of hogged and battered joints, if any, which may
require end cropping or reconditioning etc.
(iii) Take census of broken and damaged sleeper on plain track as
well as in turnouts.
(iv) Make assessment of the extent of cess repairs required.
(b) A minimum clean ballast cushion of 150 mm below the bottom of the
sleepers, at rail seat location, is recommended for quality output and
retentivity of tamping by the tamping machines. For new line,
doubling, gauge conversion etc. the total (clean) cushion before
undertaking tamping by machine should be at least 250 mm (on main
line) and 150 mm on loop lines/siding.
(c) Availability of adequate ballast should be ensured in shoulders and
cribs to allow required lift as per proposed vertical profile as per the
relevant provisions in the Indian Railways permanent Way Manual
(with all correction slips) and Indian Railways Schedule of Dimensions
(with all correction slips) and to maintain ballast profile as per IRPWM
after tamping work.
(d) Track drainage should be improved and pumping locations should be
attended. Rounded ballast in these locations should be replaced with
clean and angular ballast. For aforesaid objectives planning and
execution of deep screening of ballast, if required, training out of
ballast, and cess repair works should be done well in advance.
(e) All broken and damaged sleepers should be replaced including those in
points and crossings.
(f) Necessary attention to hogged/battered joints is given, as required, by
end cropping or reconditioning etc.
(g) Permanent reference pillars for alignment as discussed in Annexure
2.16 should be marked.
(h) In case of tamping on turnouts, sufficient length of approach track,
taking into account the special track features on either side should also
be planned for tamping. In case of the turnout leading to loop line, the
turn in-curve shall also be tamped along with turnout.
(3) Pre-tamping Works - The following preparatory works shall be completed
before undertaking tamping of track
(a) Another round of field survey should be carried out just before
deployment of tamping machine to update the existing profile of track
and rework proposed track profile as per guidelines detailed in
Annexure 2.16. The time gap between this field survey and actual
tamping machine working should be minimum.
(b) In case the permanent reference pillars have been installed and
documented, the slew and lift data can be used directly.
(c) Alternatively the measuring run facility (ALC) of tamping machine, if
available, should be used for surveying the existing track profile and
determination of proposed track profile during the block itself just
before commencing tamping operation.
(d) The beginning and the end of curve/transition curves should be written
conspicuously on sleepers. In addition various parameters mentioned
below (as shown in the sketch) should be written on every
alternate/every third sleeper for use of the operator for feeding.
(i) For straight track–slew (FD), lift (Y) values for designed
longitudinal profile.
(ii) For horizontal curves–slew (FD), versine compensation (Vm/F)
values (in 4 point lining system) or versine (H, Hx, Hy, Hz, Hz, Hw
) values (in 3 point lining system) Super-elevation and lowering
values (K correction), lift (Y) values for designed longitudinal
(iii) For vertical curves–correction values for vertical curves (X
F/Vm(4pt. )1
S15 L15 SE4
H (3pt. )54
Fig. 2.40
(e) Ballast should be heaped up in the tamping zone to ensure effective
packing. However, sleeper top should be visible to the operator and
the ballast must not obstruct the working of lifting rollers.
(f) Necessary attention to all remaining hogged/battered joints, as
required, is given.
(g) All cup joints, if any, should also be attended.
(h) Deficient fittings and fastenings should be made good and all fittings
and fastenings like fish bolts, keys, cotters, loose-jaws, elastic rail clips
etc. should be properly tightened. Worn out fittings and rubber pads
should also be replaced.
(i) Sleepers should be squared, uniformly spaced and the gauge
(j) De-stressing of rails, adjustment of creep, expansion gaps in joints and
SEJs etc., if necessary, shall be carried out.
(k) Guard-rails at the approach of girder bridges and on ballasted deck
bridges shall be removed temporarily.
(l) All obstructions such as rail lubricators, signal rods & bonds, cable
pipes, axle counter etc., which may obstruct the tamping tools should
be removed temporarily. In case it is not possible to remove, these
obstructions should be clearly marked and made known to the
operator before the start of the work.
(m) Wooden distance blocks (pieces) on platform lines, wooden blocks and
joggled fish plates etc. shall be removed temporally ahead of tamping
& J-clips therein shall be replaced with proper liners and ERCs.
(n) In electrified sections, the earth/structure /cross bonds should either
be removed temporarily or properly adjusted for unobstructed
(o) Level crossing shall be opened and check-rail shall be removed
temporarily ahead of tamping machine.
(p) Suitable speed restriction as per the policy guidelines issued by Railway
shall be imposed, if existing Joggled fishplates are removed before
packing. This speed restriction shall be relaxed only after re-fixing
Joggled fishplates.
(q) For turnouts, following works should be done in addition
(i) Complete layout including spacing of sleepers as per relevant
drawings shall be checked and corrected, if required.
(ii) The broken/battered or worn nose of the crossing should be
either replaced or reconditioned, as necessary.
(iii) Ensure that all broken/damaged sleepers, if any, in crossing
portion have been replaced.
(iv) High points on the turn out and approaches should be
determined and general lift should be decided. General lift of
minimum 10 mm must be given.
(v) A joint inspection by SSE/TM and SSE/P.way shall also be carried
out to ensure that pre-requisite and preparatory work, to
achieve high quality work by machine, are ensured.
(r) Co-ordination with other Departments:
(i) Operating Department: for planning and arrangement of
sufficient line blocks to ensure optimum use of tamping
(ii) Electrical Department: for availability of OHE staff, as required.
(iii) S&T Department: for availability of signal staff and making
communication arrangements, as required.
(4) Operations During Tamping - The following points should be observed by
the SSE/JE/TM and the SSE/JE/P.Way:
(a) The tamping machine should work in design mode only, except for
initial round of tamping at worksite. DTS shall be deployed to work
behind the tamping machine in the same block.
(b) The tamping (Squeezing) pressure should be adjusted according to the
type of sleeper as sleeper as given in Para 206(1).
(c) The gap between top edge of the tamping blade and the bottom edge
of the sleeper in closed position of the tamping tools should be
adjusted depending upon the type of rail and sleepers. The gap for
different types of sleepers should be as given in para 206 (2).
(d) During tamping the squeezing time should be kept as specified in Para
206 (5) Lower squeezing time should be chosen for ballast in un-
consolidated/partially consolidated conditions. Higher squeezing time
may be required for track with caked up ballast.
(e) The machine should have full compliments of tamping tools. The
tamping tools should not be loose or worn out. The wear on the tool
blade should not be more than that specified in Para 206 (6).
(f) Care should be taken to ensure that tamping tools are inserted
centrally between the sleepers into the ballast to avoid damage to
sleepers. The number of insertions of the tamping tool per sleeper
varies with the type of sleeper and the amount of track lift to be given
as per Para 220(2). One additional insertion should be given for joint
(g) For LWR/CWR track, the relevant provisions of. LWR manual shall be
adhered to.
(h) Ramp in and Ramp out to be provided as per Para 221.
(i) If work is to be done during night, sufficient lighting at work site should
be ensured.
(j) Correct feeding of relevant values – FD, Y, Vm, F, H, K, X shall be
ensured, while working in manual mode.
(k) During tamping, the parameters of tamped track should be checked
immediately after tamping for cross level and alignment and necessary
corrective action should be taken.
(l) For Turnouts
(i) Ensure that sufficient length (at least 50 m) of approach track,
taking into account the special track features, on either side are
also tamped in continuation.
(ii) For turnouts in quick succession, without sufficient length in
between, adequate line block shall be planned to tamp adjacent
turnouts together.
(iii) S&T connections and stretcher bars shall be removed.
(iv) While moving the machine over the switch after tamping on
main line portion, either leading or first following stretcher bar is
connected for safe movement of machine over switch.
(v) For tamping of turnouts, main line portion is to be tamped first.
Sequence of tamping is given in Annexure 2.17.
(vi) In case of diamonds (with/without slips), direction of more traffic
should be tamped first as shown in Annexure 2.17.
(vii) While tamping mainline portion, the additional lifting
arrangement, provided in the machine (UNIMAT-3s), lifts the
turnout side rail also. Therefore the lifted end of sleepers on
turnout side should be adequately supported on wooden
wedges, or using non-infringing jacks under rails, till these
sleepers are tamped by machine. In latest model (UNIMAT-4s),
tamping of sleeper support under third rail can also be tamped.
(viii) In case of the turnouts leading to loop line, the turn in-curve shall
also be tamped in continuation.
(m) It should be ensured that S&T and electrical staff are associated during
the work.
(5) Post Tamping Operations - The Section Engineer (P. Way) shall pay attention
to the following items:
(a) Checking and tightening of loose fittings.
(b) Replacement of broken fittings.
(c) The ballast shall be dressed neatly as per IRPWM profile. Proper
consolidation of ballast between the sleepers shall be done manually in
case Tamping machine is not followed by DTS.
(d) Actual output of the work done, shall be compared with reference to
rated output. Analysis and monitoring of ineffective time shall be done.
(e) Any unusual occurrences shall invariably be reported to M/C control &
Engineering Control along with loss of working time, if any.
(f) Final track parameters on straight track as well as main line on
turnouts should be recorded with the help of recorders provided in the
tamping machine or by optional equipment like Data Recording
Processor (DRP) or by separate run of track measuring trolleys etc. The
machine should, after tamping, be able to achieve track geometry
generally to category A standards, but in no case lower than category B
limits specified in IRPWM.
(g) A copy of this record should be kept with the Section Engineer (P.
(h) If the recorder is not available, then gauge and cross level at every 5th
sleepers of tamped track should be recorded.
(i) In addition, the versines and super-elevation of curves shall also be
(j) While working in LWR territory, the provision of Manual of Instructions
on Long Welded Rail (with all correction slips) should be followed.
(k) The fixtures like checkrails etc. removed during pre-tamping operation
should be restored.
(l) Guard rails removed during preparatory work should be restored.
(m) Distance blocks on platform lines, joggle fishplates, OHE bonds,
signaling rods/bonds & cables pipes shall be put in place and fittings
shall be tightened.
225 Dynamic Track Stabilizer (DTS)
(1) General – During maintenance operations such as tamping, lifting, slewing,
deep screening etc. the lateral resistance of track gets reduced which
rebuilds gradually with passage of trains. This consolidation can also be
achieved faster, uniformly and more effectively by means of a Dynamic Track
(2) General Layout –The general layout of Dynamic Track Stabilizer are given
Fig. 2.41
(3) Advantages of DTS - Consolidation by the DTS has the following major
(a) Elimination of initial differential settlements, which are caused by the
impact of passing trains.
(b) The track geometry achieved by tamping machines is retained for a
longer duration as consolidated structure of ballast bed is built up.
(c) Lateral track resistance increases resulting in enhanced safety against
track buckling.
(d) Speed restrictions can be relaxed earlier.
(4) Brake System
Following types of braking system are provided on machine:
(i) Direct Brake- It is applied only on machine during transit.
(ii) Indirect Brake-This brake is used for application on machine and
coupled camping coach/ wagon while running. This brake system is
provided in machines with KE valve. KE valve is available in all new
tamping machines. It works with single piping system.
(iii) Emergency Brake- This brake is applied on machine during transit
alone or coupled with camping coach/wagon only when KE valve is in
‘on’ position. It is applied through indirect brake system.
(iv) Safety Brake- This brake is applied automatically by switching off
hydrodynamic transmission gear (ZF Gear in Plasser machines). This
should not be normally used as service braking system.
(v) Parking Brake- This is hand operated mechanical brake, applied when
machine is stabled.
226 Working Principle of Dynamic Track Stabilizer
(1) Mechanism of DTS – Heavy dynamic consolidating units are pressed firmly
against both rails by hydraulic pressure. Flywheels produce a horizontal
oscillations (some of machines use vertical oscillations also) directed laterally
to the track, which together with a vertical load is transmitted onto the track
and subsequently to the ballast bed. The dynamic effect of directional
oscillation causes the sleepers to be "rubbed into' the ballast bed and
produces a "flowing movement" of the ballast which get denser by filling of
the voids.
This compaction causes not only a controlled and uniform settlement of the
track but also an enhanced friction between sleeper and compacted ballast
bed, thus increasing lateral track resistance.
The oscillation frequency is adjustable. The impact by the dynamic force and
simultaneously applied static force are important aspects of functioning of
DTS. Hydraulic cylinders attached between the machine frame and the
consolidating units apply vertical static loads on both rails. The vertical load
helps in maintaining firm contact between the consolidating units and the
track for transmitting the oscillation. The vertical static pressure is also
(2) Levelling System in DTS – DTS is equipped with a levelling system, which
prevents the longitudinal, and cross level values achieved after tamping from
varying due to differential settlement of various segments of track during
operation of DTS. The transducers of the longitudinal level and the cross
level measuring system recognize the tendencies towards formation of faults
of this kind and influence the load control with their measuring signal via the
automatic governor, thus counteracting the tendency of propagation of the
(3) Speed of Working of DTS – The speed of working can be controlled by an
adjustable hydrostatic drive. If the track geometry is corrected by several
passes of the tamping machine, then a low speed of working of 0.5 kmph to
1.0 kmph is selected for first and second passes of the machine. For
subsequent passes, higher working speed is selected.
(4) Stabilization Achieved by DTS- It is possible to permit speed of 40 kmph on
freshly deep-screened tack, if ballast is adequate and Dynamic Track
Stabilizer has been used behind the tamping machine.
227 Modes of Working of Dynamic Track Stabilizer - The machines are
capable of working in following two modes
(1) Maximum Settlement/Constant Pre Load Mode (i.e. Levelling system-OFF)–
In the this mode of working, the machine works to achieve higher
consolidation through maximum pressure (vertical load)and thus larger
settlement, however, the settlement achieved in this mode of working is
usually irregular, though the consolidation level of ballast bed is high.
(2) Controlled Settlement/Variable Pre Load Mode (i.e. Levelling system-ON) –
In this mode of working, the DTS machines are capable of settling the track
in a controlled manner while maintaining the track geometry, both
longitudinal and cross level. A settlement value is preselected (around 30%
of lift during tamping)and the pressure (vertical load) in the long cylinders is
controlled by levelling system. In some machines measuring and control
system has been installed which can remove any residual fault in track
228 Types of Dynamic Track Stabilizer - There are three make of DTS machines
in use over Indian railways
(1) Types of DTS
(a) DTS 62N (Plasser India).
(b) DTS VKL-404IN (BHEL, India).
(c) DTS DSP-C8T (METEX -JSC, Moscow Russia).
(2) Salient Features of Different DTS –The important dimensions of the
machines are given at Annexure 2.18. Salient features and technology used
in different machines are given below:
Table 2.7
S.N Feature Plasser’s DTS – BHEL’s DTS – VKL- METEX’s DTS – DSP-
o. DGS-62N 404IN C8T
1. Bogie One bogie is One bogie is One bogie is driving
powered bogie driving and second and second is idle
for travel drive is idle. The driving during running.
and both bogie bogie is equipped However, during
serves as with two traction working, both bogies
powered bogie motors. are powered.
for working drive
2. Stabilizi Has, two Has, two stabilizing Three stabilizing
ng Units stabilizing units. units. Each units located at the
Each stabilizing stabilizing unit middle part of the
unit consist of a consists of a frame machine. Each
frame with 4 with 4 running stabilizing unit
running rollers rollers. The consists of a frame
with flange inside, stabilizing units are with 4 guide rollers.
a horizontal designed that only The guide rollers are
running guide horizontal pressed against the
rollers per rail and vibration occurs by railhead from inside
the vibration means of a cordon during the vibration
drive unit. The shaft. The rollers process Vibration
running rollers are so designed to units drive is carried
are pressed enables the work out by hydro motors
against the in the turnouts. and cordon shaft.
railhead from The roller balances Both horizontal and
inside during the are equipped with vertical vibrations
vibration process the blades, which are produced.
and the horizontal guide the rollers
guide rollers from through the
outside. crossing.
The stabilizing
units are designed
that only
vibration occurs
by means of a
cardan shaft.
3. Vibratio 0-45 Hz 0-40 Hz 40-49 Hz (Vertical
n (Favorable range (Favorable range vibration)
frequen 32 to 37 Hz) 32 to 35 Hz) (Favorable range 40
cy to 45 Hz)
20-22.5 Hz
4. Working 0-2.5 Kmph 0-3.0 Kmph 0-2.5 Kmph
5. Vertical 240 KN MAX. (120 240 KN MAX (120 320 KN MAX. (106.6
preload KN on each KN on each KN on each
stabilizing unit) stabilizing unit) stabilizing unit)
6 Leveling The measuring No Leveling System The measuring
System system of the system of the
leveling device leveling device
works on the works on the
principle of three principle of four
point system. point system.
7 Working There are two There are also two There are two
Mode working modes: working modes: working modes:
i) Controlled i) Constant Drop i) Levelling mode
Settlement mode. Mode CDM. which is computer
ii) Maximum ii) Constant Thrust controlled
Settlement mode Mode CTM ii) Constant Vertical
8 Max 10 mm (Leveling In constant thrust Up to 20 mm
Drop mode) mode –CTM-10 to (Leveling mode)
Value 50 mm
In constant drop
mode-CDM-5 to 10
40-45 Hz shall be selected when working on bridges. When working on
major or important bridges, sufficient staff should be deputed to
observe the bridge spans, especially the bearings, during stabilizing
operations. If any unusual sounds/vibrations/movements are noticed,
stabilizing operations shall be immediately stopped on that bridge and
a speed restriction of 20 kmph shall be imposed on the bridge till it is
examined minimum at the level of JE (Bridge).
(f) While working the machine in stretches adjacent to walls, trench walls,
retaining walls, platform etc. no restrictions for the working of the
machines are normally necessary. However, when these structures are
defective, extra care is necessary in the proximity of 20 m on either
side to avoid likely damages to the structure.
(g) No stabilizing work in tunnels is permitted.
(h) When working behind tamping machine attending track at
maintenance site and deep screening site, DTS (Plasser make) should
work with following parameters.
Table 2.8
Condition Leveling Settlement Oscillation Working
system settings(verti frequency speed
cal load)
A. Stabilization of Plain Track during maintenance tamping
ON 70 bar 30-35 Hz 600-1300 m/h
B. Stabilization after tamping of Plain Track at newly laid/deep
screened track
After first OFF 80 bar 30-35 Hz 600-1000 m/h
tamping (Constant
operation Loads)
After OFF 100 bar 30-35 Hz 600-1000 m/h
second (Constant
tamping Loads)
After final ON 70 bar 30-35 Hz 600-1300 m/h
C. Stabilization of Points and crossing during maintenance tamping
ON 50 bar 30-38 Hz 600-1300 m/h
(i) While stabilizing Points and Crossing, DTS should not be stopped at
crossing portion.
(j) Ramp in and ramp out (1 in 1000) should be given while starting the
work or restarting the work at any time.
Annexure 2.1
Position of Tamping Tools in Tamping Machines
(1) Position of Tamping Tools for 09-3X Tamping Machine
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 15E/16
(2) Position of Tamping Tools for New CSM (MODEL CSM-955 On Ward) And
DUOMATIC (New) Tamping Machine
Tool RDSO Drg. Total No Tool Sketch
No Required
3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 (Out of 32)
1 15A/16
4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1
1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4
2 15B/16
3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2
3 RDSO/TM/ 08
4 RDSO/TM/ 08
(3) Position of Tamping Tools for CSM (UPTO CSM 954)& DUO Tamping Machine
(Old Model)
Too RDSO Drg. Total No Tool Sketch
l No Required
6 7 8 6 6 7 8 6
(Out of 32)
6 RDSO/TM/ 16
9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6
6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9
7 RDSO/TM/ 04
7 6
6 8 6 8 7 6
8 RDSO/TM/ 04
(4) Position of Tamping Tools for UNIMAT-4S Tamping Machine
Tool RDSO Drg. Total No Tool Sketch
No Required (Out of
1 RDSO/TM/ 08
2 01B/16
3 01C/16
Annexure 2.2
Important Features/Dimensions of DUOMATIC & WST METEX
METEX 23550 2000 5800 11300 3130 1830 1105 3810 710 12.5t 3000
Annexure 2.3
Important Features/Dimensions of Points & Crossing Tamping Machine
08-275 UNIMAT
08-275 3S 21670 20400 14000 1800 635 1830 3200 1105 3550 730 17.34t 3000
08-475 4S 28370 27100 14000 1800 635 1830 1160 10110 3200 1105 3743 920 19.8t 3000
Annexure 2.4
Important Features/Dimensions of UNIMAT Split Head MFI & Multipurpose
Tamping Machine
08-275 UNIMAT
TAMPING MACHINE 19270 18000 635 12000 1800 1500 9600 3000 1105 3793 730 11.5t 3100
Annexure 2.5
Important Features/Dimensions of Continuous Tamping Machine 09-32-CSM
09-32-CSM 20670 19400 13700 1800 4170 1100 3500 730 730 13.0t 3040
Annexure 2.6
Important Features /Dimensions of Tamping Express (09-3X) (Plain Track Tampers) of Different Models
09-3X I
TAMPING EXPRESS 09-3X 22940 21700 1800 2935 1500 1105 4000 850 730 2900 18.5t
TAMPING EXPRESS 09-3X 22940 21700 1800 2935 1500 1800 9465 4000 730 730 2900 20.0t
TAMPING EXPRESS 09-3X 22940 21700 1800 1500 1800 1105 3805 920 730 2900 21.0t
Annexure 2.7
Laser Sighting System
LASER lining is used on straight track in 3-point mode to remove long misalignment or false curve
on otherwise straight track. The LASER system consists of LASER gun (transmitter) and LASER
receiver. The LASER trolley, which consists of laser gun, is placed in front of the machine up to
200-300m away. The receiver mounted on the front tightening trolley is adjustable so that it
follows the LASER beam and the position is detected by a transducer that provides an input to the
lining system equivalent to the offset of the front of the chord. As the machine is working, it
moves up to the LASER trolley until the distance is a minimum of 20 m away. LASER system
operates fully automatically and is able to cope with distances of up to 300 m. But LASER lining is
only applicable for straight track. Important details are given below:
(1) By means of a special device, the LASER beam is fanned vertically in such a way that, the
eventual change in track height has no influence on the system.
(2) By means of an automatic follow up control, the LASER receiver is always positioned at
the centre of the LASER beam and therefore determines the input of the slewing values.
(3) The distance of the LASER gun from the machine is also dependent on the ambient
conditions (rain, snow, fog, high ambient temperature). In good ambient conditions
(clear, dry air) the lining distance can be extended considerably.
Working Sequence of Design Lining with the Laser Sighting System
Phase 1 (Initial Setting) - LASER transmitter is positioned as far as possible from the machine. If
the lining error (F) at P is known, the laser transmitter can be, adjusted laterally by amount of
lining error F
Phase 2 and 3 when the design lining commences, the front end of the chord with the LASER
receiver is shifted by an amount of the error FD in the direction of the emitted laser from
transmitter. The track is lined at point C and matches exactly with the line of sight.
Phase 4 and 5: The machine drives forward and the front end of the chord is matched up again
with the line of sight. The machine is ready for the next lining operation.
Annexure 2.8
Automatic Guiding Computer (ALC) System
It is advanced computer software loaded on on-board computer, which automatically calculates
target output for the lining, levelling and cant based on manual input of required track geometry or
measuring run data. The alignment, cant (SE) and level (gradient) are also displayed on the
computer screen.
(1) Known Track Geometry mode
(a) Lining - If the track geometry is known, the data required for lining to be fed in ALC are
(i) Beginning of transitions
(ii) Transition lengths
(iii) Radius of circular curve
(iv) Front offset (Fd) Value
ALC software draws the curve according to input data of curve and displays on computer
screen. The ALC also calculates theoretical H, HX, HY, HZ and HW values for 3-Point lining or
Vm/F values for 4-Point lining system accordingly for different locations.
While working in 4-point lining system, on curves, Vm/F values can be supplied by ALC, based
on fed geometry viz. radius of circular curve and transition curve details etc.
In 3-Point lining system, ALC feeds the relevant theoretical value of H, HX, HY, HZ and HW
calculated on basis of fed geometry for that location to printed circuit board (PCB). The
difference (error) in existing track parameters and fed values is calculated by (PCB) and track
is corrected accordingly to eliminate the differential.
In addition, by conducting field survey for alignment, the slew values (FD) are calculated and
fed into the machine either manually or through ALC by creating a front offset data file, for
design mode working.
While working on straight track, the ALC works in 3-Point lining system only by taking H
values as zero.
Location of track geometry where alignment has to be fed into the machine is shown below.
The input will be displayed in the same format.
(b) Levelling - If the track geometry is known, the data required for leveling and cant correction
to be fed in ALC are:
(i) Beginning of transitions
(ii) Transition lengths
(iii) Maximum Cant (super-elevation)
(iv) Beginning and end of vertical curve (circular) and its radius or gradient detail.
The ALC feeds the calculated SE value, K value and X value at different locations for
correction by the machine. At any location (point) required cant and lift value can be seen on
screen by positioning the curser.
Target height (Y) values for datum rail are fed in general lift potentiometer (values may be
written on sleepers) or through a data file of distance and target height (prepared separately)
for automatic leveling by ALC.
Location where superelevation and gradient are fed into ALC are shown below:
Gradient input
Annexure 2.9
Machine Trolley Distances
12 0 9-3X Tamping Express 4.35 5.475 11.075 9.825 16.55 20.9 1.511433 6.430246 3.022831 99.2908 30317
13 0 9- 32CSM (954-967) 6 3.79 10.96 9.79 14.75 20.75 1.212411 8.248751 3.891821 67.7768 20769
14 UNIMAT MFI SPLIT HEAD 5 6.05 11.2 11.05 17.25 22.25 1.434899 5.741184 2.85124 124.7913 33880
15 08-32 C (8128-8140) 5 5.3 9.35 10.3 14.65 19.65 1.314744 5.273356 2.764151 85.0694 24777
16 09-32 CSM (968 -984) 6 3.79 10.96 9.79 14.75 20.75 1.212411 8.248751 3.891821 67.7768 20769
Annexure 2.10
Sample-Versine compensation (V) in 4 point lining at Location with changing curvature (DUO-0832C)
Transition - curve
Transition - straight
Adjustment from Front Cabin
m 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 17.0 19.0 19.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Vo 1.00 0.98 0.92 0.87 0.81 0.73 0.63 0.51 0.39 0.28 0.18 0.10 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
straight - transition
curve - transition
Adjustment from front cabin
m 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 17.0 19.0 19.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Vo 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.13 0.19 0.27 0.37 0.49 0.61 0.72 0.82 0.90 0.98 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 0 0 0 0
Annexure 2.11
( for circular curves without transitions)
R Fm
990 9
980 9
970 9
960 10
950 10
940 10
straight - curve
F-VALUES curve - straight
Fo 0.04 0.15 0.33 0.45 0.59 0.75 0.91 0.99 0.99 0.92 0.76 0.53 0.17 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 5 5 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1 3 5 6 8 9 10 10 9 8 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annexure 2.12
Example: Sequence of tamping of track by WST 08-32C.
A. Detail about track & general input.
i) SE= 50 mm. R=400 m. Transition Length L1 & L2=50 m.
ii) General lift required 30 mm (based on general survey)
iii) Starting and closing shall not be in curve.
B. Detail about Machine 08.32C.
i) Lining chord
AC=10.30 CD=9.35 BC=5.30 AB=5 m
BD=14.65 m AD=19.65 m.
ii) Levelling Chord.
RM=5300 mm. MF=9350 mm. RF=14650 mm
C. Sequence of working
1. Tamping parameters setting.
i) Set tamping depth=Sleeper height + Rail height+6 mm (Pad)
ii) Set Sq. time as prescribed in instruction manual for that machine.
iii) Deciding on squeezing pressure.
2. General lift (manual feeding through front potentiometer)
Calculation method is given in Annexure 2.10 should be followed.
Working Direction
a b a b
Level after lifting
a b 30mm
66 75
S.L. No 0 16 25 50 66 75 S.L. No 0 16 25 50
a b
Vm Lo Vm
4. 3 – Point Lining
If machine is working in 3 point Lining then calculate following versines for input.
I) H value= BC.CD/2R = 5.30x9.35/2x400 =62mm or constant/ R = 24778/ 400
II) Hv (versine varying per meter) = BC.CD/2RL = 62/50= 1.24 mm/m
It may also be calculated as
Hv= (versine at starting Y-versine at end of x) / (Transition Length – Machine chord
a b 50mm
16 25
S.L. No 0 16 25 0 16 25 S.L. No 0 16 25 0
Divide cant value (Max) by transition length= 50mm/50m= 1mm/m
Cant value to be distributed in full transition as shown above. Similar to the method
shown for feeding general lift the cant value in front tower for getting a cant of 50 mm at
TC will be
= (50 mm + 0.6 x 16) x 1 = 59.6 mm
Cant at other locations can be calculated accordingly.
If fed in working cabin, the actual cant at that location (M) shall be fed, with maximum
value as 50 mm.
b) K Correction Value - While working in curve general lift has to be reduced by K value as
given in para 224 (2). The value of K correction is supplied by manufacturers in their
K value of given data =3mm, which means 3 mm will be subtracted from general lift
30mm in circular position i.e. max between TC to CT and Zero at ST and TS.
K=0 K=0
c) X Value - For vertical curve, X value should be fed as described in manual.
In machines with ALC, all the above parameters are either fed or are automatically
calculated by ALC itself on the basis of input of track geometry.
6. Additional Input for Design Mode of Lining and Levelling:
I) Lining: FD value (offset value) fed in the front cabin by slew potentiometer. FD is amount
by which track is shifted from its desired/design position
II) Levelling: target height value (Y) i.e. Desired lift over the Datum rail.
FD and Y are determined by field survey and calculating slew and lift manually/using
software and can also be fed by making a data file for ALC or by using laser (3-Point Lining)
system as applicable.
Alternatively, in machines with ALC where Measuring run is taken all the required feedings
(included front offset FD and lift Y) are automatically taken into account based on final
alignment decided.
In brief the input required in different mode of working on curves are
Mode of working Values to be fed Remark
Versine/versine Slew cant
4 pt. smoothening/ Yes - Yes 1. Existing curve radius and Transition length
compensation (Versine required for calculating versine
mode compensation) compensation (Vm).
2. Desired cant should be known.
3. K-value should be calculated and adjusted
in general lift.
4. X-value if required should also be
adjusted in general lift.
4 point design / Yes Yes yes 1. Designed curve radius and Transition
Precision mode (versine (FD Values) length required for calculating versine
compensation) compensation (Vm).
2. Designed cant should be known.
3. K-value should be calculated and adjusted
in lift value (Y).
4. X-value if required should also be
adjusted in lift value (Y).
5. In addition to above, FD and Y should be
ascertained by field survey for designed
3 point Elementary Yes yes 1. Existing curve radius and Transition length
mode (Versine values H, required for calculating Versine values.
HX, Hy, Hz, Hw, Hv, 2. Designed cant should be known.
HFx, HFw) 3. K-value should be calculated and adjusted
in general lift.
4. X-value if required should also be
adjusted in general lift.
3 point design or Yes Yes Yes 1. Designed curve radius and Transition
precision mode (Versine values H, (FD Value) length required for calculating Versine
HX, Hy, Hz, Hw, Hv, values.
HFx, HFw)) 2. Designed cant should be known.
3. K-value should be calculated and adjusted
in lift value (Y)
4. X-value if required should also be
adjusted in lift value (Y).
5. In addition to above, FD and Y should
be ascertained by field survey for
designed curve..
Annexure 2.13
Example – Ramp In and Ramp Out (Fed through front potentiometer)
Working Direction
a b a b
Level after lifting
a b
47 54
S.L. No 0 13 20 34 47 54 S.L. No 0 13 20 34
a b
Ramp in feed value Ramp in feed value Contd..
Corresponding Corresponding
Sleeper at Front Sleeper at Front
tower tower
Sleeper Sleeper
No From LIFT at FEED at No From LIFT at FEED at
start of nth Front start of nth Front
Ramp in sleeper tower Ramp in sleeper tower
(n) (Xn) (Fn) Remarks (n) (Xn) (Fn) Remarks
0 0 0 13 21 12.6 21 34
1 0.6 1.8 Xn=n*0.6 14 22 13.2 21.6 35
2 1.2 3.6 Fn=Xn*r 15 23 13.8 22.2 36
3 1.8 5.4 16 24 14.4 22.8 37
4 2.4 7.2 17 25 15 23.4 38
5 3 9 18 26 15.6 24 39
6 3.6 10.8 19 27 16.2 24.6 40
7 4.2 12.6 20 28 16.8 25.2 41
8 4.8 13.2 Xn=n*0.6 21 29 17.4 25.8 42
9 5.4 13.8 Fn=F7 + (n-7)*0.6 22 30 18 26.4 43
10 6 14.4 And will continue 23 31 18.6 27 44
11 6.6 15 till n=34 24 32 19.2 27.6 45
12 7.2 15.6 25 33 19.8 28.2 46
13 7.8 16.2 26 34 20.4 28.8 47
14 8.4 16.8 27 35 20.4 27.6 48
15 9 17.4 28 36 20.4 26.4 Xn remains 49
16 9.6 18 29 constant and Fn
37 20.4 25.2 50
17 10.2 18.6 30 reduces to 20.4
38 20.4 24 51
in next 7 sleepers
18 10.8 19.2 31 39 20.4 22.8 52
@ (28.4-
19 11.4 19.8 32 40 20.4 21.6 20.4)/7=1.2 53
20 12 20.4 33 41 20.4 20.4 mm/sleeper 54
21 12.6 21 34
Ramp out feed value Ramp out feed value
Sleeper Corresponding Sleeper Corresponding
No From LIFT at FEED at sleeper at Front No From LIFT at FEED at sleeper at Front
start of nth Front tower start of nth Front tower
Ramp sleeper tower Ramp sleeper tower
out (Xn) (Fn) Remarks out (Xn) (Fn) Remarks
0 20.4 20.4 Xn=20.4-0.6*r 13 22 7.2 -0.6 35
1 19.8 18.6 F7= 16.2-0.6*13 14 23 6.6 -1.2 36
2 19.2 16.8 15 24 6 -1.8 37
3 18.6 15 F1 to F7 shall be 16 25 5.4 -2.4 38
4 18 13.4 distributed in 17 26 4.8 -3.0 39
5 17.4 11.8 between decreasing 18 27 4.2 -3.6 40
6 16.8 10.2 @1.7 mm/per 19 28 3.6 -4.2 41
7 16.2 8.4 sleeper 20 29 3 -4.8 42
8 15.6 7.8 Both Xn and Fn will 21 30 2.4 -5.4 43
9 15 7.2 reduce uniformly @ 22 31 1.8 -6.0 44
10 14.4 6.6 0.6 mm per sleeper 23 32 1.2 -6.6 45
11 13.8 6.0 till n is 34 24 33 0.6 -7.2 46
12 13.2 5.4 25 34 0 -7.8 47
13 12.6 4.8 26 35 0 -6.7 Xn=0 48
14 12 4.2 27 36 0 -5.6 Fn will increase to 49
15 11.4 3.6 28 37 0 -4.5 zero in next 7 50
16 10.8 3.0 29 38 0 -3.4 sleepers @ 51
17 10.2 2.4 30 39 0 -2.3 1.1mm/sleeper 52
18 9.6 1.8 31 40 0 -1.2 53
19 9 1.2 32 41 0 0 54
20 8.4 0.6 33
21 7.8 0 34
Annexure 2.14
K = 41 X SE/R
GAUGE = 1676 mm
60 7 14 20 27 34 41 48 54 61 68 75 82 89 95 102 109
70 6 12 18 23 29 35 41 47 53 58 64 70 76 82 88 93
80 5 10 15 20 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 72 77 82
90 5 9 14 18 23 27 32 36 41 45 50 54 59 64 68 73
100 4 8 12 16 20 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65
110 4 7 11 15 19 22 26 30 33 37 41 45 48 52 56 59
Annexure 2.15
GAUGE = 1676 mm
X = = 83586/R
FOR 09-32CSM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 15.6
2400 0 1 2 3 5 8 10 13 17 21 29 35
2600 0 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 16 19 27 32
2800 0 1 2 3 4 6 9 11 14 18 25 30
X = 83586/R
GAUGE = 1676 mm
FOR 09-32 CSM
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 15.6
2400 35 35 34 33 31 30 27 25 21 18 14 6 0
2600 32 32 31 30 29 27 25 23 20 17 13 5 0
2800 30 30 29 28 27 25 23 21 18 15 12 5 0
Annexure 2.16
Guidelines for surveying of track for getting offset values for Design
mode of tamping
By working the tie tamping machines in design mode, the long wave length irregularities of
longitudinal level and alignment can be rectified. Hence, the tamping machines for projects and
other work sites should be worked in Design mode and proper survey for getting offset values
should be done.
(1) Survey for Longitudinal/Vertical Profile Correction:
(a) The identified section should be divided by marking stations at 10 m interval. The starting
point should be opposite a km post and the starting station should be marked 0. Station
locations and station numbers should be painted in yellow paint on the web of the datum
(b) Bench Marks - Benchmarks should be established at 200-1000 m interval, relating them to
the GTS benchmark levels so that the plotted drawings are properly related to the existing
index section. Fixing benchmarks in relation to arbitrary levels shall be avoided. These
benchmarks can be established on the top of concrete foundation of OHE masts in
electrified sections with conspicuous markings.
(c) Recording of Existing Rail Levels - The SSE/JE(P.Way) should record the actual rail levels at
all the stations of the datum rail, making use of the established benchmarks. However, on
the stretches where the datum rail is super-elevated, being on a horizontal curve, the rail
levels should be taken on the other rail of the track, opposite the station locations. The
stretch, for which station levels are taken on "non- datum" rail, shall be noted in the level
(d) Formation Levels - At every 5th station i.e. Station No. 0, 5, 10 etc., the SSE/JE(P.Way)
should remove ballast below the rail seat where rail levels are recorded, up-to a level,
below which it is not desirable to go, while carrying out deep screening work known as
formation level and record the same. For example, in the redesigned vertical profile the rail
level should be 700 mm (approx.) and 680 mm (approx.) above the formation level in case
of 60 kg and 52 kg rail respectively on PSC sleepers with 300 mm ballast cushion, if sub-
ballast is not provided.
(e) Obligatory Points - While carrying out the survey, the SSE/JE (P.Way) should record the
location of obligatory points like level crossings, girder bridges, points and crossings,
overhead structures etc., in reference to the station numbers as well as running kilometre.
The location of km posts and gradient posts should also be noted.
(2) Plotting of Vertical Profile
(a) The existing vertical rail profile (of datum rail) and formation profile should be plotted on a
graph sheet with the length of track as abscissa and elevation of rail top and formation as
ordinate. The scale adopted should be: Horizontal Scale: 1:1000 (1 cm = 10 m); and Vertical
Scale: 1:10(1 mm = 10 mm)
(b) Having plotted the formation levels, the desired rail levels should be marked on the graph
e.g. by adding 70 cm to the formation level in case of 60 kg rail on PSC sleepers (with 30 cm
ballast cushion) and 68 cm in case of 52 kg rail on PSC sleepers (with 30 cm ballast cushion).
The desired rail level so plotted should be taken into account, while marking the proposed
vertical profile on the graph.
(3) Proposed Rail Profile - While deciding the final levels, the following considerations shall be
taken into account:
(a) Sub sections shall be selected keeping in view high points and obligatory points.
(b) As far as possible, long stretches of uniform gradient shall be planned keeping in view the
depth of construction to be provided and relative implications of lifting or lowering of
track. In no case the grade should exceed the ruling gradient of the section. While
designing vertical curves, provisions of IRPWM should be observed.
(c) The clearance to overhead structures (including OHE) shall be maintained within
permissible limits.
(d) The redesigned profile should not normally involve lifting or lowering of obligatory points
like girder bridges, Level crossing, and turnouts. For this purpose the SOD infringements, if
any, shall also be considered.
(e) The redesigned profile should aim at easing the sags and humps with manageable lift and
lowering. It is not necessarily the intention that the original longitudinal section of the line
should be restored.
(f) Generally, the redesigned profile should be so arrived at as to have only lifting, as machines
can lift but can’t lower. Lowering shall be resorted to in exceptional circumstance only.
(g) Prescribed minimum ballast cushion as per IRPWM should be ensured. However, the
requirement of ballast, over and above that for the prescribed cushion, can be optimised
by designing suitable vertical curves.
(h) At locations where lifting or lowering is not possible, suitable ramping out preferably in the
form of reverse curves in vertical plane should be provided on both approaches. In case lift
is proposed at level crossings, the field staff should be prepared to simultaneously raise the
road surface and re-grade the approaches.
(i) High points on the turn out and approaches should be determined and general lift of
minimum 10 mm (generally 20 mm) must be given at that point.
(4) In Redesigning the Profile, the requirements to be met are
(a) For other than vertical curves - The unevenness on 80 m chord should not exceed as
(i) On high-speed routes with speed above 110 km/h – 40 mm (corresponding to
20,000m vertical radius).
(ii) On other lines - 65 mm (corresponding to about 12,000 m vertical radius).
(b) For vertical curves - The unevenness on 20 m chord should not exceed 10 mm
(corresponding to 5,000 m vertical radius)
The profile designed should be analytically verified so that the above-mentioned
unevenness limits are not exceeded. The final levels at various points should be
calculated, rather than scaling-out from the drawing, which mainly serves the purpose of
visual appreciation.
(i) The proposed levels should be approved by an officer not below the rank of
DEN/XEN. The working plan so prepared should be distributed to the concerned
field staff and AEN.
(ii) Designing vertical profile with the help of computer
For designing of vertical profile, aid of a computer with software developed by
IRICEN/Pune may be taken to speed up the design work.
(5) Surfacing Operation (By calculating Lifting value Y from Plotted Graph)
(a) The finally proposed levels of rail top may be marked on the OHE masts/permanent
reference pillars for executing the lifting/lowering operation. In case of non-electrified
section, permanent level pegs should be provided at every 5th station (50 m approx.).
(b) Actual work of lifting and lowering may be carried out in keeping with the instructions
laid down in IRPWM.
(c) The finished profile may not exactly conform to the redesigned profile, and the
resurfaced levels may vary from the design profile. It is, therefore, necessary to check
the finished levels in relation to the levels marked on the OHE masts/permanent
reference pillars. The difference between the finished levels and designed levels
should not exceed 10 mm, provided that the variation of unevenness from station to
station is not more than 20 mm. To ensure this, SSE/JE (P.Way) will work out the
unevenness at all stations in relation to the finished levels and the machine in-charge
shall apply correction to levels, to bring the station-to-station variation of unevenness
within the prescribed limit.
(6) Survey For Alignment Correction
(a) All the weld and rail kinks should be rectified/eliminated by de-kinking or cutting and
welding, before measurement for alignment defects are taken. Hydraulic jim-crows
may be used for removing kinks.
(b) In case some horizontal curves on the section to be surfaced warrant realignment,
then the process of realignment should be carried out along with surfacing.
(c) Alignment should be measured on a long chord (at least 200 m) on straight track and
required slews, at alternate sleeper, should be worked by measuring the offsets at
every 5 m interval and interpolating the offsets. The slews (FD) should be written on
alternate sleeper.
(d) On curved track, versines should be measured on 20 m chord at 10 m intervals. The
required slews at the stations are worked out taking note of the obligatory points and
interpolated to give slews at every alternate sleeper. The slews are then written on
alternate sleepers.
(e) While working out slews (FD), position of fixed structures should be noted and
infringement to moving dimensions shall not be allowed.
(f) Pre-tamping and Post-tamping operation and machine related track works as detailed
in para 226 shall be ensured by the SSE (P.Way).
(g) The beginning and end of curve/transition curves should be identified and marked in
the form of permanent reference pillars. These reference pillars should also be
installed at every 50 m alongside the length of track and documented for future
reference for alignment as well as level. OHE mast in electrified sections can also be
used for reference marks after markings and its documentation with intermediate
reference pillars.
Annexure 2.17
Sequence of Tamping of Different Points& Crossing (UNIMAT-2S)
Annexure 2.18
Important Features/Dimensions of Dynamic Track Stabilizer
301 General - Ballast cleaning and handling machines are used for handling of ballast
during various maintenance and renewal operations. These machines are broadly
categorized as:-
(1) Ballast Cleaning Machines (BCM) – for screening of ballast.
(2) Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines (SBCM) – for screening of shoulder ballast.
(3) Ballast Regulating Machines (BRM) – for redistribution and profiling of ballast.
The function of the Ballast Cleaning Machine is to carry out screening of full cross
section of track ballast by excavating existing fouled ballast and then putting back
clean ballast back in track, simultaneously disposing muck. This results in improvement
of track resilience, drainage of track and elasticity of the ballast bed.
Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines are used for cleaning of only shoulder ballast
(beyond sleeper edge) by excavating and screening of ballast and removal of muck for
improvement of drainage of track.
Ballast Regulating Machines are meant for re-distribution of track Ballast and profiling
of ballast along the track.
302 Ballast Cleaning Machines (BCM) - BCM loosens and excavates full section of
fouled track ballast from crib, below sleepers and shoulders, collects it by continuous
movement of endless cutter chain with fingers, depositing it to a set of vibrating
screens, where muck is separated and thrown out by a waste conveyor and the
screened/clean ballast is transferred back to the track through chute.
The main functions of BCM are:
(1) Screening of fouled ballast and disposal of muck away from track.
(2) Restore clean ballast cushion, thereby improving the elasticity (resilience) of
ballast bed.
(3) Provide cross slope of formation.
(4) Improve drainage of track.
General layout and important units of Ballast Cleaning Machines are shown below:
Fig. 3.1
303 Important Assemblies of Ballast Cleaning Machines
(1) Engine - The machine is powered by two independent air-cooled diesel engines.
The front engine powers the hydraulic pumps for all conveyor belt drives, lifting
movements and the hydraulic propulsion, both in working and travelling modes.
The rear engine provides power for hydraulic pumps for the excavation chain drive
and the screen drive and also powers the hydraulic propulsion for travelling.
(2) Excavating unit - The excavating unit consists of endless scraper (cutter) chain
consisting of scraper blades with carbide/steel fingers with tip attached to shovels
with links and bolts. Endless chain is formed by connecting two parts of the chain –
the cutter bar chain piece placed below the sleepers and main chain connected with
the drive. Cutter bar assembly for guiding cutter chain is located between the
bogies and moves under the track (sleepers) while working. Cutter chain is guided
over the elbows and troughs fitted with wear plates to carry the ballast to the
screening unit. The trough is connected to hydraulic cylinders for desired transverse
and vertical positioning to set the cutter chain precisely at the desired excavation
depth and adjust the slope of cut to provide desired formation drainage.
The excavating unit is designed in such a way that the full ballast profile is handled
in one working pass. However, the ballast towards the toe has to be pulled in
manually beforehand towards the central portion over the sleepers and cribs. In the
present model of machine, excavating chain has 82 scraper shovels and 82
intermediate links. The chain speed is variable with speeds varying from 1.8 to 4.0
meters per second. Scraper shovel is fixed with 2 or 5 scraping fingers depending on
model of the BCM.
(3) Screening unit - The screening unit in the present model of machine has screen area
of around 21 m2 with screens of three square mesh sizes viz. 80 mm, 50 mm and 28
mm. These are vibrated by hydraulically driven rotating flyweights. Screening unit
can be kept in horizontal plane on super-elevated curves by the operator-actuated
controls. The top screen segregates oversized ballast and the bottom screen
removes the muck. Middle screen helps to reduce the load on the bottom screen.
(4) Conveyer system for distribution of ballast and disposal of muck - The clean ballast
is directed through two chutes back to the track near both the rails, through
distribution conveyors. These conveyers, which drop the ballast in the rear of the
cutter chain, can be swung horizontally to distribute the ballast properly in the
sleeper crib and area under the sleepers.
Muck is collected on the waste conveyor belt underneath the screening unit, which
carries it to another hydraulically adjustable belt controlled from the cabin. The
waste is discharged outside the track by means of the waste conveyor, which can be
moved horizontally and vertically and can throw the muck to a distance of up to 7.5
m away from the track.
(5) Track lifting and slewing unit - A track lifting and slewing unit is located next to the
cutter bar for adjusting the excavation depth and for avoiding the obstacles.
(6) Recording unit - Computerized recorder is provided on the newer version of BCM
(RM80 92U), which records the following parameters:
(a) Cross level before excavation of ballast.
(b) Cross level after excavation of ballast.
(c) Longitudinal level of left and right rails.
(7) Brake system - Following brake system are provided on BCM:
(a) Direct brake: This brake is applied directly on the machine while running
itself. One hand operated brake valve is provided on each driving seat (3nos).
(b) Indirect brake: This brake is used for application on machine and coupled
camping coach/ wagon while running. One hand operated brake valve is
provided on each cabin.
(c) Emergency brake: This brake is used for application in case of emergency on
machine and coupled camping coach/ wagon when connected through KE
valve while running. It may be applied on machine only when KE valve is
(d) Parking Brake: Hand operated brake systems are provided for stabling.
(e) Safety Brake: This brake is applied automatically on the machine when air
system pressure drops below 3.5 bar.
304 Types of Ballast Cleaning Machines - Three types of ballast cleaning machines
are presently available on Indian Railways:
(1) Plain Track Ballast Cleaning Machine (RM80) (Plasser India) - This machine is
capable of deep screening of plain track only and is not capable of working on
turnouts. Scraper blades of excavating chain are fitted with 5 scraping fingers. The
important dimensions of the machine are shown in sketch at Annexure-3.1.
(2) Points and Crossing Ballast Cleaning Machine (RM76) (Plasser India) - This is
capable of deep screening of plain track as well as points and crossings without
dismantling any component of points and crossings. For screening of points and
crossings, which have longer sleepers, there is provision for extension of cutter bar
by using 8 units of extension pieces, each 500 mm long; thereby providing for the
maximum excavation width of 7.72m.
Blades of cutting chain of this BCM are fixed with 2 scraping fingers. The important
dimensions of machine are shown at Annexure 3.2.
(3) Plain Track and Points & Crossings Ballast Cleaning Machine (RM80 92U) (Plasser
India) This machine is similar to RM76 model except that it can handle heavier track
structure with ease. The total excavation width of the cutter chain is 7.78 m,
achieved by 7 extension pieces. Scraper blades are having 5 scraping fingers, in
place of 2 in case of RM76. The important dimensions of machine are shown at
Annexure 3.2.
305 Working Principle and Capability of Ballast Cleaning Machines - The
excavating chain, having pentagon shape, cuts the ballast bed and carries the ballast and
muck through the chain-guides to the screening unit. The vibrating screen with linear
vibration effects separation of ballast from over/undersized ballast particles (muck).
Underneath the vibrating screen, the muck falls on a main conveyor belt, which carries it
to a slewable waste conveyor belt (which can be folded during travel), disposing the
muck outside the track. Clean ballast is led to the distributor conveyor belts, from where
it is distributed over the entire ballast profile.
(1) Excavation width - The excavation should ideally cover full ballast width to screen
the entire cross section of ballast for proper drainage as shown below:
Fig. 3.2
Total width of excavation depends on size of cutter bar used. Two sizes of
detachable cutter bar are 1900 mm and 2150 mm achieving cutting width of 4030
mm and 4280 mm respectively as shown below:
476 58
531 (2150) 531
Fig. 3.3
The desirable width of ballast bed at the formation level can be calculated by
standard ballast profile for LWR. Since cutter bar cannot excavate full width of
desirable ballast bed, pulling the ballast, a day or two prior to screening, from the
toe towards the center, and heaping it on the sleepers and ballast crib area is
necessary. Other option is to separately screen this ballast either using shoulder
ballast cleaning machine or manually. Normally, the width required at site for
linking and opening cutting chain is approximately 5000 mm. However, the machine
has a provision to fold the elbow and total width required can be reduced to less
than 4500 mm, by proper planning and use of this arrangement. For deep screening
at locations where the clear width available is 4500 mm like concrete and PSC
Girder bridges and where linking/delinking of cutter bar over bridge or at other
restricted locations may be required, cutter bar of 1900 mm should preferably be
used to get more margin for such linking and delinking.
Fig. 3.4
For deep screening of points and crossing, extension pieces of 500 mm each along
with chain links are added to increase excavation width up to 7.78 m (Approx.), for
deep screening of additional width of points and crossing.
(2) Excavation depth - Depth of ballast cut by cutter bar is about 280 mm
approximately. By keeping the top of cutter bar 20 mm below the sleeper’s bottom,
minimum depth of excavation works out to be 300 mm approximately. The depth of
excavation can be adjusted by lifting the track using the arrangement provided in
the machine while screening. It is desirable that the depth of screening should be so
adjusted that the formation is not cut.
(3) Lifting and slewing of track - Lifting of track up to 100 mm and slewing up to ±300
mm in one pass can be achieved by machines presently available on Indian Indian
(4) Disposal of muck - The retractable waste disposal conveyor belt can swing by 70° in
both directions in machines presently available on Indian Railways. It extends to
maximum 5 m from centre of track and is capable of disposing off the muck along
the cess at a distance of about 7.5 m from the centre of track.
(5) Screening capacity of BCM - The machine presently available on IR can handle
excavated material up to 550 cum in an hour. If the ballast quantity in track is more,
speed of longitudinal movement of machine has to be reduced to ensure proper
(6) Controlled ballast distribution - The screened ballast is brought back to track
through distribution conveyor belt. The ballast falling through conveyor belt can be
distributed by lateral swaying the distribution conveyor belt. There is a ballast guide
plate over the screen to guide the ballast on one or the other side as shown below.
Fig. 3.5
The orientation of these guide plates can be adjusted to drop more ballast on one of
the sides; like on outer side of curve.
(7) Total excavation - BCM also has the facility to throw away entire ballast along with
muck. It can be done by retracting the ballast guide plate completely, making the
excavated material to fall directly onto the main conveyor belt as shown below.
From main conveyor belt, it is disposed outside by waste conveyor belt.
Fig. 3.6
The change of mode from cleaning operation to total excavation is possible during
working operation also.
(8) Deep screening of Points and crossing - Deep screening of points and crossing can
be done by BCM model RM76 and RM 80-92U by increasing the cutting width by
attaching extension pieces, each 500 mm long. This extension is possible only on the
right hand side (descending trough side) with respect to direction of working of
machine as shown below.
Fig. 3.7
Since, the direction of machine working cannot be changed frequently, the machine
shall have to work on the main line or on turn out side depending on the direction of
working as shown below:
Fig. 3.8
It can be considered, to attach two extension pieces together to save time in the
block, if feasible.
Since entire length of ballast bed of points and crossing, in case of a crossover
cannot be excavated/ screened by BCM, it is desirable to do the leftover sleepers in
the same block manually, so as to have homogenous track resilience. Not doing this
manual deep screening may cause deterioration of running.
Distribution of screened ballast can be controlled by suitably aligning the ballast
guide plate as shown in Fig 3.9 and Fig 3.10
(a) Working direction from switch to crossing
Fig. 3.9
(b) Working direction from crossing towards switch
Fig. 3.10
306 Works required before, during and after deployment of Ballast Cleaning
Machines - Normally a tamping machine and a DTS should work along with Ballast
Cleaning Machine in the same block. It is preferable to deploy more than one BCM along
with at-least one tamping machine and a DTS to effectively manage the length of track
under speed restriction.
The appropriate working scheme for deployment of more than one BCMs, should be
decided beforehand and made known to all concerned to plan and undertake all
activities before, during and after working accordingly".
(1) Introduction of Ballast Cleaning Machines for plain track and turnouts - Before
undertaking screening of track ballast, advance planning and fulfilment of pre-
requisites are necessary to ensure work of good quality. A detailed project report
shall be prepared duly incorporating location specific needs covering the following
(a) A field survey should be carried out to:
(i) Determine existing profile of track, formation and availability of clean and
caked ballast cushion, to assess ballast recoupment requirements.
(ii) Take census of hogged and battered joints, if any, which may require end
cropping or reconditioning etc.
(iii) Take census of broken and damaged sleepers.
(iv) Make assessment of cess repairs required.
(v) Plan for improvement of track drainage.
(b) The proposed longitudinal profile should be finalized as per the relevant
provisions in the Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual and Schedule of
(c) Longitudinal section, showing formation level, existing and proposed rail
levels should be plotted on a graph sheet either manually or using suitable
(d) If the total (clean and caked) ballast cushion is less than 250 mm, cutter bar
may cut the formation and form a channel under the track. Therefore, cutting
of formation is to be avoided. If the cushion is less, the track can be
temporarily or permanently lifted up to 100 mm by BCM itself during working
to avoid cutting of formation. Lifting would have to be examined and carried
out in consultation with electrical department as per the OHE clearance as
also the other clearances available. Total ballast requirement should be
calculated taking into consideration proposed lifting. The beginning and the
end of transition as well as circular curves should be marked preferably by
permanent reference pillars. These pillars should also be installed at every 30
m along the track and documented for future reference for alignment as well
as levels. OHE masts can also be used for reference markings and documented
with intermediate pillars.
(e) Foot to foot survey of the section shall be conducted to see the condition of
track components, and availability of land for disposal of muck.
(f) Efforts should be made to identify locations having obstructions in the track,
visible as well as hidden, (in a width of 4500 mm) by using the information in
section register (for boulder/rubble dumped for restoration of breaches),
detection of cables, rail pieces, signal, OHE and other foundations, so that
action for clearing of obstructions can be planned to ensure obstruction free
working and good output of BCM. Pucca drain walls etc., if infringing, should
be dismantled, if the track cannot be slewed temporarily.
(g) Necessary action should be taken for permanent or temporary removal of
obstructions beforehand. If it is not feasible to remove certain obstructions,
work in those locations will have to be done manually along with the machine
(h) All broken and damaged sleepers should be replaced.
(i) Necessary attention to hogged/battered joints is given, as required, by end
cropping or reconditioning etc.
(j) Approaches to bridges, which cannot be screened by the machine, should be
screened manually in advance or along with the machine working.
(k) Number of BCM and other machines to be deployed to work together,
stabling location of machines, station from which it will move to the work-site,
station to which it will clear after the work, duration of blocks, lighting
arrangements if working at night etc., have to be planned in sufficient details
and informed to all concerned.
(l) Co-ordination with other departments
(i) Operating department: for planning and arrangement of line blocks and
other details as above to ensure optimum utilization of tamping
(ii) Electrical department: for availability of OHE staff, as required.
(iii) S&T department: for availability of signal staff for disconnection,
reconnection etc. as required, particularly for the work of protection to
cables, removal and refixing of axle counters and screening of points and
(2) Preparatory works
(a) Adequate arrangements for regular supply and training out of ballast shall be
ensured commensurate with BCM progress.
(b) The pockets of the ballast beyond the reach of cutter chain shall be pulled in
its cutting width before commencement of deep screening.
(c) In electrified section, distance of foundation of mast from track centre will
have to be accurately measured to ensure free movement of cutting chain.
(d) Any signal rodding, cable or OHE connectors, which is likely interrupt the
work, should be temporarily removed.
(e) Level crossings should be opened in advance so as to enable machine to work,
and any infringement in cutting zone on road of LC shall be identified &
removed prior to block. Sleepers should be arranged for replacement of
unserviceable sleepers at level crossing.
(f) Sleepers should have all the fittings intact so that no sleeper becomes loose
and come in the way of cutter chain while the ballast is being excavated.
(g) Gas cutting equipment and concrete breaker should be available at site to cut
any obstruction like rail pieces, pipes, buried foundations etc., which might
get entangled with and obstruct the cutting chain.
(h) Spoil disposal units (i.e. special type of wagons), should be arranged for
attachment with the machine while working in station yards having multiple
lines, cuttings, tunnels where dumping of the spoil along the cess is not
feasible. If waste is to be disposed off across any adjacent track, the adjacent
track shall also be blocked for traffic.
(i) A trench of 30 cm depth and around one meter width should be made for
lowering cutter bar by removing one sleeper or re-spacing the sleepers for
insertion of cutter bar in track.
(j) While working in LWR territory, Provision of Manual of Instructions on Long
Welded Rails should also be followed. Temporary de-stressing at higher/lower
temperature may be done to avoid building-up of excessive stress, as the
lateral ballast resistance of track reduces substantially after the screening.
(k) Arrangement and placement of engineering speed Indicators should be done
as per IRPWM provisions prior to start of work and also as the work
(3) Operations during traffic block
(a) It should be ensured that S&T and electrical staff are available as necessary.
(b) Protection of worksite and safety of staff working in the vicinity of machine
shall be ensured. Hooter shall be available at site in addition to that provided
on the machines to forewarn staff about approaching train on adjacent lines.
(c) When the machine reaches site, the cutter bar unit shall be lowered in the
trench, and both ends of cutter bar connected to guides through links. If the
cutter bar is already at site (left outside the track after previous block), it may
be inserted before the machine reaches the site after taking all necessary
(d) When the machine starts working, one person should move with the machine
on either side, to watch for any obstruction to cutter chain, so as to arrange
for stoppage of the machine immediately.
(e) If the machine stops moving during work, it should be ensured that gates for
clean ballast below screen are instantly closed to avoid heaping up of excess
ballast at one location.
(f) BCM working requires manpower for activities like insertion and removal of
cutter bar, filling up of ballast behind BCM etc. Sufficient manpower shall be
deployed so that the progress of BCM is not affected on this account. In case
of non-deployment of tamper behind the BCM, e.g. deep screening of points
and crossing etc., additional manpower shall be deployed for manual packing
of track for train running after the block. In exceptional cases of delay in
arranging the tamper, manual packing may be required to raise the speed to
40-45 kmph.
(g) Screening should be stopped well before expiry of traffic block to permit
proper winding up of BCM, tamping, consolidation by DTS, if deployed and
movement of machines to the station. Before clearing the block it should be
ensured that the cutter bar is removed, sleepers re-spaced correctly, ballast
filled and packing done in the cutter bar location.
(h) Ramp shall not be located in location like LC, girder bridge approach or
transition of curve. Ramp should be kept away from such locations by
minimum two rail lengths,
(i) In case of malfunctioning of tamping machine, BCM working shall be stopped
and track, which has not been tamped, shall be attended manually before
opening for traffic with speed restriction as per provisions of IRPWM.
(j) Proper profiling of ballast in cribs and in shoulders should be done either by
BRM or by deploying adequate labour during and after machine working.
(k) Utmost caution should be observed while controlling movement of waste
conveyor to avoid hitting against electrical mast/signal post. Safety switch
provided to sense the mast should, therefore, be kept 'ON' (in working
(l) All the staff working with the machine must wear safety helmets, proper
shoes and masks to avoid inhaling dust.
(m) In case muck disposal units are not available or cannot be used in case of
multiple lines, muck should be discharged to fall on a polythene sheet placed
between the lines in advance, to cover the expected length of screening. The
muck shall then be filled in the gunny bags and carried away by suitable
(n) Machine shall be driven by front side drive cabin. Reverse driving shall not be
allowed for more than 4 m.
(4) Operations after deployment of machine
(a) At the end of work, about five sleeper spaces are left without ballast. The
cutter bar shall be removed from track and these sleepers filled manually with
clean ballast.
(b) One round of tamping with work site tamper should be carried out
immediately after deep screening in the same block with stabilization by DTS
to make track fit for resumption of traffic at a speed of 40 kmph. In absence of
DTS for stabilization, the relaxation of speed restriction should be made in
accordance with the provisions contained in IRPWM. For Points and Crossing,
UNIMAT should be used for tamping.
(c) The vertical and lateral clearances for OHE, signal post, and any other
structures should be checked and adjusted before clearing the BCM block.
(d) Ballast recoupment activity should be synchronized with deep screening
activity so as to enable raising speed to normal after necessary packing. This is
important to reduce the length of track under temporary speed restriction.
(e) One watchman should be posted at the location where cutter bar and chain
are left on cess, wherever considered necessary.
(f) Arrangement and placement of Engineering Indicators should be done as per
IRPWM provisions prior to start of work and also as the work progresses.
(g) Group working of BCMs and allied machines, with training out of ballast in the
same block will have to be considered as per field requirements to increase
the effective utilization of block.
307 Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machine (SBCM) - The machine is used for cleaning of
shoulder ballast to improve the drainage of track. The working principal of SBCM is
similar to BCM (RM-80). The machine is provided with two excavating cutter chains, one
on either side moving in a vertical plane. Each chain excavates and picks up the shoulder
ballast and directs it to a set of vibrating screens of sizes similar to that in BCM.
Excavated muck is screened and clean ballast is deposited on shoulders of the ballast
profile. The main functions of SBCM are to remove the muck from the shoulder ballast
and improve the track drainage.
General layout and important units of Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines (FRM-85) are
shown below:
Fig. 3.11
(3) Screening Unit - SBCM has screening units similar to that of BCM and are of same
screen sizes i.e. 80 mm, 50 mm and 28 mm.
(4) Conveyer system for distribution of ballast and disposal of muck - The ballast
from excavating unit is carried to vibrating screen through excavating conveyor
belt system. The screened ballast is distributed on shoulder by distribution
conveyor belt system. The muck is disposed by the side of track via main conveyor
belt through the waste conveyor belt system.
(5) Ballast profiling plough - One center plough is provided to profile and distribute
the screened ballast.
(6) Broom - These are provided at the rear end and are used for cleaning sleeper and
fittings and for collecting and distributing ballast.
(7) Brake System - Following brake system are provided on SBCM:
(a) Direct brake - This brake is applied directly on the machine while running
itself. One hand operated brake valve is provided on each driving seat
(b) Indirect Brake - This brake is used for application on machine and coupled
camping coach/ wagon while running. One hand operated brake valve is
provided on each cabin.
(c) Emergency Brake - This brake is used for application in case of emergency
on machine and coupled camping coach/ wagon when connected through
KE valve while running. It may be applied on machine only when KE valve is
(d) Parking Brake - Hand operated brake systems are provided for stabling.
(e) Safety Brake - This brake is applied automatically on the machine when air
system pressure drops below 3.5 bar.
309 Types of Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines - Presently, two types of Shoulder
Ballast Cleaning Machines are available on Indian Railways.
(1) Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machine - FRM 80 (Plasser India).
(2) Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machine - FRM 85F (Plasser India).
Both the machines are similar except that the muck in FRM 80 is thrown on the backside
while that in FRM 85 is thrown in the front. The important dimensions of machine are
shown at Annexure 3.3 and 3.4
865 665 4150
Fig. 3.12
(2) Depth of excavation - The depth of excavation should be regulated so as to
maintain uniform continuous cross slope of the top of the formation.
(3) Muck disposal system - The muck is disposed by the side of track, via main
conveyor belt through the waste conveyor belt system, up to maximum distance
of 7.5 m from center of track.
(4) Ballast distribution system - The screened ballast is distributed on shoulder with
the help of swiveling distribution conveyor system.
(5) Screening capacity - The screening capacity is 500 cum per hour.
(6) Total excavation - The ballast from excavating conveyor belt system can be
dropped directly to main conveyor belt thus bypassing screen and can be disposed
via waste conveyor belt.
311 Works required before, during and after deployment of Shoulder Ballast
Cleaning Machines - The preparations for this machine are almost same as those of
plain track ballast cleaning machines. In addition, following aspects should be given
(1) Operations prior to deployment of machine - Any obstruction existing in the
shoulder area should be removed.
(2) Operations during block - After taking the machine to the site, the operator shall
set the excavating units such that they do not touch the sleeper. The depth of
excavating units is set hydraulically, taking into consideration the required cross
slope. Thereafter, the conveyor belt is unlocked and turned to the desired
direction. Similarly plowing, grading units, conveyor belts and vibrating units are
set as per the manual of the machine. It takes about five minutes for setting up
the machine from drive mode to working mode. Other aspects to be watched are
given below:
(a) In case of single lines, full depth of the haunches should be excavated to
ensure good drainage.
(b) In case of double lines or multiple line sections, full depth of the haunches
should be excavated on cess side. Between the tracks, the depth of haunch
excavation should be just sufficient to provide continuity to drainage line of
the cribs.
312 Ballast Regulating Machine (BRM) - These machines are used for ballast transfer,
spreading and profiling operations. The machine can move ballast towards center of
track or away from center of track, transfer ballast across the track and transfer ballast
from a surplus zone to deficient zone.
The main features of BRM are:
(1) Regulation of ballast to achieve proper profile.
(2) Transfer of ballast from centre to outwards either on both sides or on one side
(3) Transfer of ballast from one side to the other or to the centre or from both sides
to the centre.
(4) Sweeping the sleepers and cribs and picking up of surplus ballast in to hopper, if
available and transporting it to another location.
(5) Sweeping the fasteners after ballast regulation using brooms.
This machine operates in both directions. General layout and important units of Ballast
Regulating Machines (BRM Kershaw) are shown below:
Fig. 3.13
313 Important assemblies of Ballast Regulating Machines
(1) Shoulder plough – These are attached to the sides of the machine and are
hydraulically operated and controlled from the cab. These are designed to work on
shoulder ballast and shift ballast from outside to inside and from inside to outside.
The machine can be equipped with standard fixed width ballast wings or optional
variable width ballast wings for better profile shaping.
(2) Front plough –It is placed in between rails in front portion of the machine and is
used for handling ballast in between rails. The plough can be positioned from the
operator’s cab to plough out, plough in or to transfer ballast to either side of the
track with the machine travelling either forward or backward.
(3) Centre plough - It is provided in the middle of the machine i.e. between
bogies/wheels and is hydraulically operated and controlled from the cab. Like front
plough, it is placed in between rails and is used for handling ballast in between rails.
Normally, a machine is provided either with front plough or with centre plough, but
not both of them.
(4) Broom (Sweeper conveyor system) - It is mounted in the rear or in the middle
between the bogies of the ballast regulator. It is used for track dressing operations,
to remove ballast from top of sleepers, to fill under-ballasted cribs and to place
extra ballast on the shoulders for final regulation and dressing. The sweeper unit
consists of rotating drum fitted with flexible tubular rubber pieces of designated
length and mounted inside steel plate housing. While rotating it throws surplus
ballast via a guiding duct on to two lateral conveyors. In machines provided with
hopper, these take ballast to a steep conveyor belt, which takes it to a hopper for
collection. Broom is rotated by hydraulic motor.
(5) Hopper - Hoppers have capacity varying from 5-12 m3 depending on the model and
collect excess ballast through broom sweeper conveyor system and then places it
on shoulder through chutes, where required.
(6) Rail fastening sweepers - These are provided to remove ballast from over the
(7) Welded-on-tunnels for covering rail and fastenings - These are sturdy inverted
steel troughs provided to cover the rail and fastenings area to avoid flooding of rail
area with ballast at different stages of working.
(8) Brake System - Following brake system are provided on BRM Machine (PBR-400R):-
(a) Direct brake - This brake is applied directly on both bogies/axles on this
machine while running by one hand operated brake valve.
(b) Indirect brake - This brake is used for application by one hand operated brake
valve on machine and coupled camping coach/ wagon when connected through
KE while running. It may be applied on machine only when KE valve is enabled.
(c) Emergency brake - This brake is used for application in case of emergency on
machine and coupled camping coach/ wagon when connected through KE valve
while running. It may be applied on machine only when KE valve is enabled.
(d) Parking brake - Hand operated mechanical brake systems are provided on one
axle for stabling except Kershaw machine. On Kershaw machine dual acting
brake cylinders are provided for parking as well as braking.
314 Types of BRM - Ballast Regulating Machines working on Indian Railways are classified
into two categories as below :
(1) Without hopper - These machines are provided with shoulder plough, front/center
plough, brooms, and conveyor belts. These are four-wheeler vehicles. Different
models of BRM’s working on Indian Railways are:
(a) BRM Model 66-2/56-3 and 66-4 (Kershaw).
(b) PBR 400R (Plasser India).
(c) BRM Model SPZ-210 K (Gemac Engg ).
BRM Model SPZ-210 K (Gemac Engg) has centre plough while other two models
have front plough. The important dimensions of machines are shown at Annexure
3.5, 3.6 and 3.7.
(2) With hopper - These machines have a system of collecting excess ballast from over
sleeper to the hopper via broom and conveyor belt arrangement. The collected
ballast is unloaded at the shoulder wherever required through a chute opening.
(a) USP 2000 SWS (Plasser India).
(b) RPB-01(Metex, Russia).
These are bogie type 8-wheeler vehicles. They are provided with center plough
along with brooms provided in the middle i.e. between bogies. The important
dimensions of machines are shown at Annexure 3.8 and 3.9.
315 Working principle and capacity of Ballast Regulating Machines - The transfer
of ballast from one side to other is done by properly positioning the shoulder plough
and front/center plough. The shoulder plough can transfer ballast from outside to inside
and from inside to outside as shown below :
Fig. 3.14
It can also carry ballast by enclosing ballast in boxed enclosure using shoulder plough
Fig. 3.15
The front plough of BRM, Kershaw make guides ballast flow as shown below:
Fig. 3.16
The front plough of Plasser machine guides the ballast flow as shown below:
The center plough has two or four blades and it does shifting of ballast as shown below:
Fig. 3.19
Shoulder plough combined with front plough can be used to regulate the ballast flow
from shoulder to center or other side and also from center to shoulder as shown below:
Fig. 3.20
Similarly, shoulder plough can be combined with center ploughs for transferring ballast.
Behind the regulation activity, the brooms pick up the ballast from over sleepers and it is
either collected through conveyor belt to hopper or distributed directly through
horizontal conveyor to sides. The sweeper cleans the fittings of ballast. In machines with
front plough, for dressing of the ballast left by shoulder plough on sleepers, one reverse
pass shall be required. Thus two or more passes are required for complete profiling of
ballast by BRM. In machines provided with center plough, only one pass should normally
be required for complete profiling.
(1) The Regulation Width - Shoulder plough has a reach of up to 3.5 meter
approximately from centerline of track in all machines and thus can handle ballast
well beyond full ballast section of standard Indian railway track.
(2) Ballast Handling Capacity
It can handle around 2000 m3 ballast in an hour.
316 Works required before and during deployment of Ballast Regulating
(1) Operations prior to deployment of machine
(a) The locations of excess and deficiency of ballast should be identified. In case
of overall deficiency of ballast, training out of adequate ballast at locations of
deficiency, which can-not be balanced by excess ballast in adjacent stretches
should be carried out.
(b) Any obstruction existing in the shoulder area, which may infringe plough
(blades) of BRM, should be removed in advance.
(2) Operations during Block
(a) Adequate protection as per G & SR shall be ensured for the machine working
under line block.
(b) Profiling of ballast and its shifting should be done on the basis of an advance
survey of excess and deficiency of ballast.
(c) In case of double lines or multiple line sections, proper protection should be
taken while using shoulder plough so as not to infringe adjacent line. In case it
is likely to infringe with the adjacent line, line block for that line, for the
period of infringement shall also be taken.
(d) Adequate precautions should be taken in using shoulder plough near OHE
mast, Signal post or any fixed structure alongside the track to avoid any
damage to these installations.
(e) While working on Points and Crossings, care should be taken, not to hit the
S&T installations in switch portion by any of the BRM plough.
(f) Normally more than one pass might be required to achieve the target ballast
(g) Before clearance of the block it shall be ensured that the ballast is not heaped
in such a way that it is/may infringe the unrestricted movement of trains.
Annexure 3.2
Important features/dimensions of Ballast Cleaning Machine (RM-76 & RM-80-92U)
RM-76UHR 24730 620 2710 1830 19500 4015 2520 900 19.0t 3150
RM-80-92U 29540 620 3670 1830 22200 4015 3670 900 19.8t 3140
Annexure 3.5
Annexure 3.6
Annexure 3.7
Annexure 3.8
Annexure 3.9
401. Track Relaying Machines - Following systems of mechanized track relaying are
available on Indian Railways:
(1) Plain Track Laying Machines
(a) Track Laying Equipment (TLE).
(b) Track Relaying Train (TRT).
(2) Points and Crossing Laying/Changing Machine (PCCM)
402. Planning for working of Track Relaying Machines
(1) A proper organization should be set-up first for smooth operation/execution
of track relaying work. Agencies for carrying out various works shall be
(2) The requisite survey shall be carried out and the longitudinal profile and
alignment shall be finalized as per relevant provisions of the Indian Railways
Permanent Way Manual and Schedule of Dimensions.
(3) Proposed longitudinal profile and alignment shall be indicated at suitable
interval along the track by installing permanent reference points.
(4) Tamping machine may be deployed behind the track renewal work for
achieving the desired track geometry.
(5) LWR/CWR plans may be got prepared and approved in advance.
(6) Adequate spares for working of all the machines (TRT/Portal Cranes and
Tampers etc.) should be arranged in advance and regular supply ensured.
403. Track Laying Equipment (TLE) - It is a semi mechanized system of track
renewal consisting of self-propelled portal cranes capable of moving on a auxiliary
track of 3400 mm gauge. These portal cranes are moved to the work site on flat
wagon by suitably modifying nominated flat wagon to have flat support
arrangement for stabling and supporting the portals. These portal cranes are
capable of self-loading and unloading from flat railway wagon. Once they reach site,
these portals are unloaded at site and made ready for moving on auxiliary track.
Normally two portal cranes work together at site. A schematic diagram of TLE is
shown in Figure 4.1
404. Important assemblies of Track Laying Equipment (TLE)
(1) Side frames - The TLE contains two vertical side frames that house two vertical
sliding frames.
(2) Bridge - Sliding frames are joined together with horizontal cross frame known
as bridge. The motive power, hydraulic and electrical assemblies are installed
over the bridge. The bridge can be raised/ lowered to facilitate lifting/lowering
of panels.
(3) Sleeper gripper - On the underside of the bridge, grippers to pick up sleepers
are provided. Gripping of sleepers by its end is done by two angles welded
to the grippers.
(4) Rail clamps - Scissors type clamps are provided on both side of the bridge to
hold the rails/panels (upto 13 m length generally) at four locations, two for
each rail.
(5) Turn table - To facilitate turning of portal crane for placing it on the flat railway
wagon and off tracking in mid section, a turn table is provided on the wagon.
This turn table is supported on the wagon over wooden platform.
Fig. 4.1
405. Types of Track Laying Equipment - TLEs with lifting capacity of 9 t and 12 t
are in use on Indian Railways.
Table 4.1
Lifting capacity Manufacturers
9 tonnes • Plasser India (PQRS),
• Simplex
12 tonnes • Simplex
(1) Track Panels are fabricated with PSC sleepers and 12.6 m long service rails at
a base depot. These panels are loaded on flat wagons in 2 to 3 layers by using
portal cranes.
(2) The existing rails in track are cut in lengths of 12.60 m. Speed restriction of 30
kmph is imposed prior to cutting of rails.
(3) 10 rail/20 rail panels are unloaded alongside the track. Using the released CST-
9 pots or wooden blocks or similar supports, these 10/20 rail panels are used
to form the auxiliary track with 3400 mm gauge. The auxiliary track (AT) is laid
to proper line and level using new rail panels, if rail renewal is also to be
carried out as part of track renewal. Otherwise, released rails are used for
making Auxiliary track.
(4) The rake formation containing TLE and panels loaded on flat railway wagon is
brought to site of relaying by diesel locomotive after getting proper traffic and
OHE block (for electrified sections). A typical composition of the rake
formation is shown in Fig 4.2. Two to three BFRs are kept empty to load the
released panels.
Fig. 4.2
(5) Following three methods of laying of new panels are used depending upon
site conditions: -
(a) Pulling the rake formation.
(b) Pushing the rake formation.
(c) Parting the rake formation.
In the pulling mode, the rake is standing on the existing track and is pulled
away from the work site. This has an advantage that newly laid track is
available for post laying work. This is the most commonly used method for
renewal by TLE, In the pushing mode, the rake is pushed towards the work site
and moves on the newly laid track. While approaching a bridge or yard, where
auxiliary track cannot be continued, this method of laying is used.
In parting mode, the rake is divided into two parts and work is performed in
between. In jumbo traffic blocks, by dividing the rake into two parts, of new
panel wagons and empty wagons, and using the portals, one for removing old
panels and other for laying new panels, travelling time of portals can be
(6) Portal cranes (TLE) are unloaded from flat railway wagons on to the auxiliary
(7) Old track panels are removed and loaded on TLE rake, ballast bed is scarified
manually and new panels are laid at site by portal cranes at correct alignment
using distance gauge w.r.t. auxiliary track.
(8) Proper ramp is provided at the beginning and at the end of the work before
permitting train operation.
(9) 10 /20 rail panels of auxiliary track are used for rail renewal after completion
of work by TLE, releasing the service rails. Welding of the panel is then done.
This cycle continues for the remaining work.
(10) Pushing method is used whenever yard or a bridge is reached.
(11) Lifting Capacity – One 12.60 m track panel of 60 Kg rail and PSC sleeper weighs
about 7.5 t. Thus unlike 9 t portal, 12 t portal can carry two 12.60 m released
service rails also with the released panels. This saves the effort to separately
carry the released service rails from the work site to the depot.
(12) Auxiliary Track – The auxiliary track is laid with a gauge of 3400 mm and it
should preferably be at the same level as main line track, but in no case be
more than 50 mm higher than rail level as shown in Fig 4.3. Lower AT adversely
affects the clearance available over the flat wagons and hence it is
3400 mm DYNAMIC
0 TO 50mm.
Fig. 4.3
407. Setting-up of TLE base depot
(1) A well organized and properly laid out base depot is the backbone of relaying
by portal cranes. A typical layout of the base depot is shown in Fig 4.4, 4.5 and
4.6. Smooth functioning of base depot will ultimately reflect in efficiency and
productivity of the relaying work. The base depot is required to cater to the
following activities:
(a) Unloading of new PSC sleepers from the rake and stacking.
(b) Fabrication of new panels with greasing of ERC and insert.
(c) Unloading of released panels.
(d) Dismantling of released panels and adequate space for stacking
released materials.
(e) Loading of pre-fabricated new panels.
(f) Formation of TLE rake.
(g) Maintenance of machines.
(h) Dispatch of released materials.
(i) Loading/unloading of ballast, if the base depot is also to be used as
ballast depot.
One TLE portal is deployed in the yard for the yard activities. Alternatively, portal
arranged by the agency can be provided for in the contract for the work.
500 m.
Fig. 4.4
Fig. 4.5
'A' 'A'
Fig. 4.6
(2) It is desirable to locate the base depot at a central place such that the distance
of remotest work site on either side does not exceed 30 – 40 kms. The site
selected should also be accessible by road and should have electric power
supply and watering facilities. It is desirable that the base depot tracks should
have facility of entry and exit on both sides from the running line.
(3) For smooth working, the base depot should have at least three lines of about
500 meters each connected to a shunting neck of minimum 350 m. Out of
three lines, at least two lines should be provided with auxiliary track (AT) for
movement of portal cranes.
(4) To strengthen depot working, it is desirable to install a motorized gantry crane
moving on auxiliary tracks in addition to the third portal crane in the base
depot for movement of sleepers/rails/panels. Gantry cranes can be of 6.5 m
height from rail level to facilitate repair to portal cranes.
(5) It is desirable to illuminate the base depot so that the depot activities can be
undertaken safely at night and to have enough plug points with 3 phase
electric supply to facilitate welding/repairs required to the relaying
(6) The base yard depot shall be well connected with Engg. control of division,
ZMD control as well as HQ and also the site of work for communication.
(7) The base depot shall have adequate camping facilities for staff, storage space
for new as well as released material.
(8) The track laying rake should have minimum 16 BFRs and desirably 20-22 BFRs.
408. Pre-relaying operations - Following operations should be under taken before
and during actual relaying:
(1) At base depot
(a) Unloading of PSC sleepers from the rake and stacking in TLE depot,
(b) Fabrication of new panels with greasing of ERC and insert,
(c) Unloading of released track panels,
(d) Loading of pre-fabricated new track panels.
These activities are required to be continued uninterruptedly for smooth
working and better output. Dismantling of released panels shall also be done
For fabrication of panel following care should be taken:
- Ensure adequate stock of service rails.
- Service rails shall be saw cut on both ends and holes shall be drilled with
drilling machine duly chamfered. In no case gas cutter shall be used for
cutting rails/making bolt holes.
- The spacing of sleepers shall be marked on full rail section (from head
to foot), marking shall not be more than 1 mm thick, starting by half the
spacing from rail end.
- The out of squareness of the sleepers shall not be more than +/- 10 mm,
and tolerance for spacing shall not be more than +/- 20 mm.
- Correctly driven greased ERCs, proper placing of GRPs and proper
setting of correct liners shall be ensured.
(2) At work-Site
(a) Track may be deep screened in advance of relaying, if planned. The
remaining quantity of screened ballast should be trained out after
(b) Auxiliary track (AT) should be laid at 3400 mm gauge keeping the centre
line same as that of main line track, as shown in fig 4.3. CST-9 plates or
wooden blocks of size 560 × 250 × 125 mm should be used at 1.5 to 2.0
m distance for laying the auxiliary track. The supports should not be
extended beyond 250 mm inside of the track as shown in fig 4.3. The
length of auxiliary track should match with the daily progress of work.
(c) Special care shall be taken while preparing auxiliary track (AT) in curves
such that any major alignment of curve & adjustment of SE can be
avoided, especially in the summer months.
(d) The level of auxiliary track should be same as that of existing main line
track and must have proper longitudinal and cross levels to avoid
derailment of portal cranes. In no case, the auxiliary track should be
more than 50 mm higher than the existing track and in no case it should
be lower than existing track.
(e) AT may be prepared by using service rails or new rails panels, if TRR is
to be done after TLE work.
(f) Removal of ballast from the crib and shoulders up to the bottom level
of the sleepers should be ensured.
(g) Full fittings of the old sleepers should be ensured to avoid its falling off
while lifting released panels.
(h) Sleepers must be in single piece. All broken sleepers should be removed
or replaced in advance with released good sleepers preferably.
(i) On girder bridges, the guardrails at the approaches on both ends should
be removed temporarily.
(j) In case a level crossing is to be encountered, it should be opened in
advance and renewed along with approach track.
(k) Proper planning and insertion of switch expansion joints at correct
locations should be ensured.
(l) Cutting of LWR/SWR to single rails should be ensured for lifting released
panels. Otherwise, replace the existing running rail (rail panels equal to
days working to be cut) by service rails for the stretches, which are to
be re-laid during the next day.
(m) Temporally disconnect or remove any other permanent obstructions
such as cables, signalling rods, axle counters and any other installations
like embedded rail pieces, tie bars, OHE connectors etc. to allow
unhindered progress of work.
(n) Presence of S & T and OHE staff shall be ensured and jumpers should
be provided where required.
(o) Availability of under noted equipment should be ensured at site:
(p) One set each of rail cutting and gas cutting equipment in good working
(q) Two sets of rail closures of the each rail section being laid, in various
sizes from 0.5m to 3m lengths,
(r) 4 sets of junction fishplates with bolts and clamps, in case existing rail
section is different from the one being laid.
(s) Portable walkie-talkie sets should be provided at each relaying site for
effective communication between the site of work and the adjoining
(t) Extra number of track panels should be fabricated in the base depot to
maintain a buffer stock for one or two working days of relaying work so
that work at site does not suffer for want of depot working.
(u) Wherever AT cannot be provided (e.g. on girder bridge, near P & C, i.e.
in station yards), working direction of TLE shall be planned well in
(v) Fabrication of panels involving special sleepers like LC, bridge etc., shall
be fabricated and loaded according to requirement.
(w) Power and crew arrangements should be done in advance.
(x) Sequence, arrangement of rake formation and position of machines
shall be planned and conveyed to ASM on duty.
(y) Before entering into the block section it must be tested and ensured
that emergency back-up system of machine equipment is in working
order. The duplex and simplex chains should also be tested and made
409. Operation during block
(1) Adequate traffic block along with power block should be arranged.
(2) Protection of track and safety of staff working in block should be ensured.
(3) After ensuring attachment of discharge rods (jumpers) and earthing of AT with
running track on either side of the working place, portals should be unloaded.
(4) Firstly, required numbers of existing track panels shall be removed to create
working space.
(5) Thereafter, sequence of portals shall be so arranged that maximum output
can be achieved.
(6) Sufficient labour shall be kept for alignment and linking of track, filling of
ballast and packing the sleepers for passing the trains safely after clearing the
block. If, TRR is also planned, separate labour with supervisor shall be
(7) While laying of the fabricated panels, due care shall be taken to keep required
gaps at joints, keeping in mind the rail temperature and working season,
particularly in curved track. Squareness of joints & sleeper squaring should
also be taken care of.
(8) At the end of the day’s work, gap between the old track and new track shall
be made up with the help of rail closure on both the rails, giving ramp not
steeper than of 25 mm / rail length of 12.6 m. If there is level difference
between new and old track, joints shall be fish plated and clamped/bolted
tightly to pass the traffic.
(9) During block, continuous watch shall be kept on AT on which portals ply for
its stability and continuity.
(10) The output shall be reviewed judiciously in the context of quality and quantity,
410. Post Relaying Operations - Following post relaying operations should be
(1) Clearance of track from any obstructions, infringement to SOD, for
FOB/ROB/any other fixed structure/signal post etc. and implantation distance
in case of electrified sections, before cancellation of the traffic block.
(2) Proper lifting and positioning of track, welding of joints, packing, ballast
regulating and compaction/stabilization of track to raise the speed of the
different stretches as per the table II of Para 308 of IRPWM.
(3) Training out of adequate quantity of ballast over the newly relayed track to
full ballast section. Ballast recoupment activity should be properly
synchronized with the relaying as to enable raising of speed to normal in three
cycles of tamping by on-track tampers.
(4) Picking up of left-over released materials.
(5) Dismantling of auxiliary track and relaying the same in advance for the next
day's work or use it for TRR as the case may be.
(6) Restoration of cables, OHE connectors, axle counters and other fixtures e.g.
checkrails on level crossing, which were removed temporarily.
(7) BRM, Tamping machines and Dynamic Track Stabilizer should be deployed to
enable raising of speed to normal.
(8) Provision of SEJ as per approved plan. In-situ welding of panels and de-
stressing of LWR should be done after welding of panels.
411. Track Relaying Train (TRT) - Indian Railway is using TRT model no. P 811-S
manufactured by M/s Harsco Track Technologies, USA.
(1) Functions of TRT – TRT is a system for complete mechanization of track
renewal process. It does the following jobs
(a) Threads out existing rails from track.
(b) Removes old sleepers.
(c) Levels and compacts ballast bed.
(d) Places new sleepers.
(e) Threads in existing/new rails into track.
(2) Works by TRT – Following works can therefore be done by TRT:
(a) Complete track renewal (CTR).
(b) Thorough Replacement of sleepers (TSR).
(c) Thorough Replacement of rails (TRR).
(3) Advantages of TRT – Advantages of TRT vis-à-vis TLE are:
(a) There is no need to prefabricate panels and, therefore, base depot
work is limited to loading and unloading of sleepers & fittings,
(b) No auxiliary track is to be laid at work site,
(c) Concrete sleepers loaded on modified Flat wagons are directly taken
to work site and relayed one by one,
(d) New rails unloaded at work site on shoulders and duly paired and fish
plated are exchanged with old rails simultaneously with sleeper
(4) General layout – General layout and important units of TRT model No. P 811-
S are shown in Figure 4.7. Its dimensional detail of it is given in Annexure 4.2
Fig. 4.7
412. Important Units of TRT- Model No P 811-S
(1) Beam Car (22.34 m long) - The beam car is hinged with handling car and has
one common bogie and one independent bogie. Below this car, all the
working units like old sleeper pickup, dynamic plough, sleeper flipper,
indexing wheel (for sleeper spacing), self-guiding roller (for guiding in and
guiding out rails), etc. are provided. If sleeper spacing is to be changed, this
can be achieved by changing the indexing wheel. Sled is hung from this car
when not in use.
(2) Handling Car (21.05 m long) - This car has one independent bogie and one
common bogie with beam car. All the conveyors including new tie conveyor
are provided on this car.
(3) Power Car (14.81 m long) - This is a four-axle vehicle. TRT power unit is
provided on half the length of this car and remaining half is utilized for loading
of sleepers.
413. Working Mechanism of TRT
Fittings of alternate sleepers are removed in advance. Rest of the fittings are
removed after arrival of machine.
(1) Rail closer of about 7.0 m length (if TRR also planned) else one cut (if TSR is
only planned) is introduced in existing track at the starting point.
(2) Crib and shoulder ballast in rail closer portion is taken out.
(3) TRT is taken to site of work hauled by a locomotive (DSL/Electric).
(4) The TRT is stopped at site of work in a position such that side plough is on first
sleeper of cut rail.
(5) Lowering of shoulder / side plough.
(6) Removal of 7.0 meter long rails closures.
(7) Lowering sled (3.4 m) from beam car on to the rail seats of rail closures
(8) Bringing idle bogie of handling car on to the sled and lock (by bringing back
the machine).
(9) Slew out old rails and move TRT ahead so that sled clears rail closure portion.
(10) Remove the old sleepers manually from the closure area and level the ballast
(11) Sleeper pick up wheel and dynamic plough are lowered in place cleared by
removal of old sleepers.
(12) Rail ends of proceeding day’s work shall be connected to the new rails laid on
the sleeper shoulder.
(13) TRT moves forward and starts removing old sleepers by pick up wheel as
shown in Fig 4.8
(14) Commence laying of new concrete sleepers by advancing the machine on
Automatic mode.
Fig. 4.8
(15) As TRT moves ahead old rails are threaded out and new rails are threaded in
with the help of guiding rollers provided all along the length of TRT as shown
below in Fig 4.9.
Fig. 4.9
(16) Fixing of fittings are done at rear.
414. Operations Prior to Deployment of TRT
(1) Base Depot
(a) Ensure proper selection of base depot site. The base depot for TRT
should be centrally located (30-40 kms lead) in the area of working. It
should have water, electricity and communication set up. Also,
accommodation for machine and P. way staff should be available.
(b) Provide sufficient stock of new sleepers, elastic rail clips, liners and rail
(c) Ensure proper line and level of auxiliary track for 3400/3700 mm gauge
for portal working, if required for loading and unloading of sleepers.
(d) 30 nos. BFR's should be modified for one set of TRT 114 sleepers
(approx.) are loaded in one BFR and about 1500-2000 or more sleepers
should be loaded as required during block. While loading PSC sleepers
on special BFRs, wooden battens of 75 mm × 75 mm or light rail section
should be provided between different layers on the outer side of MCI
inserts. This will enable gripper of gantry to function properly.
(e) Load rail fastening like elastic rail clips, liners and rail pads as required
during block.
(2) At Work Site
(a) Condition of sleepers should be seen. All corroded and broken
steel/CST-9 sleepers should be marked.
(b) Foot by foot survey should be carried out to identify the locations having
lateral or longitudinal infringements. There should be no infringement
within one meter of sleeper ends. All obstructions like creep posts,
alignment posts etc. within 1 meter of sleeper end should be removed.
(c) Adequate ballast should be available before relaying operations start so
that tamping and raising of speed is not delayed.
(d) Deep screening should be carried out in advance wherever feasible.
Excess ballast should be removed and shoulders should be brought
down wherever feasible to sleeper level. It should be ensured that the
ballast bed is fully consolidated.
(e) Check-rails of the level crossings falling in the range of work should be
removed in advance.
(f) All longer fish bolts and joggled fish-plates should be removed from the
range of work.
(g) New rails should be unloaded, paired, fish plated or welded in one piece
(as required for a day's work) and set at about 1.5 m from track centre.
Rails should be kept on foot with adequate support so that they do not
get shifted during working of the TRT.
(h) All reverse jaw sleepers in case of CST-9 sleeper track should be
removed. Alternatively, their lip may be cut by lip cutter so that rail
removal is not obstructed.
(i) All longer wooden sleepers from joints be either removed or cut to size
in advance of TRT working.
(j) Interlaced sleepers of height different from remaining sleepers should
be removed.
(k) Ensure that the fittings in old track are not jammed and can be removed
while working. Loosen them and refit in advance if any problem is
(l) In case of CST-9 sleepers, gauging should be done in advance to avoid
hitting of sleepers by sled assembly during lifting of CST-9 sleepers,
Seven wooden sleepers/PSC sleepers should be laid in track at location
5 sleepers behind the rail cut and ballast around them removed for easy
placement of plough.
(m) At location where relaying is to start, two rail pieces of 7.3 m length are
cut and connected together using well-greased fish-bolts to enable
quick opening during block.
(n) Plan the location of cut in the old track at the closing of work site so that
it matches with the rail end of new rail panel. Some extra gap is
preferable, as the new rail while threading in is likely to straighten and
(o) Walkie-talkie sets for communication should be available with engine
driver, Junior/Sr. Section Engineer (P. way), machine staff and adjoining
(p) Ensure availability of S & T staff to connect- any wire/rodding disturbed
during the block.
(q) Ensure removal of OHE bonds before the block. Temporary bonding of
the OHE masts should be done by OHE staff while removing these bonds
and providing these bonds after completion of work.
(r) Ensure earth bonding of new rail panels. There should be minimum 3
bonds in each panel length of 300 meters.
(s) Ensure removal of alternate keys in case of CST-9 sleepers and inside
alternate keys in case of ST sleepers. The remaining keys should be
checked for easy removal. Similarly, ERC should be checked for jamming
and jammed ERC’s should be removed and re-fixed before block.
(t) Existing PSC sleepers of about 2 rail lengths can be replaced with
wooden sleepers to avoid loss of time while working.
(u) De-stressing, at high temperature, of the old tack should be carried out
as provided in Manual of Instructions on Long welded Rails.
415. Operations During the Block of TRT
(1) Shield hydraulic pipes and other moving parts of the TRT so that in case of any
mishap, these do not hit OHE mast.
(2) Always take OHE block, as staff may be required to climb on top of the
machine for repairs etc. in case of any break down.
(3) Ensure proper track protection at the site of work, look-out men and hooter
in good working order to give warning for train approaching on the other line.
(4) Utmost caution should be taken while lowering and raising clamp in order to
avoid infringement to the adjacent line.
(5) Impose speed restriction on the adjacent line of not more than 50 kmph to
ensure safety of men working at site.
416. Post Block Operations for TRT
(1) Ballasting of the track should be done immediately after track relaying
(2) Ballast Regulator, Tamping machine and Dynamic Track Stabilizer should be
deployed to enable raising of speed to normal in shortest possible time.
(3) In-situ welding of joints should be done before restoration of speed to normal.
(4) Switch Expansion Joints should be provided at locations as per approved
LWR/CWR plans.
(5) Check rails should be provided at level crossing after final tamping of the track.
(6) De-stressing of LWR should be done immediately after welding the rail panels
to form long welded rails.
417. Precautions during TRT working - The following precaution should be taken
for TRT working:
(1) It should be ensured that the ballast bed of newly deep screened track is fully
consolidated and there is no fear of settlement of ballast bed during TRT
(2) Do not unload excess ballast in advance as this causes excessive drag on the
(3) Do not open out all keys in advance. This should be opened up only as the
machine approaches the planned site of renewal.
(4) Do not stand close to the machine or modified BFRs and do not touch the
gantry rails.
(5) Do not stand on the BFR while the gantry is moving over with new/old
(6) Do not allow the gantry to stand with its wheels on different BFRs.
(7) Without work, do not sit on the rail seat meant for liner/rubber pad
(8) Do not climb to the top of TRT without OHE block in electrified section.
418. Points and Crossing Laying/ Changing Machine (PCCM) - The machine
(PCCM) available on IR is T-28, manufactured by M/s AMECA of Italy and is used for
replacing and laying of complete assembly of turnout. Important units of AMECA T-
28 are shown in Fig 4.10.
Fig. 4.10
419. Important Units of AMECA T-28
(1) Portal Crane (2 Nos.) - A set of two cranes (capacity 30 t each) can lift and
handle a complete turnout (60 kg 1 in 12 weighing about 54 t). It can also be
used to handle normal track. When working in pair, the connection between
two portal cranes is provided by the turnout or track portion which is being
The portal cranes are provided with rail wheels for movement on track and
crawler for movement on firm ground.
The fabricated panel is lifted in between its side frames and can be carried
forward on crawlers. The panel can also be laterally shifted by these portals.
Both portals are identical. One is used at crossing end, the other at switch end.
Since crossing end is heavier, the portal position is so adjusted that load on
crossing side portal does not exceed 30 t.
The position of gripping arrangement at portal ends can be adjusted. As both
portals are identical these can be used, interchangeably, at either end by
adjusting the gripping arrangement.
Additional hook arrangement is provided at centre of portal crane for
additional support and to help in proper alignment of turn out assembly at the
time of laying.
Important parameters of portal crane are given below:
Table 4.1
Parameter Value
Load capacity (max.) 30 t
Speed with full load (max.) 0.8 kmph
Speed with no load 10 kmph
Max. lift with full load 2300 mm
Height in closed position 3065 mm
Height in lifted position 4744 mm
Crawler width 360 mm
Crawler lateral clearance 2066 mm (min.)
6116 mm (max.)
Moving width 3060 mm (min.)
7110 mm (max.)
Max. axle load 6.0 t
Total weight 24.0 t
The important dimensions of portal are given in Annexure 4.3. The crawler’s
lateral clearance and moving width are shown in Fig: 4.11
Fig. 4.11
(2) Trolleys (4 Nos.) - There are two motorized and two non motorized trolleys.
These trolleys are used to transport the assembled turnout on track. The
motorized trolleys (2 Nos.) have the facility to move laterally by 300 mm on
either side or lift vertically by 300 mm. One such motorized trolley is placed
each under the crossing portion and switch portion for shifting the turnout
laterally or vertically for clearing any obstructions e.g. signal post, OHE mast,
platform etc while transporting the assembled turnout.
Important parameters of Motorized trolley are given below:
Table 4.2
Parameter Value
Height 510 mm
Lateral Shift +/- 300 mm
Upper table rotation + 10o
Vertical lift + 300 mm
Capacity 25 t
(3) Jib Crane - Pre-stressed concrete (PSC) sleepers for turnouts require careful
handling to avoid damages during loading/unloading, assembling and laying.
The sleepers transported on flat wagons are unloaded either at assembly
depot or in yards near to the site of laying. Thereafter the PSC sleepers have
to be spread at proper spacing for linking of turnout assembly. The jib crane
is used for unloading and placement of these PSC sleepers.
420. Working Mechanism and Capability of AMECA T-28 - Portal cranes of T-
28 are self loading/un-loading type and can load /off load itself from the road truck
or railway wagon. This is required for long distance transportation from one yard to
The two portals brought by rail/road wagon off load itself from the wagon along
with four trolleys. The trolleys are placed on track and the portal crane position itself
over fabricated panel by moving on crawler as well as using its side shifting
The points and crossing renewal can be done by longitudinal/forward launching and
also by transverse/side launching or a combination of both depending on site
(1) Longitudinal/Forward Launching
(a) The fabricated panel is lifted by the portal cranes and shifted laterally
to place on four trolleys on adjacent Railway track. If the fabricated
panel is assembled over track, the trolleys are pushed underneath after
portal cranes lift the panel.
(b) The loaded panel is then towed by one of the portal crane moving on
its rail wheel to the site of laying. The other portal crane follows as
shown in Fig 4.10.
(c) Both the portal cranes are brought on crawlers by spreading their
support legs and moved to the position over fabricated panel on
trolleys to lift the panel and releasing trolleys. The trolleys are shifted
by pushing them manually to siding.
(d) The fabricated panel is then longitudinally moved on crawler & placed
on pre-prepared bed at correct position as shown in Fig 4.12.
(e) The longitudinal and lateral shifting for proper joining with adjacent
track and alignment of Panel is also carried out by the portal cranes.
(f) The portal cranes, after placement of turnout in position, load itself on
the newly laid turnout supported on its own rail wheels and move to
the siding line.
(g) The siding can also be cleared by portal cranes and trolleys, if required.
For this, each portal can attach two trolleys with it and laterally shift to
the ground or other line or even can self upload on Flat wagons or road
vehicle as per requirement for clearing the siding.
(2) Transverse/Side Launching - When the fabricated panel is by the side of
location where it is to be laid, the T-28 machine can lay the pre-fabricated
panel without using the trolleys.
The fabricated panel can be lifted by using both portals and laterally shifted
to position of laying using side shifting system of the machine as shown in Fig
4.13. The lifted panel can be longitudinally adjusted & positioned using
crawler base.
Working capability of AMECA T-28 are:
(a) Lateral Shifting - With 1 in 12 T/O, maximum lateral shifting of switch side
of T/O assemblies is 1.5 m approximate and on crossing side is 0.75 m
approximate in each shifting operation.
(b) The Portal crane can negotiate a level difference of 1679 mm while
moving on the ground as shown in Fig 4.14.
Fig. 4.14
(c) Laying of Assembled Diamond Crossing on PRC - The diamond assembly
can also be laid by a set of AMECA T-28 portal with following
(i) The weight of double slip diamond crossing on PSC sleeper is 62 t
(approx.). Therefore 5 sleepers (no 50 to 54) will have to be
removed to keep the total weight as 54 t.
(ii) Since diamond crossing layout has crossing at both ends, the
gripping location should be adjusted accordingly.
(iii) Position of portals should be adjusted so that both share almost
equal load.
(d) Laying Half Panel - In case of breakdown of one portal during traffic block,
the fabricated panel can be laid by cutting the panel into two pieces (each
panel to weigh less than 30 t) and using one portal for laying each half,
one by one. The gripping position however will have to be adjusted
according to panel being handled.
421. Pre-Block Operations of T-28 M/c - Following preparations are to be made:
(1) New turnout should be assembled using Jib Crane near the site of turnout
to be replaced. The fittings of assembled turnout should be complete and
properly tightened and ERCs & inserts greased. If suitable location is not
available nearby, assembly may be done away from site and then
transportation can be done with the help of trolleys. Infringements on the
way should be checked and movement with slewing accordingly may be
(2) The assembled turnout should be loaded on trolleys for transportation
where planned.
(3) Rails on either side of existing turnout should preferably be of the same
section as that of new turnout. One rail length rail of same section on
either side of new assembly should be kept in readiness or should be
changed in advance.
(4) Deep screening of turnout portion should be done. Ensure required
cushion and proper drainage. Rail levels should be taken for sufficient
length on either side of turn out. Proposed rail profile should be plotted
both for main line and loop line.
(5) Point machines should be disengaged and S & T gears of turnout should be
disconnected before taking up its replacement.
(6) Ballast from crib and shoulder of sleepers should be removed up to sleeper
bottom for full turnout length.
(7) 60 wooden blocks, each approximately 60 cm long, should be kept ready
for facilitating passage of crawler on the obstacles.
(8) 4 nos. of rail pieces each 70 cm long should be kept ready for supporting
the rail wheels of the crane during shifting.
(9) Jumpering of both ends of the turnout should be done by electrical staff
before lifting and removing of existing turnout.
(10) Adequate arrangements should be made for protection of the line involved
and adjacent lines, while the machine is working.
(11) Fish bolts should be lubricated and worked to facilitate easy removal
during block.
(12) Location where clamp of each crane will hold the crossing and switch
portions for lifting should be marked.
(13) Motorised trolleys shall be filled with petrol and their working efficiency
shall be checked.
(14) Concrete breaker shall be available to break any obstructing concrete
422. Operations During Block of T-28 M/c
(1) Immediately after getting adequate traffic block, the fish bolts of existing
turnouts should be opened. OHE connectors shall be disconnected.
(2) Both cranes should be traversed and brought in position for handling the
existing turnout at the demarcated position.
(3) Old turnout should be lifted by cranes and traversed to suitable location for
further dismantling after the block.
(4) The crane should be traversed to the pre-assembled concrete sleeper turnout
and both the cranes should be taken to demarcated position on turnout.
(5) Simultaneously, the gangs should scarify the ballast from the location where
the turnout has been removed. The ballast bed is lowered to accommodate
extra height in case of concrete sleepers. If any hindrance is encountered, it
shall be removed immediately to allow the turnout sleeper to rests at its place
and level.
(6) The crawler side frame of the cranes should be spread suitably in stages to
accommodate the length of the turnout sleepers on their demarcated
locations for each crane.
(7) Pre-fabricated turnout should be held by the crane. The cranes with the
turnout be traversed in stages and brought to the location of laying. The
turnout is laid in position and fishplates are bolted to the existing track.
(8) One crane is traversed on the track and the second is utilized for final
alignment of turnout. After placing the turnout, gangs should fill back the
ballast manually.
423. Post Block Operations of T-28 M/c
(1) Ballast deficiency should be made good by putting additional ballast. Profiling
and boxing of ballast should be done.
(2) The turnout should be tamped with the help of UNIMAT machine. Both
alignment and levels should be corrected while tamping the turnout.
(3) The turnout may be interlocked and point machine engaged immediately
after laying the turnout. OHE connectors shall be put into place.
(4) Damage to the cess during block operation should be made good.
(5) Provision of proper earthing points should be ensured by the Electrical staff.
424. Miscellaneous
(1) Because of small diameter of wheels (400 mm) of the machine, movement
over fixed diamond crossing must be avoided in the section, where machine
is required to run in service.
(2) The maximum permissible speed of crane is 10 kmph when it runs on its own
(3) Whenever travel is shorter (approximately 100 m) and no major obstacles
exist, travelling on crawler is recommended. During traverse of crawlers with
lifted turnout, cranes can turn around ±5 degrees.
(4) Motorized trolley is designed to perform 300 mm lateral shifting on both sides
and this is to be used to correct the loading of crossing portion, which is wider.
By lateral shifting of the trolley platform, obstacles on the way may be
Annexure 4.1
Important Features/Dimensions of Track Relaying Machine
12T CAPACITY 2400 3150 4450 450 2725 3850 3400 12T
9T CAPACITY 2400 3050 4390 450 2665 3860 3400 9T
Annexure 4.2
Important Features/Dimensions of Track Relaying Train
Annexure 4.3
Important Features/Dimensions of Points & Crossing Changing Machine (AMECA T-28)
3065 (FOLDED)
AMECA-T28 10870 3100 2670 105 150 1310 10490 11820
501 Rail Grinding Machine (RGM) - Rail Grinding is done to re-profile the railhead taking
into consideration the profile of the wheel for optimisation of the rail wheel contact band
and thereby making rail wheel interaction favourable. This is expected to increase the life
of the rail and the wheel, apart from reducing the rate of generation of defects in the
rails. Indian Railway is using 72 stone grinder of RGI Series of Loram, USA Make grinding
(1) Purpose of Rail Grinding
(a) Rail grinding reduces the contact stresses and maintains favourable steering of
the wheels. This will result in reduction in wear & tear and damage to the rail
and wheel surfaces.
(b) Rail grinding shifts the contact of majority of the wheels from the area with
surface defects on the rail, thus avoiding further growth of defects.
(c) Rail grinding avoids the contact of tread of wheel on misaligned welds, thus
resulting in reduction in hunting on straight track and avoiding consequent
(d) Rail grinding helps to control the damage due to rolling contact fatigue and
removes the cracks in the initial stages of their development, thus avoiding
their further growth deeper in the rail; thereby reducing rail/weld failures. The
cracks will not be allowed to reach the stage of high growth and will be ground
in initial stages when their growth is slow.
(e) Rail grinding removes the corrugations and other irregularities from the rail top
resulting in better riding quality.
(f) Wheel radius is flatter than the rail radius of new rails. With the passage of
traffic, the rail radius tends target flattened increasing the width of the contact
band, which is not desirable. This causes hunting and damage to the rail
surface. Rail grinding will restore the rail crown radius, thus reducing this
(g) Rail grinding removes the white martensitic layer on rail top, which is the cause
for development of cracks due to its brittle nature.
(h) Due to difference in hardness of rail and heat affected zone (HAZ) near welds,
dip formation starts in the vicinity of the weld due to differential wear. This
weld dip also promotes rolling contact fatigue (RCF) in various forms and also
causes squat formation. This dip formation will be avoided by regular rail
(i) Rail grinding helps in reduction of wear due to reduced contact stresses by
adoption of engineered rail profiles.
(j) Where other surface defects such as wheel burns, scabs, low or high welds etc.
exist on rail, rail grinding helps to taper down the defects after each grinding
pass so as to reduce the damage due to these defects.
(2) Advantages of Rail Grinding - The advantages that will accrue by rail grinding can
be summarized as given below:
(a) Increased life of rail and wheel: There is appreciable increase in life of the rails
after rail grinding. The life of the wheels is also reported to increase by grinding
of rails.
(b) Improved reliability of assets: The defect generation rate of rails is reported to
reduce to one-fourth on some of the railway systems. Reduction in failures will
lead to increased safety and reliability of train operations.
(c) Less tractive resistance due to lesser impact & therefore be saving in fuel
(d) Improved reliability of USFD testing: Due to smooth and cleaner rail surface,
the reliability of USFD testing will improve.
(e) Reduced track geometry deterioration: The track geometry will retain for
longer period and the requirement of tamping of the track should come down.
(f) Reduced degradation of ballast: Due to lesser impact, the degradation rate of
ballast will come down. This should result in reduction in the frequency of
deep screening of track.
(g) Less noise: The noise level goes down after rail grinding.
(h) Reduced derailment proneness: The overall improvement in rail wheel
interaction will result in better safety performance.
502 Important Assemblies of RGM
(1) Components of RGM – RGM consists of a formation of 6 vehicles, which moves as
a train composition and is shown in Fig 5.1. The major components of RGM are
explained below:
(a) Front Control car (FCC)-1 No.
(b) Grind cars-3 Nos.
(c) Water wagon-1 No.
(d) Camp coach cum Rear control car (RCC)–1No.
Fig. 5.1
(a) Front Control Car (FCC) – This is air-conditioned cab provided for both
driving and grinding operations. For all grinding operations, the machine is
having 2 touch screen consoles known as HMI (Human Machine Interface)
consoles. These consoles are used for various settings, selection of patterns,
viewing machine working etc. Hydraulic and pneumatic system diagnostic
mode is also available. There are two CCD cameras with one monitoring FCC
showing the view of the track in front as well as the in rear of RGM
formation. All driving and braking levers, gauges and switches are available
on the front desk. Important dimensions of FCC are given in Annexure 5.1.
The components of Front Control Car Fig 5.2 below:
Fig. 5.2
(b) Grind Car – The components of grind car are given in Fig 5.4 below:
The dimensions of grind car are given in Annexure 5.1
(i) There are three grind cars and each grinding car consists of two grind
carriages and each carriage is having 12 grinding motors – six on each side.
(ii) The grind carriages known as buggies are provided with separate wheels
and the buggies are kept in raised and locked position during idle running of
the machine.
(iii) The grinding motors can be positioned in up or down condition when the
buggies are down and running on the track.
(iv) During the working mode, the grinding motors are raised only in case of
obstruction while the buggies keep running on track.
Fig. 5.3
(c) Water Tank Wagon
(i) Water tank wagon is attached to Rail Grinding Machine to ensure sufficient
availability of water to take care of fire hazards. Wooden sleepers in track,
dry grasses in track/on cess are susceptible to catch fire due to heavy sparks
generated during grinding operation. Water is sprinkled through ‘Tie
(sleeper area) Sprays’ and ‘Ditch (cess area) Sprays’ provided on both front
and rear of extreme grinding cars. Water sprinkling is done using the spray
in advance of the grinding operation to wet the sleepers and cess to prevent
(ii) The machine is equipped with 30 HP pump, water cannons, fire hoses, fire
extinguishers and fire detection system to take care of fire hazards. Total
water storage available on the machine is 75,000 litres (FCC – 20,000 litres +
Water wagon – 55,000 litres).
(d) Camp coach cum rear control car (RCC) – The camp coach is having driving
controls and is also known as Rear Control Car or RCC. Cameras are mounted
on RCC overlooking the track in the rear and this image is also displayed on a
monitor in FCC. This helps in sequencing the motors up and down as well as
looking for any obstructions on the rear side of the train while carrying out
grinding in reverse direction.
Fig. 5.4
(2) Rail Corrugation Analyzer (RCA) – It is mounted on front axle of rear bogie of FCC.
This measures the rail corrugation during running of the machine and gives an idea
of the level of corrugations present in the track to facilitate the decision of depth of
(3) Obstacle Detection System – It gives a warning to the SSE/JE/TM in case of any
obstruction found in the track. The SSE/JE/TM can take appropriate action on
getting a signal.
(4) Rail Profile Measurement System (Optical) – The machine is having two laser
based rail profile measurement systems to measure the railhead profile before and
after the grinding. These measuring systems are mounted at appropriate locations
in FCC and water wagon.
(5) Dust Collection System – It is provided in the machine to suck the iron particles
generated during grinding and to store them in a chamber so that the iron filings
are not scattered along the track and also do not foul the environment. Iron filings
are harmful for human beings and are also likely to cause damage to eyes. The dust
collection chambers can be emptied as per convenience after the grinding run.
(6) Brake System - Following brake systems are provided on RGM Machines:
(a) Indirect Brake – This brake is applied on machine with coupled camping
coach/wagon automatically when air pressure of BP line releases through
valve A9 or drops.
(b) Direct Brake – This brake is directly applied on all rolling stock attached with
this machine. It is used for low speed braking.
(c) Emergency/DumpBrake – This is applied directly on the each rolling stock of
the machine in the case of emergency for immediate stopping.
(d) Parking Brake – Hand operated brake systems are provided on each of the
grinding cars for stabling.
503 Grinding Strategy
(1) Strategy – The metal removal during the process of grinding and the frequency of
grinding is decided with a purpose to control Rolling Contact Fatigue.
(2) Corrective Grinding – Grinding done for complete removal of corrugations and
surface defects in one cycle (with required number of passes in same or continuous
blocks) to achieve the engineered rail profile is called corrective grinding.
(3) Preventive Grinding – Grinding done in the initial stages of defect generation is
called preventive grinding. In preventive grinding, the grinding is done more
frequently but the amount of metal removed during each cycle is much less as
compared to corrective grinding. Preventive grinding is considered to be a better
approach since the grinding can be done in a single pass at higher speed and the
head hardened layer on the rail top is not removed.
(4) Preventive-Gradual Grinding – On Indian railway the surface defects, in the
sections identified for rail grinding have passed the stage of preventive grinding.
Corrective grinding on IR is not desirable on account of issue of blocks and
likelihood ofremoval of head hardened layer. Thus, the strategy of Preventive-
gradual grinding has been adopted wherein metal removal to be done is more than
that required in case of preventive grinding but less than that required for
corrective grinding. The stage of preventive grindingis expected to be achieved on
IR, after 3 to 4 cycles of grinding.
(5) Target Rail Profiles – Target rail profiles are the rail profiles to be achieved after rail
grinding and are designed to produce minimum contact stresses during rail wheel
interaction. Nature of Rail Wheel interaction is different on straight track as
compared to curved track. It is different on mild curves and on sharp curves, for
high rail and for low rail of a curve. The target rail profiles to be achieved by
grinding are therefore different for each of these locations and are designed to
produce least stresses during rail wheel interaction.
(6) Patterns – Grinding stones are positioned across the railhead to achieve a particular
pattern for removal of metal. The position of a stone is characterized by the angle
of the rotation axisof the stone from the vertical. Thus, depending upon the angle,
the location of the grindingby each of the stone on the railhead will vary. Power of
grinding motor can also be controlled. A pattern will be defined by angle and power
of each of the motors working on the railhead. For grinding at different locations, it
is required to selectone of the designed grinding patterns to achieve the target rail
profile in one or more passes. Different patterns may be used for left and right rail
of the same track. Metal removal from the railhead will depend upon the following
(a) The number of grinding stones working on a rail.
(b) The power of the motors.
(c) Speed of grinding.
(d) Number of passes.
(e) Hardness of the rail.
(f) Characteristics of grinding stones (depending on specifications of the
(g) Position of the grinding stones (angle of axis of rotation of the stone).
(7) Grind Data Management System (GDMS) – The Grind Data Management System is
an integrated automatic data acquisition, data management, quality control,
reporting, and planning tool for Rail Grinding. GDMS is software-based system,
which is fed with track data, different pre-decided patterns and proposed target
profiles for different track geometry and structure. It uses these details to suggest
patterns to be followed for grinding at different locations. It uses laser based rail
profile management system available in the front as well as on the rear of the
grinding machine to record the pre and post grinding rail profile. By taking a
measuring run in advance, GDMS is having the facility of recommending one of the
pre-fed patterns to get target rail profile from the existing rail profile. After
measuring the existing rail profile and choosingthe target rail profile, GDMS
recommends patterns and speed to get the most efficient results.
(8) Grind Quality Index (GQI) – The postgrinding profile achieved is compared with the
target rail profile by GDMS and an index known as GQI (Grind Quality Index) is
displayed during the run. GQI gives an idea about variation from the target rail
profile. GQI value of 100 means that we have achieved the target profile within the
specified tolerances. A lower value indicates the deviation. GQI value of 80 or
above can be considered acceptable.
504 Capability of RGM
(1) RGI series is high productivity grinding machine consisting of 72 stones, i.e. 36
stones each for the left rail as well as right rail.
(2) Rotation of each is done by an independent electric motor of 30 HP. The speed of
rotation is 3600 RPM. Each motor can be independently tilted at a desired angle
from +70o (towards gauge face side) to -30o (towards field side). This angle is
measured from the vertical.
(3) The machine is capable of grinding of plain as well curved track, track in tunnels,
track on bridges, glued joints and fish plated joints. Machine can work on curves up
to 10o and for track with gradients up to 3%. Check rails provided on curves, if any,
are required to be removed, prior to the grinding. There is no need to remove the
bridge guard rails. Level crossings, points & crossings, SEJs and axle counters create
obstructions and are to be skipped by raising the grinding stones, while these
features are encountered. It has also been observed that joggled fish plates
provided on outer rail of sharp curves also create an obstruction and should be
removed before grinding, as far as possible, to avoid grinding of the fish plate and
resultant excessive wear to the grinding stone.
(4) The machine works in traffic block. However, no power block is required. Grinding
can be done in either direction without the need for reversing the machine.
(5) The machine is capable of running while grinding, at a speed ranging from 2.4 kmph
to 24 kmph, depending upon the quantity of metal to be removed. Generally, the
speed is kept between 8 and 20 kmph during grinding.
(6) The maximum cutting depth in each pass is around 0.15 mm at the working speed of
15 Kmph and around 0.22 mm at the working speed of 10 kmph.
505 Working Parameters of RGM
(1) General – Indian Railways is initially doing preventive gradual grinding on the basis
of target profileto be achieved, grind patterns and grinding frequency suggested by
Loram in consultation with National Research Council, Centre for Surface
Transportation Technology, Canada (NRC). After gaining experience, Indian railway
should decide to shift to preventive grinding and modify target profile, patterns and
grinding frequency accordingly, as required.
(2) Target Profile – NRC has designed four target rail profiles for Indian Railways as
shown in fig 5.5 below. These are namely:
(a) Contact Point Central (CPC).
(b) Contact Point Field (CPF).
(c) High Rail Sharp (HRS).
(d) High Rail Mild (HRM).
(3) Rail Wheel Contact Points – CPC and CPF are one-point contact and HRS and HRM
are two-point contacts on railhead as shown in the figure below. In CPF profile, the
contact of the wheel on the rail will shift towards the field side (cess side) while in
CPC the wheel will make the contact with the rail in the centre.
Fig. 5.5
(4) Selection of Target Profile – For selecting the target rail profile, a curve more than
1.25 degree is called a sharp curve. The suggested profile for different track
locations are tabulated below:
Table 5.1(Target Rail Profile)
Tangent (single line) Single 60 Kg CPF/CPC
(alternate CPC and CPF)
For the straight track, 2 profiles have been designed. CPC would be used on ‘Down’
track and CPF will be used for ‘UP’ track. The idea is to have half of the straight
track with CPC and the balance with CPF. In case of long stretches of single line
track, half of it will be demarcated for CPC and the other half for CPF.
(5) Grind Patterns – Loram in consultation with NRC Canada has designed 49 patterns
for Indian Railways for grinding. Since the target rail profile changes from straight to
a curved track and will also be different for the high rail and the low rail of curved
track, the pattern to be selected will also be different for all such situations. The
patterns are shown in Annexure 5.2.
Only one pass is generally done for straight track and 3 passes are done for curved
track. 3 passes on curved track are done in the same block by stopping the machine
after first pass, doing second pass by running the machine in reverse direction, again
stopping the machine after second pass on curve followed by third pass in normal
direction. For the first pass on curves, pattern suggested by Loramis used. The
pattern for second and third grinding passes on curves is suggested by GDMS from
the list of patterns on the basis of profile achieved after first grinding pass and
known target profile. Target profile is known to machine on the basis of track data
with detail of tangent, curve, starting and end of curve etc. fed in GDMS in advance.
The patterns suggested in Annexure 5.2 are only for first cycle of grinding on the
section. For subsequent cycles of grinding, the patterns are required to be revised.
(6) Grind Cycle – The grind cycle suggested by M/s Loram for preventive-gradual
grinding is as below
Table 5.2
75 Grind 3 Single Pass at 3 passes at 18 3 passes at 18 Monitor
(Approx) 15 kmph kmph kmph Profile
and RCF
The grind cycle may vary for some special sections like KK line, for which separate guidelines
will be issued by RDSO.
Where more than one pass is required (generally on curves), speed and patterns for the second
and the third pass will be as suggested by GDMS software.
(6) Rail Hardness – The grinding should not cut the head hardened layer from rail top
completely. This will increase wear rate after grinding. This instrument is used to
measure hardness before and after grinding.
507 Working of RGM
(1) Feeding of Track Data-
(a) The track, prior to grinding, is surveyed and track data fed in anexcel sheet, as
per proforma enclosed at Annexure 5.3, and e-mailed to RDSO.
(b) The formatting of field data to GDMS format for use in RGM is done by RDSO.
(2) Patterns and target profiles are pre-fed in the machine. Thesecan be modified, if
(3) Pattern for first pass is as recommended by Loram. Curves require 3 passes during
the same block. The pattern for second and third pass on curves is suggested by
GDMS on the basis of Rail profile achieved after previous pass and final target rail
profile (CPC/CPF/HRS/HRM) desired for the track geometry at that location.
(4) RGM can work in either direction. Therefore, direction of machine is not required to
be changed for second and third pass in curves.
(5) Since lot of sparks are generated during grinding and there is fire hazard associated
with grinding, due precautions should be taken in this regard.
508 Quality Inspection of Grinding - It is essential to monitor quality of grinding.
Following methods are used for assessing the benefit of grinding and grind quality
(1) Test Site Monitoring – A typical test site is represented in the Fig 5.6 below. It
consists of stretch of track covering three sleeper spacings divided into three parts –
first for measuring rail profile by MINIPROF (Marked as MP), second for taking
surface photographs and the third for doing Dye Penetration Test and taking DPT
Fig. 5.6
(a) Test Site – Each test site is selected so as to be representative of 20 or 50 km
length of track. Inter-distance of the test sites will depend on the variation in
the features in that section as explained below, along with some more
requirements of test site:
(i) Separate test sites should be chosen for different track structures (52
(ii) For any major change in gradient or formation structure, separate test
site should be selected,
(iii) Typically one SSE/P.Way section should have minimum one test site
each for mild curve, sharp curve and tangent track.
(iv) Test site should be accessible by road for ease of taking
(v) The rail of the test site should not be due for renewal in next 3-4 years.
(vi) It should be away from signals, level crossing, yards, bridges etc. so
that it is on a stretch on which traffic normally moves at normal speed
of the section.
(b) Measurement by MINIPROF – The first portion of the test site is marked as
‘MP’ and an arrow is painted here. This is the location where rail profile will
be measured every time before and after the grinding. The closer is the
achieved profile of the rail to the target profile after grinding; the more will
be the benefits accruing from it. It is essential to monitor the deviation of
the post grinding profile with the target profile. This will also help in making
a decision on the choice of the pattern for the future grindings.
(c) Monitoring Contact Band – The location of contact of the wheel on the rail
should change after the grinding. The rail-wheel contact band indicates this.
Most of the wheels should make a contact on rail in a desired width on the
railhead. Therefore, a clear change in contact band location and size
shouldbe visible after the grinding. The contact band is to be monitored in
curve and on straight track before and after grinding. Identification of
contact band on railhead is done by spraying paint or making chalk marks on
rail surface and allow a freight train pass over it. This will manifest in a form
of erasing of the paint or chalk covered area in a band like formation. Details
of location, date, width of contact band, distance from gauge face etc.
Shouldbe written and a photograph showing contact band and details
written on rail foot is taken for record.
(d) Dye Penetration Test – At the second portion of the test site, dye
penetration test is done, so that the damage on the rail surface including the
cracks will become prominent. Dye penetration test is carried out before and
after grinding. Extent of reduction in number and length of cracks indicates
the efficacy of the grinding.
(1) Other Quality Checks
(a) Monitoring Rail Surface Finish – The condition of the rail top after grinding
gives a lot of clues about the quality of grinding. A good finish should have
regular grind marks of the grinding stones (these are known as facets) with
silver finish. A bad finish will have irregular marks or skipped grinding at
regular interval or blue colour on rails at certain locations (known as blueing
defect) or irregular facet width etc. The facet width (the width of the marks
left by grinding wheels) should be about 10 mm in the centre of the rail and
4 mm at the corners.
(b) Surface Roughness after Grinding – The rail surface should not become too
rough after the grinding. The surface roughness level should not go beyond
12 microns after grinding.
(c) GQI before & after Grinding – GQI stands for Grind Quality Index, which is a
measure of the efficacy of the grinding with respect to the target rail profile.
The GQI value 100 indicates that the target profile has been achieved fully.
The lower the value, the more is the deviation from the target profile. During
the run, GDMS screen displays GQI for both the rails before and after
grinding separately. GQI of 80 and above is considered acceptable.
(d) Crown radius – Crown radius of the railhead is measured before and after
grinding by star gauge. The crown radius should be closer to 250 mm at
centre of railhead after grinding.
(e) Monitoring at RDSO – Performa enclosed as Annexure 5.4 is to be filled by
field units and sent to RDSO every time before and after grinding. RDSO shall
study the data received from different railways and decide on appropriate
grinding parameters and grinding cycle. The proforma may be revised by
RDSO, based on the experience gained.
509 Preparatory Works for Introduction of RGM
(1) Arrange for proper stabling facilities for the machine at about every 50 km distance.
(2) Identify the Railway Consumer Depots (RCDs) and plan for timely supply of diesel to
the machine.
(3) Make the arrangements for supply of water (75000 litres) to the machine.
(4) Plan for the adequate traffic blocks for the working of the machine.
(5) Arrange for all the equipment for taking the required measurements.
(6) Collect the track data for feeding in GDMS software installed in the machine.
(7) Note down chainages of the level crossings, SEJs, Points & Xings, Axle Counters, start
and end of curves. Direction of track measurements for collecting details should be
considered in the direction of increasing km, irrespective of direction of movement
of traffic on that line.
(8) Find out history of the rail wear, surface damage on the rail, USFD defects, rail/weld
failures etc. in the section where grinding is being done and study the changes in
these parameters as the grinding is done.
(9) Identify the stretches of the track which will be skipped during grinding like rails
planned for renewal in next two years, e.g. rails having severe corrosion and liner
bite corrosion etc.
(10) Establish test sites.
(11) Open a separate file for each test site in your section.
510 Pre-Block Activity Before Deploying RGM
(1) Paint the sleeper prominently on either side of the SEJs, axle counter, points and
crossings, level crossings and at the start and end of the curve for easy
identification by the SSE/JE/TM while grinding.
(2) Ensure effective communication between FCC, RCC and staff on the ground.
(3) Counsel the staff and gatemen to keep everyone away from the machine during its
working to avoid injury from flying sparks and iron dust.
(4) Counsel the staff working on track as well as the RGM to use safety gadgets such as
helmet, goggles, reflective jackets, shoes etc. during RGM working.
(5) Measure the rail profile with MINIPROF, carry out DPT and take surface
photographs at each test site before grinding (say around 15 days prior). Keep
these details in the file chronological.
(6) While filling diesel, ensure that diesel does not spill onto the rubberized spark
guards, which may cause fire during grinding.
511 Operation During RGM Block
(1) On the Track
(a) Follow on a motor trolley behind the grinding machine and lookout for the
fire in track or on cess and take necessary action.
(b) Check for the quality of surface finish visually for any irregular grinding,
blueing of the rail, skipped grinding etc.
(c) See the facet (grinding marks band) width is about 4 mm at the corners and
about 10 mm at the centre of the rail.
(d) Check the surface roughness at bad locations and see that it is not exceeding
12 microns.
(e) Check the profile at few places on straight and in curves after grinding with
bar gauge and check how close or away are these from the target profile.
See whether the profiles are within prescribed tolerances or not.
(f) Check the rail crown radius with the star gauge, the desirable radius being
about 250 mm.
(g) Check the contact band in straight and curve track at one or two locations
before and after grinding using paint/chalk in every block in addition to test
site. Take a photograph and keep for record.
(h) See that the dust collection system is working properly.
(i) Inform any irregularity noticed to the SSE/JE/TM, and get it rectified.
(j) Ensure that a train with inflammable material is not allowed on adjacent
track during the grinding operation, in case of double/multiple lines.
(2) On the Machine (SSE/JE/TM)
(a) Check whether the angles of motor, calibration of tachometer and
calibration of Optical rail profile measuring device (KLD) has been done by
the SSE/JE/TM as per the schedule.
(b) Check the proper functioning of the water pump and water cannons etc.
(c) Check that all the motors are working properly through the indication on
HMI panel.
(d) Make a chart in advance for the pattern to be selected during the first pass
of the grinding.
(e) Synchronize the chainage of the track on the machine before starting and
during the working, as required.
(f) Check that the patterns being selected by the SSE/JE/TM are correct.
(g) See that the grinding speed is correct.
(h) Check that the SSE/JE/TM sequences the motors up and down correctly and
promptly at the location of obstructions.
(i) Check whether the direction of the curve in GDMS software is same as
existing on the ground. Do not use GDMS suggested patterns for the second
and the third pass on the curve in case the direction is wrong as it may spoil
the surface profile. Choose the pattern manually.
(j) Make sure to remember to get the GDMS data corrected if the direction of
curve is found to be wrong, so that the similar problem is not repeated
during the next cycle.
(k) See that the patterns are changed promptly by the SSE/JE/TM on entry and
exit of the curves.
(l) Check the GQI before and after grinding to check that there is improvement
in GQI after grinding.
(m) Learn the working of GDMS software including recommendation for the
pattern and speed for the second and third pass on curves.
(n) Check the pattern in use on the monitor, in real time.
(o) Look for any alarm on HMI of the machine and see that the SSE/JE/TM takes
corrective action promptly.
(p) While starting the grinding, the buggies should be lowered on straight track
only to ensure that the buggy wheels sit properly on rails. In case of curve,
due to different wheel base of the buggy as compared to the wagon, the
wheels may go off the rail on lowering. For the same reason, the raising of
the buggies is also done on straight track only.
512 Post Grinding Operation
(1) Take rail profile after grinding not later than 15 days at the test sites.
(2) Carryout DPT test at test site within 10–15 days after grinding and take a
photograph. Keep in file.
(3) Take a surface photo at test site within 10-15 days after grinding and keep in file.
(4) Preserve the soft copies of MINIPROF measurements and photographs.
(5) Superimpose the rail profiles before grinding and after grinding taken by
MINIPROF on target rail profiles and analyze the results to calculate the metal cut
and deviation from target profile.
(6) Ensure safe disposal of the grind dust in a yard.
513 Utility Track Vehicle
(1) General – It is a self-propelled 4-wheeler vehicle with crane used for loading and
unloading and transportation of P.way materials like rail, sleeper and other heavy
materials. It has the capability to attach and haul one BFR or similar railway wagon
for holding the material. Sketch of UTV with main components can be seen in
figure 5.7.
Fig. 5.7
(2) Main Assemblies of UTV and their Functions
(a) Cabin – Cabin is provided on one side only. The cabin has seating
arrangement for staff.
(b) Platform – Platform is the flat portion of the UTV, where material can be
stacked. Loading and unloading of materials can be done either on the
platform or on railway flat wagon attached with UTV.
(c) Crane – There are different models of UTVs. Some of the earlier models of
UTV had mobile crane (crane with tyred wheels mounted on flat wagon) of
capacity of 1.5 t at 7.5 m radius. Current models have fixed type of crane. It
is installed on platform, having multi stage extension. Crane has its own
power pack for its operation. The crane capacities of some machines are 1.5t
at 7.5 m radius i.e. 11.25 tm while of others is 2 t at 7.5 m radius. It is further
planned to increase the crane capacity for handling a set of stock and tongue
rail (3 t at 7.5 m i.e. 22.5 tm).
(d) Engine – The vehicle has one diesel-operated prime mover with water-
cooled engine for the driving the vehicle and also for crane operation.
(e) Power Transmission – Hydrodynamic power transmission system provided
for transit driving and for working in the section. Both axles of vehicle are
(f) Brake System – Following brake system is provided on UTV Machine:
(i) Direct Brake (service brake) – This brake is applied directly by hand
operated valve (SA9) to all brake cylinders of both the axles through
pneumatic relay (C2W) when machine is running.
(ii) Indirect Brake for Coupled Coach/Wagon – Indirect brake (A9) is
applied on both machine and coupled coaches/wagon in new machine.
In old machine, this brake is applied separately for camping
coach/wagon, in addition to machine brake.
(iii) Parking Brake – Two spring loaded separate cylinders are mounted on
both the wheels of one axle of the machine. This brake is applied
automatically when air of these cylinders released or when air system
pressure drops below 3.5 bar.
(iv) Emergency Brake – This is applied directly on the machine in the case
of emergency for immediate stopping.
(v) Vacuum Brake – A separate power pack with own circuit is provided
and applied when camping coach/wagon is having vacuum brake
(3) Models of UTVs – Presently 7 models of UTV‘s of different manufacturers are
working over Indian Railways. The sketch of each machines with dimensional detail
is enclosed at Annexure-5.5
(a) UTV-502 with mobile cranes by Tamper Corporation, USA.
(b) UTV with fixed crane (11.25 tm capacity) by Phooltas Tamper, India.
(c) UTV with mobile crane (11.25 tm capacity) by Phooltas Tamper, India.
(d) UTV with fixed crane (15 tm capacity) by Phooltas Harsco, India.
(e) UTV by BEML India.
(f) UTV by BHEL India.
(g) UTV by OEPL India.
(h) UTV by Trident Engineering (11.25 tm).
(i) UTV by SAN Engineering (11.25 tm).
514 Rail Borne Maintenance Vehicle
(1) General – Indian Railway RBMV manufactured by Phooltas. This is an 8 wheelers
vehicle designed for running at maximum speed of 105 kmph. This is designed to
carry men, material and tools and plant to worksite for attention of track. Sketch of
RBMV with main units are shown in Fig 5.8. The dimensional detail of RBMV in
Indian Railways is given in Annexure 5.6
(2) Main Assemblies of RBMV and their Functions
(a) Drive Cabin – One driving cabin each is provided at both ends of the vehicle
for driving ineither direction.
(b) Cabin for Men and Material – Two additional cabins are provided, one for
keeping P. Way materials, tools and plant and other for crane operating
cabin with staff seating arrangement. 12 Nos. of staff can be accommodated
in the staff cabin.
(c) Crane – One hydraulic pillar jib crane is installed on this vehicle in the middle
of flat platform, having multi-stage extension. Crane has its own power pack
for operation. Loading and unloading of materials is done on own platform
as no BFR can be attached with RBMV.
(d) Engine – The vehicle has two diesel engines, which are in under slung
position; Cummins model No. NTA855R. Each engine drives one bogie
through independent power transmission.
(e) Power Transmission – RBMV has two hydrodynamic power transmission
systems provided for driving as well as working in the section. These
transmission systems are powered by independent prime movers giving
power to each transmission gearbox.
(f) Brake System – Following brake system are provided on RBMV Machine:
(i) Direct Brake (service brake) – This brake is applied by control lever SA9
on the both bogies of the machine through pneumatic relay C2W while
(ii) Indirect Brake – This is indirect brake is applied on machine with
coupled camping coach /wagon automatically through pneumatic relay
C2W when air pressure of BP line releases through valve A9 or drops.
(iii) Parking Brake – Two springs loaded separate cylinders are mounted on
each bogie of machine. This brake is applied automatically when air of
these cylinders released or when air system pressure drops below 3.5
(iv) Emergency Brake – This is applied directly on the machine in the case
of emergency for immediate stopping.
(3) Salient Features of RBMV
(a) It has payload capacity of 15 t.
(b) It has space for carrying 2 rails of 13 m length of 60 kg or two sets of switch
and stock rail assembly along with fittings.
(c) One cabin to hold small track machines, tools and equipment, P.Way
materials as listed for Mobile Maintenance Unit (MMU).
(d) Seating arrangement (12) for officials accompanying RBMV in the other
(e) Fitted with hydraulic crane for material handling with 1 t at 8 m lifting
(f) Has diesel operated Portable generator of 5 KVA for general lighting, welding
& other works.
515 Works required Before, During and After Deployment of UTVs and RBMVs
(1) P.Way materials to be handled should be collected and stacked at locations within
the reach of crane boom in advance.
(2) Availability of material handling slings and other such attachments should be
checked and ensured before going for the block.
(3) Support posts in flat wagons with UTV’s /foldable side wall in RBMV’s which infringe
in loading of material shall be lowered before starting material handling at site.
(4) Centre line of rail piece to be handled shall be marked.
(5) Longer rails shall be cut to pieces of less than 13 m length.
(6) It should be ensured that the vehicle is stabilised and parking brakes are ON before
operation of the crane.
(7) The crane should not be used in strong wind blowing at more than 50 kmph.
(8) The operator should have a clear view of the work area and ensure that no one is
there within the operating radius of the crane.
(9) The stability of the crane vehicle should be constantly checked during the
(10) The operator should check the details of load to be lifted and the radius of
operation as per the load distance diagram.
(11) The operator should be careful while working near electric power cables.
(12) The operator should never leave the machine unattended when boom is extended
and the load is lifted from the ground. If it becomes unavoidable, he must
manoeuvre the load to ground and turn-off the vehicle.
(13) Loading/unloading and material handling should preferably be done to/from cess
side of track. In case of handling material in between two tracks or beyond on
adjacent running track side, proper track protection on adjacent track should be
(14) Crane movement to infringing side shall be locked during working.
(15) The single point slinging should be avoided to avoid risk of bending and damage to
rail surface. The overhang should not be more than one half the distances between
two lifting points.
(16) Loading of rails and sleepers on BFR in UTV’s & on RBMV’s should normally be
limited to 4 and 3 layers respectively.
(17) The rails should be kept horizontal and straight while lifting/moving.
(18) Support posts/foldable side wall if any shall be lifted up or rails shall be tied up with
chain to secure rails after completion of loading, before movement.
(19) Loading should be uniformly distributed and eccentric loading should be avoided.
(20) Crane shall be handled carefully in the electrified territory and station yards.
(21) The staff should not stand below the suspended load for their safety.
(22) The staff should wear protective gloves and industrial shoes to minimise the risk of
(23) Items specific to UTVs
(a) SSE/JE(P.Way) should work as guard on the machine. The guard along with the
machine staff should be deputed on the BRN for safety when the machine
moves towards the crane side with an attached BRN.
(b) The flat wagon should have a valid BPC for the movement.
(c) BRN should be provided with detachable hand brake operating lever.
(24) Items specific to RBMVs
(a) All tools and plants as prescribed for Mobile Maintenance Unit (MMU) should
be available in working order.
(b) Pay Load should not be more than 15 t.
The staff should wear distinctive colour helmets and clothing for easy identification by
crane and machine drivers to avoid accidents.
Annexure 5.1
Important Features/Dimensions of RGI Control Car
Annexure 5.2
Pattern Sheet
Annexure 5.3
Performa for Data to be fed in GDMS
Curve Num
Super Elev
Curve Dir
Cx Width
Line Seg
CX Num
Sta Loc
Start M
Cx Loc
Sub Division Start & End Length Cx Loc/Width
AEN Sub Div Section Sub Div Sec KM KM Chainage in mtrs Level Crossing Location & Width
Start Transition Start Circular Curve End Circular Curve Transition to Straight
Transition End Start Transition End Transition
Column Data Data Type Importance
8. End Float Not Used The end Sta+Off of track segment.
9. Km Int Required An integer value specifying the kilometer
10. StartM Int Not Used
11. Length Float Required The length in meters of the specified
12. CurveNum Text Not Used Curves are named by the program based on
the curve start point.
13. ST Sta+Off Required The first point of the curve.
14. TC Sta+Off Required The second point of the curve.
15. CT Sta+Off Required The third point of the curve.
16. TS Sta+Off Required The fourth point of the curve.
17. Versine Float Required The Versine of the curve.
18. Super Elev Float Not Used
19. Degree Float Required The degree of the curve.
20. CurveDir Text Required Either RH or LH indicating the direction of the
21. CXNum Text Optional The crossing name. Ignore if Cx Loc is missing.
If missing and a Cx Loc is provided, the
crossing is given a unique number.
22. Cx Loc Sta+Off Optional The crossing location.
23. Cx Width Text Optional The crossing width of description.
24. Station Text Optional The name of the station. Ignored if Sta Loc is
missing. If missing and a Sta Loc is provided,
the station is given a unique number.
25. Sta Loc Sta+Off Optional The location of the station.
Unknown data fields should be left blank. Do NOT enter periods (.), dashes (-), etc.
Sta+Off-Track positions are entered in station+offset format. Where offsets are less than 1000 meters
floating point format is also allowed, For example, a crossing located at 781 meters past kilometer post
4 could be entered either as 4+781 or 4.781, however a curve point located at 1025 meters past km post
12 must be entered as 12+1025. Curve point (ST, TC, CT, TS0 must be in ascending or descending order
and cannot be equal. Adjacent curves must be separated by at least 1 meter. The body of the curve (TC-
CT) should be at least 20 meters. Names of LineSeg, Region, Division, Subdivision and Track are case –
sensitive. The Versine and Degree of curve must match within one half a degree.
Rail Grinding Monitoring Proforma
(A) For Sites Identified for Monitoring
Rly……………Divn……………. ………. Section……………… Km/TP………………
Rail Section/ UTS……… Type of sleeper……………Sleeper Density……… Ballast cushion…………
Tangent/Curved Track……….. Degree of Curve………………....Line(UP/DN)……………………..Axle Load………
Total GMT carried………… GMT( Current)………………. Date of last Grinding……………Gauge(in mm)….………
S.No. Item Observations on Left Observations on Remarks
Rail Right Rail
Before After Before After
Grinding Grinding Grinding Grinding
E Wear pattern of rail To be
measured by
MiniProf Rail
and soft
copies of rail
profiles be
1.Gauge face
2.Top table
F Track Geometry
Cross level
*Photograph of the test locations after DPT indicating condition of rail be sent.
Rail Grinding Monitoring Proforma
C No. of fractures #
1. Rail
2. AT weld
3. FB weld
S. Item Tangent Track Curved Track Remarks
No. Left Rail Right Degree Outer Inner rail
Rail of rail
D Track Geometry
1. SD of Gauge
2. SD of Cross level
3. SD of
4. SD of Alignment
E Wear pattern of To be measured by MiniProf Wheel Profile measuring equipment and
Wheels soft copies of wheel profiles be sent.
# The details shall be provided for the duration between two grinding cycles. In case of first round of
grinding, data for same duration preceding grinding operation be given.
Annexure 5.5
Important Features/Dimensions of Utility Track Vehicle &Rail Borne
Maintenance Vehicle
MAINTENANCE VEHICLE 22270 21000 14783 2896 1105 4125 952 18.25t 3245
601 Planning
(1) Working and deployment of all track machines in a Zonal Railway shall be under
overall control of CE/TM.
(2) By 5th Feb every year (after the Budget), Sr. DEN/Co-ordination of divisions will
send to CE/TM, their requirement plan for the track machines, for a period of 18
months starting from 1st April of coming year, based on maintenance needs, track
renewal needs, etc., keeping in view the various aspects detailed below. Likewise,
the construction organizations, PSUs and other agencies will also project their
requirement for the coming financial year. Draft deployment program for CTR/TSR
shall be drawn out by the office of CE/TM once the targets are prepared and
discussed with Railway Board and this shall be sent to the divisions and other units.
(3) The annual programme shall be prepared for the period of 18 months – firm
programme for 12 months commencing from 1st Apr of the first year and tentative
program for 6 months of second year starting from 1st April of second year i.e.
programme drawn in Feb’17 will be up to 30th Sep’18 – firm programme for 12
month period from 1st Apr’17 to 31st Mar’18 and tentative for 6 months period
from 1st Apr’18 to 30th Sep’18. This will help the divisions to finalize the tenders
for support activities in time.
(4) In drawing the programme, the following aspects shall be taken into consideration
(a) Base depot locations for TLE/TRT etc.
(b) Loco requirements, and loco power availability.
(c) Block requirements, and block availability.
(d) Ballast needs and supply prospects.
(e) Speed restrictions.
(f) Working season.
(g) Output of individual machines.
(h) Effective availability of machines, taking into account slots for POH/IOH,
major repairs and shifting, etc.
(i) Priorities/targets for completion of projects/works.
(j) Co-ordination with and requirement of S&T and TRD branches.
(k) Any other factor having a bearing on machine utilization.
(5) Targets – Annual targets for each type of machine are fixed by Railway Board in
consultation with zonal railways. The factors which are to be taken in deciding the
targets is:
(a) Track maintenance works due at the beginning of the year.
(b) Track renewal targets.
(c) Availability of machines on the railway taking into consideration the planned
maintenance operations like POH and IOH.
(d) Availability of traffic blocks including corridor blocks.
(e) Progress per machine per month for past 3 years on the railway.
(f) Progress per machine per month for past 3 years on Indian Railway.
(g) Age of the machine.
(6) Requirement of the divisions, construction organizations, PSUs and other agencies
etc. shall be examined by CE/TM in consultation with the CTE at the Zonal HQ and
draft deployment program for 18 months – firm program for 12 months in addition
to tentative program for 6 months shall be issued by 25thFeb every year. The
division should study and inform of any changes and/or correction to draft
deployment plan within 15 days. CE/TM will issue the final deployment
programme, after examining the suggestions by the divisions.
(7) The Divisions and Construction units on receipt of the deployment plan shall
initiate all preliminary works such as development of base depots, finalization of
contracts, arranging blocks, locomotive, drawing MOUs, collection of matching
materials, ballast collection, co-ordination with other branches, machine staff
accommodation, procurement of consumables like diesel oil etc. so that no time is
wasted once the machines reach the site.
(8) The machines on arrival in the section/divisions/construction units shall be
deployed as per the approved deployment program, their progress closely
monitored, works completed in time and machines handed over to the next work
site as per the program. Any deviation from the approved program, which should
be an exception, shall be got approved by CTE or CE/TM in advance. Copy of
deployment program at HQ and divisions shall be corrected accordingly.
(9) Sr.DEN/Co shall arrange for expeditious movement of machines in their respective
divisions as per the approved program. Sr.DEN/DEN of the section shall ensure
timely completion of all preparatory works in the section where the machine is
due to arrive.
(10) Whenever machines of other Divisions/Railway are passing through a division,
Sr.DEN/Co of that division shall arrange for expeditious movement of machines in
his division.
602 Pre-requisites for Deployment of Track Machines on Construction
Projects/Other Agencies
(1) Requisite track geometry standards shall be ensured before deployment of track
machines on construction projects: -
(a) Track laying standards in respect of gauge, joints, expansion gaps and spacing
of sleepers for the new track as specified in Para 316 of IRPWM should be
(b) A minimum clean ballast cushion of 250 mm on main line and 150 mm for
yard line along with adequate ballast on shoulders and cribs should be
ensured before deploying the tamping machines.
(c) Proper recording of levels and versines should be done by a trained
personnel and lift & slews values should also be calculated in advance for
lining/ levelling for design mode of tamping.
(d) The track geometry prior to deployment of track machines for new works of
new line, doubling, gauge conversion etc. should be as under: -
Peak value of Unevenness 15 mm on 3.6 m Chord
the responsibility of owning railway. It is thus implied that the machines to be
deployed on other railways should be in good condition, not needing any major
repairs. User railway shall also be responsible for optimum utilization of machines
and feeding the progress in TMS and reporting of progress. In case of deployment
for longer durations, the user railway shall take over the machine and arrange
required staff for operation & maintenance.
604 Line Blocks, Stipulated Corridors and Monitoring
(1) Stipulated block hours (SBH) are blocks machine has to avail every month for
desired utilization. SBH for all machines shall be 100 hours per month except for
TRT, TLE and PCCM. SBH for TRT and TLE will be 64 hours and that for PCCM is 36
hours per month. Non-availability of machines on account of planned maintenance
operations of POH and IOH shall be considered in arriving at the figures of SBH.
(2) Demanded block hours (DBH) are minimum specified block hours to be demanded
daily so as to achieve a minimum of SBH on an average in the year. As a general rule
DBH shall be as follows:
All track machines except PCCM 4 x No. of days block demanded*
PCCM 3 x No. of days block demanded*
• *No. of days block demanded shall be actual No. of days block is demanded excluding
the days lost due to rest, holiday, machine under repair /maintenance /overhauling,
shifting, no planning etc.
• Actual Block hours (ABH) is the actual blocks granted in hours.
• DBH/SBH expressed in % gives the availability of track machine.
• ABH/DBH expressed in % gives the machine utilization.
605 Types of Blocks - As stipulated by the Railway Board, on-track machines should work
under traffic blocks as per the following options depending upon the track maintenance
requirement and traffic patterns:
(1) Regular Traffic Blocks
(a) On Single Line Section - Either one block of at least 4 hours or 2 blocks of 2-
1/2 hours or in exceptional cases minimum two hours wherever 2-1/2 hours
are not possible.
(b) On Double Line Section
(i) One spell of 4 hours on "Up" or ‘’Dn" line daily.
(ii) Two 2-1/2 hours split blocks on "Up" or "Dn" line on alternate days. (5
hours daily on one of the lines)
(2) Blocks on Construction Projects and Multiple Lines – On construction projects and
multiple lines, additional working hours/blocks should be planned.
(3) Special Blocks – In addition to regular traffic blocks, special blocks as envisaged in
Engineering and Operating JPOs issued by Railway Board from time to time should
be considered.
(a) Mega Block Running into Several Days/Weeks - Major maintenance/
rehabilitation of assets in identified block section in a double line traffic
sections shall be carried out for pre-decided long block running into several
days/weeks by blocking of one line and conversion of double line into single
line with suitable modifications in signalling system to complete the entire
work. This shall result into expeditious completion with better quality of work.
Detailed scheme for each section to be undertaken for the temporary
conversion based on requirement of work and local conditions shall be
prepared by Zonal Railways as laid down in joint circular issued by Railway
(b) Mega Block of 6 Hours Duration or More
(i) On single line/double line section – Mega blocks of minimum duration of
6 hours up to twice a week depending upon requirement of work shall be
made available. Cancellation of few passenger trains may be resorted to,
if required.
(ii) On multiple line section – On multiple line sections having more than two
lines, pre-planned assured mega block of 6 hours shall be made available,
particularly in context of incidences of track man being run over while
moving to another track or otherwise during performance of duties.
606 Minimum Duration of Blocks - Minimum duration of blocks for effective working,
ineffective time and ideal stipulated output per effective hour shall be as follows:
(1) Track machines are deployed for variety of track works and their proper utilization
has to be ensured by making available minimum duration of blocks for smooth, safe
and effective working. Minimum duration of block is fixed based on setting
up/winding up time, ineffective time and progress per effective hour. Minimum
block duration etc. for different types of machines is given in table below:
M/c Type Minimum Block (hr.) Ineffective time (hr.) Output / eff. Hr.
(min) (min)
DUO 2.50 (150 min) 0.50 (30 min) 800 m
CSM 2.50 (150 min) 0.50 (30 min) 1200 m
TEX 2.50 (150 min) 0.50 (30 min) 1600 m
UNIMAT 2.50* (150 min) 0.50 (30 min) 1 turnout
BCM(Plain) 3.00 (180 min) 1.00 (60 min) 200 m
BCM (P&C) 4.50 (270 min) 3.00 (180 min) # One turnout =750 m track
SBCM 2:30 (150 min) 0.50 (30 min) 400 m
TLE 3.00 (180 min) 0.75 (45 min) 200 m
TRT 4.00 (240 min) 1.25 (75 min) 400 m
RGM 2.00 (120 min) 0.75 (45 min) 10 – 12** km
• *Time for turnout is for main line & turnout side and connection and disconnection time
required for S&T
• **Depending on the length on curves in the section
• # For deep screening of P&C, ineffective time includes movement, preparatory works
and S&T works
• Output may vary depending upon the age of the machine and track features
• For output less than 90% of the normal output, the reason should be analyzed and
corrective action taken, if any
• MPT is used for spot attention of both plain track and Points and Crossing, hence
requirement will vary depending on work to be performed.
(2) Group working can be adopted to reduce total block requirement if assured and
longer duration blocks are granted.
(a) BCMs can be deployed in a group; in blocks of 4 hours and more as working
time of the second machine reduces. This time loss for trailing machine is
around 30 min. In addition, output is also compromised on regular basis due
to conservative estimate of patches left between the two machine work
locations. Thus, for group working of BCMs the ineffective time will have to be
increased by 30 min for second machine and so on for third machine.
(b) Tamping machines can also be deployed in groups. More than one plain track
tamper can also be combined with UNIMAT.
607 Measures for Ensuring Block - Principal Chief Engineer (PCE) and Chief Operating
Manager (COM) of the railway shall ensure that the identified corridor blocks as above
are incorporated in the working timetables and their availability shall be ensured.
Following are the measures for ensuring availability of blocks:
(a) Inclusion of engineering maintenance corridor blocks in the Working Time
Tables and updating it every year duly providing alternate corridors for those
affected by the newly introduced trains.
(b) Resorting to TSL (Temporary Single Line) working, rescheduling/regulation
/cancellation of trains to ensure adequate blocks for track machines.
(c) Identifying double line sections for introduction of system of Single Line
signalled working for days/weeks.
(d) Periodic Monitoring – Daily monitoring of blocks and performance at DRM’s
level in divisions and CTE at HQ and weekly review at PCE, COM and GM's
level at headquarters is essential to monitor the utilization of track machine
and blocks granted.
608 Through Tamping and Spot Attention
(1) Types of Tamping – Tamping has been categorised in two types: -
(a) Through Tamping – This is maintenance tamping as per pre decided
programme drawn in beginning of year and covers long continuous stretches
of the track from one end of the block section to the other. Frequency of
through tamping depends on the tamping cycle fixed by the railway based on
factors as enumerated below with the approval of CTE.
(b) Spot Attention – Tamping of track of shorter stretches, say 200 m or longer, is
sometimes necessitated due to various reasons such as bad running location,
work spot etc. The annual programme shall have provision of Spot attention
to be done with the approval of Sr.DEN/Co. The quantum of spot attention in
terms of approximate length in kms, should be incorporated in the
deployment programme issued by CE/TM.
(2) Tamping Frequency - The requirement and periodicity of through tamping
depends on many factors, as mentioned below:
(i) Traffic density (GMT) on the route, Axle Loads and maximum permissible
Speed of trains.
(ii) Track geometry i.e. gradients & curvature.
(iii) Track structures and condition of track components.
(iv) Depth of ballast cushion, availability of clean cushion below sleeper and
on shoulders, and drainage characteristics.
(v) Type of formation i.e. embankment or cutting, type of soil, and condition
and stability of the formation.
(vi) Climate condition such as rainfall, snowfall etc.
(vii) Local conditions, such as adjoining built-up area, tress passing, drainage
problems etc.
(viii) Mode of tamping on previous occasion i.e. smoothening mode or design
Tamping frequency has to be fixed with the purpose to achieve track with required
geometrical parameters and sound condition of packing for the end result of
having good riding comfort (quality). Considering the wide variations in aforesaid
factors on different sections, it is not feasible to fix frequency of tamping
universally and each Zonal Railway would fix the frequency with the approval of
As a general guideline, the frequency of tamping would be 1 year and above.
Tamping of track having bad formation and other factors necessitating more
frequent tamping should be called spot attention. TMS module should have the
provision for feeding such spot attentions.
Frequency of tamping may be reviewed, as and when one or more of the above
factors get modified.
701 General
(1) Categorization of Track Machines - For the purpose of movement and
working, track machines are classified in two categories
(a) Track Machines Hauled by Locomotive - TLE, TRT, PCCM, MDU are the
machines generally falling in this category. Rules for movement for
material trains will apply to these categories of machines. Details of
movement and working are elaborated in this chapter. Other track
machines when attached with the train/locomotive will also fall in the
same category.
(b) Self-propelled Track Machines - Rules for movement and working of
self-propelled track machines are detailed in this chapter. This category
of track machines may also work with the non-self-propelled track
machine as in (a) above for effective block utilization, in the same block
(2) Self-propelled Track Machines - For movement, these shall be worked as a
train but will not need a guard or a brake van. One camping coach or one BRN
wagon or another self-propelled track machine, which may be un-braked,
shall permitted to be hauled by the self-propelled track machine. SSE/JE/TM
operating the machine shall ensure safe running.
(3) Provision of G&SR - Provisions as contained in GR 4.65 supplemented by SR
framed by the Zonal Railways, shall be applicable for working of track
machines. Presently, SRs of Zonal Railways are not uniform. Objective should
be to have common or unified SR for all Zonal Railways for common aspects of
track machines working. Specific provisions in respective SRs shall deal with
special circumstances prevailing in individual Zonal Railways.
(4) Knowledge of G&SR - Track machine staff shall be conversant with the
relevant provisions of G&SR. Adequate knowledge of provisions of G&SR shall
be imparted during the initial and refresher training courses conducted in
ZRTIs. The list of standard forms is given in Annexure7.1.
(5) Manning of Track Machines and Possession of Safety Equipment - All track
machines shall be manned by a competent railway servant authorized to work
the machine. These machines shall also be equipped with prescribed set of
safety equipment to ensure safe movement and working.
(6) Salient Information of Track Machine - Following information shall be painted
on the track machine at pre-decided locations:
(a) Designation of Controlling Officer (Dy.CE/TM/Line).
(b) Name of owning Railway.
(c) Track Machine No. with model.
(d) Transportation Code.
(e) Month and Year of commissioning.
(f) Date of last POH and last IOH done.
(g) Maximum permissible speed when self-propelled, coupled with other
track machine and when attached with train formation as per speed
certificate of RDSO sanctioned by Railway Board.
(h) Maximum height and width of track machine in closed condition.
(i) Axle load, wheel base and overall length of machine.
(j) Jacking point i.e. lift here.
702 Operation and Working of Track Machine
(1) Responsibility of Track Machines - For the purpose of operation, each
machine shall be under the direct charge of SSE/JE/TM. He shall be in-charge
of the track machine and shall be responsible for safe movement and working
of track machine. All SSE/JE/TM posted on the machine shall have the
knowledge of movement and working of track machines and shall possess
valid competency certificates. Total number of persons including railway staff,
allowed in the driving cab of each machine, shall not normally exceed five.
(2) Supervision of Work of Track Machine(s) - The track machine(s) shall work
under the direct supervision of an engineering official, not below the rank of
SSE/JE (P.Way), who will be responsible for taking the traffic block,
coordinating for shunting in the yard, entry of machine(s) into the block
section, protection of the line while the work is in progress and timely
clearance of block and track machines from the section to the station, after
the completion of the work, ensuring the safety of the track(s). He shall also
be responsible for coordination with divisional officials for clearance of
section in event of breakdown of machine. SSE/JE (P.Way) shall also associate
himself and co-ordinate with station master for shunting of the track
(3) Working - General
(a) The machine staff and P. Way staff shall work as a team towards the
common goal of ensuring optimum utilization of the machine and
(b) The machine staff shall ensure adequate attention to the machine in
time as prescribed in RDSO and manufacturer's manuals in respect of
their machines and keep the machines ready for availing stipulated
blocks. They should, in consultation with the P. way staff/Engineering
Controller/Track Machine Control, be aware of corridor block/MOU
provisions and line block spell and plan out their maintenance activities
in such a manner that blocks are availed without any lapse. The machine
in-charge shall invariably inform SSE/JE (P.Way) and if not available, to
SM or Engineering Control about readiness or otherwise of the machine
for working every day well in time.
(c) The machine shall be berthed in the sidings safely as stipulated in the
G&SR and the P.Way staff shall arrange for watchman for the machine
during the non-working shift. The watchman for the machine should not
be frequently changed.
(d) The machine in-charge on arrival shall check up the condition of the
machine and report any unusual features observed by him such as
disturbance to the machine at the berthing place, missing of parts etc.
and initiate appropriate action as per extant rules.
(e) The machine in-charge and SSE/JE (P.Way) shall jointly inspect and
finalize the week's work in advance and discuss the day's programme
and share with each other all information required for the working.
(f) SSE/JE (P.Way) shall ensure availability of requisite men and tools &
plant to work with the machine and for rendering possible assistance to
clear the section in case of breakdowns.
(g) SSE/JE (P. Way) shall be responsible for arranging necessary lighting etc.
for night works and also coordinate with other divisional staff such as
Signal/OHE etc.
(h) It should be ensured by the machine in-charge that no person climbs to
the top of any machine without OHE block in electrified sections.
(i) The machine in-charge shall ensure that all precautionary measures are
taken for safety of the staff while working on double/multiple line block
section against the danger of trains moving on adjacent lines. SSE/JE (P.
Way) should provide lookout-men at the site of machine working as per
requirements, including protection as per IRPWM and GR 6.03.
(j) SE/JE (P Way), after completion of work shall inspect the worksite
attended by track machine thoroughly and ensure track fitness for
running of trains with or without speed restriction, as appropriate. He
shall ensure that no infringement, obstructions have been caused to
safe train running during working of track machine.
(k) SM will liaison with Section Controller/Controller to ensure that at the
end of work, the machine is brought to the base station and placed in
the nominated berthing line at the earliest to enable post block
maintenance of the machine being undertaken. SSE/JE (P.Way) shall also
provide necessary assistance as required.
(l) Due to non-availability of path etc., it may not be possible to bring the
machine back to the siding where camping coach of machine is stabled,
in some of the busy sections. In such eventuality, Sr. DEN/DEN/AEN shall
have the powers and provision to hire the road vehicle to bring the staff
back to machine stabling station.
703 Competencies of Track Machine Staff - SSE/JE/TM shall be competent to
work the machine and he should possess adequate knowledge, which would be
imparted during initial and refresher courses. Competent authority shall duly certify
him for his competence. Each SSE/JE/TM shall have a diary as per proforma given in
Annexure 7.2 of this manual and the details of these competencies/fitness shall be
recorded therein by SSE/TM/DI or SSE/TM/SDI, as per the system on Railway; in
addition to other relevant information. Road learning will be recorded by LI or
nominated supervisor.
(1) Medical Fitness and PME - SSE/JE/TM shall be fit in A-3 medical category. If
wearing spectacles, he shall carry one extra pair while on duty. Technicians
and helpers working on track Machines shall be fit in A-3 medical category.
This shall be recorded in certificate of medical fitness at the time of joining
and certificate of periodical medical examination (PME) during the course of
service. The employee will inform his immediate superior 60 days in advance
of expiry of his medical certificate. Employee will be expeditiously booked for
(2) Technical Training - All SSE/JE/TMs are to undergo initial as well as refresher
technical training imparted by IRTMTC, Allahabad; successfully. Refresher
technical training shall be done every 3 years. Certificate of satisfactory
completion of training should be kept in the personal custody of the official
and produced when required.
(3) G & SR Training - All SSE/JE/TMs are to undergo initial as well as refresher
training in G&SR; successfully. Refresher G & SR training shall be done every 3
years. Certificate of satisfactory completion of training should be kept in the
personal custody of the official and produced when required.
(4) Route/Road Learning - It will be the responsibility of the SSE/JE/TM working
the machine to acquaint himself with the system of working, location of
signals and other local conditions affecting running of trains on a section(s) of
the railway over which he is to work and if he is not so acquainted with any
portion of the railway over which he is to work, obtain the services of
qualified railway servant who is conversant with it to assist him by requesting
the office of Dy.CE/TM Line.
SSE/JE/TM will make trips in the cab of locomotive of a train for initial road
learning for acquainting with the section as well as subsequent, if required, for
reacquainting with the section as stipulated in G&SR of the railway. Entry to
this effect shall be made in the diary by the employee and countersigned by LI
or SSE/TM/SDI of concerned satellite depot. For this purpose, posting of at
least one LI in each division, depending on the number of machines i.e.
number of SSE/JE/TM, shall be ensured.
(5) Competency Certificate - SSE/JE/TM shall be considered competent to
operate the machine only if he possesses valid machine competency
certificate. Machine competency certificate is to be issued to SSE/JE/TM by
Dy.CE/TM Line or an officer authorized by him. This certificate will be issued
as per proforma given in Annexure 7.3 after ascertaining the successful
completion of technical training, G & SR training and his medical fitness. The
validity of this certificate will be up to the earliest expiry date of the three i.e.
(i) Technical training (ii) G & SR training and (iii) PME.
For automatic block section, separate competency is required to be issued as
per the practice in the Zonal Railway.
704 Safety Equipment
(1) General - SSE/JE/TM in-charge shall be responsible to ensure that the
following equipment in working condition are available on the track machine:
(a) Two red and one green hand signal flags.
(b) Two tri-colour hand signal lamps /LED torch.
(c) Two chains with padlocks.
(d) One fire extinguisher in each cabin.
(e) Two hooters (manually controlled).
(f) Two jacks10 t.
(g) Four wooden blocks.
(h) Four crow bars.
(i) One hydraulic hand pump.
(j) Emergency pneumatic/hydraulic hose off sizes suiting to different
machines (Complete with end fitting).
(k) Wire rope with close loops at both ends 2 m and 9 m long for BCM: One
of each length.
(l) Machine specific equipment, if any, listed in Chapter 2, 3, 4 and 5.
(m) Ten fog signals (detonators) in a tin case.
(n) A copy of the working timetable of the section where the machine is
(o) G & SR book with up to date amendment slips.
(p) One 4 cell flasher light LED lamp cum flasher light (rechargeable).
(q) Two banner flags.
(r) One first aid box.
(s) Two skids.
(t) Safety helmets for all machine staff.
(u) Protective clothing, safety shoes and safety gloves.
(v) Walkie talkie with frequency of SM, Guard and Loco Pilots.
(w) Internal communication system like walkie-talkie and/or head mounted
(x) Track Machine Manual with up to date correction slips.
(y) Accident Manual.
(z) Tail lamp.
(2) Head and Tail Lights – Each track machine must be equipped with prescribed
head and tail lights, marker lights and flasher lights as per GR 4.14, 4.15 &
4.16 and SRs thereof. Each machine shall display LV board/tail lamp when
moving alone. While moving in conveyor coupled, the LV board/tail lamp
shall be fixed on the last vehicle; in the direction of movement.
705 Rules for Operation – General
(1) Stabling of Track Machines - When the track machine(s) is/are stabled at a
station, SSE/JE/TM in-charge shall ensure that it is clear of fouling marks and
traps and necessary precautions against rolling down such as pinning down
hand brakes, chaining and provision of skids; is taken in accordance with
(2) Shunting of Track Machines - No track machine shall be moved between a
running line and the siding/stabling line without the written permission of the
Station Master on duty in the form of shunting order/shunt signals.
(3) Machine Ready Memo - SSE/JE/TM shall issue a written machine ready memo
(as per Annexure 7.4) after necessary maintenance/repairs/schedules and
Brake Power testing and other stipulated checks, if any, to on duty SM,
indicating time and date, under advice to SSE/JE/P.Way deputed to work with
the machine.
(4) Movement of Track Machines - When the track machine is required to move
from one station to another station, SSE/JE/TM shall run the machine only
with proper authority to proceed and all necessary permits, notices and
cautions as specified in G&SR. When track machine is to move on wrong road
(against the direction of traffic), the speed of track machine shall not exceed
more than 25 kmph and flasher light shall be kept “ON”.
(5) Working in Group
(a) When more than one machine is required to work within the same block
section, these machines may be allowed to move into the block section
in a group under one authority as detailed in this chapter. In such
situation all the track machines must leave and enter the section
simultaneously one after another keeping adequate distance among
them and with proper authority as detailed further in the following
(b) Total number of the machines shall be clearly mentioned in the line
clear/block authority message with exchange of private numbers. For
this purpose, two coupled self-propelled track machines are to be
treated as single machine. Track machine with one BFR, like UTV, shall
also be treated as a single machine.
(c) In case of group machines, entering into the block section for working,
and back and entering the station after working, the first machine shall
pass the dispatch/reception/last stop signal, as the case may be, in OFF
position (where signal is given) and all other machines shall be piloted
by competent railway servant following first machine with signal in ON
position. In case where the machines are allowed on paper authority
instead of signals, SSE/JE/P.Way or SSE/JE/TM in the first machine will
receive the authority and other machines will follow duly piloted by
competent railway servant.
(d) Normally machines shall not work in a group while visibility of track is
restricted due to sharp curves and steep gradients. Where the working
of track machines in group is indispensable i.e. like deep screening, track
relaying site etc., the necessary block protection shall be done as per
para 806 of IRPWM and special precaution shall be taken as per para
811 of IRPWM for the first machine facing the direction of traffic in
double line section and for the front and rear most machines in single
line section.
(6) Run through movement in Group - Run through movement of the track
machines in-group is not allowed. They can however transit as coupled vehicle
under one authority. However, the machines can move in group by taking a
short duration block and rules as for group movement for block shall be
(7) Working of Track Machine in Block
(a) The track machine(s) shall work under line block only. The SSE/JE (P.
Way) shall give the requisition for block in duplicate to Station Master
on duty, as per proforma in Annexure 7.5, indicating therein specific
location where the machine(s) will work, the road i.e. UP/DN etc., the
number of track machine(s) that will work along with individual
number(s) and sequence (order in which machines will leave the
station), the duration of block required and whether the machine(s) will
proceed to the next station or return back to the starting station after
the work. The SM shall then contact the control and ascertain the
movement of trains before granting line block.
(b) After the block is granted, the Station Master will return the original
copy of requisition endorsing the duration and other special instructions
like work and proceed, work and return via right or wrong direction,
caution order, if any SSE/JE (P. Way) shall accompany the machine(s) to
the work site.
(c) SSE/JE (P.Way), shall get the requisition so returned by station master
(also called as track machine permit), signed from the SSE/JE/TM in-
charges of track machines.
(d) On reaching the station as mentioned in track machine permit, after the
completion of work, SSE/JE (P.Way) will hand over the token, track
machine permit and the key etc. if any, after all the machine have
cleared the block section. He will also certify that the track is fit for train
movement. Then only the Station Master will clear the line for normal
train operation subject to the observations of speed restriction, if any.
(8) Working in Automatic Block Sections – Automatic signalling territory involves
special features in working and the special instructions for working of track
machine are elaborated in Annexure 7.6
(9) Working in Integrated Traffic Blocks - If the track machines are working in an
integrated traffic block where other machines and staff engaged by other
departments are also working, the relevant instructions issued by Zonal
Railway for integrated block working should be followed.
(10) Use of Cell Phone on Track Machine - All supervisory staff in the track
machine and as well as at the track machine site is prohibited from use of
mobile phones during movement and working of track machine, except in
emergencies or when it is extremely necessary.
(11) Requirement of Pilot - If the SSE/JE/TM is not acquainted with the section,
where the track machine has to work, a Pilot (Loco Pilot/ALP) shall be
provided for movement as well as block working as per the specific request in
advance. SSE/JE (P.Way) may also work as pilot in his jurisdiction, in case of
emergent situations.
(12) SSE/JE(P.way) as Guard - In emergent and special situations, SSE/JE/P.Way
shall work as the guard. SSE/JE/P.Way shall perform the limited functions of a
guard required for working and movement of UTV, which has only one SSE/JE;
as it has one BFR and direct visibility of points from the driving cabin may not
be there in one direction.
706 Working Of Track Machines In Single and Double Line Sections
(1) Single Line Section – Work and Proceed
(a) Station Master will obtain line clear from station in advance, take off
last stop signal, issue track machine permit and handover the token, if
any, to SSE/JE (P.Way), SSE/JE (P.Way) shall travel in the last track
(b) On completion of the work, the machine(s) will be received by taking off
reception signals. Competent railway servant should display green hand
signal at the foot of first stop signal till the last machine enters the
(c) Station Master will clear the line for normal train operation only after
SSE/JE (P.Way) has returned the track machine permit etc. and certified
the track fit for train movement.
(2) Single Line Section – Work and Return
(a) With token / tablet instruments
(i) Station Master will obtain line clear from station in advance; take
off last stop signal, issue track machine permit along with
token/tablet to SSE/JE (P.Way). SSE/JE (P. Way) shall travel in the
first track machine.
(ii) On completion of the work, the machine(s) will be received by
taking off reception signals. Competent railway servant shall
display green flag/signals at the foot of first stop signal till the last
machine enters the station.
(iii) Station Master will clear the line for normal train operation only
after SSE/JE (P.Way) has returned the track machine permit etc.
and certified the track fit for train movement.
(b) With token less Block Instrument
(i) Station Master will block back the section, take out the shunting
key, issue track machine permit, and shunting key to SSE/JE
(P.Way) In addition requisite written authority will be issued for
passing the last stop signal at danger for all machines SSE/JE
(P.Way) shall travel in the first track machine.
(ii) On completion of the work, the machine(s) will be received by
taking off reception signals. Competent railway servant shall
display green hand signals at the foot of first stop signal till the last
machine enters the station.
(iii) Station Master will clear the line for normal train operation only
after SSE/JE (P.Way) has returned the track machine permit etc.
and certified the track fit for train movement.
(3) Double Line Section – Work and Proceed
(a) Via Right Direction
(i) Station Master will obtain line clear from station in advance, take
off last stop signal, issue track machine permit SSE/JE (P.Way) shall
travel on the last track machine.
(ii) On completion of the work, the machines will be received by
taking off reception signals; competent railway servant shall
display green flag/signals at the foot of first stop signal till the last
machine enters the station.
(iii) Station Master will clear the line for normal train operation only
after SSE/JE (P.Way) has returned the track machine permit etc.
and certified the track fit for train movement.
(b) Via WrongStationDirection
(i) Master will take the line clear from station in rear on block
telephone, prepare paper line clear ticket, issue track machine
permit, to SSE/JE (P.Way), SSE/JE (P. Way) shall travel on the last
(ii) The machine(s) shall be piloted out of the station on a written
authority issued by the Station Master after all the facing points
have been correctly set and locked and trailing points correctly set
over which the machine(s) will pass.
(iii) On approaching the next station after completion of the work,
SSE/JE/TM shall bring their machines to stop opposite the first
stop signal pertaining to the right line or at the last stop signal
pertaining to the wrong line (on which they are running)
whichever they come across first and wait and proceed as piloted
or follow GR 4.44.
(iv) The Station Master at the other end of the block section shall
depute a railway staff in uniform at the foot of the signal
(whichever the machines would encounter first) who shall stop
the machines on danger hand signal and thereafter pilot them into
the station on a written authority issued by the Station Master.
(v) If the operators find that no railway servant in uniform has been
deputed at the foot of the signal to pilot the machine(s) into the
station, GR 4.44 shall be observed.
(vi) All the crossover points in the facing direction, over which the
machines shall proceed, shall be clamped and pad locked. This fact
will be mentioned in the authority in prescribed form issued by
station master, through the competent railway servant.
(vii) Station Master will clear the line for normal train operation only
after SSE/JE (P.Way) has returned the paper line clear ticket, track
machine permit etc. and certified the track fit for train movement.
(4) Double Line Section - Work and Return
(a) Via Right Direction
(i) Station Master will block forward the section and arrange to put
the needle of the block instrument directly to "Train on Line", take
out the shunting key in case of 'Daido' Double Line Block
Instrument, issue track machine permit along with the shunting
key, if any, to SSE/JE (P.Way). In addition, requisite written
authority will be issued for passing the last stop signal at danger.
SSE/JE (P. Way) shall travel in the first track machine.
(ii) On completion of the work, SSE/JE/TM shall bring their machine to
stop opposite first stop signal pertaining to the right line or at the
last stop signal pertaining to the wrong line, whichever they comes
across first.
(iii) Station Master shall depute a railway servant in uniform at the
foot of the signal (whichever the machine would encounter first)
who shall stop the machine(s) on danger signals and thereafter
pilot them into the station on a written authority issued by the
Station Master.
(iv) If SSE/JE/TM find that no railway servant has been deputed to
pilot the machine(s), GR 4.44 shall be observed.
(v) All the crossover points in the facing direction over which the
machines shall proceed, shall be clamped and pad locked.
(vi) Station Master will clear the line for normal train operation only
after SSE/JE/P.Way has returned the track machine permit etc.
and certified the track fit for train movement.
(b) Via Wrong Direction
(i) Station Master will block back the section as per extant
instructions, put the needle of the block instrument directly to
"Train on Line" take out the shunting key in case of 'Daido' Double
Line Block Instrument issue track machine permit special caution
order indicating the number of track machine(s), station where
they will return etc. which will be signed by the operators and
then will be handed over along with the shunting key, if any to
SSE/JE (P.Way). SSE/JE (P.Way) shall travel in the first track
(ii) The machines shall be piloted out of the station on a written
authority issued by the Station Master after all the facing points
have been correctly set and locked and trailing points correctly set
over which the machines will pass.
(iii) On completion of the work the machines will be received by
lowering reception signals. Competent railway servant shall
display green flag/hand signal at the foot of first stop signal till the
last machine enters the station.
(iv) Station Master will clear the line for normal train operation only
after SSE/JE (P.Way) has returned the track machine permit etc.
and certified the track fit for train movement.
707 Important Instructions and Precautions
(1) Protection of Work Site - SSE/JE (P.Way) shall be responsible for protection of
the site of work and also protection of adjoining track(s) in case of
infringement. He shall be conversant with the infringing conditions of the
various machines. He shall also be responsible for safe condition of track
before clearing the block after machine working.
(2) Fouling of Adjacent Lines - Some machines like BRM, PCCM etc. tend to foul
the adjacent line, while working on double line section or in yard. If any part
of a machine is likely to foul the adjacent line(s) while working, SSE/JE (P.Way)
shall request Station Master in writing to block such line(s) likely to infringe.
Such work shall only be undertaken if blocking of such adjoining line(s) has
been permitted by the control and the Station Master and such adjoining lines
have been protected. Efforts shall be made to ensure the blocking of other
lines for minimum duration.
(3) Information to Level Crossings - While exchanging private numbers with level
crossings, the Station Master on either side shall inform all the level crossings
equipped with telephones falling in the block section.
(4) Safe Distance and Speed of Machine in Group - The minimum distance
between the machines when working in a group shall be 50 m to avoid
collision between machines and danger to life of machine and P.Way staff
working with machine. While the track machines are moving in the block
section in group, it will be the responsibility of SSE/JE/TM of these machines
to maintain a minimum safe distance of 200 m from each other. The speed of
movement of track machines shall be the lowest of the permissible speed
among all track machines. The leading track machine shall observe this speed.
If any of the machines is required to slowdown or stop due to some reason,
SSE/JE/TM driving the machine should ensure that red hand signal is displayed
by waving vigorously. Where visibility is poor such as on curves and in
cuttings, appropriate speeds and safe distance should be maintained to
ensure safety. While approaching the level crossings, SSE/JE/TM driving the
track machines shall keep a vigil for any obstruction and whistle freely till the
machine passes the level crossing.
(5) Setting of Points of Stabling Siding - The concerned points of non-signalled
sidings shall be set against the line on which the track machine is stabled and
such points shall be secured with clamps or cotter bolts and pad locks as
stipulated in G&SR. The keys of such padlocks shall be kept in the personal
custody of Station Master until the machine is ready to leave from siding or
running line. SSE/JE/TM in-charge shall not relinquish charge until he has
satisfied himself that the machine has been properly secured and protected as
prescribed herein.
(6) Shunting in Line occupied by Track Machine - During shunting on a line
occupied by track machines, station master shall ensure that no machine is
shunted without the presence of SSE/JE/TM.
(7) Safety of Men
(a) Working of certain track machines creates conditions jeopardizing safety
of man and material, if adequate precautions are not enforced at site of
work. BCM is likely to produce a dusty atmosphere impairing visibility in
the vicinity of machine and also heavy noise. TLE and TRT
involve large number of labour working with the machine. Hence, extra
care is necessary as detailed below, to ensure safety of workers.
(b) Hooters should be provided on the track machines. These hooters
should be used to warn the staff working on/around the track machine
about approaching train on adjoining track. Remote controlled hooters
shall also be deployed as an added precaution by SSE/JE/P.Way so that
lookout man standing around 150 m away from the track machine can
also operate the hooter to warn the staff suitably. SSE/JE/TM shall also
put on the flasher light on as an added precaution till the train on
adjacent line has passed the site of work.
(c) Caution order of 30 to 50 kmph with instructions to whistle freely
should be imposed on the adjacent line, during the duration of block,
for the safety of workmen, depending upon the site conditions and
(8) Checking Infringement After Work - The vertical and lateral clearance for
OHE, signal post and any other structure should be checked and adjusted
before clearing the block. It shall be ensured by SSE/JE (P.Way) working with
track machine that there should be no infringement to signal post, OHE and
any other structure as per schedule of dimensions.
708 Failure and Accidents of Track Machines
(1) Protection in case of Breakdown - In the event of breakdown, the track
machines shall be protected as per GR 6.03 and SR there to by the machine
staff, as directed by machine in-charge.
(2) Failures in Block Section - Failures in block sections of the track machines will
be treated as accident under class 'J – Equipment failure'.
(3) Accidents involving Track Machine - Accidents involving track machines shall
be treated as train accidents under the appropriate class and action shall be
taken as per the rules in force.
(4) Action in case of Failure in Block - In case of failure of track machine in block
section, immediate information with details should be conveyed to the
ADEN/DEN/Sr.DEN of the section and the AXEN/XEN/Dy.CE/Line/TM.
SE/JE/TM should decide in consultation with SSE/JE (P. Way), the action to be
taken to clear the section. They may decide to push the disabled unit to the
nearest station provided the brake power is in good condition. Otherwise,
intimation shall be sent to the nearest Station Master asking for a light engine
to tow the unit.
(5) Request for ART/Breakdown - In case, SSE/JE (P. Way) and/or SSE/JE/TM feels
clearance of section is going to take long time, the assistance of Road Break-
down or Accident Relief Train shall be asked for immediately. Meanwhile
SSE/JE/TM in-charge on the machine shall take necessary action to rectify the
defect(s). SSE/JE (P. Way) shall provide all necessary assistance.
709 Permissible Speed - Each machine will run within the maximum permissible
speed sanctioned for that type of machine on a given section of the Railway.
710 Speed Certification for Track Machines - Railway Board Policy Circular No. 6
governs procedure for certification of permissible speed for new rolling stock. The
provisions of the circular relevant to track machines are summarized below:
(1) Speed Certification for New type of Track Machine for Regular Movement
Any new type and model of track machine introduced on Indian Railway is
allowed to run on Zonal Railways at a speed specified in the provisional speed
certificate issued by RDSO. This can be done only after the approval of Railway
Board processed through Chief Commissioner of Railway safety on the
application processed by the RDSO (Gazette notification no.945(E)).
Final speed certificate for the track machine is also issued by RDSO, after
conducting detail oscillation trials. For conducting trial, on the advice of RDSO
to test track machine, General Manager of the concerned railway shall allow
conducting the trials on their system on the test section identified by RDSO,
after obtaining permission from CRS in case trial is to be done on passenger
running lines with Joint Safety Certificate duly signed by the Principal Chief
Engineer, Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer, Principal Chief Operating
Manager and Principal Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (Principal
Chief Electrical Engineer also in case of locomotive or involvement of
electrified section).
GM sanction for such trials shall be valid for two years, after which it shall
require revalidation by the General Manager on the advice of RDSO. With
regard to a stock already operating on provisional speed certificate, while
revalidating the permission for oscillation trial, any adverse performance or
special observations made during service, if any, shall be commented upon.
Sanction of Railway Board for final maximum permissible speed through Chief
Commissioner of Railway safety (CCRS) is also required to be obtained in a
similar manner as above. The procedure to be followed is detailed below:
(a) Determination of Provisional Maximum Permissible Speed/ Final
Maximum Permissible Speed by RDSO
(i) Provisional maximum permissible speed
The provisional maximum permissible speed for new type of
track machine shall be determined on the basis of design
features and other details supplied by the OEM. Guidance
can also be taken from the permissible speed of similar type
of machine already in service.
The provisional speed will normally be lower than the design
or projected maximum permissible speed but shall not be
more than 65 kmph. However, for track machines, whose
suspension and other relevant characteristics such as axle
load, track loading density etc. are similar to stock already in
service, maximum permissible speed may be increased to 75
kmph by Executive Director Standards (Motive Power)/RDSO
in consultation with Executive Director Standards (Track)
and Executive Director (Bridges & Structure) and other
concerned Directorates.
The provisional speed certificate will be valid for five years
except when it is superseded by final maximum permissible
speed certificate issued following the procedures described
(ii) Final maximum permissible speed
The final maximum permissible speed shall be determined
on the basis of detailed oscillation trials for assessing the
riding quality and/or stability. However, for such stock
whose suspension and other relevant characteristics such as
axle load, track loading density etc. are not basically
different from those of the existing ones, the detailed
oscillation trial may be dispensed by Executive Director
Standards (Motive Power)/RDSO in consultation with
Executive Director Standards (Track) and Executive Director
(Bridges & Structure) and other concerned Directorates. In
case of difference of opinion, the matter shall be referred to
the Railway Board for final order.
For conducting oscillation trials, a separate provisional speed
certificate for oscillation trials, shall be issued by RDSO
specifying the section where trial is to be conducted.
General Manager of the concerned railway shall allow
conducting the trials on their system on the test section
identified by RDSO, after obtaining permission from CRS in
case trial is to be done on passenger running lines with Joint
Safety Certificate duly signed by the Principal Chief Engineer,
Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer, Principal Chief
Operating Manager and Principal Chief Signal &
Telecommunication Engineer (Principal Chief Electrical
Engineer also in case of locomotive or involvement of
electrified section).
Oscillation trial is conducted under the supervision of by
Final maximum permissible speed certificate shall be issued
by RDSO based on the results of detail oscillation trial
(b) Application for Sanction by RDSO for introduction of Machine
1) The RDSO shall apply, for introduction of machine different from
those already running on any section or division of zonal railway
for use by any zonal railway to the Railway Board through the
Chief Commissioner of Railway safety (CCRS).
Any increase in sanctioned maximum speed of machine shall be
treated as introduction of new types of locomotives or rolling
2) The application shall be accompanied by-
a) such diagrams as may be necessary to give full particulars of
the axle loads, wheel spacing, length over buffers and other
principal dimensions of the machine for which sanction is
b) provisional speed certificate or final speed certificate, as the
case may be, issued by the RDSO.
3) The application shall be scrutinized by the Commissioner and his
recommendations thereon shall be submitted to the Railway
Board for its orders.
4) A machine have different principal dimension or a different bogie
design or new designs of braking system or suspension details like
axle load, track loading density, unsprung mass being different
shall be regarded as new machine.
Provided that any minor change of equipment design or change of
internal equipment layout on the machine or minor change of axle
load or minor change of track loading density or minor change in
unsprung mass shall not be regarded as new machine, unless such
changes are likely to significantly affect weight distribution, centre
of gravity or riding behaviour of the machine.
5) In case of any difference of opinion in the RDSO, whether or not
any change or modification is to be regarded as a new rolling
stock, the RDSO shall, through the Commissioner, refer the matter
to the Railway Board for final decision thereon.
(c) Railway Board’s Sanction for introduction of Machine – Railway Board
grants sanction for provisional introduction of machine at
Provisional/Final speed on the basis of recommendation of Chief
Commissioner of Railway Safety.
(2) Use of Machine by Zonal Railways
(1) The General Manager of Zonal Railway may sanction the use of machine
already introduced on Indian Railway by the Railway Board on any section
or division of railway under his control.
(2) The proposal for sanction of the General Manager of a Zonal Railway
accompanied by-
(i) Such diagrams as may be necessary to give full particulars of the
axle loads, wheel spacing, length over buffers and other principal
dimensions of the rolling stock for which sanction is required.
(ii) the provisional speed certificate or final speed certificate, as the
case may be, issued by the RDSO.
(iii) the sanction of the Railway Board for introduction of the machine
or increase in sanctioned maximum speed of machine.
(iv) the calculations and stress sheets showing-
a) the conclusions arrived at.
b) the external forces on which the stress calculations are based.
c) the stresses which will be produced in the various bridges over
which the proposed rolling stock will run.
d) the effects which the said rolling stock will have on various
structures or tracks as compared with those caused by the
machine already in use, or allowed by the existing orders.
Provided that the calculations and stress sheets under this
clause must show as to what allowance has been made for any
secondary or deformation stresses in addition to the primary
stresses caused by external forces and what relief of stress, if
any, has been included.
(v) the cost of modification to signalling and telecommunication
installations necessitated by the use, if any, of chopper or thyristor
control systems.
(vi) an approximate estimate of the cost of such improvements in
existing structures or track as the use of the proposed rolling stock
is likely to render necessary on the concerned railway, whether
immediately or in the near future.
(vii) a certificate signed by the Chief Engineer, the Chief Mechanical
Engineer and the Chief Electrical Engineer (for electric stock) of the
concerned railway in the following proforma, namely-
Certified that it is safe to run------------ (particulars of locomotive or
rolling stock proposed to run)not exceeding-------------- units(in the case
of locomotive) coupled together on the section--------- (station) to ---------
-(station) from -------------(km) to ------------------ (km) of the ----------------
Railway at a maximum speed of ------------ (km/h) against a maximum
speed of ------------- (km/h) certified by Research Design and Standards
Organization, subject to the following speed restrictions and
(a) Speed restrictions: -
Sl. From Km to Nature of Brief Reason for
No. Km speed restriction
testing point or from the destination/testing point back to manufacturer’s
works shall be determined and certified by Executive Director Standards
(Motive Power) in consultation with Executive Director Standards (Track)
and Executive Director(Bridges & Structures) and other concerned
Directorates. The speed for this purpose shall not be higher than the
provisional speed determined by RDSO.
b) The maximum permissible speed prescribed by the RDSO shall be subject
to approval by the Principal Chief Engineer and Principal Chief Mechanical
Engineer (Principal Chief Electrical Engineer also in case of locomotive or
involvement of electrified section) of the concerned Zonal Railways in the
form of JSC, who shall ensure that the track, bridges and OHE in the
sections concerned are suitable for the new stock at the speed permitted.
However, if a new machine infringes the Indian Railway Schedule of
Dimensions or axle loads are more than that permitted on the section; JSC
duly signed by Principal Chief Engineer, Principal Chief Signal & Telecom
Engineer and Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer (Principal Chief Electrical
Engineer also in case of locomotive or involvement of electrified section)
of the concerned Zonal Railways, should deal these issues and prior
approval of GM shall be taken.
c) In such cases, Commissioner of Railway Safety shall be kept informed for
the movement, but, no formal approval of the Commissioner of Railway
Safety is essential. However, in case it becomes necessary to move the
vehicle attached to a passenger carrying train, sanction of the
Commissioner of Railway Safety shall be taken.
d) For each single movement of any machine not covered above, joint safety
certificate shall be signed by Principal Chief Engineer, Principal Chief
Mechanical Engineer, Principal Chief Operating Manager and Principal
Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (Principal Chief Electrical
Engineer also in case of locomotive or involvement of electrified section)
and submitted to CRS for his permission. CRS while permitting such
movement may impose any special stipulations as deemed necessary for
such movement.
711 Infringements - The Railway Board is the final safety controlling authority for the
Indian Railways and it is the final authority for regulating and sanctioning speeds of
all rolling stocks under the Indian Railways Act. For permitting any vehicle on Indian
Railways, if any of the dimensions of machines is infringing the Indian Railway
Schedule of Dimension, it shall have to be first condoned by Railway Board. The
application for such condonation shall be initiated by RDSO through Chief
Commissioner of Railway Safety.
Details of such condonations for older machines condoned under Schedule of
Dimension– 1939 and new machines infringing Schedule of Dimensions –2004 are
given in Annexure -7.7, machine-wise
712 Special Precautions while working in Special Circumstances
(1) Working of Machines in Ghat Section - The following precautions are
essential for safe driving of the machine in sections involving steep gradients,
sharp curves, deep cuttings high embankments etc.
(a) Ghat Section – means “ A part of block section between any station of
Indian Railway route which consists of 70 % in length or more that
goes through hilly areas with significant continuous gradients i.e. 1 in
100 or steeper shall be called as Ghat section”.
(b) SSE/JE/TM shall have Block Competency Certificate for ghat section
working or a pilot driver having knowledge of ghat section where track
machine(s) has to work, shall be deputed on track machine(s).
(c) Before offering readiness, brake power, hand brake & emergency
brake shall be tested.
(d) SSE/JE/TM shall not leave driving/working cabin of track machine in
ghat section.
(e) Wheel skids shall be kept ready.
(f) While going in steep down gradient, a loco shall be attached/coupled
in front/leading direction of track machine and loco shall control all
(g) While going in steep up gradient, a loco shall be attached/ coupled in
rear/trailing direction of track machine direction and loco shall control
all movements.
(h) For working purpose, track machine will be uncoupled & loco shall
move along 25 meters away from the track machine. After completion
of work, track machine shall be coupled with banking
(i) SSE/JE/P.Way shall be responsible to arrange a banking
locomotive/banker before readiness of track machine.
(j) Drive only from the cabin corresponding to the direction of travel
(except during small shunting movements where movement in
opposite direction could be done with adequate precautions).
(k) Do not drive the machine at speeds exceeding the prescribed speed
for the section, this speed being further reduced over switches and
speed restriction zones.
(l) Never drive over slopes or descending gradients without putting into
gear and do not switch off gear box key switch.
(m) Do not let the RPM of the engine fall below 1000 and do not switch off
the engine before the machine stops in gradient sections.
(n) Shift back to lower gears well in time in case of ascending/descending
(o) Have a special check for the ZF gear box oil level and its working
(p) Ensure proper working of pneumatic circuit and functioning of all
components in the brake system.
(q) Ensure availability of spares particularly in respect of items that are
failure prone such as transmission gear like cardan shafts, coupling
bolts etc. Availability of a skid is a must.
(r) Also ensure proper working of horns and lights.
(s) Be on the lookout for trespassers while negotiating sharp curves and
also sound horns on such occasions.
(t) No run through movement shall be done in convoy while moving in
ghat section. Only one machine shall be allowed to move for run
through movement in ghat section at a time.
(2) Night Working - For machine working in the night suitable lighting
arrangements shall be done by SSE/JE/P.Way. Arrangements to take care of
movement of lights with machine with progress of work should also be done.
Annexure 7.1
List of standard forms
Font Colour
S.No Description Form No
Authority for working of trains during total interruption T/C 602 Red
14 of communication on double line section
17 Conditional line clear ticket down T/H 602 Red
Annexure 7.2
Personal Diary
S.No. Page No.
I. Self Particulars 01
II. Particulars of
Name_____________ Designation III. Particulars of experience on
_________________ different types of machines
IV. Details of Awards/
Achievement’s during service
This book will be in possession of SSE/JE/TM period.
whose photograph is affixed above. He shall V. Particulars of IRTMTC
produce the same on demand by any Training(Initial/Refresher)
inspecting official. VI. Particulars of IRTMTC
Training(Special courses)
VII. Particular of ZTC Training
VIII. Particulars of PME
XEN/AXEN/TMC/…… IX. Particulars of Machine
X. Particulars of LRD
XI. Observation /Remarks of
Inspecting officials
XII. Observation /Remarks of
Inspecting Supervisor
I. Self Particulars(1 page desirable) II. Particulars of Transfer/Promotion(1 page desirable)
5 Educational qualification
III. Particulars of experience on different types
6 Scale and basic pay
of machine (2 pages desirable)
7 Phone and Mobile No.
8 Date of appointment to Year@ Machine Period Remarks
Railway Type# worked*
9 Date of
appointment/Promotion 2016-17
10 Date of
Appointment/Promotion @ Period taken for filling the details shall be
to SSE/TM financial year
# Machine type is to be written as DOUMATIC,
11 Unique ID/PF Account No.
BCM, DGS etc.
12 Pan No. *Periods of working on a type of machine of less
than 3 months a year are not to be recorded
13 Aadhaar Card No.
14 Bill Unit No
IV. Details of Award / Achievement’s
15 Address during service life(1 page desirable)
16 Phone No
17 Academic Qualification Division Level Headquarter Level
18 Blood Group SN Cash / Awar Cash / Awar Sign of
Certifi ded Certifi ded SSE/T
19 Date of attaining 45 years cate by cate by M/SDI
of age
20 Date of attaining 55 years
of age
21 Family Particulars
22 Contact No. In case of
23 Present Address and
home contact No.
24 Permanent Address
and home contact No.
VIII. Particulars of PME (1 page desirable)
Up to age of 45 @ 4 year.
For age between 45 to 55 @ 2 year
Above age of 55 @ every year
IX. Particulars of Machine Competency (1 page desirable)
(Dy.CE /TM Line or an officer authorized by him)
Sign of
Validity Period Issuing Due date for
From To Authority reissue
XI. Observations/Remarks of Inspecting Officials(6 pages desirable)
Date Designation Date of Remarks Sign of LI or
Completion SSE/TM/SDI
Sign of JE/SSE/TM
Annexure 7.3
Competency Certificate
……………………, ………..
Dy.CE/TM Line/……
Annexure 7.4
Proforma of Machine Ready Memo
Zonal Railway Serial No. ……….
Station ………………. Date …………..
Use one box for each machine. SSE/JE/TM/I of leading machine shall co-ordinate
for making this memo.
To – SM/…………………..
Annexure 7.5
Proforma of Block Permit
Form No.TMM-2
You are hereby authorized to pass Signal No. ……………at “ON” position & proceed
beyond/up to ………….. Signal.
You are hereby authorized to pass IBS/IBH Signal No. ………at “ON” position. (If
Block Back/Block Forward No. ……………… words ……………………….
signal with the SSE/JE/TM available on last track machine and then proceed
to pass the signal as far as line is clear, up to the next stop signal in advance,
exercising great caution so as to stop short of any obstruction.
(d) SSE/JE/TM shall show a stop hand signal towards the rear when the train has
been so stopped at an automatic signal.
(e) Where owing to the curvature of the line, fog, rain or dust storm or other
cause, the line ahead cannot be seen clearly, SSE/JE/TM shall proceed at a
very slow speed, which shall under no circumstances exceed 8 kmph. Under
these circumstances SSE/JE/TM may seek the assistance of SSE/JE/P.Way.
(f) When so, SSE/JE/P.Way shall accompany with SSE/JE/TM in the driving cab,
before track machine moves forward, to assist the SSE/JE/TM in keeping a
sharp look-out.
(g) When an automatic stop signal has been passed at ‘ON’ the SSE/JE/TM shall
proceed with great caution until the next stop signal is reached. Even if this
signal is ‘OFF’, the SSE/JE/TM shall continue to look out for any possible
obstruction short of the same. He shall proceed cautiously up to that signal
and shall act upon its indication only after he has reached it.
3.0 Procedure to Pass Semi-Automatic Stop Signal at ‘ON’ – In terms of G & SR NO.
9.14 – Procedure when Semi-Automatic Stop signal is ‘ON’.
(a) When a semi-automatic stop signal is worked as an automatic stop signal,
rule 9.02 or 9.07 shall apply as the case may be.
(b) When a semi-automatic stop signal is worked as a manual stop signal and
becomes defective, it may only be passed under relevant rules.
(c) When SSE/JE/TM is authorised to pass a semi-automatic stop signal at ‘ON’
by taking ‘OFF’ the calling-on signal fixed below it, he shall follow the
precautions stipulated in Rule 9.02 or 9.07 as the case may be.
4.0 Procedure to Pass Gate Stop Signal at ‘ON’ In Automatic Signalling Territory – In
terms of G & SR No. 9.15 - If SSE/JE/TM finds a Gate stop signal at ‘ON’ in an
Automatic signalling territory –
(a) SSE/JE/TM shall comply with the provisions of rule 9.02 or 9.07 as the case
may be, if the ‘A’ marker is illuminated, or
(b) If the ‘A’ marker light is extinguished, SSE/JE/TM shall sound the prescribed
code of whistle to warn the gateman and bring his track machine to a stop in
rear of the signal. If after waiting for one minute by day and two minutes by
night, the signal is not taken ‘OFF’, SSE/JE/TM shall draw his track machine
ahead cautiously and stop in the rear of the level crossing. After ascertaining
that the gates are closed against road traffic and on getting hand signals from
the gateman, and in his absence, SSE/JE/TM shall sound the prescribed code
of whistle and cautiously proceed up to the next stop signal complying with
the provisions of rules 9.02 or 9.07 as the case may be.
5.0 Procedure for Movement of Track Machines against the Direction of Traffic in
Automatic Block System – In terms of G & SR No. 9.13, movement of track machines
against the direction of traffic on the automatic block system – in automatic
signalling territory, track machine shall run in established direction of traffic only.
Movement of track machines against the established direction of traffic is not
permitted. When in an emergency it becomes unavoidably necessary to move track
machine against the established direction of traffic, this shall be done only under
special instructions, which shall ensure that the line behind the said track machine
up to the station in rear is clear and free from obstruction.
6.0 Protection of a Track Machine stopped in an Automatic Block Signalling Section – In
terms of G & SR NO. 9.10 - Protection of a track machine stopped in an Automatic
Block Signalling Section
(a) When a track machine is stopped in an automatic block signalling section,
SSE/JE/TM shall immediately exhibit a stop hand signal towards the rear and
check up that the tailboard or taillight is correctly exhibited.
(b) If the stoppage is on account of accident, failure, or obstruction and the
machine cannot proceed, SSE/JE/TM shall sound the prescribed code of
whistle and track machine shall be protected immediately as per Rule 6.03
except that for the protection of the occupied line one detonator shall be
placed at 90 m from the track machine on the way out and similarly two
detonators, 10 m part, not less than 180 m from the track machine or at such
distance as has been fixed by special instructions.
7.0 Procedure of Block Working of Track Machine in An Automatic Block Signalling
(a) In terms of G & SR 4.65-5 (iii, a) – Track machine(s) shall work under the line
block only.
(b) Automatic block signalling section shall be treated as absolute block section.
8.0 Intermediate Block Hut/Section
(a) When track machine is going on line clear
(i) While going on line clear from one station to another, if IBS/IBH is found
signal at "ON" position then track machine shall be stopped. After 05
minutes SSE/JE/TM shall contact the SM in rear station through the
phone provided under the IBH/IBS. If SM allows the machine to go ahead
at on position then SM shall give his private No. Thereafter track
machine shall proceed to the station in advance.
(ii) While going on line clear from one station to another, if IBS/IBH is found
signal at "ON" position then track machine shall be stopped. After 05
minutes SSE/JE/TM shall contact the SM in rear station through the
phone provided under the IBH/IBS and if phone provided under the
IBS/IBH is found defective and if visibility is clear then track machine shall
proceed to the station in advance with 15 kmph, if visibility is not clear
then track machine shall proceed to the station in advance with 08
(iii) After reaching to the station in advance, SSE/JE/TM shall report as above
in writing to SM on duty of station in advance.
(b) When track machine is going for block working IBH/IBS shall be treated
as cancelled and track machine may pass IBS/IBH signal at ON position.
This fact shall be mentioned in the memo given by station master.
Annexure 7.7
Infringement to Indian Railways Schedule of Dimension by Various Track Machines
(A) Infringement to Schedule of Dimensions – 1939
SN Name of the Make Transport- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine ation Code Dimension of as per SOD
Self pro- In train
Machine (mm) (mm)
pelled formation
1. Continuous Tamping M/s Plasser i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 730 914 60 40
Machine (09 - 32 wheel gauge face.
CSM) ii) Min. rigid wheel base. 1800 1830
2. Points & Crossing M/s Plasser i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 730 914 60 40
Tamping Machine wheel gauge face.
(UNIMAT 08- ii) Min. rigid wheel base. 1800 1830
275-3S) iii) Max. distance between any two adjacent axles. 12200 11890
3. Dynamic Track M/s Plasser i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 730 914 60 50
Stabilizer (DGS-62N) wheel gauge face
ii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie. 1500 1830
4. Ballast Cleaning M/s Plasser i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 900 914 40 30
Machine (RM-80) wheel gauge face.
ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres. 22200 14785
iii) Max. length of bogie or roof. 29360 21340
iv) Max. length of under frames over headstocks. 29360 21030
v) Max. length over side buffers. 30600 22300
vi) Max. distance apart between adjacent axles. 20370 11890
5. Ballast Regulator M/s – i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 838.2 914 50 40
(66-4) Kershaw wheel gauge face.
USA 4-wheeler vehicles.
ii) Max. length of body or roof for 4-wheeler vehicles. 9120 8540
iii) Max. length over side buffers 10389 9810
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of as per SOD Self pro- In train
Code Machine (mm) (mm) pelled. formation
6. Track Relaying MIs Tamper i) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 838.2 914 5 50
Train Corpora-tion, wheel gauge face.
(P-811-S) USA ii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck. 1727.2 1830
iii) Max. distance apart between any two adjacent axles 12072.94 11890
7. Points & Crossing M/s Plasser i) Min. dia. of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 900 914 40 30
Cleaning Machine wheel gauge face.
(RM-76 UHR) ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centre. 19500 14785
iii) Max. length of body or roof for bogie vehicles. 23490 21340
iv) Max. length of under frames over headstocks. 23490 21030
v) Max. length over side buffers 24730 22300
vi) Max. distance apart between two adjacent axles 17670 11890
8. Points & Crossing M/s –Ameca i) Wheel Gauge: 10 -
Changing Machine Italy Maximum 1604 1602
(AMECA-T-28) Minimum 1598 1599
ii) Min. dia of new wheel tread measured at 63.5 mm from 400 914
wheel gauge face
9. Ballast Cleaning M/s Plasser i) Min. dia on wheel tread. 900 914 50 40
Machine ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centre 22200 14785
(RM80- iii) Max. length of body 28300 21340
92-I) iv) Max. length over head stock 28300 21030
v) Max. length over side buffers. 29540 22300
vi) Max distance apart between any two adjacent axles. 20370 11890
10. Shoulder Ballast M/s Plasser i) Min. dia on wheel tread. 900 914 40 30
Cleaning Machine ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres 16000 14785
(FRM-80) iii) Max. length of body 38200 21340
iv) Max. length over head stocks 38200 21030
v) Max. length over side buffers. 39470 22300
vi) Max distance apart between any two adjacent axles. 14170 11890
11. UTV 502 L M/s –Tamper i) Min. dia on new wheel tread. 838.2 914 60 40
Carpora-tion ii) Max. rigid wheel base. 8000 6100
USA iiii) Max. length of body for 4-wheel vehicle 3200 mm wide. 11303 8540
iv) Max. length over head stocks. 11303 8540
v)Max. length over side buffers. 12522 9810
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of as per SOD Self pro- In train
Code Machine (mm) (mm) pelled. formation
12. P&C Tamping M/s Plasser i) Min. dia on wheel tread. 730 914 60 40
Machine 08-275 ii) Min. distance apart of bogie centres. 11500 11933
(UNIMAT). iii)Min. bogie wheel base. 1500 1830
13. Ballast Regulator M/s –Kershaw i) Min. dia on wheel tread. 832 914 60 40
56-3 USA ii) Max. length of body. 11074 8540
iii) Max. length over headstocks. 11074 8540
iv) Max. length over side buffers. 12344 9810
14. Multipurpose M/s Plasser i). Min. dia on wheel tread measured at 63.5mm from gauge 730 914 60 40
Tamping Machine. face.
ii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1800 1830
15. High Output M/s Plasser CHTM0 i). Min. dia on the tread of new carriage wheel, measured at 730 914 60 60
Tamping Machine 9-3XP1 63.5mm from the wheel gauge face.
(09-3X) 20.0t axle ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres for bogie vehicles 15700 14785
load. 3250 mm wide.
iii) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1500-Satellite
1800-Front and
Rear bogies
iv) Max. Length of underframes over headstocks for bogie 21700 21030
vehicles 3250mm wide.
v) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles 3250mm 22940 22300
16. Utility Track M/s-BHEL i)Distance apart for centres of buffers . 1956 1955 50 50
Vehicle ii) Max Length of body or roof for 4 wheeler vehicle 3200 10516 8540
mm wide.
17. Shoulder Ballast M/s Plasser CSBC85 i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 900 914 40 30
Cleaning Machine FP measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
(FRM-85F). ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres . 16000 14785
iii) Max. Length of body or roof. 38200 21340
iv) Max. Length of under frames over head stocks. 38200 21030
v) Max. Length over side buffers. 39440 22300
vi) Max. distance apart between any two adjacent axles. 14170 11890
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of as per SOD
Code Machine (mm) (mm) Self pro- In train
pelled. formation
18. Worksite Tamper M/s -Metex i). Min. dia of wheel tread measured at 63.5mm from gauge 710.325 914 40 40
Model-VPR-02M face.
ii) Minimum projection for flange of new tyre, measured 27.675 28.50
from tread at 63.5mm from wheel gauge face.
iii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 32.31 28.5
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iv) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicle 3250mm 23550 22300
19. Utility Track Vehicle. M/s- OEPL i) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.4 28.5 60 50
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
ii) Max. rigid wheel base. 6500 6100
iii) Max Length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle 3200 9000 8540
mm wide.
iv) Max. Length of under frames over head stocks. 9000 8540
v) Max. Length over side buffers. 10270 9810
(B) Infringement to Schedule of Dimensions – 2004
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Dimensi Speed in kmph
Machine ortation of Machine (mm) on as
Code per SOD Self pro- In train
(mm) pelled. formation
1 High Output Tamping M/s Plasser i). Min. dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 730-for Satellite 914 50 65
Machine (09-3X) measured at 63.5mm from the wheel gauge face. bogie.
18.5t axle load. 850- for Front and
Rear bogies.
ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 28.68 28.50
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iii)Maximum height above rail level for floor of any 1370 1345
unloaded vehicle.
iv) Max. distance apart of bogie centres for bogie vehicles . 15700 15241
v) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle 1500-for Satellite 1830
1800-for Front
and Rear bogies.
vi) Max. Length of body or roof for bogie vehicles. 21700 21340
vii) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles. 22940 22300
2. High Output Tamping M/s Plasser CHTM09- i). Min. dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 730-for Satellite 914 50 65
Machine (09-3X) 3XP measured at 63.5mm from the wheel gauge face.
21.0t axle load. ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.46 29.4
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iii) Max. height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1370 1345
iv) Distance apart for centres of buffers 1955 1956
v.) Max. distance apart of bogie centres for bogie vehicles 15700 14900
vi) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1500-for Satellite 1830
1800-for Front
and Rear bogies.
vii) Max. Length of body or roof for bogie vehicles. 21700 21340
viii) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles. 22940 22300
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimension Dimensi Speed in kmph
Machine ortation of Machine (mm) on as
Code per SOD Self pro- In train
(mm) pelled. formation
3. Utility Track Vehicle M/s i) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.4 28.5 50 60
with Mobile Crane. Phooltas gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
ii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1956 1955
iii) Max. rigid wheel base 8000 6100
iv) Max. Length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle. 11900 8540
v) Max. Length over side buffers for 4 wheeled vehicle 13170 9810
4. Utility Track Vehicle. M/s BEML CUTVB i) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.4 28.5 50 50
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
ii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1956 1955
iii) Max. rigid wheel base for four wheeled vehicles. 7000 6100
iv) Max Length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle. 10850 8540
v) Max. Length over side buffers for 4 wheeled vehicle. 12120 9810
5. Dynamic track M/s BHEL CTSBH i) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1450 1345 50 50
Stabilizer vehicle.
6. Ballast Regulating M/s Plasser BRM/USP- i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 850 914 50 60
Machine Model-USP 2000SWS measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
2000 SWS ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 28.64 28.5
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iii) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any 2100 1345
unloaded vehicle.
iv) Distance apart for centres of buffers 1955 1956
7. Point & Crossing M/s Plasser PCTM/08- i) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 29.46 28.50 50 65
Tamping Machine 475-4S gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
(UNIMAT 08-475-4S) ii) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any 1370 1345
unloaded vehicle.
iii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1955 1956
iv) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1800 1830
v) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicle. 28370 22300
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimens- Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of ion as per
Code Machine (mm) SOD (mm) Self pro- In train
pelled. formation
8. Lifting, Lining M/s Plasser i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 850 914 50 50
,Levelling and measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
Tamping Machine ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 28.64 28.50
Model-08-32C gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
DUOMATIC iii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1955 1956
iv) Min. rigid wheel base for bogie truck of any vehicle. 1800 1830
9. Dynamic Track M/s Metex DTSC8TMX i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 860 914 50 50
Stabilizer (Model measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
DSP-C8T) ii) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any 1635 1345
unloaded vehicle.
10. Ballast Regulating M/s Plasser CBRM400R i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 730 914 50 50
Machine Model-PBR P measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
400R ii) Max. thickness of flange of tyre ,measured from wheel 28.64 28.50
gauge face at 13 mm from outer edge of flange.
iii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1955 1956
iv) Max Length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle. 9750 8540
v) Max. Length over side buffers for 4 wheeled vehicle. 11020 9810
11. Rail Grinding M/s Loram CRG 72L i) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1683 1345 50 65
Machine(RGI-72) vehicle.
12. Ballast Regulating M/s Metex CBRM/RPB i) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1700 1345 50 50
MachineModel-RPB- -01MX vehicle.
01 ii) Distance apart for centres of buffers. 1955 1956
13. Ballast Cleaning M/s BHEL i) Maximum height above rail level for floor of any unloaded 1600 1345 50 50
Machine vehicle.
ii) Max. distance apart of bogie centres for bogie vehicles. 18000 15241
iii) Max. Length of body or roof for bogie vehicles 23840 21340
iv) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles. 25110 22300
v) Max. distance apart between any two adjacent axles 15900 12345
14. Worksite Tamper M/s Metex TTM/VPR- i) Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 732 914 50 50
without flat car 02M measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
SN Name of the Make Transp- Infringement Description Actual Dimens- Speed in kmph
Machine ortation Dimension of ion as per
Code Machine (mm) SOD (mm) Self pro- In train
pelled. formation
15. Ballast Regulating M/s Gemac CBRMG i) Max. rigid wheel base for four wheeled vehicles. 7500 6100 50 60
Machine Model SPZ China ii) Max. length of body or roof for 4 wheeled vehicle. 13590 8540
210k iii) Max. Length over side buffers for 4 wheeled vehicle. 14780 9810
16. Multipurpose M/s Plasser CMTUSHP i)Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 730 914 45 45
Tamping Machine measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face.
Model-Unimat Split ii)Distance apart from centres of buffers. 1955 1956
Head MFI iii) Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles. 28570 22300
17. Rail Borne M/s RBMVP i)Min. Dia on the tread of new carriage or wagon wheel, 952 914 65 65
Maintenance Vehicle Phooltas measured at 63.5 mm from wheel gauge face
(RBMV) Model- ii) Distance apart from centres of buffers . 1956 1956
RBMV.01 iii)Max. Length over side buffers for bogie vehicles 21337 21340
801 General - Periodical maintenance including overhauling and timely repairs are
essentially required for ensuring reliable and efficient working of track machines.
There should be a proper schedule of maintenance and necessary infrastructure
should be created for carrying out the maintenance of track machines.
802 Maintenance Schedule for Track Machines - Periodical maintenance and
repairs of machines shall be carried as per Schedules I to VII. Schedule VI and VII
pertains to Intermediate Overhauling (IOH) and Periodic Overhauling (POH)
respectively, which are to be carried out at ZMD/CPOH workshops as specified
and as per prescribed frequency.
(1) Maintenance Schedule for Various Track Machine - Periodicity and
duration of various maintenance schedules for all the machines are
tabulated in Annexure-8.1
(a) Guidelines for Maintenance Schedules– for Track Machines other
than RGM
(i) Adherence to the schedules should be ensured duly informing
the division in advance. Similar practice should be followed for
the schedules to be carried out at satellite depots so that the
works of the division are not left midway at critical junctures.
(ii) IOH and POH should be incorporated and exhibited in the
deployment planning so that divisions are aware in advance
and can plan the works accordingly.
(iii) RDSO shall issue instructions on maintenance to be done in
different schedules including POH of different machines. Items
to be checked and attended under various schedules shall
generally be as per RDSO’s instructions. In case of any doubt, it
is to be referred to RDSO for clarification & till then the
maintenance can be done as per manufacturer’s instructions
provided in their manuals. Reference to the manufacturer may
also be made keeping RDSO informed. Minor changes in
instructions may be done with approval of CE/TM of the
concerned Zonal Railway.
(iv) Before undertaking POH & IOH, major components, sub-
assemblies and spares required should be procured and kept in
(v) 3rd POH should be carried out if the machine is expected to
work for residual life of around 3000 to 4000 ERH after the 3rd
POH. Railways should prepare a 2-years plan for POH & IOH of
track machines (firm for one year and tentative for next year),
so that procurement of spares, a long lead item, can be done in
(b) Guidelines for Maintenance Schedules for RGM
(i) Maintenance of RGM shall be done by a separate maintenance
team attached with each RGM. This team will be in addition to
the operating team.
(ii) Day to day maintenance (schedule-I) of RGM should be done
by separate maintenance group before and after traffic block,
as it involves considerable work load & time. Operating staff of
the machine shall do daily pre-block check and duration of such
check should not be more than one hour.
(iii) Schedule II to IV should be carried out by maintenance staff
along with regular operating staff.
(iv) During IOH/POH of RGM (schedule VI & VII), the operating staff
as well as maintenance staff should be actively involved and
carry out jobs along with IOH/POH staff.
(v) Items to be checked and attended under various schedules
shall normally be as per RDSO’s instructions. In case of any
doubt, it is to be referred to RDSO for clarification & till then
the maintenance can be done as per manufacturer’s
instructions on the subject or as considered suitable with
approval of CE/TM of the holding Railway.
(2) Inspection of Wheel and Axle of On-Track Machine - Track Machine
Wheels are solid wheels and follow the wheel profile as per RDSO drawing
no. SKETCH-91146. Visual inspection, Physical inspection and Ultrasonic
inspection of the wheels and axles of on-track machines are required to be
done during initial procurement. The ultrasonic testing of new wheels shall
be done according to the RDSO report no. IRS R-34-2003. Wheels and axles
shall also be subjected to visual and physical examination. Ultrasonic
testing for axles only, should be done during service at prescribed
frequency laid down by RDSO.
(a) Visual and Physical Examination - Visual and physical inspection of
wheels of on-track machines shall be done during service as per
“Procedure for visual & physical inspection of wheels and axles of on-
track machines” issued by Track Machine and Monitoring
Directorate, RDSO (REPORT NO. TM-170, July-2012). Inspection shall
be done on inspection pit line at a frequency of once in a year or
once after every 1000 engine running hours whichever is earlier.
However periodic visual inspection for any apparent wheel defect
shall be carried out with 50 hours schedule, which is done at track
machine siding/stabling line.
(b) Ultrasonic Testing of Wheel and Axle of On-Track Machines
(i) Ultrasonic flaw detection (USFD) testing of Axles and Wheels of
On-Track Machines shall be done as per “Code of procedures
for Ultrasonic testing of axles and wheels of large track
machines” issued for different on-track machines by Research
Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO).
(ii) The wheels shall be tested ultrasonically at the time of initial
procurement only.
(iii) The frequency of ultrasonic examination of axles of on-track
machines shall be between 40,000 to 45,000 kms of running or
three years, whichever is earlier.
(iv) Testing shall be done by supervisors possessing
regular/refresher course certificate from RDSO.
(v) Criteria for the supervisors to be selected and trained for USFD
testing of axles shall be one of the following:
• Graduate in Science with Physics from a University or Institution
recognized by Central/State Govt./UGC/or International
• 3 years regular Diploma in Mechanical/Civil/Electronics/
Electrical/Metallurgical/Chemical Engineering from a University
or Institution recognized by Central/State Govt./Technical
education board or International Institute/University.
• M.Sc in Chemistry provided that Physics was one of the subjects
at ISC/Intermediate/10+2 levels.
• B.E./B.Tech. in Mechanical/Civil/Electronics/Electrical/Chemical/
Metallurgical/I.T/Computer Science from a University or
Institution recognized by Central/State Govt./Technical
education board or International Institute/University.
(vi) The validity of initial course certificate shall be 3 years and
refresher course certificate shall be 5 years.
(vii) Research Designs and Standards Organization regularly conducts
training of supervisors for ultrasonic examination of axles and
wheels. Railways shall nominate their eligible staff for the
required training.
803 Types of Workshops - For carrying out the repairs as well as periodical
maintenance of track machines, five types of repairs and maintenance facilities/
workshops shall be developed as below: -
(1) Central Periodical Overhauling Workshop (CPOH).
(2) Intermediate Overhauling Workshop (IOH)/Zonal Machine Depot.
(3) Satellite depot.
(4) Mobile Workshop cum Transport Van.
(5) Camp Coach Workshop.
804 Central Periodical Overhauling Workshop (CPOH) - CPOH workshops
are developed depending on the holding of machines on Indian Railway and
geographical considerations.
(1) Functions of CPOH – The functions of CPOH workshop are as under:
(a) POH of machines.
(b) Overhauling of tamping units, transmission gearboxes, axle assembly
and lifting, lining assembly for unit exchange either at shop floor or
(c) Post POH service to Zonal Railways and performance monitoring of
overhauled items.
(d) Development of expertise, standardization/ documentation/
dissemination of knowledge with respect to overhauling of
(e) Study and development of inter-changeability of components and
(f) Study of failures, finding out remedial measures, troubleshooting,
modification & refinement of maintenance practices.
(g) Procurement of stores and equipment required for POH and gadgets
required for testing of overhauled machines, sub-assemblies and
(h) Inspection and testing of machines/assemblies received prior to and
after POH.
(i) Study of new imported machines and preparation of inventory list
with complete series of machines (machine-wise) and checking for
changes with reference to old series of machines.
(j) Development of indigenous substitutes and reliable competitive
sources of supply.
(k) Development of drawings and material specifications for
manufacture of spares.
(l) Providing shop floor training regarding maintenance of machines to
Zonal Railways on demand.
(m) Acting as knowledge centres for track machines.
(2) POH Planning for Track Machines to be Attended
(a) POH Programme from Zonal Railways - Zonal Railways shall send the
list of machines due for POH as also requirement of overhauled
tamping units for a two-year period in the month of December every
year to the respective CPOH workshop in the format given in
Annexure 8.2.
(b) Finalization of POH Programme by CPOH Workshop
(i) CPOH shall prepare POH program for two years (Firm for the
first year and tentative for second year) and forward it to
Railway Board by 31st January every year for approval. Railway
Board shall issue the approved POH programme of track
machines and distribution of tamping units for 2 years period.
(ii) CPOH shall start indenting process to procure spares
considering the requirements of two years based on
programme submitted to Railway Board.
(iii) The Zonal Railway should send detailed report to Dy.CE/TM
(CPOH) at least two months in advance of arrival of the
machine for CPOH workshop to take preparatory action and
arrangement of additional spares, if any.
(iv) Annual targets for track machines and machine deployment
programme shall be fixed considering the POH, IOH and transit
(3) POH Execution
(a) Staff of machine shall accompany the machine during POH and
actively associate themselves in overhauling of the machine.
(b) On arrival of the machine SSE/TM (CPOH) and SSE/TM (in-charge)
should conduct a joint survey of machine for assessment of repairs
and reconditioning works required.
(c) Zonal railways shall accept Provisional Debits (Adjustment Memo)
towards the expenditure on POH raised by Dy. CE/TM (CPOH), on
arrival of machine. Final debit shall be raised after actual completion
of work duly verified by SSE/TM (in-charge) of the machine.
(d) Model activity flow chart for POH of track machine is depicted in
Annexure 8.3. CPOH shall decide the items to be replaced, repaired,
and reused during POH work and will consult the railway, if required.
(e) Unit Exchange for POH: To minimize POH duration, activities of POH
should be planned on the basis of unit exchange for various sub-
assemblies like tamping units, engines and other important
(f) Process control: POH process should be controlled by preparing
machine register, checklists, method sheets and statement, working
instructions, specifications and activity chart.
(g) Typical list of infrastructural facilities like shed & structure, plant &
machinery, measuring/working tools including other miscellaneous
equipment required for CPOH workshop shall be as per Para 809.
(h) CPOH workshops shall adhere to the prescribed time schedules for
completing the POH. Delay, if any, beyond stipulated period must be
promptly advised to concerned owning railway well in advance giving
detailed reasons.
(4) Dispatch of Machine after POH
(a) After out turn of machine from shed, all functional parameters shall
be calibrated as per rated tolerances specified for the machine in
drawing and catalogues. Null setting of all sensing units, transducers,
pendulums and PCBs shall be carried out on zero defect track. All
display units/input values shall be validated with calibrated masters
as listed in Annexure 8.5. Format for master calibration is given in
Annexure 8.6.
(b) It is desirable that an officer of the owning railway may be present
during the testing and trials. SSE(TM)/in-charge shall take over the
overhauled machine, only after all the tests and trials have been
carried out and test run certificate is signed. A test run certificate
shall be jointly signed by officials of Zonal Railways and CPOH along
with a summary repair sheet with details of POH execution as per
Annexure 8.7 before dispatch of machine.
(c) It is desirable to have third party audit/inspection organized by CPOH
workshop involving OEM and necessary rectification measures taken
before dispatch of machine.
(d) CPOH should furnish the list of spares replaced during POH and
released components shall be handed over to machine staff, unless
agreed otherwise, with the approval of Dy.CE/TM/Line of the Zonal
(e) The CPOH workshop shall stand warranty for satisfactory working of
the machine and tamping units and other assemblies/sub-assemblies
for a period of six months after commissioning of the machine. Zonal
Railway shall report such issues, which are beyond the technical
expertise of Zonal Railways, for attention and assistance from CPOH.
(f) Feedback of machine and tamping unit performance after POH
should be sent to CPOH after three months and as and when
required in the format given in Annexure 8.8.
(g) CPOH workshop shall separately advise the machine holding railway
about the components under trial and modification carried out
during POH, if any. Zonal Railways shall keep special watch on these
items and submit feedback to CPOH workshop about their
805 Intermediate Overhauling Workshop (IOH)/Zonal Maintenance
Depot (ZMD) - There shall be at least one Zonal Machine Depot with each
Zonal Railway. The IOH of all the machines shall be carried out as per the
schedule VI mentioned in para 802 unless otherwise stipulated by OEM. In
addition, POH of machines, which are specified in para 802, shall also be
undertaken in ZMD.
(1) Functions of ZMD – The functions of ZMD workshop are as under:
(a) IOH of all machines.
(b) POH of machines specified to be done in ZMD.
(c) Need based overhauling/unit replacement of engines, tamping units,
gear assembly, axle assembly and lifting, lining assembly etc. either
at shop floor or field.
(d) Field attention in case of break down by creating service groups of
different functions like hydraulics, pneumatic, electronic, electrical
etc. either at the Zonal depot level or satellite depot level.
(e) Assistance to machine & satellite depot staff or execution of heavy
repair and schedule maintenance.
(f) Study of failures, finding out remedial measures, troubleshooting and
development of maintenance practices.
(g) Procurement of stores and equipment required for operation and
maintenance of all machines including IOH/POH.
(h) Annual calibration of machines gauges.
(i) Preparation of inventory list for new series /model of machine with
complete series of machines (machine-wise) and checking for
changes with reference to old series of machines.
(j) Development of indigenous substitutes and reliable competitive
sources of supply.
(2) Facilities at ZMD - Facilities at ZMD shall include stores for spares and
consumable with facilities for housing the track machines and carrying out
the repairs, assembly and replacement of unit components along with the
offices for SSE and track machine officers. Typical list of infrastructural
facilities like shed & structure, plant & machinery, measuring/working
tools including other miscellaneous equipment required for ZMD shall be
as per Para 809.
(3) Programme of IOH & POH - Programme for IOH of machines and POH of
select machines should be prepared by Zonal Railways on the lines similar
to POH i.e. firm for first year and tentative for second year by end of
January and sent to Railway Board for information and taking it into
account while finalising the targets for the Railways. Procurement action
for the requirement of 2 years shall be taken.
(4) Planning of IOH – Proper advance preparation shall be done after survey
of the machines to be overhauled. Items like engine top overhaul, renewal
of pumps and motors and valves, changing of tamping unit, tyre turning,
attention to measuring system, attention to tamping units and brake etc.
should be planned during IOH. In addition, attention shall also be given to
other items on condition basis as per repeated failures reflected in the
logbook. Normally, two IOH shall be done between two POHs. If IOH/POH
at lesser interval is considered necessary, approval of the CE/TM should be
obtained. Normally such instances will arise only if there are major
structural damages or cracks or major overhaul of power packs or major
modifications are necessary. Heavy repairs of machines &overhauling of
assemblies can be clubbed with POH/IOH.
806 Satellite Depot - In addition to IOH workshop, Zonal Railways will set up at
least one Satellite Depot in each division to meet the repairs and maintenance
needs of a fleet of machines.
(1) Functions of Satellite Depot – The track machines shall be brought to
the satellite depots for repairs, which cannot be performed in the field
as also for maintenance schedule of machines as specified in para 802. In
addition, it shall also be used for need-based attention to tamping units,
gear assembly, axle assembly and lifting, lining assembly and for unit
exchange of assemblies and sub-assemblies not feasible in the field.
(2) Facilities at Satellite Depot – Facilities at satellite depot shall include
stores for spares and consumable with facilities for housing the track
machines and carrying out the repairs, assembly and replacement of unit
components along with the offices for SSE and track machine officers.
Typical list of infrastructural facilities like shed & structure, plant &
machinery, measuring/working tools including other miscellaneous
equipment required for satellite depot shall be as per Para 809.
807 Mobile Workshop-Cum-Transport Van - Each railway shall have mobile
workshops (road vehicles with necessary workshop facilities) in each zonal depot
as well as in each satellite depot of adequate capacity to repair track machines,
which are deployed all over the zone.
(1) Functions of Mobile Workshop – The mobile workshop shall attend each
track machine periodically, as required to cover schedules II to V and
breakdown repairs. It will carry spares and consumables to be replenished.
(2) Facilities in Mobile Workshop – For this, sufficient inventory of spares and
tools will be maintained in the van. The mobile workshop shall be provided
with well-trained staff who can handle repair of various systems. Mobile
workshop should be self-propelled covered van or on trailer unit mounted
on trolley, which can be pulled by truck or any other road vehicle. Zonal
Railways shall either procure the trucks and get these units fabricated or
hire such units by inviting tenders. Typical facilities to be provide in a
mobile workshop are given in Annexure 8.9.
808 Camping Coach Workshop - One camping coach shall be provided with each
machine for accommodating machine staff. It shall be a coach modified and
provided with facilities for boarding and lodging of machine staff. It shall have
necessary cocking facility, toilets and bathrooms.
(1) Functions of Camping Coach Workshop –The coach shall contain
provisions of small workshop for emergency repairs/store for material at
site also. These shall be manufactured or re-furnished as per the drawing
issued by RDSO. It will cater for Schedules I, II, occasionally schedule III and
emergency breakdowns.
(2) Facilities in Camping Coach Workshop –The spares and equipment for
minor repairs and daily usage shall be kept in camping coach. Typical list of
equipment to be kept in camping coach workshop are given in Annexure
809 Infrastructure Facility for Operation and Maintenance of Track
Machines - Following facilities are necessary for day-to-day working and
maintenance of machines:
(1) Infrastructural Facilities for CPOH, ZMD and Satellite Depot – Various
infrastructure facilities like shed & structure, tracks including pit lines,
Plant & machinery (Test benches/work benches/Inspection & measuring
tools/ working tools) and other miscellaneous equipment required for
CPOH, ZMD and satellite depot are given in Annexure 8.4.
(2) Storage and Carriage Facilities for Fuel and Oil – Special road mobile
unit(s) to carry and distribute fuel, lubricants and hydraulic oils with
pumping arrangements shall be provided. The mobile van carrying fuel will
have to fulfil statutory safety standards in this regard. More than one unit
may be necessary for each satellite depot depending upon the number of
machine units to be catered for. Storage facilities may also be provided at
selected locations for storing HSD oil required for day-to-day operations.
Option of involving oil companies on the lines of RCDs can also be
(3) Transportation of Spare Parts & Assemblies – Spare parts and assemblies
are required to be transported by road. One or more road vehicles with
crane facility for loading/unloading shall be arranged at the zonal
maintenance depot and satellite depot, depending on requirement. Hiring
will be done if departmental vehicles are not available.
(4) Communication Facilities – All JEs/SSEs shall be provided with voice and
data connectivity through CUG mobile SIMs. A walkie-talkie/VHF
communication system should be available between the site of the work
and the adjoining stations. Machine in-charge shall have two walkie-talkie
sets to the frequency used by operating staff i.e. loco pilot, guard and
station master. Where communication from mid-section to Engineering
Control is available, such facility can also be used. Necessary Head
mounted communication system (covering one ear only) shall also be
made available for communication during the actual work in machine like
BCM, SBCM, T-28, TRT and TLE etc. The officers of Track Machines
Organization shall be provided with adequate communication facilities
including STD and FAX at ZMD & SD. Each machine shall be equipped with
a mini laptop & Data card facility for uploading the details in TMS.
(5) Repairs and Stabling Facilities for Machines - In addition to sidings at SSE
(P.Way)’s headquarters, siding of adequate lengths for stabling of track
machines & camping coaches shall be made available at stations about 10-
30 kms apart suitably distributed on UP and DN line side, depending upon
the number of lines, and availability of paths and the traffic. These sidings
shall be provided with facilities of electricity (for lighting, welding&
charging etc.), water supply, and space for storage of critical spares and
consumable to enable minor repairs to be carried out in the workshop of
the camping coach. Bio latrine or portable latrine should also be provided
at resting sites. A typical sketch of stabling siding with facilities is shown in
Annexure 8.11.
(6) Resting &Cooking Facilities for Staff - Rest house facilities shall be
provided, attached to each SSE/Sectional Engineer (P. way)'s office for
track machine staff. One camp coach i.e. Workshop-cum-Rest Van shall be
provided with each track machine. As far as possible, TM sidings & rest
rooms shall be at the same location. Camping coach shall be capable of
being attached to the machine and also in train formation. List of
equipment and facilities in this coach shall be in accordance with the
standard plans (Annexure 8.13, 8.14 & 8.15) issued by RDSO.
Arrangements for housekeeping & cooking in camping coaches & rest
rooms shall be made either departmentally or by outsourcing. Typical
layout of track machine rest house is at Annexure 8.12.
810 Camp Coach Facilities - The camping coach shall be provided with air
brake system. The coupling to be provided shall be normal IRS standard
screw coupling. The modification work for camping coaches shall be
performed in coach as per drawings enclosed as Annexure 8.13, 8.14 & 8.15
and the amenities shall be provided as per Annexure 8.16. Railways may
decide to have different drawing & amenities as per their local requirements
with the approval of PCE. Railway may convert selective cabin/cabins into
Air-Conditioned cabin/cabins as per requirement. In this respect, electrical
circuit may be modified accordingly. Painting scheme for camp coach is given
in Annexure 8.17.
(1) Living Area - The living area in the proposed layouts is marked as
(a) Additional roof ceiling (false ceiling) shall be provided following
preferably the same curvature of existing roof ceiling with
minimum height of 2400 mm at centre, from floor level. This will
reduce the heat in the coach.
(b) Beds shall be preferably provided at the level of lower berths as
in 1st AC coaches.
(c) The size of beds shall be 1850X850 mm and should be box type
with cushion as in 1stAC coaches.
(d) The beds shall be boxed type and can be open in upward
direction to accommodate linen items etc.
(e) Upper existing berths shall be removed.
(f) In place of upper existing berths, wooden cabinets shall be
provided of size 1850x300x300 mm (approx.) above all the beds
just below the false ceiling. Alternatively bunk beds may be
(g) Flooring in this area shall be of same standard as in the 1stAC class.
(h) Sofa, tables and chairs shall be provided as shown in the drawing.
(2) Kitchen
(a) Granite/marble top shall be provided on cooking platform (550
mm wide).
(b) One of the existing water tanks of the coach shall be used for water
(c) One exhaust fan shall be provided at suitable location. Chimney may
also be provided in the kitchen.
(3) Bathing Area & Toilet
(a) One of the existing water tanks of the coach shall be used for
bathroom water arrangement. Complete bath fittings as available in
AC 1st Class coach, shall be provided in bathing area.
(b) The toilet shall be of 'bio-toilet' type being used in Indian Railways.
In this regard schedule of Tech. requirement no. C-9908 Rev.1 issued
by RDSO may be followed as guidelines.
(c) One exhaust fan each should be provided in the toilet, bathroom and
kitchen area.
(4) Electrification Plan
(a) The electric supply arrangement shall be as in Annexure-8.18.
(b) Battery blocks provided with the coach shall be utilized as it is,
except the self-generating equipment and alternator. In place of
these, 230 V AC/110 V DC battery chargers will be provided for the
purpose of charging of coach batteries. The coach electrification shall
be from following sources of supply.
(i) Electricity may be obtained from outside supply available at
Railway stations/sidings.
(ii) A 3-phase 10 KVA silent DG set will be housed in camp coach
for fulfilling requirement of electricity.
(iii) In case of failure of batteries, there shall be the provision of 9
roof sunken CFL to be illuminated by AC supply.
(iv) Solar panels on the roof with inverter may be provided to
promote the use of renewable energy.
(c) The electrical appliances/fittings to be provided in camp coach are
being listed below:
(i) Fluorescent lights roof sunken – 21 Nos.
(ii) Brackets fans 225 mm – 17 Nos.
(iii) Roof sunken lights (CFL-15W) – 09 Nos.
(iv) Exhaust fan – 03 Nos.
(v) Power point 15A – 02 Nos.
(vi) Plug point – 02 Nos.
(vii) Emergency lights – 04 Nos.
(5) Store Management
(a) Storeroom shall be provided, for keeping the small spares of the
machine, as shown in the camp coach layout.
(b) This store shall be provided with cabinets/rakes at suitable height
with locking arrangement.
(c) In addition to store given in coach layout additional under slung boxes
shall be created for heavy spares of the machines. These boxes shall
be used for keeping empty drums, hydraulic hoses and heavy spares
of the machine. The design of the boxes shall be according to the
requirement for particular machine. The safety factor for welding
work of the boxes shall be sufficiently high so that there shall be no
failure on account of welding work.
Annexure 8.1
Maintenance Schedule of Track Machines
(A) Schedule I to V
Group of Type of Schedule -I Schedule –II Schedule -III Schedule IV Schedule -V
Machines Schedule
All machines Periodicity Daily 50 Hrs. 100 Hrs. 200 Hrs 1000 Hrs
except RGM Location TM Siding TM Siding TM Siding TM Siding SD/ZMD
Duration One Hour Two hours 01 day 02 Days 07 days
RGM Periodicity Daily 50 Hrs. 250 Hrs. 1000 Hrs 3000 Hrs
Location TM Siding TM Siding TM Siding TM Siding CPOH
Duration 08 Hour 10 hours 12 hrs. 03 Days 10 days
(B) Schedule VI (IOH) and VIII (POH)
Schedule PeriodicitMachine Group – I (TLE, Machine Group – II Machine Group – III (HOT- Schedu Periodicity Machine Group IV
Type y (Engine BRM, RBMV & UTV) (WST-08-32, UNIMAT- 3X & UNIMAT-4S) (BCM, le Type (Engine (RGM)
hours) (PCCM, DTS & TRT) 2S &3S& HOT-CSM) SBCM) hours EH)
Duration Location Duration Location Duration Location Duration Location
Schedule 2000 (IOH) PCCM, DTS: ZMD 30 days ZMD For BCM/SBCM ZMD Schedul 6000 20 days CPOH
– VI 21 Days, TRT: 45 days. For e – VI
(IOH) 45 days and others 30 days (IOH)
other 15 days.
Schedule 1 – 8000, For TRT ZMD/ 1st – 60 CPOH For BCM/SBCM CPOH 15000 or 1st POH- CPOH
– VII nd
2 – st
1 – 70 days, CPOH days, 2nd 1st – 90 days, Schedul 60 months 45
(POH) 14000 and 2nd – 90 days. – 75 days 2nd – 105 days. e – VII which Days 2nd
then at For Other For Other (POH) ever is POH-60
4000 1st – 45 days, 1st – 75 days, earlier Days
2nd – 60 days 2nd – 90 days
Formats for POH Planning
i) Details of M/c Proposed for POH during Current Year
SN M/c No Date of Engine Cumulative Governing Engine Details Probable date
Propose Last POH Hrs Since progress of reason for of sparing of
d for Last POH M/c after proposed POH M/c
POH last POH Make & Model No Engine Hrs since last
Annexure 8.3
POH Flow Chart
Arrival of machine
Joint Survey
Checking of ZF
Placing in shed
SN Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
of 50TMUs per of 24TMUs per
annum annum
1. Cleaning Shed: This shed should be separate and outside the main POH shed 50 m X 15 m 50 m X 15 m 50 m X 15 m -
to avoid pollution of dust, oil, grease etc. (To have only one (To have only one (To have only one
For painting no separate area is needed as painting of the machine is carried line with light shed) line with light shed) line with light shed)
out concurrently with the progress of rebuilding in the repair shed itself.
Galvanised Aluminium /Aluminium sheet with thermal insulation layer and
natural drift exhaust system which will have 10-15% translucent sheets in the
roof shall be provided.
Pneumatic circuits with tapping arrangements at required locations shall be
Concrete aprons of approx. 20 m length on either side of shed with hydrant
and jet cleaning arrangement having proper drainage system including
industrial waste treatment plant/system is to be provided.
2. POH & Repair shed: Each shed to have two EOT cranes of 10 Ton capacity 3 Sheds of 2 Sheds of 1 Sheds of 1 shed of
each with EPU (epoxy polyurethane) flooring, inspection pits and grilled base. 100 m X 20 m with 100 m X 20 m with 100 m X 20 m with 50 m length x 20 m
Galvanised Aluminium /Aluminium sheet with thermal insulation layer and 2 lines in each shed. 2 lines in each 2 lines width with 2 lines
natural drift exhaust system which will have 10-15% translucent sheets in the shed.
roof shall be provided.
Pneumatic circuits with tapping arrangements at required locations shall be
SN Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
of 50TMUs per of 24TMUs per
annum annum
3. Shed for sub-assemblies: For Gearbox, axle, Engine, hydraulic, One shed of One shed of One shed of
pneumatic, electrical, electronic and Lifting units sections with 100 m X 20 m 50 m X 20 m 30 m X 20 m
suitable partition with air conditioning & test bench
Each shed to have one EOT crane of 5 t capacity with EPU (epoxy
polyurethane) flooring.
Galvanised Aluminium /Aluminium sheet with thermal insulation
layer and natural drift exhaust system which will have 10-15%
translucent sheets in the roof shall be provided.
Pneumatic circuits with tapping arrangements at required locations
shall be provided.
4. Shed for overhauling of 200 tamping unit: Each shed to have one EOT One shed of One shed of -- --
crane of 5 t capacity with EPU (epoxy polyurethane) flooring. 100 m X 20 m 100 m X 20 m
Galvanised Aluminium /Aluminium sheet with thermal insulation layer
and natural drift exhaust system which will have 10-15% translucent
sheets in the roof shall be provided.
Pneumatic circuits with tapping arrangements at required locations
shall be provided.
Concrete aprons of approx. 20 m length with hydrant and jet cleaning
arrangement having proper drainage system shall be provided.
5. Inspection Pit: Each depot will be provided with an inspection pit of
length given with proper drainage arrangement for examination of 60 m 60 m 60 m 20 m
under gears of machines
6. Rooms for inspection, JFT (Jig Fixture and Templates) & Rejected 4 rooms each of 4 rooms each of 2 rooms each of -
items with proper storage/racks arrangements. size 8 m X 5 m size 8 m X 5 m size 8 m X 5 m
7. Store ward with proper storage/racks arrangements. 12 rooms each of 8 rooms each of 8 rooms each of Two room of size
size 8 m X 10 m size 8 m X 10 m size 8 m X 10 m 5mx7m
SN Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
of 50 TMUs per of 24 TMUs per
annum annum
8. Open fenced space for stacking of release spares etc. 30 m X 30 m 20 m X 20 m 20 m X 20 m -
9. Open fenced space for keeping of scrap 30 m X 30 m 20 m X 20 m 20 m X 20 m -
10. Administrative block (FF): For officers’ chambers, office, visitor’s 100 m X 8 m 50 m X 8 m 50 m X 8 m -
room, model room, conference hall with all requisite facilities.
11. Administrative block (GF): Hall for SSEs, drawing cell, staff lunch room, 100 m X 8 m 50 m X 8 m 50 m X 8 m 5mx7m
change room etc. (separate earmarked facility for lady staff)
12. Rest house- Adequate facilities for kitchen, dining and recreation 2 suits for Officers, 2 suits for 6 rooms for 2 rooms of size 4.5m
should be provided. 8 rooms for
Officers, 6 rooms Supervisors & 20 x4.5 m for supervisor
Supervisors & 32 for Supervisors & bedded and staff
bedded dormitory 20 bedded dormitory for
for staff. dormitory for staff.
13. Overhead water tank including bore well with standby bore well and 50000 Gallons 50000 Gallons 25000 Gallons 10,000 gallon capacity
pumping arrangements. capacity capacity capacity
14. Rooms for electrical installation/substation etc. 4 rooms each of 4 rooms each of 2 rooms each of -
size 5 m X 5 m size 5 m X 5 m size 5 m X 5 m
15. Centralised compressor room One room of size One room of size One room of size -
5mX5m 5mX5m 5mX5m
16. Boundary wall with barbed wire fencing enclosing the workshop Yes Yes Yes Yes
having provision of CCTV cameras with watch towers, high mast
lighting towers to cover entire workshop area.
17. Time office with electronic devices to control the entry/exit system, One room of size One room of size One room of size One room of size
security Check Post and provision of CCTV cameras for the purpose 3mx5m 3mx5m 3mx5m 3mx5m
18. Test track having one line with suitable curvature 2 X 500 m with one 2 X 500 m with 1 X 500 m with 1 x 150 m with 1 PSC
PSC turnout one PSC turnout. one PSC turnout. turnout
19. Calibration track with washable apron and light shed. Two tracks of 50 m One track of 50 One track of 50 One track of 50 m
each m m
S. Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
No of 50 TMUs per of 24 TMUs per
annum annum
20. Garage for housing road vehicles For 5 vehicles For 3 vehicles For 2 vehicles For 2 vehicles
21. Cycle and Scooter shed Two nos. One no. One no. One no.
22. Canteen Yes Yes Yes -
23. Garbage disposal Pits Yes Yes Yes -
24. Line for camping coach 250 m 250 m 100 m 50 m
B. Plant & machinery -
I. Test Benches
1. Test bench for tamping unit with computer interface and data 2 Set 2 Set 1 set -
acquisition system. (Motor driven with optional system for engine)
2. Hydraulic test bench (engine driven) with load testing facility with 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
computer interface and data acquisition system
3. ZF test bench with computer interface and data acquisition system 1 Set 1 Set - -
(engine driven)
4. Test bench for PCBs 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
5. Test bench for pendulum and transducer 2 Nos 2 Nos. 1 No. -
6. Test bench for sensors 2 Nos 1 No. 1 No. -
7. Test bench for alternator and self starter 2 Nos 2 Nos. 1 No. -
8. I.C. Tester 2 Nos 1 No. 1 No. -
9. Pneumatic test bench 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
10. Axle testing bench 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
11. Oil seal tester for tamping unit section 4 Sets. 2 Sets. 1 Set. -
12. Pinion shaft test bench 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
13. Engine load testing machine 1 No. 1 No. - -
II. Work Benches
1. Work bench for gearbox assembly. 4 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No. -
SN Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
of 50 TMUs per of 24 TMUs per
annum annum
2. Work bench for tamping unit assembly (CSM/UNI) 16 Nos 12 Nos. 2 Nos. -
3. Work bench for tamping unit assembly (09-3X) 4 Nos. 2Nos. -. -
4. Work bench for tamping unit assembly (UNI 4S) 4 Nos. 2 Nos. - -
5. Work bench for ZF assembly 2 Nos. 2 Nos. - -
III. Inspection and measuring equipments
1. USFD testing machine suitable for axle testing 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
2. Pneumatic bore gauges for measurement up to 1 micron 2 Sets 1 Set - -
3. Three dimensional (Coordinate) measuring machine 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
4. Portable hardness tester 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
5. Ring Gauge off size 2 Sets 1 Set 1 Set -
6. Non contact thermometer 4 Nos 2 Nos 1 No 1 No.
7. Z. F. mobile test kit 2Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No -
8. Wheel diameter (700-1200 mm) measuring gauge (digital) 2Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No 1 No.
9. Wheel profile gauge 2 Nos. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
10. Surface roughness tester 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
11. Rubber hardness tester 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
12. Surface plate with V block 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
13. Combination gauge 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
14. Combination dial gauge 2 Nos 2 Nos - -
15. Height gauge (0-500mm) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1No.
16. Thread gauge off size 4 Sets 2 Sets 1 set 1 set
17. Feeler gauge off size 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set
18. Radius gauge off size 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set
19. Portable chrome coating thickness gauge 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set
20. Hydrometer 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
21. Temperature gauge contact type 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No 1 No
S. Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
No of 50TMUs per of 24TMUs per
annum annum
22. Noise level (dB) meter 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No 1 No
23. Vibration meter 1 No. 1 No. - -
24. Tachometer (0-9999 rpm) contact type 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
25. Tachometer (0-9999 rpm) contact less type 2 No. 2 No. 2 No. 1 No.
26. LASER particle counter 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
27. Injector Tester 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
28. Precision inspection instruments i.e vernier calipers, micrometers, dial 4 Sets 2 Sets 2 Sets 1 set
gauges, bore gauges & manual torque wrench, spanner sets
29. Nominated inspection gadgets as prescribed by OEMs i.e. CUMMINS, 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
30. Digital Multimeter 6 Nos. 4 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No.
IV. Working Tools
1. Set of synchronized jacks upto 50 t capacity for machine lifting 3 Sets 2 Sets 1 set 1 Set
(Mechanical screw )
2. Nominated assembly tools as prescribed for ZF 1 Set 1 Set - -
3. Mechanized (Hydraulic) arrangement for lifting and removing heavy 4 Sets 2 Sets 2 Sets 1 Set
assemblies (Fork lifter) 2-5 t capacity.
4. Hydraulic power pack for testing (Operation of hydraulic tool) 2 Sets 1 Set 1 Set 1 set
5. 10 t EOT cranes in POH shed 2 Nos. each shed= 2 Nos. each 2 Nos -
6 in total shed= 4 in total
6. 5 t EOT cranes in sub assembly shed 1 No. 1No. = 1 No.
7. 5 t EOT cranes in tamping unit shed 1 No. 1 No. - -
8. Mechanical tools, spanners 8 Sets 4 Sets 2 Sets 1set
9. Pneumatic tools for assembly/ disassembly work 8 Sets 4 Sets 2Sets 1 set
10. Hose crimping machine set for crimping of pressure, super hi-pressure 1No. 1No. 1No. -
and return hose assemblies of different size
SN Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
of 50 TMUs per of 24 TMUs per
annum annum
11. Power hacksaw machine 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1No. -
12. Circular saw for metal cutting 3 Nos. 2 Nos 1No. -
13. Gas cutting equipment 5 Nos. 3 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No.
14. MIG (metal inert gas) welding Plant 2 Nos 1 Nos. 1 Nos. -
15. Arc welding plant (DC) 8 Nos. 4 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 nos.
16. Spray painting set with compressor 3 Sets 2 Sets 1 Sets 1 set
17. High pressure Jet cleaning Machine 2 Sets 2 Sets 1 Sets 1 set
18. D.G set for standby power supply 500 KVA 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 250 KVA 1 set of 100KVA
19. Freezing unit (Double compressor) up to (–) 50 degree 2 Sets 1 Set 1 Set 1 set
20. Heating tank (Oil bath) 2 Sets 1 Set 1 Set 1 set
21. Heating tank with auto temp cut-off (oil bath) 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
22. Hydraulic press 50 t capacity 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
23. Heavy duty mechanical jacks, pullers, pushers up to 50 t capacity 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 set
24. Milling machine (0-300 mm) 1 No. 1 No. - -
25. Radial drilling machine (1.5 m height and 32 mm drill size) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
26. Radial drilling machine (1.5 m height and up to 20 mm drill size) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1No.
27. Lathe (3 ft.) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
28. Lathe (6 ft.) 1 No. 1 No. - -
29. Lathe (12 ft.) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
30. Shaper Machine (0-300 mm stroke) 1 No. 1 No. - -
31. Tool grinder (Rotary type 500 mm disc) 2 Nos. 2 Nos. - -
32. Horizontal boring machine (2000 X 500 mm table) 1 No. 1 No. - -
33. Centralized compressor (250 CFM) 1 No 1 No 1 No (100 CFM) 1 No (50 CFM)
34. Portable filter 4 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No.
35. Vertical boring machine 1 No 1 No. - -
36. Wheel de-pressing and pressing machine 1 No. 1 No. - -
SN Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
of 50 TMUs per of 24 TMUs per
annum annum
37. Induction heater 2 Nos 2 Nos = -
38. Induction type bearing removal unit (0-200 mm dia) 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
39. Electrical crimping machine 2 Sets 2 Sets - -
40. Hand riveting machine 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No.
41. Pneumatic riveting machine 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
42. Hot air blower 1No. 1 No. 1 No. -
43. High Pressure cleaning chamber for tamping unit with water jet 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
44. Accumulator nitrogen gas filling equipment 2 sets 2 sets 1 set 1 No.
45. Hand drill 24V operated 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
46. Hand drill 230V operated 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
47. Pencil grinder 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
48. Drill, reamers & tap set 4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 20 & 24 mm 1 Set. 1 Set. 1 Set. 1 No.
49. Hose cutting machine 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
50. Battery charger (12/24V) 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No.
51. Desalination plant 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
52. Soldering de-soldering unit 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No.
53. Hot cleaning tank 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
54. Wire thimble punching machine 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
55. Torque wrenches (Elect or Pneumatic Control) 16 Nos. 8Nos. 8Nos. 1 No.
III. Miscellaneous
1. Battery operated truck (2 t capacity) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
2. Material carrying van (1 t capacity) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
3. CC TV with camera web based covering complete shed & store 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
4. P.A. System 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
5. Intercom system (50 lines) 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
SN Description of items For POH capacity For POH capacity IOH shed/ZMD Satellite Depot
of 50 TMUs per of 24 TMUs per
annum annum
6. Effluent treatment Plant 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
7. Mechanized floor cleaning machine (Scrubber) 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1No. -
8. Release material handling hand trolley 4 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No. 1 No.
9. Light weight collapsible ladder with working platform 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
(up to 10 m max height)
10. Industrial RO with water cooler of suitable capacity 2 Sets 1 Set 1 Set 1 No.
11. Industrial Hooter 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 No.
12. Multi utility Vehicle (6 seater) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
13. Truck (10 t) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No.
14. Fire fighting system 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set -
15. Turfer ( 5 ton capacity) 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. -
16. Apron, Helmet, goggles, mask & safety shoes etc. 300 Sets 150 Sets 50 Sets 20 Sets
17. Heavy duty industrial vacuum cleaner 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1No. 1No.
Annexure 8.5
Machine wise list of 'Masters' required for calibration of parameters
Master Range of
SN Parameter to be calibrated CSM 09-3X WST UNI-2S UNI-3S DGS BCM FRM
Ref Master
(A) Hydraulic System
1 Squeezing Pressure PG-3 0-250 bar 100-120 bar 100-120 bar 100-120 bar 100-130 bar 100-130 bar N/A N/A N/A
2 System Pressure PG-3 0-250 bar 140 bar 140 bar 140 bar 140 bar 140 bar 100 bar N/A 175 bar
3 Vibration Pressure left PG-3 0-250 bar 150 bar 210 bar 180 bar 150 bar 150 bar N/A N/A N/A
4 Vibration Pressure Right PG-3 0-250 bar 150 bar 210 bar 180 bar 150 bar 150 bar N/A N/A N/A
5 Counter Pressure of Small PG-3 0-250 bar 35-40 bar 55bar 35-40 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
6 Counter Pressure of Big PG-2 0-160 bar 140 bar 130 bar 140 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
7 Accumulator Pressure 32L-1 PG-6 0-280 bar 85 bar 85 bar 85 bar 85 bar 85 bar N/A N/A N/A
8 Accumulator Pressure 32L-2 PG-6 0-280 bar N/A 85 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
9 Accumulator Pressure 32L-3 PG-6 0-280 bar N/A 85 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
10 Accumulator Pressure 20L PG-6 0-280 bar 100 bar N/A 100 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
11 Accumulator Pressure 10L PG-6 0-280 bar N/A N/A N/A 100 bar 100 bar 60 bar N/A N/A
12 Accumulator Pressure 2.5 L-1 PG-6 0-280 bar 20 bar 20 bar 20 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
13 Accumulator Pressure 2.5 L-2 PG-6 0-280 bar 20 bar 20 bar 20 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
14 Accumulator Pressure 2.5 L-3 PG-6 0-280 bar N/A 20 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
15 Accumulator Pressure 2.5 L-4 PG-6 0-280 bar N/A 20 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
16 Accumulator Pressure 2.5 L-5 PG-6 0-280 bar N/A 20 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
17 Accumulator Pressure 2.5 L-6 PG-6 0-280 bar N/A 20 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
18 Accumulator Pressure 2.5 L-7 PG-6 0-280 bar N/A 140 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
19 Accumulator Pressure 2.5 L-8 PG-6 0-280 bar N/A 140 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
20 Pressure setting of Safety PG-3 0-250 bar 175 bar 175 bar 175 bar 175 bar 175 bar 175 bar 210 bar 210 bar
valve for system Pressure
Master Range of
SN Parameter to be calibrated CSM 09-3X WST UNI-2S UNI-3S DGS BCM FRM
Ref Master
21 Pressure setting of oil cooler PG-3 0-250 bar 100 bar 210 bar 150 bar 150 bar 150 bar 150 bar 120 bar 200 bar
22 High pressure setting PG-3 0-250 bar 150 bar 150 bar 180 bar 180 bar 180 bar N/A N/A N/A
23 ZF oil pressure PG-5 0-30 bar 12-15 bar 12-15 bar 12-15 bar 12-15 bar 12-15 bar 12-15 bar N/A N/A
24 Charging pressure of variable PG-5 0-30 bar 30 bar 30 bar N/A N/A N/A 30 Bar 30 bar 30 bar
25 Work drive pressure PG-4 0-600 bar 0-210 bar 0-240 bar 160 bar N/A N/A 210 bar N/A N/A
26 Satellite bypass pressure PG-3 0-250 bar 160 bar 160 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
27 Control pressure PG-2 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 60 bar N/A
28 Travel drive pressure PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0-380 0-380
bar bar
29 Main conveyor pressure PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 315 bar 315 bar
30 Waste conveyor drive PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 230 bar 315 bar
31 Waste conveyor U/P pressure PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 150 bar N/A
32 Distributor drive pressure PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 230 bar 315 bar
33 Cutting chain drive pressure PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 350 bar 350 bar
34 Clutch pressure front PG-5 0-30 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 bar 15 bar
35 Clutch pressure rear PG-5 0-30 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 bar 15 bar
36 Chain guide left PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 140 bar N/A
37 Chain guide left PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 140 bar N/A
38 Rail clamp pressure PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 160 bar N/A
39 Chain tension pressure PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 150 bar N/A
40 Cutter bar lifting PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 160 bar N/A
41 Cutter bar locking PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 160 bar N/A
42 L/U up down PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 160 bar N/A
43 Ac drive PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 120 bar N/A
44 Screen unit vibration pressure PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 390 bar 350 bar
45 Screen tilting Pressure PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 140 bar 175 bar
Master Range of
SN Parameter to be calibrated CSM 09-3X WST UNI-2S UNI-3S DGS BCM FRM
Ref Master
46 Distributor conveyor in/out PG-2 0-160 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 bar 175 bar
47 Excavating conveyor pressure PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 315 bar
48 Hydraulic vertical load PG-2 0-160 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20-10 bar N/A N/A
49 Vibration pressure of PG-4 0-600 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 350 bar N/A N/A
vibration unit
50 Pre load pressure PG-2 0-160 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 60 bar N/A N/A
51 Broom drive pressure PG-3 0-250 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 175 bar
(B) Pneumatic System
52 Pneumatic system pressure PG-1 0-10 bar 7 bar 7 bar 7 bar 7 bar 7 bar 7 bar 7 bar 7 bar
53 Pneumatic intermediate PG-1 0-10 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4bar 5 bar 5 bar
54 Break pressure PG-1 0-10 bar 3.8 bar 3.8 bar 3.8 bar 3.8 bar 3.8 bar 3.8 bar 3.8 bar 3.8 bar
55 Vertical preload pressure PG-1 0-10 bar 2 bar 2 bar 2 bar 2 bar 2 bar 2 bar N/A N/A
56 Satellite brake pressure PG-1 0-10 bar 2,5 & 5.5 bar N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Electronic System
57 Cross level by front pendulum MM-1 N/A 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm N/A N/A
58 Cross level by middle MM-1 N/A 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm N/A N/A
59 Cross level by rear pendulum MM-1 N/A 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm N/A N/A 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm N/A N/A
60 Height transducer value MM-1 N/A 90 mv/mm 90 mv/mm 90 mv/mm 90 mv/mm 90 mv/mm 90 mv/mm N/A N/A
61 Super elevation value MM-1 N/A 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm N/A N/A
62 General lift value MM-1 N/A 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm N/A N/A N/A
63 Versine value by lining MM-1 N/A 23.1 mv/mm 23.1 mv/mm 23.1 mv/mm 23.1 mv/mm 23.1 mv/mm N/A N/A N/A
64 Versine value by measuring MM-1 N/A 23.1 mv/mm 23.1 mv/mm 23.1 mv/mm 23.1 mv/mm 23.1 mv/mm N/A N/A N/A
65 Versine value by versine MM-1 N/A 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm N/A N/A N/A
Master Range of
SN Parameter to be calibrated CSM 09-3X WST UNI-2S UNI-3S DGS BCM FRM
Ref Master
66 Slew value by slew MM-1 N/A 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm 50 mv/mm N/A N/A N/A
67 Tamping depth value MM-1 N/A 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm 25 mv/mm N/A N/A N/A
68 Engine oil pressure gauge PG-5 0-30 bar N/A 0-10 bar 0-10 bar 0-10 bar N/A N/A 0-5 bar N/A
69 Engine temp gauge (NTA) T-1 40-120⁰C N/A 40-120 40-120 40-12 N/A N/A 40-120 N/A
degree C degree C degree C degree C
70 Engine oil pressure gauge PG-5 0-30 bar 0-10 bar 0-10 bar N/A N/A 0-10 bar 0-10 bar 0-5 bar 0-10 bar
71 Engine temp gauge (KTA) T-1 40-120⁰C 40-120 40-120 N/A N/A 40-120 40-120 40-120 40-120
degree C degree C degree C degree C degree C degree C
72 Vibration frequency Tachome 0-9999 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 35 Hz N/A N/A
te1 r.p.m.
73 Engine RPM-1 Tachome 0-9999 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2200 2100
te1 r.p.m.
74 Engine RPM-2 Tachome 0-9999 N/A 1800 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2200 N/A
te1 r.p.m.
Total no. of parameters 37 46 33 28 29 23 32 22
Total no.of master required 9 9 9 6 6 9 8 8
Annexure 8.6
Format for Master Calibration
Code Location Custodian Name Of Make / Range Least Frequency Calibration Date Of Next Due
No. Equipment Model Count Of Agency Inside Calibration
/ Device Calibration /Outside
Annexure 8.7
Format for Repair Summary sheet for POH
Machine no…………. of………….. Railway, which arrived on ------------ at CPOH
workshop…………, was taken in hand for overhauling since -------------. The overhauling
work has been completed on --------------, and test runs and tamping were carried out
for ----- days/yet to be conducted. All performance indicators/gauges have been
calibrated/yet to be calibrated from masters as per Annexure 8.5. The performance of
the machine with regard to fitment of overhauled/new spares and all performance
parameters have been found to be satisfactory. The performance of this machine has
been checked by Shri --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------, in-charge. In case of any major failure within 6 months. Sri -------------------------
--------------------- SSE/CPOH machine in-charge for overhauling at CPOH shall visit this
machine. It will be the onus of officer in-charge of that machine, to timely intimate
DY.CE/TMC/CPOH [+] for any such help. Performance pro-forma may please be sent
back (duly filled up) after three months working. All testing of machine has been
carried out as per entire satisfaction of Shri ---------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------- in his presence. Minor errors in the field of
electrical/electronic/mechanical during stabilization period is expected. Adjustment/
re-calibration/replacement of small components to be carried out at field. CPOH/ALD
will render all possible help wherever so required for any major failure.
1. Details of POH: Details of New / Repaired /Reused spares are as per checklist
jointly signed by undersigned.
2. Release materials: Accountal of release material is as per checklist signed
3. Performance of following assemblies/spares are fixed on trial and its
performance is required to be recorded and feedback must be sent to CPOH
after three months.
4. List of missing spares of machine at the time of receipt of machine should be
jointly signed.
5. Modification /Alteration /Deviation with original, carried out during POH should
be jointly signed.
6. Special /Major repairs carried out during POH.
Format for 90 Days Feedback of POH
Lifting unit
Gear Box
S .No.
8- Feed Back of Trial Items:
Satisfactory satisfactory
9. Details of major maintenance input given in last 90 days
Annexure 8.9
Typical Facilities to be provide in a Mobile Workshop
SN Items Quantity
1 Portable tent 1
2 Portable electric drill machine 1
3 Flexible shaft grinder 1
4 Bench grinder 1
5 DG set 10 KVA with welding plant 1
6 Gas cutting equipment 1
7 Work table -with bench vice 1
8 Tool kit 1
9 Lighting arrangement 1
10 First aid box 1
11 Heavy duty jacks, pullers, pushes up to 50 t capacity 1 set
12 Multimeter 1 set
13 Tachometer (contactless) 1
14 Small pay bars 2 sets
15 Temperature meter digital (non contact type) 1
16 Reamers 8
17 Seals installation kits 1 set
18 Bearing puller/pushers, presses 1 set
19 Accumulator pressure checking and filling device PC-250 1 set
20 Wheel defect gauge 1
21 Torque wrenches 1 set
22 Magnetic base dial gauge 1
23 IC tester, relay tester, diode tester 1
24 O-ring cone 1
25 Gauge cum level 1
26 Pendulum calibration pads 1 set
27 Versine measuring chord 1
28 Go-NO-Go gauge for tamping tynes 1 set
29 Hydrometer 1
30 Set of masters required for machine calibration 01 set
31 Off line filtration unit with contamination sensor 01 set
32 Z.F. hydraulic test kit 01 set
33 Temperature gauge (Non contact type) 01 set
34 D spanner and ring spanner set 01 set
35 Vernier calipers, micrometers and bore gauge 01 set
36 Hot air blower 01 Nos
37 Chain pulley 2 t block 01 Nos
38 8mm wire rope sling 01 No
39 Wooden block 10 Nos.
Annexure 8.10
List of Equipment to be kept in Camp Coach Workshop
SN Items Quantity
1 Welding plant 1
2 Bench grinder 1
3 Bench vice and a work table 1
4 Portable drill machine 1
5 Tool kit 1
6 Portable filter 1
7 Portable crimping machine 1
8 Heavy duty jacks, pullers, pushers up to 50 t capacity 1 Set
9 Hot air blowers 1
10 Multimeter 1
Accumulator pressure checking and filling device PC-250
11 1 set
12 Torque wrench 1 Set
13 Versine measuring chord 1
14 Go-NO-Go gauge for tamping tynes 1
15 Steel scale 1" to 6" 1 Set
16 Taper gauge up to 1" 1
17 Feeler gauge 1
18 Thread gauge 1
19 Cell tester (battery voltage) 1
20 Battery charger 1
21 Inverter 1000 VA/roof mounted with solar inverter 1
22 Vernier caliper and normal calipers 1 set
Annexure 8.11
Annexure 8.12
Annexure 8.13
Layout of Camping Coach(Based on RDSO Drawing no.CSC-1592
Annexure 8.14
Layout of Camping Coach(Based on RDSO Drawing no.CSC-1640)
Annexure 8.15
Layout of Camping Coach(Based on RDSO Drawing no.CSC-1686)
Annexure 8.16
Amenities to be provided in Camping Coaches
S.No Name of Item Qty.
A. Kitchen Area
1 Fire extinguisher 02 nos.
2 Commercial gas connection with double cylinder 01 set
3 Four burner LPG gas stove 01no.
4 RO+UV water purifier 01 no.
5 Refrigerator-210 l capacity 01 no.
6 Dinner set 01 no.
7 Thermos 02 l capacity 02 nos.
8 Gas lighter 02 nos.
9 Presser cooker 5 l capacity 01 no.
10 Presser cooker 3 l capacity 01 no.
11 Casserole 10" dia. 04 nos.
12 Bhagona copper base as per required sizes 04 nos.
13 Plate steel 12" dia. 10 nos.
14 Kadahee 02 nos.
15 Spatula (karchhul) of various sizes 03 nos.
16 Service spoon big 03 nos.
17 Service spoon small 03 nos.
18 Service bowl big 03 nos.
19 Gripper 02 nos.
20 Tea mug 12nos.
21 Stainless steel spice box 01 no.
22 Stainless steel container 2 l 06 nos.
23 Stainless steel container for floor 15 l 01 no.
24 Stainless steel container for rice 15 l 01 no.
25 Stainless steel container for water 20 l 01 no.
26 Stainless steel bucket 15 l 01 no.
27 Hot chapatti case 02 nos.
28 Sink 01 no.
29 Stool for work 02 nos.
30 Tea set 01 no.
31 Tea strainer (stainless steel)-4" 01 no.
32 Teaspoon 12 nos.
33 Stainless steel utensil stand (wall hanging) 01 no.
34 Stainless steel sauce-pan (copper base) 1 l 01 no.
35 Hot plate iron (tawa) -12"with handle 01 no.
36 Pastry board (chakla) 10" 01 no.
37 Pastry roller (belna) 01 no.
38 Fridge water bottle·1 l 6 no.
39 Dustbin 01 no.
1. LCD/LED television 28". 01 no.
2. Satellite antenna for TV (DTH) 01 no.
3. 230VAC desert cooler or 4 nos.
1 ton AC unit 3 nos.
4. Laptop 01 no.
5. Foldable tubular chairs 06 nos.
6. Folding tables 1000x500 mm. 03 nos
7. Wooden centre Table 1000X500 mm. 01 no.
8. Radio/audio player 01 no.
9. Pillow Durafoam/Sleepwell 10 nos.
10. Pillow cover 20 nos
11. Curtain One each window
12. Bed sheets (single bed} 20 nos.
13. Mosquito net 10 nos.
14. Woolen blanket (Raymond) 10 nos.
Sofa One 3 seater as per the
space available
16. Insulated water jug 10 l capacity 02 nos.
1. Geyser 20 l capacity 01 no.
2. Bucket 20 l capacity 06 nos.
3. Mug 02 nos.
4. Aluminium/stainless steel stool 02 nos.
Paint Scheme for Camping Coach
Annexure 8.18
Electric Circuit Diagram of Camping Coach
901 General - Manpower is the most precious and important resource for operation
and maintenance of track machines. Skilled and trained manpower is required to
man sophisticated track machines for their optimal utilization.
902 Requirement of Manpower
(1) The scale of man power requirement for machine working is fixed for
following activities:
(a) Field operation & maintenance.
(b) Field supervision, technical and general services including repairs and
maintenance – at satellite depot and/or for fleet of machines.
(c) Repair and maintenance – at zonal depot.
(d) Repair & maintenance for POH – CPOH workshop.
(2) The scale of manpower for activities (a), (b) & (c) above is given in Annexure
9.1. Scale of manpower for CPOH workshop is given in Annexure 9.2.
(3) While scale of manpower for activity (a) above has been laid down for each
type of machine separately, scales for other activities i.e. (b), (c) and (d) have
been laid down based on track machine holding in terms of machine units.
Track machine holding is computed by multiplying number of machines by
weightage factors for each type of machines, as given in Annexure 9.1.
(4) As specified in Chapter 8, the POH of the machines may be carried out either
at nominated CPOH workshops, or by entering into a contract with the
manufacturer or authorized service agents or the combination of the two.
(5) It should be the endeavour of railways to ensure manning as per prescribed
scale to ensure optimal utilization of machines.
(6) Creation of additional manpower, based on scale, commensurate with
projected machine holding should be an annual exercise to ensure
commissioning and deployment of new machine immediately upon receipt
on Zonal Railways.
903 Training - Training of officers, supervisors and skilled as well as unskilled staff is
essential and important for proper operation and maintenance of modern and
sophisticated track machines.
(1) Officers- They shall undergo training course at IRICEN/Pune & IRTMTC as a
part of the initial training. In addition, officers working in track machine
organization shall undergo special courses on track machines conducted from
time to time by IRICEN, IRTMTC and OEMs. They shall also be exposed to
facilities available with OEMs in India as well as abroad. All officers shall be
imparted hands-on training to learn basic operations of track machine at
IRTMTC and Zonal Railways.
(2) SSE/JE/TM(s)-They shall undergo initial course at the time of joining or after
empanelment for the post of JE/TM from MCM/TMM as the case may be.
Thereafter, they shall undergo refresher course once in 3 years at IRTMTC. For
knowledge relating to the operation and safety of working in the field, they
shall take G&SR courses at zonal training centres initially and refresher courses
once in 3 years. Training facilities with OEMs and manufacturers in India as
well abroad shall also be organized. They shall also be imparted training by
organising special courses including that of establishment from time to time.
New appointees should be exposed to all types of machines available on the
zonal railway as a part of their field attachment.
(3) Technical Staff- All MCMs & TMMs working in the track machines
organization shall undergo regular courses designed for different categories at
IRTMTC/Allahabad and field training as specified. They shall undergo refresher
courses at IRTMTC every 5 years.
(4) Machine Assistant- Those joining railway services directly (entry through
RRCs) shall be given 2 weeks training on the lines similar to that of trackman.
Suitable course plan shall be devised with liberal use of videos showing
working of track machines and safety aspects.
904 Roster - Dynamic working roster has to be followed for working of track machines in
the field, based on availability of traffic blocks and requirements of the work site. The
guiding principle shall be optimal utilization of machines and fixing the working hours
of machine staff accordingly with the aim to keep the overall working time within
prescribed duty hours as far as possible. Weekly or 3 weeks roster may be followed as
per the requirement of the railway.
(1) Weekly Roster- Roster of the staff working in track machine organization falls
under continuous classification as per HOER. The staff is rostered to work for a
period of 6 days at a stretch followed by one day of rest. In respect to over time,
the staff will be governed by extant instructions under HOER in regard to the
principle of averaging.
(2) Three Weeks Roster- Staff working on track machines may be rostered to work
for a period of 3 weeks at a stretch followed by continuous rest for a period of
one week at headquarters. The three weeks continuous roster will include the
actual period of journey under taken from head quarters to the place of work and
back. The individuals shall not be employed for more than 12 hours on any day.
In respect to over time, the staff will be governed by extant instructions under
HOER in regard to the principle of averaging as applicable to 3 weeks roster. The
implementation of three weeks roster shall be governed by exemption
communicated by Railway Board from provisions of Railway Act 1989 from time
to time.
(3) Duty Hours for Field -The actual roster duty hours (timings) for staff working on
various track machines in the field shall be decided by the Senior Divisional
Engineer/Divisional Engineer; considering availability of traffic blocks/corridor
blocks over the sections where the machines are deployed. The record of duty
hours shall be maintained by engineering control and shall be conveyed to
machine staff.
(4) Duty Hours for CPOH Depot, Zonal Depot & Satellite Depot - SSE/JE/TMs and
other staff working in CPOH Depot, Zonal Depot & Satellite depot, shall have
weekly roster only.
(5) Duty Hours for HQ Office & Control –SSE/JE/TMs and other staff working in HQ
office, in HQ control, zonal depot control and satellite depot control shall follow
the working system of the respective offices/depot.
Annexure 9.1
Weightage Factors for Track Machines and Yardsticks for Staff
(1) Weightage Factors (Units) for Track Machines
S.No. Type of Machine Weightage
1 Tampers, Dynamic Track Stabilizer, Points & Crossing Laying 1.0
2 Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant 1.0
3 Tamping Express Dynamic 1.5
4 Ballast Regulator/ Utility Vehicle (Self Propelled), RBMV 0.8
5 Ballast Cleaning Machine and Shoulder Ballast Cleaning 1.5
6 HOBCM (RM900) and HOSBCM 1.75
7 Track Relaying Train 3.0
8 Portal Crane, Muck Disposal Unit/ Tie Crane/ Rail threader 0.5
9 Rail Inspection Vehicle 0.8
10 Rail Grinding Machine (16 stones/08 stones) and Switch Rail 1.0
11 Rail Grinding Machine (72 stones) 4.5
12 Rail Grinding Machine (96 stones) 4.75
(2) Scale of Manpower for Field Operation & Maintenance:
Scale of field operation staff for each type of machine per shift is given in the
following table:
S.No Name of Machine SSE(TM)/ Track Machine Cook Total
JE(TM) Machine Assistant (Exclu
Maintain (MA) ding
ers Cook)
5 P&C Tamper 3 3 3 1 9
(UNIMAT)/ Multipurpose
6 Dynamic Track 2 2 2 Nil 6
7 Ballast Cleaning 3 3 4 1 10
8 HOBCM (RM900) 3 4 6 1 13
9 Shoulder Ballast Cleaning 3 3 4 1 10
10 HOSBCM 3 4 6 1 13
11 Ballast Regulating Machine 2 2 3 1 7
(3) Scale of Staff for Field Supervision, Technical & General Services
for Satellite Depot
(a) Gazetted Posts
(i) Junior scale/ senior scale posts for field supervision:
• One post of junior/senior scale for each division for holding up
to 12 machine units,
• Two officers posts i.e. one senior scale and one junior scale are
to be provided for divisions with more than 12 (twelve) units of
track machines.
(b) Non-Gazetted Posts - Staff requirement for field supervision, technical
and general services including repair and maintenance shall be worked
out on the following scale for a set of six track machine units or part
thereof in each division/satellite depot. Additional posts required in
satellite depot are mentioned in the note below the table.
S.No Category Nos.
1 SSE/JE/TM(s)
2 MCMs &TMMs
3 Track Machine Assistants
4 OS 1 1 1 1
5 Draftsman 1 1 1 1
6 Steno 2 1 1
7 DSK 1 1 1 1
8 Material Chaser 4 3 2 2
9 Watchmen 2 2 2 2
10 Store Clerk 1 1 1 1
11 Personnel clerk 1 1 1 1
Total* 111 98 70 44
* In addition 3 SSE/JE(TM) shall be provided for round the clock functioning
of control office in each zonal depot as well as HQ office of the railway –
total 6 SSE/JE/TM per Zone
Notes for Para (2), (3) & (4):
(i) Weightage factors as per para (1) shall be applied and units of track
machines calculated by multiplying number of each type of track
machine with the weightage factor.
(ii) Posts of SSE/TM, JE/TM, MCM, TMM and MA shall be operated as
cadre posts and the post of cook shall be operated as ex-cadre.
(iii) The requirement of a cook for DTS shall be met with out of the
provision made for the machine to which these machines are
(iv) For all the above categories, additional requirements of leave
reserve (LR) @ 12.5%, rest giver (RG) @ 47% (for 3 weeks roster)
and @ 16.5% (for weekly roster) & trainee reserve @ 4% shall be
considered to work out total requirement. Satellite and zonal depot
shall have 7 days working and RG shall be considered for these also.
(v) Distribution and designation of individual posts in various categories
shall be based on restructuring formulae and percentage
distribution of various types of grades applicable from time to time.
(vi) The nomenclature of track machine maintainer covers all types of
artisan staff required for operation and maintenance of machine.
Annexure 9.2
Scale of Staff for Repairs and Maintenance for POH - CPOH Workshop
The scale of staff for repairs and maintenance for POH in CPOH work shop is as under
(1) Gazetted Posts
Asst. Scale, Senior Scale and JA Grade posts for CPOH work shop: Yards tick for
this category of posts is as below:
Annexure 9.3
Man Power for POH of 24 Track Machine Units and 200 Tamping Banks
SN Section SSE JE Technician Helper OS/Clerk Total
1 Electronics section including
repair of panels, pendulum, 1 - 4 3 - 8
transducers and PCBs etc.
2 Electrical section for
repairing of lights, self
1 - 4 3 - 8
starters, alternators, battery
section and testing etc.
3 Hyd. pump, motors & valves 1 - 2 5 - 8
4 Hydraulic hoses - 1 2 5 - 8
5 Z.F. and other gear box
- 1 2 5 - 8
6 Lifting unit 1 1 2 4 - 8
7 Pneumatic valves - - 2 3 - 5
8 Maintenance of plant
- - 2 4 - 6
9 Quality control cell 1 - 1 3 - 5
10 Tamping bank overhauling
1 - 2 2 - 5
11 Machine shop - - 2 3 - 5
12 Drawing & design 1 - 1 - 2
13 Testing & calibration 1 1 4 6 - 12
14 Material management
1 1 - 4 - 6
including store handling
15 Office - - - 2 6 8
16 Post POH site attention
- 1 4 4 - 9
Total 9 6 33 57 6 111
Annexure 9.4
Man Power for POH of 50 Track Machine Units and 200 Tamping Banks
S.No Section SSE JE Technician Helper OS/ Total
1 Electronics section
including repair of
panels, pendulum, 1 1 6 6 - 14
transducers and PCBs
2 Electrical section for
repairing of lights,
self starters,
1 - 6 6 - 13
battery section and
testing etc.
3 Hyd. pump, motors
1 - 4 7 - 12
& valves
4 Hydraulic hoses - 1 4 8 - 13
5 Z.F. and other gear
2 1 3 5 - 11
box section
6 Lifting unit - - 4 6 - 10
7 Pneumatic valves - - 4 6 - 10
8 Maintenance of
1 - 4 5 - 10
plant & machinery
9 Quality control cell 1 - 2 3 - 6
10 Tamping bank
1 - 2 2 - 5
overhauling section
11 Machine shop - - 4 4 - 8
12 Drawing & design 1 1 - 1 - 3
13 Testing & calibration 2 1 6 8 - 17
14 Material
2 1 - 7 - 10
including store
15 Office - - - 4 6 10
16 Post POH site
1 1 6 6 - 14
attention group
Total 14 7 55 84 6 166
1001 Store Depot - Track machines of different types and models equipped with complex
mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic electrical and electronic systems have very large
number of spares parts. An attached well-organized store depot is necessary for smooth
functioning of the Zonal Machine Depot (ZMD) as well Satellite Depot (SD). It is desirable
to have web based store management system.
(1) Zonal store depot shall be under the charge of SSE/TM/ZDI assisted by DSK and a
store clerk. Zonal depot shall be the main depot for stocking of consumables, spares
and unit assemblies. Diesel is generally arranged and managed by the division.
(2) Stores depot attached with Satellite Depot shall be under the charge of SSE/TM/SDI
assisted by stores clerk and shall be for stocking of essential spares and
consumables. Adequate inventory of items should be available at satellite depot for
about one month consumption for carrying out various maintenance schedules of
machines working under the jurisdiction of satellite depot. Apart from the above,
critical emergency spares of engines, tamping units, and heavy mechanical items of
various machines are also important for expeditious attention to machines. The
scale of spares at SD shall be fixed by Zonal Railway taking into consideration the
geographical locations and convenience of transport from ZMD.
(3) Camping coach of each machine should have stock of consumables required for day
to day maintenance of the machine.
1002 Inventory Control
(1) Pricing of Items and Consumption
SSE/ZDI shall maintain record of spares and consumables procured for different
machines and their normal annual consumption. SSE/ZDI should maintain close
liaison with the SSE/ZD and/or DSK to ensure that pricing of the materials is done
correctly and that the prices are revised to keep them current from time to time.
This will ensure “cost consciousness” on the part of the supervisors. Upon
operationalization of all modules of TMS, the rates shall be updated automatically
from procurement module.
(2) Estimated Annual Requirements - The stock position, consumption trends and the
estimated annual requirements should be reviewed periodically by AEN/XEN/ZD
and estimated Annual Requirement shall be reviewed regularly.
(3) Fast Moving Items - Fast moving items are those spares or consumables, which are
required to be issued frequently. Any item requiring issue more than once in a week
in ZMD regularly in last 6 months period can be termed as fast moving. A list of fast
moving spares should be prepared by the officer in-charge of the Zonal Depot as per
following proforma-
S.No Date Items Required Stock Position in Remarks
A monthly review of the consumption of fast moving items should be done at the
zonal depot level. SSE/TM/ZD should maintain a record in which he should enter the
stock position of materials affecting day-to-day working. This record will help the
officer in-charge to pinpoint the items to be dealt on priority.
(4) Inactive Items
(a) Dead storage items should be segregated i.e. items, which are not at all
required in the foreseeable future due to obsolescence, change in design
etc. Such items may be circulated to other zonal railways twice or kept on
web based software in surplus list for a period of one year. In case there are
no takers, these items should be put up before the survey committee and
suitably disposed off following the provisions of stores code. Items, which
are damaged due to storage, handling etc. should also be surveyed and
suitably disposed off according to the recommendations of the survey
committee as per the provision of store code.
(b) Items, which are not likely to be required in the near future on the railway,
should be offered to other railways and CPOH workshops.
(c) Every endeavour should be made by the AEN/XEN/ZMD to utilize the
existing stock by making suitable modifications to the extent possible.
(5) Control over consumption - The officer in-charge of the zonal depot should identify
and list out specific items other than those required in periodical maintenance
schedules, for replacement of which the machine in-charge (SSE/JE/TM) will seek
approval from the SSE/TM/ZMDI or SSE/TM/SDI; depending on under whose control
the machine is repaired. He will personally check the item before authorizing such
(6) Recoupment of Stock - The action for recoupment of an item should be initiated
keeping in view the lead period so as to have one year’s requirement in stock.
Whenever procurement action is initiated, the following shall be ensured:
(a) That the estimated annual requirement is worked out based on past three
years’ consumption. For the items for which last three years consumption is
not available, manufacturer’s recommendation or data from other railways
can be considered to arrive at the figure of average annual consumption.
(b) That subsequent to a design change or modification done since the time of
last review, no obsolescence of the product has resulted.
(c) Selective procurement possible in times of financial stringency, based on
realistic technical appreciation of the requirements.
(d) For proprietary items, necessary proprietary article certificate duly signed by
the competent authority shall accompany the indents.
(e) Wherever required, indents shall be accompanied by detailed specifications;
drawings and list of firms duly approved by the competent authority.
1003 Procurement of Consumables, Components and Spares
(1) Purchase Powers - The officers of Engineering Department, dealing with track
machines at HQ as well as in Zonal and Satellite Depot, shall have the powers to
procure spares, consumables and small tools to meet the requirements of track
machines, as available to the officers of Stores Department in corresponding posts
(PCE equivalent to COS, CE/TM equivalent to CMM, Dy. CE equivalent to Dy. COS
and XEN/TM equivalent to SSO).
(2) Purchase Rules - All rules and procedures as laid down for procurement by the
Stores Department, shall be followed by Engineering Department while exercising
powers as per sub-para (a) above.
(3) Tender Committee - The Tender Committee, wherever necessary, may be
constituted with the Engineering Officers of appropriate level as a convener and
the other members from Finance and Stores as per the schedule of powers
delegated on the Zonal Railways.
(4) Imprest - Imprest available with track machine officials may also be utilized for
procurement of spares, consumables and small tools to meet specific
requirements of track machines.
1004 Sourcing of Components & Spares and Procurement Procedure - Zonal
Railway shall decide the source of procurement from among the following:
(1) OEM or their Authorized Representative - Proprietary article certificate (PAC)
duly signed by the competent authority shall accompany the indents. A rate
contract may be entered when number of items from a single source is
sufficiently large to simplify and expedite the procurement process. This rate
contract may be entered on pattern of DGS & D rate contract with list of items
along their unit rate. No quantity, however, is required to be indicated against
each item. The procurement against rate contract may be done for a period of 2-
3 years specifying annual financial ceiling.
(2) Original Item/Component Manufacturers of High Repute in the Industry - These
item/unit component manufacturers are the ones having established reputation
in the industries. These also include those from whom the OEM also sources the
supply for their machines. Spares like bearings and unit components like pumps
are examples of such items/unit components. Procurement from them may be
done either through limited tenders if there are more than one sources or PAC if
there is only one source. Due care in establishing compatibility of
item/component should be expressed.
(3) DGS & D Rate Contract – Officers of Track Machines Organisation in Sr. Scale and
above shall be designated as Direct Demanding Officers, and they can directly
place orders for items available in DGS & D rate contract.
(4) Indigenous Sources - Following procedure shall be adopted
(a) Zonal Railways shall classify the spares required in various groups based
on the commonality of the manufacturing process or the source of
(b) The groups can be formed broadly as given below:
(i) Mild steel components.
(ii) Alloy steel, heat treated and ground components.
(iii) Grey iron castings alloy steel castings.
(iv) Engine filters and other components.
(v) Hydraulic filters.
(vi) Hydraulic hoses.
(vii) Pneumatic hoses.
(viii) Seals and ‘O’ rings.
(ix) Conveyor belts and conveyor chains.
(x) Hydraulic cylinders.
(xi) Hydraulic Pumps, motors, valves and other hydraulic
(xii) Printed circuit boards (PCBs).
(xiii) Bearings.
(xiv) Tamping tools.
(xv) Tamping unit components.
(xvi) Excavating chains.
(xvii) Oils and lubricants.
(xviii) Nuts/bolts and fasteners.
(xix) Other consumables.
(c) Items to be indigenized and whose local sources are available should be
identified and specifications and drawings should be got issued by RDSO.
(d) The Railways shall maintain the list of approved suppliers of various
groups and important indigenous spares shall normally be procured from
the list of approved suppliers. The list should be uploaded on the website
for information of the other Railways.
(e) The Railways shall periodically carry out the performance review of the
list of approved suppliers for various groups and take action to update the
same. Such performance reports shall also be made available on the
website along with other details like purchase orders etc.
(f) During the stages of development or trial of new indigenous items or in
case there are issues with the quality of supply; procurement will be
reverted from the proven sources or from OEMs. The idea is to avoid
idling of costly machines.
1005 Inspection and Acceptance of Materials - Inspection and acceptance of materials
shall be done by the nominated official of Track Machine Organisation or as specified in
the contract.
1006 Modes of Procurement, Repairs and Maintenance
(1) Cash Imprest
(a) Cash imprest of Rs. 5,00,000/- or more shall be provided with the officer in-
charge of the Zonal Depot for emergency repairs and purchase of essential
stores, including consumables, tools plants, and machinery, for day to day
operation of machine. The objective is to ensure that costly machine(s)
should not idle for small amounts.
(b) Cash imprest of Rs. 2,00,000/- or more shall be provided with the officer in-
charge of satellite depot and in-charge of fleet of machines for emergency
repairs and purchase of essential stores, including consumables, tools plants,
and machinery, for day to day operation of machine. The objective is to
ensure that costly machine should not be idle for small amounts.
(c) A cash imprest of Rs. 5,00,000/- shall be provided with the officer in-charge
of Rail Grinding Machine for emergency purchase of essential stores,
consumables and for day to day repairs of tools, plants, and machinery,
(d) The cash imprest available shall be reviewed on the Zonal Railways every
three years.
(2) Emergency Repairs/Purchase - In addition to cash imprest, officers dealing with
track machines shall be delegated financial powers for emergency repairs and
purchase of spares, tools, plants and consumables to meet the emergent
requirements. GMs are fully authorized to delegate these powers to
Dy.CE/XEN/AXEN/TM(s) and Sr.DENs of the division and such powers are to be
incorporated in SOP of Zonal Railways.
(3) Annual Maintenance Contract (AMCs) - For proper upkeep and maintenance of
track machines as also for trouble shooting and attending break-downs, it is
desirable to enter into AMC with OEM or their authorized agent(s) on single
tender basis. AMC can be for the complete machine and/or the important unit
components like engines. AMCs may also be invited from open market,
depending on the availabilities of agencies available with necessary expertise.
Wherever OEM or his authorized agent is not willing to come forward or his
performance is not satisfactory, open tenders may be called for AMC from open
market or approved firms. Financial powers from AMCs are defined in the SOP of
the Zonal Railways. For machines taking up AMC for which no firms come
forward, contracts for special repairs may be entered into.
(4) Contracts other than AMCs - Planned repairs like overhauling of engines,
overhauling of tamping banks, reconditioning of tamping tools, reconditioning
tool arms, painting of machines, repairs to flooring /cabin etc., wiring,
modification of camping coaches, modification of BRNs, and such other works as
not covered under annual maintenance contracts are to be carried out on the
lines of works contract under revenue or other heads as applicable.
1007 Condemnation of Track Machine - Track Machines shall be condemned after
completion of codal/useful life. Following procedure shall be adopted:
(1) Executive in-charge of the track machine (Deputy Chief Engineer/Executive
Engineer) will prepare a detailed report on the condition of the track machine and
send it to Zonal Railway headquarter. The report must contain the following
(a) Introduction.
(b) Brief history.
(c) Major defects recorded.
(d) Probable cost of rehabilitation.
(e) Present output per unit effective hour of work and quality of work.
(f) Items proposed to be taken out for use as spares.
(g) Financial justification for replacement, reconditioning or abandonment in
terms of Annexure G (Para 240) of Finance Code Vol. I in case the machine
has not completed its codal life.
(h) Recommendations.
(2) A Committee of three SAG officers of the Zonal Railways, one each from
Engineering, Finance and Electrical Engineering will examine the report, and finalize
their recommendations. They may choose to inspect the machine, if necessary. The
nomination of the officers for the committee may be done in the form of a Standing
Committee on the Zonal Railways.
(3) The recommendations of the SAG Officers Committee will be forwarded to Railway
Board, duly accepted by PCE/CE (Coordination).
(4) After approval of Railway Board, the railways will be advised for condemning the
machine and write back the capital cost of the machine.
1008 Codal life of machines and POH/IOH Frequencies - Codal life of different type
of machines and frequencies of POH/IOH shall be as below:
Machines Codal Life POH Schedule
Ballast screening machines 20 years 1st POH: 8000 ERH
BCM, SBCM, Ballast 2nd POH: 14000 ERH
Regulating machines etc And subsequent at every 4000 ERH or on
condition basis.
statement shall be approved by CE/TM. This tentative unit cost rate for purpose of
estimation for a year will be calculated by assuming 7% escalation over calculated
unit cost of previous year.
Example 10.1 Unit Cost of Tamping Done by CSM –
(a) Data :
i) Initial cost of the machine : Rs. 13.50 Crore
ii) Rate of interest : 12%
iii) Life of machine : 20 years
iv) Expenditure on IOH ( each) : Rs. 30 lacs
v) Expenditure on POH (each) : Rs. 125 lacs
vi) Annual expenditure on machine (VC)
Spare (actuals) : Rs. 16 lacs
Consumables (actuals) : Rs. 24 lacs
vii) Annual Staff expenditure (FC) : Rs. 35 lacs
viii) Staff Overheads (Proportionate) (FC) : Rs. 8.75
ix) Average yearly engine hours : 1000 ERH
(b) Annual Cost of Working:
- Actual tamping done in the year : 500 km
- Life of machine : 20 years
- CRF (Capital Recovery Factor) : 0.13388
i) Capital recovery (FC) : Rs.1,80,73,800
ii) Proportional exp. on POH/IOH(VC) : Rs.23,00,000
IOH / POH (7 x 30 + 2 x 125) Lakhs
(c) Annual Fixed Cost
i) Capital Recovery Factor : Rs.1,80,73,800
ii) Staff expenditure : Rs 43,75,000
TOTAL FIXED COST Rs.2,24,48,800
(d) Annual Variable Cost
i) Cost of spares : Rs. 16,00,000
ii) Consumables : Rs. 24,00,000
iii) POH/IOH : Rs. 23,00,000
Unit Cost - Explained:
Unit Cost shall be worked out in terms of Fixed cost per day (or part thereof) (F) and
Variable cost per Km (V)
Suppose a CSM works 2 km on a day, the total cost of Tamping will be
Fixed cost for one day = Rs. 61,504
Variable cost for 2 Kms = 2 x 12,600 = Rs. 25,200
Total Cost of work for a day = Rs. 86,704
Cost per km of tamping on that day = Rs. 43,352
Unit cost for the work shall be computed on basis of progress of work in kms and
number of days machine made available for work. Days taken in shifting shall be
charged based on the actual. Thus, the jurisdiction which moves the machine
expeditiously would save expenditure. When machine is moved for other non-
divisional units like construction and other agencies work, the days in transit for the
non-divisional units shall be charged to that unit.
1101 GENERAL - Track machines, being capital-intensive assets need track possession
for working and shall be monitored on day-to-day basis at the level of division and
headquarters. Both aspects of monitoring i.e. data collection & entry and
generation of alerts/reports have to be meticulously done to reduce the response
time and ensure optimum utilization of track machines. In addition, a system of
periodical meetings at different levels is required for bringing to fore the issues
affecting the smooth functioning of track machines and its organization and to
generate solutions to the issues. These interactions will also serve to have finger on
the pulse of the organization.
It is desirable to design TMS module keeping in mind above aspects so that relevant
reports reach the concerning officials in the hierarchy at pre-decided times
(1) Data Collection & Entry - This shall consist of creation of data for the
(a) Machine details.
(b) Section wise availability of corridor blocks for each day of the week.
(c) Manpower, their deployment and various competency certificates.
(d) Target and deployment programme.
(e) Daily machine utilization– duty hours, movement, block working and
progress and important machine parameters.
(f) Maintenance schedules including IOH and POH details, failures and
repairs etc.
(g) AMCs and other contracts, visits of service engineer.
(h) Procurement of spares and consumables.
(i) Issue and utilization of spares and consumables.
(j) Details of unit assemblies and costly components like engines, tamping
banks etc.
(k) Inspections at various levels.
(l) Frequency of maintenance operations like tamping, deep screening etc.
(m) Costing of procurement of spares, consumables, maintenance, repair and
Data collection, entry and validation of different sets of data shall have
authorization at various levels i.e. machine in-charge, engineering control in
the division, satellite depot, zonal machine depot& its control, zonal
headquarter & its track machine control and railway board. Scrutiny of data
entered, validation and authority for corrections at different levels has also to
be designed so as to be an integral part of the data entry.
(2) Generation of Reports and Alerts – The working of track machines shall be
monitored by generation of various reports including exception reports and
predefined alerts through software. This would consist of generation of -
(a) Periodical Reports – Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly reports with an option
of user specified period for a specific machine or machines types, for the
jurisdiction of a SSE/AEN/DEN/division etc. including comparative
positions for corresponding periods of previous spells/years. It should be
possible to select the machines.
(i) Stipulated and actual progress in tabular and graphical form.
(ii) Blocks stipulated, demanded, granted and availed.
(iii) Blocks granted within the specified corridor and outside the
(iv) Position of AMCs and other contracts.
(v) Maintenance and other schedules including IOH & POH and down
time analysis.
(vi) Utilization of consumables i.e. diesel, lube oil, hydraulic oil, grease
(vii) Utilization of spares and that of fast moving spares.
(viii) Unit assembly and costly components.
(ix) Expenditure on items like consumables, spares, unit assemblies,
staff for operations, for spares and for depot working, IOH, POH
(x) Inspections in tabular and graphical form.
(xi) Training details.
(xii) Manpower detailed reports including medical and other
(xiii) Costing per unit of work (fixed cost and variable costs).
(xiv) Movement of machines –Intra and inter-divisional movement of
machines as also inter railway movement.
(xv) Health related data, service engineer visit details etc.
(xvi) Deep screening chart and overdue deep screening chart.
(xvii) Tamping chart and overdue tamping chart.
The module shall be so designed to get these reports, machine wise,
machine type wise, unit wise, division wise, and railway wise.
(b) Exception Reports for Management and Control at Various Levels
(i) Data not entered (of different types like progress, maintenance
(ii) Machines not available for work (for different reasons like
schedule maintenance like IOH, POH, unit replacement, repair,
movement etc.).
(iii) Machines available but not worked (for different reasons like block
not given, site not ready, track material not available, labour/staff
not available, holiday, rest etc.).
(iv) Overdue of maintenance operations like tamping, deep screening
(v) Overdue maintenance schedules of machines.
(vi) Manpower issues such as overdue PME, refresher, competency,
road learning.
(vii) Repeat tamping or deep screening within user specified period.
(c) Alerts on the Home page of TMS and/or Mobile based on Pre-decided
Trigger Conditions
(3) Periodical Meetings – Periodical review of the different aspects of machine
working at appropriate levels is essential for keeping tab on the field situation
and in turn for the proper functioning of system and to keep the staff
informed and motivated.
(a) Regular Meetings - shall be held at Zonal Depot/HQ level to monitor
day-to-day progress, impediments etc. Daily meeting shall also be held
at field level between machine staff and P. Way staff to avoid any
communication gap and ensure quality work by the machines. It will also
be useful to conduct pre-work inspection of work site by SSE/JE/TM,
SSE/P.Way, SSE/TRD and SSE/S&T, as per need of the work.
(b) Review Meetings
(i) Fortnightly meetings of SSE/TM/I and machine staff with SSE/TM/SDI
or SD (who is in-charge of fleet of machines) with his concerned staff,
if any for the purpose of discussing about the health of the machine,
failures of machines, safety issues etc. SSE/TM/SDI or SD will mostly
hold these in the field generally during the field inspection.
(ii) Monthly review meeting of SSE/SDIs with ZMD officials and
respective AEN/TM/Lines with Dy.CE/TM/Line. Various issues of
health of machine, progress, quality of work, failures, spares,
consumables, staff, safety etc. will be discussed in this meeting,
(iii) Quarterly meeting of Dy.CE/TM/Line and AEN/TM/Lines with CE/TM.
Various issues of health of machine, progress, quality of work,
failures, spares, consumables, staff, safety etc. will be discussed in
this meeting. The planning for AMC’s, procurement of spares, other
proposals, infrastructural facilities, camping coaches etc. shall also be
(iv) Periodic meetings should also be held by CE/TM and Dy.CE/TM with
DRM and divisional officers of different departments as per the need
and also at Zonal HQ with traffic officers to get co-operation for
ensuring blocks, joint working, quality and progress of work.
1102 Organization for Monitoring - The offices of satellite depot, zonal
maintenance depot and HQ will have a system of control set ups for data entry and
communication of information for monitoring the working of the track machines. All
these controls will function 24x7 as machines work in the field 24x7.
(1) Track Machine Control at Headquarters– The track machine control office in
the headquarter of railway shall function under the administrative control of
JA Grade/Sr.Scale officer of the Track machine organization to have command
and control over the units in the divisions and Zonal depot. This control office
shall be manned round the clock on all 7 days of the week by staff not lower
than Junior Engineer with suitable roster. EI roster shall be followed for the
control staff. The control office shall be provided with railway telephone with
STD facilities, DOT landline telephone with STD facilities, a fax machine, CUG
mobile connection with smartphone instrument for effective communication
with connected offices. A PC with printer and Internet connection (with wi-fi)
for feeding of various details and monitoring, printing reports through TMS, as
well as other than TMS, shall also be made available.
(2) Track Machine Control at Zonal maintenance Depot (ZMD) Level – The track
machine control office in the zonal maintenance depot shall function under
the administrative control of JA Grade/Sr. Scale officer in-charge of the depot
to co-ordinate with headquarter and other divisions, as also with the satellite
depots and track machines in-charges. This control office shall be manned
round the clock on all 7 days of the week by staff not lower than Junior
Engineer with suitable roster. EI roster shall be followed for the control staff.
Divisional control office shall be provided with Railway telephone with STD
facilities, DOT landline telephone with STD facilities, a fax machine, CUG
mobile connection with smartphone instrument for effective communication
with connected offices. A PC with printer and Internet connection (with wi-fi)
for feeding of various details and monitoring, printing reports through TMS, as
well as other than TMS, shall also be made available.
(3) Divisional Control – The day to day planning for deployment of machines,
arranging blocks for the machines, monitoring progress of the machines and
co-ordination with other departments for effective utilization of machines will
be done by engineering control of the division. The present set-up of
divisional control will serve this function, augmented by staff from track
machine organization as required.
(4) Satellite Depot (SD) – An effective mechanism for SD to closely liaison with
track machine in-charges and ZMD shall be put in place. Since the ZMD/SD
have to respond on real time basis for any failure, breakdown etc., the
officials shall have direct and real-time interaction with machine-in-charges
and with ZMD and also with SD of other divisions of the zone. SD shall be
provided with railway telephone with STD facilities, DOT landline telephone
with STD facilities, a fax machine, CUG mobile connection with smart phone
instrument for effective communication with connected offices. A PC with
printer and internet connection (with wi-fi) for feeding/validating details and
monitoring, printing reports through TMS, as well as other than TMS, shall
also be made available. SD shall have a nominated official in the morning shift
for liaison with zonal depot and machine in-charges.
1103 Functions of Divisional Control in respect of Track Machines
(1) Advance planning of the daily machine works to be done.
(2) Monitoring of grant of blocks for the machines.
(3) To co-ordinate between the different departments in the control, machine in-
charges, SD, ZMD as required; for effective utilization of machine.
(4) Regular communication with engineering officers of the division.
(5) Monitoring the work during the block for any unusual incidents and real-time
reporting to the officials concerned.
(6) Collecting the daily progress details (block hours, time of important events
from machine being given ready to machine stabled in siding, location of
work, break-up of time consumed in different operations in the block, output
etc.) duly reconciled with SSE/P.Way and SSE/JE/TM along with reasons for
less progress, if any.
(7) Entering and validating track machine progress into TMS by SSE/JE/Control in
the division through specific login id in addition to other entries.
(8) Detention to traffic if any, and other factors, affecting train movement on
account of working of machines.
(9) Monitoring movement of track machines within the division including
machines of other Zonal Railways.
(10) Recording details of failures of machine, if any and getting failure reports.
1104 Functions of Track Machine Control at ZMD Level - The main functions of
track machine control at ZMD level shall be:
(1) Communication link between the machine in-charges, divisional control,
satellite depots and headquarter.
(2) Co-ordination for issues related to deployment of manpower etc. on
different track machines.
(3) Co-ordination for deployment of machines as per the programme issued.
(4) Co-ordination for movement of machine for deployment, major schedules
like POH, IOH, replacement of major components and assemblies and
repairs to be done in sheds.
(5) Co-ordinate to ensure expeditious movement of spares for repairs.
(6) Coordination for deputation of service engineer of OEM etc.
(7) Obtaining and recording the details of unusual incidents and reasons
affecting machine utilization.
(8) Getting failure reports from the machine in-charges.
(9) Regular interaction with HQ control in respect of above.
(10) Providing feedback to HQ control regarding unusual, breakdown of
machines etc. in real time.
The information collected by the track machine control and instructions given
should be recorded comprehensively in a logbook, which shall be scrutinized by the
officials to ensure effective functioning.
The functions of ZMD control have to be dovetailed in the TMS module for track
The systems evolved in different railway for distribution of roles and responsibilities
between the HQ, ZMD, SD and divisional control may differ and will not be
disturbed or modified if functioning satisfactorily.
1105 Functions of Track Machine Control at Headquarter Level - The main
functions of track machine control at headquarter level shall be:
(1) Ensuring feeding of track machine details including daily progress into TMS by
respective officials at different levels and divisional controls.
(2) Contacting the Divisional Controls for obtaining and recording the details of
unusual incidents and other reasons affecting machine utilization.
(3) Authorizing shifting of machines from one division to other.
(4) Monitoring of unusual, failures and block bursting and recording assistance
(5) Coordinate with Railway Board TMS cell for commissioning of new
machines/shifting of machines to other Railways.
(6) Monitoring deployment of the machines in the field as per the approved
programme and bringing the deviations to the knowledge of HQ officials.
(7) Communicating essential instructions from HQ to divisions/field units.
(8) Generation of various reports at HQ for Railway Board, PCE, CTE, CE/TM etc.
The information collected by the track machine control and instructions given
should be recorded comprehensively in a logbook, which shall be scrutinized by the
officials to ensure effective functioning.
1106 Monitoring Modules of Track Machines - The deployment and performance
of Track machines is to be monitored very meticulously and desired reports
extracted for an informed analysis of usage of track machines. The parameters shall
be monitored broadly for two areas:
- Working of machines affecting productivity and utilization,
- Maintenance of machines affecting health.
(1) Parameters for monitoring Productivity and Utilization of Machines
(a) Productivity vis-à-vis Target - In the beginning of the year, railway wise
targets for various types of machines are issued by Railway Board. These
yearly/monthly targets should be broken into weekly targets and
productivity monitored vis-a-vis assigned targets. The shortfall in
productivity of machines should be made good by addressing issues such
as health of machine, adequate traffic blocks etc. Efforts shall be made to
achieve these targets and to ensure optimum productivity of track
(b) Adherence to Deployment Programme - The deployment programme
issued for each machine in the beginning of the year shall be followed. It
should be the endeavor of all concerned that no deviation in the issued
programme is allowed. The performance shall be periodically reviewed
to achieve the pre-decided deployment of machines in various sub-
sections of division so as to complete the targeted work without any
It shall be the responsibility of track machine organization to make
machine available to work in good fettle as per the requirement and
deployment planning. Loss of time on account of schedule of the
machine, major repairs, shifting etc. shall be minimized. The schedules of
the machine i.e. 50 hrs, 100 hrs, 200 hrs, 500 hrs, 1000 hrs and also IOH,
POH shall be meticulously planned and advance notice given to division
for optimization of resources.
The availability of each machine shall be worked out in terms of number
of days machine is made available for work against total number of
deployed days in each division.
(c) Utilization of Machine – SBH, DBH and ABH - Railway Board has
stipulated minimum block hours for each type of machine. All out efforts
shall be made to operate traffic blocks equivalent to stipulated blocks
hours thus making the Utilization ratio (granted blocks/stipulated blocks)
as 1.0. Immediate steps for improving the traffic blocks for machines
having utilization ratio less than 0.8 should be taken at appropriate level.
(d) Performance of Machine in terms of rated output against achieved
output - Rated output of machines per effective hour is stipulated for
each type of machine. Ratio of actual output to rated output is a good
indicator of performance of machine. All out efforts shall be made to
achieve performance ratio (actual output/rated output) as 1.0. Steps shall
be taken to analyse and take corrective action for the machines having
performance ratio less than 0.8.
(2) Parameters for Monitoring Health of Machine
(a) Monitoring of Prescribed Schedules of Machine - Prescribed schedules
of machines as stipulated in relevant chapter of this manual, to ensure
proper health of machines, shall be strictly adhered to and adequate time
given for these maintenance works. Overlapping schedules shall be
clubbed to reduce the down time of machine without compromising on
quality of schedules.
(b) Replacement Planning of Major Components/Assemblies - Major
components/assemblies of machine shall be replaced in a planned
manner and monitored at level of ZMD. These major components shall
(i) Engine.
(ii) Tamping unit.
(iii) ZF and other gear boxes.
(iv) Axles and wheels.
(v) Pumps and motors.
(vi) Other critical components as decided.
All these important assemblies shall be serially numbered and
performance of these components monitored in a centralized database
for meaningful analysis and control.
(c) Monitoring of consumption of oils and consumables - Consumption of
consumables and various type of oils i.e. diesel oil, lube oil, hydraulic oil
and gear oil are very essential to be kept under control. The
daily/monthly reports shall form the basis and apart from cost aspect
excess consumption will constitute a symptom, of ill health of a machine,
indicating a need for corrective action.
(d) Monitoring of consumption of Spares - While the consumption of
mandatory spares requiring replacement at specified intervals will have
to be on a set pattern, any excess drawl shall be critically reviewed.
Similarly, case of spares consumed on repetitive basis, the root cause for
such excess consumption should be analysed and corrective action to
change the sub-assembly or going in for better quality of spares will have
to be decided. The monthly reports will bring out the consumption
forming the basis for this item. Issue of stores/spares at base depot shall
be only with SSE/TM/ZD’s approval in the case of Imported spares and
also when the stock is at a low level.
(e) Failure Analysis - Each failure of the machine or any of its components
either during block or detected during maintenance shall be recorded
and documented in the failure register. The failure analysis should be
done machine type wise in following categories
(i) Mechanical failure.
(ii) Electrical failure.
(iii) Hydraulic failure.
(iv) Pneumatic failure.
(v) Miscellaneous failure.
Failure reports in the prescribed proforma shall begiven by SSE/TM/Line
to SSE/TM/SDI and details along with remedial measures discussed
during the monthly meeting held at the level of SSE/TM/SDI and
Dy.CE/TM/Line. Failure reports of major nature and of those causing
bursting of block shall be sent to HQ office also. Repeated failures and
failure suspected on account of design shall be reported to RDSO for
further study and analysis. Similarly, failures related to POH shall be
reported to respective POH workshops.
(f) Monitoring of Competencies of Staff and their validity - Track machine
have to work in block section and accordingly staff have to in possession
of various certificates such as PME, block competency, route learning,
machine competency etc. This is to ensure that staff is fit to work in block
section with track machine. A monitoring mechanism shall be put in place
to ensure that all staff possess necessary fitness and certificates. Staff
due for certification/examination shall be directed timely to the
concerned authority for examination/training/certification.
(g) Recording of machine parameters while working - Record of important
machine parameters shall be kept by machine in charge while working.
This may include various parameters such as squeezing pressure,
squeezing time, tamping depth, vibration pressure in tamping machine,
depth of cutting and lifting in BCM and SBCM. Monitoring of these
parameters shall also ensure quality of the work done by the machine
during block. Aim should be to develop such recording mechanism that
records these parameters automatically while working.
1107 Reports and Documentation for Track Machines - The following
reports/documents shall be used in monitoring of performance and other items in
respect to working of machines:
(1) Daily performance report – A daily performance report compiled by the
track machine control based on the information/fed on-line or collected
from all divisional engineering controllers/field staff. This will be a computer
printout containing details of blocks demanded and actually made available,
proportionate output achievable and actually achieved cumulative figures
for the month/year. Brief remarks for less output shall also be included for
the information of CE/TM, CTE and PCE. A register shall be maintained by
track machine control for serving as a “Master Record” for all relevant data
till such time the information is computerised.
(2) Daily log – A day wise report from the machine in charge to XEN/AEN/TM in
charge of field incorporating block details, performance, schedules
done/overdue, consumables/spares used, oil consumption, spares required
for the machine, systems by passed/dummied in the machine, repair and
failure shall be made out. A daily logbook shall be maintained by machine
incharge as per the format given in Annexure 11.1.
(3) Breakdown report – The machine in charge will submit a report to
Dy.CE/XEN/TM/Line on every breakdown of the machine resulting in failures
exceeding half an hour. The report will be submitted as per format given in
Annexure 11.2.
(4) Monthly appreciation report –Monthly appreciation reports from the
machine in charge on performance furnishing:
(a) Number of days worked.
(b) Number of days not worked with reasons.
(c) Block availed.
(d) Target.
(e) Output.
(f) Reasons for less output.
(g) Other remarks.
(h) Consumables/spares used and cost thereof.
(i) Failures/repairs with spares and cost particulars.
(j) Details of service Engineer’s visit and copy of the reports.
(5) Monthly summary – A summarized monthly performance report from
XEN/AEN/TM/Line showing schedules of inspections done, health of
machine, failure analysis, adequacy of allied track works etc. of the machines
under their control to Headquarter and Dy.CE/TM/Line.
(6) Record for 3 years –A summary of availability of each machine for a period
of 3 years shall be maintained at the satellite depot and zonal depot showing
at a glance the availability, breakdowns, schedule repairs and POH of
1108 Track Management System (TMS) – Present Module - Track Management
system (TMS) is web enabled multi user platform available for monitoring
mechanized track maintenance inputs and their efficacy. Track machine module of
TMS is an integral part of overall architecture of track maintenance system,
generating various important reports, including deployment planning of a machine,
tamping chart etc. It should be the endeavor to switch over to TMS completely in a
time bound manner so that paperless working can be achieved. Presently, only the
progress related module is available in TMS. Statement of different kind of reports
presently available in TMS is summarized in Annexure 11.3.
Annexure 11.1
Consumable Used HSD LUB HYD Gear Oil Waste Grease Others
Spares Utilisation FIT/ Part Code New/ Description Unit Scheduled/ Repair cost Remarks
Released Repaired Break down
Break down STN CODE From To In Block or Major/Minor Engine Meter Reading
Special Report Reasons /symptoms of likely Failure / Assistance
Annexure 11.2
(a) Report by Machine In charge
1. Machine No. ……………………….. Date of breakdown ………………………………..………..
2. Block permitted from ………………… hrs. to……..………… hrs.
3. Block section …………………………..…………Division …………………………
4. Time of breakdown……………………. hrs. to ………………… hrs.
5. Time of block cleared ……………..…………………
6. Detention to train if any ……………………………
7. Description of failure …………………………………………………………………
8. Date of last POH/IOH: a) Machine …………… b) Engine ………………
9. Date of last schedule maintenance ………………..…………………………
And observations made …………………………….………………………………
10. Rectification action ………………………………..………………………………
11. Date and time M /c made fit ……………………..………………………………
12. Report on failed part:-
No. & description of part ……………………………………………………………
Make of the part …………………………………………………..……………………
Date of fitment ……………………………………………….…………………………
Part identification code ……………………..………………………………………
Spare part brought from ……………………………………………………………
13. Name of the machine I/c ……………………………………………………………
14. Officer/Supervisor at site ……………………………………………………………
15. Assistance required, if any, ……………..…………………………………………
From XEN/TM/Line office
16. Action suggested to prevent ………………………………………………………
recurrence/reduce breakdown time
Dated …………………… Signature ……………………
(b) Report by Line Officer
1. Detailed description of failed part …………………………………………………………..………………
2. Expected life of component …………………………………………………..……………….………………
3. Period of service given by …………………………………………………….……………..…………………
component at time of failure
4. If premature failure:
a) Reason of failure ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) Name of supplier & brand ……………………………………………………………..………………………
5. Whether warranty period exists or not ………………………………………………………………………
6. If mature failure reason for not changing
component ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………
7. Whether failure was avoidable or unavoidable …………………………………………….……………
8. Staff held responsible and action taken against …………………………………………………………
9. Action suggested to prevent recurrence ……………………………………………………………………
Dated …………………………
Annexure 11.3
SN Report Heading Period Report Content
1. Progress Specified Day wise block availed, time loss, progress, location,
(Machine Wise) reason for tamping, design tamping, BCM site opened
with speed for specified duration for single selected
2. Progress Single Detailed report for whole railway/division either
(Detailed) day machine wise or division wise with various times
3. Progress Single Summary of machine holding, machines worked,
(Summary 1) day progress and break up of reasons for not working,
with summary of holding, worked in no. and % for all
zonal railways.
4. Progress Single Summary of progress for whole railway /division for
(Summary 2) day, the selected day, for the month up to the selected
month day and for the financial year up to the selected day.
and fin.
5. Machine Idle Single Machine Idle – under repair/breakdown, under
Day shifting, not planned as site not ready, depot work,
machine under IOH/POH and stabled for
condemnation – for a whole railway/division of any
zone/division of Indian Railway.
6. Missing Data Specified Missing data entry for each machine worked in each
Entry division giving dates of missing entry as well as total
days– can be seen for railway, division for all
machines or M/c type wise.
7. Missing Data Specified Missing data entry days division wise total – no break
Summary up or details. This can be covered in SN- 6
8. Progress on Date Single Detailed report for a railway/division either machine
day wise or division wise with progress, block and idling
days for the month with timing of block in 24 hour
9. Progress in Mega Specified Progress and block details, date wise for each
Block machine worked in mega block during the specified
10. Machine Progress Specified Machine availability for each machine for a
& Availability railway/division with % ABH/SBH and machine days
not worked break-up reason wise.
11. Machine Type Specified Machine wise cumulative block duration, days and
wise progress for whole railway/division/selected section
for selected machine type(s) with sub-total.
12. Machine Specified % DBH/SBH, % ABH/DBH for whole railway/division –
Utilization giving figures division wise for each machine type
13. Night Working Specified Total hours worked, worked in night in hours and %
(19:00 to 05:00 hours) for whole railway/division,
division wise, machine type wise.
14. Progress Target Specified Annual target, proportionate target, total and %
Vs. Actual progress for whole railway/division, division wise
machine type wise.
15. Yearly Summary Specified Day wise pictorial representation of specified
machine worked and reasons for not worked for a
specified period for whole railway/division.
16. Machine Under Single Machine under repair/breakdown and IOH/POH
Repair day giving date since repair and reason for repair division
wise on a given date.
17. Tamping Chart As on Track details, tamping details year wise for last 5
years, month wise for current year for a selected
official for a selected line of a selected section (8 kms
at a time).
18. Machine As on Average machine holding, average machine worked in
Availability no. of units and % effective for the specified period of
Summary this year as well as last year for selected/all Zonal
ADEN Assistant Divisional Engineer (of open line)
AEN Assistant Engineer
AEN/TM/Line Assistant Engineer/Track Machine/Line
ALC Automatic Guiding Computer
ALP Assistant Loco Pilot
AMC Annual Maintenance Contract
ASM Assistant Station Master
AT Auxiliary Track
AT weld Alumino Thermit Weld
AXEN Assistant Executive Engineer (of other than open line)
BCM Ballast Cleaning Machine
BEML Bharat Heavy Earth Movers Limited
BFR Bogie for Flat Rail carrying
BRM Ballast Regulation Machine
BRN Air Braked Wagon
CB Center Bogie
CCD Charge Couple Device
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CE/TM Chief Engineer/Track Machine
CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp
CMS Computerized Measuring System
CPC Contact Point Central
CPF Contact Point Field
CPOH Central Periodical Overhauling
CS Correction Slip
CSM Continuous Tamping Machine
CST-9 Central Standard Trial 9 Sleeper
CT Curve – Transition Junction
CTR Complete Track Renewal
CUG Mobile Closed User Group Mobile
CUM Cubic Meter
CWR Continuous Welded Rail
CWS Computerized Working System
DEN Divisional Engineer (of open line)
DGR Defect Generation Rate
DGS&D Directorate of General Store and Depot
DPR Data Processor Recording
DPT Dye Penetration Test
DRP Data Recording Processor
DSL Diesel
DTS Dynamic Track Stabilizer
Dy.CE (TM) /Line JAG/SG officer in-charge of the track machines working in the divisions
on a Zonal Railway
Dy.CE/TM Deputy Chief Engineer/Track Machine
EOT Electric Overhead Travelling
ERC Elastic Rail Clip
ERH Engine Running Hour
F Front Tower
FB weld Flash Butt Weld
FCC Front Control Car
FOB Foot Over Bridge
FRM Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machine
G&SR General and Subsidiary Rules
GDMS Grind Data Management System
GMT Gross Million Tonne
GQI Grind Quality Index
GRP Grooved Rubber Pad
GRSP Grooved Rubber Sole Plate
GVA Geometry Value Assessment
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
HMI Human Machine Interface
HOER Hours of Employment Regulation
HP Horse Power
HQ Head Quarters/Head Office
HRM/HM High Rail Mild
HRS/HS High Rail Sharp
HSD High Speed Diesel
IMR Immediate Removal
IMRW Integrated Major Reference Works
IOH Intermediate Overhauling
IR Indian Railway
IRPW Indian Railway Permanent Way
IRPWM Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual
IRTMTC Indian Railway Track Machine Training Center
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
IT Information Technology
JFT Jig Fixture and Template
kmph Kilo Meter per Hour
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
LC/L-Xing- Level Crossing
LED Light Emitting Diode
LI Loco Inspector
LM Locomotive
LP Loco Pilot
LS Loco Staff
LWR Long Welded Rail
M Middle Feeler Rods
m Metre
m/c Machine
MCI Malleable Cast Iron
MCM Master Crafts Man
MDU Muck Disposal Unit
MF Middle Front
MIG Metal Inert Gas
mm Millimeter
MMU Mobile Maintenance Unit
MPT Multipurpose Tamper
NRC National Research Council of Canada
NT New Track (sleeper)
OBS Observation
OBSW Observation for Weld
ODC Over Dimensioned Consignment
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OHE Overhead Equipments
OT Old Track (sleeper)
P&C Points and Crossing
P&C,ST Points & Crossing Steel Trough Sleeper
P&CPSC Points & Crossing Pre stressed Concrete
P. Way Permanent Way
PAC Proprietary Article Certificate
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCCM Points and Crossing Changing Machine
PME Periodical Medical Examination
POH Periodical Overhauling
PQRS Plasser's Quick Relaying System
PSC Pre Stressed Concrete
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
P.Way Permanent Way
R Rear Tower
RBMV Rail Borne Maintenance Vehicle
RCC Rear Control Car
RCD Railway Consumer Depot
RCF Rolling Contact Fatigue
RDSO Research, Design & Standards Organization
RF Rear Front
RG Rest Giver
RGM Rail Grinding Machine
RM Rear Middle
ROB Road Over Bridge
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
S&T Signal & Telecommunication
SAG Senior Administrative Grade
SBCM Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machine
SC Straight to Curve
SD Satellite Depot or Standard Deviation
SDI Satellite Depot In charge
SE Super Elevation
SEJ Switch Expansion Joint
SM Station Master
SOD Schedule Of Dimensions
SOP Schedule Of Powers
Sr. DEN/DEN Senior Divisional Engineer/ Divisional Engineer
Sr.DEN (Co) Senior Divisional Engineer (Co-ordination)
SSE Senior Section Engineer
SSE/DI (TM) Senior Section Engineer/Zonal Depot In-charge (Track Machines)
SSE/JE Senior Section Engineer/Junior Engineer
SSE/JE (P.Way) Senior/Junior Section Engineer (Permanent Way)
SSE/JE (TM) Senior/Junior Section Engineer (Track Machines) – posted on track
SSE/JE/D (TM) Senior/Junior Section Engineer/Zonal Depot (Track Machines)
SSE/JE/P.Way Senior Section Engineer/Junior Engineer/ Permanent Way
SSE/JE/SD (TM) Senior/Junior Section Engineer/Satellite Depot (Track Machines)
SSE/JE/TM (I) Senior Section Engineer/Junior Engineer/Track Machine (in- charge)
SSE/JE/TM(SDI) Senior Section Engineer/Junior Engineer/Track Machine (satellite depot)
SSE/SDI (TM) Senior Section Engineer/Satellite Depot In-charge (Track Machines)
SSE/TM (D) Senior Section Engineer/ Track Machine (Depot)
SSE/TM(SDI) Senior Section Engineer/Track Machine (satellite depot in charge )
SSE/TM/DI Senior Section Engineer/ Track Machine /Depot In charge
ST Steel Trough or Straight to Transition Junction
t Ton/Tonne
TC Transition to Curve Junction
TCTT Tungsten Carbide Tamping Tool
TEX Tamping Express
TLE Track Laying Equipment
tm Tonne Metre
TMM Track Machine Maintainer
TMO Track Machine Organization
TMS Track Management System
TP Telegraph Post
TRR Through Rail Renewal
TRT Track Relaying Train
TS Transition to Straight
TSR Through Sleeper Renewal
TT Tamping tool
TXR Train Examiner
UGC University Grants Commission
UNIMAT Points and Crossing Tamping Machine
UP/DN Denote the nomenclature of Lines on Double/Multiple Line Sections
Up/Down Track Identification on Double Line section
USA United States of America
USFD Ultra Sonic Flaw Detection
UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength
UTV Utility Track Vehicle
WST Work Site Tamper
XEN Executive Engineer
XEN/AXEN Executive Engineer/Assistant Executive Engineer
XEN/AXEN/TM(D) Executive Engineer/Assistant Executive Engineer/Track Machine (Depot)
XL Cross Level
ZF gearbox Gear Box manufactured by German Company ZF
ZMD Zonal Maintenance Depots
ZMDI Zonal Machine Depot Incharge
ZRTI Zonal Railway Training Institute
Correction Slips Detail
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Correction Slips Detail
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