Derailment of Container Trains (2018 - Till Date)
Derailment of Container Trains (2018 - Till Date)
Derailment of Container Trains (2018 - Till Date)
31.01.2018 Line No. 1 of DRT DLIB-DRT Load DLIB-DRT was placed on Line No.1 of The Joint committee concluded that the derailment
DRT at 19:15 hrs. At 21:20 hrs, during unloading, occurred due to the careless handling of wagons
four wheels of Rear trolley of Wagon 61250106317 during unloading by the siding authorities as a result
BLCA, 15th from PNVL end derailed. of which, the complete wagon lifted up and derailed.
01.02.2018 C-5 of NSICT IAGR-JNPT On 01.02.2018, Train No. IAGR-NSICT (Loco The Joint committee concluded that the derailment
No. 11478 WDM3D) was placed on Container occurred due to careless handling of wagons during
Line No.5 at 18:20 hrs. At about 23:00 hrs, all the unloading by siding authorities.
four wheels of trailing trolley of Wagon NSICT siding authority was held responsible for the
61311003319 BLCA derailed during unloading. incident.
25.05.2018 C-4 of NSICT ICMB-NSICT ICMB-NSICT was placed on C-4 of NSICT at 12:35 Derailment due to careless handling of wagons during
hrs, Load 46/46=2287T. At 23:00 hrs CONCOR staff unloading by the Siding authority.
reported that Two wheel of Rear trolley of 25th wagon
from JSLE end – 61250106096 BLCA derailed during
25.07.2018 Point No. 134 of MLSW-JNPT On 25.07.2018, at 10:42 hrs wagon No. The Joint committee concluded that the derailment
KSRA UP Station 62391200551 BLCB positioned 12th from occurred due to excessive flange force developed
Yard Brakevan leading trolley derailed while negotiating due to tight gauge on 1:8 ½ turnout, station to
Point No.134 in KSRA UP Station Yard Line no. station variation in versine, variation in designated
03 at KM 120/31. value of versine beyond permissible limit and
loose/damaged/deficient track fastening causing
RH wheel of BB end trolley of wagon mounting on
RH rail after travelling 3.75 meters from toe of
tongue rail and dropped after travelling 3.79 metres
from POM.
Engineering department was held responsible for
poor maintenance of track.
04.08.2018 C-1 of NSICT HTPP-JNPT On 04.08.2018, Train No. HTPP-JNPT placed on The Joint committee concluded that the derailment
C-1 of NSICT at 02:40 hrs. Loco attached at 22:40 occurred due to the careless handling of wagons
hrs. At 23:30 hrs, during continuity one pair of rear during unloading by the siding authorities. As the
wheel of rear trolley of wagon 62291003689
wagon was lifted by RMGC and wheel flange came
BLCB, 3rd from Brakevan derailed.
on the rail and was unnoticed, when it was pushed
back during continuity, wheel flange travelled on
rail top of about 1.4 m and derailed, after dragging
7.6 m on sleeper.
06.08.2018 C-1 of JNPT DLB-JNPT Train No. DLB-JNPT with Loco 70182 arrived on The Joint committee concluded that the derailment
Line No. C-1 of JNPT at 11:40 hrs. Al about 15:00 occurred due to careless handling of wagons during
hrs, CONCOR staff reported that all the four unloading by siding authorities.
wheels of rear trolley of 1st wagon from JSLE end
61250515980 BLCA derailed during unloading.
11.09.2018 C-8 of JNPT DLIB-JNPT On 11.09.2018, at 17:30 hrs, guard of DLIB-JNPT The Joint committee concluded that the derailment
departing from C-8 of JNPT found that one pair of occurred due to the careless handling of wagons
trailing wheel of Leading trolley of 7th wagon from during unloading by the siding authorities. As the
Brakevan 62340900310 derailed. wagon was lifted by RMGC, the wheel flanges had
come down from rail-top and was unnoticed during
continuity and after departure travelled in derailed
condition dragged 550 mts.
15.04.2019 Point No. 101 A at SNF-JNPT On 15.04.2019, Train No. SNF-JNPT (Loco The Joint committee concluded that the derailment
PNVL 2340+23461) with Brakevan next to Loco departed occurred due to mismatch of Heel Joint of CMS
Ex KLMG Yard at 5:57 hrs. Through signal was crossing of Point No. 101 A by 8 mm and cross-level
given via PF-5 (Line No.1), S-3 DN Home signal variation noticed 24 mm between Zero station and
One Yellow with Diversion, S-15 DN Line No.1 One station and also due to 13 mm to 20 mm gap
Starter and S-17 DN Advance starter towards between sleeper and rail foot near POM.
PNVL-DPLI section. At about 6:38 hrs, after Engineering department was held responsible for
passing over Heel Joint of Point No.101 A CMS poor maintenance of track.
Crossing, Leading trolley-Leading trolley of 8th
wagon from rear 62250109896 BLCB derailed.
07.07.2019 Igatpuri yard UP BOK-JNPT Rear Loco- 32006 and banker loco no. 32006 The Ghat LP & ALP were made responsible as they
Goods Line No.1. derailed. had not observed the aspect of Signal S-37 which
derailed at Point was RED.
25.08.2019 KTIG Siding of JNPT-KTIG Loco No. 14812 WDG3A was coupled on JNPT- Due to spread gauge at Zero station, leading trolley
KLMG KTIG over Line RD-5 of KLMG Yard. The train front right wheel dropped outside the RH rail after
departed ex KLMG Yard at 13:50 hrs for its passing 4.75 mm of ATS of H.P of KTIG siding and
placement in KTIG siding. At 14:10 hrs, Loco due to cross strain force, all the four Right side wheel
14812 WDG3A along with Brakevan ECR of Brakevan next to loco came inside the RH rail and
86101067654 and front right wheel of leading the LTLR wheel of 1st wagon came inside the RH
trolley of 1st Wagon BLCAM61401821335 Rail. The KTIG siding authority was held
derailed in the KTIG siding during placement. responsible for poor track maintenance.
19.01.2020 C-8 of JNPT DLIB-JNPT On 19.01.2020, Train No. DLIB-JNPT with Loco The Joint committee concluded that the
13370 arrived on C-8 Line at 03:00 hrs. During derailment occurred due mishandling by the
Unloading Wagon No. 61401833161 BLCAM RMGC operator and as a result, trolley also lifted
(10th from Brakevan) lifted and derailed. It was along with container and kept over ground.
departed from C-8 at 21:51 hrs, the already derailed CONCOR was held responsible for the incident.
wagon dragged about 330 m over C-8 Line of
08.02.2020 Near H.P-22 of NTSJ-JNPT Train No. NTSJ-JNPT (Loco No. 14959 WDG3) The Joint committee concluded that at the
NSICT departed ex JSLE yard at 12:54 hrs and arrived at incident spot, rail was in floating condition
JSLE ‘C’ cabin (Holding Yard) at 13:15 hrs. Load having no ballast and poor fastening, having twist
arrived and stopped at H.P No.23 of NSICT at 8.66 mm per metre between 3rd and 4th station,
14.52 hrs. At about 15:02 hrs, while passing H.P 22, after passage of loco and three wagons, rail
Loco and Three wagons passed over the H.P for uprooted and bent towards LH side.
Line-5 for required route and movement and Rear Consequently this caused derailment of the 4th, 5th,
trolley of 4th wagon from Loco derailed after 6th and 7th wagons.
passing 3.27 m from ATS of H.P 22, consequently Engineering department was held responsible for
5th, 6th all trolley and leading trolley of 7th wagon poor maintenance of track.
from loco derailed.
16.06.2020 C-8 of JNPT JNPT-HTSD JNPT-HTSD was received on UP M/L on The Joint committee concluded that the LP of the
16.06.2020 at 17:45 hrs with Loco No.14706 with engine was unable to control his Engine before
shunter manning it. C/Eng 70851+12450 departed the Obstruction. LP started the train and
from Holding cabin at 19:15 hrs and arrived at accelerated the speed up to 22 kmph and he was
JSLE Home Signal at 19:31 hrs. The engine was aware that his C/Eng is taken on Up M/L. But
received on Calling On Signal for UP M/L at 19:46 the speed restriction in JSLE Yard is 10 kmph for
hrs. Loco started at 19:47 hrs and bumped into the entry to other RD Line.
first wagon from JNPT end ( 61291500068 BLCA) The L.P of C/Eng was made responsible for the
derailing it and in the impact, 4th wagon from JNPT incident.
end also derailed (6229150072 BLCB)
12.11.2020 DPLI Station BNGD-DRT Train No. BNGD-DRT, Loco 21971+21972 The Joint committee concluded that while
(46/46 = 850) was stabled in Dapoli UDL at 21:50 checking and releasing the wagons, Pointsman
hrs dated 11.11.2020 without Loco. removed two wooden wedges from Down side
C/Eng 21971+21972 was received from JSLE Yard Left track and failed to remove chain and other
taking off Calling On signal at 21:42 hrs. After two wedges from the right side track.
Engine taken on load and adequate pressure in The Guard while returning from Dy.SM Office
Loco, Pointsman started releasing handbrake from went to Brakevan and didn’t notice chain and
DN Roadside from Engine to PNVL End. Guard wooden wedges which were applied on his side.
Mr. Rohan Shinde started parallel checking from He didn’t ensure removal of chain and wedges
UP RD side, Guard, after arrival of C/Eng had and without communicating with Dy.SM, started
visited Dy.SM office for asking to arrange reliever. movement of train towards PNVL end. In the
Pointsman had released the train on DN side and process, wheel skidded and derailed.
continued up to Brakevan,
Both Pointsman & Guard were held responsible
While performing Continuity test by LPG and for the derailment.
Guard, trailing wheel of Leading trolley mounted
on the wooden wedges and skidded for
approximately 5 meters on Right Track and
dropped from Rail Table hanging between the
sleeper and the track.
29.03.2021 While crossing HP- DLIB-NSICT Train DLIB-NSICT, Loco No. 70324 started from The Loco and 24 wagons passed safely over H-P
22 and entering C-5 Holding Yard at 22:50 hrs. When the load was 22 and after that the 25th wagon derailed and
entering on Line No. C-5, the train derailed after travelled 16 metres on rail table. It is concluded
passing Engine and 24 wagons. 7 wagons derailed that the 25th wagon changed its track either at toe
(25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st) of switch due to gap created under wheel
HP-22 was set for line C-5. The point was set, movement of wagons.
locked with cotter pin and clamped. Derailment is attributed to poor maintenance of
track and hand-point locking arrangement.