Qdoc - Tips - Exam Chemistry Form 4 Paper 2
Qdoc - Tips - Exam Chemistry Form 4 Paper 2
Qdoc - Tips - Exam Chemistry Form 4 Paper 2
Chemistry FORM FOUR 2012
2 1/2 hours
Two hours and thirty minutes
E*aminer9s Code
1 This !uestion "a"er #onsists o$ three se#tions: Se#tion A%
;u.. Mar0s
Se#tion & and Se#tion C Pa%& uestion mar0s are
2 Answer all !u
! uestions in Se#tion A 'rite your answers $or Se#tion
1 16
A in
in the s"a#es 2 16
"ro(ided in the !uestion "a"er ) 16
4 16
) Answer any !" !u
! uestion $rom Se#tion & and any !" !uestion
A 5 16
$rom Se#tion C 16
'rite your answers $or Se#tion & 26 and C on the e*amination
B 3 26
sheets "ro(ided 26
4 +o
+ou may use e!uations% dia,rams% C 16 26 ta-.es% ,ra"h and other suita-.e
methods to e*".ain your answer
5 The dia,rams in the !uestions are not drawn to s#a.e un.ess
Mar0s a..o#ated $or ea#h !uestion
!uestion or "art !uestion are shown in -ra#0ets
Show your wor0in, t may he."
he." you to ,et mar0s
3 $ you wish to #an#e. any answer% neat.y #ross
#ross out the answer that you ha(e done
Then write down the new answer
The eriodi# Ta-.e
Ta-.e o$ E.ements is "ro(ided
16+ou may use a non7"ro,ramma-.e s#ienti$i# #a.#u.ator
11 +ou
+ou are ad(ised to s"end 6 minutes to answer !uestions in Se#tion A% )6 minutes $or Se#tion & and )6 minutes
$or Se#tion C
12 8and in this !uestion "a"er and the e*amination sheets at the end o$ the e*amination
[60 marks]
(# a#le shows the "roton num#er and nucleon num#er of elements A- D- ) and .
(iii )*"lain &our answer in (# (ii
(iv !rite the electron arrangement of atom A.
(v Draw the electron arrangement of atom .
+. Diagram shows the "osition of seven elements A- D- )- - 5- and 7 in the "eriodic ta#le.
hese are not the actual s&m#ol of the elements.
8& using the s&m#ols in diagram 4- answer the following questions9
(a 'tate three elements that are metals.
(# !hich element forms coloured com"ounds when reacted with other elements.
(c !hen a small "iece of element is "ut into water- an alkaline solution is formed and
h&drogen gas is released.
(i !rite the chemical equation for the a#ove reaction.
(ii 'tate one "recaution that must #e taken while carr&ing out the e*"eriment using element
(d )lement has man& a""lications in dail& life. 'tate one.
[+ marks]
(f )lement A can com#ine with element ) to form a com"ound.
(i !hat is the t&"e of com"ound formed$
4. he diagram #elow shows the arrangement of a""aratus used to "re"are h&drogen chloride in
meth&l #en:ene and in water res"ectivel&.
(i ame the gas and suggest a suita#le test to identif& the gas evolved.
[+ marks]
(ii 'tate the role of water that caused the li#eration of the gas.
(iii !rite the ionic equation for the reaction involving the li#eration of the gas.
[1 mark]
<. Diagram #elow shows the a""aratus set=u" used to electrol&:e 0.1 mol dm=4 of sodium
chloride solution using car#on electrodes.
3. (a Diagram #elow shows a series of tests "erformed on a colourless solution which contains
one cation and two anions.
;olourless 'olution
Test 1
Test 3
+ NaOH (aq), then
+ HNO3(aq), AgNO 3
(i 8ased on the o#servation in the diagram- com"lete the ta#le #elow with a""ro"riate
est >nference
[4 marks]
(ii !rite the ionic equation for the reaction in est 4.
[1 mark]
(# A student wants to "re"are a "ure sam"le of cr&stalline :inc sul"hate #& reacting dilute
sul"huric acid with su#stance @.
(i ame the su#stance @.
[1 mark]
(ii !rite an equation for the a#ove reaction.
[1 mark]
(iii ;alculate the ma*imum mass of :inc sul"hate that can #e "re"ared if 30.0cm4 of
0.+moldm=4 sul"huric acid is reacted with e*cess @.
[ he relative formula mass of :inc sul"hate 161]