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Introduction to Chemistry

- the study of matter, its properties, and the changes that matter undergoes

Energy Biochemistry
The flash of the
Solar panels are firefly results from a
composed of chemical reaction
specially treated in the insect.

OLEDs (organic light-
Chemists are
emitting diodes) are
constantly striving
used in high-end cell
to design new and
phone, tablet, and
improved drugs for
television displays.
treating disease.
Technology Medicine

Chemistry is central to our understanding of the world around us.

Branches of Chemistry
Branches of Chemistry

Organic Chemistry
The study of carbon and its compounds. It focuses of matter composed of carbon and
hydrogen in combination with a other elements.
Branches of Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry
The study of compounds which are not covered by organic chemistry. It also includes
some of the simple carbon-containing compounds, ionic compounds, organometallic
compounds, minerals, and cluster compounds.
Branches of Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry
The study focusing on the detection of compounds, identification of substances
present in a sample, or with the amount of each substance present.
Branches of Chemistry

Physical Chemistry
The study of physical principles that underlie the structure of matter, energy changes,
and chemical transformations. This overlaps with physics – commonly in the
applications of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics.
Branches of Chemistry

The study of chemical processes within and those that affect living organisms. It brings
together biology and chemistry.
Classification of matter
Classification of matter
1. Classification by state
These substances possess a fixed shape that
does not conform to the container contour.
Its particles lie next to each other in a regular,
3D pattern.
Classification of matter

Liquids have a varying shape that conforms to the
container shape, but its volume doesn’t change.
Its particles lie closer together but move
randomly around each other.
Classification of matter

Gases has a varying shape that conforms to
the container shape, but it fills the entire
The particles have large distances between
them and move randomly throughout the
Classification of matter
2. Classification by composition

Classification of matter by composition. ©️Chemistry 9th Edition. Whitten K. et al. Brooks/Cole CENGAGE Learning
Classification of matter
A combination of two or more substances in which the substances retain their
distinct identities. It does not have a constant composition.


Classification of matter
Pure Substance
A form of matter that has a constant composition and distinct properties,
regardless of the amount of sample or the origin of the sample.

Element Compound
How do the molecules of a compound differ from the molecules of an element?

Atoms of an element Molecules of an element Molecules of a compound Mixture of elements

and a compound

Elements are composed Compounds must have at

of only one kind of atom. least two kinds of atoms.

Representation of elements, compounds, and mixtures.

Types of Elements
Metals Nonmetals Metalloids
• Lustrous • Dull (if solid) • Have properties
• Malleable • Brittle (if solid) that are
• Conduct heat and • Poor conductors of intermediate
electricity heat and electricity between those of
• Ductile • Non-ductile metals and those of
• High density • Low density nonmetals
• High melting point • Low melting point • Semiconductors

The metal sodium is soft enough to cut Iodine crystals

with knife. The symbol for sodium is Na.
Tiny computer chips contain
silicon, a metalloid.
Classification of matter
Properties & Changes of matter
Properties of matter
EXTENSIVE property INTENSIVE property
depends upon how much matter does not depend upon how much
is is being considered matter is is being considered
Examples: ❑ density
❑ mass ❑ temperature
❑ length ❑ color
❑ volume
Properties of matter
Physical Properties
These can be observed or measured without changing the composition of the
Properties of matter
Chemical Properties
These describe the way that a substance may change or react – to combine or
to decompose into new substances.
Changes in matter
Physical Change
This occurs when a substance alters its physical properties not its composition.
Changes in matter
Chemical Change
This results in the conversion of one material to another.
Physical Separation Methods
Physical Separation Methods
The process of straining solids from a liquid by the use of a porous material.
Physical Separation Methods
This method can be used when the components of the mixture have different
masses or densities.
Physical Separation Methods
It is a process that depends on the components’ ability to form gases with
significantly different boiling points. Here, the resulting gas is allowed to
condense and collected.
Physical Separation Methods
- is a technique in which the
substances to be separated
are introduced onto the top
of a column packed with an
adsorbent, passed through
the column at different rates
that depend on the affinity of
each substance for the
adsorbent and for the solvent
or solvent mixture, and are
usually collected in solution as
they pass from the column at
different times.

❑ Brown, T.L., LeMay, H.E. and Burnsten, B.E. ( 2000).Chemistry:

The Central Science, 8th edition. Prentice-Hall International

❑ Hein, M., Pattison, S., Arena, S., and Best, L. R. (2012).

Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, 10th ed.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

❑ Whitten, K. W., Davis, R. E., and Peck, M. L. (2010). General

Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis, 9th ed. Saunders College
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A. Multiple Choice
1. What is the physical state in which matter
has no specific shape but does have a
specific volume?
2. Which of these is not a pure substance?
Fe and O2
All of these are pure substances
3. Which of the following is an illustration of the law
of constant composition?

Water boils at 100 °C at 1 atm pressure.

Water is 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen by mass.
Water can be separated into other substances
by a chemical process.
Water and salt have different boiling points.
4. Carbonated water, ‘Soda Water’, is water in
which carbon dioxide has been dissolved under
pressure. Classify soda water.
A homogeneous solution of elements
A homogeneous solution of compounds
A heterogeneous mixture of elements
A heterogeneous mixture of compounds
5. Which is a chemical property of aluminum?
Aluminum is silver and has luster.
The melting point of aluminum is 660º C.
Aluminum reacts with acid to produce an
aluminum salt and hydrogen gas.
The density of aluminum at 25º C is 2.70 g/cm3.
B. Identify
Mixtures can be separated by the differences
in the physical properties of their components.
What physical properties could be used to
separate the components of the following
1. Sand and salt
2. Salt and water
3. Iron filings and sulfur
4. Fine sand and coarse gravel

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