M.Tech. Programme in Mechatronics, IIT Patna
M.Tech. Programme in Mechatronics, IIT Patna
M.Tech. Programme in Mechatronics, IIT Patna
SE501 Fundamentals of Mechatronics 3-0-0-6
Module I: Introduction: Definition of Mechatronics, Mechatronics in manufacturing, Products,
and design. Comparison between Traditional and Mechatronics approach.
Module II: Review of fundamentals of electronics. Data conversion devices, sensors,
microsensors, transducers, signal processing devices, relays, contactors and timers.
Microprocessors controllers and PLCs.
Module III: Drives: stepper motors, servo drives. Ball screws, linear motion bearings, cams,
systems controlled by camshafts, electronic cams, indexing mechanisms, tool magazines, transfer
Module IV: Hydraulic systems: flow, pressure and direction control valves, actuators, and
supporting elements, hydraulic power packs, pumps. Design of hydraulic circuits. Pneumatics:
production, distribution and conditioning of compressed air, system components and graphic
representations, design of systems. Description
Module V: Description of PID controllers. CNC machines and part programming. Industrial
HMT ltd. Mechatronics, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1988.
G.W. Kurtz, J.K. Schueller, P.W. Claar . II, Machine design for mobile and industrial
applications, SAE, 1994.
T.O. Boucher, Computer automation in manufacturing - an Introduction, Chappman and Hall,
R. Iserman, Mechatronic Systems: Fundamentals, Springer, 1st Edition, 2005
Musa Jouaneh, Fundamentals of Mechatronics, 1st Edition, Cengage Learning, 2012.
SE502: Sensors and Actuators 3-0-0-6
Brief overview of measurement systems, classification, characteristics and calibration of different
sensors. Measurement of displacement, position, motion, force, torque, strain gauge, pressure
flow, temperature sensor sensors, smart sensor. Optical encoder, tactile and proximity, ultrasonic
transducers, opto-electrical sensor, gyroscope. Principles and structures of modern micro sensors,
micro-fabrication technologies: bulk micromachining, surface micromachining, LIGA, assembly
and packaging.
Pneumatic and hydraulic systems: actuators, definition, example, types, selection. Pneumatic
actuator. Electro-pneumatic actuator. Hydraulic actuator, control valves, valve sizing valve
selection. Electrical actuating systems: solid-state switches, solenoids, voice coil; electric motors;
DC motors, AC motors, single phase motor; 3-phase motor; induction motor; synchronous motor;
stepper motors. Piezoelectric actuator: characterization, operation, and fabrication; shape memory
Text Books
John G. Webster, Editor-in-chief, “Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook”, CRC
Press (1999).
Jacob Fraden, “Handbook of modern Sensors”, AIP Press, Woodbury (1997).
Nadim Maluf, “An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering”, Artech House
Publishers, Boston (2000).
Marc Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication”, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1997).
Gregory Kovacs, “Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook”, McGraw-Hill, New York (1998).
E. O. Deobelin and D. Manik, “Measurement Systems – Application and Design”, Tata McGraw-
Hill (2004).
D. Patranabis, “Principles of Industrial Instrumentation”, Tata McGraw-Hill, eleventh reprint
B. G. Liptak, “Instrument Engineers’ Handbook: Process Measurement and Analysis”, CRC
Text Books:
V.K. Ingle and J.G. Proakis, “Digital signal processing with MATLAB”, Cengage, 2008.
T. Bose, Digital Signal and Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Singapore,04.
L. R. Rabiner and B. Gold, Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, PH, 2005.
A. Antoniou, Digital Filters: Analysis, Design and Applications, Tata McH, 2003.
Reference Books:
D. G. Luenberger, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Second Edition, Addison Wesley (2003).
R. E. Steuer, Multi Criteria Optimization, Theory, Computation and Application, John Wiley and
Sons, New York (1986).
PH515: PH515: MEMS and NEMS 3-0-0-6
Micro and nano mechanics – principles, methods and strain analysis, an introduction to
microsensors and MEMS, Evolution of Microsensors & MEMS, Microsensors & MEMS
applications, Microelectronic technologies for MEMS, Micromachining Technology – Surface
and Bulk Micromachining, Micromachined Microsensors, Mechanical, Inertial, Biological,
Chemical,Acoustic, Microsystems Technology, Integrated Smart Sensors and MEMS, Interface
Electronics for MEMS, MEMS Simulators, MEMS for RF Applications, Bonding & Packaging
of MEMS, Conclusions & Future Trends.
Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) – a journey from MEMS to NEMS, MEMS vs.
NEMS, MEMS based nanotechnology – fabrication, film formation and micromachining, NEMS
physics – manifestation of charge discreteness, quantum electrodynamical (QED) forces,
quantum entanglement and teleportation, quantum interference, quantum resonant tunneling and
quantum transport, Wave phenomena in periodic and aperiodic media – electronic and photonic
band gap crystals and their applications, NEMS architecture, Surface Plasmon effects and NEMS
fabrication for nanophotonics and nanoelectronics, Surface Plasmon detection – NSOM/SNOM
Electromechanical Sensors and Actuators, Ilene J. Busch‐Vishniac, Springer, 2008.
Introduction to Microelectronics Fabrication, Vol. V, G. W. Neudeck and R. F. Pierret (eds.),
Addison – Wesley, 1988.
Introduction to Microelectromechanical Microwave Systems, H. J. De Loss Santos, 2nd edition,
Norwood, MA: Artech, 2004.
Microsystems Design, S. D. Senturia, Kluwer – Academic Publishers, Boston MA, 2001.
Principles and Applications of Nano-MEMS Physics, H. J. Delos Santos, Springer, 2008.
Materials and Process Integration for MEMS Microsystems, Vol. 9, Francis E. H. Tay, Springer,
Quantum Mechanical Tunneling and its Applications, D. K. Roy, World Scientific, Singapore,
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Technology, Vol. 5, H. S. Nalwa (ed.), American scientific
Publishers, 2004
Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures, P. J. F. Harris, Cambridge University Press, UK, 1986.
Carbon Nanoforms and Applications, M Sharon and M. Sharon, Mc Graw Hill, 2010
VLSI Technology, S. M. Sze (eds.), Mc-Graw Hill, NY, 1983
Quantum Phenomena, S. Datta, Addison – Wesley, 1989.
References Books
J.Y. Wong, “Theory of Ground Vehicles”, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons (2008).
Reza N. Jazar, “Vehicle Dynamics: Theory and Application”, 1st Edition, 3rd Printing, Springer
R. Rajamani, “Vehicle Dynamics and Control”, Springer (2006).
A.A. Shabanna, “Dynamics of Multibody Systems”, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press
Reference Book
G. Genta, “Motor Vehicle Dynamics”, World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc. (1997).
H.B. Pacejka, “Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics”, SAE International and Elsevier (2005).
Dean Karnopp, “Vehicle Stability”, Marcel Dekker (2004).
U. Kiencke and L. Nielsen, “Automotive Control System”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
M. Abe and W. Manning, “Vehicle Handling Dynamics: Theory and Application”, 1st Edition,
Elsevier (2009).
L. Meirovitch, “Methods of Analytical Dynamics”, Courier Dover (1970).
H. Baruh, “Analytical Dynamics”, WCB/McGraw-Hill (1999).
EE502: Intelligent Visual
EE502: 3-0-0-6 Digital Signal
Basics of Image Processing: Introduction to Image Processing methods, Image Transforms,
Wavelet Transform, JPEG Image Compression, Image Formats, Color Spaces- RGB, CMY, HSI.
Video Compression Standards: H. 261, H. 263, H.264, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7,
and MPEG-21, Video shot boundary detection, motion modeling and segmentation techniques.
Object Detection and Classification- Shape based object classification, motion based object
classification, Silhouette-Based Method for Object Classification, Viola Jones object detection
framework, Multiclass classifier boosting.
Multi-Object Tracking- Classification of multiple interacting objects from video, Region-based
Tracking, Contour-based Tracking, Feature-based Tracking, Model-based Tracking, Hybrid
Tracking, Particle filter based object tracking, Mean Shift based tracking, Tracking of multiple
interacting objects.
Human Activity Recognition- Template based activity recognition, Sequential recognition
approaches using state models (Hidden Markov Models), Human Recognition Using Gait, HMM
Framework for Gait Recognition, Description based approaches, Human interactions, group
activities, Applications and challenges.
Camera Network Calibration - Types of CCTV (closed circuit television) camera- PTZ (pan-
tilt zoom) camera, IR (Infrared) camera, IP (Internet Protocal) camera, wireless security camera,
Multiple view geometry, camera network calibration, PTZ camera calibration, camera placement,
smart imagers and smart cameras.
Text Books
Murat A. Tekalp, “Digital Video Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Y. Ma and G. Qian (Ed.), “Intelligent Video Surveillance: Systems and Technology”, CRC Press,
4. Lab Courses
a. SE505: Mechatronic Laboratory-I
b. SE506: Mechatronic Laboratory-II
SE505:Mechatronic Pre-requisites:
SE505: 3-0-0-6
Laboratory-I Nil
Demonstration of mechatronics hardwares; servo- position and velocity control; process control;
basic programming using microprocessor/microcontroller; ADC and DAC interfacing with
microcontroller/microprocessor; machine condition monitoring; development of multiple sensor
fusion; image based navigation and control of robot; control of non-linear systems; machine
vision inspection and image surveillance; mini-projects on mechatronic system design.
SE506:Mechatronic Pre-requisites:
SE506: 3-0-0-6
Laboratory-II Nil
NC machine tool; sequence planning in CIM; automatic quality inspection in CIM; micro-
processor/microcontroller based control; 3 DOF gyroscope; design and fabrication of piezo-
actuator; hydraulic actuator; pneumatic actuator; design and characterization of optical sensor.
5. Others
a. Seminar – I
b. Seminar – II
c. Comprehensive Viva and Project Phase – I
d. Project Phase – II