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M.Tech. Programme in Mechatronics, IIT Patna

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M.Tech. Programme in Mechatronics, IIT Patna

Introduction to the programme:

Mechatronics is a multi-disciplinary study dealing with the integration of mechanical devices,

actuators, sensors, electronics, intelligent controllers and computers. Many new generations of
consumer or commercial products can be classified as mechatronic products as they involve
mechanical as well as electronic components. The need for mechatronic education has grown
due to the increase in the number and importance of such systems and devices. The program is
designed to provide in-depth knowledge in the fundamentals, design, analysis and operation of
mechatronic systems. The courses will be conducted by faculty from both the Mechanical
Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments. Moreover, specialists from overseas and
technical staff from industries will be frequently invited to lecture some of the modules.

Course Structure and Syllabus:

1. Core Courses:
a. SE501: Fundamentals of Mechatronics
b. SE502: Sensors and Actuators
c. SE503: Advanced Engineering Mathematics
d. SE504: Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems

SE501 Fundamentals of Mechatronics 3-0-0-6
Module I: Introduction: Definition of Mechatronics, Mechatronics in manufacturing, Products,
and design. Comparison between Traditional and Mechatronics approach.
Module II: Review of fundamentals of electronics. Data conversion devices, sensors,
microsensors, transducers, signal processing devices, relays, contactors and timers.
Microprocessors controllers and PLCs.
Module III: Drives: stepper motors, servo drives. Ball screws, linear motion bearings, cams,
systems controlled by camshafts, electronic cams, indexing mechanisms, tool magazines, transfer
Module IV: Hydraulic systems: flow, pressure and direction control valves, actuators, and
supporting elements, hydraulic power packs, pumps. Design of hydraulic circuits. Pneumatics:
production, distribution and conditioning of compressed air, system components and graphic
representations, design of systems. Description
Module V: Description of PID controllers. CNC machines and part programming. Industrial
HMT ltd. Mechatronics, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1988.
G.W. Kurtz, J.K. Schueller, P.W. Claar . II, Machine design for mobile and industrial
applications, SAE, 1994.
T.O. Boucher, Computer automation in manufacturing - an Introduction, Chappman and Hall,
R. Iserman, Mechatronic Systems: Fundamentals, Springer, 1st Edition, 2005
Musa Jouaneh, Fundamentals of Mechatronics, 1st Edition, Cengage Learning, 2012.

Advanced Engineering Pre-requisites:

SE503: 3-0-0-6
Mathematics Nil
Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra; basis, dimension and fundamental subspaces; solvability of Ax
= b by direct Methods; orthogonality and QR transformation; eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
similarity transformation, singular value decomposition, Fourier series, Fourier Transformation,
Vector Algebra & Calculus: Basic vector algebra; curves; grad, div, curl; line, surface and
volume integral, Green’s theorem, Stokes’s theorem, Gauss-divergence theorem.
Differential Equations: ODE: homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, Wronskian,
Laplace transform, series solutions, Frobenius method, Sturm-Liouville problems, Bessel and
Legendre equations, integral transformations; PDE: separation of variables and solution by
Fourier Series and Transformations, PDE with variable coefficient.
Numerical Technique: Numerical integration and differentiation; Methods for solution of Initial
Value Problems, finite difference methods for ODE and PDE; iterative methods: Jacobi, Gauss-
Siedel, and successive over-relaxation.
Complex Number Theory: Analytic function; Cauchy’s integral theorem; residue integral
method, conformal mapping.
Statistical Methods: Descriptive statistics and data analysis, correlation and regression,
probability distribution, analysis of variance, testing of hypothesis.
Text Books:
H. Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley, (2006).
Gilbert Strang, “Linear Algebra and Its Applications”, 4th edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, India
J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill, “Complex Variables and Applications”, McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc., New York (2004).
J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill, “Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems”, McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc., New York (2009).
G. F. Simmons, “Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes”, Tata McGraw-
Hill Edition, India (2003).
S. L. Ross, “Differential Equations” 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., India (2004).
K. S. Rao, “Introduction to Partial Differential Equations”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd (2005).
R. Courant and F. John, “Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, Volume I and II”, Springer-
Verlag, New York, Inc. (1989).
K. Atkinson and W. Han, “Elementary Numerical Analysis” 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., India (2004).
R. A. Johnson and G. K. Bhattacharya, “Statistics, Principles and Methods”, Wiley (2008).

SE502: Sensors and Actuators 3-0-0-6
Brief overview of measurement systems, classification, characteristics and calibration of different
sensors. Measurement of displacement, position, motion, force, torque, strain gauge, pressure
flow, temperature sensor sensors, smart sensor. Optical encoder, tactile and proximity, ultrasonic
transducers, opto-electrical sensor, gyroscope. Principles and structures of modern micro sensors,
micro-fabrication technologies: bulk micromachining, surface micromachining, LIGA, assembly
and packaging.
Pneumatic and hydraulic systems: actuators, definition, example, types, selection. Pneumatic
actuator. Electro-pneumatic actuator. Hydraulic actuator, control valves, valve sizing valve
selection. Electrical actuating systems: solid-state switches, solenoids, voice coil; electric motors;
DC motors, AC motors, single phase motor; 3-phase motor; induction motor; synchronous motor;
stepper motors. Piezoelectric actuator: characterization, operation, and fabrication; shape memory
Text Books
John G. Webster, Editor-in-chief, “Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook”, CRC
Press (1999).
Jacob Fraden, “Handbook of modern Sensors”, AIP Press, Woodbury (1997).
Nadim Maluf, “An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering”, Artech House
Publishers, Boston (2000).
Marc Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication”, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1997).
Gregory Kovacs, “Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook”, McGraw-Hill, New York (1998).
E. O. Deobelin and D. Manik, “Measurement Systems – Application and Design”, Tata McGraw-
Hill (2004).
D. Patranabis, “Principles of Industrial Instrumentation”, Tata McGraw-Hill, eleventh reprint
B. G. Liptak, “Instrument Engineers’ Handbook: Process Measurement and Analysis”, CRC

Modeling and Simulation of Pre-requisites:

SE504: 3-0-0-6
Mechatronic Systems Nil
Physical Modelling: Mechanical and electrical systems, physical laws, continuity equations,
compatibility equations, system engineering concept, system modelling with structured analysis,
modelling paradigms for mechatronic system, block diagrams, mathematical models, systems of
differential-algebraic equations, response analysis of electrical systems, thermal systems, fluid
systems, mechanical rotational system, electrical-mechanical coupling.
Simulation Techniques: Solution of model equations and their interpretation, zeroth, first and
second order system, solution of 2nd order electro-mechanical equation by finite element method,
transfer function and frequency response, non-parametric methods, transient, correlation,
frequency, Fourier and spectra analysis, design of identification experiments, choice of model
structure, scaling, numeric methods, validation, methods of lumped element simulation,
modelling of sensors and actuators, hardware in the loop simulation (HIL), rapid controller
prototyping, coupling of simulation tools, simulation of systems in software (MATLAB,
LabVIEW) environment.
Modelling and Simulation of Practical Problems:
Pure mechanical models
Models for electromagnetic actuators including the electrical drivers
Models for DC-engines with different closed loop controllers using operational amplifiers
Models for transistor amplifiers
Models for vehicle system

Text Books:

L. Ljung, T. Glad, “Modeling of Dynamical Systems”, Prentice Hall Inc. (1994).

D.C. Karnopp, D.L. Margolis and R.C. Rosenberg, “System Dynamics: A Unified Approach”,
2nd Edition, Wiley-Interscience (1990).
G. Gordon, “System Simulation”, 2nd Edition, PHI Learning (2009).
V. Giurgiutiu and S. E. Lyshevski, “Micromechatronics, Modeling, Analysis, and Design with
MATLAB”, 2nd Edition, CRC Press (2009).

2. Elective Courses: 3 courses (Elective I –III)

a. ME501: Robotics: Advanced Concepts and Analysis
b. ME503: ME503:Computational Fluid Dynamics
c. EE501: Control of Mechatronic Systems
d. EE503: Signal Processing in Mechatronic Systems
e. MA507: Nonlinear Optimization
f. PH515: MEMS and NEMS

Robotics: Advanced Concepts Pre-requisites:

ME501: 3-0-0-6
and Analysis Nil
Introduction to robotics: brief history, types, classification and usage and the science and
technology of robots.
Kinematics of robot: direct and inverse kinematics problems and workspace, inverse kinematics
solution for the general 6R manipulator, redundant and over-constrained manipulators.
Velocity and static analysis of manipulators: Linear and angular velocity, Jacobian of
manipulators, singularity, static analysis.
Dynamics of manipulators: formulation of equations of motion, recursive dynamics, and
generation of symbolic equations of motion by a computer simulations of robots using software
and commercially available packages.
Planning and control: Trajectory planning, position control, force control, hybrid control
Industrial and medical robotics: application in manufacturing processes, e.g. casting, welding,
painting, machining, heat treatment and nuclear power stations, etc; medical robots: image guided
surgical robots, radiotherapy, cancer treatment, etc;
Advanced topics in robotics: Modelling and control of flexible manipulators, wheeled mobile
robots, bipeds, etc. Future of robotics.
Reference Books
M. P. Groover, M. Weiss, R. N. Nagel and N. G. Odrey, “Industrial Robotics-Technology,
Programming and Applications”, McGraw-Hill Book and Company (1986).
S. K. Saha, “Introduction to Robotics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. (2008).
S. B. Niku, “Introduction to Robotics–Analysis Systems, Applications”, Pearson Education
. A. Ghosal, Robotics: “Fundamental Concepts and Analysis”, Oxford University Press (2008).
Pires, “Industrial Robot Programming–Building Application for the Factories of the Future”,
Springer (2007).
Peters, “Image Guided Interventions – Technology and Applications”, Springer (2008).
K. S. Fu, R. C. Gonzalez and C.S.G. Lee, “ROBOTICS: Control, Sensing, Vision and
Intelligence”, McGraw-Hill (1987).
J. J. Craig, “Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control”, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley
ME503:Computational Fluid Pre-requisites:
ME503: 3-0-0-6
Dynamics Nil
Concept of Computational Fluid Dynamics: Different techniques of solving fluid dynamics
problems, their merits and demerits, governing equations of fluid dynamics and boundary
conditions, classification of partial differential equations and their physical behavior, Navier-
Stokes equations for Newtonian fluid flow, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques,
different steps in CFD techniques, criteria and essentialities of good CFD techniques.
Finite Difference Method (FDM): Application of FDM to model problems, steady and unsteady
problems, implicit and explicit approaches, errors and stability analysis, direct and iterative
solvers. Finite Volume Method (FVM): FVM for diffusion, convection-diffusion problem,
different discretization schemes, FVM for unsteady problems.
Prediction of Viscous Flows: Pressure Poisson and pressure correction methods for solving
Navier-Stokes equation, SIMPLE family FVM for solving Navier-Stokes equation, modelling
CFD for Complex Geometry: Structured and unstructured, uniform and non-uniform grids,
different techniques of grid generations, curvilinear grid and transformed equations.
Lattice Boltzman and Molecular Dynamics: Boltzman equation, Lattice Boltzman equation,
Lattice Boltzman methods for turbulence and multiphase flows, Molecular interaction, potential
and force calculation, introduction to Molecular Dynamics algorithms.
Text Book/ Reference Books:
J. D. Anderson, “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, McGraw-Hill Inc. (1995).
S. V. Patankar, “Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, Hemisphere Pub. (1980).
K. Muralidhar, and T. Sundarajan, “Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”, Narosa
D. A. Anderson, J. C. Tannehill and R. H. Pletcher, “Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat
Transfer”, Hemisphere Pub. (1984).
M. Peric and J. H. Ferziger, “Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics”, Springer (2001).
H. K. Versteeg and W. Malalaskera, “An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics”,
Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2008).
C. Hirsch, “Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows”, Butterworth-Heinemann,
J. M. Jaile, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Elementary Methods”, Willey Professional, 1997.
A. A. Mohamad, “Lattice Boltzman Method: Fundamentals and Engineering Applications with
Computer Codes”, Springer (2011).

EE501: Control of Pre-requisites:

EE501: 3-0-0-6
Mechatronic Systems Nil
Time response design: Routh-Hurwitz test, relative stability, Root locus design, construction of
root loci, phase lead and phase-lag design, lag-lead design.
Frequency response design: Bode, polar, Nyquist, Nichols plot, lag, lead, lag-lead compensator,
time delay, process plant response curve. PID controller design.
Modern control: Concept of states, state space model, different form, controllability,
observability; pole placement by state feedback, observer design, Lunenburg observer, reduced
order observer, observer based control.
Optimal control design: Solution-time criterion, control-area criterion, performance indices;
zero steady state step error systems; modern control performance index: quadratic performance
index, Ricatti equation.
Digital control: Sampling process, sample and hold, analog to digital converter, use of z-
transform for closed loop transient response, stability analysis using bilinear transform and Jury
method, digital control design using state feedback.
Non-Linear Control System: Common physical non-linear system, phase plane method, system
analysis by phase plane method, stability of non-linear system, stability analysis by describing
function method, Liapunov’s stability criterion, Popov’s stability criterion.
Text Books:
K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall India (2002).
Gene F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, A E Naeini, “Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems”, Pearson
John Van De Vegte, “Feedback Control Systems”, Prentice Hall (1993).
Thomas Kailath, “Linear Systems”, Prentice Hall (1980).
Alok Sinha, “Linear Systems: Optimal and Robust Control”, Taylor & Francis (2007).
Brian D. O. Anderson and John B. Moore, “Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic Methods”, Dover
Publications (2007).
K. Ogata, “Discrete-Time Control Systems”, PHI Learning (2009).
H.K. Khalil, “Nonlinear Systems”, Prentice Hall (2001).

EE503: Signal Processing in Pre-requisites:

EE503: 3-0-0-6
Mechatronic Systems Nil
Discrete- Time Signals: Sequences; representation of signals on orthogonal basis; Sampling and
Reconstruction of signals
Discrete systems: Z-Transform, Analysis of LSI systems, Frequency Analysis, Inverse Systems,
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Transform algorithm, Implementation of
Discrete Time Systems.
Frequency selective filters: Ideal filter characteristics, lowpass, highpass, bandpass and
bandstop filters, Paley-Wiener criterion, digital resonators, notch filters, comb filters, all-pass
filters, inverse systems, minimum phase, maximum phase and mixed phase systems.
Design of FIR and IIR filters: Design of FIR filters using windows, frequency sampling, Design
of IIR filters using impulse invariance, bilinear transformation and frequency transformations,
Butterworth, Chebyshev Filters.
Introduction to multi-rate signal processing: Decimation, interpolation, polyphase
decomposition; digital filter banks: Nyquist filters, two channel quadrature mirror filter bank and
perfect reconstruction filter banks, subband coding.
Introduction to DSP Processors: Introduction to various Texas processors such as
TMS320C6713, TMS320C6416, DM6437 Digital Video Development Platform with Camera,
DevKit8000 OMAP3530 Evaluation Kit.
Applications: Application of DSP to Speech and Radar signal processing,
A few case studies of DSP applications in multimedia using TI DSP kits.
Text books:
S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A computer-Based Approach, 3/e, TMcHl, 2006.
A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Shafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall India, 2/e,
J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, 4/e, Pearson Education, 2007.

V.K. Ingle and J.G. Proakis, “Digital signal processing with MATLAB”, Cengage, 2008.
T. Bose, Digital Signal and Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Singapore,04.
L. R. Rabiner and B. Gold, Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, PH, 2005.
A. Antoniou, Digital Filters: Analysis, Design and Applications, Tata McH, 2003.

MA507: Nonlinear Pre-requisites:

MA507: 3-0-0-6
Optimization Nil
Nonlinear programming: Convex sets and convex functions, their properties, convex
programming problem, generalized convexity, Pseudo and Quasi convex functions, Invex
functions and their properties, KKT conditions.
Goal Programming: Concept of Goal Programming, Model Formulation, Graphical solution
Separable programming. Geometric programming: Problems with positive coefficients up to
one degree of difficulty, Generalized method for the positive and negative coefficients.
Search Techniques: Direct search and gradient methods, Unimodal functions, Fibonacci method,
Golden Section method, Method of steepest descent, Newton-Raphson method, Conjugate
gradient methods.
Dynamic Programming: Deterministic and Probabilistic Dynamic Programming, Discrete and
continuous dynamic programming, simple illustrations.
Multiobjective Programming: Efficient solutions, Domination cones.
Text Books:
Mokhtar S. Bazaaraa, Hanif D. Shirali and M.C.Shetty, Nonlinear Programming, Theory and
Algorithms, John Wiley & Sons, New York (2004).

Reference Books:

D. G. Luenberger, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Second Edition, Addison Wesley (2003).
R. E. Steuer, Multi Criteria Optimization, Theory, Computation and Application, John Wiley and
Sons, New York (1986).

PH515: PH515: MEMS and NEMS 3-0-0-6
Micro and nano mechanics – principles, methods and strain analysis, an introduction to
microsensors and MEMS, Evolution of Microsensors & MEMS, Microsensors & MEMS
applications, Microelectronic technologies for MEMS, Micromachining Technology – Surface
and Bulk Micromachining, Micromachined Microsensors, Mechanical, Inertial, Biological,
Chemical,Acoustic, Microsystems Technology, Integrated Smart Sensors and MEMS, Interface
Electronics for MEMS, MEMS Simulators, MEMS for RF Applications, Bonding & Packaging
of MEMS, Conclusions & Future Trends.
Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) – a journey from MEMS to NEMS, MEMS vs.
NEMS, MEMS based nanotechnology – fabrication, film formation and micromachining, NEMS
physics – manifestation of charge discreteness, quantum electrodynamical (QED) forces,
quantum entanglement and teleportation, quantum interference, quantum resonant tunneling and
quantum transport, Wave phenomena in periodic and aperiodic media – electronic and photonic
band gap crystals and their applications, NEMS architecture, Surface Plasmon effects and NEMS
fabrication for nanophotonics and nanoelectronics, Surface Plasmon detection – NSOM/SNOM
Electromechanical Sensors and Actuators, Ilene J. Busch‐Vishniac, Springer, 2008.
Introduction to Microelectronics Fabrication, Vol. V, G. W. Neudeck and R. F. Pierret (eds.),
Addison – Wesley, 1988.
Introduction to Microelectromechanical Microwave Systems, H. J. De Loss Santos, 2nd edition,
Norwood, MA: Artech, 2004.
Microsystems Design, S. D. Senturia, Kluwer – Academic Publishers, Boston MA, 2001.
Principles and Applications of Nano-MEMS Physics, H. J. Delos Santos, Springer, 2008.
Materials and Process Integration for MEMS Microsystems, Vol. 9, Francis E. H. Tay, Springer,


Quantum Mechanical Tunneling and its Applications, D. K. Roy, World Scientific, Singapore,
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Technology, Vol. 5, H. S. Nalwa (ed.), American scientific
Publishers, 2004
Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures, P. J. F. Harris, Cambridge University Press, UK, 1986.
Carbon Nanoforms and Applications, M Sharon and M. Sharon, Mc Graw Hill, 2010
VLSI Technology, S. M. Sze (eds.), Mc-Graw Hill, NY, 1983
Quantum Phenomena, S. Datta, Addison – Wesley, 1989.

3. Elective Courses: 3 courses (Elective IV –VI)

a. ME502: Industrial Automation
b. ME504: Vehicle Dynamics and Multi-body Systems
c. ME506: Emerging Smart Materials for Mechatronics Applications
d. EE502: Intelligent Visual Surveillance
e. EE504: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems
f. MA508: Fuzzy Sets and Artificial Intelligence

ME502: Industrial Pre-requisites:

ME502: 3-0-0-6
Automation Nil
Unit 1: Automation: Introduction, automation principles and strategies, basic elements of
advanced functions, levels modeling of manufacturing systems.
Unit 2: Material handling: Introduction, material handling systems, principles and design,
material transport system: transfer mechanisms automated feed cut of components, performance
analysis, uses of various types of handling systems including AGV and its various guiding
Unit 3: Storage system: Performance, location strategies, conventional storage methods and
equipments, automated storage systems. Unit 4: Automated manufacturing systems:
Components, classification, overview, group technology and cellular manufacturing, parts
classification and coding, product flow analysis, cellular manufacturing, application
considerations in G.T.
Unit 5: FMS: Introduction, components, application, benefits, planning and implementation,
transfer lines and fundamentals of automated production lines, application, analysis of transfer
line without internal storage (numerical problems).
Unit 6: Inspection Technology: Introduction, contact and non-contact conventional measuring,
gauging technique, CMM, surface measurement, machine vision, other optical inspection
techniques, non-contact non-optical inspection technologies versus.
Unit 7: Manufacturing support system: Process planning and concurrent engineering- process
planning, CAPP, CE and design for manufacturing, advanced manufacturing planning,
production planning and control system, master production schedule, MRP.
Unit 8: Capacity planning, shop floor control, inventory control, MRP-II, J.I.T production
systems. lean and agile manufacturing.
Text Books
M.P. Groover, Automation, “Production Systems and Computer Integrated manufacturing”, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education (2004).

References Books

Vajpayee, “Principles of CIM”, PHI, 1992.

Viswanathan and Narahari, “Performance Modeling of Automated Manufacturing Systems”, PHI,
R.S. Pressman, “Numerical Control and CAM, John Wiley , 1993.

ME504: Vehicle Dynamics and Pre-requisites:

ME504: 3-0-0-6
Multi-body Systems Nil
Introduction to vehicle dynamics: Vehicle coordinate systems; loads on axles of a parked car
and an accelerating car. Acceleration performance: Power-limited acceleration, traction-limited
Tire models: Tire construction and terminology; mechanics of force generation; rolling
resistance; tractive effort and longitudinal slip; cornering properties of tire; slip angle; camber
thrust; aligning moments.
Aerodynamic effects on a vehicle: Mechanics of airflow around the vehicle, pressure
distribution, aerodynamic forces; pitching, rolling and yawing moments; crosswind sensitivity.
Braking performance: Basic equations for braking for a vehicle with constant deceleration and
deceleration with wind-resistance; braking forces: rolling resistance, aerodynamic drag, driveline
drag, grade, tire-road friction; brakes, anti-lock braking system, traction control, braking
Steering systems and cornering: Geometry of steering linkage, steering geometry error; steering
system models, neutral steer, under-steer, over-steer, steering ratio, effect of under-steer; steering
system force and moments, low speed and high speed cornering; directional stability of the
vehicle; influence of front-wheel drive.
Suspension and ride: Suspension types—solid axle suspensions, independent suspensions;
suspension geometry; roll centre analysis; active suspension systems; excitation sources for
vehicle rider; vehicle response properties, suspension stiffness and damping, suspension isolation,
active control, suspension non-linearity, bounce and pitch motion.
Roll-over: Quasi-static roll-over of rigid vehicle and suspended vehicle; transient roll-over, yaw-
roll model, tripping.
Multi-body systems: Review of Newtonian mechanics for rigid bodies and system of rigid
bodies; coordinate transformation between two set of axes in relative motion between one
another; Euler angles; angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular momentum etc. in terms of
Euler angle parameters; Newton-Euler equations of motion; elementary Lagrangian mechanics:
generalised coordinates and constraints; principle of virtual work; Hamilton’s principle;
Lagrange’s equation, generalized forces. Lagrange’s equation with constraints, Lagrange’s
Text Books
T.D. Gillespie, “Fundamental of Vehicle Dynamics”, SAE Press (1995)

J.Y. Wong, “Theory of Ground Vehicles”, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons (2008).

Reza N. Jazar, “Vehicle Dynamics: Theory and Application”, 1st Edition, 3rd Printing, Springer
R. Rajamani, “Vehicle Dynamics and Control”, Springer (2006).
A.A. Shabanna, “Dynamics of Multibody Systems”, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press

Reference Book

G. Genta, “Motor Vehicle Dynamics”, World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc. (1997).
H.B. Pacejka, “Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics”, SAE International and Elsevier (2005).
Dean Karnopp, “Vehicle Stability”, Marcel Dekker (2004).
U. Kiencke and L. Nielsen, “Automotive Control System”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
M. Abe and W. Manning, “Vehicle Handling Dynamics: Theory and Application”, 1st Edition,
Elsevier (2009).
L. Meirovitch, “Methods of Analytical Dynamics”, Courier Dover (1970).
H. Baruh, “Analytical Dynamics”, WCB/McGraw-Hill (1999).

ME506: Emerging Smart

ME506: Materials for Mechatronics 3-0-0-6
Introduction: Smart materials and their application for sensing and actuation, Mechatronics
Piezoelectric materials: Piezoelectricity and piezoelectric materials, Constitutive equations of
piezoelectric materials, Piezoelectric actuator types, Control of piezoelectric actuators,
Applications of piezoelectric actuators for precise positioning and scanning.
Shape memory alloys (SMA): Properties of shape memory alloys, Shape memory effects,
Pseudo-elasticity in SMA, Design of shape memory actuator, selection of materials, Smart
actuation and control, Applications of SMA in precision equipments for automobiles, trains and
medical devices.
Electro-active polymers (EAPs): Ionic polymer metal composites (IPMC), Conductive
polymers, Carbon nanotubes, Dielectric elastomers, Design & control issues for EAP actuators,
Applications of EAP for biomemetic, tactile display and medical devices.
Magnetostrictive materials: Basics of magnetic properties of materials, magnetostriction:
constitutive equations, types of magnetostrictive materials, Design & control of magnetostrictive
actuators, Applications of magnetostrictive materials for active vibration control.
Summary, conclusion and future outlook: Comparative analysis of different smart materials
based actuators, Conclusions, Future research trend and applications trends of smart materials and
smart materials based actuator technology.
Text books:
Jose L. Pons, Emerging Actuator Technologies, a Micromechatronics Approach, John Wiley &
Sons Ltd, 2005. .
Ralph Smith, Smart Material Systems: Model Development, SIAM, Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, 2005. .
F. Carpi, D. De Rossi, R. Kornbluh, R. Pelrine, P. Sommer-Larsen, Dielectric Elastomers as
Electromechanical Transducers, Elsevier, Hungry, 2008. .
Y. B. Cohen, Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles Reality, Potential and
Challenges, SPIE press, USA, 2004.

EE502: Intelligent Visual
EE502: 3-0-0-6 Digital Signal
Basics of Image Processing: Introduction to Image Processing methods, Image Transforms,
Wavelet Transform, JPEG Image Compression, Image Formats, Color Spaces- RGB, CMY, HSI.
Video Compression Standards: H. 261, H. 263, H.264, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7,
and MPEG-21, Video shot boundary detection, motion modeling and segmentation techniques.
Object Detection and Classification- Shape based object classification, motion based object
classification, Silhouette-Based Method for Object Classification, Viola Jones object detection
framework, Multiclass classifier boosting.
Multi-Object Tracking- Classification of multiple interacting objects from video, Region-based
Tracking, Contour-based Tracking, Feature-based Tracking, Model-based Tracking, Hybrid
Tracking, Particle filter based object tracking, Mean Shift based tracking, Tracking of multiple
interacting objects.
Human Activity Recognition- Template based activity recognition, Sequential recognition
approaches using state models (Hidden Markov Models), Human Recognition Using Gait, HMM
Framework for Gait Recognition, Description based approaches, Human interactions, group
activities, Applications and challenges.
Camera Network Calibration - Types of CCTV (closed circuit television) camera- PTZ (pan-
tilt zoom) camera, IR (Infrared) camera, IP (Internet Protocal) camera, wireless security camera,
Multiple view geometry, camera network calibration, PTZ camera calibration, camera placement,
smart imagers and smart cameras.
Text Books
Murat A. Tekalp, “Digital Video Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Y. Ma and G. Qian (Ed.), “Intelligent Video Surveillance: Systems and Technology”, CRC Press,

EE504:Microprocessors and Pre-requisites:

EE504: 3-0-0-6
Embedded Systems Nil
Introduction to Embedded Systems and microcomputers: Introduction to Embedded Systems,
Embedded System Applications, Block diagram of embedded systems, Trends in Embedded
Industry, Basic Embedded system Models, Embedded System development cycle, Challenges for
Embedded system Design, Evolution of computing systems and applications. Basic Computer
architecture: Von-Neumann and Harvard Architecture. Basics on Computer organizations.
Computing performance, Throughput and Latency, Basic high performance CPU architectures,
Microcomputer applications to Embedded systems and Mechatronics.
Microprocessor: 8086 Microprocessor and its Internal Architecture, Pin Configuration and their
functions, Mode of Operation, Introduction to I/O and Memory, Timing Diagrams, Introduction
to Interrupts.
Microprocessor Programming: Introduction to assembly language, Instruction format,
Assembly language programming format, Addressing mode, Instruction Sets, Programming 8086
Microprocessor Interfacing: Introduction to interfacing, Memory Interfacing, Programmable
Peripheral Interfacing, Programmable I/O, Programmable Interrupt Controller, Programmable
Timers, Programmable DMA Controller, Programmable Key board Controller, Data acquisition
Interfacing: ADC, DAC, Serial and parallel data Communication interfacing.
Microcontroller: Introduction to Microcontroller and its families, Criteria for Choosing
Microcontroller. Microcontroller Architecture, Programming model, Addressing modes,
Instruction sets, Assembly and C programming for Microcontroller, I/O programming using
assembly and C language, Interrupt Controller, I/O interfacing, Timers, Real Time Clock, Serial
and parallel Communication protocols, SPI Controllers. LCD Controller.
Microcontroller Interfacing: Introduction to Microcontroller Interfacing and applications: case
studies: Display Devices, controllers and Drivers for DC, Servo and Stepper Motor.
Introduction to Advanced Embedded Processor and Software: ARM Processor, Unified
Model Language (UML), Embedded OS, Real Time Operating System (RTOS), Embedded C.
Microprocessor and Embedded system Laboratories: Basic assembly language programming
implementation on Microprocessor and Microcontroller. Interfacing Displays, Key boards and
sensors with Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Data Acquisition using Microprocessor and
Microcontroller, Implementation of Controlling schemes for DC, Servo, Stepper motor using
assembly and C programming in microprocessors and Microcontrollers.
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Shibu K V, McGRAW Hill Publications.
Embedded Systems: Raj Kamal, TATA McGRAW Hill Publications.
Computer System Architecture: M. Morris Mano.
8086 Microprocessors and Interfacings: D. Hall, TATA McGRAW Hill .
The Intel Microprocessors: B. Brey, Prentice Hall Publications.
PIC Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems: M. A. Mazidi, R.D. Mckinlay and D. Casey,
Pearson Publications.
Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller: M. Predko, McGRAW Hill
Embedded C Programming and Microchip PIC: R. Barnett, L. O’Cull and S. Cox

MA508: Fuzzy Sets and Pre-requisites:

MA508: 3-0-0-6
Artificial Intelligence Nil
Basic Concepts of Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, Zadeh’s Extension Principle, Operations on Fuzzy
Sets, Fuzzy Measures, Probability and Possibility Measures, Fuzzy Inference Methodologies,
Fuzzy Relations, Applications of Fuzzy Sets in Management, Decision Making, Medicine and
Computer Science.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Production System and Artificial Intelligence, Problem
Solving by Search, Predicate Calculus, Knowledge Representation, Semantics Nets, Frames,
Conceptual Dependencies, Knowledge Bases and Expert Systems, Fuzzy Rule, Neuro Fuzzy
Approaches, Case Studies in Various Domain.
S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd Ed, Prentice Hall,
H.J.Zimmermann, Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications, 2nd Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers,
D.Dubois and H. Prade, Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Applications, Academic Press,


E. Charniak and D. McDermott, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, 1985.

E. Rich, Artificial Intelligence, McGraw-Hill, 1983.
P. H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley, 1993.
J.Yen and R.Langari, Fuzzy Logic Intelligence, Control, and Information, Pearson Education,
T.J.Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
J.Kacprzyk, Multistage Fuzzy Control, Wiley, 1997.

4. Lab Courses
a. SE505: Mechatronic Laboratory-I
b. SE506: Mechatronic Laboratory-II

SE505:Mechatronic Pre-requisites:
SE505: 3-0-0-6
Laboratory-I Nil
Demonstration of mechatronics hardwares; servo- position and velocity control; process control;
basic programming using microprocessor/microcontroller; ADC and DAC interfacing with
microcontroller/microprocessor; machine condition monitoring; development of multiple sensor
fusion; image based navigation and control of robot; control of non-linear systems; machine
vision inspection and image surveillance; mini-projects on mechatronic system design.

SE506:Mechatronic Pre-requisites:
SE506: 3-0-0-6
Laboratory-II Nil
NC machine tool; sequence planning in CIM; automatic quality inspection in CIM; micro-
processor/microcontroller based control; 3 DOF gyroscope; design and fabrication of piezo-
actuator; hydraulic actuator; pneumatic actuator; design and characterization of optical sensor.

5. Others
a. Seminar – I
b. Seminar – II
c. Comprehensive Viva and Project Phase – I
d. Project Phase – II


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