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Rowan HEX HYSYS Handout

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Introduction to HYSYS Simulation Heat Transfer Calculations

Chemical Engineering, Rowan University (Revised 4/18/2001) n this e!ercise, yo" will sim"late two heat e!changers and calc"late the heat trans#erred $etween a hot and a cold stream "sing a chemical %rocess sim"lation %ac&age #rom 'y%rotech nc( )his %rogram is "sed $y ind"stry to design and sim"late %rocess %lants s"ch as oil and gas re#ineries, chemical and %harmace"ticals %rod"ction #acilities( * ty%ical sam%ling o# well+&nown com%anies "sing this so#tware are given $elow, -".ont, Eastman /oda&, 0onsanto, 'oechst Celanese, Rohm 1 'aas 2hell, *moco, E!!on Chemical, 3lin, Conoco, .hilli%s 4oster 5heeler, *rth"r -( 6ittle, 7allard, /och 'o##man 6aRoche, nternational 4lavors and 4ragrances, )his so#tware is written in C88 which is a lang"age that yo" have learned( )he cost o# this so#tware is a%%ro!imately 94:,000 #or the dynamic version and 920,000 #or the steady+state version( )his %rice is #or only one "ser; 4or more in#ormation on 'y%rotech go to www(hy%rotech(com )he overall %rocess #or this sim"lation is to 2elect a thermodynamics %ac&age that descri$es the %hysical and chemical %ro%erties o# the chosen chemicals 2elect the "nit o%erations -e#ine all re<"ired in%"ts and o"t%"t streams( 2%eci#y re<"ired val"es o# tem%erat"re, %ress"re, #lowrate and chemical concentration( Start your computer: Rowan University has a license to r"n '=2=2 .6*>) version 2(2, which is $oth a steady state and dynamic sim"lation %rogram( 4or convenience 'y%rotech s"ggests that yo" co%y the '=2=2 directories to yo"r %ersonal drive on gala!y( )hese are located in ??gala!y?%"$lic1?chemical engineering?'=2=2 ()o do this yo" may need to ma% a drive (2tart, 5indows E!%lorer, )ools, 0a% >etwor& -rive@,) n these directories yo" will save yo"r con#ig"ration #iles and cases( n '=2=2 there is a limited online Help %ac&age, which can $e o$tained "sing the 'el% command #rom the men" $ar or $y %ressing the 41 &ey( )here is an e!tensive collection o# man"als that can $e accessed #rom ??engnet1?a%%s?'ysysA-oc?0en"(%d#( Remem$er that we are r"nning '=2=2 .6*>)( 1( 2tart '=2=2 .6*>) Third Floor Lab (windows >)) 2tart BC Engineering >etwor& a%%s BC Engineering *%%s BC '=2=2 .lant First floor labs (windows 2000) .ress 2tart BC Engineering *%%s BC'=2=2 .lant )his %ac&age will ta&e a$o"t a min"te to start "% and when com%lete yo" will see the screen given a$ove( )o start a new case clic& on the white %age icon or "se the commands 4ile >ew Case( 2ee %revio"s %age( 2( Change yo"r "nits #rom *merican engineering to 2 , (i# necessary) 2(1( Do to the command )ools, %re#erences 2(2( Choose the Units ta$ 2(E( 2elect 2 2(4( .ress 2ave .re#erence 2et to yo"r gala!y drive 18F8FG1FE(doc

a 1

2(:( .ress close( )he res"lt will $e the #ollowing men" screen to choose a thermodynamic %ro%erty %ac&age( =o" will learn more a$o"t these %ac&ages in yo"r chemical engineering thermodynamics co"rse( 5e will "se the *20E 2team as o"r %ro%erty %ac&age( E( Choose the .ro%erty %ac&age and chemical com%onents E(1( Choose 0iscellaneo"s )y%es E(2( Choose *20E E(E( .ress the Com%onents ta$ E(4( *dd water $y selecting the com%onent and %ressing the *dd ."re $"tton E(:( .ress the ! or close $"tton #or this screen E(G( .ress the Enter 2im"lation Environment@ 7"tton (see #ig"re a$ove)

2 G

=o" sho"ld now see the #ollowing screen titled .4- + Case (0ain)( n the green screen yo" will constr"ct a %rocess #low diagram (.4-) o# a heat e!changer( )he %ict"res o# e<"i%ment shown to the right o# the green screen contains the e<"i%ment that yo" will add( 4( 2ave the #ile on yo"r gala!y drive( 4ile, 2ave as, and change the %ath to yo"r %ersonal gala!y drive( wo"ld s"ggest always saving yo"r #iles with a "ni<"e descri%tor (yo"r name)( )he #iles are always %rinted with yo"r #ilename showing on the %age( )o determine which letter designates yo"r gala!y drive, o%en 5indows E!%lorer and #ind the letter corres%onding to yo"r Igala!yJ drive( 2elect a material stream $y do"$le clic&ing on the $l"e arrow and the men" la$eled 1 will show on the %#d screen( >otice that a yellow warning sign a%%ears telling yo" what is re<"ired, IUn&nown Com%ositions(J )he other warning colors are red, Ire<"ires a #eed stream,J and green #or I3/J #or it has $een solved(


Hoom $y 0o"se

Red"ce or (.g-n) 4it to 2creen

Enlarge or (.gU%)


G( F(

4ill o"t this men" as #ollows, G(1( 2tream >ame, )"$e 2ide n )o enter yo"r readings o# tem%erat"re, %ress"re and #lowrate #or the stream K"st ty%e in the val"es meas"red in the la$( F(1( )y%e in yo"r val"e o# %ress"re as 1 atm( )y%e in the n"m$er, a s%ace and the letters atm( 'it ret"rn and notice that it converts the "nits to 2 a"tomatically; F(2( )o s%eci#y mole #ractions o# the com%onent do either, F(2(1( select the com%osition o%tions on the le#t side and clic& on the Edit $"tton or F(2(2( do"$le clic& on the cell ne!t to 0olar 4low L&gmol/hM, F(E( )hen ty%e in 1(0 as the mole #ractions o# water( F(4( Chec& to see that yo" have 1(0 in the )otal $o!, and then %ress the 3/ $"tton( F(:( )y%e in the #low yo" meas"re in the la$(


>e!t install a heater #rom the "nit o%erations %alette( )o select and add the heater do"$le clic& on the heater icon( )he heater has the red+downward %ointing arrow( 4ill o"t this men" as #ollows #or the heater, 8(1( >ame, 'eater


8(2( nlet, )"$e side n( 8(E( 3"tlet, )"$e 2ide 3"t 8(4( Energy, 'eater -"ty(


Do to the 5or&sheet (clic& on the ta$) and #ill in the tem%erat"re o# the )"$e 2ide 3"t 2treamBE0 C



10( )he $o! in yellow, the %ress"re dro% thro"gh the heater is still "n&nown( 2ince yo" have no meas"rements #or the %ress"re dro%, we will enter Oero (=o" will learn how to estimate this val"e in yo"r 2enior =ear)( Clic& on I.arametersJ and enter 0(0 /.a( 11( >ow yo"r heater in #"lly de#ined and the 'eat -"ty has $een calc"lated( 'E*) -U)= AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

12( *dd a Cooler( )his cooler will re%resent the 2hell 2ide o# the heat e!changer( 12(1( -o"$le clic& on the cooler icon( 12(2( >ame, Cooler 12(E( nlet, 2hell 2ide n 12(4( 3"tlet, 2hell 2ide 3"t 12(:( Energy, Cooler -"ty 1E( Do to the 5or&sheet to s%eci#y the new material streams( 1E(1( Enter the #lowrate, tem%erat"re, %ress"re and com%osition #or the 2tream, 2hell 2ide n 1E(2( Enter the 2hell 2ide 3"t meas"red tem%erat"re( 14( Do $ac& to the -esign layer $y clic&ing on the -esign ta$ and then clic& on .arameters to enter the %ress"re dro% #or the shell side( 3nce again, enter the val"e Oero(


1:( Co%y the heat d"ty o# the Cooler AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1G( )he hot water in the 2hell 2ide is res%onsi$le #or heating "% the cold water that r"ns in the )"$e 2ide( 5rite an energy $alance #or the system( Q cold = Fcold c p ,cold Tcold , Q hot = Fhot c p , hot Thot , Q cold = P = Q hot Com%are the heat d"ties o# $oth heat e!changers( E!%lain(

1F( .rinto"t yo"r '=2=2 wor&$oo& 2%ecsheets and .4-( )o %rint a s%ecsheet,
Chec& the %rinter $y selecting 4ile .rinter 2et"%( )he gra%hics %rinter %rints the %#dQs and the re%ort %rinter %rints te!t or wor&$oo&( $) 2elect the wor&$oo& $y %ressing the tool$ar $"tton as shown in the #ig"re $elow( c) 2elect 4ile, .rint, d) Choose *ll .ages + Com%act( e) .review it Also printout your process flow diagram !"F#$ by choosing the print command while the "F# is acti%e& a)


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