Advanced Employee Permissions

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Advanced Employee Permissions

August 7, 2019 2019.2

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Table of Contents
Advanced Employee Permissions .............................................................................................. 1
Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature ................................................... 1
Advanced Employee Permissions and Employee Searches ..................................................... 1
Advanced Employee Permissions and NetSuite Reports ........................................................ 6
Advanced Employee Permissions and Contact Records ......................................................... 6
Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteScript ................................................................. 6
Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteFlow .................................................................. 7
Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteAnalytics Connect ................................................ 8
Advanced Employee Permissions and SOAP Web Services ..................................................... 8
Advanced Employee Permissions and Customizations .......................................................... 8
Advanced Employee Permissions Overview ............................................................................. 8
Advanced Employee Permissions and Standard NetSuite Roles ............................................ 10
Employee Self Permission Overview ................................................................................. 13
Employee Public Permission Overview ............................................................................. 16
Employee Confidential Permission Overview ..................................................................... 17
Employee Compensation Permission Overview .................................................................. 19
Employee System Access Permission Overview .................................................................. 20
Employee Administration Permission Overview .................................................................. 21
Advanced Employee Permissions Use Cases ..................................................................... 23
Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions ................................................. 26
Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions ................................................................ 28
Advanced Employee Permissions 1

Advanced Employee Permissions

■ Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature
■ Advanced Employee Permissions Overview
■ Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions
■ Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions

Before Enabling the Advanced Employee

Permissions Feature
Warning: The Advanced Employee Permissions feature changes the way employee information
is exposed to users. This feature should only be enabled by an administrator who has a thorough
understanding of NetSuite. Because these changes extend to all parts of NetSuite, test this feature
in a sandbox account before enabling it in a production account.

This section describes how access to the employee record, using different contexts, changes when the
Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled. You should go through the following list before you
enable the feature. If required, complete any of the recommended actions. For more information, contact
NetSuite Customer Support.

■ Advanced Employee Permissions and Employee Searches

■ Advanced Employee Permissions and NetSuite Reports
■ Advanced Employee Permissions and Contact Records
■ Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteScript
■ Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteFlow
■ Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteAnalytics Connect
■ Advanced Employee Permissions and CSV Import
■ Advanced Employee Permissions and SOAP Web Services
■ Advanced Employee Permissions and Customizations

Advanced Employee Permissions and Employee Searches

Important: To avoid confusion, before you enable the Advanced Employee Permissions
feature, review existing saved employee searches, and limit access to any searches that are not
relevant to some users.

When using an account that does not have Advanced Employee Permissions enabled, it is only possible
for employees to perform employee searches when they are assigned to a role that has the Lists >
Employees, Lists > Employee Record, and Lists > Perform Search permissions.

However, when the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled, many standard NetSuite roles
are automatically given the Employee Public and Lists > Employee Record permissions, which gives them
access to perform employee searches. Therefore, it is important that you review existing saved employee
searches and limit access to any searches that are not relevant to some users.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature 2

Advanced Employee Permissions and Saved Searches

When Advanced Employee Permissions is enabled, based on the employee permissions assigned to the
role, users will see different results when viewing the same employee saved search. Some columns in the
search results are hidden, depending on what the role has access to. When the filter criteria of a saved
search uses a field not available to the employee permissions assigned to the role, the filter is not applied.

Saved Employee Search Results for Roles with Different Advanced

Employee Permissions
The following section provides examples of what information is exposed to users when the same saved
search is run using different Advanced Employee Permissions.
Example 1 — Employee Administration Permission: High Earning Employees in Toronto
When a user assigned to a role that has the Employee Administration permission runs a saved search that
uses the filter criteria:

■ Location — Toronto
■ Base Wage — Greater than $100,000

Any employees that do not meet this criteria are filtered out. Only the employees who are located in
Toronto and who have a base wage greater than $100,000.00 are shown in the saved search results. In
the image below, you can see that four employees meet this search criteria.

Example 2 — Employee Public Permission: High Earning Employees in Toronto

Now, when a user assigned to a role that has the Employee Public permission runs the same saved search
that uses the filter criteria:

■ Location — Toronto
■ Base Wage — Greater than $100,000

The search shows different results, as you can see in the image below. This is because the Employee
Public permission does not have access to see the base wage of employees, therefore this filter is not
applied. Instead, this user sees all employee’s that meet the filter criteria of Location — Toronto.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature 3

Advanced Employee Permissions and Employee List View

The Employees List page () generates the available columns, based on the fields the user has access to
with the role they are using. All the employees, which they have permission to view all the fields for and
which meet the set restrictions are displayed. Seeing different employees with a different combination of
permissions and restrictions is expected behavior.

The following section gives examples of how the displayed information changes when using Advanced
Employee Permissions.

Important: NetSuite recommends that when using Advanced Employee Permissions you
should view the Employees List page using the Basic view, instead of the default All view. With the
Basic view, you will see a more extensive list of employees because the basic field set is contained
in most standard employee permissions. With the All view, there are more columns displayed,
however, it may restrict the number of employees you see. For more information, see Example 3
— Employees List View Results with Employee Confidential and Employee Self Permissions.

Example 1 — Employees List Page Results with Employee Confidential

For this example, the role assigned to the user has the Employee Confidential permission, which exposes
the following fields:

■ First Name
■ Last Name
■ Email
■ Gender
■ Job Title

With this permission, when the user selects All from the View dropdown list on the Employees List page,
the employees that directly report to the user are shown in the list. In this example, the user has one
direct report and each of the fields that are part of the Employee Confidential permission are shown (First
Name, Last Name, Email, Job Title, and Gender). This is because the Employee Confidential permission has
the default restriction of Subordinates.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature 4

Example 2 — Employees List Page Results with Employee Self Permission

For this example, the role assigned to the user has the Employee Self permission, which exposes the
following fields:

■ First Name
■ Last Name
■ Email
■ Job Title
■ Birth Date

With this permission, when the user selects All from the View dropdown list on the Employees List page,
the user sees the fields exposed with the Employee Self permission only for themselves. This is because
the Employee Self permission has the default restriction of Own Only, meaning the user only has access
to this information for themselves on their employee record.

Example 3 — Employees List View Results with Employee Confidential

and Employee Self Permissions
For this last example, the role assigned to the user has a combination of the Employee Self and Employee
Confidential permissions, which expose the following fields:

■ Employee Confidential Permission

□ First Name
□ Last Name
□ Email
□ Gender
□ Job Title

■ Employee Self Permission

□ First Name
□ Last Name
□ Email

Advanced Employee Permissions

Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature 5

□ Job Title
□ Birth Date

All View
With the Employee Confidential and Employee Self permission combination, when the user selects All
from the View dropdown list on the Employees List page, the user sees an empty list. This is because the
All view on the Employees List page generates the available columns, based on the fields the role has
access to, across all roles, and displays all the employees that match all the fields that the user has access
to. When fields are removed from the view, you will see the following message:

Some fields are hidden because your role does not have permission to view them. To change what you are permitted
to view, please contact your administrator.

Basic View
With Employee Confidential and Employee Self permission combination, when the user selects Basic
from the View dropdown list on the Employees List page, the user sees themselves and their direct
reports. This is because the field set contained in the Basic view is contained in most standard employee

Advanced Employee Permissions

Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature 6

Advanced Employee Permissions and NetSuite Reports

Information in NetSuite reports is not governed by Advanced Employee Permissions. This means that
it could be possible to accidentally disclose more information than an employee should have access to
through a report. Use caution when giving employees access to reports. For details, see the help topic
Access to Reports.

Advanced Employee Permissions and Contact Records

When Advanced Employee Permissions is enabled, the Show Employees as Contacts field on the
General Preferences page is not available. Any employees saved to a contact record do not appear on
the Contacts list page (), and any information specific to an employee’s contact record can no longer be

If required, move any custom fields from the contact record to the employee record before enabling
Advanced Employee Permissions.

Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteScript

■ Assigning any of the Advanced Employee Permissions to a role gives partial access to the employee
record. Some scripts (including third-party scripts) may fail when they attempt to access parts of the
employee record that they are not permitted to access, with the role they are assigned.
If needed, consider running these scripts as administrator, or revise the scripts to handle cases where
some fields and subtabs are not accessible.
■ A user could write or deploy a script that gains access to employee information that they would
normally not be able to access. This could potentially be used to compromise employee information.
When Advanced Employee Permissions is enabled, carefully track which roles have permission to
create or alter scripts. In addition, track which scripts execute as administrator, and what they do to
make sure employee information is not unintentionally leaked.
■ If you have any scripts that add buttons to the employee record, ensure that they appear only when
appropriate. Scripts should be configured so that the action being added respects the restrictions on
the employee record.
■ In NetSuite, account administrators have access to all the information on all record types, including the
employee record. This can create issues in the following situations:
□ When a user is assigned a role that has permission to create scripts.
□ When a user sets a script to run as administrator.

Script Access
The following section outlines how script access changes when Advanced Employee Permissions is

The fields and subtabs a user has access to can change depending on which employee record is being
viewed or edited. This is different from other records in NetSuite, where permissions granted to a role
determine just the instances of the record the role can see.

The search columns available to users are also dependent on the permissions assigned to the role.

In general, scripts should always check to see if a field or sublist exists before trying to do something with
it. Simply calling functions and methods that interact with fields and sublists before checking whether
they are there may result in inconsistent behavior.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature 7

For example, when the Department field is permitted on the employee record, and you check to see if
this field exists and you do not have access, a null value is returned. If the field is empty, an empty string is

Script Access Examples

When you run the following script, errors are generated because whether the field exists, or whether you
have access to the field is not checked.

var employeeRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('employee', '115');

employeeRecord.setFieldValue('department', '2');

To check if your role has access to a field for a specific employee, load the employee record object and call
getAllFields().includes(). If the field exists and you do have access, a true value is returned.
In the following example, the user has access to the Department field for the employee with ID:115.

var accessToDepartment = nlapiLoadRecord('employee', '115').getAllFields().includes('department');

Taking the previous two script examples into consideration, you should use the following example to
make sure your scripts do not fail.

var employeeRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('employee', '115');

var hasAccessToDepartment = employeeRecord.getAllFields().includes('department');
if (hasAccessToDepartment)
employeeRecord.setFieldvalue('department', '2');

For more information about working with SuiteScript, see the help topics Suitelets and UI Object Best
Practices and Client Script Best Practices.

Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteFlow

■ In NetSuite, account administrators have access to all the information on all record types, including the
employee record. This can create issues in the following situations:
□ When a user is assigned a role that has permission to create workflows.
□ When a user sets a workflow to run as administrator.
■ A user could write or deploy a workflow that gains access to employee information that they would
normally not be able to access. This could potentially be used to compromise employee information.
When Advanced Employee Permissions is enabled, carefully track which roles have permission to
create or alter workflows. In addition, track which workflows execute as administrator, and what they
do to make sure employee information is not unintentionally leaked.
■ It is not possible to know what fields or subtabs are present on any employee record when Advanced
Employee Permissions is enabled. This means that workflows cannot safely perform operations, such
as setting a default value on a field. To avoid this, utilize an after submit workflow as administrator,
which gives access to the complete set of fields and sublists on the employee record.
■ If you have any workflows that add buttons to the employee record, make sure that they appear
only when appropriate. Scripts should be configured so that the action being added respects the
restrictions on the employee record.

For more information about workflows, see the help topic Working with Workflows.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature 8

Advanced Employee Permissions and SuiteAnalytics

SuiteAnalytics Connect access to the employee record, meaning access through ODBC, JDBC, or ADO.NET
drivers, is supported only with the Lists > Employees permission. SuiteAnalytics Connect access is not
supported for roles with other employee permissions.

Advanced Employee Permissions and CSV Import

CSV import is supported only with the Lists > Employees permission.

Advanced Employee Permissions and SOAP Web Services

Access to the employee record through SOAP web services respects the permissions that are assigned to
a role. However, be aware of the following:

■ When a value for a field is set on the employee record in a SOAP web services program, and the
current role does not have access to that field, the program completes without errors, but the field is
not set or updated.
■ For SOAP web services in accounts with Advanced Employee Permissions enabled, fields and subtabs
that the current role does not have access to are not returned through search or filtering.

Advanced Employee Permissions and Customizations

Custom Roles
Custom roles created in your NetSuite account are not automatically updated with the employee
permissions introduced by Advanced Employee Permissions. Custom roles will need to be manually
updated to include any of the required employee permissions. For details, see Changing Access and
Restrictions for Advanced Employee Permissions.

Roles Using the SuiteScript Permission

Roles that have the Setup > SuiteScript permission can configure scripts to run as administrator, which
bypasses the Advanced Employee Permissions feature. Before creating custom roles with this permission,
make sure that the role should have access to the information that is being exposed.

By default, when Advanced Employee Permissions is enabled, any customization created with NetSuite
SuiteBuilder that are included with the standard Lists > Employees permission are preserved. However,
customizations are not preserved when the Lists > Employees permission is customized. If required,
you will need to manually add customizations to the custom Lists > Employees permission. For more
information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview

The Advanced Employee Permissions feature gives administrators more flexibility and control over which
fields and subtabs on the employee record are available to the role, based on the assigned employee

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 9

This feature includes the following permissions: Employee Self, Employee Public, Employee Confidential,
Employee Compensation, Employee System Access, and Employee Administration.

What happens when you enable the Advanced Employee

Permissions Feature?
The following permissions are automatically assigned to a set of standard NetSuite roles, except where
otherwise noted.

■ Employee Self — Employees with this permission have access to relevant information about
themselves on their employee record. This information can also be accessed by employees using their
Employee Center role by clicking My Profile under My Information. For details, see Employee Self
Permission Overview.
■ Employee Public — Employees with this permission have access to basic employee information, such
as job title. For details, see Employee Public Permission Overview.
■ Employee Confidential — Employees with this permission have access to a set of fields and sublists,
such as the Billing Class field, and the Time-Off subtab. For details, see Employee Confidential
Permission Overview.
■ Employee Compensation — Employees with this permission have access to compensation
information, such as base wage, and base wage type. For details, see Employee Compensation
Permission Overview.
■ Employee Administration — This permission is not automatically assigned to any roles. For details,
see Employee Administration Permission Overview.
■ Employee System Access — This permission is not automatically assigned to any roles. For details,
see Employee System Access Permission Overview.

With this feature, you can create custom employee permissions to include all or a set of standard fields
and sublists from the employee record. You can also add custom fields and sublists to custom employee
permissions. For more information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 10

Note: Inline editing is available only with the Lists > Employees permission at access level Edit or

Note: When Advanced Employee Permissions is enabled, users who have access to effective
dating logs will only see what they are permitted to see based on the permissions and restrictions
assigned to their role. For example, roles with the Employee Confidential permission restricted to
subordinates see effective dating logs only for their direct reports and below. For details, see the
help topic Effective Dating for Employee Information.

Advanced Employee Permissions Videos

View Advanced Employee Permissions Feature: Part 1 — Overview

View Advanced Employee Permissions Feature: Part 2 — Creating Custom Advanced Employee

View Advanced Employee Permissions Feature: Part 3 — Customizing a Role Using Advanced
Employee Permissions

View Advanced Employee Permissions Feature: Part 4 — Using Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions and Standard NetSuite

The following table lists the standard NetSuite employee permissions, as well as the employee
permissions introduced with the Advanced Employee Permissions feature that are automatically assigned
to standard NetSuite roles. Also, listed are the default access levels and restrictions for each of the
advanced employee permissions. Note that the Employee Administration and Employee System Access
permissions are not automatically assigned to any standard roles. If required, these permissions can be
manually added to a role.

■ If you change the access level of the Employee Self permission to level Edit, be aware that this
will give employees the ability to make changes to the fields exposed with this permission,
which includes their compensation information. It is recommended that you use the default
access level View; however, if required, you can create a custom permission. For more
information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.
■ If you change the access level of the Employee Public, Employee Confidential, Employee
Compensation, and Employee Administration permissions to level Edit, be aware that this will
give users the ability to also create employees in NetSuite.
■ The standard NetSuite Lists > Employees permission gives access to all the information on
the employee record. This permission is intended for Human Resources Business Partners,
Chief People Officers (CPO), and Human Resources Directors. To restrict these roles to see
only employee administration information, remove the Lists > Employees permission, and add
the Employee Administration permission. For details, see Employee Administration Permission

Standard Role Employee Permissions — Level of Access/Restriction

A/P Clerk ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — View

A/R Clerk ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 11

Standard Role Employee Permissions — Level of Access/Restriction

■ Employee Record — View

Accountant ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Edit

Accountant (Reviewer) ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — View

Bookkeeper ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Edit

Buyer ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full

CEO ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Full

CEO (hands off) ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — View

CFO ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Full

Chief People Officer (CPO) ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Full

Employee Center ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Self — View/Own Only
■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — Edit

Engineer ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — View

Engineering Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

Human Resources Generalist ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Full

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 12

Standard Role Employee Permissions — Level of Access/Restriction

Intranet Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

Issue Administrator ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — View

Marketing Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

Payroll Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Full

Payroll Setup ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Full

PM Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

Product Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — View

Support Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

QA Engineer ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — View

QA Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

Resource Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record —Full
■ Employees — View

Retail Clerk ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 13

Standard Role Employee Permissions — Level of Access/Restriction

■ Employee Record — View

Retail Clerk (Web Services Only) ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated
■ Employee Record —Full
■ Employees — View

Sales Administrator ■ Employee Public — View

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Full

Sales Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

Sales Person ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — View

Sales Vice President ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — View

Store Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

System Administrator ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Record — Full
■ Employees — Full

Warehouse Manager ■ Employee Public — View/Active and Non-Terminated

■ Employee Confidential — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Compensation — View/Subordinates
■ Employee Record — View

Employee Self Permission Overview

The Employee Self permission is intended for all employees. Users assigned to a role that has this
permission can view basic personal information on the employee record. Basic personal information
includes things such as home address, and passport information. This permission is automatically
assigned to the Employee Center role when the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled. By
default, the access level for this permission it set to View, and the restriction is set to own only, but you
can make changes. For details, see Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 14

Note: Users are not able to view or edit future or past dated changes to their employee
information when assigned with a role that has this permission.

Employee Self Permission Fields

This section outlines the default employee record fields that are exposed with the Employee Self
Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For more information, see Creating Custom
Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Self Permission Fields

Primary Information:

■ Employee ID
■ Mr./Ms
■ Name
■ Initials
■ Job
■ Supervisor
■ Image

Email | Phone | Address:

■ Email
■ Phone
■ Office Phone
■ Mobile Phone
■ Home Phone
■ Fax
■ Address


■ Subsidiary
■ Department
■ Class
■ Location

Employee Self Permission Sublists

This section outlines the default employee record sublists, and the fields associated with them that are
exposed with the Employee Self Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For more
information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Self Permission SubLists


■ Default Shipping
■ Home
■ Label
■ Address

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 15

Employee Self Permission SubLists

■ Edit

Human Resources

■ Social Security
■ Birth Date

Job Information:

■ Job Description


■ Image
■ Name
■ Job Title
■ Location
■ Department
■ Subsidiary
■ Contact Info


■ Level of Education
■ Degree
■ Date Conferred


■ Marital Status
■ Ethnicity
■ Gender


Available Now:

■ Type
■ Available this Year
■ Used this Year
■ Scheduled this Year
■ Available Now


■ Type
■ Carried Over
■ Accrued
■ Used
■ Expired Carryover
■ Balance

Compensation Tracking

■ Compensation Currency

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 16

Employee Self Permission SubLists

■ Base Wage Type
■ Base Wage

Employee Public Permission Overview

The Employee Public permission is intended for all employees. Users assigned to a role that has this
permission can view basic employee information. Basic information includes non-sensitive information,
such as job title, and reporting relationships. This permission is automatically assigned to a set of
standard roles when the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled. By default, the access level
for this permission it set to View, and the restriction is set to active and non-terminated, but you can
makes changes. For details, see Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Public Permission Fields

This section outlines the default employee record fields that are exposed with the Employee Public
Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For more information, see Creating Custom
Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Public Permission Fields

Primary Information:

■ Employee ID
■ Name
■ Initials
■ Supervisor
■ Image

Email | Phone | Address:

■ Email
■ Phone
■ Office Phone
■ Mobile Phone
■ Fax


■ Subsidiary
■ Department
■ Class
■ Location

Employee Public Permission Sublist

This section outlines the default employee record sublist, and the fields associated with it that are
exposed with the Employee Public Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For more
information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions

Employee Public Permission Sublist


Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 17

Employee Public Permission Sublist

■ Image
■ Name
■ Job Title
■ Location
■ Department
■ Subsidiary
■ Contact Info

Employee Confidential Permission Overview

The Employee Confidential permission is intended for manager roles. In addition to the employee public
fields and sublists, users assigned to a role that has this permission also have access to confidential
employee information. Confidential information includes job and education information. This permission
is automatically added to a set of standard roles when the Advanced Employee Permissions feature
is enabled. By default, the access level for this permission it set to View, and the restriction is set to
subordinates, but you can make changes. For details, see Setting Employee Access for Advanced
Employee Permissions.

Employee Confidential Permission Fields

This section outlines the default employee record fields that are exposed with the Employee Confidential
Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For more information, see Creating Custom
Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Confidential Permission Fields

Primary Information:

■ Employee ID
■ Name
■ Initials
■ Supervisor
■ Job
■ Image

Email | Phone | Address:

■ Email
■ Phone
■ Office Phone
■ Mobile Phone
■ Fax


■ Subsidiary
■ Department
■ Class
■ Location

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 18

Employee Confidential Permission Fields

■ Billing Class

Employee Confidential Permission Sublists

This section outlines the default employee record sublists, and the fields associated with them that are
exposed with the Employee Confidential Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For
more information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Confidential Permission Sublists

Human Resources

■ Job Information:
□ Type
□ Employee Status
□ Job Description
□ Sales Rep
□ Support Rep
□ Project Resource
□ Project Manager
□ Default Project Resource Role
□ Work Calendar
□ Labor Cost
□ Hourly Rate
□ Hire Date
□ Last Review Date
□ Next Review Date

■ Expenses and Purchasing:

□ Expense Limit
□ Expense Approver
□ Expense Approval Limit
□ Purchase Limit
□ Purchase Approver
□ Purchase Approval Limit
□ Account

■ Subordinates:
□ Image
□ Name
□ Job Title
□ Location
□ Department
□ Subsidiary
□ Contact Info

■ Education:
□ Level of Education

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 19

Employee Confidential Permission Sublists

□ Degree
□ Date Conferred


■ Time-Off Plan
■ Start Date for Time-Off Calculations
■ Available Now:
□ Type
□ Available this Year (HRS)
□ Used this Year (HRS)
□ Scheduled this Year (HRS)
□ Available Now (HRS)

■ Balances:
□ Type
□ Carried Over (HRS)
□ Accrued (HRS)
□ Used (HRS)
□ Expired Carryover (HRS)
□ Balance (HRS)

Time Tracking

■ Time Approver


■ Eligible for Commission

■ Pay Commissions Using

Employee Compensation Permission Overview

The Employee Compensation permission is intended for managers. Users assigned to a role that has
this permission can access compensation information. This permission is automatically added to a set of
standard roles when the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled. By default, the access level
for this permission it set to View, and the restriction is set to subordinates, but you can make changes. For
details, see Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Compensation Permission Sublists

This section outlines the default employee record sublists, and the fields associated with them that are
exposed with the Employee Compensation Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For
more information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Compensation Permission Sublists

Compensation Tracking

■ Base Wage
■ Base Wage Type

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 20

Employee Compensation Permission Sublists

■ Compensation Currency


■ Compensation Type

The Base Wage, Base Wage Type, and Compensation Currency fields are associated with the
Compensation Tracking feature, and the Compensation Type field is part of SuitePeople US Payroll. For
details, see the help topics Tracking an Employee’s Compensation and Including an Employee in Payroll.

Employee System Access Permission Overview

The Employee System Access permission is intended for IT administrators. Users assigned to a role
that has this permission can give users access to NetSuite and assign roles to users who fall into the
restriction policy defined on the Role page. For example, when restricted by location, a role with the
Employee System Access permission can give access and assign roles to employees in their location only.

Note: The Employee System Access permission is not automatically assigned to standard roles
when the Advanced Employee Permission feature is enabled.

Employee System Access Permission Fields

This section outlines the default employee record fields that are exposed with the Employee System
Access Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For more information, see Creating
Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee System Access Permission Fields

Primary Information:

■ Employee ID
■ Name

Email | Phone | Address:

■ Email

Employee System Access Permission Sublist

This section outlines the default employee record sublist, and the fields associated with it that are
exposed with the Employee System Access Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For
more information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee System Access Permission Sublist


■ Give Access
■ IP Address Restriction
■ Inherit IP Rules from Company


■ Role

Global Permissions:

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 21

Employee System Access Permission Sublist

■ Permission
■ Level


■ Date/Time
■ User
■ Change

Employee Administration Permission Overview

The Employee Administration permission is intended for HR Generalists and HR Administrators. In
addition to the employee public fields and sublists, users assigned to a role that has this permission have
access to a limited set of fields and sublists based on the restrictions defined on the Role page.

Note: The Employee Administration permission is not automatically assigned to standard roles
when the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled.

Employee Administration Permission Fields

This section outlines the default employee record fields that are exposed with the Employee
Administration Permission. If required, you can customize this permission. For more information, see
Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Administration Permission Fields

Primary Information:

■ Employee ID
■ Initials
■ Supervisor
■ Mr/Ms
■ Job
■ Image
■ Name

Email | Phone | Address:

■ Email
■ Mobile Phone
■ Address
■ Phone
■ Home Phone
■ Office Phone
■ Fax


■ Subsidiary
■ Class
■ Location

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 22

Employee Administration Permission Fields

■ Department

Employee Administration Sublists

This section outlines the default employee record sublists, and the fields associated with them that are
exposed with the Employee Administration Permission. If required, you can customize this permission.
For more information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions.

Employee Administration Permission Sublists


■ Default Shipping
■ Home
■ Label
■ Address
■ Edit

Human Resources

■ Birth Date
■ Job Information:
□ Type
□ Termination/Release Date
□ Employee Status
□ Job Description
□ Work Calendar
□ Hire Date
□ Last Review Date
□ Next Review Date
□ Expense and Purchasing:
▬ Expense Limit
▬ Expense Approver
▬ Expense Approval Limit
▬ Purchase Limit
▬ Purchase Approver
▬ Purchase Approval Limit
▬ Account
▬ Default Account for Corporate Card Expenses
□ Subordinates:
▬ Image
▬ Name
▬ Job Title
▬ Location
▬ Department
▬ Subsidiary
▬ Contact Info
□ Education:

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 23

Employee Administration Permission Sublists

▬ Level of Education
▬ Degree
▬ Date Conferred
□ Personal:
▬ Marital Status
▬ Ethnicity
▬ Gender


Advanced Employee Permissions Use Cases

The following section provides examples of how standard NetSuite permissions and advanced employee
permissions can be combined to expose only the information that a particular type of employee requires
access to. For a complete list of the fields and sublists exposed with each advanced employee permission,
see the following help topics:

■ Employee Self Permission Overview

■ Employee Public Permission Overview
■ Employee Confidential Permission Overview
■ Employee Compensation Permission Overview
■ Employee System Access Permission Overview
■ Employee Administration Permission Overview

Note: These examples use the default advanced employee permissions, but you can customize
these permissions. For details, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions and Setting
Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions.

The Lists > Employee Record, Lists > Perform Search, and Lists > Employees permissions are
standard NetSuite permissions, and are not part of Advanced Employee Permissions. However,
these permissions are required to use Advanced Employee Permissions. For more information
about the standard permissions, see the help topic NetSuite Permissions Overview.

Example 1: Employee Access for All Employees

Permission Access Level Restriction Gives Employees Access To

Lists > Employee Edit — Access employee menus, for example List >
Record* Employees.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 24

Permission Access Level Restriction Gives Employees Access To

Lists > Perform Full — Search for employees.


Employee Public View Active and Non- View and search basic employee information,
Terminated such as email address and supervisor, for all
active, non-terminated employees.

Employee Self View Own Only View relevant information about themselves on
their employee record, such as job description
and compensation.

The Lists > Employee Record and Lists > Perform Search permissions are standard NetSuite permissions,
and are not part of Advanced Employee Permissions. However, these permissions are required to use
Advanced Employee Permissions. For more information about the standard permissions, see the help
topic NetSuite Permissions Overview.

Example 2: Employee Access for Managers

Permission Access Level Restriction Gives Managers Access To

Lists > Employee View — Access employee menus, for example List >
Record* Employees.

Lists > Perform Full — Search for employees.


Employee Confidential View Subordinates View and search confidential employee

information, such as hire date and expense limit,
for direct reports and below.

Employee View Subordinates View compensation information for direct reports

Compensation and below.

Employee Public View Active and Non- View and search basic employee information,
Terminated such as email address and supervisor, for all
active, non-terminated employees.

Employee Self View Own Only View relevant information about themselves on
their employee record, such as job description
and address.

The Lists > Employee Record and Lists > Perform Search permissions are standard NetSuite permissions,
and are not part of Advanced Employee Permissions. However, these permissions are required to use
Advanced Employee Permissions. For more information about the standard permissions, see the help
topic NetSuite Permissions Overview.

Example 3: Employee Access for HR Generalists

Permission Access Restriction Gives HR Generalists Access To


Lists> Employee Full — Access employee menus, for example List > Employees.

Lists > Perform Full — Search for employees.


Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 25

Permission Access Restriction Gives HR Generalists Access To


Employee Full Inherit from Role View, create, edit, and search for personal information,
Administration such as home phone and marital status, for employees
who match the restrictions defined on the Role page. If
no restrictions are defined, this information is available
for all employees.

Employee View Subordinates View and search confidential employee information,

Confidential such as hire date and expense limit, for direct reports
and below.

Employee View Subordinates View compensation information for direct reports and
Compensation below.

Employee Public View Active and Non- View and search basic employee information, such
Terminated as email address and supervisor, for all active, non-
terminated employees.

The Lists > Employee Record and Lists > Perform Search permissions are standard NetSuite permissions,
and are not part of Advanced Employee Permissions. However, these permissions are required to use
Advanced Employee Permissions. For more information about the standard permissions, see the help
topic NetSuite Permissions Overview.

Example 4: Employee Access for HR Directors and Above

Permission Access Restriction Gives HR Directors and Above Access To


Lists > Employee Full — Access employee menus, for example List > Employees.

Lists > Perform Full — Search for employees.


Lists > Employees* Full — View, edit, and create employee record information for all
employees who match the restrictions defined on the Role
page. For example, if a location restriction is set, access is
only for the employees in the set location or sublocation.
If no restrictions are defined, access is given to all the
information on the employee record for every employee.

Employee Public View Active and Non- View and search basic employee information, such as email
Terminated address and supervisor, for all active, non-terminated

The Lists > Employee Record, Lists > Perform Search, and Lists > Employees permissions are standard
NetSuite permissions, and are not part of Advanced Employee Permissions. However, these permissions
are required to use Advanced Employee Permissions. For more information about the standard
permissions, see the help topic NetSuite Permissions Overview.

Example 5: Employee Access for IT Administrators

Permission Access Level Restriction Gives IT Administrators Access To

Lists > Employee View — Access employee menus, for example List >
Record* Employees.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions Overview 26

Permission Access Level Restriction Gives IT Administrators Access To

Lists > Perform Full — Search for employees.


Employee System Full Inherit from Role Give access and assign roles to employees who
Access match the restrictions defined on the Role page.

Employee Public View Active and Non- View and search basic employee information, such
Terminated as email address and supervisor, for all active, non-
terminated employees.

The Lists > Employee Record and Lists > Perform Search permissions are standard NetSuite permissions,
and are not part of Advanced Employee Permissions. However, these permissions are required to use
Advanced Employee Permissions. For more information about the standard permissions, see the help
topic NetSuite Permissions Overview.

Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee

Additional levels of restrictions and access to employee information can be specified on the Employee
Access subtab of the Role page.

To set employee access:

1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

2. From the list, click Customize or Edit beside the role you want to assign custom employee access
3. Click the Employee Access subtab.
4. From the Permission list, select the employee access you want to add to the role. Choose from the
■ Employee System Access — This permission is intended for IT Administrators. Users assigned
to a role with this permission can give access and assign roles to employees. For details, see
Employee System Access Permission Overview.
■ Employee Administration — This permission is intended for HR Generalists and HR
Administrators. Users assigned to a role with this permission have access to HR related fields on
the employee record. For details, see Employee Administration Permission Overview.
■ Employee Confidential — This permission is intended for managers. Users assigned to a role
with this permission have access to public and confidential information on the employee record.
For details, see Employee Confidential Permission Overview.
■ Employee Compensation — This permission is intended for managers. Users assigned to a
role with this permission have access to compensation information on the employee record. For
details, see Employee Compensation Permission Overview.
■ Employee Public — This permission is intended for employees. Users assigned to a role with
this permission have access to basic employee information on the employee record. For details,
see Employee Public Permission Overview.
■ Employee Self — This permission is intended for employees. Users assigned to a role with this
permission have access to basic personal information on the employee record. For details, see
Employee Self Permission Overview.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions 27

■ Employees — This permission is intended for HR Business Partners, CPOs, and HR Directors.
Users assigned to a role with this permission have access to all information on the employee

Note: When you select a permission, the default access level and restrictions are
automatically selected, but you can change these.

5. If required, change the default access level for the selected restriction from the Level list. For
details, see the help topic Access Levels for Permissions.

Note: When two employee permissions are included with a role, one at level view and
another at level edit, users assigned to the role see a combination of the fields and sublists
they are permitted to view on the employee record. In edit mode, only the fields and
sublists that the user can edit are visible on the employee record.

■ If you change the access level of the Employee Self permission to level Edit, be aware
that this will give employees the ability to make changes to the fields exposed with
this permission, which includes their compensation information. It is recommended
that you use the default access level View; however, if required, you can create a
custom permission. For more information, see Creating Custom Advanced Employee
■ If you change the access level of the Employee Public, Employee Confidential, Employee
Compensation, and Employee Administration permissions to level Edit, be aware
that this will give users the ability to also create employees in NetSuite. For more
information, see the help topic Access Levels for Permissions.
■ The standard NetSuite Lists > Employees permission gives access to all the information
on the employee record. This permission is intended for Human Resources Business
Partners, Chief People Officers (CPO), and Human Resources Directors. To restrict these
roles to see only employee administration information, remove the Lists > Employees
permission, and add the Employee Administration permission. For details, see Employee
Administration Permission Overview.

6. If required, change the default restriction for the selected restriction from the Restrictions list.
Choose from the following:
■ Inherit from Role — Select this when you want the permission to inherit the restrictions set on
the Role page. For more information about setting restrictions on the Role page, see the help
topic Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
■ Subordinates — Select this when you want the permission to be restricted by subordinates.
For example, you could add this restriction to the Employee Confidential permission, so that
users assigned to this role would have access to public and confidential employee information
only for their subordinates.
■ Active and Non-Terminated — Select this when you want the permission to be restricted
to active and non-terminated employees. For example, you could add this restriction to the
Employee Public permission, so that users assigned to this role would have access to basic
employee information for all active and non-terminated employees only.
■ Own Only — Select this when you want to restrict the permission to own only. This means,
users assigned to this role have access to the fields and sublists exposed with the permission
for only themselves. For example, you could add this restriction to the Employee Self
permission, so that users assigned to this role would only have access to basic personal
employee information for themselves.
7. Click Add.
8. Repeat these steps for each permission you want to assign to the role.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions 28

9. To finish, click Save.

Note: If you assign an additional role to a user who is currently logged in to NetSuite, that
user must log out and log back in to see the newly assigned role. The same is true if you add
permissions to an existing role while a user is currently logged in to NetSuite. The user needs to
log out and log back in to exercise the new permissions.

Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions

Important: When creating a custom employee permission, be aware that some fields on
the employee record have dependencies on other fields, and should not be added or removed
individually. For example, when you customize the Employee System Access permission, having
only a partial set of the fields that come standard with this permission will prevent the employee
record from loading. The employee record will only load when it has either all or none of the
access fields.

You have two choices when creating custom advanced employee permissions. You can create a new
permission using a custom set of fields and sublists from the employee record. You can also customize
a standard employee permission to only include a subset of the fields and sublists that are exposed, or
customize it to include additional fields and sublists.

Standard employee permissions cannot be modified, so it is recommended that you use these
permissions as templates to create your own custom employee permissions.

Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions

Important: Before creating custom advanced employee permissions:

■ By default, when the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled, any customization’s
created with NetSuite SuiteBuilder that are included with the standard Lists > Employees
permission are preserved. However, customization’s are not preserved when the Lists >
Employees permission is customized. If required, customization’s need to be manually added
to the custom Lists > Employees permission.
■ Both inline editing and inactivating employees from the Employees List page are disabled for
users assigned to a role that has a custom employee permission.
■ Before deploying client or server side scripts that gain access to employee information make
□ The employee field or sublist is available to the role.
□ The role has the correct employee permission to see the employee field or sublist for the
types of employees being viewed or edited.
□ Some scripts (including third-party scripts) may fail if they attempt to access parts of the
employee record that they are not permitted to access, with the role and permissions they
are assigned.

For more information, see Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature.

To create custom advanced employee permissions:

1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Permissions.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions 29

2. From the Manage Permissions page, you can either create a custom or new employee permission.
a. To create a custom employee permission, click Customize beside the employee permission
you want to customize. All of the standard fields and sublists associated with the parent
permission are inherited. You can make changes as necessary.
b. To create a new employee permission that does not start with a list of associated fields and
sublists, select New Permission from the Manage Permissions page.
3. If required, you can add standard and custom fields to the permission. For more information, see
Adding Standard Fields and Sublists to Advanced Employee Permissions and Creating Custom
Fields for Advanced Employee Permissions.
4. To finish, click Save.

To remove the permission, click Actions > Delete. When the permission is assigned to a role you will
need to remove it from the role before it can be deleted.

Related Topics

■ Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature

■ Advanced Employee Permissions Overview
■ Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions

Adding Standard Fields and Sublists to Advanced Employee

Important: When you add a sublist to a custom permission that is associated with another
feature in NetSuite, the specific permission for the feature also needs to be added to the role. If
the role does not have the required permission for the feature users will not see any information
in the sublist. For example, the Accrued Time and Available Now sublists are associated with
the Time-Off Management feature. If you add these sublists to a custom advanced employee
permission you need to make sure that the Time-Off Administration permission is included. For
more information, see the help topics SuitePeople Permission Requirements and Permissions

To add standard fields and sublists to advanced employee permissions:

1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Permissions.
2. From the Manage Permissions page, click Customize beside the employee permission you want
to customize. All of the standard fields and sublists associated with the parent permission are
inherited. You can make changes as necessary.
3. To add a standard field, select the Fields > Standard Fields subtab.
4. To add a standard sublist, select the Sublists > Standard Sublists subtab.
5. Click a line in the list.
6. From the Record Type list, select Employee.
7. From the Field list, select the field to add to the permission.
8. From the Sublist list, select the sublist to add to the permission.
9. Click Add.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions 30

10. Repeat these steps for each field and sublist that you want to include.
11. To finish, click Save.

Alternatively, click +Insert, select the employee record and field, and click Add. To remove a field, select it
from the list, and click Remove.

Related Topics

■ Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature

■ Advanced Employee Permissions Overview
■ Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions

Creating Custom Fields for Advanced Employee

Important: Permission access levels are set on the Role page, when the advanced employee
permission is assigned to the role and not on the custom entity record. For example, if a
permission is assigned to a role at access level View, any custom fields that are added to the
permission respect that access level.

To create custom fields for advanced employee permissions:

1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity Fields > New.
2. In the Label field, enter a name or description for the field. You can enter up to 200 characters for
the label.
3. From the Applies To subtab, check the Employee box.
4. Click the Employee Access subtab.
5. Click a line in the list.
6. From the Permission list, select the custom permission that you want to associate this custom field
with. This list displays each of the custom advanced employee permissions that have been created.
7. Click Add. Alternatively, click +Insert, select the permission and click Add. To remove a permission,
select it from the list, and click Remove.
8. Repeat these steps for each custom permission you want to associate this custom field with.
9. To finish, click Save. The custom field is automatically added to the custom permission. You can see
a list of the custom fields associated with a permission from the Fields > Custom Fields subtab on
the Permission page.

Note: The Show In List box on the custom entity field record is not supported with Advanced
Employee Permissions. This means that custom fields are not shown on the Employees List page
when this box is checked. To display custom fields with Advanced Employee Permissions, you need
to create a custom view that contains the custom fields. To do this, click the Edit View button from
the Employees List page and manually add the custom fields.

Related Topics

■ Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature

■ Advanced Employee Permissions Overview
■ Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions

Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions 31

Creating Custom Sublists for Advanced Employee

To create custom sublists for advanced employee permissions:

Important: Permission access levels are set on the Role page, when the advanced employee
permission is assigned to the role and not on the custom entity record. For example, if a
permission is assigned to a role at access level View, any custom fields that are added to the
permission respect that access level.

1. To create a custom sublist, go to Customization > Forms > Sublists > New.
2. In the Type field, select Entity.
3. Check the Employee box.
4. In the Search field, select the saved search that returns the results you want to appear on the
record. If the saved search does not appear in the list, check the saved search settings. The first
item listed on the Available Filters subtab must be a List/Record type. Otherwise the saved search
is not available to assign as a sublist. For more information, see the help topic Saved Searches for
Custom Sublists.
5. In the Label field, enter a label for this sublist.
6. In the Tab field, select the subtab where you want the sublist to appear.
7. Repeat these steps for each custom sublist you want to create.
8. To finish, click Save. The custom sublist you created automatically appears in the Custom Sublists
subtab on the Permission page.

Related Topics

■ Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature

■ Advanced Employee Permissions Overview
■ Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions

Adding Custom Fields and Sublists to Advanced Employee

To add custom fields and sublists to advanced employee permissions:
1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Permissions.
2. Click Customize or Edit beside the permission you want to add a custom sublist to.
3. Click the Sublists > Custom Sublists subtab.
4. Click the Fields > Custom Fields subtab.
5. Click a line in the list.
6. From the Record Type list, select Employee.
7. From the Sublist list, select the custom sublist to add to the permission.
8. From the Field list, select the custom field to add to the permission.

Advanced Employee Permissions

Creating Custom Advanced Employee Permissions 32

9. Click Add. Alternatively, click +Insert, select the record type and sublist, and click Add
10. Repeat these steps for each custom sublist and field you want to add to the permission.
11. To finish, click Save.

Related Topics

■ Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature

■ Advanced Employee Permissions Overview
■ Setting Employee Access for Advanced Employee Permissions

Advanced Employee Permissions

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