Total Synthesis of Illudinine, Illudalic Acid, and Illudacetalic Acid
Total Synthesis of Illudinine, Illudalic Acid, and Illudacetalic Acid
Total Synthesis of Illudinine, Illudalic Acid, and Illudacetalic Acid
Abstract: Illudinine, illudalic acid, and illudacetalic acid-originally assigned structures I, 11, and I 1 I , respectively-have each
been synthesized from indan in 15 steps. During the course of the work, the structure of natural illudacetalic acid was revised
from the simple acetal 111 to the mixed acetal 29, and this change was verified by establishing the identity of synthetic 29 with
the natural material. Salient features of the synthesis include the preparation of the hydrocarbon VIII, functionalization of
the aromatic ring to give VII, selective oxidation of VI1 to the C-7 ketone VI, elaboration of the cyclopentanone ring into the
dialdehyde IV, and conversion of 1V to the natural products I, 11, and 29.
CH3N0Z *
H 0
iii, Elaboration of VI1 to the Dialdehyde IV. The next ob-
jective in accordance with the original synthetic plan was to
elaborate the unsubstituted cyclopentene ring (ring A) in VI1
7 12 13 II to the crucial dialdehyde intermediate IV. In anticipation of
the possible problems associated with selective oxidation of C-7
as a viable synthetic intermediate, its preparation in high yield in VII, this conversion was considered to be potentially one of
was desirable. When the hydrocarbon 7 was treated at room the mbst difficult portions of the synthesis. After numerous
temperature with exactly 2 equiv of bromine in nitromethane attempts to effect this oxidation through the use of reagents
solution, the dibromide 12 precipitated in 95% yield. such as o-chloranil, DDQ, sulfuryl chloride, N-bromosuc-
Attention was now focused (Scheme 111) on the introduction cinimide, and lead tetraacetate; success was finally achieved
of the C-7 oxygen substituent, which would eventually be by employing the classical reagent, chromium trioxide, in
needed for the preparation of VII. Trimethyl borate, acetic acid at room temperature, under conditions of high
B(OCH3)3, has been shown to react with aryl carbanions to d i l ~ t i o nOptimum
.~ conditions routinely gave a product mix-
produce intermediate organoboranes, which subsequently can ture-readily separable by column chromatography-con-
be oxidized to the corresponding hydroxy derivatives.8 Use of sisting of the desired 7-oxo derivative 17 (36%) as the major
this method in the present instance involved the inverse addi- isomer, along with the hindered C-1ketone (14%), recovered
tion of the carbanion 13 to trimethyl borate in tetrahydrofuran starting material (1 3%), the 5-oxo derivative (8%), and the
at -78 OC.Acetic acid was added, followed by excess 20% C-l,C-7diketone (6%). It was therefore concluded that the
aqueous hydrogen peroxide to provide the phenol 14 in 56% steric factors played a less important role in determining the
yield (74% on a smaller scale). site of attack by chromium trioxide (ratio of ring A to ring C
Thought was next given to the problem of replacing the re- ketones -2.5: 1) than the electronic influences (ratio of C-1 and
maining bromine atom in 14 with a carboxyl group, and the C-7 to C-5ketones -7:l). Attempts to magnify the steric ef-
fects by using the presumably much more hindered tert-butyl readily available, the final stage of the synthesis of the title
chromateI0 as the oxidizing agent were thwarted by its lower natural products I, 11, and 111 was commenced. The first and
reactivity even under several sets of more forcing condi- perhaps most obvious of these conversions involved reaction
tions. of the lactol25 (the equivalent of 24) with ammonia in an at-
The net yield of 17 from 16 was substantially improved, tempt to prepare illudinine (I). To this end 25 was reacted with
when it was discovered that the two undesired monoketones excess ammonium acetate in acetic acid to give a low yield
could each be efficiently converted back to the methoxy methyl (36%) of crude illudinine as a glass. A much more efficient
ester 16. The 1-oxo derivative was first reduced with sodium route to I involved reaction of the bishemiacetal 22 (the
borohydride, and the resulting crude alcohol was catalytically
(10% Pd/C) hydrogenolyzed in acetic acid containing a small
amount of perchloric acid to give 16. The C-5 ketone could be
reduced to 16 directly under the same hydrogenation condi-
tions. Based then on the unrecovered starting material in the
actual oxidation, and taking into account the just-described
AcOH ~e
\ ,1 I
sequence of reactions that had been used to produce 21 from
the ester 16. The yields were usually slightly lower for the re- CH2C12 OHC*
actions in the carboxylic acid series (1 9% overall yield for the
five steps as compared with 49% yield for the methyl ester se- HOhOAO "OAOAO
ries). As expected, the dialdehyde 24 existed as the cyclized
lactol 25 both in the solid state and in solution (IR (KBr or 25 ll
I placed in the presence of 1-2 equiv of boron tribromide in
methylene chloride at 0 "C or room temperature, the major
I product isolated by preparative layer chromatography in
consistently low yields of 20-27% was the highly crystalline
illudalic acid (11). The identity of this material with the natural
23 product was again established by comparison of IR, NMR,
mass, and UV spectra, TLC behavior, melting points, and
24 25
combustion analysis.
Finally, the preparation of illudacetalic acid (111) was
Cc14) 3350 (w), 1720 (s), 1680 (s) cm-I; N M R (CDC13) 6 considered. The structure of this acid was initially assigned5
5.86 (1 H , dd, J = 4 and 4 Hz), 10.53 (1 H , s)). In fact, the primarily on the basis of its 60-MHz N M R spectrum which
lactol25 was a known compound, having been reported5 as the showed among others two singlets at 6 1.1 1 and 1.16 for the
product of acid hydrolysis of natural illudacetalic acid (111). gem-dimethyl groups; a broad two-proton signal at 3.25 for
iv. Conversion of Dialdehyde IV to IUudinine (I ), Acid
IUudalic H-3'; a pair of singlets at 3.6 and 3.63 for the acetal methoxyls;
(11), and Illudacetalic Acid (111). With equivalents of the dial- a one-proton multiplet at 5.1 for H-2' (seen as a d of d, J = 9
dehydes 21 (IV, R,R' = CH3) and 24 (IV, R = CH3; R' = H) and 4 Hz a t 100 MHz (this work)); and a one-proton singlet
at 5.8 for the acetal proton. In addition, the compound dis- ester exhibited spectral data which were wholly consistent with
solved in sodium bicarbonate with evolution of a gas, could be structure 31 and which immediately ruled out the alternatives
hydrolyzed with acid to the lactol aldehyde 25 as mentioned 32 or 33-one or the other of which should have been formed
previously, and had peaks at 2700 and 2560 (broad humps) and CH30 YH3 CH30 OCH3 CH30 OCH,
1685 cm-l in its IR spectrum (KBr), which the authors at- I t I I
tributed to a tendency of the lactol in 111 to tautomerize to the
open aldehydic acid 27 in the solid phase although they allowed C H30 o’
that “it is remarkable that the tautomerism should be sup- C02CH3 OHC C02CH3
pressed in [25], which differs from [HI]only by the presence
of the free aldehyde group on the aromatic ring”.5 31 32 33
had structure I11 been correct. Although 29 obviously had the
potential of being optically active, polarimetric examination
of a chloroform solution of a sample of the natural material13
showed no measureable rotation at several wavelengths.
The new structure eased rather than complicated the syn-
m 27 25 R’CH3
thetic problems at this point. Reaction of the bishemiacetal
methyl ester 22 with excess trimethyl orthoformate in dry
methanol containing a trace of p-toluenesulfonic acid at room
Several of these pieces of data rendered the assigned temperature afforded in 95% yield the very same mixed acetal
structure suspect. For instance, the chemical shift (6 5.1) and methyl ester 31 which had been obtained from esterification
coupling constants (J = 9 and 4 Hz) for the hemiacylal proton CH3? QCH3
on C-2’ in I11 differed significantly from those of the corre-
sponding protons in the structurally similar lactols 25 (6 5.86
(dd, J = 4 and 4 Hz)) and illudalic acid (11) (6 5.95 (dd, J =
4 and 4 Hz)). The broad triplet (doublet of doublets with
nearly equal coupling constants) of each of the latter two
compounds was consistent with the lactol existing in that 22 31
half-chair conformation which contained an axial-like hydroxyl
group (presumably on the grounds of the anomeric effect) and
an equatorial-like C-2’ proton as depicted in 28 (angles esti-
50°Lk of natural illudacetalic acid. This ester was then saponified
28 with sodium hydroxide in refluxing methanol for 20 h to give
mated from Dreiding models). In addition, the IR spectral data a 96% yield of illudacetalic acid (29) which proved to be ex-
of the natural product were suspiciously lacking a second tremely difficult to purify. It was hydrolyzed to the aldehydic
carbonyl band which should have been observed for the free lactol25 upon standing in deuteriochloroform to the extent of
aldehyde functionality in the ring-opened tautomer 27- -5% after 10 min and -50% after 2 h. The synthetic com-
postulation of which was necessitated by the carboxylic acid- pound was shown to be identical with the natural material by
like absorptions in the remainder of the IR spectrum. comparison of IR, N M R , mass, and UV spectra, TLC be-
A structure seemingly more consistent with all of the above havior, melting points, and combustion analysis.
data for natural illudacetalic acid was the mixed acetal car- Additional evidence which supported the assignment of
boxylic acid 29. It was unarguably more compatible with the stereochemistry as trans in the revised illudacetalic acid
IR data, and the N M R exhibited obvious similarities to that structure 29 was gained as a result of an unexpected course of
of the bishemiacetal22. Also, the signal at 6 5.1 as a doublet events. On one particular occasion, when the bishemiacetal22
of doublets with one large and one medium coupling constant
( J = 9 and 4 Hz) was readily accommodated by the C-3 proton
(now a simple acetal proton) occupying an axial-like position
(see 30). This fact suggested that the two mixed acetal meth-
22 31 34
29 30
oxyls were trans to one another, since it was probable that the
C-1 methoxyl would be axial-like both on the basis of the was allowed to react with trimethyl orthoformate in methanol
anomeric effect and to relieve as much as possible any peri under conditions that were as nearly identical as was control-
interaction with the aromatic methoxy group. lable with previous experiments which had led to very high
To verify this alternative structure, a small portion of natural yields of the mixed acetal 31, a second, more polar product, the
illudacetalic acid13 was esterified with diazomethane-an mixed hemiacetal 34, was generated in 77% yield. The powdery
experiment which was rather surprisingly not reported during hemiacetal was characterized as its crystalline acetate 35, the
the initial structure elucidation studies.5 The resulting methyl NMR spectrum of which unambiguously indicated that the
methoxy group was attached to C-1 (H-1 was a sharp singlet Table I. Results of Nuclear Overhauser Study on 35
at 6 5.70 and 5.72 in 34 and 35, respectively) and the acetoxy Irradiated Change in integral, %
group to C-3 (H-3 was a doublet of doublets, 6 5.40 ( J = 9 and proton(s) OCOCH3 OCH3 H-3 H- 1
4 Hz) in 34 and 6 6.40 ( J = 7.5 and 4.5 H z in 35)). These
coupling patterns for H-3 again suggested that this proton OCOCH3 io fO fO
occupied an axial position in both 34 and 35, whereas the hy- OCH3 io 10 22
H-3 io 4 io
droxy or acetoxy group was equatorial as had been postulated H- 1 fO 4 -2
for the C-3 methoxyl in illudacetalic acid (29).
Since the protons and substituents attached to both C-1 and
C-3 gave rise to signals that were all well separated and dis-
tinguishable in the NMR spectrum, the fortuitously arrived perature. The resulting dark-brown solution was stirred for 4.5 h at
at acetate 35 was a compound well suited for examination of room temperature and then poured into a slurry of concentrated HCI
possible nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE). The results of this (100 mL) and ice (-500 9). Workup (CH2C12 (3X); 10% HCI, NaCI;
MgS04) gave a gummy brown-black sludge. Continuous extraction
study are summarized in Table I and lead to assignment of for 24 h with low-boiling petroleum ether (bp 30-60 "C, 500 mL)
trans stereochemistry in 35 with a conformational preference provided crude 2 (102 g, 0.490 mol, 89.6%) as an off-white solid of
as depicted in 36. suitable purity for further reaction. One recrystallization from pe-
nl3 troleum ether (bp 60-90 "C) gave white crystals, mp 62-67 "C (lit.
65-6615 and 68-69 "C7). Some workers have experienced skin irri-
tation while handling this c0mpound.1~
s-Hydrindacen-1-one (3).Chloro ketone 2 (73.9 g, 0.354 mol) was
added in small portions with swirling to concentrated H2S04 (290
mL). The resulting dark-red solution was heated (90 "C bath) in an
efficient fume hood (HCI evolved) for 4 h, cooled to room temperature,
Finally, it should be recalled that illudinine (I) and illudalic and then cautiously poured onto ice. Workup (benzene (3X);
acid (11) could both be prepared from the lactol25. In fact, by NaHC03 (2X), NaCI; MgS04) gave a mixture of ketones 3 and 4 as
a cream-colored solid (52.0 g, 0.302 mol, 85.4%, mp 54-75 "C). Re-
cn 1' THF
- Illudininc
peated recrystallization from petroleum ether (bp 30-60 "C) and
sublimation (0.28 mmHg, 55 "C, 15 h) provided an analytical sample
of the major isomer 3: mp 80.0-81.5 "C (lit.' 80-81 "C); NMR
(CDC13) b 2.16 (quintet, 2 H, CH2CH2CH2), 2.71 (m, 2 H, CHzCO),
coon -
llludalic Acid
2.98 (m, 6 H, ArCHz), 7.32 and 7.60 (s, 1 H, ArH); IR (KBr) 1690
cm-l; UV (95% EtOH) h 256 (e 12 000), 304 (5080); m/e (re1 in-
29 25 tensity) 172 (100). Anal. (C12H120) C, H.
2,2-Dimethyl-s-hydrindacen-l-one(5). A solution of ketones 3 and
far the most efficient preparation of this lactol-and the one 4 (41.6 g, 0.242 mol), methyl iodide (131 mL, 299 g, 2.10 mol), and
actually used in practice-was through the acid-catalyzed dry benzene (1 50 mL) was added over 2 h to KO-t-Bu (prepared from
hydrolysis of synthetic illudacetalic acid (29) itself. Thus, the potassium (46.3 g, 1.18 g-atoms) and tert-butyl alcohol (455 mL) in
synthesis of the latter natural product was viewed simply as benzene (1600 mL)). This mixture was then refluxed for 2 h, cooled
the preparation of another intermediate-a protected dial- to room temperature, and carefully quenched with water (5 mL).
Hydrochloric acid (2 N, 600 mL) was then added, and workup
dehyde-from the standpoint of the synthesis of the former (benzene (2X); 10% Na2SO3 (2X), NaHC03,10% Na2S03, NaCI;
two. MgS04) yielded a red-orange liquid which was vacuum distilled (bp
Experimental Section 106-1 16 "C (2.2 mmHg)) to provide an orange liquid (45.2 g) com-
prising a mixture of ketones 5 and 6 as well as a significant amount
General Experimental Information. Melting points were determined of starting ketones 3 and 4. This material could be purified by being
on a Kofler hot-stage instrument and are uncorrected as are all boiling stirred in carbon tetrachloride (50 mL) for 0.5 h with decolorizing
points. Elemental analyses were performed by Scandinavian Mi- carbon. Filtration through Celite and concentration under reduced
croanalytical Laboratories, Herlev, Denmark. Gas chromatographic pressure left an oily white solid (mp 25-57 "C) which, after three
separations were carried out on a Varian Aerograph Model 1525-B recrystallizations from petroleum ether (bp 30-60 "C), two subli-
instrument using columns packed with 5-30% SE-30 on Chromosorb mations (0.03 mmHg, 30 "C, 2 days), and purification by preparative
W. Thin layer and preparative layer chromatographic separations gas chromatography, gave an analytical sample of 5 : mp 57-61 OC;
were performed on commercially available (Analtech) plates that were NMR (CDC13) 6 1.23 (s, 6 H, CH3), 2.12 (quintet, 2 H,
used as received. After preparative work compounds were eluted from CH2CH2CH2),2.93 (m,6 H,ArCH2), 7.26 and 7.60(s, I H,ArH);
the absorbents with ethyl acetate. Column chromatography was IR (KBr) 1695 cm-]; UV (95% EtOH) h 256 (e13 300), 304 (5190);
carried out using activity I Woelm silica gel. Dry benzene, ether, and m/e (re1 intensity) 200 (50). Anal. (C14H160) C, H.
tetrahydrofuran were distilled under nitrogen or argon from potas- 2,2-Dimethyl-s-hydrindacene(7). A solution of the crude mixture
sium-benzophenone ketyl. Dry tert- butyl alcohol and methylene of ketones 3-6 (44.5 g, 0.222 mol) in 95% ethanol (235 mL) was added
chloride were distilled under nitrogen from calcium hydride. Spin- dropwise over 3.5 h to a refluxing mixture of freshly prepared amal-
ning-band distillations were done on a Perkin-Elmer MFA-200 au- gamated zinc dust (195 g), water (65 mL), concentrated HCI (196
toannular still. Routine workup of reaction mixtures is represented mL, added slowly), and 95% ethanol (18.5 mL). After the mixture
by the following-extraction solvent, washing solutions (saturated had been refluxed for an additional 20 h, more concentrated hydro-
unless otherwise specified), drying agent-and implies filtration and chloric acid (100 mL) was added. Following a final 2-h period of re-
concentration of the dried organic phase on a rotary evaporator. flux, the reaction mixture was cooled and decanted from the insoluble
All spectral data were obtained from analytically pure samples. zinc residues, which then were washed successively with water (500
Infrared spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Model 137 in- mL) and ether (100 mL). Workup (ether (3X); H20, NaHC03,
strument. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were obtained on a NaCI; MgS04) provided an orange liquid. Vacuum distillation gave
Varian XL-100 instrument in the Fourier transform mode. Mass a mixture of hydrocarbons containing 7 and 8 (34.3 g, bp 78-86 "C
spectra were determined on an AEI MS-9 double focusing instrument (0.6 mmHg)) and starting ketones 5 and 6 (2.55 g, 0.01 28 mol, bp
at 70 eV and inlet temperatures of 200-300 "C. Ultraviolet spectra 100-1 10 "C (0.6 mmHg), 5.8%). The lower boiling fraction was
were measured on a Cary Model 14 spectrometer. further purified by careful spinning-banddistillation (7200 rpm, reflux
SB-Chloropropionylindan(2). Indan (1, 64.6 g, 0.547 mol) and 0- ratio 100:1, pot temperature 120-125 "C) to provide unmethylated
chloropropionylchloride (69.6 g, 0.548 mol) were combined and added hydrindacenes (bp 60-65 "C (0.6 mmHg), 9.0 g), 2,2-dimethyl-
over a period of 1 h (slight exotherm) to a magnetically stirred solution as-hydrindacene (8, bp 80-81 "C (1.3 mmHg), 4.1 g), 2,2-di-
of AICI3 (164 g, 1.23 mol) in dry CH3N02 (550 mL) at room tem- methyl-s-hydrindacene (7, bp 75-78 "C (0.6 mmHg), 18.7 g), and
2,2-dimethylhydrindacen-l-onesSand 6 (bp 76-78 OC (0.35 mm Hg), (CH2C12 (3X); NaCI; MgS04) to give a yellow oil which was vacuum
1.5 g). This corresponded to a 66.5% yield of pure 7 based upon un- distilled to provide bromo ether 15 (3.68 g, 12.5 mmol, 95.9%; bp
recovered, methylated starting ketones. A center cut from the distil- 108-1 10 OC (0.1 1 mmHg)) as a low-melting, white solid. Sublimation
lation afforded a low-melting solid which was sublimed (0.4 mmHg, (0.2 mmHg, room temperature, 5 days), low-temperature recrystal-
25 OC, 1 day) to give an analytical sample of 7: mp 31.5-33.0 OC; lization from ether-pentane (1 X), and resublimation gave an ana-
NMR (CDC13) 6 1.16 (s, 6 H, CH,), 2.06 (quintet, 2 H, lytical sample: mp 40.5-43.5 OC; NMR (CDCI3) 6 l .21 (s, 6 H, CH3),
C H ~ C H Z C H ~2.69
) , (s, 4 H, ArCHzC(CH3)2), 2.86 (t, 4 H, 2.1 1 (quintet, 2 H, CH2CH2CH2), 2.73 and 2.83 (s, 2 H,
ArCH2CH2), 7.05 (s, 2 H, ArH); UV (95% EtOH) X 258 (sh) ( e 664), ArCHzC(CH3)2), 2.90 and 3.01 (t, 2 H, ArCH2CH2), 3.80 (s, 3 H,
262 (sh) (logo), 266 (sh) (1700), 270 (2460), 276 (3420), 280 (3540), OCH3); UV (95% EtOH) 6 228 (sh) (e 10 300), 262 (sh) (480), 271
290 (3650); m/e (re1 intensity) 186 (100). Anal. (C14H18) C, H. The (684), 280 (625); m/e (re1 intensity) 296 (99), 294 (100). Anal.
unsymmetrical isomer 8 from the spinning-band distillation was pu- (ClsH19BrO) C, H, Br.
rified once more by short-path distillation to give an analytical sample: ~Carbomethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-8-methoxy-s-hydnndacene (16).A
bp 82 OC (0.95 mmHg); NMR (CDCI3) 6 1.16 (s, 6 H, CH3), 2.06 solution of bromo ether 15 (3.68 g, 12.5 mmol) and BrCHzCHZBr
(quintet, 2 H, C H Z C H ~ C H ~2.63 ) , and 2.71 (s, 2 H, ArCH2C- (1.04 mL, 2.27 g, 12.1 mmol) in dry T H F (41 mL) was added drop-
(CH3)2), 2.8 (m, 4 H, ArCHzCHz), 7.01 (m, 2 H, ArH); UV (95% wise in 45 min to a stirred, refluxing mixture containing magnesium
EtOH) X 272 (c 1120), 278 (1450), 280 (sh) (1270). 286 (994); m/e (617 mg, 25.4 mg-atoms) and dry T H F ( 5 mL). Heating was con-
(re1 intensity) 186 (94). Anal. ( C I ~ H IC,~ H.
) tinued for an additional 1.25 h, and the solution of Grignard anion was
4,8-Dibromo-2,2-dimethyl-s-hydrindacene(12). Hydrocarbon 7 allowed to cool to room temperature. The addition of methyl chloro-
(1 5.7 g, 0.0844 mmol) was suspended in dry CH3N02 ( 1 50 mL), and formate (2.79 mL, 3.40 g, 36.0 mmol) in one batch caused the solution
a solution of bromine (9.70 mL, 28.4 g, 0.178 mol) in CH3N02 (70 to boil briefly. The mixture was stirred for 3 h at room temperature
mL) was added dropwise over 0.5 h. The reaction mixture, which by by which time a white precipitate had appeared. Hydrochloric acid
then contained a thick precipitate of the dibromide, was stirred for (10%. 50 mL) was added and the mixture was worked up (ether (3X);
an additional 0.5 h and filtered. The pale-orange solid was washed with NaHC03, NaCI; MgS04) to give the ester 16 (3.34 g, 12.3 mmol,
10%NaHS03(2 X l00mL)and water ( 5 X lOOmL),airdried,and 98.2%) as a golden yellow oil which crystallized upon standing in
sublimed (0.3 mmHg, 80 OC, 5 days) to provide dibromide 12 (26.7 vacuo. A small portion was purified by low temperature recrystalli-
8). The entire filtrate from the above washings was worked up zation from ether-pentane (4X) and sublimation (2 X 0.03 mmHg,
(CH2C12; NaCI; MgS04) to give an oily solid (2.35 g), recrystalli- 45 O C , 2 days) for elemental analysis: mp 50.5-56.0 OC; NMR
zation of which from absolute MeOH gave an additional sample of (CDC13) 6 1.16 (s, 6 H, CH3), 2.07 (quintet, 2 H, C H Z C H ~ C H ~ ) ,
12 (0.805 8). A portion of the total amount of 12 (27.5 g, 0.0799 mol, 2.75 (s, 2 H, o-CH30ArCH2C(CH3)2), 2.93 (t, 2 H, o-
94.7%) was recrystallized from MeOH (4X) and sublimed (0.4 C H ~ O A ~ C H Z C H3.00
Z ) , (s, 2 H, o - C H ~ O ~ C A ~ C H ~ C ( C3.1H8~ ) ~ ) ,
mmHg, 55 OC, 20 h) to provide an analytical sample: mp 83.5-84.0 (t, 2 H, O - C H ~ O Z C A ~ C H ~ C 3.87
H ~and
) , 3.88 (s, 3 H, OCH3 and
OC; NMR (CDCI3) 6 1.20 (s, 6 H, CHj), 2.11 (quintet, 2 H, C02CH3); IR (KBr) 1705 cm-l; UV (95% EtOH) X 253 (t I O 900),
) , (s, 4 H, ArCHzC(CH3)2), 3.02 (t, 4 H,
C H ~ C H Z C H ~2.83 293 (3230); m/e (re1 intensity) 274 (100). Anal. (C17H2203) C, H.
ArCH2CH2); UV (95% EtOH) X 225 (sh) (e12 000), 237 (sh) (8860), 4-Carbomethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-8-methoxy-s-hydrindacen-7-one
267 (sh) (860), 274 (1470), 283 (1510); m/e (re1 intensity) 346 (51), (17).To a solution of methyl ester 16 (3.34 g, 12.2 mmol) in glacial
344 (IOO), 342 (52). Anal. (C14H16Br2) C, H, Br. AcOH (7 10 mL) was added in one portion a freshly prepared solution
4-Bromo-2,2-dimethyl-8-hydroxy-s-hydrindacene (14).A solution of CrO3 in aqueous AcOH (27.0 mL; 1.O M C r 0 3 in 19:1 AcOH-
of dibromide 12 (29.1 g, 0.0846 mol) in dry T H F (1 30 mL) was cooled water; 270 mmol). The reaction solution was stirred at room tem-
to -78 OC in a dry, 250-mL, pear-shaped flask under a nitrogen at- perature for 2 h and then poured into water (4 L). The greenish brown
mosphere, and n-BuLi (43 mL, 2.1 M solution in hexane, 0.0903 mol) cloudy suspension was worked up (ether [ 5 X 500 mL]; water (2X),
was added to this magnetically stirred solution over a 10-min period.Ih N a H C 0 3 (2X), NaCI; MgS04) to give a yellow oil (3.98 8). This
After having been stirred for an additional 15 min at -78 OC, the material was chromatographed on silica gel (125 g, 10 L of 3-10%
rose-colored solution of monoanion was cannulated into a magnetically EtOAc-hexanes, gradient elution) to give, in order of elution starting
stirred, -78 OC solution of trimethyl borate (10.7 mL, 9.79 g, 0.0942 material 16 (429 mg, 1.57 mmol, 12.8%), undesired C-1 monoketone
mol, distilled from and dried over anhydrous LiCI) in dry T H F ( 1 30 (502 mg, 1.74 mmol, 14.3%), desired C-7 monoketone 17 (1 251 mg,
mL). The reaction solution was warmed to 0 OC and stirred for 45 min. 4.35 mmol, 35.6%), undesired C-5 monoketone (262 mg, 0.910 mmol,
Acetic acid (8.0 mL, 8.4 g, 0.14 mol) was added in one portion to the 7.5%), C-I, C-7 diketone (230 mg, 0.757 mmol, 6.2%). Compound
clear solution, and a fluffy white precipitate appeared. A 20% aqueous 17 was purified by recrystallization from hexanes (2X) and aqueous
H202 solution (28.7 mL, 0.169 mol) was immediately added dropwise EtOH (1 X) and sublimation (0.05 mmHg, 80 OC, 2 days) to give a
over a 10-min interval. This suspension was then warmed to room white, crystalline, analytical sample: mp 100.5-102.0 OC; NMR
temperature and vigorously stirred for 45 min. After the addition of (CDC13) 6 1.16 (s, 6 H, CH3), 2.68 (m, 2 H, ArCOCHz), 2.79 (s, 2
water (250 mL), the mixture was worked up (ether; 10% Fez- H, o-CH30ArCH2C(CH3)2), 3.10 (s, 2 H, o-CH302CAr-
(NH&(S04)2 saturated with (NH4)2S04 (3X), NaHCO3, NaCI; CH2C(CH3)2), 3.36 (m, 2 H, ArCOCH2CH2), 3.92 (s, 3 H,
MgS04) to give an oily solid (25.1 g). This crude material was tritu- C O Z C H ~ )4.05
, (s, 3 H, OCH3); IR (KBr) 1700 cm-l; UV (95%
rated with ice-cold pentane and filtered to give a white powdery por- EtOH) X 232 ( e 32 700), 264 (10 900), 31 1 (3470); m/e (re1 intensity)
tion of bromophenol 14 (12.4 g, mp 143-147 "C). The filtrate con- 288 (100). Anal. (Cl7H2004) C, H.
tained a pale yellow oil ( 1 2.7 g) which was purified by column chro- 4-Carbomethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-7-bydroxy-8-methoxy-s-hydrin-
matography on silica gel (450 g, cyclohexane to 3% EtOAc-cyclo- dacene(18). A solution of the ketone 17 (1.15 g, 3.99 mmol) in absolute
hexane gradient elution) to give various butyl-containing products MeOH (65 mL) was cooled to 0 "C, and NaBH4 (31 3 mg, 8.24 mmol)
and an additional portion of the bromophenol 14 (0.826 g) (total yield was added in one portion. After having been stirred at 0 "C for 0.5 h,
of purified 14 13.2 g, 0.0970 mol, 55.5%). A portion of the solid phenol the reaction solution was quenched with water (150 mL), and the
was sublimed (0.25 mmHg, 110 OC, 15 H), recrystallized from hex- mixture was worked up (CH2C12 (4X); NaCI; MgS04) to give the
anes (3X), and resublimed to give an analytical sample, mp 147-148.5 alcohol 18 (1.1 1 g, 3.83 mmol, 95.9%) as a white solid, mp 75-79 "C.
OC (with softening at -120 "C); NMR (CDC13) 6 1.20 (s, 6 H, CH3), Recrystallization from hexanes (2X) gave an analytically pure sample:
2.13 (quintet, 2 H, CH2CHzCH2). 2.73 (s, 4 H, ArCH2C(CH3)2), mp 75-84 OC; NMR (CDCI3) 6 1.14 and 1.16 (s, 3 H, CH3), 2.81 (s,
2.92 (t, 4 H, ArCH2CH2), 4.36 (s, 1 H, OH); IR (KBr) 3250 cm-l; 2 H, o - C H ~ O A ~ C H ~ C ( C H3.02 ~ ) ~(s,
, 2 H, o-CH302CAr-
UV (95% EtOH) X 273 ( e 589), 284 (379); UV (NaOH added) X 246 CH2C(CH3)2), 3.86 (s, 3 H, C02CH3), 3.99 (s, 3 H, OCH3), 5.44
(t 8230), 285 (1710), 294 (1500); m/e (re1 intensity) 282 (94), 280 (m, 1 H, HOCH); IR (KBr) 3400,1680 cm-I; UV (95% EtOH) X
(100). Anal. (C14H17BrO) C, H, Br. 255 ( e 10 800). 290 (2920); m/e (re1 intensity) 290 (100). Anal.
4-Bromo-2,2-dimethyl-8-methoxy-s-hydrindacene(15).Bromo- (C17H2204) C, H.
phenol 14 (3.65 g, 13.0 mmol) was dissolved in reagent grade acetone 4-Carbomethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-8-methoxy-l,2,3,5- tetrahydro-
(130 mL), K2CO3 (2.69 g, 19.5 mmol) and dimethyl sulfate (1.80 g, s-indacene(19).p-Toluenesulfonic acid (4 mg) was added to a solution
14.3 mmol) were added, and the mixture was refluxed with stirring of alcohol 18 (1.04 g, 3.59 mmol) in dry benzene (75 mL) under ni-
for 16 h. Saturated NaHC03 solution (30 mL) was added to the trogen, and the mixture was refluxed for 10 min. After cooling to room
cooled reaction mixture which was then stirred for 1 h at room tem- temperature, the reaction mixture was concentrated to a total volume
perature. Water (100 mL) was added and the mixture worked up of 5 mL and passed through a short column of silica gel (7.5 X 0.75
cm, 2: 1 hexanes-EtOAc elution). Solvent removal provided the tet- 02CArCH2C(CH3)2), 4.03 (s, 3 H, C02CH3), 4.10 (s, 3 H, OCH3),
rahydioindacene 19 (974 mg, 3.58 mmol, 99.8%) as an off-white solid. 8.26 (br d, 1 H, J = 6 Hz, ArH4), 8.58 (br d, lH, J = 6 Hz, ArH3),
A low-temperature recrystallization of a small portion frdm an 9.56 (br s, 1 H, ArHI); IR (KBr) 170b (s), 1610 (w), 1555 (m)cm-';
ether-pentane mixture followed by sublimation (0.05 mmHg, 55 OC, UV (95% EtOH) X 230 (c 47 900), 289 (5370), 298 (5430), 320 (sh)
1 day) gave ah analytically pure sample: mp 78-80 'C; NMR (4590), 332 (5710); UV (HCI added) X 228 (€23400), 251 (41 700),
(CDC13) b 1.16 (s, 6 H, CH3), 2.78 (s, 2 H, o-CH30ArCH2C(CH3)2), 292 (3330), 358 (5160); m/e (re1 intensity) 285 (100). Anal.
3.10 (s, 2 H, O - C H ~ T ) ~ C A ~ C H ~ C ( C3.70 ~ ) ,s, 2 H, Ar-
H ~ )(br (Ci7HigNOd C, H. N.
CH2CH=C), 3.90 (s, 3 H, C02CH3),3.96 (s, 3 H, OCHj), 0.52 (dt, Illudacetalic Acid (29). Crude methyl illudacetalate (31),59.1 mg,
J = 6 and 2 Hz, 1 H, ArCH=CH), 7.03 (dt, J = 6 and 2 Hz, 1 H; 0.169 mmol) was dissolved in MeOH (2 mL) and 1 N NaOH (1 mL)
ArCH=CH); IR (KBr) 1705 (s), 1580 (w), 1545 (w) cm-I; UV (95% was added. This solhtion was refluxed for 20 h under a nitrogen at-
EtOH) X 248 ( t 21 300), 271 (sh) (13 600), 310 (1850), 320 (sh) mosphere, cooled to room temperature, diluted with saturated
(1660); m/e (re1 intehsity) 272 (100). Anal. (C17H2003) C, H. Kk2P04 solution (30 mL), and extracted with CH2Cl2 (4X). The
4-C~rbomethoxy-B,7-cis-d~hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-8-methoxy- combined organic extracts were dried (Na2S04), filtered, and con-
s-hydrindacene(20). To a soltitioh of tetrahydroindacene 19 (168 mg, centrated to provide illudacetalic acid (29, 54.6 mg, 0.162 mmol,
0.630 mmol) in dry ether (5 mL) was added a solution of0sb4 ( I 60 96.2%) as a white foam. This foam crystallized when triturated with
mg, 0.630 mmol) in dry ether (5 mL). The reaction mixture turned methylcyclohexane. Recrystallization from this solvent (3X) gave an
black and began depositing a precipitate within minutes. After having analytical sample: mp 115-130 "C (natural, 135-13813 and 145-147
been stirred at room temperature for 15 h, the mixture was concen- "C5);I7 NMR (CDC13) 6 1.12 and 1.17 (s, 3 H, CH3), 2.80 (s, 2 H,
trated by removing the ether under a slow stream of nitrogeh (caution: ~ ) , (AB quartet, 2 H, o-H02CArCH2C(CH3)2),
o - C H ~ O A ~ C H3.00
resulting osmate ester was very fine and light). Pyridine (4 mL), water 3.26 (m, 1 H,CHzCH(OCH3)), 3.62 and 3.65 (s, 3 H, CHOCH3),
(4 mL), and NaHS03 (324 mg, 3.12 mmol) were added. The resulting 3.88 (s, 3 H, ArOCH3), 5.09 (dd, 1 H J = 9 and 4 Hz,
black solution was stirred at room temperature for 4 h, dilhted with CH2CH(OCH3)), 5.80 (s, 1 H, ArCHOCH3); IR (KBr) 2500-3500,
water (50 niL), and extracted with CH2C12 (5 X 15 mL). The com- 168Ocm-';UV(95%EtOH) A213 (e31 800),244(7160),280(sh)
bined organic layers were washed with water and brine, and dried (1700); UV (NaOH added) X 213 (e16 200), 270 (sh) (1300); m/e
(Na2S04), filtered through Celite, and concentrated (initially under (re1 intensity) 336 (5);TLC (silica gel, EtOAc) Rf0.28 (streak). Anal.
reduced pressure and then in vacuo) to afford the crude diol 20 as a (Ci8H2406) c, H.
white powder (184 mg, 0.602 mmol, 97.5%). Recrystallization of a Methyl Illudacetalate (31).The bishemiacetal 22 (1 30 mg, 0.404
portion from EtOAc and then from EtOAc-hexanes gave an analyt- mmol) was dissolved in dry MeOH (3 mL, distilled from Mg-
icalsamp1e:mp 159-162'C;NMR(CDC13)6 1.14and 1.16(s,3 H, (OCH3)2) containing trimethyl orthoformate (0.5 mL) and a small
CH3), 2.80 (s, 2 H, o-CH30ArCH2C(CH3)2), 3.30 (br t, 2 H, Ar- crystal of p-TsOH. The reaction mixture was stirred at room tem-
CHlCHOH),3.87 (s.3 H,C02CH3),4.02(~,3 H,0CH3),4.48 (m, perature for 1 h, diluted with CH2C12 (5 mL), and filtered through
1 H, ArCHlCHOH), 5.18 (m, 1 H, ArCHOH); I R (KBr) 3350,1705 a short column of silica gel (0.5 X 5 cm). Elution with CH2C12 (50
cm-I; UV (95% EtOH) X 254 ( e 10 600), 287 (2760); m/e (re1 in- mL) and evaporation of the solvents under reduced pressure yielded
tensity) 306 (80). Anal. (Cl~H2205)C, H. a pale-yellow oil which was purified by plate chromatography on silica
5-Carbomethoxy-1,3-dihydroxy-7,7-dimethyl-9-methoxy- gel (2 X 200 X 200 mm, 1 :1 hexanes-EtOAc elution) to give methyl
1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydrocyclopenta[g]-2-benzopyran(22). The diol 20 illudacetalate (31)as a colorless oil (134 mg, 0.383 mmol, 95.3%)
(826 mg, 2.70 mmol) was dissolved in 30% aqueous diokane (40 mL) which crystallized after being dried in vacuo. An analytical sample,
and treated with N a I 0 4 (689 mg, 3.22 mmol). This mixture was mp 1 1 1-1 14 OC, was prepared by recrystallization from hexanes (2X):
stirred for a few minutes at room temperature, and a white preclpitate NMR (CDCI3) 6 1.10 and 1.15 (s, 3 H, CH3), 2.79 (s, 2 H, o-
appeared. Stirring was continued for a total period of 2 h. The addition CH3OArCH2), 2.85 (AB quartet, 2 H, O - C H ~ O ~ C A ~ C H ~ C ( C H ~ ) , ) ,
of water (100 mL) caused the mixture to become homogeneous. 3.06 (m,2 H,CH2CH(OCH3)), 3.60and 3.64 (s,3 H,HCOCH3),
Workup (CH2C12 (3X); MgS04) left an off-white powdery solid (875 3.86 (s, 6 H, OCH3 and C02CH3), 5.07 (dd, 1 H, J = 9 and 4 Hz,
mg, 2.71 mmol, 100%). This material could not be crystallized and , (s, 1 H, ArCHOCH3); IR (KBr) 1710 cm-l;
C H Z C H O C H ~ )5.78
was purified by being repeatedly slurried with 1:I hexanes-ether to UV (95% EtOH) X 248 ( e 9760), 280 (sh) (3610); m/e (rei intensity)
give an analytical sample of 22: mp 103-1 1 1 OC; NMR (as 21 in 350 (10). Andl. (ClgH2606) C, H.
CDC13) 6 1.19 (s, 6 H, CH3), 1.61 ( s , HzO), 2.88 ( s , 4 H, tmrans-3-Ac;etoxy-5-carbomethoxy-1,9-dimethoxy-7,7-di-
ArCH2C(CH3)2,3.88 (s,3 H,C02CH3),3.96 (s,3 H,OCH3),4.21 methyl-1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydrocyclopenta[s]-2-benzopyran (35). A
(br s, 2 H, CHzCHO), 9.74 (t, 1 H, J = 1 Hz, CHzCHO), 10.48 (s, sample of bishemiacetal22 (58.2 mg, 0.184 mmol) was treated with
1 H, ArCHO); IR (as 22 in KBr) 3300,1705 cm-'; UV (as 22 in 95% trimethyl orthoformate (0.5 mL) and p-TsOH (one small crystal) in
EtOH) X 250 ( e 7090), 283 (sh) (1500);m/e (re1 intensity) 304 (IO). dry MeOH (1 mL) under conditions supposedly identical with those
Anal. (C17H2206) C, H . described for the preparation of methyl illudacetalate (31). Plate
Illudalic Acid Methyl Ether (25) from Illudacetalic Acid (29). II- chromatography on silica gel (2 X 200 X 200 mm, 2: 1 hexanes-EtOAc
ludacetalic acid (29, I17 mg, 0.348 mmol) was dissolved in T H F (3 elution) of the crude product led to the mixed acetal 31 (5.4 mg, 0.015
mL), and 10% HCI (10 drops) was added. The reaction mixture was mmol, 8.4%) and the mixed hemiacetal 34 (47.4 mg, 0.141 mmol,
stirred for 1 h at room temperature, diluted with water (25 mL), and 76.7%) as a powdery solid. mp 96-1 10 "C; NMR (CDC13) 6 1.10 ahd
worked up (CH2C12 (3X); Na2S04) to give 25 as a light-yellow foam 1.16 (s, 3 H, CH3), 2.79 (s, 2 H, o - C H ~ O A ~ C H2.85 ~ ) ,(AB quartet,
(100 mg, 0.345 mmol, 99.2%). One sample of this foam crystallized 2 H, o - C H ~ O ~ C A ~ C H ~ C ( C3.17 H ~ (m,
) ~ )2, H, CH2CHOH), 3.61
(mp 85-140 OC (lit.5 146-149 "C)) but could not be successfully re- (s, 3 H,CHOCH3), 3.85 and 3.87 (s, 3 H,ArOCH3 and C O I C H ~ ) ,
crystallized for purification: NMR (CDCI3) 6 1.20 (s, 6 H, CH3), 2.88 5.46 (br m, 1 H, CHOH), 5.75 (s, 1 H, ArCHOCH3); IR (KBr) 3350,
(s, 2 H, o - C H ~ O A ~ C H ~ 3.24
) , (AB quartet, 2 H, o-COAr- 1705 cm-'; UV (95% EtOH) X 212 ( e 36 400), 247 (8230), 287 (sh)
CH?C(CH&), 3.60 (m, 2 H, CHzCOH), 4.00 (s, 3 H, ArOCH3), (1600); m/e (re1 intensity) 336 (7). Precise mass measurement: calcd
5.87 (t, 1 H, J = 4 Hz, HCOH), 10.54 (s, 1 H, ArCHO); IR (KBr) for Cl8H2406, 336.1573; found, 336.1594.
3350, 1715, 1680 cm-I; UV (95% ETOH) X 212 (e21 IOO), 241 This mixed hemiacetal 34 (44.2 mg,0.132 mmol) was dissolved in
(14 400), 305 (sh) (1320); UV (NaOH added ) X 21 I ( e 28 300), 275 Ac2O (1 mL) and pyridine (100 pL) and stirred at room temperature
(sh) (2350); m/e (re1 intensity) 290 (76). for 0.5 hour. The solvents were removed in vacuo, and the colorless
IUudinine Methyl Ester (26).The bishemiacetal22 (27.8 mg, 0.0864 oil was purified by plate chromatography on silica gel (2 X 200 X 200
mmol) was dissolved in glacial AcOH (2 mL) and treated with excess mm, 2: 1 hexanes-EtOAc elution). The resulting acetate 35 (28.7 mg,
NH40Ac (160 mg, 2.20 mmol). The reaction was stirred at room 0.102 mmol, 77.5%) crystallized upon being scratched and was re-
temperature for 2.5 h, and water ( I O mL) and saturated NaHC03 crystallized from hexanes (2X) to give an analytical sample: mp
solution (25 mL) were added. Workup (CH2C12 (4X); MgS04) 106-108.5 OC; NMR (CDC13) b 1.1 1 and 1.16 (s, 3 H, CH3), 2.13
gave 26 as a pale-yellow oil (23.1 m , 0.081 1 mmol, 93.9%) which (s, 3 H, Ck3C02), 2.80 (s, 2 H, o - C H ~ O A ~ C H2.88 ~ ) , (AB quartet,
crystallized upon being scratched. T k s material was sublimed (0.2 2 H, O - C H ~ O ~ C A ~ C H ~ C ( C3.15 H ~(m,
) ~ 2) ,H, CH~CHOAC), 3.63
mmHg, 55 OC,3 days), recrystallized from hexanes (3X), and resu- (s,3 H,HCOCH3),3.86 and 3.88 (s,3 H,ArOCHj and COzCHj),
blimed (0.2 mmHg, 75 OC,1 day) to give an analytical sample: mp 5.78 (s, 1 H, ArCHOCH3), 6.40 (dd, J = 7 and 5 Hz, 1 H, CHOAc);
89.5-91.0 OC (lit.4 83-84 "C); NMR (CDCI3) 6 1.20 (s, 6 H, CH3), IR (KBr) 1750,1710 cm-I; UV (95% EtOH) X 212 ( e 40 500), 247
3.00 (s, 2 H, o - C H ~ O A ~ C H ~ C ( C H3.09 ~ ) ~ (s,
) , 2 H, 0-CH3- (8510), 277 (sh) (1830);mle (re1 intensity) 378 (1). Anal. (C20H2607)
treated as above (107 mg of N H ~ O A C1, mL of AcOH). Workup in- . , P. J. *;ai aid K. P. C. Vollhardt, Synthesis, 423 (1971;.
(12) R. Pappo, D. S. Allen, Jr., R. U. Lemieux, and W. S.Johnson, J. Org. Chem.,
volved diluting the mixture with pH 7 buffer (75 ml) and continuously 21. 478 (1956).
extracting with ether to give illudinine ( I ) as a white solid (14.3 mg, Dr: Marjorie Anchel of the New York Botanical Garden kindly provided
samples of natwal iiludinine, illudalic acid, and illudacetalic acid from which
0.0528 mmol, 75.0%). physical and spectral data were obtained for comparison purposes.
Illudalic Acid(I1). Illudalic acid methyl ether (25, 66.8 mg, 0.230 F. M. Dean, J. Goodchild, L. E. Houghton, J. A. Martin, R. B. Morton, B.
mmol) was dissolved in dry CHzC12 (2.5 mL) and BBr3 (55 pL, 120 Parton, A. W. Price, and N. Somvichien, Tetrahedron Lett., 4153
mg, 0.58 mmol) was added. The reaction mixture was stirred at room (1966).
Dr. L. Birladeanu, personal communication.
temperature for 2.5 h and then quenched with ice and water ( I 0 mL). The initial tetrahydrofuran solution should have been more dilute as the
Workup (CH2C12 (3X); Na2S04) left an orange oil (67.0 mg), which dibromide precipitatedabout one-fifth of the way through the n-butyllithium
was purified by column chromatography on silica gel ( 5 g, 3 L of addition, stirring became sluggish, and the reaction mixture warmed no-
5-2096 EtOAc-hexanes gradient elution) to give illudalic acid ( I I, 17.0 ticeably during the next two-fifths of the akylllthium addition. The reaction
mixture became homogeneous again, but the undesired butylated by-
mg, 0.0615 mmol, 26.8%) as the major product. Recrystallization from products were very probably formed during this period of higher temper-
95% EtOH (3X) gave an analytical sample: mp 190-210 OC dec ature.
(natural, 180-200 OC decI3 and 200 OC dec4);I7N M R (CDCI3) d 1.19 The acquisition of mixture melting points from samples of the natural and
(s, 6 H, CH3), 2.73 (s, 2 H, o - H O A ~ C H ~3.25 ) , (s, 2 H, o- synthetic 29, I, and I1 was deemed not worthwhile since the provided
samples13 each had considerably lower melting points than had been
COArCHZ), 3.52 (m, 2 H, ArCHzCOH), 4.3 (br s, 1 H, OH), 5.95 originally reported and since the latter two melted with accompanying
(dd, 1 H , J = 4,4 Hz, HCOH), 10.27 (s, I H, CHO), 12.42 (s, 1 H, decomposition.