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The Influence of Fracture on the Permeability of Carbonate
Reservoir Formation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
Lei Zhang 1,2 , Jingjing Ping 1,2 , Pinghua Shu 1,2 , Chao Xu 1,2 , Aoyang Li 1,2 , Qingdong Zeng 3 , Pengfei Liu 4 ,
Hai Sun 1,2, *, Yongfei Yang 1,2 and Jun Yao 1,2

1 School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China;

[email protected] (L.Z.); [email protected] (J.P.); [email protected] (P.S.);
[email protected] (C.X.); [email protected] (A.L.); [email protected] (Y.Y.);
[email protected] (J.Y.)
2 Key Laboratory of Unconventional Oil & Gas Development, China University of Petroleum (East China),
Qingdao 266580, China
3 College of Energy and Mining Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology,
Qingdao 266590, China; [email protected]
4 Dongsheng Jinggong Petroleum Development Group Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266580, China; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Due to the complex conditions of carbonate reservoir, in this paper, a unified lattice
Boltzmann method was used to study the rule of the flow in carbonate reservoir as the foundation.
Two group models were designed to simulate the influences of fractures and vugs. In experiments,
at first, the model for carbonate reservoir considering different amounts and lengths of fractures

 was considered. Then, the model was improved by taking the influences of fractures and vugs into
Citation: Zhang, L.; Ping, J.; Shu, P.;
consideration. The result from the first group shows that the whole permeability enhanced a lot
Xu, C.; Li, A.; Zeng, Q.; Liu, P.; Sun, when multiple fractures form a big one which connects to two boundaries. At the same time, the
H.; Yang, Y.; Yao, J. The Influence of main result of the other group shows that the main capability of vugs is flow accumulation. Through
Fracture on the Permeability of a series of experiments, the flow rule in carbonate reservoir with vugs and fractures is proved based
Carbonate Reservoir Formation Using on LBM theory, which has a huge impact on the study in LBM and researches on carbonate reservoir.
Lattice Boltzmann Method. Water
2021, 13, 3162. https://doi.org/ Keywords: carbonate reservoir; lattice boltzmann method; fracture and vugs; permeability

Academic Editors: Steffen Berg and

Michele La Rocca 1. Introduction
Carbonate reservoirs are rich in oil and gas resources and widely distributed in
Received: 9 September 2021
Accepted: 1 November 2021
the world, occupying an important position in the distribution of oil and gas. Usually,
Published: 9 November 2021
carbonate reservoirs have the characteristics of large reserves and high production, thus
it is easy for them to form large oil and gas fields. However, in carbonate reservoirs,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
the dissolved vugs, pores, and fractures occupy a great proportion, resulting in serious
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
heterogeneity. This has been a huge obstacle in the research and exploitation of carbonate
published maps and institutional affil- reservoirs. Various problems not only affect carbonate reservoirs, but also the large-scale
iations. exploitation of coalbed methane (CBM) and emerging shale gas. It can be said that the
research of fractures is extremely important for energy development.
The exploration of fracture theory was first proposed in 1868 by Russian scientists. It
is a very important theory called cubic law, which was popularly used to describe the flow
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
law of most fracture plane flows. In 1969, Snow et al. [1] carried out the research of the
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
fracture system. Their team established a fracture theory using the tensor theory based on
This article is an open access article
statistics which made it very simple and easy to operate, although the calculated results
distributed under the terms and were inaccurate. In later studies, Kamath et al. [2] chose the boundary element method to
conditions of the Creative Commons deal with the situation of one-way flow in fractures. This method was better to match with
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// continuous medium models; therefore, it could be used in a more complex fracture system.
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ Then, Teimoori et al. [3] further improved the model. He made division to fracture porous
4.0/). medium according to the relationship between fractures and matrix, so the calculation process

Water 2021, 13, 3162. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13223162 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/water

Water 2021, 13, 3162 2 of 13

is greatly simplified. The above is about the original contents of the study in fracture theory.
Recently, there have been many researches on fractures. Liu et al. [4] numerically studied the
geometry and hydraulic characteristics of a three-dimensional intersecting fracture model. In
their research, the modified successive random additions algorithm was used for the generation
of rough fracture surfaces, and the effect of fracture roughness on the permeability was analyzed.
IJeJe et al. [5] used TFReact, a fully implicit coupling simulator, to assess the effect of permeability
anisotropy on thermal production and rock property evolution, taking into account each
individual factor, including thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical fields. In the development of
shale gas reservoirs, Chen et al. [6] utilized multiple interacting continua method to construct
fractured reservoir models in order to determine hydraulic fracture geometry of horizontal
Wells, which significantly saves computational resources and improves prediction accuracy in
their optimization methods. Their works reflect the diversity of research in this field, which has
strong guiding significance for our research.
Nowadays, several approaches have been developed for the issues of multiphase
flow, including the CT experiment [7,8], the pore network model [9], the lattice Boltzmann
method (LBM) [10], the level set method [11], the volume-of-fluid (VOF) method [12], as
well as the phase field method [13–15]. The research based on these methods for fracture
modeling has been greatly developed. Yang et al. [16] used X-ray tomography to analyze the
sensitivity of pressure to volume changes in carbonate cavities, which is of great significance
for the exploitation in deep carbonate reservoirs. Cai et al. [17] derived a mathematical
model based on the classical Lucas–Washburn equation for spontaneous imbibition in a Y-
shaped branching network model, which is significant for research on the fluid flow in some
pore space of reservoirs. Chen et al. [18] have also used this technique to conduct a series of
studies on the pore-scale mechanisms of immiscible and miscible gas injection in fractured
carbonate rocks. In their study, fracture–matrix permeability difference determines the
ultimate matrix recovery during immiscible gas injection. Wang et al. [19] proposed a
fully coupled hydro-thermal model and flow transport in hydraulic fracture is described
using discrete fracture model (DFM). They investigated the effect of thermal process on
recovery of shale oil considering formation factors and fractal parameters. In the work
of Li et al. [20], the LBM method was used for flow simulation and the results showed
that the dominant channel pair of natural micro-fractures can significantly increase the
permeability of coal seams. LBM is favored by many scholars because it can be programmed
on parallel computers and can easily deal with complex boundary conditions. In the 1960s,
Broadwell et al. [21] firstly proposed the discrete velocity model, which was the early
lattice automata model. In their model, time and space were still continuous physical
quantities. In 1970s, Hardy et al. [22] firstly put forward the discrete model called the
HPP model, in which the fluid was set as a series of particles, while time and space
were scattered to the two dimensional square lattice in the model. With the gradual
development of LBM, McNamara and Zanetti [23] introduced a real parameter in 1988 to
represent the local particle distribution, and the Boltzmann equation was used to replace
the lattice gas automata evolution equation which made it easily apply to numerical
calculation. This was the innovation of the lattice Boltzmann method. Compared with
the lattice gas automata model, the new model eliminated most system noise, while
keeping the advantages of lattice gas automata. The model considered the collision process
which could completely ignore the influences between each particle. However, too many
particles made the calculation of collision operators very difficult. In 1989, Higuera and
Jimenez [24] simplified this model with the equilibrium distribution function collision
operator linearization, which overcame the potential problems from the collision operator
calculation. Chen et al. [25] put forward the method with single relaxation time in 1991,
using the same coefficient of relaxation time to control the speed of different particles
closing to grid, which simplified the collision operator. Soon afterwards, Grunau et al. [26]
put forward the simplified model, which was based on the single relaxation time model
but with simplified collision function, named the lattice BGK (LBGK) model. The model
overcame many defects of the lattice gas automata method. It not only greatly simplified
Water 2021, 13, 3162 3 of 13

the computation of the model, but could also be transferred to the form of Navier–Stokes
equations. Therefore, the LBGK model is the most widely used one at present.
Because the lattice Boltzmann method is easy to deal with complex shapes and bound-
aries in the simulation, the application of LBM is mainly concentrated on pore scale simula-
tion. However, the lattice Boltzmann method can also be extended to the characterization
of unit volume (REV) size of numerical simulation.
The basic idea of REV numerical simulation with LBM is to introduce a local resistance
to change the local fluid velocity. Spaid and Phelan [27] put forward a single-flow model
based on the Brinkman equations. Then, Freed [28] extended the resistance to the tensor
theory to improve the model. In the new model, the computed nodes were no longer a
pore or a determined point in the skeleton of rock. Instead, it represented the node with a
certain volume of porous media. However, due to the linear dependence of velocity and
dimensionless resistance, the effects of Mach number and the inertia effect of conventional
Mach number are different. Then, Guo and Zhao [29] put forward a model of isothermal in-
compressible flow in porous media by using the porosity of the introduction of equilibrium
distribution function and adding the external force to the evolution equation. The model
considered linear and nonlinear partial resistance matrix (matrix drag components) as well
as the inertia force and viscous force. In 2002, Kang et al. [30] extended the Freed model to
a non-uniform grid, which was a unified model called the unified lattice Boltzmann model
(ULBM). The model can simulate different models on diverse scales, and can also be used
to simulate the models with the coexistence of multiple scales. The ULBM model can be
used on micro scales as small as pores or as macro as the scales in meter or even kilometer.
However, in literatures the grid is rectangular, which makes model application re-
stricted. For example, the fractures in the fracture system flow simulation must have
smooth surface, and must be parallel to the axis, which is very difficult.
So as to extend the ULBM model application, we must improve the mesh dividing
method. In fact, in order to increase calculation efficiency, many scholars have accomplished
a lot of works in the aspect of treating the curve boundary or the local refinement of
traditional LBM. One of the popular methods is to combine traditional LBM with quadtree
grid. The quadtree grid is a kind of typical unstructured grid, which is composed of
many different sizes of square grids. Quadtree grid division offers a certain division
standard in a square area, so the classification is a gradual process of mesh recursive
subdivision. In recent years, the quadtree grid is gradually popular because this method
has the following advantages. Firstly, it is about an automatic dividing grid, which means
the grid information storage structure is simple and orderly, and then local high encryption
and dynamic adaptability. Crouse et al. first applied a quadtree grid to the lattice Boltzmann
method. However, because of the linear interpolation processing mode adopted in the
grid with different levels, the improved model cannot keep second-order accuracy of the
lattice Boltzmann method. Chen et al. [31] used linear interpolation in the quadtree grid on
the basis of a correct method (back-and-forth error compensation and correction, called
BEFECC), making the precision corresponding to second-order accuracy.
In this paper, we choose ULBM with quadtree grid to do the research. The model
we use is the D2Q9 model for carbonate reservoirs. In experiments, we established two
groups of models to simulate the flow in the system with pores and fractures. In the first
group, we just consider the effects of fractures. The possible variable parameters include
the density of fractures and the permeability of rock matrix. In the second group, we
consider the effects of holes on the model. Compared with the first group, the increased
possible variable parameters are the size of holes and the quantity of holes, so the research
of the second group mainly focuses on the ability of holes.
The quadtree paper only studied the influences of fractures on matrixes with diverse
characters as well as the effects of fracture permeability on matrixes when the fracture
positions are fixed. However, it neglected the influences of fracture number and density.
Water 2021, 13, 3162 4 of 13

2. Numerical Method and Physical Model

2.1. LBM
In this section, we will briefly introduce the unified lattice Boltzmann model. More
details can be found in Kang’s articles [30,32]. The basic idea of a unified model is to
introduce a resistance to change the local fluid velocity, which not only makes nodes in
different areas of the model with diverse scales able to be handled unified, but also makes
the inexistence of internal boundary problem in the process of simulation.
In the Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook (BGK) lattice Boltzmann model [33] with a single
relaxation time, the evolution equation is:
f i (x, t) − f i (ρ, u, T )
f i (x + ei δt , t + δt ) = f i (x, t) − (1)
In the equation, f i is the particle distribution function in the direction of i (in the D2Q9
model, i = 0, 1, 2 · · · 8, as shown in Figure 1), δt is the time step, τ represents the relaxed
time, and the relationship between viscosity and relaxed time is: v = (τ − 0.5) RT, f i is
the equilibrium distribution function, defined as follows:
" #
eq ei · u ( ei · u ) 2 u2
f i (ρ, u, T ) = ωi ρ 1 + + − , (2)
RT 2( RT )2 2RT

where R is the gas constant; and u, ρ, T represent the fluid velocity, density, and temperature,
respectively. For the D2Q9 model, the weight coefficient ω0 = 4/9 when i = 0; ωi = 1/9
when i = 1, 2, 3, 4; and ωi = 1/36, when i = 5, 6, 7, 8. The lattice velocities ei are e0 = (0, 0),
e1,3 = (±1, 0), e2,4 = (0, ±1), e5,7 = (±1, ±1), and e6,8 = (∓1, ±1). The fluid density and
velocity can be calculated by following the equations: ρ = ∑ f i and ρu = ∑ ei f i , respectively.
i i

Figure 1. Schematic of the D2Q9 model.

0 ¯
In the unified lattice Boltzmann model, two velocities, u and u, are introduced and
defined as:     
0 1 1
u = I+ R I− τ− R •u (3)
2 2
Water 2021, 13, 3162 5 of 13

¯ 1 1 0
u= 1− u+ u (4)
2τ 2τ
where R is the resistance tensor, which is related to the permeability tensor k and defined
as R = vk−1 . When the resistance tensor is diagonal, Equation can be written as
1 − τ − 12 R a
uα 0 = uα (5)
1 + 12 R a

At the same time, the equilibrium distribution function is modified as follows:

  2 
0 ei · u ¯2
 ei · u u 
f i (ρ, u, T ) = ωi ρ 1 + + − . (6)
 
RT 2 2RT
 2( RT ) 

According to the Chapman–Enskog expansion, Equation will recover the following

macroscopic transport equations [30]:

+ ∇·(ρu) = 0, (7)
+ ∇·(ρuu) = −∇ p − ρR·u + ∇·[ρv(∇u + u∇)]. (8)
Usually, the complex reservoir contains two systems with quite different resistances,
e.g., fracture and matrix in fractured reservoir, or hydraulic fracture and matrix in carbonate
reservoir. In the fracture system, its permeability can be very large, and the resistance is
very small. As a result, the linear velocity term is negligible compared to other terms and
Equation (8) will recover the Naiver–Stokes equation. The last term in Equation (8) is called
the Brinkman correction, which is usually much smaller than the linear velocity term for
flow in porous media. In matrix system, the Brinkman correction term can be neglected,
and Equation (8) will be reduced to Darcy’s equation.

2.2. Physical Model

(1) Physical model I
A series of fracture models, shown in Figure 2, are generated in this work. Four
parameters are used to characterize the fracture, including the coordinates of midpoint
(x, y), length l, dip angle θ, and fracture aperture b, which are shown in Figure 3. In the
fracture model, the fracture density Ds is adopted to describe the number of fractures in
two-dimensional plane [34]. The fracture density is defined as:

∑ l i bi
Ds = , (9)
where A is the plane area. The following steps are used to generate a model with fracture
density D0 .
Water 2021, 13, 3162 6 of 13

Figure 2. Schematic of fracture model.

Figure 3. The parameters of a fracture are the coordinates of midpoint (x, y), length L, dip angle θ,
and fracture aperture b.

Step 1: define the size of fracture model, including the width X and the length Y for a
two-dimensional model. In this work, X and Y are both set as 1000.
Step 2: the coordinates of midpoint (x, y) are generated randomly for each fracture,
where 0 ≤ x ≤ X, 0 ≤ y ≤ Y. In this study, the effect of dip angle is not considered.

Therefore, the dip angle θ is fixed to a certain angle firstly, such as 30 . Then, a small

random perturbation ∆θ is added to the dip angle, which is subject to ∆θ ≤ 10 in this case.
The length of each fracture is generated by the function expand(x) in Matlab. It needs a
mean length Lm , which is set as Lm = 64. The aperture b is set as 1 for all fractures. Then,
only the fracture part, which is located inside of the area, should be kept.
Step 3: calculate the fracture density Ds . If fracture density is less than the estimated
density D0 , repeat step 2.
(2) Physical model II
Two series of fracture models with different sizes and numbers of vugs are generated
based on the physical model I. Only the fracture models with a density of 0.02 are chosen
from the last section. The vugs are divided into two groups by its sizes, i.e., 100 × 100 for
the bigger one and 50 × 50 for the smaller one. For the first group, one, two, three, and
four big vugs are added to each fracture model, respectively, while four, eight, twelve, and
sixteen small vugs are added in the second group, as shown in Figures 4 and 5. For each
fracture density in last section, five models are created. In the figure, only the first model
with holes is given while in total there are 40 models.
Water 2021, 13, 3162 7 of 13

Figure 4. The fracture models with big vugs.

Figure 5. The fracture models with small vugs.

The locations of the holes are random. For instance, in three-hole models, the third model
is produced randomly based on the two-hole models. The volume of a larger hole equals to the
summation of four smaller ones, thus the porosities for both models are corresponding.
(3) Physical model III
Two more series of fracture models vugs are generated, and the fracture density, the
size, and number of vugs are different. The size of vugs are kept the same as before:
100 × 100 for the big one and 50 × 50 for the small one. For the fracture models with a
density of 0.01, one, two, and three big vugs are added, and three, five, and seven small vugs
are added to fracture models with a density of 0.02 randomly, as shown in Figures 6 and 7.
The option of this fracture density and vug number is under the consideration of keeping
the porosities of fractures and vugs in a similar range. For each fracture density, five models
are created. A total of 30 models are built while only the first model with vugs is shown in
the figure.

Figure 6. The fracture models with low fracture density and big vugs.
Water 2021, 13, 3162 8 of 13

Figure 7. The fracture models with high fracture density and small vugs.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. The Influence of Fracture Density
To investigate the effect of the fracture density on the flow ability of the formation, six
groups of models with different densities were created based on the physical model I. The
fracture densities range from 0.01 to 0.06. There are 30 models in total, and only one model
for each group is shown in Figure 8. During the simulation, the matrix is set with different
permeability and the resistance in the fractures is set to zero. The permeability of matrix k m is
set as 10−3, 10−2, 10−1, 100, and 101 (lattice units). The permeability of the whole system k p will
be calculated to study the contribution of fractures to the permeability of matrix model.

Figure 8. Fracture models with different density: (a) Ds = 0.01, (b) Ds = 0.02, (c) Ds = 0.03,
(d) Ds = 0.04, (e) Ds = 0.05, (f) Ds = 0.06.

The width and length of each model have 1000 pixels. The left side is the entrance
and the right side is the exit. In the lattice Boltzmann simulation, all the parameters are
dimensionless. The pressure (density) boundary condition [35] is adopted on both sides,
while the standard bounceback boundary condition is applied to the other two boundaries.
The pressure drop (∆p) between the entrance and the exit is 0.05 (lattice units).
Water 2021, 13, 3162 9 of 13

Figure 9 shows the effect of fracture on matrix with different permeability k m , where
the y-axis represents the ratio of permeability of fracture model k p to the permeability
of the matrix model without fractures. We calculate the average permeability for each
group with the same fracture density and matrix permeability. As shown in Figure 9,
the permeability ratio decreases as the permeability of matrix increases. The fracture can
change the permeability of the whole system significantly, and the permeability can be
10, even 40 times as the permeability of the matrix system. The fluid flow in the fracture
can be dominant in the lower permeable formation. However, with the continuous rise
in matrix permeability, the influence of fracture can be gradually ignored. As the matrix
permeability increases, the matrix will make more contributions to the fluid flow in the
system. At the same time, the matrix occupies more volume in the formation compared to
the fractures. The permeability ratio reaches 1 when the matrix permeability is greater than
1, which indicates that the fractures have less contributions to the flowability of matrix due
to the higher permeability in matrix system.

Figure 9. The effect of fracture on matrix with different permeability.

On the other side, the permeability ratio increases linearly as the fracture density
increases with the same matrix permeability, as shown in Figure 10. This can be attributed
to the fact that more fractures will bring more flow channels in the matrix system. It also
can be seen that fractures have a more obvious influence on the lower permeability system.
Water 2021, 13, 3162 10 of 13

Figure 10. The effect of fracture on matrix with different fracture density.

3.2. The Influence of Fractures and Vugs

In some unconventional reservoirs, the properties of various locations are quite different,
e.g., the fracture and the matrix in fractured formation, the organic matrix and inorganic matrix
in shale, or the fracture/vug system and matrix system in carbonate reservoirs. In this section, a
new fracture model with vugs is developed (physical model II). The effect of the size and total
volume of vugs will be investigated according to a series of simulations.
The influence of vug size is studied first. The permeability of the matrix system is 0.01,
0.1, and 1, respectively, while other parameters remain the same as the last section. In total,
there are 120 examples. By simulation, the permeability of the whole system is calculated
with the addition of fractures and vugs. The results of five examples are averaged, which
have the same matrix permeability as well as the same vug number and size. The result is
shown in Figure 11, in which the x-axis represents the porosity of fractures and vugs while
the y-axis is the permeability of the model with fractures and vugs. By comparison, the
permeabilities of fracture models with big vugs and small vugs are almost the same, and
no obvious differences can be observed. It can be inferred that the size of vugs has no direct
relations with the improvement of permeabilities. It thus means the influences of fractures
and vugs on fluid flow are different. The interconnected fracture network can improve the
flowing ability of the reservoir greatly, while the vugs and disconnected fractures can only
increase the fluid reservoir space with no contribution to the flowing. To further verify this
conclusion, a set of new models are built for flow simulation.
Water 2021, 13, 3162 11 of 13

Figure 11. Comparison between big vugs and small vugs.

3.3. The Influence of Fracture Density and Vugs Volume

In this section, the physical model III was used to simulate. The permeability of
the matrix system in the simulation is 0.001, while other parameters remain the same
as last section. In total, there are 30 examples. The permeability of the whole system
with fractures and vugs is calculated and the result is shown in Figure 12. The x-axis
represents the porosity of fractures and vugs while the y-axis is the permeability of the
model with fractures and vugs. In the same porosity, the permeability of small vugs is
generally higher than that of large vugs, because the connectivity between larger vugs and
fractures is generally smaller than that between narrow vugs and fractures. The larger vugs
corresponds to a stronger heterogeneity, which can be seen as the aggregation of small vugs
in one place, while the model with small vugs has a stronger homogeneity, more dispersed
vugs, and better connectivity with fractures.

Figure 12. Comparison between big vugs and small vugs with different fracture density.
Water 2021, 13, 3162 12 of 13

4. Conclusions
In this paper, different fracture systems are simulated by ULBM based on the quadtree
grid, and the D2Q9 model is used for carbonate reservoirs. This method has great feasibility
in the study of carbonate reservoir and shows a good ability to deal with the complex
fracture–vug system. The application of ULBM in carbonate reservoir is also very instruc-
tive. By analyzing the results of the simulation, several conclusions can be reached. With
the fracture plane density increasing, the fracture percentage rise gradually. Moreover, the
whole permeability will enhance a lot when fractures form big fractures connected to two
boundaries. However, the number of vugs affects little to the whole permeability. The
increase in the number of vugs just reduces the proportion of rock matrix, which indirectly
lifts the proportion of flow in fracture, so the whole permeability rises slightly. We also find
that the influence law basically remains unchanged in vugs and fractures at different scales.
For various sizes of vugs, we can find that, with the increase in vug size, the porosity keeps
unchanged and the whole permeability is unchanged as well, except the situation where
vugs connect fractures and thus form a connected boundaries fracture. Finally, when the
vugs are connected with the fractures, the permeability of the large vugs model is smaller
than that of the small vugs model due to its stronger heterogeneity under the condition
that the porosity remains unchanged. In future work, we will use ULBM to simulate
more complex fracture–vug systems in carbonate reservoirs. For example, corrosion of
fractures and vugs, the effect of fluid stress on wall surfaces, and nonisothermal modeling
of surfactants on LBM models can be considered.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.Z and J.P.; methodology, L.Z.; software, L.Z.; validation,
C.X., P.S. and A.L.; formal analysis, J.P.; investigation, J.P.; resources, L.Z.; data curation, P.S.; writing—
original draft preparation, J.P.; writing—review and editing, Q.Z.; visualization, P.L.; supervision,
H.S.; project administration, Y.Y.; funding acquisition, J.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by: National Natural Science Foundation of China: 52122402;
National Natural Science Foundation of China: 52122334; National Natural Science Foundation of
China: 52034010; National Natural Science Foundation of China: 51974342; National Natural Science
Foundation of China: 51936001; National Natural Science Foundation of China: 51774308; National
Natural Science Foundation of China: 52081330095; Applied Basic Research Projects of Qingdao
Innovation Plan: 16-5-1-38-JCH; 111 Project: B08028; Shandong Provincial Natural Science Founda-
tion: ZR2019JQ21; Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation: JQ201808; the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities: No.20CX02113A; Program for Changjiang Scholars and
Innovative Research Team in University: IRT_16R69.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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