Fernandez-Ibanezetal.2022 AAPG XSPerm
Fernandez-Ibanezetal.2022 AAPG XSPerm
Fernandez-Ibanezetal.2022 AAPG XSPerm
Fermın Fernandez-Iban ~ ez ~
Brazil pre-Salt: Nonmatrix ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company,
Spring, Texas; fermin.fernandez.ibanez@
types, concepts, diagnostic exxonmobil.com
Fermın Fernandez-Iba~nez is a geoscientist at
indicators, and reservoir ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company.
He specializes in subsurface data integration,
implications reservoir characterization, and modeling to
assess the impact of permeability extremes
Fermın Ferna ndez-Iba
n~ ez, Gareth D. Jones, on reservoir performance. Fermın has 14
Jordan G. Mimoun, Melanie G. Bowen, years of experience working assets in Asia,
J. A. (Toni) Simo, Virginia Marcon, and Australia-Papua New Guinea, and South
America. He received his Ph.D. from Granada
William L. Esch
University (Spain) before working for
GeoMechanics International and ExxonMobil.
He is the corresponding author for this paper.
ABSTRACT Gareth D. Jones ~ ExxonMobil
Excess permeability in carbonate reservoirs is typically related to Upstream Oil and Gas, Spring, Texas;
the presence of dual-porosity multiscale nonmatrix features that [email protected]
can result in early water production or breakthrough of injected Gareth D. Jones is the Brazil subsurface
fluids. Therefore, early recognition of nonmatrix deeply impacts technology manager at ExxonMobil. He has
field development strategies. We use publicly available data more than 20 years of global experience in
from the pre-Salt of Brazil to screen for nonmatrix presence and characterizing and modeling carbonate
reservoirs, with assignments (technical and
dynamic potential. We integrate static (core and wire-line logs)
management) in exploration, development,
and dynamic (drilling losses and well tests) data sets using a con- production, technology, and strategic
sistent workflow to investigate the types and distribution of non- planning. He has a Ph.D. in fluid flow and
matrix excess permeability away from wellbore control. carbonate diagenesis (University of Bristol)
Observations across multiple data sets reveal a multiscale, non- and an M.Sc. in hydrogeology (University of
matrix pore system that is identifiable and important to include Birmingham).
in geologic models when considering reservoir performance. The Jordan G. Mimoun ~ ExxonMobil
main nonmatrix components include faults and fractures, perva- Upstream Integrated Solutions, Spring,
sive networks of touching vugs, centimeter-scale vugs, and caves. Texas; [email protected]
Lost circulation zones (LCZ) encountered while drilling through Jordan G. Mimoun is the principal reservoir
nonmatrix features suggest they are not only open but connected engineer for well testing at ExxonMobil. He has
and with considerable flow capacity. The LCZ dynamic poten- 11 years of experience working assets
tial is further supported by excess permeability observations (up worldwide, from exploration to production. He
to two orders of magnitude greater than matrix) from well tests is a member of the Society of Petroleum
and a set of characteristic inflections in the pressure transients. Engineers (SPE) Journal of Petroleum
The greatest uncertainty remains on the magnitude and extent Technology editorial board and served as
chairperson of the SPE Applied Technology
of nonmatrix away from the borehole. However, a process-
Workshop on well testing in 2017. Jordan
based approach to nonmatrix characterization in combination holds an M.S. degree in petroleum engineering
from The University of Texas at Austin.
Published by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Copyright ©2022 ExxonMobil Melanie G. Bowen ~ ExxonMobil
Upstream Research Company. All rights reserved.
Upstream Integrated Solutions, Spring,
Manuscript received October 15, 2020; provisional acceptance December 16, 2020; revised manuscript
Texas; [email protected]
received January 15, 2021; revised provisional manuscript acceptance March 23, 2021; 2nd revised
manuscript received March 29, 2021; final acceptance May 19, 2021.
J. A. (Toni) Simo ~ ExxonMobil Carbonate pore systems often exhibit a dual porosity system that
Upstream Business Development, Spring, can be conceptually divided into matrix and nonmatrix compo-
Texas; [email protected]
nents. The matrix component consists of relatively small pores
J. A. (Toni) Simo is a stratigrapher at (radii <0.0625 mm and median pore throats 0.1 to 30 mm [Cho-
ExxonMobil with specialty in carbonate quette and Pray, 1970; Fullmer et al., 2019; and references
sedimentology and diagenesis. Toni is a
within]), distributed somewhat homogeneously and controlled
senior geoscience advisor, integrating
by depositional facies and pervasive diagenesis. We define the
subsurface data and concepts. Currently he
is exploring the pre-Salt of Brazil, and he “nonmatrix” component of a reservoir as a network of non-fabric-
previously worked in Europe, Asia, and selective pores, typically much larger than the matrix pores, such
south Central America. Prior to joining the as fractures and dissolution-enhanced (karst) vugs and caves, dis-
industry 15 years ago, Toni was a professor tributed sporadically and controlled by localized mechanical and
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. chemical processes (Figure 1A). A common subsurface uncer-
Virginia Marcon ~ ExxonMobil tainty for predicting dynamic performance in carbonate reservoirs
Upstream Business Development, Spring, and aquifers is the presence of nonmatrix features (fractures and
Texas; virginia.m.marcon@exxonmobil. karst) that can result in the phenomena of “excess permeability.”
com Yose et al. (2001) define excess permeability in carbonates as the
Virginia Marcon is a geochemist at portion of effective permeability calculated from dynamic data,
ExxonMobil Upstream Business typically well tests (WTs) (e.g., drill-stem tests or production
Development Company with experience in tests), in addition to production and injection data that exceed
evaluating water-rock interactions. Her the permeability measured from routine core analysis (RCA).
expertise ranges from processes at the Nonmatrix-related excess permeability in reservoirs can be sev-
surface to the shallow subsurface. Her
eral orders of magnitude greater than RCA permeability depend-
current focus is in understanding early and
ing on the type, abundance, and distribution of nonmatrix
late pre-Salt Brazil diagenetic processes. She
received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the features (Figure 1B). In reservoirs with a low matrix permeability,
University of Wyoming and Ph.D. from The excess permeability associated with nonmatrix features is often
Pennsylvania State University. critical for economic production (Aguilera, 1982; Bourbiaux,
2010; Sun et al., 2019). However, excess permeability can also
William L. Esch ~ ExxonMobil
result in early breakthrough of injected fluids and poor sweep effi-
Upstream Integrated Solutions, Spring,
Texas; [email protected] ciency that negatively impacts ultimate recovery (Heubeck et al.,
2004; Trice, 2005; Warrlich et al., 2019; Ghosh et al., 2020).
William L. Esch retired as a senior
Failure to recognize or reliably characterize nonmatrix features
subsurface geology advisor at the
ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions during field appraisal and development is a frequent cause of
Company in 2020. He previously worked in “nonperformance” in carbonate fields that significantly deviate
the ExxonMobil Exploration and Upstream above or below plan for reserves or production.
Research Companies, starting his career in Since the discovery of the Tupi field in 2006, the ultra-deep-
the Exxon Production Research Company. water pre-Salt lacustrine carbonate reservoir play located offshore
His expertise is in low-temperature Brazil has proved to be world class in terms of both resource
geochemistry and predictive diagenesis. He endowment and production (Salom~ao et al., 2015; Rosa et al.,
2018). Reservoir quality is widely recognized as a key subsurface
Step 2. Calibration to Core compared to those from whole core is a useful indica-
tor to identify whether nonmatrix features that are
Core represents the physical reservoir, whereas all resolved at the core scale are associated with excess
other forms of data in our workflow rely on some permeability (Ehrenberg, 2007). No whole-core per-
form of remote sensing. Core provides explicit infor- meability data were available for the wells investi-
mation about the nonmatrix types and their physical gated in this study; however, differences in pre-Salt
properties. Nonmatrix features observed in core are reservoir permeability for these two scales of mea-
key for interpreting geologic processes that created surement exist (Chitale et al., 2015).
and modified them and their paragenetic sequence.
This information is critical for developing process- Step 3. Dynamic Potential from LCZs
based conceptual models that are foundational for
interpreting scenarios of nonmatrix distribution away Drilling parameters respond to nonmatrix features as
from well control. Core is critical for validating they are encountered. In particular, mud losses while
nonmatrix interpretations from image logs and devel- drilling can help identify the presence of hydrauli-
oping rules for interpretation in the absence of cally effective nonmatrix features and provide
overlapping core. Our experience with carbonate res- important insights into their permeability and flow
ervoirs has consistently demonstrated the importance ~ez et al., 2019a). There-
significance (Fernandez-Iban
of this calibration exercise to avoid overpicking natu- fore, deliberate collection and careful analysis of
ral fractures and misinterpreting vuggy zones mud loss data is a fundamental step in our workflow.
~ez et al., 2018).
(Ibrayev et al., 2016, Fernandez-Iban In our experience, the use of mud losses to help char-
Differences in permeability measured in core plugs acterize nonmatrix features by other authors is
generally overlooked or underused for reservoir 2018) and some attempts to predict potential excess
characterization. permeability zones ahead of the bit (Duarte et al.,
Lost circulation materials (LCMs) introduced to 2018). The VvR plot is an empirical nomogram
the borehole to mitigate drilling losses often irrevoca- based on LCZs experienced during conventional dril-
bly modify reservoir properties near the wellbore ling in nondepleted reservoirs; however, more recent
such that production logging tools (PLT) might never techniques of managed pressure drilling may have an
capture the predrill, dynamic properties of many impact on the total volume lost that might not yet be
nonmatrix features (Ahdyar et al., 2019). In this fully accounted for in this method.
respect, the dynamic behavior interpreted from dril-
ling losses can in some cases be more reliable for res- Step 4. WTs
ervoir characterization than other types of dynamic
measurements. In other instances, well control opera- Representative sampling of nonmatrix features in a
tions can lead to gaps in data acquisition. Often, poor wellbore is challenging because of spatial bias. During
to no core recovery and poor image log quality exists a WT, the well is flowed to surface and the corre-
over LCZs. In these situations, we use the volume sponding pressure response (known as “pressure
and rate of drilling fluids lost to the formation to help transient”) yields insights into the properties of the
identify and characterize nonmatrix features. Cross- reservoir investigated during the test. Unlike core,
plots of drilling mud volume lost versus rate (VvR) logs, and formation testers, which are limited to the
plots (Fernandez-Iban~ez et al., 2019a) show several wellbore and its immediate vicinity, the WTs investi-
distinct categories of flow behavior that can be used gate deeper into the reservoir. The character of the
to identify dominant nonmatrix features. In this pressure derivative reflects information about
paper, we test the applicability of the VvR method reservoir heterogeneity (spatial distribution and mag-
for the identification and characterization of nonma- nitude of permeability) within the investigated
trix features in the pre-Salt reservoirs of Brazil. Losses volume. Significant structural or stratigraphic hetero-
while drilling is a frequent challenge in the pre-Salt geneities such as barriers, baffles, flow conduits, and
that has led to the use of special drilling techniques in in certain instances, dual-porosity systems, can be
recent years (Yaqoob et al., 2017; Pontes et al., interpreted and an effective permeability calculated.
paper the term syndepositional is used in a broad rules for interpreting nonmatrix away from core con-
sense to refer to processes that occur during deposi- trol. We identified six distinct classes of nonmatrix
tion or shortly after (i.e., before burial). features with characteristic image log signatures
(Figures 8, 9). These classes include the dominant
Image Log Observations features observed in core and one additional class cor-
responding to large-scale cavities that are too large
Electric and acoustic borehole image logs are avail- for sampling with conventional core.
able for most wells drilled in the pre-Salt. In our
experience, acoustic image logs are best for imaging BBFs
nonmatrix features in carbonates. This also proved to Depending on bed thickness, BBFs can sometimes
be the case for the pre-Salt reservoirs where most be identified in image logs. They are characterized
nonmatrix observations were made on amplitude by not fully developed sinusoids because they are
and traveltime borehole images. However, when truncated at the bed boundaries and the thickness of
both data sets are available, our nonmatrix character- such layers rarely exceed 25 cm. As a result, the
ization integrates observations from acoustic and expression of these fractures is that of linear traces
electric tools. Nonmatrix features observed in core that abut against the bedding planes (Figure 8A, B).
are consistent with observations made in image logs. Their most common acoustic signature is character-
Through the integration of core and image logs, we ized by low amplitude, high traveltime features sug-
calibrated our interpretation of the latter, and defined gesting they are open. Multiple traces can be
Figure 6. Examples of millimeter-scale and centimeter-scale vugs in core from the Barra Velha Formation. (A) Millimeter-scale touching
vugs in shrubby boundstones; (B) centimeter-scale open vug with silica II and bitumen lining; (C) broken-open centimeter-scale vug coated
with silica II, bitumen (Bit), and pyrite (Py) crystals; (D) centimeter-scale vugs coated with botryoidal silica II, silica III, and bitumen;
(E) detail of silica II (blue) lined by silica III (citrine); (F) centimeter-scale vugs developed along bedding planes suggesting preferential fluid
flow and dissolution enhancement.
Centimeter-Scale Vugs
Vugs have an acoustic signature characterized by dis-
crete low amplitude and high traveltime events that
commonly appear as discrete anomalies often inter-
preted, and calibrated to core, as isolated vugs.
Locally, in areas of increased density of features, the
vugs can touch (Figure 9C, D) or connect to other
centimeter-scale vugs via fractures. As a result, these
high vug density regions are characterized by a local
elongation in the borehole diameter reflected in cali-
per excursions and sometimes increased PEF. Our
definition of vugs includes features as tall as 0.5 m
Figure 7. Example of matrix-supported conglomerate with sil- but with a lateral extent smaller than the wellbore
ica I subrounded clasts from the Barra Velha Formation; note that diameter.
fractures are confined to the brittle clasts.
Meter-Scale Vugs (Caves)
observed within one layer as fractures are closely These are meter-scale features characterized by low
spaced (2–6 cm). Through integration of core and amplitude/high traveltime events, with heights typi-
image logs we learned that these BBFs correspond to cally in excess of 0.5 m, associated caliper excursions
greater than 2.54 cm (Figure 10A, B) and increased
silicified (silica I) intervals, which have distinctive
PEF. This class is used to describe cavities that are
character in multimineralogy logs.
larger than the wellbore diameter and have associated
lost circulation events suggesting meter-scale dimen-
Non-BBFs sions. Because open caves cannot be cored, they are
Non-BBFs are characterized by fully developed sinus- only observable in image logs.
oids that commonly correspond to low amplitude/
high traveltime events, suggesting they are open Breccias
(Figure 8C, D). Locally, there are instances of high Breccias are characterized by chaotic image log facies
amplitude and low traveltime sinusoids that suggest with highly variable amplitude and traveltime values.
fractures are cemented. These types of fractures occur No primary stratification (in the form of sinusoids)
in all pre-Salt reservoir lithology types but are far is observed. Individual clasts can sometimes be
more abundant in regions that exhibit a high degree of observed, as well as the interclast open pore space
silicification. In this context, it is common to observe (centimeter-scale vugs) in clast-supported breccias.
these fractures coexisting with centimeter-scale vugs. Shrubby boundstones and silicified clasts are best
flow behavior from LCZs that are often indicative of vugs or fractures, both styles of nonmatrix features
different nonmatrix features (Figure 11). Results that have been observed in core and borehole images
show that 87% of the LCZs fall below a 50 m3/h (cf. Figures 4, 6). Type III losses represent a total of
(315 bbl/h) threshold, which based on our experi- 13% of the LCZ population and are exclusively
ence is the upper limit for mud losses in natural frac- indicative of natural fractures. When natural frac-
tures or touching vugs (Figure 11). The remaining tures are enhanced by dissolution the end result is
13% of LCZ events are typified as type IV that are fractures with a very wide aperture (up to 1 m
interpreted as meter-scale vugs (cave) related losses; observed by Ibrayev et al. [2016]) that can result in
for example, type IV losses were reported while dril- large volumes of drilling fluid losses in excess of
ling through the cave shown in Figure 10A. 300–400 m3 (1885–2515 bbl). Losses of this magni-
Type I losses, with relatively small volumes tude are classified as type IIIa and represent 10% of
(<60 m3, 377 bbl) of fluid lost, represent 46% of the the data population in this pre-Salt reservoir study.
LCZ events. Losses that plot in the type I domain Type IIIa losses occurred while drilling the 0.5 m
can be related to natural fractures, touching vugs, wide enlarged fracture shown in Figure 8D.
small cavities (e.g., Figure 10B) or drilling induced Based solely on the drilling losses data presented
fractures and require integration with borehole but corroborated with other types of data discussed
images or core to confidently assign the nonmatrix in this study, the pre-Salt reservoirs of Brazil have a
features responsible. Type II losses, which represent relatively high abundance of nonmatrix features that
18% of the LCZ events, are indicative of touching will impact their dynamic behavior (Figure 11). This
is especially true when considering spatial bias, and multiple test intervals in addition to tests performed
the odds of intersecting nonmatrix features with a before and after wellbore acid stimulation targeting
vertical wellbore (Fernandez-Iban ~ez et al., 2019b). a given interval. Of these WTs, 76 showed evidence
Furthermore, it is evident that fractures are the lead- of excess permeability. Identification of excess
ing type of nonmatrix features responsible for losses permeability was based on the magnitude of the inter-
while drilling in the pre-Salt although meter-scale preted WT permeability relative to the typical range
vugs (caves) are also present (Figure 11). This result observed in cored intervals and the behavior of the
reinforces that drilling loss data, which in our experi- derivative curve during PTA. The majority (80%) of
ence tends to be underused, is extremely valuable for all the derivatives were classified as one of four type
carbonate reservoir characterization especially since curves, i.e., derivatives with similar shapes and poten-
it often arrives ahead of other data types used to iden- tially comparable underlying geologic concepts
tify and characterize nonmatrix features. (Figure 12). The four type curves identified in this
review and their respective abundance are as follows:
Linear flow (30% of WTs with excess permeabil-
A total of 147 WTs from 96 wells in pre-Salt carbon- ity signature): The derivative exhibits a half-slope
ate reservoirs from the Santos and Campos Basins at early time, that is, a line that moves upward by
were used in this study. This includes wells with one log cycle for every two cycles along the time
operations were terminated because of heavy losses. above the onset of losses. The top 85 m of the core is
The well was drilled to total depth with continuous dominated by grainstones and shrub boundstone
heavy losses that could not be stopped. A total of facies organized in typical depositional cycles. The
1350 m3 (8500 bbl) of drilling fluids were lost to the thicker (>20 cm [>0.65 in.]) packages of shrub
formation in the lower half of the reservoir section. boundstone facies, interpreted to occur at cycle tops,
Well A did not report data on loss rate and therefore, exhibit a well-connected and pervasive network of
on this occasion, it was not possible to predict non- open millimeter-scale vugs (Figure 13B). In contrast,
matrix types using the VvR plot alone. However, the silicified (silica I) layers (<0.5 m thick) that exhibit
presence of heavy losses is already a strong indicator closely spaced open-to-partly-open BBFs are present
of nonmatrix features and the potential for excess toward the base of depositional cycles (Figure 13B).
permeability at well A. The bottom 10 m of the core is characterized
by a superimposed nonmatrix pore system that
Core and Image Log Observations consists of fractures, BBFs, and centimeter-scale vugs
that obliterates the primary stratigraphic fabric
Second, we reviewed the core and image log interpre- (Figure 13B, C). This is coincident with the onset of
tation. More than 90% of the core was collected losses reported at well A and a qualitative visual
the wellbore, is a transition from nonmatrix to average permeability over the WTs is likely underesti-
matrix-dominated flow. Two candidates for excess mating the actual effective permeability of the
permeability in test 1, both present in the overlapping contributing intervals that are likely to be in part con-
core, are (1) millimeter-scale touching vugs and (2) centrated in small nonmatrix dominated intervals.
BBFs in silicified layers. If these stratigraphically con- Well A is located on a local structural high that
cordant features are of limited lateral extent this may have provided the antecedent topography for
would indeed result in an effective loss of excess per- the shrub dominated reservoir facies to develop and
meability away from the well, hence a decrease of the experience diagenetic modification through repeated
overall flow capacity away from the well, consistent exposure or focusing of diagenetic fluids. This reser-
with the upward trending derivative that picks up at voir facies becomes less abundant away from the
0.3 hr (Figure 14A) and remains as such for 20 hr crest toward the flank of the structure, so their con-
(i.e., for approximately two full log cycles). The tribution to flow capacity decreases (Gomes et al.,
(e.g., Behr, 2002); (2) destabilization of Mg-rich consistent with the supersaturation of silica phases
clays (e.g., Tosca and Wright, 2018); (3) destabiliza- like chalcedony (Tosca and Wright, 2018), yet chal-
tion of a magadiite precursor (Eugster, 1967; Behr, cedony is kinetically limited and unlikely to abioti-
2002); and (4) hydrothermal waters (temperatures cally precipitate at surface conditions (e.g. Harder,
>10 C above ambient formation temperature) carry- 1965). However, if biota such as diatoms or cyano-
ing silica-rich waters along permeable fluid pathways bacteria were present in the pre-Salt during the mid-
(e.g., Mercedes-Martın et al., 2019). dle Cretaceous (Sims et al., 2006), then silica could
Present-day analogs for the pre-Salt include have been biotically mediated (e.g. Medlin, 2002;
extensional basins such as the East Africa Rift (Tier- Tang et al., 2014). Relationships between diatoms
celin et al., 1994), Ounianga Basin (Tosca and and carbonate microbialites have been observed in
Wright, 2018), and the Great Basin, United States other hypersaline lakes such as the Laguna Negra in
(Demott et al., 2019), where large lakes, underlain Catamarca, Argentina (Gomez et al., 2018) that
by basalt, have formed as a result of rapid extension could provide some insight into the pre-Salt. Yet, to
(e.g., Lake Tanganyika, Lake Yoa [Tosca and Wright, date, there is no direct evidence of diatoms in the
2018] and Lake Lahontan [Benson 1994; Vice et al., Barra Velha Formation and, therefore, diatoms are a
2007]). Present-day water chemistry in Lake Yoa is questionable source of silica I. Cyanobacteria,
Several alternative depositional and diagenetic con- Vuggy Shrubs—The vertical stacking pattern of depo-
ceptual models for the pre-Salt reservoirs of Brazil sitional cycles (e.g., Wright and Barnett, 2015), and
exist. However, these published models almost the lateral extent of shrub dominated beds, with an
exclusively focus on the reservoir matrix with little average thickness 0.51 m in the Tupi field (Wright,
description or incorporation of nonmatrix features. 2020), is a first-order constraint on the spatial distri-
We address this disparity by introducing some pre- bution of the millimeter-scale touching vug intervals.
liminary conceptual models of nonmatrix features Shrub dominated beds do not always have associated
and associated processes in the pre-Salt reservoirs excess permeability. Locally, the intershrub pore
(Figures 17, 18). We acknowledge that these models space is occluded with Mg-silicate clay (stevensite),
are immature and require future refinement as more and commonly there is evidence of pore filling
pre-Salt subsurface data (static and dynamic) and Mg-silicate dissolution in addition to partial non-fab-
applicable analogue data are integrated. Despite this ric-selective dissolution of the calcite shrubs (Wright
limitation, there is an imperative to evaluate the and Barnett, 2015; Lima and De Ros, 2019). Pore
impact of nonmatrix features on reservoir perfor- space between shrubs can also be filled with silica
mance to support pre-Salt field development invest- cement or dolomite (Wright and Barnett, 2015).
ment decisions. We contend that for this purpose Typically, excess permeability in shrub facies is asso-
alone, the conceptual models presented serve as a ciated with mm-scale touching vugs that from a
useful guide for developing credible scenarios of non- solution-enlarged framework pore system.
matrix features with excess permeability that can be In situ shrub facies are more abundant on paleo-
superimposed with compatible depositional and dia- highs (Gomes et al., 2020) (concept 1 in Figures 17
genetic concepts for the matrix. and 18). Shrub facies on paleohighs above wave base
We distinguish two broad groups of geologic also have a lower likelihood of intershrub pore space
concepts for nonmatrix features in pre-Salt reservoirs being occluded with Mg-silicate clay (Tosca and
as (1) stratigraphically concordant (i.e., for concepts Wright, 2018). Therefore, paleohighs represent a
that follow stratigraphy) and (2) stratigraphically dis- “sweet spot” for shrub facies with potentially a well-
cordant (i.e., for concepts where nonmatrix cuts developed touching vug pore system. The downdip
extent of shrub facies and the presence or absence focused in more permeable beds (Jones and Xiao,
of pore filling Mg-silicate is more uncertain with sev- 2013; de Luca et al., 2017; Lima and De Ros, 2019).
eral alternative depositional and diagenetic models For this concept, we would predict the distribution
related to paleostructure, lake bathymetry, and lake of dissolution to be more localized in shrub beds that
water chemistry (Wright and Barnett, 2015; Tosca intersect faults. By convolving the depositional and
and Wright, 2018; Wright, 2020). Significant diagenetic controls described and their relative uncer-
reworking of shrub boundstones is commonly tainty, it is possible to define credible alternative sce-
observed and this can further complicate the spatial narios for the spatial distribution of solution-enlarged
prediction of shrub dominated facies and any associ- framework pore system that results in nonmatrix
ated touching vug pore system (Gomes et al., 2020; vuggy intervals with associated excess permeability
Wright, 2020; Ferreira et al., 2021). in shrub facies especially in regions of limited well
The diagenetic process of dissolution that acts as control.
a second-order constraint on the distribution of high
permeability vuggy intervals in shrub facies has sev- BBFs—Opening-mode fractures, confined to silica I
eral alternative modes of origin. Exposure-related layers, that are commonly open and in cases exhibit
meteoric dissolution, including the mixing of wide apertures are characteristic of intervals with
rainwater with evolved lake waters, is one subset of associated excess permeability. The BBFs likely form
plausible diagenetic processes that could be laterally as the result of vertical stacking of layers of contrast-
extensive. Alternatively, dissolution may be related ing mechanical properties with an increasing over-
to the geothermal circulation of groundwater and/or burden load. Core observations of material from
ascending hydrothermal fluids from faults with flow adjacent unfractured units that has deformed
plastically, prior to being lithified, into the open tips combination of the latter process and additional dis-
of BBFs, suggest some of these fractures formed very solution enhancement
early. This process likely starts as soon as layers are Understanding the controls on the distribution of
silicified but continues through burial. When multi- silicified layers (silica I) is a first-order constraint for
ple silica layers are in close vertical separation, some the spatial prediction of stratigraphically concordant
fractures grow out of the silica layer, propagate BBFs (concept 2 in Figures 17 and 18). The preferen-
through the less competent interbedded layers, and tial replacement of fine grain rocks by silica I is
connect to the set of BBFs above or below. Such pro- demonstrably early; however, the geological pro-
cesses can have implications for the ratio of vertical cesses responsible are yet not well understood. This
to horizontal permeability. makes it challenging to reliably predict the lateral
We argue that the process of stabilization of silica extent of individual silica I layers observed in core or
I from its amorphous form (opal A) to quartz can image logs and the relative abundance and continuity
lead to additional fracturing of the silicified layers, as of these layers containing BBFs along depositional dip
well as widening of existing fractures, because and strike.
this conversion involves a volume reduction of
21.7% (29 to 22.7 cm3 mol1 [Geochemist Work- Stratigraphically Discordant Nonmatrix Concepts
bench database data0.ymp.R2]). Any preexisting The second class of nonmatrix in the pre-Salt is dis-
fractures would preferentially accommodate the cordant to the stratigraphy and it is related to frac-
strain generated from such volume reduction thus, tures, often solution enhanced, that are commonly
explaining the unusually wide BBFs sometimes associated with non-fabric-selective centimeter-scale
observed in core. The final wide apertures are likely a vugs and caves.