Net Suite Basics
Net Suite Basics
Net Suite Basics
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Table of Contents
NetSuite Basics ....................................................................................................................... 1
NetSuite Basics Overview ......................................................................................................... 2
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in NetSuite ........................................................................................... 3
Getting Help ........................................................................................................................... 4
NetSuite Documentation Overview ......................................................................................... 4
ERP Documentation Summary ........................................................................................... 5
CRM and SFA Documentation Summary .............................................................................. 6
Commerce Documentation Summary ................................................................................. 6
SuiteCloud Platform Documentation Summary ..................................................................... 7
SuiteAnalytics Documentation Summary ............................................................................. 8
SuiteApps Documentation Summary .................................................................................. 9
Account Administration Documentation Summary .............................................................. 10
OneWorld Documentation Summary ................................................................................ 11
Country-Specific Documentation Summary ........................................................................ 11
Accessing the Help Center .................................................................................................. 12
Using the Help Center Window ............................................................................................ 12
Searching for Help ............................................................................................................. 14
Getting Field-Level Help ...................................................................................................... 15
NetSuite Guided Learning ................................................................................................... 15
Finding Out What's New in NetSuite ..................................................................................... 19
SuiteAnswers Overview ....................................................................................................... 20
Support Cases in SuiteAnswers ........................................................................................ 21
Access Requirements for SuiteAnswers ............................................................................. 23
SuiteAnswers FAQ .......................................................................................................... 23
NetSuite Virtual Support Assistant .................................................................................... 25
Generating a HAR File for Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 27
NetSuite Support ............................................................................................................... 28
Accessing the NetSuite Account Center ............................................................................. 30
Checking the Status of Support Cases .............................................................................. 31
NetSuite Issue Resolution ............................................................................................... 31
Support Phone Menu Routing Options ............................................................................. 32
NetSuite Support Login .................................................................................................. 33
Advanced Customer Support ............................................................................................... 34
Advanced Customer Support Services ............................................................................... 35
Advanced Customer Support Playbooks ............................................................................ 35
Advanced Customer Support Resources ............................................................................ 37
NetSuite Communities (User Groups) .................................................................................... 38
SuiteSuccess ..................................................................................................................... 38
Voting for Enhancements ................................................................................................... 39
Checking NetSuite System Status ......................................................................................... 40
Finding Your NetSuite Release Version .................................................................................. 42
Oracle Help Center ............................................................................................................ 42
Navigating NetSuite ............................................................................................................... 44
Finding Your NetSuite Account ID ........................................................................................ 44
Header and Menus ............................................................................................................ 44
Navigation Menu ........................................................................................................... 45
Roles and Accounts ....................................................................................................... 46
Centers ............................................................................................................................ 51
Pages Common to all Centers ......................................................................................... 51
Dashboards ...................................................................................................................... 54
Global Search ................................................................................................................... 56
Create New Menu ............................................................................................................. 57
QuickViews ....................................................................................................................... 57
Keyboard Shortcuts ........................................................................................................... 58
Popup and Dropdown Lists ................................................................................................. 60
Buttons and Menus in NetSuite ........................................................................................... 63
Text Enhance .................................................................................................................... 65
Logging in to NetSuite ........................................................................................................... 69
Logging in to the NetSuite UI .............................................................................................. 69
Supported Browsers for NetSuite ..................................................................................... 70
Your User Credentials .................................................................................................... 71
Finding Your Settings Portlet ........................................................................................... 71
Change Email Link ......................................................................................................... 74
Change Password Link ................................................................................................... 75
Setting Up Security Questions ......................................................................................... 77
Update Security Questions Link ....................................................................................... 79
If You Forget the Answers to Your Security Questions ......................................................... 80
Getting Access When You Forget Your Password ................................................................ 81
My Login Audit Portlet ................................................................................................... 82
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) .................................................................. 84
Set up Your Preferences for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) ................................................ 85
Using 2FA .................................................................................................................... 89
Logging out of NetSuite ......................................................................................................... 95
Setting Personal Preferences ................................................................................................... 96
General Personal Preferences ............................................................................................. 96
Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface ...................................................... 103
Mapping Addresses on Records and Transactions ............................................................. 105
Personal Preferences for Appearance ................................................................................. 106
Personal Preferences for Transactions ................................................................................ 108
Analytics Personal Preferences ........................................................................................... 110
Report by Period: Financials Only Reports ........................................................................ 112
Personal Preferences for Activities ...................................................................................... 113
Personal Preferences for Alerts .......................................................................................... 115
Receiving Email Alerts ................................................................................................... 116
Personal Preferences for Telephony .................................................................................... 117
Personal Preferences for Restricting Views ........................................................................... 117
Using SuiteAnalytics Workbook .............................................................................................. 119
Workbooks and Datasets .................................................................................................. 120
Sharing Workbooks and Datasets ................................................................................... 120
Workbook and Dataset Templates .................................................................................. 121
Working with Records, Transactions, and Lists .......................................................................... 122
Working with Records ...................................................................................................... 122
NetSuite Record Pages ................................................................................................. 124
NetSuite Record Types .................................................................................................. 127
Searching for Records .................................................................................................. 128
Viewing and Editing Records ......................................................................................... 129
Currency Field Limitations ............................................................................................. 130
Creating a Transaction from a Record ............................................................................. 130
Attaching Files to Records ............................................................................................. 131
Inactivating Records ..................................................................................................... 132
Duplicate Record Detection ............................................................................................... 132
Merging or Deleting Duplicate Records ........................................................................... 134
Merging Large Numbers of Records ............................................................................... 139
Merging Different Types of Records ................................................................................ 139
Words Excluded from Duplicate Detection Matching .......................................................... 140
Working with Groups ....................................................................................................... 143
Creating a Dynamic Group ............................................................................................ 144
Creating a Static Group ................................................................................................ 145
Creating a Contact Group ............................................................................................. 147
Adding and Removing Members of Groups ...................................................................... 149
Working with Transactions ................................................................................................ 149
Creating Transactions ................................................................................................... 150
Entering Transaction Line Items ..................................................................................... 156
Entering Relationships on a Transaction .......................................................................... 157
Entering Communication Information to a Transaction ....................................................... 157
Tips for Working with Transactions ................................................................................. 158
Finding Transactions .................................................................................................... 160
Voiding, Deleting, or Closing Transactions ........................................................................ 163
Memorized Transactions ............................................................................................... 164
Preferred Transaction Delivery on Customer and Vendor Records ........................................ 172
Transaction Detail Report .............................................................................................. 177
Transaction Detail Workbook Overview ............................................................................ 178
My Transactions Workbook ........................................................................................... 179
Limits for Display of Transaction Lists and Sublists ............................................................ 181
Working with Lists ........................................................................................................... 183
Exporting Lists ............................................................................................................ 185
Using Inline Editing ...................................................................................................... 185
Using the Recent Records Menu .................................................................................... 187
Working with List Views, Sublist Views, and Dashboard Views .............................................. 188
Working with Your Calendar and Activities ............................................................................... 195
Using Your Calendar ........................................................................................................ 195
Setting Your Calendar Time Zone ................................................................................... 196
Setting Calendar Preferences ......................................................................................... 196
Sharing Your Calendar with iCal-Compatible Devices and Applications .................................. 198
Navigating Your Calendar .............................................................................................. 201
Synchronizing Your Calendar ......................................................................................... 202
Working with Events ......................................................................................................... 203
Scheduling Events ........................................................................................................ 204
Sending Event Invitations .............................................................................................. 207
Setting Up Recurring Events .......................................................................................... 208
Using Resource Records on Events ................................................................................. 209
Tracking Time for Events ............................................................................................... 211
Responding to Event Invitations ..................................................................................... 212
Setting Up Event Reminders .......................................................................................... 213
Canceling or Deleting Events ......................................................................................... 215
Searching Event Records ............................................................................................... 216
Working with CRM Tasks ................................................................................................... 217
Creating CRM Task Records ........................................................................................... 218
Tracking Time on CRM Tasks ......................................................................................... 220
Tasks and Project Tasks Portlets on Your Dashboard ......................................................... 221
Working with Phone Calls ................................................................................................. 222
Making Calls From NetSuite ........................................................................................... 223
Scheduling or Logging Phone Calls ................................................................................ 224
Tracking Time on Phone Calls ........................................................................................ 225
Working with Email .............................................................................................................. 227
Sending Email from NetSuite ............................................................................................. 227
Sending Email from Records .......................................................................................... 228
Requesting Read Receipts ............................................................................................. 230
Sending Email Directly from Lists and Records ................................................................. 231
Sending Search and Report Results Email ........................................................................ 232
Attaching Files to Email Messages .................................................................................. 232
Customizing Email Signatures and From Fields ................................................................. 232
File Cabinet Overview ........................................................................................................... 235
File Cabinet Page Overview ............................................................................................... 236
Searching for and Viewing Files in the File Cabinet ................................................................ 237
Permissions and File Cabinet Files ...................................................................................... 238
File Cabinet Folders .......................................................................................................... 240
Creating File Cabinet Folders ......................................................................................... 240
Restricting Access to File Cabinet Folders ........................................................................ 242
Deleting Folders from the File Cabinet ............................................................................ 243
Working with Files ............................................................................................................ 244
Uploading Files to the File Cabinet ................................................................................. 244
Editing Files in the File Cabinet ...................................................................................... 247
Moving and Copying Files in the File Cabinet .................................................................... 249
Downloading Files from the File Cabinet .......................................................................... 250
Deleting Files from the File Cabinet ................................................................................ 250
File Types Recognized in the File Cabinet ......................................................................... 251
Exporting Reports, Searches, and Lists .................................................................................... 254
Limitations on Exports to PDF ............................................................................................ 256
Limitations on CSV Exports of Data with Special Characters .................................................... 256
NetSuite Basics 1
NetSuite Basics
■ NetSuite Basics Overview
■ Artificial Intelligence (AI) in NetSuite
■ Getting Help
■ Navigating NetSuite
■ Logging in to NetSuite
■ Setting Personal Preferences
■ Using SuiteAnalytics Workbook
■ Working with Records, Transactions, and Lists
■ Working with Your Calendar and Activities
■ Working with Email
■ File Cabinet Overview
■ Exporting Reports, Searches, and Lists
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Basics Overview 2
NetSuite Basics
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in NetSuite 3
NetSuite continues to add and enhance features that employ artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The most recent AI and ML features include:
■ SuiteScript Generative AI APIs enable you to expand and customize how you use generative artificial
intelligence in NetSuite. By using the N/llm Module in your SuiteScript code, you can send prompt
requests to supported large language models (LLMs) and receive generated responses from the LLMs.
NetSuite accesses the LLMs through an integration with the OCI Generative AI service. You can choose
between two LLMs: Cohere Command R and Meta Llama 3.1.
SuiteScript Generative AI APIs are available for NetSuite accounts in the United States, Canada, and the
United Kingdom.
See the help topics SuiteScript 2.X Generative AI APIs and N/llm Module for more information.
■ Text Enhance uses generative AI to help you create and refine content, like descriptions of items
for sale and job descriptions. Text Enhance is enabled by default. No additional permissions are
required for any user with access to a page where Text Enhance is available. However, users with the
Administrator role in NetSuite can disable Text Enhance for the entire account.
Text Enhance is currently available in accounts located in the United States, Canada, and the United
Kingdom to assist with English language content only.
Text Enhance is now available for users whose language preference is set to English (U.S.), English
(CA), and English (UK), for accounts in supported locations.
See Using Text Enhance and Setting Text Enhance Preferences for more information.
■ Bill Capture uses AI and ML technology to scan invoices from your vendors to create NetSuite
bills. Bill Capture provides matches or suggestions for review, and over time, learns from correct
suggestions. See the help topic Email or Upload Vendor Bill Files Into NetSuite Using Bill Capture. See
also Enhancements to Bill Capture for information about the most recent changes.
Some NetSuite features you may be familiar with also use AI, including the following:
■ Intelligent Recommendations uses AI algorithms to calculate and display items that your customer
may be interested in buying.
□ Your customers (and your business) benefit from showing alternative items. See the help topic
Intelligent Item Recommendations for Websites.
□ Your sales reps have also found this feature useful. See the help topic Add Recommended Items to
Sales Orders, Estimates, and Opportunities.
■ AI in the Supply Chain Control Tower feature lets you simulate inventory supply and demand across
your supply chain. NetSuite uses these forecasting simulations, or snapshots, to analyze whether
inventory levels are in line with demand or planned levels. The power of AI helps you match customer
requests with supply availability.
NetSuite also uses AI behind the scenes, monitoring for anomalies to help keep your NetSuite account
Oracle NetSuite is continuously developing features and enhancements powered by AI. As we incorporate
more AI into NetSuite, you will be able to learn more about it in this article, in the NetSuite Help Center, in
SuiteAnswers, and in the Oracle Help Center.
NetSuite Basics
Getting Help 4
Getting Help
NetSuite provides a variety of resources to give you help when you need it. From self-service tools like the
Help Center and SuiteAnswers to NetSuite customer support and training, you can always find answers to
your questions.
Watch the following video for a quick introduction to using the Help Center, Field-level help, SuiteAnswers,
and NetSuite Support.
Documentation Overview
Documentation Resources
For more information about contacting NetSuite Support Services, see Support Cases in SuiteAnswers
and NetSuite Support.
Note: For more information and resources, see the help topic Getting Help for Administrators.
This page is only visible for administrator roles.
Some tasks in NetSuite are common to most users, regardless of the functional area in which they work.
These are covered in NetSuite Basics. For an outline, see NetSuite Basics Overview.
The following topics include descriptions of the activities that are included in specific NetSuite product
areas and links to the corresponding documentation:
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Documentation Overview 5
The following topics outline the documentation for activities that are not specific to a product area:
Many help topics also are available as User Guides in PDF format that you can view and print. These are
available in the User Guides section of the Help Center. For more details about using the NetSuite Help
Center, see Using the Help Center Window.
In addition to the Help Center, SuiteAnswers provides support knowledge base articles, training videos,
and best practices information. For more information, see SuiteAnswers Overview.
■ accounting periods
■ bookkeeping
■ banking
■ currencies
■ journal entries
■ managing the chart of accounts in NetSuite
■ financial statements and accounting reports
■ revenue recognition
■ taxes
■ fixed assets management
■ statistical accounting
■ multi-book accounting
For information about accounting topics, see the help topic NetSuite · Accounting. Several
accounting-related user guides are also available for download from the User Guides
help topic.
Items and Inventory For information about setting up inventory management, item records, shipping
methods, bar coding, manufacturing, and more, see the Inventory Management Guide,
available from the User Guides help topic, and the help files located in the Item Record
Management and Inventory Management sections.
Customer Order For more about customer order handling, including placing orders, fulfilling orders, and
Management billing, see the help topic NetSuite · Order Management.
Purchasing and For information about purchase order management, including vendor records, bills and
Receiving payments, requisitions, approval routing, and expenses, see the help topic Vendors,
Purchasing, and Receiving.
Project Management To learn about using NetSuite to manage your project tasks and resources, see the help
files in the Projects section.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Documentation Overview 6
Employee and Payroll For information about managing employees and using NetSuite for payroll, see the help
Management files in the Employee Management section. You can learn about SuitePeople Overview,
NetSuite’s integrated Human Capital Management (HCM) solution. These topics also
include information about time tracking, expense reporting, and purchase requests.
Customer Service & For information about setting up case management including case types, origins, and more,
Support see the help topic Setting Up Case Management.
For information about working with cases including creating, escalating, tracking time, and
more, see the help topic Working With Cases.
For information about issue management including statuses, severities, reproducibility, and
more, see the help topic Issue Management.
For information about the knowledge base including creating topics, solutions, and more, see
the help topic Knowledge Base.
For information about monitoring support performance including case alerts on support
cases, performance metrics, and more, see the help topic Monitoring Support Performance.
For access to all of the NetSuite user guides, see the help topic User Guides.
Sales and For information about marketing automation including capturing leads, marketing campaigns,
Marketing and more, see the help topic Marketing Automation Overview.
For information about sales force automation including set up, sales forecasting, commission,
and more, see the help topic Sales Force Automation Overview.
For information about managing partners including creating partner records and more, see
the help topic Managing Partners. For information about partner commissions and royalties
including schedules, plans, and more, see the help topic Partner Commissions & Royalties. For
access to a variety of partner reports, see the help topic Partner Reports.
For access to all of the NetSuite user guides, see the help topic User Guides.
Store Front Learn how to implement a web store that includes the full shopping, checkout, and my
account experiences. SuiteCommerce lets you create, customize, and configure dynamic
and engaging web stores without requiring in-depth development. SuiteCommerce
Advanced provides full permissions to the front-end code, allowing you to fully
customize your web store.
Site Management Tools SuiteCommerce Site Management Tools let you manage content, add landing pages,
and enhance existing pages on your SuiteCommerce web store. See the help topic Site
Management Tools Overview.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Documentation Overview 7
SuiteCommerce InStore SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS) is a web-based point-of-sale application available for the
U.S. market. It provides a touch-based user interface specifically designed for tablets.
See the help topic SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS).
Developer Using the developer documentation you can learn how to set up and use all the tools
Documentation you need to customize and manage your web store. You can learn how to access
NetSuite APIs and create extensions to enhance your web store experience. See the
help topic Commerce Developer Documentation
Site Builder Sites Site Builder is the legacy commerce solution. You can build Standard NetSuite Web
Sites, Sites Hosted in NetSuite, External Catalog Sites, or Site Builder Combination Sites.
NetSuite Point of Sale NetSuite Point of Sale (POS) is the in-store register component of the SuiteCommerce
product line. See NetSuite Point of Sale User Guide.
Introduction Learn how SuiteCloud Platform allows you to customize NetSuite to your own needs.
Learn about the records reference tools available and review the SuiteCloud platform
glossary for new terminology. See the help topic SuiteCloud Platform Introduction.
Point-and-Click Customizing NetSuite fields, forms, record types, transaction types, segments, and
Customization centers is a point-and-click experience. You can define how information is accessed and
entered by each user of your NetSuite account. For more information, see the help topic
Copy a custom object to another account with Copy to Account. Select a target account,
choose dependencies, specify whether to include instances, if applicable, and then
preview and deploy the custom object. See the help topic Copy to Account.
Workflow Engine SuiteFlow provides developers and customers with point-and-click tools to customize
and automate business processes, such as lead nurturing, transaction approval, record
management, and more. See the help topic SuiteFlow (Workflow).
Custom Coding Built on industry-standard JavaScript, SuiteScript and SuiteScript 2.x enables full-featured
application-level scripting capabilities throughout NetSuite, supporting sophisticated
procedural logic and featuring robust debugging capabilities. Many NetSuite records
support SuiteScript. See the help topic SuiteScript.
Managing SuiteApps Define and manage your SuiteApp distribution process in a single location. Upload
SuiteApp projects to SuiteApp control center and distribute them in the SuiteApp
Marketplace, from which users can install and upgrade SuiteApps. See the help topics
SuiteApp Control Center and SuiteApp Marketplace.
Distribution Use the SuiteApp Marketplace to find and install SuiteApps. SuiteApps can include
customizations and configuration settings useful to your organization. To learn about the
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Documentation Overview 8
information that is available for each SuiteApp, see the help topic Viewing SuiteApps in
the SuiteApp Marketplace.
For those who create SuiteApps, use the SuiteApp Control Center to define and manage
your SuiteApp distribution process. You can upload SuiteApp projects to SuiteApp
Control Center and distribute them as SuiteApp versions to the SuiteApp Marketplace.
For more information about getting started with SuiteApp Control Center, see the help
topic Accessing SuiteApp Control Center.
Integrations SuiteTalk SOAP web services enable customers and partners to integrate NetSuite with
existing on-premise investments and third party cloud applications. Integrations can use
Java, .NET, or any other programming language that supports SOAP-based web services.
See the help topic SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Platform Guide.
SuiteTalk SOAP web services records guide contains a description of each record, which
generally includes information about supported operations, field definitions, usage
notes, and code samples. The guide includes links to the SOAP Schema Browser. See the
help topic SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Records Guide.
SuiteTalk REST web services provide a REST-based interface for interacting with NetSuite.
See the help topic SuiteTalk REST Web Services API Guide
SuiteTalk REST web services records guide contains a list of records accessible through
REST web services. See the help topic SuiteTalk REST Web Services Records Guide.
The Import Assistant supports bulk transfers of data from other applications into
NetSuite using CSV files. This wizard enables visual mapping of CSV file columns to
NetSuite fields. See the help topic CSV Imports.
Plug-ins NetSuite develops core plug-ins and releases them to partners or customers. You can
create a new core plug-in implementation and test it using the SuiteScript Debugger. See
available core plug-ins in Core Plug-ins.
NetSuite also allows you to develop, implement and manage your own custom plug-ins.
See the help topic Custom Plug-ins.
Supported Records and See a comparison of record types supported for SuiteScript, Web Services integration,
Samples SuiteAnalytics Connect, and CSV import. See the help topic SuiteCloud Supported
For information about the record types, fields, and relationships available for a specific
NetSuite channel, see the Records Catalog. The Records Catalog includes the custom
records, forms, and fields in the current user’s account and only includes data based on
the features currently enabled in the account. See the help topic Records Catalog.
Dashboards NetSuite dashboards provide a visual workspace that gives you instant access to the
personalized data needed to make decisions and edit records. Dashboard content is displayed
in dynamic data display windows called portlets. Some portlets provide direct access to raw
data, and others display data that has been synthesized into critical business metrics, such
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Documentation Overview 9
as key performance indicators (KPIs), performance scorecards, trend graphs, and report
snapshots. Other portlets enable the display of data from website RSS feeds. See the help topic
Workbook Create and fully customize datasets and workbooks that leverage the analytics data source.
In the dataset, define your workbook source data by selecting record types, fields, and criteria
for further analysis in a workbook. In the workbook, visualize and analyze your data using
tables, pivot tables, and charts. Visualizations in a workbook can all be based on different
datasets. You can author your datasets and workbooks using field data from multiple record
types, including custom record types. You can also create and add fields with dynamically
calculated values, and easily view data for fields with parent-child relationships. See the help
topic Workbook.
Search NetSuite provides a variety of search tools that you can use to retrieve real-time data from your
account. You can search for a single record by keywords, return a set of records that match
filters you define, customize the display of search results, export results to other applications,
email results to other users, and save search definitions for reuse. See the help topic Search.
Reporting NetSuite supports reporting capabilities that you can use to retrieve, present, and analyze real-
time business results. You can run prebuilt reports as is, or modify them by setting per-user
preferences, selecting per-report viewing options, or defining custom reports in the Report
Builder or Financial Report Builder. See the help topic Reports.
Connect The SuiteAnalytics Connect Service enables your business to archive, analyze, and report on its
data using a third-party tool or custom-built application. NetSuite supports the use of ODBC,
JDBC, and ADO.NET drivers to connect with NetSuite from any device running on a Windows,
Linux, or OS X operating system. You can use Microsoft® Excel, BIRST, Adaptive, or any other
compatible application to work with the Connect Service. You can also access the Connect
Service using the data source only. See the help topic Connect.
NetSuite Analytics The NetSuite Analytics Warehouse enables you to broaden the analyses of your NetSuite data.
Warehouse After you transfer your data to the Analytics Warehouse, you can combine your NetSuite data,
historical data, and data from other sources, to analyze all of your data with a wider assortment
of visualizations. See the help topic NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Overview.
NetSuite SuiteApps Some SuiteApps are built, distributed, and supported by NetSuite. These are usually features
that can benefit from more frequent release cycles. For a list of currently supported NetSuite
SuiteApps, see the help topic NetSuite SuiteApps.
Third Party For information about SuiteApps developed and supported by third parties, see
SuiteApps On, you can search partner SuiteApps by industry, business
need, or keyword. In addition, you can read customer reviews, try out solutions, and find out
where to buy these SuiteApps.
Installing SuiteApps If you are the administrator of a NetSuite account or you have the SuiteApp Marketplace
permission, you can install any public bundle, as well as any bundle that has been shared
with your account. See the help topic SuiteApp Installation and Update.
Building SuiteApps The SuiteBundler feature supports the creation and distribution of SuiteApps. The Bundle
Builder is an assistant that steps you through the process of packaging customizations into
bundles. See the help topic SuiteBundler.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Documentation Overview 10
Note: SuiteBundler is still supported, but it will not be updated with any new
SuiteCloud If you are interested in creating SuiteApps for distribution and sale, you should join the
Developer Network SuiteCloud Developer Network (SDN), the NetSuite third-party developer program. For
information about this program, see Developers Overview.
Account Administration Guidelines for setting up NetSuite and maintaining and upgrading your NetSuite account.
Overview You can also see the Account Administration guides summaries. See the help topic
Account Administration Overview.
Account Setup Setup of a NetSuite account requires enabling features, setting company preferences,
defining classifications for NetSuite records, managing NetSuite roles and permissions,
and incorporating approval routing. See the help topic Account Setup.
Email for Setup of DomainKeys identified mail, information about blocklists and spamlists, setup
Administrators of scriptable templates, size limits of emails and attachments, and DMARC-compliant
messaging in NetSuite. See the help topic Email for Administrators.
CSV Imports The Import Assistant supports bulk transfers of data from other applications into NetSuite
using CSV files. The wizard enables visual mapping of CSV file columns to NetSuite fields.
Learn about the guidelines for the CSV import and explore additional import and export
options. See the help topic CSV Imports.
Auditing and Data NetSuite supports tracking changes, internal controls, managing transactions, removing
Management personal information, auditing data changes, and avoiding duplicates. See the help topic
Auditing and Data Management.
System Notes NetSuite uses System Notes to track any changes made to a record. A system note for a
change on a record captures the date when the change was made, who made the change,
the role of the user who made the change, the type of change, and the old and new value
in the record. System Notes v2 captures detailed changes such as sublist information
and groups the changes under high-level actions. Learn about the differences between
System Notes and System Notes v2. See the help topic System Notes Overview.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Documentation Overview 11
Cloud Infrastructure Best practices for accessing NetSuite through the UI, SuiteTalk web services, SuiteScript,
RESTlets, Single Sign-on, SuiteAnalytics Connect, or other NetSuite services. Learn about
NetSuite accounts in a cloud environment, traffic health, NetSuite URLs, DataCenterUrls
REST service, the REST role service, and more. See the help topic Best Practices for Cloud
Account Customization Customize the NetSuite UI and business logic through scripting or through point-and-click
options in the UI, create custom roles and customize access, share your customization
with other accounts, and integrate information from other systems. See the help topic
SuiteCloud Platform Customization.
NetSuite Account Types NetSuite provides customers with various test accounts for developing and testing new
applications and customizations. You can use release preview, sandbox, and development
accounts without impacting the production account. See the help topic Understanding
NetSuite Account Types.
Performance Best practices and troubleshooting tips enable you to optimize NetSuite performance. To
help troubleshoot performance issues, use the Application Performance Management
(APM) SuiteApp to monitor and manage NetSuite performance for business-critical
operations. See the help topic Performance.
Getting Started with This section of the help introduces OneWorld and its features across all NetSuite product
OneWorld areas. Begin here and follow the links to learn how OneWorld affects accounting and ERP,
CRM, SRP, and analytics. See the help topic Introduction to NetSuite OneWorld.
Country-Specific Topics As part of its global offerings, NetSuite provides solutions for a growing number of
countries. For many of them, help can be found under the Overview of Country-Specific
Features. This section includes an overview of features and SuiteApps for individual
countries, best practices for account setups, and country-specific information related
to taxes and payment formats.
For countries that currently have no separate country-specific help topic (yet they do
have their own specific features supported by NetSuite), see the help topic General
International Tax Topics or Setting Up Payment File Formats.
Country-Specific Tax In a global business, taxation is an area with both general international topics and
Topics country-specific requirements. For some countries, country-specific tax help topics
have already been moved to Overview of Country-Specific Features. For countries that
do not have their separate country-specific help topic yet, see the help topic General
International Tax Topics. This section contains an introduction to general tax topics and
links to those that are country-specific.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Documentation Overview 12
Country-Specific Payment The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp provides payment file formats for payments,
File Formats receivables, and Positive Pay transactions. For some countries, country-specific
payment formats help topics have already been moved to Overview of Country-Specific
Features. For countries that do not have their separate country-specific help topic yet,
see the help topic Setting Up Payment File Formats.
The NetSuite help center contains the technical documentation that details how NetSuite features work.
You can access the help center in a couple of different ways.
You can click the Help link in NetSuite on the header. The help center opens in a new tab. You must be
logged in to NetSuite to open the help center.
Many pages in NetSuite have context-sensitive help topics. So, if you click the help link while viewing a
page in NetSuite, the help topic for that page is displayed automatically when the Help Center opens.
Note: Some pages, such as those provided by a SuiteApp, do not have context-sensitive help
topics. So, if you click the help link on a page with no context-sensitive help, the help center
displays the home page.
You can also open the help center and perform a search against it all in one step by using the Global
Search field in NetSuite.
In the Global Search field, type Help: followed by the text you want to search for. For example, Help:
Using the Help Center. The help center opens in a new window and shows you a list of topics matching
your search criteria.
The help center includes many features to help you find the information you need to work with NetSuite.
For information about how to access the help center, see Accessing the Help Center.
NetSuite Basics
Using the Help Center Window 13
1 Search – To search for help topics for the pages and features of NetSuite, type a keyword or phrase in the
Search field of the Help window, and press Enter. For more information, see Searching for Help.
2 Language Preference – If your account has the multi-language feature enabled, you can set your preference
for the language displayed in the NetSuite Help Center using the dropdown list at the top right corner of the
page. This language preference is independent of the language preference you specify for the NetSuite user
interface. You can switch back and forth between languages in the Help Center, if desired. The next time you
open the Help Center, it opens in the language of the preference last set.
The following languages are available: (Chinese Simplified), Deutsch (German), English,
(Japanese), Español (Spanish).
Note: You can also set the language of the Help Center using the Set Preferences link. See Setting
Personal Preferences, specifically, the entry for Language of the Help Center in the User Profile section.
3 Home – Click the home icon on the toolbar to return to the Help Center home page. A home icon also
appears at the top of each help topic.
4 SuiteAnswers – Click SuiteAnswers to go to the SuiteAnswers site. This page opens in a new tab. SuiteAnswers
is a searchable repository of support solutions, best practices, training videos, and help topics.
5 Developers – Click Developers to view a list of resources for SuiteCloud and Commerce developers.
6 Videos – Click Videos to view a list of help videos that demonstrate how to perform specific tasks in NetSuite.
When you click a link, you are redirected to the Oracle Learning Library to view the video.
7 Training – Click Training to go to the SuiteTraining site. This page opens in a new tab. It includes complete
information about the courses and certification programs that are offered.
8 SuiteApps – Click SuiteApps to open a list of current SuiteApps. This page includes a link to where
you can get information about SuiteApps developed by SDN Partners and other third parties.
9 User Guides – Click User Guides to open a list of available PDF files. These User Guides provide conceptual
details and setup information for specific areas of NetSuite. Click the PDF icon beside the desired User Guide to
launch the PDF in a new window.
10 New Release – Click New Release to open a page with links to Sneak Peeks, Release Notes, and other important
information for the newest release of NetSuite.
11 Table of Contents – Click the arrows at the top of the divider to hide or show the Table of Contents.
Click the Show in Table of Contents icon in the page header to find the current topic in the Table of Contents.
Seeing a topic within the organization of the Table of Contents can help you find related topics or begin to
understand where you are in a process or a feature.
12 Print Icon – Click Print icon in the page header to print the current help topic. Or, you can right-click and use
the browser’s Print function.
■ At the bottom of search results, select Yes or No to answer whether the search results helped answer
your question. Then click Submit Feedback.
■ At the bottom of help topics, rank the helpfulness of the topic from Five Stars for the most helpful to
One Star for not helpful. Type suggestions and comments in the text box. Then click Submit Feedback.
NetSuite Basics
Using the Help Center Window 14
Consequently, you may see different navigation for the same help topic if you use more than one role.
For example, Krista Barton is a sales rep who is assigned the standard Sales Rep role. When Krista
reads a help topic about creating a customer record, she is directed to Customers > Relationships >
Customers. If Krista was logged in with the Marketing Assistant role, the help topic would direct her to
Leads > Relationships > Customers.
Sometimes, help topics may refer to pages in NetSuite that you do not have access to or to features that
have not been enabled in your account. In these cases, the navigation steps are shown as if you were
logged in as an account administrator.
For example, Krista is logged in with her Sales Rep role and wants to read about how marketing
campaigns work in NetSuite. When reading a help topic on the creation of marketing campaigns, the
navigation directs her to Lists > Marketing > Campaigns. This is the navigation she would see if she was
logged in as an account administrator.
If you want access to a page in NetSuite you do not currently have permission to view, speak to your
account administrator about assigning you a new role, customizing your existing role, or enabling
features in your company's NetSuite account.
The header of the NetSuite Help Center Home page has a search area in the center. Your cursor starts in
the search area when you open the Help Center.
NetSuite Basics
Searching for Help 15
Type a search term and press the Enter key to get a list of topics that most closely match your search.
If you do not find the topics you expect, or if your search returns too many results, try one of the
The search process for the NetSuite Help Center follows these general rules:
■ All words you type in the search area must match 66%.
■ An exact match within quotation marks appears first in the list of results, but other close matches are
also listed.
■ The search looks for the stem of the words you type rather than their inflected forms. You do not have
to try both the singular and plural of nouns, for example, or different verb forms.
Additionally, the search for the NetSuite Help Center supports search by synonyms and typo correction.
For specific information about a field on a NetSuite page, click the label next to the field. A popup window
opens and displays text that describes how to use that field.
■ Overviews – Guides that help you work with the Home page and the NetSuite Center Tabs.
■ Useful Tools – Guides that help you get started with personalizing NetSuite, using global search,
creating shortcuts, and other useful tips and tricks.
■ Help & Support – Guides that introduce you to all help options available to you with NetSuite.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Guided Learning 16
To open the Help Panel, which appears on the right side of the screen, click the i button.
To close the Help Panel, click the close button at the top of the Help Panel.
To look for a specific guide, enter a keyword into the search bar at the top of the Help Panel and press
To learn more about using NetSuite Guided Learning, complete the Tell Me About Guided Learning
guide. The guide is available under the Navigation and Welcome in the Help Panel.
Note: To disable NetSuite Guided Learning, go to Home > Set Preferences and clear the Enable
Oracle Guided Learning box. To enable NetSuite Guided Learning, ensure the Enable Oracle
Guided Learning box is checked.
As an administrator, you can enable/disable NetSuite Guided Learning globally for all other NetSuite roles
in your company account. To do this, go to Setup > Company > General Preferences, and check or clear
the Enable NetSuite Guided Learning box, and click Save.
Important: If you disable NetSuite Guided Learning globally, users with other NetSuite roles
will not be able to enable NetSuite Guided Learning in their accounts. If you enable NetSuite
Guided Learning globally, users with other NetSuite roles will be able to enable or disable NetSuite
Guided Learning in their accounts individually.
As an administrator, you can also see the Set NetSuite Guided Learning Application ID and Set
NetSuite Guided Learning Environment fields on the General Preferences page. These fields are
internal. They are used to determine the instance of the NetSuite Guided Learning tool. Ensure that you
keep the assigned values of these fields. If you change them, NetSuite Guided Learning may stop working
Language Preference
You can set a preferred language for NetSuite Guided Learning by clicking the Languages button at
the bottom of the left side of the Help Panel.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Guided Learning 17
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Guided Learning 18
■ THA (Thai)
■ TUR (Turkish)
■ VIE (Vietnamese)
Keyboard Shortcuts
In the following table, you can see a list of available shortcuts that you can use with NetSuite Guided
Alt + Ctrl + H Open and close the Help Panel. The Help Panel opens with focus on the Search bar. You
can then use the Tab key to move within the panel.
Ctrl + Alt + L Open or close language selection menu while the Help Panel is open.
Esc Press the Esc key to close the Help Panel and return the focus to NetSuite.
I launched one of the guides but did not follow it and clicked elsewhere
in the user interface. Does this interrupt the guide?
Yes, the guide gets interrupted. You need to use the Help Panel to run the guide anew.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Guided Learning 19
Sneak Peaks
Sneak Peeks are provided prior to a new version when there are significant new features. They give you a
preview of what to expect of the new features and enhancements. To use Sneak Peeks, see the help topic
NetSuite Sneak Peeks.
Release Notes
Release Notes document all changes made in the latest version of NetSuite. This includes new features,
preferences, enhancements, and issues that have been resolved.
Release notes help you quickly learn about new features and enhancements. For current Release Notes,
see the help topic Release Notes.
Use the Help Center Weekly Updates topic to find out which help topics and PDF files have been added or
updated in each build of the NetSuite Help Center.
To open Help Center Weekly Updates, see the help topic Help Center Weekly Updates. The main Help
Center Weekly Updates page is broken into sections. Select a build date to see the changes made that
Release Preview
Release Preview is a temporary and isolated test account that is running the new version of NetSuite
software. The Release Preview account enables you to become familiar with the new features in an
upcoming release.
The Release Preview Guide provides instructions for using Release Preview and examples of features you
might want to test.
For more information about Release Preview and to access the Release Preview Test Plan, see the help
topic Release Preview Guide.
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 20
SuiteAnswers Overview
Watch the following video to see the overview of SuiteAnswers features.
SuiteAnswers Overview
SuiteAnswers is the NetSuite self-service support site where you can view announcements, support
articles, videos, help topics, and best practice documents for NetSuite. From SuiteAnswers, you can also
submit a question or issue by email or contact NetSuite Customer Service by phone.
Accessing SuiteAnswers
You can access SuiteAnswers in the following ways:
Note: You cannot access the SuiteAnswers portlet if you are logged in with an Employee Center,
Customer Center, Vendor Center, or Partner Center role. If you are using any of these roles, you
must switch to another role to be able to access SuiteAnswers.
Note: If you do not see the SuiteAnswers portlet on your Support tab, click Personalize
Dashboard in the upper right. In the Add Content portlet, click SuiteAnswers to add the
SuiteAnswers portlet to your Support tab.
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 21
■ Search options – You can search by using natural language, keywords and article ID. You can use
quotes to include certain phrases or you can use them to search for specific errors you encounter.
■ Search bar features – The search bar features suggested Type-ahead and search history.
■ Search filters – You can filter by content type, product categories and target audience.
Critical Announcements
Critical announcements dealing with performance issues or planned maintenances are displayed at the
top of the page in SuiteAnswers. Critical announcements are displayed on every page until user closes
them by clicking X on the top right of the announcement. The announcement reappears only after the
user logs out and logs back in to SuiteAnswers.
To view your account's support subscription level, go to the Support tab in your NetSuite account, select
Go to SuiteAnswers, and then click Contact Support at the top.
On the Contact Support page, you can find the NetSuite Support phone numbers, your account number,
and your Call support subscription level. In addition, you can also find information about our Phone Menu
and details about our issue resolution process.
See the tables below for the options available in the Basic and Premium Support offerings.
Report a Problem Online Case (Through NetSuite Virtual Support Assistant) 24x7
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 22
To create a support case, see one of the following procedures based on your support offering:
1. Go to the Support tab in your NetSuite account, select Go to SuiteAnswers, and then click Contact
Support at the top.
2. Start with an AI-powered chatbot - NetSuite Virtual Support Assistant - for quick answers to your
basic NetSuite questions. A chatbot icon is visible on all SuiteAnswers pages. Click the icon to
bring up the NetSuite Virtual Support Assistant.
3. Chat with the Virtual Assistant for your query. If the Virtual Assistant cannot find a satisfactory
answer, you can connect to other support channels available to you by requesting Additional
Support options. This will bring up 2 options – Ask in the NetSuite Support Community and Report
a Problem.
4. Select Report a Problem. This will open the form to create an online support case.
Note: Basic support only entitles you to submit critical problems that prevent you from
doing business. For other problems or questions, you can ask for advice from NetSuite
professionals and a dedicated team of Support Gurus in the NetSuite Support Community.
Registration is required.
5. Enter a brief description of your problem, and answer the provided questions if possible.
6. Attach any relevant files. The maximum file size for one file is 10MB.
7. Optional: enter a contact number and select a time zone from the dropdown list.
8. Optional: check the Allow a NetSuite Representative to log into a replica of your account for
this case box. For more information, see NetSuite Support Login
9. Click Submit Case.
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 23
2. Enter a query and check if an existing help topic relates to your issue.
3. If no help topic matches your query, select a type of case from the dropdown list.
4. Select a case severity.
5. If creating a C1 case, check the 24 x 7 availability box, or complete the additional fields as
6. Enter a brief description of your problem, and answer the provided questions if possible.
7. Attach any relevant files. The maximum file size for one file is 10MB.
8. Optional: enter a contact number and select a time zone from the dropdown list.
9. Optional: check the “Allow a NetSuite Representative to log into a replica of your account for this
case” checkbox. For more information, see NetSuite Support Login
10. Click Submit Case.
You will receive a response by email as soon as possible. Response times vary depending on the level
of support you have purchased and the support team's case load. To improve response times, please
complete as many of the case specific questions as possible. The case quality indicator provides a useful
visual guide about the optimum level of information to provide to Support.
If your role permits, you can check the status of your support cases in the NetSuite Account Center. For
more information, see NetSuite Support and Checking the Status of Support Cases.
Verify that the employee records of your users contain the correct values in the first name and last name
fields. For more information, see the help topic Employee Information Management.
SuiteAnswers FAQ
Review the questions and answers below to learn more about SuiteAnswers. The questions and answers
are ordered by topic in the following way:
General Questions
To provide feedback, click the Feedback button on the main header. To provide feedback about specific
SuiteAnswers articles, use the Was this article helpful? buttons at the bottom of articles.
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 24
Go to Contact Support > Create Support Case. In Step 2, select Request an Enhancement and complete
the necessary fields.
No, you can also click NetSuite Release Notes in the menu next to the SuiteAnswers logo in the header.
What is the best way to phrase my question to get the most accurate search results?
Be specific and use keywords. One-word queries return too many results, whilst long sentences return
limited results. You can also use advanced search features, such as quotes, to specify a phrase that
must be a part of the results. The new filtering options also help narrow down your results. Type-ahead
suggestions can also help you to get the results you are looking for.
How many help topics and support articles does SuiteAnswers have?
Currently, there are around 50,000 help topics and support articles in SuiteAnswers.
Yes, you can use this method for both text and video-based articles.
We use an algorithm to calculate the approximate reading time which also considers images.
Click Contact Support on the main header to find your account number.
What does the case quality indicator on the case form do?
It provides a visual prompt to help you provide the optimal level of information for Support to resolve
your issue as quickly as possible. It’s not necessary to complete all of the case specific questions but doing
so will help us help you most effectively.
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 25
Do I need to select a feature from the feature list when creating a support case?
If you know the name of the feature, you can type it into the Search feature field.
How can I request a Release Preview account and how do I log in to it?
You can find information about requesting a Release Preview account and the login page at the bottom of
the Contact Support page.
What areas of the product can Virtual Support Assistant help me with most?
The Virtual Support Assistant is most knowledgeable in the ERP and SuiteCloud product areas.
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 26
Use the chat box to type in your queries or questions. To submit, press Enter or click Send icon.
The conversation history is saved throughout your session until you close the Virtual Assistant.
■ Account Info – Provides you with information about your account, account name and support type.
■ Virtual Assistant Feedback – Allows you to submit feedback regarding your experience with the
Virtual Support Assistant.
■ Help – Redirects you to the NetSuite Virtual Support Assistant help article.
■ Privacy Policy – Redirects you to the Oracle Privacy Policies website at
You can minimize the Virtual Support Assistant by clicking the Minimize button. To open the Assistant
again, click the chat button on the bottom right of your screen. The Virtual Assistant retains your
conversation history throughout the session when you minimize the chat window or refresh the page.
You can submit a feedback to the result by clicking the Rate button when you hover over the result.
When you submit a query, you will get a reply with a list of applicable questions sorted from the most
relevant to the least relevant. Clicking one of the questions will get you a reply with relevant information.
Your queries can be either questions or simple sentences.
■ "What is SuiteCommerce?"
■ "How can I create a SuiteBundle?"
■ "Show me my customers."
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 27
The Virtual Assistant provides you with support options after it fails to answer your questions three times.
I'm getting an "Oops I'm encountering a spot of trouble. Please try again later..."
Try to ask the question again. If that doesn't help, try to close the chat window, refresh the page and ask
Support Assistant may become unresponsive when changing connections during the
This may happen when you switch VPN connections in the middle of your sessions. Please make sure you
start a new session when you switch connections.
HAR files on Chrome and Microsoft Edge provide more detailed information and help in resolving your
Important: HAR files may contain sensitive information that you submit during recording
including personal details and passwords.
NetSuite Basics
SuiteAnswers Overview 28
NetSuite Support
Oracle provides a variety of resources you can use to find answers to your questions about NetSuite.
■ SuiteAnswers – In the SuiteAnswers portlet, click Go to SuiteAnswers to open the SuiteAnswers page.
You can search on the SuiteAnswers page to find support articles, training videos, help topics, and
best practice documents on any subject need help with.
For more information, see SuiteAnswers Overview.
From SuiteAnswers, you can also submit a question or issue by email or contact Customer Service by
phone. For more information, see Support Cases in SuiteAnswers
■ Support Online – To submit a question or issue to support professionals, click the Support tab, and
click Go to SuiteAnswers. On the right side of the page, click the Contact Support Online button. You
can send questions or comments by email 24 hours a day.
Note that you must be on the Authorized Contact list to be able to submit an online support request.
You will receive a response by email as soon as possible. Response times vary depending on the level
of support you have purchased and the support team's current case load. To improve response times,
please provide lots of information (more is better), and if applicable, include steps to reproduce the
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Support 29
Tip: To improve your experience with NetSuite Customer Support, remember to select your
preferred time zone in the Timezone field. The Timezone field is located below the Phone field
on the Case Submission form. For Authorized Contacts the value of the field defaults to the
time zone set in the Authorized Contact record. You can select a different time zone from the
list, if you want to. For Non-Authorized Contacts the Timezone field is blank and you can select
a time zone from the list.
■ Support By Phone – Phone support is available 24/7. Call the number provided by your account
manager. Note that you must be on the Authorized Contact list to receive support by phone.
For quicker assistance, please have your account ID ready when you call. To view your account ID, use
one of the following methods:
□ Find your NetSuite account ID at the beginning of the NetSuite URL. For example, if the URL is, your account ID is 1234567.
□ If you are an account administrator, in the NetSuite UI, go to Setup > Company > Company
Information. The account ID field is located near the bottom of the right column.
□ In the NetSuite UI, Click the Support tab, and click Go to SuiteAnswers. Then click Contact Support
by Phone.
□ In the NetSuite UI, right-click the page and select View Source. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
The second-last line shows your account ID and your login ID.
■ NetSuite Account Center – If your account administrator has provided you a role with access,
click the link in the NetSuite Account Center portlet. From the NetSuite Account Center, you can
view support cases and issues, and contact Support. You can submit support cases and receive
responses in English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Japanese, Latin American Spanish, and
Portuguese(Brazil). Few employees in a company have access to the NetSuite Account Center. For
information, see Accessing the NetSuite Account Center.
■ NetSuite User Group – You can register for the Oracle NetSuite community at Oracle NetSuite
Community Registration FAQ. After you register, you can go directly to the site at https:// You also can access the user community by clicking the
link in the NetSuite User Group portlet on the Support tab of the NetSuite application.
■ Follow NetSuite – To follow NetSuite on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or the official NetSuite blog, click
the links in the Follow NetSuite portlet on the Support tab.
■ NetSuite Support Login – available at Setup > Company > NetSuite Support Login. On this page,
select when you want to enable Support to log in to your account: always, never, or for the duration of
your case. For more information, see NetSuite Support Login.
Note: This setting only allows NetSuite Support to access a backup copy of your account in
the QA environment to investigate cases you enter. This setting does not give NetSuite Support
permission to access your production, sandbox, or release preview account.
■ Billing Questions – To submit a question about your bill, go to Setup > Company > Billing Questions.
You can submit billing questions 24 hours a day.
Your billing questions are answered by email and are prioritized by the level of support you have
■ Order Forms – To order envelopes, check forms and other items, go to Setup > Accounting > Order
In addition to these resources, Oracle also provides NetSuite Help Center and other documentation. The
help documentation is available by clicking Help in the upper right corner of any page in NetSuite.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Support 30
1. Click the Support tab to view the NetSuite Account Center portlet.
For most users, the portlet displays a message indicating you do not have permission. If you feel
that you should have permission to this portlet and the NetSuite Account Center, contact your
account administrator.
2. If the portlet displays a link, click the link to access the NetSuite Account Center.
Note: Employees given access might need to log out and log back in again to refresh the portlet
to see the NetSuite Account Center link.
Employees with permission access the NetSuite Account Center from the same portlet whether they are
assigned the NetSuite Support Center or the NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role. The difference is in the
functions they are able to perform after they enter the center. The NetSuite Account Center displays the
following portlets and tabs:
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Support 31
■ On the Customer Center - Home Links portlet – users with the NetSuite Support Center role may
make payments, review statements, transactions, and estimates, review support cases and issues, edit
the user profile, and contact Support. Users with the NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role can view
support cases and issues and contact Support.
Note: If you do not have permission to view cases (even a case that you may have submitted)
contact your NetSuite account administrator. The administrator should be able to check on the
status of the case for you.
■ On the Multi Language Support tab – NetSuite provides online case support in English, Chinese
(Simplified), French, German, Japanese, Latin American Spanish, and Portuguese(Brazil). To submit a
case in one of these languages, click Cases and select the preferred language from the dropdown or
click the country logo.
■ On the SuiteIdeas tab – Click the link to launch the SuiteIdeas site and review and vote for NetSuite
product enhancements. For information, see Voting for Enhancements.
Exiting the NetSuite Account Center is slightly different than the usual procedure for switching to another
1. Locate your name and role at the top right of any NetSuite page.
2. Hover over the Change Roles list, and select View My Roles.
3. On the My Roles page, click the desired role.
Note: In some instances, you will also see the Return to Previous Role option in the
Change Roles list. You should select View My Roles.
You can check the status of support cases by going to the Support tab and clicking the link in the NetSuite
Account Center portlet. If you do not see the NetSuite Account Center link in the portlet, contact your
account administrator to see if you can be given access. See Accessing the NetSuite Account Center.
You can click Open Cases in the Quick View portlet for quick access to your open cases, or you can click
See Support Cases in the Home Links portlet to view a list of cases entered for your company. The Cases
list shows a list of the support cases submitted for your company. A Quick Sort dropdown list enables you
to sort by Incident Date or Last Message Date, or to select a subset of cases: Recently Created, Recently
Modified, Recently Closed, Recently Reopened, or Recently Viewed.
For example, if you want to see a list of all the cases currently entered for your company, select -All-. The
list refreshes automatically to show you all the cases entered for your company.
■ An issue is categorized as a defect when the problem occurs with an existing NetSuite feature that
does not work as designed.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Support 32
■ An issue is categorized as an enhancement when the issue is a request for additional functionality for
an existing feature or for a new feature.
As part of this process, an urgency level to each defect, based on the following key inputs:
■ Business Impact – business categorization that reflects the defect's impact on operations. Defined
levels are B1-B4, with B1 representing the biggest impact.
■ Severity - technical categorization that reflects the defect's effect on functionality or performance.
Defined levels are S1-S4, with S1 representing the greatest severity.
■ Other factors - such as the number of impacted customers, whether the problem is a recently
introduced defect, or a sudden change to operational behavior has occurred.
The urgency level of a defect determines the target timeframe for resolution. See NetSuite Issue
Resolution Process for an up to date timeframe.
During the resolution process, the Support team communicates the following milestones to impacted
The Support team can also provide further assistance as needed. If you want to request additional
information or discuss an issue's urgency level, please update your support case for assistance.
For the e-Fix release schedule, see NetSuite E-Fix Release Schedule.
On the NetSuite Account Center page, click See Support Issues in the Customer Center - Home Links
portlet to view a list of issues entered for your company. A Quick Sort dropdown list enables you to select
a subset of issues to display: Recently Created, Recently Modified, or Recently Viewed.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Support 33
Please review the latest NetSuite Support Phone Menu Routing Options for a detailed map of support
case menu routing options. This file also is available by going to the Support tab and clicking the
SuiteAnswers portlet. On the right side of the page, click Contact Support by Phone.
The NetSuite Support Login preference is a company-wide preference that takes precedence over the
case level preference. It provides three different modes of permission to access a copy of your account
Important: The NetSuite authorized staff never accesses live accounts. This preference is
only ever used to give access to a copy of your account in an internal QA environment. We never
access any of your live environments such as Production, Sandbox, and Release Preview.
Important: To make sure it works as intended, set the permission up in the Production
account. Your Sandbox accounts do not keep the permission set up when they refresh.
To enable the Allow NetSuite Login for this Case field, you must be logged in to the NetSuite Account
Center, which is only available to employees with either the NetSuite Support Center role or the NetSuite
Support Center (Basic) role. The NetSuite Account Center can be accessed through the NetSuite Account
Center portlet (located on the Support tab). For more information about accessing the NetSuite Account
Center, see Accessing the NetSuite Account Center.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Support 34
The field can be enabled when creating new cases or when editing existing ones.
The NetSuite Support Login preference takes precedence over the Allow NetSuite Login for this Case
field on the NetSuite case form.
If the NetSuite Support Login preference prevents access, even if the Allow NetSuite Login for this
Case field is enabled, when creating or updating the case, authorized NetSuite staff cannot access a copy
of your data
Business needs change over time—due to growth, evolving strategies, and changing markets. You may
start to realize there is a growing gap between what your business software does and what you need it to
do. Or you may determine that you need additional support to keep up with software enhancements.
NetSuite ACS offers guidance and assistance for optimizing your use and setup of NetSuite. ACS team
members are NetSuite product and industry experts who can help you optimize your NetSuite solution.
NetSuite Basics
Advanced Customer Support 35
For more information about Advanced Customer Support, see the following Help sections:
ACS Advise
As the entry-level ACS offering, advise is available for customers who are getting started with NetSuite.
Advise has access to NetSuite specialists to provide product guidance and system troubleshooting.
ACS Monitor
For established organizations seeking simple technical and functional support, Monitor includes more
hands-on execution. A designated functional consultant assists with project activities to ensure key
milestones are met in a timely fashion.
ACS Optimize
Optimize provides expert solution management for a deeper and more proactive engagement. You
partner with a designated Customer Success Manager (CSM) to ensure strategic milestones are
accomplished and work with a functional consultant to optimize your solution.
ACS Architect
For enterprise businesses with complex international or subsidiary configurations, Architect delivers
a best-in-class solution designed for optimal scalability and performance. Architect also provides
comprehensive support with a senior CSM and a named team of expert technical, functional, and support
The following ACS Playbooks are exclusively available to ACS Optimize and Architect customers:
Financial Management
Improves operational efficiencies by optimizing key financial methodologies such as:
NetSuite Basics
Advanced Customer Support 36
Human Capital
Simplifies key processes with HR, such as:
■ Payroll
■ Workforce management
■ Compensation
■ Performance management
■ Onboarding new employees
Customer 360
Improves customer engagement tactics around deploying:
Project Profitability
Simplifies key project-related processes, such as:
International Expansion
Handles the financial complexities of entering international markets with guidance on:
NetSuite Basics
Advanced Customer Support 37
■ System architecture
■ Capacity planning
■ Integrations
■ Access controls
■ Environment management
■ Script reviews
Capital Markets
Prepares for a public listing or merger/acquisition by establishing and optimizing required governance
and internal controls or developing the financial reports needed to comply with audit requirements and
tax regulations.
Leverages the power of NetSuite ensuring cross-functional processes, like quote to cash and procure to
pay remain optimized.
Optimizes business functions through NetSuite’s more than 20 years of industry-specific KPI’s and
insights across industries - retail, software, services, manufacturing, wholesale distribution, and more.
NetSuite Basics
NetSuite Communities (User Groups) 38
Membership is available to general access users with current NetSuite accounts. Users with Center roles,
such as Customer Center, Partner Center, and Vendor Center, are not eligible for membership. NetSuite
communities are not available to users of Test Drive accounts.
After you register, you can go directly to the Oracle NetSuite community site at https:// This site includes a banner at the top that links to tips for
getting started with Oracle communities, as well as an introductory video. You also can access the user
community by clicking the NetSuite Community link on the Support tab of the NetSuite application.
Regional user groups provide other NetSuite community resources that are hosted and owned by third
parties. You can find these by searching for ‘NetSuite user groups’ in your browser.
Your NetSuite account may be configured using the SuiteSuccess methodology. This methodology
uses a value-driven dashboard model to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of NetSuite users.
SuiteSuccess accounts are delivered with pre-defined components based on leading practices, specific to
your company's industry and your users’ roles.
Your SuiteSuccess account includes the following components tailored for your particular industry:
NetSuite Basics
SuiteSuccess 39
■ Financials
■ Food and Beverage
■ Health and Beauty
■ Non-Profit
■ Retail and Hospitality
■ Software
■ Wholesale Distribution
From the Support tab, use the SuiteIdeas portlet to visit SuiteIdeas and search through all existing
NetSuite enhancement requests. You can vote for the ideas of your choice, or enter your own new ideas
for making NetSuite better.
Note: If you do not see the Go to SuiteIdeas button in the SuiteIdeas portlet, ask your
account administrator if you can be given access. See Accessing the NetSuite Account
The SuiteIdeas site opens in a new tab or window, depending on your browser preferences.
2. Click one of the following links within the SuiteIdeas site:
■ Search to see if your idea has been requested by others.
■ Browse for ideas by categories.
■ View new ideas, the most recently updated ideas, and ideas that have received the most votes.
■ View the ideas you have voted for.
Clicking an idea opens it in a new window.
3. If you find the idea you are looking for, click Vote for this Idea.
4. Rate the idea, and click Submit Vote.
If you do not find the idea you are searching for, you can enter your own.
NetSuite Basics
Voting for Enhancements 40
Each SuiteIdea is reviewed, and after it is approved, it is listed and can be viewed and voted on by other
NetSuite users.
Important: When you are finished with SuiteIdeas, return to your original NetSuite tab or
window. The Support tab changes to the NetSuite Account Center when you go to SuiteIdeas.
To exit the NetSuite Account Center and return to your previous NetSuite center, click Return to
Previous Role in the upper right corner.
■ Metrics: View the aggregate number of application requests made and the average uptime across the
NetSuite service over a rolling 12-month window, updated monthly.
■ Subscribe to Updates: Click Subscribe to Updates to receive email or phone updates regarding
incident reports that are published to the status page.
■ Current Status: View the current status of NetSuite services across the different data center regions.
Note: To find your data center, go to Setup > Company > Company Information. For more
information, see the help topic Enter Basic Company Information.
■ Event Reports: View reports that describe downtime events or service notifications. Downtime
events are service interruptions or, in some cases, application defects severe enough to cause
NetSuite Basics
Checking NetSuite System Status 41
degraded performance or outages which limit NetSuite service availability. Service notifications
provide additional details about ongoing events or security concerns that Oracle NetSuite has deemed
important enough to notify users. In both cases, posts are updated with the time of event resolution.
To receive notifications only for a specific event, click Subscribe beside that specific event report.
■ Event History: View a history of event reports published to the status page in the past 30 days.
For details about the Oracle NetSuite service level commitment, see the Service Level Commitment
Status Icons
NetSuite services fall into one of four statuses and are indicated by the status icons below: Normal
Performance, Degraded Performance, Partial Outage, and Outage.
NetSuite Basics
Checking NetSuite System Status 42
Partial Outage There is an issue that impacts only a subset of NetSuite accounts.
You will receive a notification prompting you to confirm the subscription. When you have confirmed, you
will receive a subscription confirmation message.
1. Log in to NetSuite.
2. On the Home page, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
3. Find the NetSuite version number in the page footer. The version number should look like this:
NetSuite (Edition: United States) Release 2020.1 Copyright © NetSuite Inc. 1999-2020.
When searching through the Oracle Help Center for NetSuite topics, be sure to leave the NetSuite filter
in the search bar. If the NetSuite filter is not included, you can add it using the menu in the upper left
header of the page. Go to Cloud Applications > NetSuite Applications.
This site is available through and can be accessed here: Oracle Help Center.
NetSuite Basics
Oracle Help Center 43
NetSuite Basics
Navigating NetSuite 44
Navigating NetSuite
Watch the following video to see the common elements and tools of the NetSuite user interface (UI).
Navigating NetSuite
This section introduces you to the elements of the NetSuite user interface (UI). It includes topics for
common UI elements and tools.
The UI uses progressive disclosure. This means that the pages focus on your content. When you move
your pointer over areas of a page, the links, menus, and icons that are appropriate for that area appear. If
you do not see a link or button you expect, move your pointer around the area and see what appears.
Best practice is to always use the NetSuite Back button for navigation, rather than your browser Back
button. If you use the browser Back button, you may create duplicate entries.
Instructions for common UI elements and tools are included in the following help topics:
If you are using NetSuite on a mobile device, see the help topic NetSuite for Mobile Overview.
You can find your NetSuite account ID at the beginning of the NetSuite URL. For example, if the URL is, your account ID is 1234567.
Account IDs for Sandbox and Release Preview accounts contain an underscore, for example 123456_RP.
The underscore is transformed into a hyphen in the generated account-specific domain URL and the
capital letters of the acronym are transformed into lowercase letters. For example, the URL for a Sandbox
account may look as follows: For more information, see the help
topic URLs for Account-Specific Domains.
NetSuite Basics
Header and Menus 45
1 Oracle NetSuite logo – If you have issues with performance in NetSuite, you can double-click the Oracle NetSuite
logo to open a popup window with details that your administrator can use to help identify the source. For more
information, see the help topic Gathering Performance Details.
2 Global search field – Enter a keyword to search for any type of record. For more information, see Global Search.
3 Create New menu – Use this dropdown menu to create new records of various types. For more information, see
Create New Menu.
4 Help – Click Help to open the NetSuite Help Center. The help center usually opens to a topic related to the page
you are working with. For more information, see Getting Help.
5 Feedback – Click Feedback to rate your experience with NetSuite. Choose your satisfaction level, enter any
comments (optional), and click Submit.
6 User name and role – Move your pointer over this area to open a dropdown list to change your role or log out of
NetSuite. For more information, see Roles and Accounts.
7 Navigation menu bar – This bar contains tabs that become navigation menus when you hover over them. For
more information, see Navigation Menu.
Navigation Menu
The navigation menu bar is located at the bottom of the header. The tabs in the bar depend on your user
role. Users with the Administrator role and users with the Custom Center Tabs permission can create new
tabs. For more information, see the help topic Creating Center Tabs.
Notice the ellipsis at the right end of the menu bar. It appears when the page is too narrow to display
the full menu. The ellipsis means that more menus are available. When you hover over the ellipsis, the
additional menus drop down so that you can access them without scrolling.
All of the tabs expand automatically to become navigation menus when you move your pointer over
them. Navigation menus often have multiple levels. Hover over a menu to display submenus, and click a
menu option to select it. For example, hovering over the Transactions tab displays the Transactions menu.
In the following screenshot, the pointer has followed the Transactions menu to the Bank submenu, then
to the Make Deposits menu, and is hovering over Search.
NetSuite Basics
Header and Menus 46
When you select a menu option, the tab remains highlighted to show you the context of the page you are
Three of the tabs on the navigation bar use icons instead of words. These are:
■ Recent Records – NetSuite remembers the records you have viewed recently. Click this icon to
open a dropdown menu of recent records. For more information, see Using the Recent Records Menu.
■ Shortcuts – When you click this icon, you open the shortcuts menu. It contains links to your most
frequently used records, transactions, lists, or reports. These shortcuts also appear in the Shortcuts
Portlet. Often your administrator sets them up for you. For more information, see the help topic
Shortcuts Portlet.
■ Home – Click this icon to go to your home dashboard page. When you hover over it, you can also
see a link to the Set Preferences page. For more information, see Dashboards.
Note: Your personal settings and preferences are accessible from the Settings portlet on your
Home page dashboard. For more information, see Settings Portlet.
An account is a place where you work in NetSuite. There are multiple types of accounts provided by
NetSuite that you can use, such as production, sandbox, development, and release preview. The live
production account is the main account where you do the daily work necessary to run your business. You
can access your production account by going to and entering your login details. To
know more about different types of accounts, see the help topic Understanding NetSuite Account Types.
NetSuite Basics
Header and Menus 47
Note: Only administrators can set up and manage roles and grant access to accounts. For more
information, see the help topic NetSuite Users & Roles.
NetSuite pages that prompt you to select a role or an account display the choices available. You may
encounter these pages during the login process, or when you are switching roles.
■ Role and account selection pages and menus are organized into two sections:
□ The upper section displays the roles available to you in the current account.
□ If you have access to more than one account, your other accounts are listed below a Or switch to
another account section. The roles available to you in these accounts are not shown in this lower
section. When you switch to another account, the upper section displays your roles in that account.
■ If you have access to more than one NetSuite account, you can select a default role for each account.
For example, you could specify a default role for production, sandbox, and Release Preview. For more
information, see Specifying a Default Role.
The upper-right corner of every NetSuite page displays your name and current role.
■ Hover your cursor over this area to reveal the Change Roles list.
■ Click this area to display the My Roles page.
1. Locate your name and role in the upper-right corner of the NetSuite page.
2. Hover to open the Change Roles list.
A check mark indicates your current role.
NetSuite Basics
Header and Menus 48
Note: The Role section shows only roles available in the current account. If you are
looking for a role in a different account, select the account in the Or switch to another
account section to view the roles in that account. Sandbox accounts are indicated by an SB
icon, and Release Preview accounts are indicated by an RP icon.
1. Click your name and role in the upper-right corner of any NetSuite page.
2. See the following topics for more information.
■ Hiding a Role
■ Showing Hidden Roles
■ Specifying a Default Role
Hiding a Role
When you hide a role, you hide the role from your view only. You do not disable the role.
To hide a role:
1. Open the My Roles page. For more information, see Opening the My Roles Page.
2. In the row of the role you want to hide from view, hover over the More icon on the right side of
the page.
3. Select Hide. The role disappears from the Role list.
Note: If you hide your currently logged-in role, the role is not removed from the Role list.
Instead, a Hidden icon identifies the role as hidden.
4. To see your changes reflected in the Change Roles list, refresh your browser and open the Change
Roles list.
NetSuite Basics
Header and Menus 49
1. Open the My Roles page. For more information, see Opening the My Roles Page.
2. Click Show All.
■ To show a role, hover over the More icon and select Show.
■ To remove your hidden roles from view, click Show All again.
To set a default role in an account, first you select the account, then you select the role in that account
that you want to make your default role.
Note: Only one role in an account can be selected as the default role. However, you can set up a
default role in each account you can access.
1. Open the My Roles page. For more information, see Opening the My Roles Page.
Note: The Roles section shows only the roles in your current account. To specify a default
role in a different account, select that account in the Or switch to another account
section. Then you can see the roles available in that account.
2. In the row of the role you want to make default, click the More icon on the right side of the
3. Select Make Default. Your default role preference for this account is saved.
NetSuite Basics
Header and Menus 50
■ Your current role is indicated with bold font, a check mark, and Logged in shown in the Last Login
■ To reorder the list of your other accounts, click the Account Name or Account Type column
header. You can sort the column in ascending order or descending order.
■ To see this reordering of accounts reflected in the Change Roles list, refresh the browser and open
the Change Roles list.
□ The ordering of accounts is the same in all accounts you can access.
□ Your preference for ordering accounts is stored in your browser. If you use a different browser or
device to access NetSuite, you must click to sort the columns for that browser or device.
Hiding an Account
When you hide an account, you hide the account only from view. You do not remove your access to the
To hide an account:
1. Open the My Roles page. For more information, see Opening the My Roles Page.
2. In the row of the account you want to hide from view, hover over the More icon on the right
side of the page.
3. Select Hide.
4. To see these changes reflected in the Change Roles list, refresh the browser, and open the Change
Roles list.
1. Open the My Roles page. For more information, see Opening the My Roles Page.
2. Click Show All. A Hidden icon identifies any hidden accounts.
NetSuite Basics
Header and Menus 51
■ To show an account, hover over the More icon and select Show.
■ To remove your hidden accounts from view, click Show All again.
A center is a set of tabbed pages that adjusts accordingly to your role. There are different types of centers
in NetSuite, including standard centers, and a special NetSuite Account Center. Each NetSuite center
provides the pages and links that you need to do your job. For example, the Accounting Center’s tabbed
pages provide data and links that are relevant for Accountants, Bookkeepers, Payroll Managers, and
Clerks. For more information about the standard centers, see the help topic Centers Overview.
Each tabbed page displays a collection of real-time data called a dashboard. You can personalize
your dashboard and see dashboards that are published by administrators. For more information, see
When you log in to NetSuite, the system determines your last used role and account, or a default role that
you set up, and displays the associated center. For more information, see Roles and Accounts.
SuiteSuccess customers have predefined centers for their users. SuiteSuccess takes a holistic approach
to product adoption. Extensive product experience, domain knowledge, and leading practices dictate
the built-in business process flows and KPIs that are provided for a specific business and industry.
SuiteSuccess customers have custom roles and centers that are appropriate for their edition of
SuiteSuccess. The role-based user dashboards provided enable you to meet your business needs more
Some pages are included in all centers and accessible to all roles. For more information, see the help
topic Pages Common to all Centers.
If you have a role with the Administrator permission or the Custom Centers permission, you can
customize the user interface of a center. For more information, see the help topic Custom Centers.
The following pages (or tabs) are not included in the Customer Center, Employee Center, Partner Center,
or Vendor Center, but are included in all other centers and accessible to all other roles:
The following pages (or tabs) are not included in the Customer Center, Employee Center, Partner Center,
Vendor Center, Advanced Partner Center, or Support Center but are included in all other centers and
accessible to all other roles:
■ NetSuite SuiteApps
NetSuite Basics
Centers 52
To set up your Home page, click Personalize. In the Add Content panel that appears, you can choose the
other content items to include on your dashboard.
For example, the Activities Links portlet provides links to quickly access various activity list pages. You can
also create new records (for example: events, tasks, and phone calls) or search existing activity records.
NetSuite Basics
Centers 53
On list pages, you can customize your view, filter the listed records, create new records, and perform
other actions as appropriate for the record. Clicking Events, for example, displays a list page of your
events. Your first day on the job, it might look like this:
You can view your calendar and scheduled events using the Calendar portlet. For more information, see
Navigating Your Calendar.
In the Tasks and Phone Calls portlets, you can quickly create new tasks or phone calls or edit existing
To reorganize the portlets on the page, click and hold the upper right corner of the portlet and drag it to
where you want it positioned on the page.
For more information about the various types of activities and records on this page, see:
You can click the Documents tab or Documents Overview menu to access the NetSuite File Cabinet, where
you can store and organize your business documents online and then associate them with company,
customer, contact, vendor, other name, partner, task, event and case records.
In the File Cabinet, you can quickly search for, download, move, and delete existing files. You can use Add
buttons to upload additional files to the File Cabinet. For more information, see File Cabinet Overview.
■ Files
■ Templates has the following menu items:
□ Email Templates: see the help topic Working with Email Templates.
□ Fax Templates: see the help topic Using Fax Templates.
□ Letter Templates Using Letter Templates.
NetSuite Basics
Centers 54
Available menu items vary based on the features you have enabled in your account. If Mail Merge is
enabled in your account, see the help topic Working with Mail Merge.
You may also see the following menu items on the Setup page, depending on what features are enabled
in your account.
■ Payroll: depending on which payroll feature your company is using, see either SuitePeople U.S. Payroll
or Payroll Solutions.
■ Customization: see the help topic Customization.
■ Site Builder: see the help topic SuiteCommerce Site Builder. See also Site Builder Overview.
When you log in, NetSuite opens your home page. Your home page is a dashboard, a collection of real-
time data. The specific content of your home page depends on your user role. Here is an example of a
portion of a Home page for a fictitious company.
NetSuite Basics
Dashboards 55
Dashboard content is displayed in a variety of portlets, dynamic data display windows. Some portlets
provide direct access to raw data, and others display data that has been synthesized into critical business
metrics, such as key performance indicators (KPIs), performance scorecards, trend graphs, and report
snapshots. For more information, see the help topic Dashboard Portlets.
Settings Portlet
Links to your personal settings, preferences, and login information are included in the Settings portlet on
your NetSuite dashboard. By default the Settings portlet is in the lower left of the dashboard as shown in
this screenshot of a Home page with all portlets minimized except the Settings portlet.
Your Settings portlet may contain more links than are shown here. Some links are dependent on your role
and the features that are enabled in your account. You cannot delete this portlet, but you can move it to a
different location on the dashboard.
For more information about the standard links in the Settings portlet, see the following topics:
■ Dashboard Personalization
■ Setting Personal Preferences
■ Change Email Link
■ Change Password Link
NetSuite Basics
Dashboards 56
Portlet Controls
Portlet controls are hidden until you move your pointer over the portlet. For example, look at the
following screenshot of a Reminders portlet with a pointer in it. The menu icon appears on the right of
the title bar. The title of the record that the pointer is over is underlined to show that you can click to view
the record. An Edit link or icon also appears to the right of the record name so that you can reopen the
record in edit mode.
Portlets with content from current data include a icon on the right of the title bar. Click the icon to
refresh the portlet content and ensure includes the latest data.
You can rearrange the portlets on your dashboard to fit your needs. For instructions, see the help topic
Arranging Dashboard Portlets.
To minimize a portlet, click its title bar. When you move your pointer over the title bar, it changes to
crossed arrows. To maximize the portlet, click again.
Additionally, you can expand some portlets to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon . For
some of the portlets, the full-screen view displays more columns and rows in the search.
Global Search
The NetSuite global search tool enables you to find any type of record from a single keyword query.
Global search is often the quickest way to locate data in NetSuite.
The global search box is prominently located near the center of the header. The header is anchored at
the top of the page so that it is always accessible. The keyboard shortcut Alt+G moves the cursor into the
search field.
Keywords in global search can include letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, and the % wildcard.
The colon (:) and the caret (^) indicate a prefix that limits the search to a specific record type. All other
characters are considered white space. For details about prefixes, including some examples, see the
help topic Global Search Prefixes. For more information about the % wildcard, see the help topic Tips for
Effective Global Searches.
Keywords should be between three and 32 characters long. Global search begins the searching as soon
as you type three characters. Characters in excess of 32 are ignored.
By default, global search provides a list of suggested matches as you type. You can select a suggested
match or press Enter to open a list page with all matching results.
NetSuite Basics
Global Search 57
When you type keywords and press Enter, the keywords are compared to record name and ID field
values. The values of the Vendor Name/ID and UPC Code fields in item records are also compared. The
default behavior is as follows:
Global search is a powerful tool, and this topic includes only basic information. To learn all the details, see
the help topic Global Search.
NetSuite offers a variety of tools in addition to global search to help you find the information you need.
This includes the ability to save your search for reuse. For information about all of the search tools
NetSuite offers, see the help topic Search Overview.
This menu includes links to create new instances of different types of records. Each link in the menu
represents a type of record related to the record or transaction you are currently viewing. Click a link to
create a record of that type.
The options available on a record are limited by the role you are logged in with, but you can change which
options are listed in the menu.
To reorder links in the Create New menu, drag a link up or down the list to change the order in which the
links are listed. You also can select a link and use the Move to Top or Move to Bottom buttons. Click Save
when you are done.
You can gain quick access to the most relevant details of a record through record QuickViews. Depending
on the record type, the QuickView can also allow you to make changes to a record without having to open
NetSuite Basics
QuickViews 58
Note: If you do not have permission to view a record or record type, you cannot view it in
Customizing QuickViews
The fields that appear for a record QuickView are predetermined. You can add, remove, or rearrange the
fields in a QuickView by customizing the entry form. See the help topic Configuring QuickViews for the
steps to configure QuickViews for custom forms and custom records.
Note: Some item types in NetSuite contain images. To change the image that appears in an
item's QuickView, edit the image on the item record rather than on the form customization page
where you configure QuickViews.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The following are useful keyboard shortcuts you can use in NetSuite.
NetSuite Basics
Keyboard Shortcuts 59
Note: Some keyboard hot keys and shortcuts function depends on the browser you use. For
more information, see Supported Browsers for NetSuite.
To initiate only the current page search, press Alt+Shift+G. If you want to see results from both the global
search and the current page search, press Esc. For more information, see the help topic Global Search
■ Press and hold Alt and type a letter to move to a subtab. See Navigating Subtabs.
■ In transaction headers, press Enter to save the transaction.
■ On a transaction line, press Enter to save the line and go to the next line.
■ Press Tab to move the cursor between fields and buttons.
■ Use the Spacebar to check or clear a box.
■ In Amount fields, enter numbers to calculate by addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
For example, enter 10 + 15 to calculate a total amount.
■ Press and hold Ctrl and click with your mouse to select multiple choices in a list.
Date Fields
In date fields, use the following keyboard shortcuts to change dates:
Note: These keyboard shortcuts are supported only in full date fields that include the month,
day, and year.
Multi-Choice buttons
On transactions and records that have buttons with popup lists, you can select the non-default button
option. Use the Tab key to go to the list button. Then, use the down arrow key to expand the dropdown
list. Click Enter to select the desired action. To collapse the list, use the up arrow key to return to the top.
NetSuite Basics
Keyboard Shortcuts 60
Navigating Subtabs
When using tabbed pages, you can quickly switch between subtabs by using keyboard shortcuts. Each
subtab has a single letter underlined in the title. Press and hold Alt and then press the corresponding
letter to switch to that subtab. The cursor appears in the first field on the subtab.
Viewing Reports
When viewing reports, you can do the following:
NetSuite Basics
Popup and Dropdown Lists 61
■ Click the open button to view or edit an existing record. The record opens in view mode in a new
tab. Click Edit on the record to change to edit mode.
Tip: Enter 0 in the Maximum Entries in Dropdowns field to always use popup lists. To always
use dropdown lists, enter a large number that exceeds the number of entries in any of your lists.
Each popup list includes double arrows in place of the single arrow for a dropdown list. Start typing
and press the Tab key to open a popup window that contains only records that begin with the letters you
typed. For example, in the following screenshot, a user typed “ac” and pressed the Tab key to display a list
of customers.
Alternatively, you can click the double arrows to display a popup and choose to open a list or search. The
new and open buttons also appear when you click the arrows as shown in the following screenshot.
■ Click the new button to open a popup window and add a new record.
■ Click the open button to open the selected record in view mode in a new tab. Click Edit on the record
to change to edit mode.
To clear a value that you have previously entered in the list, select the value and press the Delete key.
For example, to create a sales order for a customer in Alaska, click Search next to the Customer:Project
field. When the Customer Search window pops up, type AK in the state field, and click Submit. The
pop up changes to show only your customers in Alaska. Click the name of the customer you want, and
NetSuite inserts it into the Customer:Project field.
On transaction forms, NetSuite searches the full name of the item or the name of the final
subitem and autofills the item field with any matching names. For example, typing bas would find
Summer:Picnic:Basket and Basket:Welcome.
NetSuite Basics
Popup and Dropdown Lists 62
Note: After you inactivate a record, it will not show on transactions for selection in popup or
dropdown lists. However, if the Search option shows in the popup or dropdown for a field, the
search will return inactive records if the Inactive filter is set to Either or Yes. Inactive records in
these search results can be added to transactions. To filter inactive records out of search results,
be sure to set the Inactive filter to No in the search criteria.
To search for records, enter the first letters of the record name and click Search. To add fields to your
selection, click the record name in the left column. The item moves to the Current Selections column on
the right.
NetSuite Basics
Popup and Dropdown Lists 63
Note: To change or remove values in a multi-select list, do not edit the list directly. Click the
double arrow button to open the popup and make the required changes.
To remove a value from a multi-select list, click the double arrow button beside the field.
Click the X button beside the selection that you want to remove, and then click Done.
If you do not want this list of suggested matches to display, you can disable the auto suggest feature by
clearing the Popup Auto Suggest box on the Analytics tab of Home > Set Preferences.
NetSuite Basics
Buttons and Menus in NetSuite 64
describes the function of standard buttons that can be found on most NetSuite pages and shows where
the button is located. The table does not include buttons that are specific to a particular feature or record
Sublist row buttons such as Add, Insert, and Delete appear on the left side
of the sublist. The buttons that are available and the button names change
depending on where you are in NetSuite.
Back Button
The Back button appears when a record is in View mode. Clicking the Back
button takes you back to the page where you first initiated a particular action.
Cancel Button
The Cancel button appears below the record title when a record is in either
new or edit mode. Clicking the Cancel button aborts whatever action you were
The Create New button is an icon with a dropdown menu. You can create new
records or perform new tasks. The options on the Create New button vary on a
per-record basis, as the options are specific to each record type.
To create records unrelated to the current record, use the Create New menu in
the NetSuite header. For more information see, Create New Menu.
Action Menu
The Action menu offers a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu may include
various options, such as Download and Delete. These options depend on the
record you are editing.
Edit Button
The Edit button opens the current record or transaction in a format that you
can make changes to. When you are finished, submit changes by clicking Save.
Mark All places checks in the check boxes next to all items listed on the page
where the button appears. Unmark All clears the checks.
New Button
On records in edit mode, the New button is a plus sign icon that appears to the
right of a field when the pointer moves over it. The button opens a window in
which you can create a new record.
Most lists also have a New button. For example, the New button at the top of
the Employees list is called New Employee.
Open Button
On records in edit mode, the open button is a square icon with a diagonal
arrow that appears to the right of a field when the pointer moves over it. The
button opens the selected record in a new tab for viewing.
NetSuite Basics
Buttons and Menus in NetSuite 65
Print Button
If multiple printing options are available, the print icon includes all options in
the dropdown menu. If the record allows only a single print action (to print the
page, for example), the print icon does not include the dropdown arrow.
Save Button
The Save button sends the transaction or record you are working on to
NetSuite for posting or changing. The Save button often includes a dropdown
menu for variations of save as shown in the example. NetSuite remembers the
option selected and makes it the default.
Save As Button
The Save As button creates a duplicate of the visible record. A unique name
is required. For example, a customer may have multiple locations, Art Gallery
I and Art Gallery II. The home office in Gallery I is the main office for both
locations. You can create a record for Gallery II by editing the Gallery I record,
changing the name to Art Gallery II and clicking Save As.
The Save and New button sends the transaction or record to NetSuite for
posting, and then a blank page of the same kind opens.
The Save and Next button sends the transaction or record to NetSuite for
posting, and then the next existing record of the same type opens for editing.
The Save and Edit button saves your edits and remains in edit mode where you
can continue editing.
The Enhance Text button appears next to fields where the Text Enhance
generative AI feature is available. Click the button to display a dropdown menu
of the available actions. For more information, see Text Enhance.
Text Enhance
Text Enhance uses generative AI to assist you with writing business content in NetSuite. It can help you
create and refine content, as well as make your content the right length for your needs.
Text Enhance uses information from the page you are editing when it generates content. For example,
when you use Text Enhance to generate a sales description for an inventory item, it uses information such
as the item name, vendor description, display name, and stock description from the inventory item page.
Text Enhance can also help you write different item descriptions for the same item, depending on how
you will use the description. For example, when you use Text Enhance to generate text for the Purchase
Description field of the Purchase/Inventory subtab, the generated text can include different details and
even a different tone than what Text Enhance generates for the Sales Description field of the Sales/Pricing
NetSuite Basics
Text Enhance 66
Tip: A free learning path for Text Enhance is available on NetSuite MyLearn. Take the AI in
NetSuite learning path to learn about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in NetSuite and how to use Text
Enhance. You can also access the learning path from the NetSuite MyLearn home page: search for
AI and then choose AI in NetSuite from the search results.
NetSuite Basics
Text Enhance 67
■ Make Longer: Text Enhance takes the text entered in the field and expands it into well-written
business prose. Only available when there is sufficient space in the field (less than half the field's
character limit).
■ Undo: Reverts the last Enhance Text action and changes the content to the field’s previous
content. To go back to an earlier result, choose Undo again, until you get back to the result you
want. Text Enhance stores its previous results while you are working on a page.
■ Redo: Restores the last Enhance Text action and changes the field's content to what it was
before you selected Undo.
Note: On first use, Text Enhance displays a confirmation message to inform you that you
are using an artificial intelligence (AI) feature. The message is as follows: "Text Enhance is
an AI feature that generates content for your use. Your data may be processed globally
according to the Oracle Services Privacy Policy." Click the link if you want to view the policy,
which opens in a new web browser tab or window. Click OK to close the message and
continue the Text Enhance action that you selected.
To complete an action, Text Enhance uses data from the required and optional fields that you have
already completed. The system displays the new or updated content in the field when the action
has finished.
4. Review the content carefully and refine it as desired. Optionally, you can click Enhance Text again
and select another action. You can also make your own changes manually and override any text
provided by Text Enhance.
Important: Always read the Enhance Text content carefully before you save your
changes to the page. Generative AI services, such as Text Enhance, use creativity in their
responses. A person should always validate the generated content for accuracy and quality.
■ If you want to start over or remove the text, you need to clear the field manually. You can revert to the
original content by using Undo or by canceling out of the page.
■ If you choose another action from the Enhance Text menu, the text in the field will be replaced
completely. Use Undo or Redo to move between previously generated content.
The following table lists potential Text Enhance issues and their associated solutions:
Issue Solution
You don't see the Enhance Text button next to Your NetSuite account location, the language setting in your
any text area fields, even after you type text into personal preferences, and your company's Text Enhance
the fields. Preferences setting all affect whether Text Enhance is available
for you. See the note at the beginning of the Using Text Enhance
section for Text Enhance availability information.
You can't select Generate from the Enhance Text Generate is only available when the required fields on the page
menu. are completed. Complete the required fields and try again.
You can't select Clean Up from the Enhance Text Clean Up is only available when there is text in the field where
menu. you are using Text Enhance. Add content to the field and try
NetSuite Basics
Text Enhance 68
Issue Solution
You can't select Make Longer from the Enhance Make Longer is only available when there is sufficient space in
Text menu. the field (less than half the field's character limit). Remove some
of the content from the field and try again.
You can't select Make Shorter from the Enhance Make Shorter is only available when there are more than 200
Text menu. characters (about three sentences) in the field where you are
using Text Enhance. Add more content to the field and try again.
You can't select Undo from the Enhance Text Undo is only available after you have already completed a
menu. Generate, Clean Up, Make Longer, or Make Shorter action.
You can't select Redo from the Enhance Text Redo is only available after you have used the Undo action.
When you click the Enhance Text button, you This error may occur if you have an internet connection issue.
receive the message, "Sorry, text enhancing is It may also occur if there is an issue with NetSuite or with the
currently not available. Please check your internet generative AI service. If the issue persists, contact NetSuite
connection and try again. If the issue persists, Customer Support. For more information, see NetSuite Support.
contact NetSuite Customer Support."
When you click the Enhance Text button, you The fields required for Text Enhance are a subset of the required
receive the message, "Enter the following fields fields on a page. Complete the required fields and try again.
before enhancing text:" and a list of one or more
When you click the Enhance Text button, you You may see this message if you try another action while Text
receive the message, "The last request is still in Enhance is still processing the previous action you selected. Wait
process. Please wait for it to finish. " until the field updates with the generated text, and then try the
action again if needed.
When you click the Enhance Text button, you You may see this message if the generative AI service doesn't
receive the message, "Response has timed out. respond to NetSuite within the allowed amount of time. Try the
Please try again." action again. If the issue persists, contact NetSuite Customer
Support. For more information, see NetSuite Support.
When you click the Enhance Text button, you You may see this message when NetSuite is trying to handle
receive the message, "Text Enhance is at capacity. many requests for Enhance Text actions made at the same time.
Please wait and try again."
When you click the Enhance Text button, you Your account has reached its monthly usage limit, so Text
receive the message, "Monthly quota of Text Enhance will not be available until the next month. Users with an
Enhance requests has been met." Administrator role can verify account usage by viewing the Text
Enhance Preferences page. For more information, see the help
topic Setting Text Enhance Preferences.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to NetSuite 69
Logging in to NetSuite
Watch the following video for information about how to log in and out of NetSuite.
Logging In and Out of NetSuite
Authentication is the process of verifying your identity when you log in to an application. This section
contains procedures describing the ways that your identity can be authenticated when you log in to
The most familiar form of authentication occurs when you log in to the NetSuite UI with your email
address and your password, which are your user credentials. Depending on the role or roles you are
assigned by your account administrator, you might also be required to provide a second factor for
authentication, known as two-factor authentication, or 2FA.
See the following sections for more information about how your identity is authenticated when you log in
to NetSuite.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 70
for locating the Settings portlet, which contains links for changing your email address, changing your
password, updating your security questions, and other tasks. You can also find information about creating
strong passwords, answering security questions, and what to do if you forget your password.
Important: This topic describes browser support only for the NetSuite application, which is
different from the browser support for Commerce websites. For more information, see the help
topic Supported Browsers for Commerce Websites.
Browsers by Platform
NetSuite is supported in the following browsers and operating systems:
Google Chrome Two most recent stable major versions. Windows 10 or newer
Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Two most recent stable major versions. Windows 10 or newer
Mozilla Firefox Two most recent stable major version. Windows 10 or newer
Cookies settings may affect the ability to use this browser when accessing SuiteAnswers. If you
encounter any issues, open your Safari browser, go to Safari > Preferences > Privacy and turn off the
Prevent cross-site tracking option. Then close your browser, reopen it, and access SuiteAnswers through
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 71
Important: Some third-party plugins and extensions in web browsers may lead to problems
with the NetSuite user interface.
Note: Some ad blocker plug-ins can prevent you from creating pivot tables or charts in
SuiteAnalytics Workbook, regardless of the browser you use to access NetSuite. To avoid errors
with SuiteAnalytics Workbook, deactivate these plug-ins. For more information about SuiteAnalytics
Workbook, see the help topic SuiteAnalytics Workbook Overview.
Mobile Devices
There is a NetSuite app for mobile devices. For information about system requirements for mobile
devices, see the help topic System Requirements.
If you have access to NetSuite accounts for more than one company, you can either use the same
username for all of them, or you can use a different username for each company.
■ If you use the same user credentials for all companies, all of your roles in all companies are listed on
the My Roles page and the Change Roles list. Hover over the upper right corner to display the Change
Roles list. The list displays your roles in the current account. You can select a different role from the
list, or select View My Roles to open the My Roles page. Click the name of the role name you want to
switch to. If the required role is in a different account, you must first switch to that account from the
My Roles page.
■ If you use separate user credentials for different companies, you must log out and then log in again to
switch to another company.
Important: You are uniquely identified in NetSuite by your email address, it is your username.
There is a one-to-one relationship between username and password. That is, one username can
only have one password, no matter how many accounts or companies you can access with that
1. Click to verify that you are on the Home page, also called the dashboard.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 72
Important: The Settings links you are looking for are not in the list that appears when
you hover over the Home icon.
2. The Settings portlet can appear anywhere on a customized Home page. By default, the Settings
portlet is located on the left side of the page. You might need to scroll down to see it.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 73
3. Click the appropriate link for the task you need to complete.
For more information about these links, see the following topics:
■ Change Email Link
■ Change Password Link
■ Reset Your 2FA Settings
■ Backup Codes for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
■ Update Security Questions Link
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 74
Note: If you cannot find your Settings portlet, contact your account administrator.
Important: Before you change your email address in NetSuite, verify that this change is OK
with your account administrator.
1. Find the Settings portlet on the Home page. If you cannot locate the Settings portlet, see Finding
Your Settings Portlet.
Tip: The Settings portlet can appear anywhere on a customized Home page (or
dashboard). By default, it is located on the left side, and you might need to scroll down to
see it.
The times in the notification and validation messages are based on the time zone preference that you
have set at Home > Set Preferences.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 75
Important: If you receive a notification message about an email change that you did not
initiate, you should alert your account administrator to a possible security issue. If you receive a
notification message and you realize that the change is in error, for example you made a typo in
the new email address, you can let the validation link expire. You can then enter a change to the
correct email address.
Important: If you do not find the Change Password link in your Settings portlet check the
role you are currently logged in with. It is possible that the role does not have the permission
needed to change the password. Try switching to another role, or contact your Administrator.
You can also reset your password if you are unable to log in because you forgot your password. For more
information, see Getting Access When You Forget Your Password.
1. Find the Settings portlet on the Home page. If you cannot locate the Settings portlet, see Finding
Your Settings Portlet.
Tip: The Settings portlet can appear anywhere on a customized Home page (or
dashboard). By default, it is located on the left side, and you might need to scroll down to
see it.
Note: If you cannot remember your current password, see Getting Access When You
Forget Your Password.
Note: You will receive an email notification when the password associated with your email
address is changed. This email notification enables you to be more aware and proactive in
cases where there is a fraudulent attempt to change your password.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 76
Note: For information about how to change your password, see Change Password Link.
By default, all NetSuite accounts are set to have a Strong password policy. This policy enforces the
following requirements:
The length and character type requirements for your password may vary if your account administrator
has changed the password policy or minimum password length. Ask your administrator if you have
questions about the password requirements for your company.
The Password Criteria fields provide immediate feedback as you type a password on the Change
Password page. This feedback shows you whether your entered password complies with all of the
password requirements for your company.
The Password Criteria fields appear on any entity record where it is possible for you or an administrator
to enter a password for granting access to your NetSuite account.
Tip: After changing your password, refresh the portlet to see the new password expiry date.
You will receive advance notice of the date that your password will expire. This notice helps to eliminate
uncertainty and problems associated with having to change your password at an inconvenient time. The
first notice is sent 14 days before your password expiration date. As soon as you update your password,
the notices stop. If you do not change your password, the next notice arrives seven days before your
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 77
password expires. If necessary, you will receive an additional notice each day for the final three days
before your password expires.
The password expiration notification includes a link to let you change your password. A table lists the
Company ID, Company Name, Days to expiration, and account type helps you to identify the role and the
account where your password is expiring.
You can also use the Change Password link in the Settings portlet to change your password. For more
information, see:
■ Users can have roles that provide access to more than one NetSuite account. It is possible that
some of the accounts to which a user has access have a stricter password requirements than other
accounts. On rare occasions, users may attempt to access a role in an account that has stricter
password requirements and encounter a password expired error message. For example, users
assigned to the NetSuite Support Center or the NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role are accessing the
Oracle NetSuite account through the NetSuite Account Center portlet. These users are then subject
to the Oracle NetSuite password requirements. In this case, users must change their password before
they can access the NetSuite Account Center.
■ You might be required to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
password requirements. If you have a role with the View Unencrypted Credit Cards permission,
you must change your NetSuite password at least every ninety (90) days. If your company policy for
NetSuite password expiration is greater than 90 days, the 90 days limit is automatically enforced for
anyone with the View Unencrypted Credit Cards permission. In addition, the required length for a
password is a minimum of 12 characters. Everyone with access to unencrypted credit card numbers
must comply with PCI password requirements.
■ Roles to which the SAML Single Sign-on permission has been added, and roles that have been
designated as Single Sign-on Only, are exempt from password expiration notifications. SAML user
credentials are not managed by NetSuite, but by the Identity Provider (IdP).
Note: Users with multiple roles will receive the password expiration notification if one or
more roles are not designated as Single Sign-on Only. This also applies to roles deactivated on
the Role page.
If you are under time pressure, you can click Remind Me Later to dismiss this prompt and log in to
NetSuite immediately. However, the next time you log in to NetSuite, you will be prompted again to set up
these questions.
Note: You can dismiss this prompt a maximum of five times. After that, you will be required to
set up security questions to proceed with your login to NetSuite.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 78
Tip: The Settings portlet can appear anywhere on a customized Home page (or dashboard). By
default, it is located on the left side, and you might need to scroll down to see it.
If you cannot locate the Settings portlet, see Finding Your Settings Portlet. See also Update Security
Questions Link for more information.
Important: Remember your questions and answers! NetSuite does not often prompt you to
answer a security question, you forget you set them up. However, there are several situations
when you will be prompted, and it is important that you know the answers. See When Security
Questions are Asked for more information.
When you save your security questions and answers, a confirmation is displayed. Also, an email is sent to
the email address you used to log in, as notification that this setup has occurred.
You have the option of changing your security questions and answers later. See Update Security
Questions Link.
Security questions and answers are shared across all NetSuite accounts associated with the same
production account.
■ Customer Center
■ Web Store Shopper
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 79
Note: Users with two-factor authentication (2FA) roles, or roles with IP address restrictions
enabled are prompted to set up security questions. However, users with 2FA or IP address
restricted roles are only asked to answer security questions if they forget their passwords.
■ Web Services
■ SuiteScript
■ SuiteAnalytics Connect
■ OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-on
■ SAML Single Sign-on
Note: This additional authentication requirement does not apply to you if you are using two-
factor authentication roles, or roles with IP address or device ID restrictions enabled.
■ When you forget your NetSuite password, and must reset it.
■ If it has been more than 90 days since your last login.
If you answer the security question correctly, your login to NetSuite proceeds and an email is sent to the
email address you used to log in, as notification of the successful authentication.
If you provide five consecutive wrong answers to the security question, you are locked out of NetSuite for
a period of 30 minutes, and an email is sent to your email address and to your account administrator, as
notification of the authentication failure.
Tip: The Settings portlet can appear anywhere on a customized Home page (or
dashboard). By default, it is located on the left side, and you might need to scroll down to
see it.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 80
Tip: Case does not matter, so do not waste an attempt by changing some characters to a
different case.
3. If you cannot reset your own password, and cannot remember your answers to security questions:
a. Update your security questions when you are already logged in to NetSuite.
b. Ask your account administrator to reset your password. If your account administrator
resets your password, your existing security questions and answers are erased. After your
password is reset, you must set up new security questions and answers. If you or your
account administrator cannot reset your password, your account administrator can contact
Support for assistance.
c. Ask your account administrator to designate your role as a two-factor authentication (2FA)
required role. Roles that are designated as requiring 2FA are never asked security questions.
For more information, see Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 81
However, if you cannot remember your password, you can try to reset your password yourself. Go to the
NetSuite login page and click the Forgot Your Password? link. See the following procedure, The Forgot
Your Password Reset, for complete instructions.
Important: If you did not set up security questions or do not remember the answers to them,
you may need assistance to access your account. If this is the case, contact your NetSuite account
administrator to reset your password. When your Administrator resets your password, you must
set up new security questions and answers.
1. On the NetSuite login page, enter the email address you use to log in to NetSuite.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 82
a. If you do not receive an email message, verify whether the email address you entered in the
previous step is correct. (The email address you entered is displayed in the instructions on
the screen.)
b. If the email address you entered is correct, and you still have not received an email message,
please contact your NetSuite account administrator.
5. Click the link in the email message.
Note: If you receive an error message that the link has expired, begin the password reset
process again at step 1.
6. Answer the security questions to confirm your identity. Answers are not case sensitive.
Important: You have 20 attempts to answer all three of your security questions
correctly. If you want the answers you enter to be visible on the screen, clear the check
from the Hide Answers box. If you fail all 20 attempts, contact your account administrator
for help.
7. Click Submit.
8. You are redirected to the Change Password page. Complete the required fields.
See Change Password Link for more information. See also Creating a Strong Password.
After you have successfully reset your password, a confirmation message is sent to the email
address from which the reset request was generated.
Note: If you have an Administrator role in this account, and are requesting a password
reset, the confirmation email message is also sent to everyone with an Administrator
role in that account. If you have an Administrator role in more than one account, and are
requesting a password reset, the confirmation email message is sent to everyone who has
an Administrator role in any of those accounts.
If you still need assistance to access your account, contact your NetSuite account administrator to
reset your password. When your password is reset, you must set up new security questions and
■ The My Login Audit Portlet cannot be added to the Customer Center or the Employee Center
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 83
■ The value shown for Successful Logins increments each time you switch roles. By switching to
another role, you are (in a sense) logging in to a different role.
■ The dates and times displayed in the portlet are based on the time zone you selected as your
preference on the General subtab at Home > Set Preferences.
■ If you are logged in and changed your password, refresh the portlet to display your new Password
Expiration date.
1. Click Personalize in the upper right corner of your dashboard or use Personalize Dashboard in
the Settings portlet.
2. In the Standard Content tab of the Personalize Dashboard palette, click or drag and drop the
My Login Audit icon.
3. To configure the login information displayed in the My Login Audit portlet, click Set Up in the
portlet menu.
Note: Entering an incorrect 2FA verification code is counted in the portlet as a Login Failure.
■ Password Updates tab – options: Last Password Change and Password Expiration.
NetSuite Basics
Logging in to the NetSuite UI 84
■ Mobile Devices tab – options for successful logins using mobile devices include: Today, This Week,
This Month.
■ Web Services tab – options for successful logins using SOAP web services include: Today, This Week,
This Month.
For more information about the options listed on each tab, refer to the field-level help.
Requiring a second factor for authentication is a method of improving security. Your administrator can
assign you a role that requires 2FA authentication. You will receive an email the first time you attempt to
log in to your 2FA role. The email contains instructions and a verification code for your initial login to that
role. The next time you log into a 2FA require role, you will be prompted to set up your 2A preferences in
NetSuite. Use an authenticator app to generate the verification codes necessary during login. While your
session remains valid, you will not be asked again for a verification code when you switch between roles,
even when you switch between roles in different companies.
If you are assigned a role that requires 2FA authentication, you must set up an authenticator application
in NetSuite.
Note: You must complete the initial 2FA setup in the NetSuite UI on your computer. You can log
in using 2FA with the NetSuite Mobile application. However, it is not possible to perform the initial
2FA setup from the mobile app.
Important: If you lose your phone, buy a new phone, change your authenticator app, you must
reset (clear) your 2FA settings in NetSuite. See Reset Your 2FA Settings. After resetting, you will
start the 2FA setup process again.
To log in with a role that requires 2FA, you must first enter your email address and password on the
NetSuite login page, and click Log In. After that step is successful, you are prompted for a verification
code. For more information about using 2FA in NetSuite, see:
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 85
■ Using 2FA
□ The Logging in Page for 2FA
□ Managing Your Trusted Devices
□ Reset Your 2FA Settings
□ Backup Codes for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Important: As of March 1, 2024, the support ended for 2FA by SMS/voice call.
If you still use SMS/voice call to receive your 2FA code, reset your 2FA settings as soon as possible.
You can skip the prompt to set up 2FA five times before you are required to select an authentication
method and set up your authenticator app. Ten backup codes are generated when you complete the
security setup page.
When using an authenticator app for 2FA, you must enter the verification code obtained from the app to
complete the setup.
Important: If you want to change your 2FA preferences, you must reset your 2FA settings. For
more information, see Reset Your 2FA Settings. This includes changing a device used for 2FA, or
changing your authenticator app.
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 86
that requires 2FA. Switch roles to a role that is 2FA required. If you do not know whether you have a role
that requires 2FA, ask your Administrator.
Note: You must complete the initial 2FA setup in the NetSuite UI on your computer. You can log
in using 2FA with the NetSuite Mobile application. However, it is not possible to perform the initial
2FA setup from the mobile app.
1. Install an authenticator app on your phone if you have not done so. See Supported Authenticator
Apps. Authenticator apps for generating 2FA verification codes are supported in all NetSuite
Important: As of March 1, 2024, the support ended for 2FA by SMS/voice call.
Note: You can click Skip to NetSuite to dismiss this prompt up to five times. After the fifth
time, you are required to set up an authenticator app or your phone number.
Important: If you have entered several codes in a row that have been refused,
do not keep trying codes from your app. After five failed attempts, you will
lock yourself out of NetSuite. If the time on your phone or app is not properly
synchronized, NetSuite will not accept the verification codes generated by your app.
See Troubleshoot Authenticator Apps for potential solutions.
c. Click Next.
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 87
Important: Treat backup codes as securely as you would treat a password. This is the
only time these unique ten codes are displayed in the UI. You cannot retrieve these from
the system after you close this window. If you lose these backup codes, you can generate
new ones.
Important: Planning a trip to a location where you do not have phone service?
Authenticator apps provide a verification code even when you have no cell service. What if
you do not want to turn on your phone at all? You should also take your back up codes with
you. Keep your backup codes secure. Do not store your backup codes with the device you
use to log in to NetSuite.
5. Click Next.
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 88
After your 2FA setup is complete, the Reset 2FA Settings and Generate Backup Code links appear in
your Settings portlet. If you cannot locate the Settings portlet, see Finding Your Settings Portlet. If you
do not see the links as expected, refresh your browser.
Download the appropriate authenticator app for your device to get started.
Note: The authentication application you choose must support the OATH TOTP, the IETF RFC
6238 standard. OATH is the Initiative For Open Authentication. TOTP means time-based one-time
password. IETF is the Internet Engineering Task Force.
If you lost your device, buy a new one, or change your authenticator app, you must reset (clear) your 2FA
settings in NetSuite. See Reset Your 2FA Settings. See also If You Lost or Replaced the Phone You Use for
Important: Do not install the authenticator app on the same device that you use for logging in
to NetSuite.
Important: If you have entered several codes in a row that have been refused, do not keep
trying codes from your app. After five failed attempts, you will lock yourself out of NetSuite.
If you need access to NetSuite right away, change the method by which you will receive the next code to
backup codes.
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 89
Use the following procedures to verify settings on your phone and on your authenticator app.
1. Go to Settings on your phone. Locate the settings for date and time.
The navigation path to the date and time settings, and the exact name of the settings varies
depending on the type of phone you have (Apple or Android) and the version of the operating
system (OS) software on your phone.
2. If you have an iPhone, go to Settings > General > Date & Time. Verify that the switch for the setting
Set Automatically is on.
3. If you have an Android, go to Settings > System > Date & Time. Verify that the switch for the
settings Automatic date & time and Automatic time zone is on.
4. Older software versions on some phones might have a sync time to server setting. Clear the box
if the sync time to server setting is checked. Verify that the time on your phone is synchronized to
network time.
If synchronizing time does not help you, try resetting your 2FA.
Important: If you cannot reset your log in using 2FA, and you cannot reset your 2FA settings,
contact your Administrator.
Using 2FA
Authenticator apps for generating 2FA verification codes are supported in all NetSuite accounts.
Important: As of March 1, 2024, the support ended for 2FA by SMS/voice call.
If you still use SMS/voice call to receive your 2FA code, reset your 2FA settings as soon as possible.
After completing the initial 2FA setup, see the following topics about using 2FA in NetSuite:
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 90
Important: After you set up your 2FA preferences, you may want to change them. For example,
you may want to change your authenticator app. Or you might have lost your phone, or bought a
new one. To change your preferences, you must first reset (or clear) your 2FA settings in NetSuite.
See Reset Your 2FA Settings. After the reset is completed, you must start the 2FA setup process
from the beginning.
■ You can decide whether you want to check the Trust this device box. For more information about this
box, see Managing Your Trusted Devices.
■ You can click the link to select backup codes for this log in attempt.
■ Your other roles are listed on the page. You can select an alternative role by clicking Choose to the
right of the role.
Important: After you set up your 2FA preferences, you may want to change them. For example,
you may want to change your authenticator app. Or you might have lost your phone, or bought a
new one. To change your preferences, you must first reset (or clear) your 2FA settings in NetSuite.
See Reset Your 2FA Settings. After the reset is completed, you must start the 2FA setup process
from the beginning.
You can always remove the trust from this device, or from all of your devices, if needed. For example, if
you lose or replace a device, you should remove the trusted status from that device. You can also restore
the 2FA challenge for devices at any time. You have complete control over the management of your
1. Log in with a role that requires 2FA. Enter your email address and password on the NetSuite login
page, and click Log In.
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 91
After that step is successful, you are prompted for a verification code.
2. On the Logging in to ... page, enter the verification code.
3. Check the Trust this device for ... box, if needed.
4. Click Submit.
Note: You might have access to NetSuite accounts for more than one company. Marking a
device as trusted for a 2FA authentication required role makes that device trusted across all of the
companies to which you have access.
1. Find the Settings portlet on your Home page. If you cannot locate the Settings portlet, see Finding
Your Settings Portlet.
2. Click Manage Trusted Devices.
In this example, you had previously marked a device as trusted upon login. Now you have changed
your mind.
3. To reverse your earlier choice, select one of the Restore 2FA ... options.
Remember that when the 2FA challenge is restored for a device, the next time you log in, you must
have your authenticator app, or one of your backup codes available.
Important: Planning a trip to a location where you do not have phone service? Authenticator
apps can provide a verification code even when you have no cell service. What if you do not want
to turn on your phone at all? You should also take your back up codes with you. Keep your backup
codes secure. Do not store them with the device you use to log in to NetSuite.
These codes are associated with your email address and are unique. You are the only person who can use
these codes. A backup code is used for verification on login. Each code can be used only one time. You
can generate new backup codes as needed. Backup codes do not expire, however, if you generate a new
set of backup codes, the previous set of your codes is no longer valid.
You can generate ten new backup codes if you use all your existing backup codes, or if you lose them, or
if you feel your existing codes may have been compromised. Generating new backup codes invalidates
your previous codes.
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 92
4. Click Generate.
Ten backup codes are displayed.
Important: This is the only time these unique ten codes are displayed in the UI. You
cannot retrieve these codes from the system after you leave this window. If you lose these
backup codes, generate new ones. Use the link in the Settings portlet. You may need a
backup code if, for example, you must set up a different phone. For more information, see
Reset Your 2FA Settings.
Important: Treat backup codes as securely as you would treat a password. Do not store
your codes with the device you use to log in to NetSuite.
Each time you use one of your backup codes, you receive an email notification that one of your codes was
Important: If you lose your phone, buy a new phone, or change your authenticator app, you
must reset (clear) your 2FA settings in NetSuite. See Reset Your 2FA Settings. After the reset is
completed, you must start the 2FA setup process from the beginning.
When you reset your 2FA settings, you remove your existing 2FA setup information from NetSuite.
Important: The Reset 2FA Settings link only clears your existing 2FA settings from NetSuite.
You will not be able to set up your 2FA preferences again until the next time you attempt to access
NetSuite with a 2FA-required role. In this case, you receive a verification code by email. Enter the
code and click Submit. You are prompted to set up your 2FA preferences in NetSuite. See Set up
Your Preferences for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
You can reset your 2FA settings from the Settings portlet on your Home page (Dashboard) by using the
Reset 2FA Settings link.
Warning: Before you start with the reset process, make sure you have either a device that can
generate a verification code, or a backup code. If you did not face the 2FA challenge during login
phase of this NetSuite session, you will be asked to provide a verification code or backup code to
finish the reset.
1. Find the Settings portlet on your Home page. If you cannot locate the Settings portlet, see Finding
Your Settings Portlet.
2. Click Reset 2FA Settings.
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 93
Note: If you do not see the Reset 2FA Settings link on your Settings portlet, it indicates
that you have already reset (cleared) your 2FA settings from NetSuite. The next time you log
in to NetSuite with a 2FA-required role, you will be prompted to set up your 2FA preferences
in NetSuite. See Set up Your Preferences for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
3. On the Reset 2FA Settings page, enter your NetSuite password. You might also need to enter a
verification code or backup code.
4. Click Reset.
When you click Reset, you remove your existing 2FA setup information. A confirmation screen
states that your registered 2FA devices were successfully reset. You also receive an email
notification from NetSuite that your registered 2FA devices have been reset, and can no longer be
used to access your NetSuite account.
The next time you attempt to access NetSuite with a 2FA-required role, you receive a verification
code by email. Enter the code and click Submit, and you are prompted to set up your 2FA
preferences in NetSuite. See Set up Your Preferences for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
Note: If you are not able to log in to NetSuite to reset your 2FA settings, contact your
account administrator for assistance.
Important: As of March 1, 2024, the support ended for 2FA by SMS/voice call.
If you still use SMS/voice call to receive your 2FA code, reset your 2FA settings as soon as possible.
If you have a 2FA-required role in NetSuite, you may be using a phone to obtain verification codes. If you
lost your phone, or purchase a new phone, you must clear the settings (the setup information) of your old
phone from NetSuite. After resetting your 2FA settings, you must set up your 2FA preferences in NetSuite
again. Even if your phone number remains the same, you may not be able to transfer an authenticator
app from one phone to another. You must set up your 2FA preferences in NetSuite again and install and
configure an authentication app on your new phone.
Important: If you lost your phone, you should remove the phone’s 2FA settings from NetSuite
as soon as possible. You may need to contact an Administrator of your NetSuite account for
assistance. An Administrator can use the User Access Reset Tool to help you if you are not able to
log in to NetSuite.
Before you begin, verify that you have a current backup code available. If you cannot locate your current
backup codes, and you are able to log in to NetSuite, generate a new set of backup codes. See Backup
Codes for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). If you cannot log in to NetSuite, contact your Administrator.
1. Click the Reset 2FA Settings link in the Settings portlet. See Reset Your 2FA Settings. You may
be required to enter a backup code to complete the reset. A backup code is required if you are
logged in from a device that is not a trusted device in NetSuite. For more information about trusted
devices, see Managing Your Trusted Devices.
Note: If you cannot locate your Settings portlet, see Finding Your Settings Portlet.
NetSuite Basics
Logging In Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 94
3. Log in to NetSuite with a 2FA-required role. You are prompted to set up your 2FA preferences
before you can access NetSuite. See Set up Your Preferences for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). A
video about 2FA setup is also available: 2FA Setup for Users.
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to finish the setup process for obtaining verification codes. See
Complete Your 2FA Setup.
NetSuite Basics
Logging out of NetSuite 95
After a period of no activity in the UI, you are automatically logged out of NetSuite. The default session
timeout value is 180 minutes.
An Administrator can configure a custom session timeout. For more information, see the help topic User
Interface (UI) Sessions.
NetSuite Basics
Setting Personal Preferences 96
This section of NetSuite Basics describes the preferences that are available to you as a NetSuite user.
The Set Preferences page displays options for most aspects of your NetSuite account. These preferences
enable you to set up your NetSuite account to fit your needs. Your user preferences are constrained
by the features enabled for your account, company account-level preferences, and the role-based
dashboards that are set up by your account administrator.
Note: Your password is not a personal preference, it is a setting in NetSuite. If you want to
change your password, see Change Password Link. See also Finding Your Settings Portlet.
These preferences are specific to your NetSuite role. If you have multiple roles in NetSuite, the
preferences you set in one role usually do not affect your other NetSuite roles. For example, changing
the preference for date format does affect all of your roles. However, changing the color for the NetSuite
application only affects the role where you set the preference. The preferences you set do not apply to
other NetSuite users even if they are assigned the same role as you are.
Your account administrator can set preferences that may apply to you by default. The preferences your
administrator sets can be for all users logging in with a role, for all users in a company, or if you are using
NetSuite OneWorld, for all users in a subsidiary. See the help topic NetSuite Preference Levels Overview.
However, the personal preferences you set normally take precedence over these other preferences set
for a role, subsidiary, or company.
The topics listed below describe the options available on each subtab of the Set Preferences page:
NetSuite Basics
General Personal Preferences 97
The following fields are available, based on the features in your NetSuite account, and the permissions
associated with your NetSuite role.
User Profile
Nickname Enter the name that you want to appear in the From field of email messages you send
from NetSuite. For example, you can send an email message by clicking the Email subtab
on your employee record.
From Email Address Enter the email address you want shown as the From address in email you send through
the system. Replies to this email are sent to this email address as well.
If you do not enter an email address here, email you send will show your login email
Signature Enter a signature (in HTML markup) you want to appear at the end of email you send
from NetSuite.
Add Signature to Messages Check this box if you want your signature automatically added to all fax and email
messages you send.
Note: If your signature is already included the in the fax or email template
you are using, your signature will not added twice.
Language Select the language for your NetSuite account. For more information, see Choosing a
Language for Your NetSuite User Interface.
Search Sorting Select the alphabetical order to use for search results.
Language of the Help Select the language for the NetSuite Help Center. Supported languages are English,
Center German, Japanese, and Spanish.
Note: You can choose a different language for the Help Center than the
language you specify for the User Interface.
Your preference is used the next time you open the Help Center, and this preference is
maintained until you change it. For more information, see Choosing a Language for Your
NetSuite User Interface.
Note: You can also set this preference directly from the NetSuite Help
Center using the dropdown list at the top right corner of the page. For more
information, see Using the Help Center Window.
Whether you select the language preference directly in the Help Center or from Home >
Set Preferences, the preference is maintained until you change it.
NetSuite Basics
General Personal Preferences 98
PDF Language This option is no longer used. To print your reports in a different language, change your
NetSuite language in the Language field.
Accounting Context If you have a OneWorld account and one accounting context is defined at Setup >
Company > General Preferences., this dropdown list appears.
When you select an accounting context from this dropdown list, all transactions
including system-generated transactions post to the defined COA account name and
This field is blank by default. When blank, all transactions including system-generated
transactions post to the consolidated accounts across all subsidiaries.
Time Zone Select the time zone where you work. Time zone names are in IANA/Olson Value format
and follow daylight savings time rules for each time zone. Note that the displayed GMT
offset value does not reflect daylight saving changes that are applied by the system and
may be ongoing.
Note: If you change the time zone, all of the roles associated with your email
and password are affected.
First Day of Week Select the day that you want to start your week on.
Note: Some reports in NetSuite recognize only Sunday as the first day of the
week, regardless of the day you select for this preference.
Calendar System A calendar preference is only available when you select Japanese as the Language
Use Furigana Field The Furigana field is only available on records in the NetSuite Japan edition when you
select Japanese as the Language preference.
Check this box if you want to sort lists of records by the Furigana field.
Date Format Select the date format for all of your NetSuite roles.
Note: If you change the date format, all of the roles associated with your
email and password are affected.
Long Date Format Select how to display the month, day and year in NetSuite.
NetSuite Basics
General Personal Preferences 99
Note: If you change the Long Date Format, all of the roles associated with
your email and password are affected.
Time Format Select an option for how time displays in your NetSuite account.
Note: If you change the time format, all of the roles associated with your
email and password are affected.
Number Format Select the format to display numbers online for transaction forms and entity forms for all
of your NetSuite roles. For more information, see the help topic Number Formats.
Note: If you change the Number Format, all of the roles associated with your
email and password are affected.
Negative Number Format Select the format to display negative numbers online for transaction forms, entity forms,
and search results. For more information, see the help topic Number Formats.
Note: If you change the Negative Number Format, all of the roles associated
with your email and password are affected.
Phone Number Format Select an option to display phone numbers in your NetSuite account. This phone
number format is used on all online forms that you print.
This setting only applies to seven and ten digit phone numbers.
Auto Place Decimal Check this box to insert a decimal point between the second and third digit from the
right when you enter numbers.
Important: Clear this box if you are using the Software Verticals Contract
Renewals module. Enabling this preference may cause unwanted updates to
transaction amounts calculated by Contract Renewals transaction processing.
For more information, see the help topic Setting Up Contract Renewals
CSV Column Delimiter Select the symbol to be used as the default column separator when importing data from
CSV files. For more information, see the help topic Setting CSV Import Preferences.
CSV Decimal Delimiter Select whether you want to use a period or a comma as the default decimal mark in
numbers in the CSV files you import. For more information, see the help topic Setting
CSV Import Preferences.
Use Multicurrency Expense In accounts with the Multiple Currencies feature enabled, check this box for expense
Reports reports to enable use of foreign currencies by default.
When this option is enabled, the Use Multi Currency box on Expense Report transactions
is checked by default.
Download PDF Files Check this box if you use PDF forms and save them as files.
Clear the box if you use HTML forms, or if you print PDF forms without saving them as
NetSuite Basics
General Personal Preferences 100
Address Mapping Type Select a service for generating maps for addresses on forms and records. You can click
the Map icon next to an address on a form or record to see the map.
Show Internal IDs Check this box to be able to view the internal IDs for fields and records in the NetSuite
Note: The Show Internal IDs field is only available when at least one of
the following features is enabled in your account: Client SuiteScript, Server
SuiteScript, SuiteScript Server Pages, SuiteFlow, or Web Services (on the
SuiteCloud tab) or Advanced Site Customization or SuiteCommerce Advanced
(on the Web Presence tab). For more information, see the help topic Enabling
SOAP web services and SuiteScript code need to reference internal IDs to uniquely
identify objects, so you should enable this preference whenever you are working with
SOAP web services or SuiteScript.
■ You can view the internal ID for a field by clicking on that field's label to open the field
level help popup window. The internal ID is displayed in the lower right corner of this
■ You can view the internal ID for a record or a custom field in an Internal ID column
that displays on a list or search results page for that type of record or custom field.
Only Show Last Check this box to indent subaccounts in list fields on transactions and forms.
For example, with the box checked, subaccounts appear indented under the parent
Parent account
Subaccount 1
Subaccount 2
With the box cleared, subaccount names include the parent name:
Parent account
Only Show Last Subentity Check this box to indent subrecords in dropdown lists on transactions and forms. This
applies to relationship records, such as customers, partners and leads.
For example:
Parent customer
Subcustomer 1
Subcustomer 2
When the box is cleared, subentity record names include the parent name:
Parent customer
NetSuite Basics
General Personal Preferences 101
Note: When records display in popup lists, subentity names always include
the parent name.
Only Show Last Subitem Check this box to show only subitems and omit parent items in dropdown lists on
transactions and forms.
For example:
Subitem 1
Subitem 2
When the box is cleared, subitem names include the parent name:
Parent item
Note: When records display in popup lists, subitem names always include the
parent name.
"Save Changes” Warnings Check this box to see a warning when you are about to leave a page before submitting
the transaction you were working on.
Limit CC Field to Contacts & Check this box so that email messages are only copied to contacts or employees.
Default Issue Email Select one of the following options to be notified at your login email address when an
Notification issue you have submitted or edited changes:
■ Never – Select this option if you do not want to receive any email notifications about
changes to issue statuses.
■ On Any Change – Receive an email every time someone edits the issue record.
■ When Base Status is Open – Receive an email when the issue status changes to a
base status of Open.
■ When Base Status is On Hold – Receive an email when the issue status changes to a
base status of On Hold.
■ When Base Status is Resolved – Receive an email when the issue status changes to
a base status of Resolved.
■ When Base Status is Closed – Receive an email when the issue status changes to a
base status of Closed.
Note: If you set issue notification preferences through the Customer Center,
these return to company default settings if your Customer Center access is
Notify Me Upon Issue Check this box to receive a notification at your login email address when an issue is
Assignment assigned to you.
Show Notification When AI Clear this box to stop showing the AI confirmation message when you use Text Enhance.
Feature Is Used This box is checked by default.
NetSuite Basics
General Personal Preferences 102
Optimizing NetSuite
Delay Loading of Sublists Check this box to delay loading information about subtabs until you click the specific
Number of Rows in List Enter the maximum number of records to display in each segment.
For example, if you have 200 customers, then enter 25 in this field to see them in groups
of 25 per page.
To go through the list of results, select from the dropdown list or use the previous and
next arrows on the toolbar.
You can alter this amount of higher or lower depending on your visual and scrolling
Maximum Entries in Enter a number beyond which a dropdown list becomes a popup list. When the list
Dropdowns reaches the maximum you set here, the list displays in a pop up window.
Be aware that the number you place here is a guideline. If the list of values displayed for
a field is dynamic, a popup may be used even for a smaller number of values. The use of
a popup is especially likely for any custom field with values sourced from a dynamic list
because the size of the list could sometimes be above the maximum.
Allow Favorites in You can select up to five favorite items in the Customer, Add Multiple, and Items fields
Dropdowns on sales orders. In the Add Multiple field, you can show only your favorite items by
selecting the Show favorites only box.
To mark an item as a favorite, click the star icon next to the item name in the dropdown
Favorites are associated with your personal preferences and are specific to your
NetSuite account and role.
Type-Ahead On List Fields When you check this box, NetSuite displays a list of matching records you can select
from when you type characters into a dropdown list field.
This preference may enable you to enter data into list fields more quickly.
Require Exact Match on When you turn on the Type-Ahead On List Fields option (above), check this box so
Item Type-Ahead that NetSuite selects a record based on an exact match of the characters you type.
Otherwise, NetSuite chooses a record based on the first character you typed.
NetSuite Basics
General Personal Preferences 103
Show Quick Add Row on Check this box to use quick add on lists that can be edited inline.
Quick add enables you to create new records from lists and only add basic information.
Display Bounce Warnings Clear this box to restrict the automatic scanning of hard-bounced email addresses in
on Campaigns your marketing campaign. When this preference is turned off, you can manually screen
hard-bounced email addresses.
If you continue to experience less-than-optimal page performance even with this option
selected, please contact Technical Support.
Show App ID Field Check this box to display the App ID field on custom objects that are supported by SDF.
Show ID Field on Sublists Check this box to display script ID fields in sublists that are supported by SuiteCloud
Development Framework.
NetSuite Basics
General Personal Preferences 104
■ English (U.S.)
■ Finnish
■ French
■ French (Canada)
■ German
■ Indonesian
■ Italian
■ Japanese
■ Korean
■ Norwegian
■ Portuguese (Brazilian)
■ Russian
■ Spanish
■ Spanish (Latin America)
■ Swedish
■ Thai
■ Turkish
■ Vietnamese
Important: For the languages listed above, NetSuite provides translation strings for the
user interface and for printed transaction forms. The Multi-Language feature also supports
the use of several additional languages for website translations, but these languages must
be defined in company preferences and translation strings must be provided. See the help
topic Configuring Multiple Languages.
3. In the Language of the Help Center field, you can select a different language for the Help Center.
■ Deutsch (German)
■ English
■ (Japanese)
■ Español (Spanish)
Note: You can also set this preference directly from the NetSuite Help Center using the
dropdown list at the top right corner of the page.
For more information, see Using the Help Center Window. Whether you select the language
preference directly in the Help Center or from Home > Set Preferences, the preference is
maintained until you change it.
4. Click Save.
This preference does not affect others with access to your account. For the best results when viewing
translated NetSuite pages, set your browser to view UTF-8 encoded pages.
In Firefox, go to Tools > Options, and in General options, click Languages. In the Default Character
Encoding field, select Unicode (UTF-8).
Note: There is also a Custom option; if you select this option, the mapping type set by the
account administrator for each country is used. For information about setting address mapping
types for different countries, see the help topic Supported Countries.
■ Deliveries
■ Door-to-door sales campaigns
■ Service calls
■ Contacting hard-to-reach customers, contacts or employees
Transactions or records with address fields have a Map link next to the address. After you fill in the street
address, city, state, zip code and country fields on records, you can click the icon to view a map of the
address location. This map opens in a new window, where you can zoom in or out for a bigger picture or
more detail, and you can print step-by-step driving directions to this address from any location.
The Map link shows on transactions next to Bill To and Ship To fields. On records, the icon shows next to
Billing Address and Shipping Address fields.
When viewing a record, click the text of the underlined address to view the map. When you are finished
viewing your map or driving directions, close the map window to return to NetSuite.
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Appearance 106
Redwood Experience The Redwood Experience is a theme which gives NetSuite a different look and feel.
This theme offers different colors, icons, and fonts for the page header, forms and
lists, and dashboards.
By default, the Redwood Experience theme is enabled only for the Login page. If you
want to enable the theme throughout your instance of NetSuite, click Enable.
Color Theme Select a color theme for your NetSuite pages and tabs. Select a color and click Save to
determine how the scheme looks on your monitor.
Although you can’t modify or add new color themes, some special themes are
available in certain editions of NetSuite in addition to the basic color themes.
■ The US edition has color themes for schools (various colleges and universities)
organized by conference.
■ The Canadian edition has color themes for National Hockey League (NHL) teams.
■ The UK edition has color themes for Premier League clubs.
Screen Font Open Sans is the default font for NetSuite. You may select a different font from the
Screen Font dropdown list in the Appearance subtab. Your selection changes the font
on your pages only and only for your current role. It does not affect any forms or your
Note: To change the size of the font, use your browser zoom controls.
Compensate for Large Fonts Displays easier-to-read layouts if you have set your computer display to use large
Register Look on Lists Check this box to display lists of records and transactions as registers. This setting
applies shading every other row in your list, making it easier to read.
Density Setting for Internet Select the density of your NetSuite pages. This setting is for Internet Explorer 10 and
Explorer higher. The options are:
Other browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox, enable you to set the zoom
independently for each website.
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Appearance 107
Chart Themes
Chart Theme Defines a default appearance for data in all dashboard charts. (Can be overridden in
individual portlets.) Options are:
Chart Background Defines a default display behind data in all dashboard charts. (Can be overridden in
individual portlets.) Options are:
Use Classic Interface Check this box to use the Classic Center as your NetSuite interface. When you enable
this option, you see the same tabs in NetSuite that the Administrator role does.
Note: This option does not appear when using an Administrator role.
If all users enable this option, they all can see the same tabs and use the same
navigation paths.
Note that the functions available to a role do not change according to the interface
being used. Only the presentation of tabs and the organization of functions within
tabs are affected.
Landing Page Select the tab that you want to be the first page displayed when you log into your
NetSuite account. If you do not make a selection in this dropdown list, your Home
page is the initial landing page.
The list of possible landing pages includes all standard tabs and custom tabs in your
The page you select here is overridden if your account administrator sets the general
company Landing Page preference to use a custom landing page created by a
Show Portlet Hint Check this box to display a popup notice when slow-loading dashboard portlets time
out during dashboard loading.
To improve page load time on the dashboard, minimize the slow-loading portlets.
Set Customer Dashboard as Check this box to set the customer dashboard view as the default view on customer
Default View on Customer records.
Entry Forms
Limit Entry Forms to Two Check this box to limit the columns of fields on entry forms to two columns.
By default, fields on entry forms are arranged in three columns.
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Appearance 108
Expand Tabs on Entry Forms Check this box to expand tabs on your NetSuite pages.
Enable Rich Text Editing Check this box to use the rich text editor in text fields. Each field includes the
Formatted Text header with a link you can click to enter HTML Source Code.
The Formatted Text header includes Font, Size, and Color dropdown lists, and a
toolbar with text style, alignment, and paragraph format options. Use these tools to
format text you enter into the field.
Clear the box to remove the Formatted Text header on text fields.
Default Rich Text Editor Font Select the default font for rich text editor fields.
Default Rich Text Editor Font Select the default font size for rich text editor fields.
Sublist Column Name Tooltip Check this box to enable the Inline Editor Sublist Tooltip.
When you are editing a sublist inline and you hover over a cell, the tooltip appears and
shows the column name. If a sublist has many lines, you can view the column name
when scrolling down the sublist.
Display Default Theme with Check this box to display a theme with optimal contrast that can aid users with low
Optimal Color Contrast vision to view the UI.
Auto Fill Transactions If you check this box, information about transaction pages is automatically filled in based on
the last transaction for the entity you have chosen. If you use a custom form, NetSuite will
load the same custom form as was used for the last transaction for the entity, as well.
If you clear this box, click the Auto Fill button on transaction pages and information fills
in based on the last transaction for the entity you have chosen. If you use a custom form,
NetSuite will populate the custom form you currently have open with the information from the
last transaction, and not the custom form that was used in the last transaction.
The date and period information about any transaction remains current and all auto filled
fields can be changed.
Alphabetize Items Check this box to list items in alphabetical order, regardless of item type, when you search
Regardless of Type for items in the Item column on transactions such as Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, and
Inventory Adjustments.
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Transactions 109
This preference does not affect the order in which items are displayed in the Items subtab on
Duplicate Number Choose from the list how NetSuite responds when you enter a document number you’ve used
Warnings before.
Inventory Level Check this box to see warnings when you sell inventory items with quantities at or below their
Warnings reorder points.
You must also set these minimum quantities in the Reorder Point field on item records at Lists
> Items.
Customer Credit Limit Select your preferred method for handling customer credit limits:
■ Ignore – Enables you to enter sales orders and invoices that exceed the customer's credit
limit without a warning.
■ Warn Only – Generates a warning when you enter a sales order or invoice that exceeds
the customer's credit limit. The warning displays in a popup window so you can choose to
enter or cancel the transaction.
■ Enforce Holds – Blocks you from entering a sales order or invoice that exceeds the
customer's credit limit.
Vendor Credit Limit Check this box to receive a warning when you exceed the credit limit for a vendor.
Print Using HTML Check this box to print transaction forms in HTML format.
Clear this box if you prefer to print transactions forms in PDF format. Printing PDF forms
requires Acrobat Reader.
Print GL Impact Per Print separate GL impact statements for transactions with multiple lines assigned to different
Subsidiary subsidiaries (for example, an intercompany journal). NetSuite will print a statement for each
subsidiary in the transaction. For more information, see the help topic Printing the GL Impact
for a Transaction.
Transaction Email Choose the format for which transaction email attachments are sent.
Attachment Format
■ HTML – Sends email attachments in HTML format.
■ PDF – Sends email attachments in PDF format.
Note: If you select the HTML option as a transaction email attachment format, the
system will not use the template set in custom transaction forms.
Horizontal Print Enter a positive number in inches to move the text to the right. Enter a negative number in
Offset inches to move the text to the left.
Vertical Print Offset Enter a positive number in inches to move the text lower. Enter a negative number in inches
to move the text higher.
Your administrator can customize the layout of your printed forms using advanced PDF/HTML templates.
For information, see the help topic Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.
NetSuite Basics
Analytics Personal Preferences 110
Go to Home > Set Preferences and click the Analytics subtab to set any of the preferences in the following
The following fields are available, based on the features in your NetSuite account, and the permissions
associated with your NetSuite role.
Report by Period Select what type of reports you want to view by period.
All Reports – Select this option to view all applicable reports by period. When this
option is selected, reports that support reporting by period include a period filter in
the report footer.
Financials Only – Select this option if you want specific financial reports reported
by period. For a list of these financial reports, see Report by Period: Financials Only
Never – Select this option if you do not want to exclude reports that can be run in
both by date and by period mode.
Note: When you select Financials Only or Never, you may encounter
problems with data for KPI scorecards that use accounting periods.
This option requires the Accounting Periods feature to be enabled. For details, see the
help topic Accounting Period Management.
Show Reports in Grid Check this box to show reports in the grid.
Customize Font on Financial Check this box to be able to configure the font settings on custom financial reports.
Print Company Logo Check this box to include your company logo on all printed reports.
Display Report Title on Check this box to display the report title, company name, and date or period range
Screen at the top of all reports displayed on your screen. Even when this preference is not
enabled, this title information still prints on reports.
To display report title information only on selected reports, do not check this box.
Instead, click Options in the footer of each report, and check the Display Title box.
Display Report Description Check this box to display customization details as part of report title for all reports.
These details are from the Description field in the More Options step of the Report
To disable the display of customization details for selected reports, click Options in the
footer of each report, and clear the Print Description box.
Default Bank Account Select the bank account to use as the default account for the Bank Register listed on
the Reports page and the Bank Balance snapshot on the Home page.
NetSuite Basics
Analytics Personal Preferences 111
Calculate Forecasts as Check this box to show the weighted forecast value instead of total projected forecast
Weighted values on reports.
You can set this preference at both Home > Set Preferences, and at Setup > Sales >
Sales Preferences, on the Forecasts subtab. The setting you select for this preference
on the Set Preferences page overrides the company wide setting for this preference
on the Sales Preferences page.
Show List When Only One Check this box to list search results, even when there is only one result. If you clear this
Result box and there is only one result from a search, the record or transaction automatically
Quick Search Uses Keywords Check this box so that the Quick Search portlet returns records with names that start
with AND records with names that contain the keywords you enter.
If you clear this box, the Quick Search portlet displays Starts With and Contains
buttons. Searches can return records with names that start with keywords OR records
with names that contain keywords, based on the button you select.
Popup Search Uses You use popup searches when you type a keyword and press TAB to make a selection
Keywords in a field on a transaction or form.
Check this box to base search results for popup lists only on keywords that start with
and include all the search terms entered.
Note: Enabling this preference removes the Starts With and Contains
options from the Quick Search portlet.
Include Inactives in Global & Check this box to include inactive records in results returned for keywords entered in
Quick Search the Search field or in the Quick Search portlet.
By default, only active records and transactions are searched with these fields.
Popup Auto Suggest Check this box to have NetSuite suggest matches for the text you enter in fields as you
type. You can select from the list of matching records to select the record you need.
Global Search Auto Suggest This box is checked by default. NetSuite suggests matches for the text you enter in
the Search field, automatically as you type. You can select from the list of suggested
records to go directly to the record you need.
Page Search Enable the Current Page Results feature to see enhanced results in the global search.
This option is enabled by default. For more information, see the help topic Current
Page Results.
Global Search Sort by Name/ Check this box to sort global search results by name, instead of by record type and
ID then by name within each record type.
Global Search Customer By default this box is cleared, and when you type the cu prefix in the Search field, only
Prefix Includes Leads and customer records display in search results.
Check this box to display leads, prospects, and customers in your search results when
you type the cu prefix in the Search field.
Global Search Includes By default, when searching for a number in Global Search, the search results only
Transaction Numbers include results by document number.
When this box is checked, search results include results whose document number
AND transaction number match the number searched.
NetSuite Basics
Analytics Personal Preferences 112
PDF Page Orientation Select landscape or portrait orientation for your PDF output when you export a report
or search results as a PDF.
PDF Font Size Select a font size for the PDF output when you choose to export a report or search
results as a PDF.
CSV Export Character Select an alternate character encoding for CSV exports of lists, reports, and searches.
Default encoding is UTF-8. Other options are Windows 1252, the default format for
Microsoft Excel, and Shift-JIS, the most widely used format in Japan.
Accounting Book If you use the Multi-Book Accounting feature, select the Accounting Book you would
like to use for reporting.
KPI Scorecard with Period Select the accounting period that provides the consolidation rates you would like to
Specific Consolidation Rates use in the KPI Scorecard report.
The following KPIs are affected by the period consolidation rates you select:
■ Bank Balance
■ Credit Card Balance
■ Receivables
■ Payables
■ Other Current Assets
■ Other Current Liabilities
■ Account Detail
■ Balance Sheet
■ Balance Sheet Detail
■ Budget Income Statement
■ Budget Income Statement Detail
■ Budget vs. Actual
■ Cash Flow Statement
■ Cash Statement
■ Cash Statement Detail
NetSuite Basics
Analytics Personal Preferences 113
Note: If you have enabled the GL Audit Numbering feature, select Financials Only to filter the GL
Audit Numbering Report by accounting period.
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Activities 114
Go to Home > Set Preferences, and click the Activities subtab to set any of the preferences in the following
The following fields are available, based on the features in your NetSuite account, and the permissions
associated with your NetSuite role.
Edit Activities from Calendar Check this box to open events in Edit mode when you click events on your calendar.
Send Invitation Emails Select recipients for email notification about events.
■ Internally - Send email only to employees and groups of employees in your NetSuite
■ To All Invitees - Send email to everyone invited to the event, including customers,
contacts, partners, etc.
Restrict Invitees to Check this box to choose only employees as invitees on event records.
Default Reminder Type Specify the type of event reminder that you prefer:
■ None – Select this option if you do not want to receive reminders about your
calendar events.
■ Popup Window – Select this option if you want to receive calendar reminders in a
popup window.
■ Email – Select this option if you want calendar reminders emailed to you.
Default Reminder Time Select the amount of time before an event when you prefer to receive reminders.
Play Audio with Popup Check this box to play a sound with popup event reminders. You must have your
Event Reminders browser set to play sounds in websites.
Default Priority for Tasks Select a default priority for new tasks. Priority options include Low, Medium, and High.
You can change the priority for a task in the Priority field on the task record.
Default New Tasks Public Check this box to make all new tasks public by default.
You can mark a task private by checking the Private Task box on the task record
Default New Phone Calls Check this box to make all phone calls you create public by default.
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Activities 115
Default Sync Category Select the category you want contacts to sync to by default.
Go to Home > Set Preferences, and click the Alerts subtab to set any of the preferences in the following
The following fields are available, based on the features in your NetSuite account, and the permissions
associated with your NetSuite role. For more information about setting preferences for email alerts, see
Receiving Email Alerts. For more information about subscribing to email alerts, see the help topic Enabling
Saved Search Email Alerts.
First Selection Select an initial time to receive an email message containing the latest information about
the events, reminders, key performance indicators, and report snapshots displayed in
portlets on your Home page.
Note: By default, this value is set to 12:00 am. If you do not want to receive the
email alerts, you can change this value to be blank.
Second Selection Select a second time to receive an email message containing the latest information about
the events, reminders, key performance indicators, and report snapshots displayed in
portlets on your Home page.
Third Selection Select a third time to receive an email message containing the latest information about
the events, reminders, key performance indicators, and report snapshots displayed in
portlets on your Home page.
Include links in HTML Check this box to include links to key performance indicators and reminders included in
Alerts your alert email.
When you click a link, a browser window opens where you can log in to NetSuite and view
the report for that key performance indicator or reminder.
You must also have the Email Using HTML box checked on the Transactions subtab of the
Set preferences page to include links.
Respect Quick Date Check this box so that email alert results are based on the date specified in your
Portlet Settings Dashboard View filter.
Clearing the box sends email alert results based on a different date.
Send an On-Demand Alert Check this box to enable on-demand alerts. On-demand alerts enable you to send email
from this Role to [email protected] or to reply to an alert email and receive an email from
NetSuite with the contents of your dashboard to your login email address.
Click Here to send a test Click the link to send a test message to the specified email address.
email message to <your
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Alerts 116
Note: When you remove an Activities, Reminders, Key Performance Indicators, or Report
Snapshot portlet from your home page, alert emails no longer include information from the
portlet you removed.
■ You can choose to receive a Daily Facts email alert up to three times a day. This standardized
message summarizes the latest information in the Events, Reminders, Key Performance Indicators,
and standard Report Snapshots portlets on your Home page, if these portlets are visible and not
minimized on your dashboard. Note that these messages do not include data from custom and sales
management report snapshots.
Important: The Daily Facts email alert does not include contents from portlets that are
minimized on your dashboard or not showing on your dashboard.
You can also email [email protected] from the email address you use to log in and
automatically receive an email alert.
■ You can choose to receive email updates when information in one or more of your most important
saved searches changes.
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Alerts 117
You will now receive email alerts at the times you set.
The Telephony subtab appears on the Set Preferences page only if you use the Telephony Integration
To enable the feature an administrator must go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the
SuiteCloud subtab, in the Integration Add-Ons section, check Telephony Integration, and click Save.
Go to Home > Set Preferences and click the Telephony subtab to set any of the preferences in the
following table.
The following fields are available, based on the features in your NetSuite account, and the permissions
associated with your NetSuite role.
Telephony Option Select TAPI to use Telephony Integration with a TAPI-enabled phone or software for TAPI
TAPI Device Enter the name of the TAPI device you use to connect your phone to your computer.
CTI URL Enter the URL for the CTI partner with whom you have an account.
Note: For more information about setting up partner software to work with
NetSuite, refer to the documentation from Contivio or Five9.
Prefix to Dial Out Enter any numbers that should be dialed before the number in a phone number field.
For example, you may need to dial 9 or 1 before you dial out of your phone system.
If you are using TAPI for telephony integration, follow the additional instructions listed on the Telephony
subtab of the Set Preferences page to set up your phone and install the proper drivers.
For more information about using telephony integration, see the help topic Using Telephony Integration.
Important: If you use NetSuite OneWorld, some reports do not support consolidation and can
return results for only one subsidiary at a time. Before you can run one of these reports, you must
set your user preferences to restrict your view to a single subsidiary.
Some standard reports return errors when you attempt to run them before setting this preference.
NetSuite Basics
Personal Preferences for Restricting Views 118
Check this box to include records from child subsidiaries, in addition to the selected
parent subsidiary for the current login session.
When you select your root subsidiary above, it does not make sense to check this box.
Records from all the sub-subsidiaries are available by default.
Department Restrict your access to those records from the department you select. The restrictions
apply to the user interface, searches, and reports for the duration of your current
The next time you log in, your original settings will be restored.
Include Sub-Departments Check this box to include records from sub-departments of the selected department
for this session.
Include Unassigned Check this box to include records that do not have a designated department in this
Location Restrict your access to those records from the location you select. The restrictions
apply to the user interface, searches, and reports for the duration of your current
The next time you log in, your original settings will be restored.
Include Sub-Locations Check this box to include records from sublocations of the selected location for this
Include Unassigned Check this box to include records that do not have a designated location in this
Class Restrict your access to those records from the class you select. The restrictions apply to
the user interface, searches, and reports for the duration of your current session.
The next time you log in, your original settings will be restored.
Include Sub-Classes Check this box to include records from sub-classes of the selected class for this
Include Unassigned Check this box to include records that do not have a designated class in this session.
For more information, see the help topics Inactivating Roles and Restrict Your Subsidiary View.
NetSuite Basics
Using SuiteAnalytics Workbook 119
By default, the SuiteAnalytics Workbook feature is enabled in all NetSuite accounts. If you don’t see the
Analytics tab in the NetSuite navigation menu, contact a user with the Administrator role.
See the following sections for information about workbooks and datasets, and workbook and dataset
Watch the following help video for information about navigating the SuiteAnalytics Workbook user
Navigating Workbooks
To access SuiteAnalytics Workbook, click the Analytics tab in NetSuite. The Workbook user interface
includes the Analytics Home page, the Dataset Builder, and three workbook visualization tabs: table, pivot,
and chart.
Analytics Home The Analytics Home page includes Workbook and Dataset subtabs. From the home page you can
page open and view any workbooks or datasets you have access to. For more information, see the help
topic Analytics Home Page.
NetSuite Basics
Workbooks and Datasets 120
Dataset Builder The Dataset Builder appears after you create a new dataset or open an existing dataset. Use the
Dataset Builder to combine record types, fields, and criteria filters to create queries. For more
information, see the help topic Dataset Builder.
Table tab Within a workbook, you can use tables to explore your dataset query results without altering the
source data of any associated workbook visualizations and without having to set a layout. For
more information, see the help topic Table Tab.
Pivot tab To pivot your dataset query results, use the Pivot tab. For more information, see the help topic
Pivot Tab.
Chart tab With workbook charts you can create graphical representations of your dataset query results. For
more information, see the help topic Chart Tab.
Datasets are the basis for all workbooks. In a dataset, you combine record type fields and criteria filters to
create a query. The results of this query act as the source data for your workbook visualizations. A single
dataset can be used in multiple workbooks and workbook visualizations. Changes you make to a dataset
are automatically applied to workbook visualizations based on that dataset.
Workbooks are where you analyze the results of your dataset queries using different visualizations, such
as tables, pivot tables, and charts. You can base a new workbook visualization either on a new custom
dataset, or on any of the existing datasets that you have access to. You can also link two datasets in a
single visualization to compare their metrics. For more information, see the help topic Dataset Linking in
SuiteAnalytics Workbook.
The record types and fields displayed in each workbook and dataset are based on the features enabled in
your account and the permissions assigned to the role you use to log in to NetSuite. If you do not see a
specific record type or field in a workbook that you need to access, contact a user with the Administrator
There are also predefined datasets and workbooks that you can edit and share if you have the Analytics
Administrator permission. For more information, see the help topic The Analytics Administrator
NetSuite Basics
Workbooks and Datasets 121
3. Click Share.
For more information, see the help topic Accessing and Sharing Workbooks and Datasets.
In a dataset template, all required fields, record types and criteria filters are predefined so that you can
create a workbook without having to first define a complex, custom dataset.
Workbook templates include predefined workbook visualizations such as table views, pivot tables and
charts, so that you can analyze and visualize the results of the accompanying dataset templates.
Important: If you do not have the Analytics Administrator permission, you can access these
templates only if a user with the Analytics Administrator permission shares them with you. If
you do not see one of the listed templates in your account, contact the user with the Analytics
Administrator permission.
If none of the predefined dataset templates and workbooks suit your needs, you can author your own
dataset. For detailed steps, see the help topic Custom Workbooks and Datasets.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records, Transactions, and Lists 122
This section includes general information about working with records and lists. Transactions, which are
records of financial exchanges, are also included in this section. Instructions for using specific types
of records are included in the help for the functional area. To learn how the help for functional area is
organized, see NetSuite Documentation Overview. This section is divided into the following subsections:
For example, you create a new customer record to track address, phone and email information. Then
you link customer records with contact records to keep track of the individuals you do business with. You
also create records for each of your financial accounts, any items you may sell, marketing campaigns,
customer support cases, phone calls, events, and so on. Any information that you use to conduct business
is tracked in NetSuite on a record.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 123
For information about creating records in NetSuite, use the help topics for the specific record type. For
more information, see NetSuite Record Types.
NetSuite uses transactions to record business events. Some transactions post to the general ledger
while other transactions are non-posting. For more information about Transactions, see Working with
After you create records in NetSuite, you can look at account registers, track customer activity, and receive
reminders for upcoming events and phone calls. For more information about filling in the fields on a
record page, see NetSuite Record Pages.
You can create groups of records to communicate with a set of individuals within your organization or
other companies you do business with. For example, you can invite a group of employees to a meeting
or send a marketing email blast to a group of customers. With NetSuite, you can create a dynamic group
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 124
that changes based on record search results, or you can create a static group using a set of records that
you select. For more information, see Working with Groups.
Lists enable you to access existing records in NetSuite. They include controls for working with the whole
list and for working with individual records. For more information, see Working with Lists.
To add a shortcut from the page where you want the shortcut to go:
2. Edit name for the shortcut link. By default it is the name of the page.
3. If you want the linked page to open in a new window, check the Open in New Window box.
4. Click Save.
Basic data appears in fields in the upper part of the page (the record form), and more detailed data
(including data from related records) is displayed in lists and fields on subtabs in the lower part of the
page. The fields in the form are often grouped to keep similar or related fields together.
For information about creating records in NetSuite, use the help topics for the specific record type. For
links to these topics, see NetSuite Record Types.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 125
The following screenshot shows a sample customer record in edit mode. The asterisks indicate that the
field is required. The areas of the page are identified by number:
1 The record type (Customer in this example) and ID appear at the top with buttons and links that enable you to act
on the record and go to other records.
3 Subtabs divide the record data further. For more information, see Record Subtabs.
For technical information about the fields in a record, such as the data type or maximum field length,
you can use the SuiteScript Record Browser. For more information, see the help topic Working with the
SuiteScript Records Browser.
Record Subtabs
Subtabs on records enable you to enter additional information. They appear at the bottom of the record
page and are called subtabs to distinguish them from the tabs at the top of the page. Subtabs may
contain fields, other subtabs, sublists, and a combination of these elements. Which subtabs are included
depends on the record type. For links to help topics for specific record types, see NetSuite Record Types.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 126
Here is an example of a subtab. It is the Marketing subtab on a customer record. This subtab includes
fields at the top and its own subtabs at the bottom. The selected Item Orders subtab contains a sublist,
only a portion of which is shown here.
1 Primary subtab – The bold font and pointer below the label indicate that this subtab is selected. This is the
Marketing subtab. Some subtabs appear on most NetSuite records:
■ Communication – This subtab messages and files to the record. For more information, see Attaching Files to
Records and Entering Communication Information to a Transaction.
■ Related Records – This subtab lists records and transactions that are related to the current record and
includes links to these related records. It often includes secondary subtabs to categorize the related records.
■ System Information – This subtab includes a System Notes subtab that enables you to view details about
changes to the record.
2 Expand Tabs button – When you click this button, the subtabs expand and are stacked vertically on the page.
The header for each subtab includes a button to return the subtabs to their original tabular layout. This rollup
button appears only when your pointer is in the header area.
3 Secondary subtab – The bold font and pointer below the label indicate that this subtab is selected. The dot to
the right of a secondary subtab indicates that information is included in the subtab.
4 Sublist – Sublists contain references to other records. Each record in the list is referred to as a line item. Sublists
often include links to the record that is referred to. You can see an example in the Item column of this sublist.
Some sublists can be edited. These sublists include buttons for working with each row of the list. For more
information, see Buttons and Menus in NetSuite.
Note: If you are not sure which fields to include when building a report, you can use the
SuiteAnalytics Connect Browser to view table summaries and domain diagrams for the most widely
used domains. For more information, see the help topic Working with the Connect Browser.
Text Fields
Text fields can have only letters, numbers, and basic punctuation. You cannot enter any special characters
or HTML codes in text fields.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 127
Date Fields
Click the calendar icon next to a date field to open a popup calendar in which you can click the date. If
you know the date format your company uses, you can type the date in the field. For tips, see Keyboard
Amount Fields
Amount fields support addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You do not need to calculate the
value before you enter it in the field. For example, John Wolfe of Wolfe Electronics wants to write a check
for automobile expenses. The business spent $87.45 on gas for one catering van, and $125.36 on gas for
another van. If John wants to add these expenses together in the same check, he can compute the total in
the Amount field.
To compute amounts:
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 128
■ Global search – A search field appears in the center of the NetSuite header so that it is accessible
everywhere in NetSuite. You can enter keywords here to search your entire NetSuite account. See
Global Search.
■ Search crosslink – This link in the upper right of most record and lists pages opens a search page for
the current record type. From this page you can search using the following methods:
□ Simple search – Use the filters on the page to search. See the help topic Defining a Simple Search.
□ Advanced search – Check the Use Advanced Search box to switch to advanced search mode. See
the help topic Defining an Advanced Search)
Saved search – Click Create Saved Search to open a page where you can define a search that you
and others can run repeatedly for dynamically updated results. See the help topic Defining a Saved
■ Quick find – Many NetSuite pages include an icon (Quick Find) at the top of the page that you can
click to search for other records of the same type. See the help topic Quick Find.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 129
■ Dashboard search portlets – Several portlets are designed to help you search for records. These are:
□ Custom Search – Displays the results from a saved search in a list. See the help topic Displaying
Saved Search Results in Dashboard Portlets.
□ Quick Search – Contains a form where you can search for records of a selected type using a filter
and keywords. See the help topic Quick Search Portlet.
□ Search Form – Similar to Quick Search, but the form is more complex and can be personalized.
See the help topic Adding Personalized Search Forms to NetSuite Pages.
To create a new record, go to the NetSuite navigation menu that lists the record you want, and then click
the New link next to the record type. For more information, see NetSuite Record Types.
Many types of records can also be created from the Create New menu. For more information, see Create
New Menu.
Viewing Records
To view an existing record:
■ Search for it by name or ID. See the help topic Quick Searches.
When you do this, the record is presented in view mode. In view mode, you can see all the information
in the fields on the record but you cannot change the data. Click Edit to add, delete, or edit information
about the record.
■ Go to the NetSuite navigation menu that lists the selected type of record and click the link for that type
of record to open a list of the records. Then click the View link for the record.
On the list page, you can sort the list of records and customize the list to display certain fields in the
list view. For more information, see Working with Lists.
Editing Records
You can edit an individual record by clicking Edit next to the record in a list. If inline editing is enabled, you
can change data on multiple records from the list page. For more information, see Using Inline Editing.
Some subtabs contain sublists of related records. These sublists include buttons to add, insert, copy, and
remove records in the list. Sublists are common on transaction records. See Working with Transactions.
The Communication subtab, which is available for most record types, enables you to attach files to the
record. For more information, see Attaching Files to Records.
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Working with Records 130
The editor has a header with a link you can click to enter an HTML source code. The header also includes
font, paragraph, and other formatting options, which you can use to format the text you enter into the
To enable or disable the rich text editor and set default values to the tool, go to the Appearance subtab at
Home > Set Preferences. For more information, see Personal Preferences for Appearance.
NetSuite uses the Oracle Rich Text Library (ORTL) based on a third-party library, the CKEditor. When using
the ORTL, follow the syntax and usage guidelines included in the documentation on the CKEditor website.
■ For decimal currencies, the maximum field size is 15 + 2. You can enter numbers with up to 15
integers and 2 decimals. Example: 123,456,765,890,123.12
■ For currencies without decimals, the maximum field size is 17 + 0. You can enter numbers with up to
17 integers. Example: 12,345,678,905,612,345
■ For decimals currencies, the maximum field size is 18 +2. Example: 123,456,789,012,345,678.12
■ For currencies without decimals, the maximum field size is 18 +0. Example: 123,456,789,012,345,678
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 131
When you create a transaction from a record, the record is automatically linked to the transaction.
Here you can attach a file that is already in the File Cabinet or add a new file to the File Cabinet and
attach it.
■ To attach a file that is already in the File Cabinet:
1. Select a file from the Attach Existing Files list.
2. Click Attach.
■ To add a new file and attach it:
1. Click New File.
2. To add a file from your computer, select a File Cabinet destination from the Folder list.
To create a new folder, click the plus sign next to the Folder field. A popup window
Document Folder appears. Fill in the folder name and other optional information about
the folder and click Save.
3. Click Browse to open a popup window and select the file you want to add.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Records 132
4. Click Save. The file you selected is saved to the filing cabinet and attached to the record.
When anyone in your company opens the record, they can also view files associated with the record.
Access to the File Cabinet folder is required to view a file from that folder when it is attached to a record
or transaction. For information about access to File Cabinet folders, see Restricting Access to File Cabinet
Important: A file in the Attachments Sent folder or Attachments Received folder cannot
be attached to records or transactions. You must move the file to another folder. For more
information, see Moving and Copying Files in the File Cabinet.
Inactivating Records
As your business grows, you may no longer need certain records in your NetSuite account. Rather than
deleting a record you do not currently use, you can mark the record as inactive.
When you mark a record as inactive, the record remains in the system for future reference. However, the
inactive record does not show on transactions for selection in lists.
Inactivating records is a quick and useful way to clean up your lists and keep your records up to date. By
keeping only current records active, it is easier to find the right selection in lists on transactions because
outdated choices do not show in the list. This makes form entry easier, accurate, and less prone to error.
You can make records inactive one at a time by checking the Inactive box on individual records. The
Inactive box shows for users with the appropriate permission to change records.
You can also make many records inactive at one time by marking them on a list page, as described below.
1. Check the Show Inactives box. The page automatically reloads to display the Inactive column.
2. In the Inactive column, check the boxes next to the records you want to inactivate.
3. Click Submit.
After a record is marked inactive, it no longer appears in dropdown lists or popup lists in NetSuite. You
can see inactive records on list pages by checking the Show Inactives box.
Important: After you inactivate a record, it will not show on transactions for selection in lists.
However, if the Search option shows in the dropdown list for a field, the search will return inactive
records if the Inactive filter is set to Either or Yes. Inactive records in these search results can be
added to transactions. To filter inactive records out of search results, be sure to set the Inactive
filter to No in the search criteria.
An administrator can turn on the Duplicate Detection & Merge feature at Setup > Company > Enable
Features (Administrator) on the Company subtab in the Data Management section. The administrator
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 133
configures the types of records you detect duplicates of and also chooses which fields to consider when
finding duplicates. For more information about the setup of this feature, see the help topic Setting Up
Duplicate Detection.
■ Customer
■ Vendor
■ Partner
■ Contact
Note: Private contacts are excluded from the Duplicate Detection process.
You must have full permissions to the entity types you are merging. For example:
■ You must have full permissions for Vendors to merge two vendors.
■ You must have full permissions for both Contacts and Customers to merge Individual Customers,
which are composed of both.
■ You must have full permissions for both Customers and Vendors to merge into a Customer/Vendor
Duplicate Customers and Vendors can be detected across subsidiaries. The subsidiary a potential
duplicate customer or vendor belongs to is shown in the Primary Subsidiary column. You must first
enable the Detect Duplicates Across Subsidiaries feature at Setup > Company > Company Management >
Duplicate Detection.
Note: System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity
record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for
all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these
transactions will indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.
Warning: Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records
such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test
the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.
You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary entity and entities with
fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should
also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.
With this feature enabled, you receive notification before saving a record that might be a duplicate.
Notification occurs in two ways:
■ When you create a new record and enter matching data in fields the administrator set up as duplicate
criteria, a warning appears at the top of the record with a link to the potential duplicates. If you have
permission to view those records, you can click the link to resolve these matching records.
■ When you add a record from a list by using Quick Add or use the Edit button to make changes to a
record that would make it a duplicate, you receive a popup warning.
You can also go to Lists > Mass Update > Entity Duplicate Resolution to search for all possible duplicate
records based on criteria you have set. With the duplicate resolution mass update, you can find and
resolve large numbers of duplicate records in your NetSuite account in a single operation.
For more information about how to manage duplicate records, see Manage Record Duplicates Page.
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Duplicate Record Detection 134
The Administrator role is required to set up which types of records you detect duplicates for and how
you determine that two records are duplicates. An administrator selects fields on records to check for
matching information. When matches are found, the system identifies the records as possible duplicates.
For example, the administrator may choose to identify duplicates based on matching email addresses. If
the selected fields are blank, they do not match.
When you merge records, the records' transaction histories are also merged. The original data, such as
entity name, is retained to preserve a transaction's history. Your administrator may have restricted the
ability to perform merges to specific roles.
Note: System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity
record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for
all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these
transactions will indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.
Warning: Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records
such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test
the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.
You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary entity and entities with
fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should
also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.
You can merge duplicate entity records that have login access but have different email addresses only
if an administrator has set the Resolve Duplicates with Conflicting Login Access preference to By
deleting the duplicates' access. This setting deletes the login access of records you define as duplicates.
When this preference is set to the default value of Manually, you must first manually remove the login
access of one record before you merge. The person whose access is removed must use the login access
defined on the primary record. Be sure to notify this person of the change because the deleted login will
no longer work.
To prevent you from merging records that are not duplicates, you can only merge records if they have the
same tax registration numbers or if both records do not have tax registration numbers.
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 135
Note: For NetSuite OneWorld accounts: entities associated with different subsidiaries can be
merged only if they are the same type.
For more information administrators should see the help topic Setting Up Duplicate Detection.
■ The Manage Duplicates page opens when you click the link on a duplicate warning message. These
warning messages appear when you open a record that has been identified as having potential
duplicates or when you attempt to save a new record with information that matches an existing
■ If you use the administrator role or have a role with the Mass Updates permission, you can access
this page at Lists > Mass Update > Entity Duplicate Resolution. From here, you can search matching
records and resolve many duplicates in a single operation. For more information, see the help topic
Setting Up Duplicate Detection.
On the Manage Duplicates page, you specify which records are duplicates and which are not. You can also
specify a primary record for each set of possible duplicates. If the primary record and duplicate record
have different information for the same field, the information from the primary record takes precedence
and is preserved. The information in the duplicate records for these fields is lost.
In the Merge Type field at the top of the page, you select how to process the records in the list. For more
information, see Submitting Merge Operations.
For duplicate searches of customer and contact records, some common words are excluded to prevent
false matches. For a list of these words, see Words Excluded from Duplicate Detection Matching. Also
note that in OneWorld accounts, records associated with different subsidiaries are never considered
duplicates even if the information in those records matches.
In the following screenshot, you can see an example of the Manage Duplicates page. The list of records
is filtered to show customers. You can change the Entities filter value to see duplicates of other types of
All potential duplicate records are grouped together on this page. These groups are assigned a number
in the Group # column. For example, if you are searching for duplicates by phone number and have three
records with the same phone number, all of these records have the same group number.
The Fields column shows how many fields on each record contain data. Often duplicate records have less
information entered than primary records do.
You can customize the columns displayed on the Manage Customer Duplicates page by clicking
Customize View. Creating a customized view can be helpful when the default view does not display
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 136
columns for the fields you are most interested in. For example, if you are searching for duplicates based
on the Email field, you may want to create a view called My Duplicates where the Email field is displayed
as a column.
You can use the following buttons to quickly select and resolve duplicate records:
■ Click Mark All As Dup. to check all the boxes in the Duplicate column. When you click Merge
Selected, these records are processed according to the option you select in the Merge Type filter.
■ Click Mark All As Not Dup. to check all the boxes in the Not A Dup. column. These records are not
■ Click Unmark All to clear all the boxes.
Note: System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity
record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for
all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these
transactions indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.
Warning: Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records
such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test
the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.
You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary entity and entities with
fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should
also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.
Note: System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity
record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for
all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these
transactions will indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.
Warning: Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records
such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test
the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.
You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary entity and entities with
fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should
also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 137
2. Expand the Filters area at the top of the list to display the filters.
3. In the Entities filter, select a type of record to view possible duplicates for that type.
For example, select Contacts to view all contacts you have access to that have some of the same
information as other contact records.
Important: You can merge two records that both have login access only if those records
have different login email addresses and passwords.
4. In the Merge Type field, select how you want to merge the selected records:
Option Description
Mark all selected as not This leaves all records without any changes.
Make duplicates subcustomers of This option is available only for customer records. It makes the duplicate
master record a subcustomer of the primary customer record. For more
information, see the help topic Creating a Subcustomer Record.
Merge duplicates into master This merges all information from the duplicate records into empty fields
record in the primary record. If information is entered in the field on both the
primary and the duplicate, the information about the primary record
remains the same.
Merge duplicates into record This saves the record with the earliest date in the Created column and
created the earliest places information from selected duplicated records into any empty
fields on the saved record.
Merge duplicates into record with This saves the record with the highest number in the Fields column and
most populated fields places information from selected duplicate records into any empty fields
on the saved record.
Merge duplicates into record with This saves the record with the most recent date in the Last Activity
most recent activity column and places information from selected duplicate records into
empty fields on the saved record.
Delete duplicates, keep master This saves only the record you selected as the primary and deletes all
record records you selected as duplicates.
Delete duplicates, keep record This saves the record with the earliest date in the Created column and
created the earliest deletes all other selected records in this group.
Delete duplicates, keep record This saves the records with the highest number in the Fields column
with most populated fields and deletes all other selected records in that group.
Delete duplicates, keep record This saves the record with the most recent date in the Last Activity
with most recent activity column and deletes all other selected records in the group.
Make duplicates subrecords of This saves the record you designate as the original, primary record and
master converts those you mark as duplicates into its subrecords.
5. For each group of records, check the box in the Master column next to the record you want to
designate as the main record. Information from duplicate records is merged into empty fields on
the primary record.
6. Check the box in the Duplicate column next to any record that is for the same person as the
primary record. Information from these records is merged into the primary record.
You can also click Mark All As Dup. to check all boxes in the Duplicate column.
7. Check the box in the Not A Duplicate column next to any record that is not for the same person as
the primary record. These records remain unchanged.
You can also click Mark All as Not Dup. to check all boxes in the Not a Dup column.
8. Click Submit Selected to complete the action you selected in the Merge Type field.
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For example, you merge duplicate customer records that each have an active workflow instance named
Process Customer running. Depending on the options you choose in the Merge Type list on the manage
duplicates page, NetSuite keeps one of the records, merges the other entity fields with that record, and
cancels any workflow instances on the duplicates. In this example, only one instance of the Process
Customer workflow will run on the record after the merge operation.
Note: System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity
record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for
all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these
transactions will indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.
Warning: Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records
such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test
the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.
You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary record and entities with
fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should
also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.
For more information about the types of merges that you can perform, see Submitting Merge Operations.
After you submit a duplicate merge operation, you can continue to work in NetSuite without waiting for
the merge operation to finish. Records you have marked as duplicates cannot be edited during the time
that the duplicate operation is queued or running. The primary record is locked only for a brief time when
the merge operation begins.
Note: System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity
record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for
all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these
transactions will indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.
Warning: Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records
such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test
the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.
You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary record and entities with
fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should
also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.
Historical log records for duplicate merge tasks are saved in NetSuite for only seven days before the
information is permanently erased.
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 139
Note: System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity
record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for
all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these
transactions will indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.
Warning: Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records
such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test
the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.
You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary record and entities with
fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should
also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.
You can use various criteria to define which records are included in the operation and schedule regular
duplicate merge operations to take place automatically at regular intervals.
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 140
Note: System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity
record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for
all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these
transactions will indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.
Warning: Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records
such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test
the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.
You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary record and entities with
fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should
also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.
■ Partners
■ Vendors
■ Customers
The merged record opens. All activities, transactions, messages, files, cases, contacts, and other subtab
lists are combined on the merged record. Fields previously blank on the primary record are filled with
information from the duplicate record, but no field data is replaced.
Note: Administrators can restrict the ability of users to merge records. For more information
about how to limit the merge function by role, see the help topic Duplicate Entity Management
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 141
■ Corp.
■ Corporation
■ Co.
■ Company
■ Inc.
■ Incorporated
■ Enterprise(s)
■ Firm
Note that duplication detection also ignores variations of these terms, such as abbreviations without
periods at the end.
Email Address
If you identify duplicates based on matching email address, you can set duplicate criteria on Email (full)
to identify duplicates only if the full email addresses of two records match exactly.
If you set duplicate criteria based on Email (domain only), the domain names listed below are not
considered when searching for similar information to prevent false matches for email addresses.
Administrators can add or remove a domain from the default list in the Excluded Domains subtab
on the Set Up Duplicate Detection page at Setup > Company > Company Management > Duplicate
Detection.Administrators can also configure a unique list of domains to be excluded from Email (domain
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 142
Note: Potential duplicate results are determined differently when using the email address from a
customer record than from a contact record. Customer records are flagged as potential duplicates
when the domain name portion of the address matches, provided the domain name is not listed
on the Excluded Domains list. Contact records are flagged as duplicates only if the entire email
address matches. This difference prevents false potential duplicate results when multiple contact
records from one company use the same domain name in their email addresses.
Phone Number
When searching the phone number field for duplicates, all prefixes and extensions are excluded so that
only the 9 digit or 6 digit numbers are considered. If two matching phone numbers are compared, one
with an area code and one without, they are not detected as duplicates.
Addresses are considered potential duplicates based on the street number and name. Similar numbers
with a street name match are considered potential duplicates, for example.
The following words or symbols are not considered when searching for potential duplicates in the
Address field:
■ Street/St.
■ Avenue/Ave.
■ Court/Ct.
■ Suite/Ste.
■ Apartment/Apt.
■ #
■ Lane/Ln.
■ Highway/Hwy.
■ Road/Rd.
■ West/W.
■ North/N.
■ East/E.
NetSuite Basics
Duplicate Record Detection 143
■ South/S.
■ NW
■ SW
■ SE
You can create groups by choosing members individually or by using a search of records. To create a
group, go to Lists > Relationships > Groups > New.
■ Dynamic groups – Dynamic group membership changes to include anyone who meets the group's
For example, you can set search criteria to create a group of all employee sales reps. When a new
sales rep is hired, the rep automatically becomes a member of this dynamic group. When a sales rep
takes a position in another department, that rep is removed from the group automatically. Whenever
you use the Mail Merge feature to send bulk email to this dynamic group, NetSuite uses the search
criteria to determine the current group members.
You can create dynamic groups from new searches or saved searches. See Creating a Dynamic Group.
■ Static groups – The membership of static groups does not change.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Groups 144
You can create static groups by selecting members from lists or with a search. Support and sales
groups must be static groups. See Creating a Static Group.
You can use also CSV Import to create static groups. For more information, see the help topic Group
Note: Be aware that you cannot create a static group with more than 10,000 members. For
groups larger than 10,000, you must create a dynamic group.
When you create a group, the Restrict Group Editing to Owner box is checked by default. Please be
aware that if you clear this box, anyone with access to the group can modify it, delete members and
access File Cabinet folders. You should ensure that the appropriate permissions have been applied to the
roles assigned to this group.
For example, you can set search criteria to create a group of all employee sales reps. When a new sales
rep is hired, the rep automatically becomes a member of this dynamic group. When a sales rep takes a
position in another department, that rep is removed from the group automatically. Whenever you use
the Mail Merge feature to send bulk email to this dynamic group, NetSuite uses the search criteria to
determine the current group members.
You can create a dynamic group from an existing saved search or you can create a new saved search
when you create the group.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Groups 145
Note: Owners for dynamic groups and saved searches are configured separately. Only
the owner of the saved search can save changes when editing a saved search.
8. (Optional) If this group shares an email alias, enter the email address in the Email field.
9. (Optional) Enter other information about this group in the Comments field.
10. (Optional) Check the Private box if you want to restrict viewing (and also editing) of this group to
its members.
11. (Optional) If you want to restrict access to this group to members of another group, select the
group in the Restrict To field.
Note: Restricted groups cannot be marked private. Restricted groups can only be used by
members of the group you select in the Restrict To field.
12. (Optional) Clear the Restrict Group Editing to Owner box if you want to allow other group
members to edit this group. By default, this box is checked.
You should check the Restrict Group Editing to Owner box when you set up a group that
controls access to sensitive information such as access to particular File Cabinet folders.
If you intend to grant other members of the group editing permissions, You should either make
the group private or restrict it to another group by enabling the relevant setting on the group
records page. Do not store sensitive material in a File Cabinet folder that is accessible from a public
You should also ensure that the role used to access the group has an appropriate CRM Groups
access level assigned to it on the relevant manage roles page. Go to Setup > Users > Role >
Manage Roles.
If you clear the Restrict Group Editing to Owner box and choose to make your group public, any
user with access to a role with edit-level access to CRM Groups can access and edit your group’s
content. This includes access to File Cabinet folders as well as adding and deleting members.
For more information about assigning role-based permissions, see the help topic Reviewing
Permissions Assigned to Roles.
13. Click Save.
Now, every time a record of this type is created, it is added to this group if it matches the criteria in the
saved search.
You can also use CSV Import to create and update static groups. For more information, see the help topic
Group Import.
You can add or remove members from a static group at any time.
Note: You cannot create a static group with more than 10,000 members. For groups larger than
10,000, you must create a dynamic group.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Groups 146
3. Choose the kind of members you would like this group to contain.
4. Click Continue.
5. Enter a name for this group.
6. If applicable, complete the following:
■ If the owner of this group is someone else, select that person in the Owner field.
■ If this group shares an email alias, enter the email address in the Email field.
■ Enter other information about this group in the Comments field.
■ Check the Private box if you want to restrict viewing (and also editing) of this group to its
■ If you want to restrict access to this group to members of another group, select the group in
the Restrict To field.
Note: Restricted groups cannot be marked private. Restricted groups can only be used
by members of the group you select in the Restrict To field.
■ Check the Restrict Group Editing to Owner box if you want to restrict editing permissions to
the group owner as specified in the Owner field.
You should enable the Restrict Group Editing to Owner preference whenever you are setting
up a group to control access to sensitive information. For example, when restricting access to
certain File Cabinet folders.
If you intend to grant other members of the group editing permissions, either make the group
private or restrict it to another group by enabling the relevant setting on the group records
page. Do not place sensitive material in a File Cabinet folder that is accessible from a public
Also ensure that the role used to access the group has an appropriate CRM Groups access level
assigned to it on the relevant manage roles page. (Go to Setup > Users > Role > Manage Roles.)
If you disable Restrict Group Editing to Owner and choose to make your group public, any
user with access to a role with edit-level access to CRM Groups, can access and edit your
group’s content. This includes access to File Cabinet folders as well as adding and deleting
For more information about assigning role-based permissions, see the help topic Reviewing
Permissions Assigned to Roles.
7. If you are creating an employee group, the following fields are available:
■ Support Group – Check this box to mark this group a support group.
On case records, support groups are listed in the Assigned To field. When you assign a case
territory, support groups are listed in the Support Rep. field.
■ Product Team – Check this box to mark this group as a product team.
Product team groups can be selected in the Product Team field on issues. Product teams
designate who is responsible for resolving an issue. Members of this team are emailed when an
issue is first entered so that everyone is aware of the problem.
■ Functional Team – Check this box to mark this group as a functional team.
Functional teams can be emailed copies of the issue from the Communication subtab on issue
records. You may want to check this box for all product team groups and then create additional
function team groups for other teams you want to email.
■ Issue Role – Select a role that corresponds to the role of this group's members, and this group
can be assigned to issues.
8. On the Members subtab, do one or more of the following:
NetSuite Basics
Working with Groups 147
■ To add individual members, enter part of a member's name in the Name column, and press
Tab. Select a member, and click Add. Repeat these steps for each member.
■ Click Add Multiple, and hold CTRL to select more than one member from the list.
■ Click Add With Search to enter search criteria for the members you want to add.
You can use more than one of these methods to add members to the same group. For
example, you can select a few members individually and then add all the members that meet
search criteria.
Depending on the kind of group you are creating, you can use joined searches to generate your results.
For example, if you are creating a customer group, you can use a transaction search to give you the
desired results. If you are creating a contact group, you can search for vendors that meet the criteria.
Note: To access a Group’s calendar, use the dropdown menu below the date selector on the
calendar portlet.
To add a member to this group, open the group record. On the Members subtab, use one of the
methods in step 8 to add a member.
To remove a member from this group, open the group record. On the Members subtab, click Remove on
the row of the member you want to remove.
You can create contact groups based on contact record criteria or on criteria for the entity records those
contacts are associated with. For example, you might want to create a group of contacts for all customer
companies in a certain country. Your contact group would be based on customer search criteria.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Groups 148
You can also create static contact groups from an entity group. To do this, open an entity group record,
and click Group Contacts at the top of the record.
You can also use CSV Import to create and update static Contact groups. For more information, see the
help topic Group Import.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Groups 149
3. Click Continue.
4. Enter a name for the group.
5. In the Saved Search field, select the saved search you created.
6. Click Save.
Removing Members
In the following procedure, see how to remove members from a static group.
Note: Processed lines for some transaction types contribute to the Monthly Transaction Lines
metric that counts toward maximum limits for your NetSuite service tier. For more information, see
the help topic Transaction Types Included in Monthly Transaction Lines Metric.
A transaction is a specialized type of a record. For general information about records, see Working with
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 150
■ Creating Transactions
■ Entering Transaction Line Items
■ Entering Relationships on a Transaction
■ Entering Communication Information to a Transaction
■ Tips for Working with Transactions
■ Finding Transactions
■ Voiding, Deleting, or Closing Transactions
■ Memorized Transactions
■ Preferred Transaction Delivery on Customer and Vendor Records
■ Transaction Detail Report
■ Transaction Detail Workbook Overview
■ Limits for Display of Transaction Lists and Sublists
Most transactions support scripting using SuiteScript. For a list of scriptable transactions, see the
help topic Transactions. The individual transaction topics in this area include a brief description of the
transaction and a link to detailed information.
Note: For information about permissions, when working with transactions, see the help topic
Permissions Documentation.
Creating Transactions
The types of transactions you can create and view depend on your role. Many roles have no access to
transactions. The set of tabbed pages you see in NetSuite, called a center, also depends on your role. The
centers are organized to facilitate your work. Most centers do not have a tab dedicated to transactions.
You may find transactions on tabs with a variety of names, such as Customers, Vendors, Revenue, or
Note: Processed lines for some transaction types contribute to the Monthly Transaction Lines
metric that counts toward maximum limits for your NetSuite service tier. For more information, see
the help topic Transaction Types Included in Monthly Transaction Lines Metric.
If you use the classic interface for NetSuite, you have a Transactions tab that provides access to all of
the transaction types for which you have permission. This is a user preference in NetSuite. For more
information, see Personal Preferences for Appearance.
To enter a transaction:
1. Click the tab where you access transactions, and click the kind of transaction you want to create.
The transaction page opens with default information completed.
2. Enter or verify information in the required fields on the page. Required fields are indicated by an
asterisk (*).
This information may include the transaction date, transaction number, transaction status, class/
department/location classification, or a memo.
Note: In OneWorld accounts, after you select a subsidiary on a transaction and save it, the
subsidiary cannot be changed.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 151
Note: When processing transactions, you must save one page at a time. If you do not save each
page, information is not retained and can be lost when you click a different page.
NetSuite prompts you if any required field is not completed. It also checks for basic data entry errors.
If you have not completed a required field, you receive an error message about the missing data. Enter
data in the required field, and click Save again. When the information is correct and complete, NetSuite
accepts and records the transaction.
You can create and edit related records as you enter transactions. The following topics in this section
include information about transactions and related records:
When entering transactions, you can add or edit shipping or billing addresses on entity records from
within the transaction. You can also enter a custom address that is used only for the specific transaction
and not stored on the entity record.
Note: If you use an address in an entity record and then change the address after creating the
transaction, ensure that you update the transaction record with the correct address. Otherwise,
some address fields might be blank.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 152
■ To add or edit address on the entity record, see Adding or Editing a New Address from a Transaction.
■ To enter or edit a custom address for this transaction, see Adding or Editing a Custom Address for a
■ To change your state or province preference, see Setting the State or Province Field Preference.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 153
Custom addresses are created on transactions automatically when an address has been used in
transactions and then the address is changed on the entity record. When the entity address is changed,
the address used in the transactions is changed to a custom address to keep it unchanged.
Note: After a custom address is entered, to change it on the transaction you must select Custom
again in the Select field.
When the state field of the address appears as a body field on a record, you can set the format of the
state or province field. Check the Allow Free-Form States in Addresses box to enter any text you choose in
the State or Province field on addresses.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 154
This preference does not affect your web store address form entries or UPS and FedEx shipping.
The following transactions in NetSuite require you to select an entity prior to adding a record from the
■ Write Checks – You must select a payee before you can create a new account.
■ Enter Sales Orders – You must select a customer before you can create a new job.
■ Accept Customer Payments – You must select a customer before you can create a new bank
For example, you are entering checks and want to enter a new bank account. Select a payee and then
click next to the Accounts field. In the popup window, enter the new bank account name, account
number, and whether the account is a subaccount of another. When you click Save, the Check page
appears displaying the new account in the Accounts field.
For example, when you are entering a sales order you may want to enter a new phone number for the
customer. On the sales order, select the customer and then click the open icon. On the open customer
record, click Edit and enter the new phone number. Then click Save. The changes you make to the open
record are included in the sales order you are entering.
Intercompany journal entries post to two subsidiaries. These journal entries record transactions between
subsidiaries. Each advanced intercompany journal record includes an originating subsidiary and one or
more receiving subsidiaries. For more information, see the help topic Making Advanced Intercompany
Journal Entries.
Some time entries and expense transactions may be associated with multiple subsidiaries. Each time or
expense record is associated with the subsidiary of the employee. In addition, a customer or project can
be defined for each line of these records. If the Intercompany Time and Expenses feature is not enabled,
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 155
each line-level customer or project must be associated with the same subsidiary as the employee.
If this feature is enabled and related accounting preferences are set, customers and projects from
other subsidiaries can be selected at the line-level. For more information, see the help topics Enabling
Intercompany Time and Expenses, Expense Reports, and Understanding Time Tracking.
When a transaction has line-level associations to more than one subsidiary, the general ledger posts
only to the subsidiary identified in the transaction header. Advanced intercompany journal entries can
be created to transfer time, expense, or both charges from one subsidiary to another. An automated
adjustment process is available for intercompany expenses. For more information, see the help topic
Creating Intercompany Adjustments for Time and Expenses.
Note: In NetSuite OneWorld, List view pages and search results convert the transaction currency
to the base currency of the user’s subsidiary. For more information about List view pages, see List
Some transactions provide links to the transactions from which they were created. For example, on a
sales order the Created From link opens the estimate used to generate the sales order.
Other transactions have a link to the transaction created from them. For example, estimates have an
Orders and Sales link. Click the link to open the sales orders, cash sales, and invoices created from the
Transactions such as payments or credits provide links to the transactions to which they are applied.
For example, on a deposit the Payments subtab displays the payment transactions associated with that
deposit. Clicking the date link next to a payment opens the payment transaction.
■ Sales orders
■ Invoices
■ Purchase orders
■ Estimates
■ Cash sale
■ Opportunity
■ Work order
For example, your company can create an invoice for a repair service performed for a customer and
associate it with the support case that originated the service request.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 156
Note: The limit for transactions submitted through the user interface is 500 lines. For
transactions submitted through CSV import or SOAP web services, the limit is 5,000 lines per
transaction. After you submit transactions exceeding the 500 lines limit through the CSV import or
SOAP web services, you must do all additional changes and edits through the CSV import or SOAP
web services.
For journal entries, these limits are 1,000 lines for the user interface and for synchronous SOAP
web services, and 10,000 lines for CSV import and asynchronous SOAP web services.
You should limit yourself to 200 lines or less on a purchase order unless they are to be received by
Note: Processed lines for some transaction types contribute to the Monthly Transaction Lines
metric that counts toward maximum limits for your NetSuite service tier. For more information, see
the help topic Transaction Types Included in Monthly Transaction Lines Metric.
The method for entering line items depends on the type of transaction you are creating. Line-item
information is entered by either selecting and entering data and adding as a line item, or by selecting
lines with check boxes.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 157
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until you have chosen all your line items.
The transaction total is updated in the header as you check each line item.
4. Click Save.
To change a line item, click on the line in the list. When the line-item data appears in the center of the
page, make your changes and then click Edit.
To remove a line item, click on the line in the list and then click Remove.
If you use the U.S. Version of NetSuite, you can charge taxes on a line item basis. For more information,
see the help topic Setting U.S. Tax Preferences.
You can also add contacts in view or edit mode after the transaction has been created.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 158
To attach messages as PDF, letter, or fax, you must have the Mail Merge feature enabled. For more
information, see the help topic Working with Mail Merge.
The Communication subtab tracks all related email and faxes sent and received. For information about
sending messages, see Sending Email from NetSuite.
■ Customize
■ Use Options
■ Print, Fax, Email, and Copy
■ Memorize
■ Maintain
■ Close
■ View the General Ledger
■ Use Shortcuts & Keyboard shortcuts
■ Get help
■ Most transaction forms can be customized by using the Customize menu at the top of the page. The
appropriate permission is required to customize the form. If you do not see the Customize menu,
your current role does not include the permission.
■ Click List to open a list of all transactions of a specific type. From these lists, you can view and edit
transactions, print and export your lists, and go to transactions' registers. Your customization of the
viewing and sorting of the list will retain for the future views. You can change the list sorting by clicking
another column heading.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 159
■ Amount fields in transactions and records support computation. For more information, see Amount
Use Options
■ Some fields on transaction forms display a double arrow button that you can click for the List, Search,
and New options:
□ Click List to display a popup list of stored records from which to choose.
□ Click Search to search for a record.
□ Click New to open a window and create a new record for that field.
■ On transactions and records that have buttons with a dropdown list, you can select a different button
option. Use the Tab key to go to the dropdown button. Then use the Down Arrow key to expand the
dropdown list. Click Enter to select the desired action. To collapse the dropdown list, use the Up Arrow
For more information, see Popup and Dropdown Lists and Buttons and Menus in NetSuite.
■ Click Add Multiple in the Items subtab to open the Choose Item window. This window displays a list
of items you can add. You can filter the list by item type or search for all or part of a name. When you
click an item in the left pane, it is added to the right pane, where you can enter a quantity for the item.
When you click Done, items and quantities shown in the right pane are added to the transaction.
Memorize a transaction to recall and use it again later. To memorize a transaction, go to the transaction
type you want to memorize. Add the appropriate information to the form. From the Actions list, select
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 160
Memorize. The Memorized Transaction page opens showing the information you entered. For more
information, see the help topic Memorized Transactions.
■ To maintain performance, the limit for transactions submitted through the user interface is 500 lines.
For transactions submitted through CSV import or SOAP web services, the limit is 5,000 lines per
■ For journal entries, the limits are 1,000 lines for the user interface and for synchronous SOAP web
services, and 10,000 lines for CSV import and asynchronous SOAP web services.
For more information, see the help topic Entering Transaction Line Items.
■ Close a line item on a transaction if you do not expect to fulfill or receive the item. To close a line item
on a transaction, click Edit on the transaction. Click the line you want to close and then check the
Closed box. Click Done and then click Save.
■ Close an entire transaction so that it no longer has an open status. When you view sales orders,
purchase orders, and return authorizations, click Close to check the Closed box for all lines on the
transaction. Then when you click Save, the transaction is no longer open.
Get help
■ Click the Help link at the top of the page to get help specific to the transaction you are working with.
■ Click the field name to display a popup window with field level help.
Important: When processing transactions in bulk, you must submit one page at a time. If you
do not process each page individually, information is not retained and can be lost when you click a
different page.
Finding Transactions
You can search for transactions in several ways.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 161
■ Quick Find
■ Previous or Next
■ Go To Register
■ Search by Account
■ Search Transactions
Quick Find
Use the Quick Find tool for a quick search for transactions and other items.
1. On any Transaction page, click Quick Find at the top of the page.
2. When the Quick Find page pops up, enter some information to help you find this transaction or
related group of transactions:
■ In the Name field, select the company or contact from the list whose transactions you'd like to
■ In the Date field, enter or pick the posting date of the transactions you'd like to find.
■ In the Number field, enter the number of the transaction you'd like to find.
For example, enter 1135 to find check #1135.
3. Click Submit.
Previous or Next
Use the Previous or Next icon to see the transaction you want.
Go To Register
Use the register to find a specific transaction.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 162
7. Click the transaction date in the left-hand column to see the details. A view-only version of the
transaction opens.
8. Select the appropriate button to edit, print, email, credit, or otherwise work with this transaction.
Search by Account
Use the chart of accounts to find a transaction.
Search Transactions
Use the Search Transactions tool to find a transaction.
Note: For a transaction search, adding a field that has multiple values for one
record causes that record to occur multiple times in the search result. Also, if results
include a record with a link type that has multiple values for that record, duplicates
occur in results, even if the link type field is not included as a search results field.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 163
■ Voiding Transactions
■ Deleting Transactions
■ Closing Line Items and Transactions
Important: Before you delete or void a posting transaction, check to ensure that the
transaction is not part of a match on the Reconcile Account Statement page. You should not
delete transactions that have been reconciled. For more information, see the help topic Viewing
Submitted Transactions.
Voiding Transactions
Voiding a transaction sets its total and all its line items to 0 but does not remove it from the system. This
is the preferred way to cancel an existing transaction because the audit trail is preserved. After you void
a transaction, you cannot make changes that have general ledger impact to the original transaction,
including changing the posting period.
If you void a transaction that was created to close another transaction, the original transaction is
reopened. For example, if an invoice was created to bill a sales order, voiding the invoice reopens the
sales order and sets the order’s status to pending billing. Then you must invoice the order again. Another
example is a bill payment that has been applied to a bill. If you void the bill payment, the bill is reopened.
Another payment must be entered against the bill.
To void a transaction:
Voided sales orders do not show on the Transactions subtab of customer records. To view voided sales
orders, go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List.
■ For information specific to check transactions, see the help topic Voiding a Check.
■ For information specific to credit cards, see the help topic Voiding Credit Card Transactions.
Deleting Transactions
Important: If the Use Deletion Reason feature is enabled in your account, users must provide
a reason for deleting transaction records. For more information about the feature, see the help
topic Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction.
You may want to remove a transaction from the system entirely. For example, after entering a transaction
you may realize it contains many errors. You can delete it and reenter the transaction.
From the Actions list on the transaction, select Delete. This option appears only if the Void Transactions
Using Reversing Journals preference is not enabled. Only users with a role that has full permission to
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 164
a type of transaction can delete that type of transaction. If you do not have the necessary permission,
Delete does not appear on the Actions list.
If inline editing is enabled in your account and you have the necessary permission, you can delete
transactions from the transaction’s List page. Hover over the New column and click Delete Record from
the menu that appears. For more information about inline editing, see Using Inline Editing.
If the Use Deletion Reason feature is enabled in your account, both deletion methods open a Delete
popup window specific to the type of transaction being deleted. You must select a deletion reason and
may optionally include a memo. If you select the deletion reason Other, you must include a memo. When
you click Delete, the transaction record is removed from your system.
A deleted transaction does not retain a record of the transaction details. However, a record of the deleted
transaction remains in your audit trail.
Note: You cannot delete a transaction if it is linked to other transactions. For example, you
cannot delete an invoice that has been paid. You can, however, close linked transactions.
To close a line item on a transaction, click Edit on the transaction. Click the line you want to close, check
the box in the Closed column and click Done. Then click Save.
Note: You must bill the sales order before you manually close the line. When all lines on a sales
order are fulfilled or closed manually, the sales order is removed from the billing and receiving
When you view sales orders, purchase orders, and return authorizations, click the Close or Close
Remaining button to close the entire transaction. This action checks the Closed box for all lines on the
transaction and changes the status of the transaction to Closed. You can reopen a closed transaction by
clearing the Closed box for all lines on the transaction.
For specific information about sales orders, see the help topic Closing a Sales Order.
Memorized Transactions
Note: To work with memorized transactions, you need a View level of the Memorized
Transactions permission.
A memorized transaction is a transaction you set up to recur in NetSuite, such as recurring journal
entries. Memorized transactions eliminate data entry and serve as useful reminders. A memorized
transaction consists of two parts:
When you memorize a transaction, you set up the transaction to recur over time. You choose whether the
transaction automatically posts or if you are reminded to post it. Set the frequency the transaction should
occur and set posting options. You can specify that the transaction should recur forever or a set number
of times.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 165
When you edit or delete a memorized transaction, the change is tracked on the system notes of the
memorized transaction.
The following are limitations for posting memorized transactions in locked and closed periods:
■ A user must have the Override Period Restrictions permission to enable the Allow Posting in Locked
Period option for a memorized transaction. When this option is enabled, memorized transactions
can post in locked periods even if users initiating these transactions do not have the Override Period
Restrictions permission.
■ Transactions can never be posted in closed periods. If the posting date for a memorized transaction is
in a period that has been closed, it is posted to the next open period.
■ Checks
■ Deposits
■ Credit Cards
■ Purchase Orders
■ Bills
■ Sales Orders
■ Invoices
■ Estimates
■ Cash Sales
■ Journal Entries
■ Statement Charges
■ Work Orders
■ Purchase Requisitions
■ Transfer Orders
■ Opportunities
■ Custom Transactions
The Reminders portlet includes a standard reminder for Memorized Transactions due. For more
information, see the help topic Setting Up Reminders.
After you have memorized a transaction, you can view and manage transactions created by the
memorized transaction by going to Transactions > Management > Enter Memorized Transactions. Click
Edit next to the transaction. The Transactions subtab shows associated transactions.
The time when the system runs memorized transactions varies by location, but is usually shortly after
midnight each day. The system checks for memorized transactions every four hours, and processes them
according to the start date. If the start date is the current day, the system processes the transaction
immediately, and then at the usual time each day afterward. If the start date is in the future, the system
processes the transaction at the usual time on that future date, and each day afterward. If the start date
is in the past, the system processes a transaction for each past day every four hours until caught up to the
current day, then processes a transaction at the usual time each day afterward.
By default, when NetSuite creates a memorized transaction automatically, it lists the last user who edited
the memorized transaction definition as the user who created the transaction. This user is visible in the
memorized transaction definition. To list the user as –System- for automatic memorized transactions,
set the Create Automatic Memorized Transactions as –System- preference at Setup > Company
> Preferences > General Preferences (Administrator). Changes to this preference take effect when
you create a new memorized transaction definition or you edit and save an existing one. For more
information, see the help topic Setting General Account Preferences.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 166
Note: When set, this preference does not support server-side scripting. If you want to use
server-side scripting and SuiteFlow on transactions, disable the preference.
■ Memorizing a Transaction
■ Submitting Memorized Transactions
■ Editing Memorized Transactions
■ Customizing the Memorized Transactions List
■ Viewing the Status of Memorized Transactions
■ Deleting Memorized Transactions
Memorizing a Transaction
For a list of the types of transactions you can memorize, see Memorized Transactions.
When you create a memorized transaction, the update is tracked on the system notes of the memorized
■ To memorize a transaction:
■ Automatic Memorized Transactions
To memorize a transaction:
1. Edit the transaction you want to memorize, and make sure the appropriate information is filled in.
■ Posting transactions that contain serial or lot numbers cannot be memorized. This includes
creating invoices, entering cash sales, and fulfilling sales orders.
■ Non-posting transactions with serialized or lot items can be memorized, if the serial or lot
numbers are not entered on the transaction. This includes preparing estimates and entering
sales orders.
Memorized non-posting transactions with serialized items require serial numbers to be
entered at item receipt or fulfillment time. For example, you create a sales order that includes a
serialized item but do not enter the serial number for that item. Later, when you fulfill that sales
order, you will be required to enter the serial number for the serialized item.
■ If you select to email or fax your customer, your customer automatically receives an email or fax
each time the memorized transaction occurs.
■ If you enter credit card payment information, this credit card is automatically charged each time
the memorized transaction occurs.
2. From the Actions list, select Memorize.
When the Memorized Transaction page opens, the payee, vendor, customer, or project name you
selected when entering your memorized transaction appears in the Name field.
3. If you want to change the name of the memorized transaction, enter a new Name.
The name you enter appears in the list of memorized transactions but does not affect the name
you entered on the original transaction.
4. Choose one of three options in the Action dropdown list in the Primary Information section:
■ Choose Template Only if you want to create a memorized transaction that will be used as a
template, but will not create any transactions.
■ Choose Reminder if you want to be reminded when this transaction is due so that you can view
and edit it before you save it.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 167
■ Choose Automatic if you want this transaction to automatically post. For information about this
option, see Automatic Memorized Transactions.
5. Check the Inactive box to prevent the memorized transaction from creating any more
6. Check the Override Transaction Date box if you do not want the transaction to post on the
creation date. Then you must do the following:
■ In the Next Date field in the Recurring subtab, enter the next date you want the transaction to
be generated.
If you want this transaction to automatically occur, you must enter a next date here. If you do
not enter a next date, the transaction will not automatically post.
■ In the Next Transaction Date field beside Next Date, enter the date you want the transaction
to post.
For example, today's date is 7/15. You want the first transaction to be generated on 7/16 and to
post on 7/20. Check the Override Transaction Date box and enter 7/16 in the Next Date field
and 7/20 in the Next Transaction Date field beside Next Date.
7. Check the Allow Posting in Locked Period box to enable the transaction to post to an accounting
period for which transactions are locked. You must have the Override Period Restrictions
permission to check this box.
When this box is checked, memorized transactions can post in locked periods even if the user who
initiates the transaction does not have the Override Period Restrictions permission. Transactions
can never be posted in closed periods. If the posting date for a memorized transaction is in a
period that has been closed, it is posted to the next open period. For more information, see the
help topic Accounting Period Management.
8. Check the Update Addresses box to have the memorized transaction use the customer email,
fax, and address information that is current as of the date the transaction is created. This option
applies only to addresses on the customer record. Any other addresses, such as those included in
the To Be Emailed list, must be updated manually.
9. Check the Update Prices box to have the memorized transaction use sales pricing that is current
as of the date the transaction is created.
10. There are two options for setting the frequency of the memorized transaction:
Note: You will not be able to set a frequency if you selected Template Only in the Action
list in the Primary Information section.
■ To create recurring transactions based on the number of occurrences within a time period,
enter the following in the Recurring subtab:
□ Select the Next Date on which the memorized transaction will create a new transaction.
□ Select the number of times in a time period a transaction will be created in the Repeat
Every field.
□ Select the Time Period over which transactions will be created.
□ Enter the total number of transactions which should be created in the Number Remaining
field. If you do not want to set a limit on the number of transactions created, clear the field
and check the Indefinite box.
□ If you checked the Override Transaction Date box in the Primary Information subtab,
enter the Next Transaction Date on which you want the transaction to post.
■ To create transactions on specific dates, enter the Next Date to generate a transaction in the
Custom Dates subtab and click Add. If you checked the Override Transaction Date box in
the Primary Information subtab, enter the Next Transaction Date on which you want the
transaction to post.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 168
The frequency determines how often you receive the reminder if you choose Remind Me. If you
choose Automatic, it determines how often the transaction occurs.
Note: If Monthly is selected, and the Next Date selected is the last day of a month,
NetSuite will schedule all following transactions for this memorized transaction for the last
day of each month. For example, if you select a Monthly frequency and set the Next Date as
2/28/2019, subsequent transactions will occur on 3/31/2019 and 4/30/2019.
If you want your transactions to occur on the 28th, 29th, 30th, or 31st of every month, set
up a custom frequency in the Custom Dates subtab.
After you create a memorized transaction, you can review it in the following ways:
■ Go to Transactions > Management > Enter Memorized Transactions > List. Select it from the list.
■ Go to Transactions > Management > Enter Memorized Transactions. Click View or Edit next to the
■ Go to your NetSuite Home page and click the reminder you set up.
Clicking the reminder takes you to a list showing memorized transactions that are currently due. To
see all your memorized transactions, check the Show All box and click Refresh.
To view a list of memorized transactions due to be entered, go to Transactions > Management > Enter
Memorized Transactions.
For example, an account used in a memorized journal entry has become inactive. You receive an alert that
the transaction cannot be run. Update the journal entry with an active account number. Then select the
Automatic radio button on the memorized transaction to reset the journal entry to execute as scheduled.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 169
2. On the Enter Memorized Transactions page, use the following filters to show transactions in the
■ Date
Enter or select the date you want these transactions to post.
The current date defaults in this field.
■ Use Next Date
Check this box to use the date of the next scheduled occurrence of the transaction as the
posting date. For transactions without a next date, the current date is used.
When this box is unchecked, the current date shows in the date field and is the posting date.
NetSuite remembers your preference for this box and checks or clears it the next time you use
this form.
■ Has Remaining
□ Select Yes to show only transactions with remaining scheduled occurrences.
□ Select No to show transactions with no remaining occurrences.
□ Select All to show all memorized transactions.
■ Next Date
□ Select a date range to filter the list to show only transactions whose Next Date falls within
this range.
□ Select all to show all memorized transactions.
■ Action
□ Select All to show all memorized transactions.
□ Select None to show no memorized transactions.
□ Select Automatic to show memorized transactions that automatically post and do not send
a reminder.
□ Select Reminder to show memorized transactions that send a reminder for you to post
□ Select Template Only to show memorized transaction templates which do not create
■ View
If you have customized list views, select a custom view in this field.
3. To edit an individual transaction, click its Edit link.
4. To process several memorized transactions at one time, check the box in the Enter column next to
each transaction you want to process.
You can also choose to click the Enter link next to a transaction to enter it individually.
5. To change all memorized transactions from Automatic to Remind Me, or from Remind Me to
Automatic at the same time, click Switch Action.
6. Click Submit.
A list of the new transactions shows on the Processed Transactions page.
Note: There must be at least ten transactions for NetSuite to split the transactions into multiple
To view a list of all memorized transactions, go to Transactions > Management > Enter Memorized
Transactions > List.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 170
Important: When the Allow Posting in Locked Period option is enabled for a memorized
transaction, transactions can post in locked periods even if users initiating these transactions
do not have the Override Period Restrictions permission. Transactions can never be posted
in closed periods. If the posting date for a memorized transaction is in a period that has been
closed, it is posted to the next open period. For more information, see the help topic Accounting
Period Management.
Some details that appear on the Memorized Transactions page at Transactions > Management > Enter
Memorized Transactions > List do not appear when you edit the transaction. For example, the transaction
amount appears on the Memorized Transactions page, but not when you edit the transaction. You can
edit such fields on the original transaction. For more information, see Working with Transactions.
When you edit a memorized transaction, the change is tracked on the system notes of the memorized
Note: You must have the Override Period Restrictions permission to enable the Allow
Posting in Locked Period option. After this option is enabled, memorized transactions can
post in locked periods even if users initiating these transactions do not have the Override
Period Restrictions permission. Transactions can never be posted in closed periods.
If the posting date for a memorized transaction is in a period that has been closed, it is
posted to the next open period. For more information, see the help topic Accounting Period
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 171
To display whether transactions are set to be emailed, for example, select Transaction Fields...
and then in the Transaction Field list in the popup window, select To Be Emailed.
5. When you have finished with a row, click Add or OK.
6. When you finished your changes, click Save.
The Memorized Transactions list is a list view similar to other in NetSuite. For more information about how
you can customize lists, see Customizing List Views.
Each scheduled memorized transaction is shown along with the status. The statuses include:
If a memorized transaction fails, an Error link is shown in the Message column. Click this link to open the
error message that explains why the memorized transaction process failed.
You can customize the list of memorized transactions by clicking Customize View.
When you delete a memorized transaction, the change is tracked on the system notes of the memorized
Note: It is not possible to delete a memorized transaction that is used by auto-create rules. You
need to delete the auto-create rule first to be allowed to delete the related memdoc.
Note: If you do not see the Actions list with a Delete option, your role does not have
the correct permission level. You must have the full level of the Memorized Transactions
permission to delete a memorized transaction. For more information, see the help topic
Memorized Transactions.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 172
NetSuite automatically generates transaction email whenever the following records are saved:
On each customer and vendor record, define the entity’s preferred way to receive transactions: by regular
mail (printing), by email, by fax, or by a combination of the three. Then, the preferred delivery method is
marked by default in the following situations:
After you save these settings on their record, these boxes are checked by default.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 173
Note: These settings override any customized settings on transaction forms you use.
For more information about printing and emailing transactions, see Printing Checks and Other
Transactions and Emailing Transactions.
You can also set values these fields using the Mass Update function. For information, see the help topic
Mass Changes or Updates.
To print PDF files, you must install Adobe Reader. Visit the Adobe website to download the latest version
at no charge.
Your administrator can customize the layout of your printed forms using Advanced PDF/HTML templates.
For information, see the help topic Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.
If you print using PDF, files open in the default Adobe application. You can also download files and save
them to print later. To do this, go to Home > Set Preferences and check the Download PDF Files box.
You can print transactions on blank paper, or you can purchase compatible customized checks and forms
from the Forms Fulfillment Center, a NetSuite partner at
Important: If the Multi-Language feature is enabled in your account, you can choose from
different languages for printed transactions. However, only the system-supported languages
available in user preferences are supported because pre-translated strings are provided
for general terms in these languages. Additional languages that are available as company
preferences are not supported for printed transaction forms, but they are supported for website
translations. For more information, see the help topic Configuring Multiple Languages.
Note: To be able to print checks and other transaction, you need the View level of the Set Up
Company permission.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 174
Note: If you use the Multi-Language feature and have customers that use a different
language than the one you set at Home > Set Preferences, when you point to the Print
icon, you can select Print in Customer’s Locale to translate the transaction into the
customer’s predefined language. For more information, see the help topic Configuring
Multiple Languages.
3. To print:
■ If you print using HTML, click Print on your browser.
■ If you print using PDF, click Print in Acrobat Reader.
If you have the Download PDF Files preference enabled at Home > Set Preferences > General,
you must save the PDF to your computer and open it from there to print it.
Multiple printing
On each transaction record that you want to print, you must mark the record to be printed. To do this,
check the To Be Printed box. The location of this box depends on the type of transaction. For example,
on the check record, this box appears in the header of the record. For a purchase order, this box appears
on the Messages subtab.
After you have saved the transaction records, you can print them all at one time.
Note: To access the Print Checks and Forms page, you need the View level of the Print Checks
and Forms permission.
Note: If you use the Multi-Language feature and have customers that use a different
language than the one you set at Home > Set Preferences, when you point to the arrow on
the Print button, you can select Print in Customer’s Locale to translate the transaction into
the customer’s predefined language. For more information, see the help topic Configuring
Multiple Languages.
Emailing Transactions
Email is now the accepted method of sending transactions to customers for the vast majority of users.
With NetSuite you can email the transaction directly from the active screen. NetSuite automatically saves a
copy of the message and records the audit trail. Users with the Email Templates and Custom Transaction
Forms permissions can select which transaction email template to use for each transaction type when
sending transaction emails with a PDF attachment. For information about determining the content of the
email message, see the help topics Working with Email Templates and Assigning an Email Template to a
Transaction Type.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 175
No special permission is required to email a transaction, but your account needs to be set up to enable
the action. An administrator must do the setup. For information, see the help topic Setting Email
■ To send the transaction by email as you complete or edit it, select Save & Email from the Save menu.
Save & Email verifies that the To Be E-Mailed box is checked and the field contains an email address.
The box and field are located on the Communication > Messages subtab of the transaction record.
The To Be E-Mailed box must be checked and the field must contain an email address. If the field
is blank, NetSuite prompts you to provide an email address. If the field contains an email address,
the Save & Email method immediately saves the transaction and sends an email message with the
The default address in the To Be E-Mailed field is the email address specified in the header of the
customer or vendor record. The box is automatically checked when the Email box is checked on the
Preferences subtab of the entity record.
A log of sent transaction email, including any attachments is viewable from the entity record on the
Communication > Messages subtab. A list of sent email is also available in the same location on
the transaction record. To view the list, your role must include at least View level access to the Track
Messages permission, and meet one of the following criteria:
□ you are the author, the recipient, or a related entity
□ you have access to the author, the recipient, or a related entity
□ or you have access to a related record, such as a transaction, event, or custom record.
For information about how to set up a history log of all recently sent transaction email, see Creating a
Sent Log for Transaction Email.
■ To send the transaction to one or more specific email addresses, go to the Communication >
Messages subtab, check To Be E-Mailed. Enter the email address you want to send the transaction
to. Separate multiple addresses with semicolons. Optionally, you can select a standard message from
the Select Message list or type a message in the Customer Message field.
To send a saved transaction by email in view mode, from the Actions list, select Email.
Note: Transactional email is not subject to monthly send limits. You can send an unlimited
number of transactional email messages during the month.
Warning: To send a bulk e-mail with a mass update on a transaction, don't exceed the 4000
character limit for the field (including HTML tags), otherwise, the e-mail doesn't save.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 176
transactions for which payments have not been received. You enter search criteria to generate a list of
transactions and then select which transactions you want to send email for.
Transaction Email refers to the email field that appears on the Communication subtab of a
transaction such as a sales order.
Customer Email refers to the email field on the main Customer record page.
Contact Email refers to the email address related to the named contact within the company.
6. On the Message subtab of the Mass Update form, select the scriptable template to use or enter
the text for the message in the Message field. Templates can be up to 4 MB in size.
7. Do one of the following:
■ Click Preview to view a list of transactions that match your search criteria.
■ Click Save to save this mass update to use later.
When you click Preview, the Mass Update Preview Results page opens with a list of the
transactions that match your criteria.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 177
8. In the Apply column check the transactions for which to send email.
9. Click Perform Update.
A status page opens that displays progress and completion information.
You can keep track of what email has been sent to a particular entity by looking at the log found in the
Communication > Messages subtab of that record. You can also view a log of all recently sent transaction
email messages by creating a simple saved search. For example, you might want to check that a bulk
mailing of invoices was successfully delivered to their recipients.
To view this report, your role must include the Transaction Detail report permission.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 178
A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar indicates the progress as your
report loads. You can click Cancel Report to stop the report from loading.
This section contains the information for the SuiteAnalytics Transaction Detail workbook in NetSuite. For
more information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook, see the help topic Workbook and Dataset Templates.
Dataset Configuration
The Transaction Detail dataset combines fields from two record types and multiple criteria filters. To edit
the dataset, see the help topic Defining a Dataset.
Transaction Transaction Line (none) The following fields are The following criteria is used to
included in the dataset. filter the dataset:
If using Multi-Book Accounting, a Primary Accounting Book filter is also included by default.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 179
As with all standard workbooks, only Administrators can access the Transaction Detail Workbook.
■ Transaction Overview — The default definition includes a row for account type and a Transaction
Count measure and a grand total of all accounts.
■ Account Turnover — For OneWorld accounts. The default definition includes a row for Account, a
Subsidiary column, and Amount (Sum) measures.
My Transactions Workbook
SuiteAnalytics Workbook offers many workbook and dataset templates, each with predefined source data,
criteria, pivot tables, and charts.
This section contains the information for the SuiteAnalytics Transaction Detail workbook in NetSuite. For
more information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook, see the help topic Workbook and Dataset Templates.
■ My Transactions Dataset
■ My Transactions Workbook
My Transactions Dataset
This dataset uses fields from the Transaction record type so that you can see all of the transactions you
have created within the last year. It forms the source data for the My Transactions Workbook.
The following table lists key differences between the saved search and the dataset:
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 180
Dataset Configuration
The My Transactions dataset uses fields from the Transaction record type and two criteria filters. To edit
the dataset, see the help topic Defining a Dataset.
■ If you enable the Multi-Book Accounting feature for your account, you can use the Accounting Book
field in a criteria filter to view data for specific accounting books.
■ To access the Accounting Book field, use the join path Transaction > Transaction Line > Transaction
Accounting Line.
Root Record Joined Record Custom Formula Data Grid Criteria Filters
Type Type Fields
Transaction (none) (none) The following fields are The following criteria is
included in the dataset: used to filter the dataset:
Transaction: ■ Created By is me
My Transactions Workbook
This workbook is based on the My Transactions dataset and displays all transactions you have created
within the last year by default.
Customize views with additional filters and data by modifying the workbook template and dataset
template. You can choose to visualize the data as a table, chart, or pivot. The dataset template is based on
the transaction record.
As with all standard workbooks, only Administrators can access the My Transactions workbook.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 181
Use the Summary by Currency pivot table to search for specific transactions. You can also use the status
information to identify the next workflow steps for transactions, such as for period closing.
Use the Summary by Period pivot table to report on user or team performance during each period and by
transaction type.
To access the workbook, click the My Transactions link from the Workbook Templates list on the
Workbooks subtab of the Analytics Home page.
Warning: Transactions with more than 1,000 lines may negatively affect NetSuite’s performance
or cause timeouts.
For example, if you know that you have more than 10,000 invoices, use the Customize button on the
sublist to filter the invoices that are listed. For example, when working with the Credit Memo record, you
can click the Customize button on the Apply sublist to narrow the list of invoices.
For more information about transaction line limits, see Line Limitations for Transactions.
Note: The limits for submission of transactions are different than the limits for display of
transactions. The limit for transactions submitted through the user interface is 500 lines per
transaction. For transactions submitted through CSV import or SOAP web services, the limit is
5,000 lines per transaction.
For journal entries, these limits are 1,000 lines for the user interface and synchronous SOAP web
services, and 10,000 lines for CSV import and asynchronous SOAP web services.
See one of the following tables with specific line limits for different transaction interactions:
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 182
Warning: Transactions with more than 1,000 lines may negatively affect performance or cause
Revenue Recognition Journal Entry 1,000 Generating Revenue Recognition Journal Entries
SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Transactions 200 Usage Notes for Transaction Record Types
Warning: Transactions with more than 1,000 lines may negatively affect performance or cause
Journal Entries 10,000 10,000 10,000 You may notice a performance impact
during import and in the user interface
for journal entries with over 1,000 lines.
For more information, see the help topic
Making Journal Entries
NetSuite Basics
Working with Transactions 183
There are few types of records where you can import from record-specific pages outside of the CSV
import, such as the Translation Collections where you can import and export XLIFF files.
Warning: Transactions with more than 1,000 lines may negatively affect performance or cause
Generate China VAT Transactions 10,000 Known Limitations of NetSuite China Localization
China Cash & Bank Journal Report 5,000 Known Limitations of NetSuite China Localization
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 184
■ Select a preconfigured view from the View list or click Customize View to create your own. See Working
with List Views, Sublist Views, and Dashboard Views.
■ Click a button near the top to create a new record to add to the list, New Customer in this example.
■ Expand the Filter area to show and use the filters provided.
■ Select an option from the Style dropdown list.
■ Use the controls in the row at the top of the list to do the following:
□ Click one of the export icons to export the list as a CSV, Microsoft Excel, or PDF file.
□ Click the print icon to print the list.
□ Check the Show Inactives box to see inactivated records.
□ Select an option in the Quick Sort list.
□ Large lists of records may be broken down into smaller sections. Use the dropdown list to see a
different page of records. Use the left and right arrows to move forward and back in the list.
■ Click a column heading to sort the list by that column.
■ Click Edit next to a name to make changes to the record.
■ Click View or the name to view the record.
When the Inline Editing feature is enabled, click the Edit switch in the list toolbar to edit fields directly in
the list. Inline Editing is available on the following lists:
■ Campaigns
■ Cases
■ Contacts
■ CRM Tasks
■ Customers
■ Employees
■ Events
■ Issues
■ Items
■ Leads
■ Partners
■ Phone Calls
■ Projects (Jobs)
■ Prospects
■ Solutions
■ Transactions
■ Vendors
For more information about filling in the fields on a record page, see the help topic NetSuite Record
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 185
Exporting Lists
You can export NetSuite lists as files that you can open in external applications. The toolbar at the top of
the list has icon buttons to support the following file export types:
Note: If your account administrator enabled the Tableau® Workbook Export feature and
assigned you the corresponding permission, your list toolbar also contains the Export to Tableau
Workbook icon .
For results exported to a CSV or XLS file, you may save the file or open it immediately in Microsoft Excel.
For results exported to a PDF file, the file opens immediately.
Internal ID field values are generated by the NetSuite system for each record. These values, which serve
as unique identifiers, are always included as a results column in the list to be exported.
Each export format has advantages and limitations. Review the limitations before selecting a preferred
format. The format you select can affect data accuracy and report readability. For details on the export
formats and their limitations, see Comparing Export Formats.
Note: If exported lists and files are marked as encrypted or read-only, you need to know your
password for such files.
Inline list editing is available when the Inline Editing feature is enabled. To enable the feature, go to Setup
> Company > Enable Features. On the Company subtab in the Data Management section, check the Inline
Editing box and click Save.
1. Use the Edit switch at the top of the page to turn on inline editing. When editing is off, the switch
displays an x. When editing is on, the switch has a green check.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 186
The list page refreshes to display an edit icon in each column header that contains editable fields.
You can also identify editable fields by placing the cursor on them. A field is editable if the cursor
turns into a hand when on the field.
Important: Display types affect whether fields are available for editing or not. For more
information, see the help topic Setting Display Options for Custom Fields.
Important: Columns that display an edit icon in the header may include field values that
are not available for the inline editing due to data validation that prevents editing generally.
The edit icon does not mean that you can use inline editing for every field in the column.
You can also use the following tools to increase your data entry performance when inline editing is
■ Edit the same field on multiple records by pressing Ctrl and holding it as you select multiple fields.
Note: Note that you can only edit multiple fields in the same column. You cannot edit
multiple fields across different columns simultaneously.
■ Click Add above the list to open a Quick Add popup window for the current record type.
■ Click the icon in the New column to open menu of related records. Select an option to create the
new record on a separate page. The icon appears when you move your pointer over the column.
If you change many field values in one session using inline editing, NetSuite may have to update multiple
records simultaneously. In this case, you may receive the following message: “Too many inline edits.
Please wait a few seconds and try the edit again.” You should be able to complete your most recent edit
after a brief wait.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 187
You can enable or disable the tooltip by checking or clearing the Sublist Column Name Tooltip box
which is located on the Appearance subtab at Home > Set Preferences.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 188
Hover over the Recent Records icon , to see a list of records you recently viewed or edited. This is the
Recent Records menu. From here you can click a link to open a record in view mode, or move your cursor
over the link and click Edit to open the record in Edit mode. You can also click All Recent Records to view
a list of the 100 most recent records. This list includes the record type and the date the record was last
You can also create a Recent Records portlet on your dashboard to show the last 12 records you viewed
or edited. Click Personalize Dashboard (under the tabs at the top of your dashboard) and then select
Recent Records in the Add Content panel.
The difference between using the Recent Records menu and the Recent Records portlet is that the portlet
constantly displays a list of recent records on the dashboard. The menu only displays recent records on
demand, when you click or hover over the icon.
■ List View
■ Sublist View
■ Dashboard View
List View
The list view is displayed when you go to the NetSuite tab that lists the record you want, and click the
task link for that type of record. You can customize this view by changing the fields that display on the list
page. A customized view is based on a custom search that you create for that record type.
To customize a list view, click Customize View or Edit View. Note that the Edit View button only appears
when the list view has already been customized. For more information, see Customizing List Views.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 189
Sublist View
Most records include subtabs that display additional fields or lists of other records. You can create a
separate customized sublist view that displays different data than a list view. For more information, see
Customizing Sublist Views.
Dashboard View
You may choose to display a list of records in a portlet on your dashboard. NetSuite enables you to create
a separate customized view for list portlets on your dashboard. For more information, see Customizing
Dashboard Views.
Your existing list, sublist, and dashboard views may be based on preferred view settings specified by your
administrator or by another user with Publish Search permission, rather than on system-defined defaults.
For information about how preferred view settings are defined, see the help topic Using a Saved Search
as a View.
You can create custom views for any list that includes the Customize View or Edit View button on the list
If a saved search has been made available as a list view, you can select that saved search as your list view
instead of customizing a new one. These searches are available from a View dropdown list. See Selecting
an Existing Saved Search as a Custom View.
1. On the list page you want to customize, click Customize View or Edit View.
If the list view of this record type has not been previously customized, the Customize View button
is displayed. If the view has been customized, the Edit View button is displayed. In the example
below, the Customers & Jobs page has Customize View button.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 190
Clicking Customize View takes you to the page to customize the view.
2. In the Search Title field, enter a different name for your custom view if desired.
Default search title is the word Custom followed by the record type and the selected view, for
example, Custom Customer General View.
3. On the Results subtab:
■ Select a different field to use for sorting if desired.
■ Add, remove, and move fields as desired.
■ Enter custom labels for fields as desired. The default label is the field name.
4. On the Available Filters subtab:
■ Add, remove, and move fields to be displayed as filter lists on the list page.
■ Enter custom labels for filter lists as desired. The default label is the field name.
■ Leave the Show in Filter Region setting as Yes for all fields. If you change this setting to No,
the filter list is not displayed.
5. When you have finished making changes, click Save. This customized view is now used for the
selected record type's list page.
You also can do the following:
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 191
■ Click More Options to display a full saved search definition page where you can edit other
options, such as filter criteria. (Note that if you make changes to other options on this page,
these settings are preserved when you return to the customization page even though they are
no longer visible.)
■ Click Cancel to return to the list page, with no changes.
■ Click Restore Defaults to return to the list page that uses your previously defined preferred
search settings, if any, or system-defined defaults. (Note that this button only displays after you
have customized the list view.)
Note: If an existing saved search is available as a sublist view, you can select that search to
customize your subtab view instead of creating a new one. These searches are available from a
View list. See Selecting an Existing Saved Search as a Custom View.
Note: When you switch between custom views on a sublist, the filters on the sublist do not
update automatically. For more information, see SuiteAnswers article Switching Between Custom
Views on a Sublist Does Not Automatically Update Filters.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 192
2. In the Search Title field, you can enter a different name for your custom view.
Default search title is the word Custom followed by the record type and the selected view, for
example, Custom Item Transaction Sublist View.
3. On the Criteria subtab, add the desired Filter.
4. On the Results subtab:
■ Select a different field to use for sorting if desired.
■ Add, remove, and move fields as desired.
■ Enter custom labels for fields as desired. The default label is the field name.
5. On the Available Filters subtab:
■ Add, remove, and move fields to be displayed as filter lists on the list page.
■ Enter custom labels for filter lists as desired. The default label is the field name.
■ Leave the Show in Filter Region setting as Yes for all fields. If you change this setting to No,
the filter list is not displayed.
6. When you have finished making changes, click Save. This customized view is now used for the
selected record type's sublist.
You also can do the following:
■ Click More Options to display a full saved search definition page where you can edit other
options. (Note that if you make changes to other options on this page, these settings are
preserved when you return to the customization page even though they are no longer visible.)
■ Click Cancel to return to the record that includes the sublist, with no changes.
■ Click Restore Defaults to return to the sublist that uses your previously defined preferred
search settings, if any, or system-defined defaults. (Note that this button only appears after you
have customized the sublist view.)
Note: If an existing saved search is available as a dashboard view, you can select that search to
customize your dashboard view, instead of creating a new one. These searches are available from
a View dropdown list. See Selecting an Existing Saved Search as a Custom View.
1. In the List portlet that display the dashboard list you want to customize, click the Customize View
or Edit View link.
If the dashboard view of this record type has not been previously customized, the Customize View
link is displayed. If has been edited, the Edit View link is displayed.
2. In the Search Title field, enter a different name for your custom view, if desired.
Default search title is the word Custom followed by the record type and the selected view, for
example, Custom Item Basic View.
3. On the Results subtab:
■ Select a different field to use for sorting if desired.
■ Add, remove, and move fields as desired.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 193
Note: A List portlet displays only the first 7 columns when the portlet is placed in the
center of the dashboard and only 2 when it is on the side.
■ Enter custom labels for fields as desired. The default label is the field name.
4. On the Available Filters subtab:
■ Add, remove, and move fields to be displayed as filter lists on the list page.
■ Enter custom labels for filter lists as desired. The default label is the field name.
■ Leave the Show in Filter Region setting as Yes for all fields. If you change this setting to No,
the filter list is not displayed.
5. When you have finished making changes, click Save. This customized view is now used to display
the selected record type in List portlets.
You also can do the following:
■ Click More Options to display a full saved search definition page where you can edit other
options, such as filter criteria. (Note that if you make changes to other options on this page,
these settings are preserved when you return to the customization page, even though they are
no longer visible.)
■ Click Cancel to return to the page displaying the List portlet, with no changes.
■ Click Restore Defaults to return to the page with the List portlet that uses your previously
defined preferred search settings, if any, or system-defined defaults. (Note that this button only
appears after you have customized the list view.)
NetSuite Basics
Working with Lists 194
For information about how saved searches are made available as custom views, see the help topic Using a
Saved Search as a View.
You can customize how saved search results are printed if your site uses advanced PDF/HTML templates.
For more information about creating a custom template to print results from saved searches, see the help
topic Advanced Templates for Printing Saved Search Results.
Important: If the Use Expressions option is enabled for a search, editing is disabled in list,
dashboard, and sublist views based on the search. If you want editing to be available for a view,
ensure that the Use Expressions box on the Criteria subtab is not checked for the search that
filters view results. See the help topic Using Expressions in Search Criteria.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Your Calendar and Activities 195
You must set preferences before you start using your calendar and working with activity records in
NetSuite. For more information, see Personal Preferences for Activities.
Read Using Your Calendar to learn how to set preferences for sharing your calendar with others in your
organization and how to synchronize your calendar using NetSuite for Outlook.
You can set up several calendar portlets on your Activities page to display combinations of personal,
group, or team calendars. These portlets act independently of each other, so you can also display a
variety of time frames for the same calendar. For example, you may set a monthly overview portlet on the
left of your screen and in the center, a weekly view. See the help topic Calendar Portlets.
When you use the Time Tracking for CRM feature, you can track time on tasks, phone calls, events, and
cases. Tracking time on these activities can help you become more aware of how much time is spent on
certain projects.
Note: The ability to track time in NetSuite is also required for Time Tracking for CRM.
The topics below provide more information about working with your calendar and activities:
■ Working with Events describes how to create and edit events, as well as how to track time on event
■ Working with CRM Tasks describes how to create CRM tasks and Project tasks, as well as how to track
time on CRM tasks.
■ Working with Phone Calls describes how to schedule phone calls, track time on phone calls, and use
telephony with NetSuite.
To display tasks and phone calls on your calendar, check the Reserve Time box on task and phone call
records, and then enter the start and end times.
NetSuite Basics
Using Your Calendar 196
Read the following topics for information about how to set up and use your NetSuite calendar:
■ Setting Your Calendar Time Zone describes how to share events and meetings with your co-workers
across the country or around the world.
■ Setting Calendar Preferences describes how to make appointments visible on your calendar and how
to share your calendar with other NetSuite users in your organization.
■ Navigating Your Calendar describes how to best use the calendar page.
■ Synchronizing Your Calendar describes how to use the NetSuite for Outlook client for viewing your
appointments and making changes to your schedule without logging in to NetSuite. You must use the
Outlook Integration feature to take advantage of this functionality.
■ privacy settings
■ calendar display
■ sharing
Prior to setting your calendar preferences, set the time zone to make sure your calendar reflects the time
zone in which you work. For more information, see Setting Your Calendar Time Zone.
NetSuite Basics
Using Your Calendar 197
Calendar Access
Use the Calendar Access subtab to define how your events appear when others in your NetSuite account
view your calendar.
1. In the Grant Access to column, select who should have access to your calendar. Note that only
NetSuite users with login access to your account appear in this list.
2. In the Access Level column, choose one of the following access levels:
■ View – This person can see events you mark public and busy times for events you mark busy.
■ Edit – This person can see, change and remove events you mark public and see busy times for
events you mark busy. They cannot delete events on your calendar.
■ Full – This person has view and edit access to public events on your calendar, can delete
events on your calendar and also accept events on your behalf.
■ To grant access to your private events, check the Can Access Private Events box for the
selected NetSuite user.
3. Click Add.
Note: Administrators are able to view or edit, including delete, any task, event, or call,
even if it is not assigned to them and regardless of the event access settings.
The options on the Preferences subtab determine how the calendar displays when you are logged in to
NetSuite. You can choose a daily, weekly, or monthly view and designate a start and end time for your
calendar day.
1. In the Default View field, choose to display your calendar in a daily, weekly, or monthly format.
You can always change the view on the calendar by clicking Day, Week or Month in the calendar.
NetSuite Basics
Using Your Calendar 198
2. In the Daily section, in the Start Time field, select the time your calendar day begins.
3. In the End Time field, select the time your calendar day ends.
These can be the start and end of the work day.
4. In the Time Increments field, select how you want to display time on your calendar's daily view.
5. Under Calendar Sharing, check the Public Calendar box if you want to share your public calendar
with iCal-compatible devices and applications.
Checking this box generates a URL that you can use to view all public events on your NetSuite
6. Check the Private Calendar box if you want to share all of your calendar events (including private
events and those shown as busy) with iCal-compatible devices and applications.
Checking this box generates a URL that you can use to view all private and public events on your
NetSuite calendar.
Note: These options only enable you to view calendar events in an iCal application. You
cannot update or edit NetSuite events from other devices. This is supported on iOS devices
using iOS version 7.1.0 or later. For more information, see Sharing Your Calendar with iCal-
Compatible Devices and Applications.
Now you can begin using your calendar. When you or others go to your calendar, your calendar appears
according to your settings on the Preferences subtab.
Additional setup preferences are available for each calendar portlet. For details, see the help topic
Calendar Portlets.
First you must set up your calendar for sharing. This creates URLs that you can use to share your
When you check these boxes, URLs are automatically generated. You can distribute these URLs to anyone
you want to share your calendars with. You can reset these URLs at any time if you want to require the
use of a new URL to view your calendar. After resetting these URLs, you must communicate the new URLs
to those you’d like to share your calendar with.
As with any Internet calendar, reminder settings on events are not supported for Google Calendar and
Outlook, but they are supported on iOS devices (using iOS version 7.1.0 or later).
NetSuite Basics
Using Your Calendar 199
For information about how to make your calendar events public or private by default, see Setting
Calendar Preferences.
Note: Google Calendar refreshes events from Internet calendars approximately every 24 hours.
If you would like to update your calendar more frequently, you can use other Internet calendar
Important: The Google Calendar Android app only supports viewing of subscribed calendars.
To add a calendar, you must use the browser version of Google Calendar.
NetSuite Basics
Using Your Calendar 200
Microsoft Outlook
To view NetSuite events in Microsoft Outlook, you can use NetSuite for Outlook or you can add it as an
Internet calendar.
2. Enter the NetSuite calendar URL from the Calendar Preferences page and then click Subscribe.
3. Enter a name for the calendar in the Name field and choose a color from the adjacent pop-up
4. If you have an iCloud account, choose whether you want the calendar on that account.
Note: To view a subscription calendar in Calendar on your Mac and on devices with iOS 5
or later without resubscribing to it, choose your iCloud account.
5. To get the calendar’s event attachments or alerts, clear the appropriate Remove boxes.
6. To update your copy of the calendar when changes to it are published, choose the update
frequency from the Auto-refresh pop-up menu.
NetSuite Basics
Using Your Calendar 201
7. Click OK.
To make changes to the calendar, click the name of the calendar, and then choose Edit > Get Info.
iOS Devices
To view your NetSuite calendar on an iOS device, you can use the native NetSuite for iPhone app, or you
can add it as a subscribed calendar. For more information about NetSuite for iPhone, see the help topic
NetSuite for Mobile Overview.
Note: This is supported on iOS devices using iOS version 7.1.0 or later.
Important: Do not enter your NetSuite user name and password. This is not required to
view your NetSuite calendar on your iOS device.
7. Tap Save.
The figure above illustrates actions you can complete with the calendar. Both calendars are calendar
portlets, but one is set to monthly view in the narrow dashboard column, and the other is a daily view in
the wide column. The numbered options below correspond with the numbers in the figure above:
NetSuite Basics
Using Your Calendar 202
1 Click Today to highlight today’s date. The same button In daily view in the wide column displays all events
scheduled for today.
2 Click the arrows at the top of a calendar to view the next or previous increment of the view. For example, the
arrows in the narrow calendar move through the months. In the wide calendar the arrow move through the days.
3 Click Print in the portlet menu to print the events listed in the center of the page. Click the icon to refresh the
contents of the calendar.
4 Select a calendar from the dropdown list. You can see only calendars and calendar entries that have been shared
with you or made public.
5 Click Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to change the calendar view. In the narrow calendar, these options are included
in a dropdown list instead of buttons.
6 In daily view, click a time to open a popup and create a new Event, Call, or Task.
When you click a day in weekly view, the calendar changes to daily so that you can create a new entry. In monthly
view, the behavior when you click a day depends on whether the calendar is narrow or wide. In narrow calendars,
the view changes to daily. In wide calendars, the Create New popup opens.
In the narrow monthly calendar, click the date to view events for that day. Hover over a date to see the events in a
popup without changing the calendar view.
Calendar Colors
Colors denote the status of your events.
If you decline an event or an event is canceled, it does not show on your calendar.
NetSuite Basics
Using Your Calendar 203
NetSuite for Outlook provides unidirectional and bidirectional synchronization of contact, event, task,
and phone call records between NetSuite and Outlook, as well as the ability to save Outlook messages to
NetSuite records. You can download this client from NetSuite and run it as an Outlook Add-In.
For information about using NetSuite for Outlook for synchronizations, see the help topic NetSuite for
Read the topics below to learn more about working with events:
■ Scheduling Events describes how to create new event records and how to use the Scheduler portlet to
schedule events.
■ Sending Event Invitations describes how to send an email invitation with details about the event,
including the date, time, and location.
■ Setting Up Recurring Events describes how to create a record for an event that occurs on a regular
basis, such as a weekly or monthly meeting.
■ Using Resource Records on Events describes how to use event records to reserve certain resources,
such as a conference room or a speaker phone.
■ Tracking Time for Events describes how to keep track of time spent on events for reporting purposes
and billing. Note that you can only track time on events if you use the Tracking Time for CRM feature.
■ Responding to Event Invitations describes how to accept, decline, or mark an event invitation as
■ Setting Up Event Reminders describes the different types of event reminders and how to set them up
when you edit an event record or respond to an event invitation by email.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 204
■ Canceling or Deleting Events describes the difference between canceling and deleting events, as well
as how to cancel one-time and recurring events.
■ Searching Event Records describes how to set filters and find events that are not listed on your Events
■ Sharing Your Calendar with iCal-Compatible Devices and Applications explains how to share your
NetSuite calendar with Outlook, iOS devices, and Android devices.
Scheduling Events
You can schedule an event through an event record or by using the Scheduler portlet. The Scheduler is
convenient when organizing an event for a group. You can click the link to the event on your calendar to
make changes if necessary.
■ To understand how to enter information about an event record, read Creating a New Event Record.
■ To learn how to invite a group of people to an event, read Using the Event Scheduler Portlet.
■ To find out about keyboard shortcuts, managing conflicting events, and marking events as private, see
Event Scheduling Notes.
■ To add a resource to an event, read Using Resource Records on Events.
■ To learn how to cancel an event, or how to remove it from your calendar, read Canceling or Deleting
When you create an event, you are the owner and automatically designated as the organizer. Only you
can create events on your calendar. The event’s organizer, owner, or any role who has edit- or full-level
permissions to events on your calendar can make changes to the event records including assigning or
changing organizers.
Note: Administrators are able to view or edit, including delete, any task, event or call, even if it is
not assigned to them and regardless of the event’s access settings.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 205
■ Show as Busy – This event appears as a busy time slot to everyone with access to the
calendar. No other information about this event is displayed.
6. In the Organizer field, select the person who is organizing this event. The event organizer
is automatically set as an accepted attendee for this event.
If you edit the event record to change the organizer, the new organizer is not automatically
added to the attendee list.
3. Under Date and Time:
1. Select a date for the event.
2. Check the All Day box, if this event will last the entire day.
When you check this box, the start and end times fill in automatically based on your
calendar preferences.
Note: If you need to create an event that spans multiple days, create an all day
event for the first day, and on the Recurrence subtab, choose Daily and set the last
day of the event in the End By field.
3. Check the Reserve Time box if you want to reserve time on your calendar for this event.
Events that do not reserve time appear first on your calendar on the day they are
scheduled. These can include events such as birthdays or anniversaries.
4. Select the start and end times for this event. If the selected time slot conflicts with any
existing events, a popup warning displays on the screen.
5. In the Reminder Type field select the type of reminder you want to receive.
6. In the Reminder field, select a time before the event when you want to be reminded. For
more information, see Setting Up Event Reminders when Creating or Editing Events.
4. On the Message subtab, enter the message you want to show in the email invitation that is sent to
attendees and is shown on the event record.
Optionally, you can get writing help for the Message field from our generative AI service, NetSuite
Text Enhance. Click the Enhance Text button to use the available options. For more information
about using this capability, see Text Enhance.
5. Click the Attendees subtab.
6. In the Send Invitation To column, select a name from the list. For more information, see Sending
Event Invitations.
7. In the Attendance column choose whether this attendee is a required or an optional participant.
8. Click Add.
9. Repeat these steps for each attendee.
10. On the Resources subtab, you can reserve the necessary resources for this event such as a
conference room or presentation materials. For more information, see Reserving Resources for
The availability of those individuals and materials you have selected on the Attendees or
Resources subtabs shows on the Availability subtab.
Click the arrows next to the date to view the availability on other days. The window of time shown
on this subtab is the same as the Daily start and end times set in your calendar preferences.
11. Click the Recurrence subtab if the event is part of a series of events. For more information, see
Setting Up Recurring Events.
12. When you have finished entering all of the information for this event, click Save.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 206
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 207
■ Scheduling Events
■ Calendar Hot Keys for Events
■ Using the Event Scheduler Portlet
■ Warning for Conflicting Events
■ Marking Events as Private
Note: Only the owner of a private event can delete it. Even those with the Administrator role
cannot delete private events from another user's calendar. These events must be deleted through
the Delete Events mass update. See the help topic Mass Deleting an Employee's Events.
After you save an event record, it appears on the NetSuite calendar for each person invited.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 208
2. In the Send Invitation to column, select the name of the person or group you are inviting to this
The Availability field is automatically filled by NetSuite. When those invited are not in your
company, this field always says Available.
If the person or group is in your company, their availability depends on whether they have
conflicting events in their NetSuite calendars. You can view availability on the Availability subtab.
The Response column defaults to the status No Response when you add an invitee.
When those invited receive the invitation to the event, they can accept, decline, or tentatively
accept the invitation. Their status displays here, on the event record. For more information, see
Responding to Event Invitations.
3. In the Email column, check the box next to each person to whom you want to send an email
Check the Notify Attendees by Email box to send email to attendees in the list based on your
preference for sending invitation email. For more information, see Personal Preferences for
4. In the Attendance column, select whether each person's attendance is optional or required.
5. Click Add.
6. Repeat these steps for each person or group you want to invite.
7. When you have added everyone you want to invite, click the Availability subtab to see if they are
all available at the selected time, or click Save if you are finished with this event.
You can restrict the contacts that appear in the Send Invitation To column by setting the Restrict Invitees
to Employees preference on the Activities subtab at Home > Set Preferences. If you check this box, only
employees appear in the Send Invitation To column.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 209
To edit a recurring event, go to the calendar in NetSuite and click the event link. Select the occurrence or
Invitees can choose to decline either the entire series of events or specific dates in the series.
Note: If you change your time zone preference at Home > Set Preferences > Activities and then
edit an event created in your original time zone, you may need to review the recurrence settings
for that event to ensure they are set properly before saving your changes.
You must use the Resources subtab on the event record to reserve a resource for an event. If someone
else creates an event for the same time, and attempts to reserve the same resource, the availability shows
as busy.
■ Creating a Resource
■ Reserving Resources for Events
Creating a Resource
When you create a resource record, you are also creating a calendar associated with the resource. If the
resource is public, then any NetSuite user in your account can select the resource on the calendar page
and see when the resource is booked for a certtain day, week, or month.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 210
Now you can reserve this resource when you schedule events. For more information, see Reserving
Resources for Events.
Make changes to the resource record and its calendar preferences by going to Activities > Setup >
Resources, and clicking Edit next to a resource.
The following fields display on the Calendar Preferences subtab of the Resource record:
■ Title – The resource name entered in the Name field appears here as the name of the calendar.
■ Daily Start Time and Daily End Time – Select the time that this calendar should begin showing
events, and the time when this calendar should stop showing events.
■ Default View – Choose to display this calendar in a daily, weekly or monthly format.
■ Daily Time Increments – Select the increments of time for this calendar's daily view.
■ Sharing – Choose a level of access for this calendar. Note that you can still specify on event records
how you want events to appear on this calendar.
□ Public – This gives everyone in your company access to this calendar.
□ Defined Below – This restricts everyone in your company from seeing this calendar except the
people you select in the section below.
Give certain individuals access to this calendar by selecting a name in the User column. Only
NetSuite users with login access appear in this list.
In the Access Level column, choose the level of access for each person who is allowed to see this
▬ None – This person cannot access this calendar.
▬ View – This person can see events marked public and busy times for events marked busy.
▬ Edit – This person can see, change and remove events marked public and see busy times for
events marked busy.
▬ Full – This person has complete access for viewing and editing this calendar.
Note: Private events are not shown even to those with access to this resource calendar. To grant
access to private events, check the Can Access Private Events box for the selected user.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 211
If you have not provided a location for your event, NetSuite uses the location associated with the resource
you are planning to use as the suggested location for the event. For example if you add “Conference
Room A, San Mateo” to an event with a blank Location field, the location will be updated to San Mateo.
This only happens when first adding a resource. If you subsequently change an event resource the main
event Location field remains the same, assuming you want to use a resource from another location, but
not change the physical event location.
Note: If any case, task, or event record has more than 9500 time entries to display on the
Time Tracking subtab, all events display a static list of time entries. You cannot edit entries
directly from the list.
Note: For private events, only employees and vendors listed as attendees on the event
record can track time against the event.
If the Billable box is checked, you can bill the customer for this time on the Billable Time subtab when
you create an invoice. View reports for time spent on cases, tasks and events on the Reports tab, under
the Project/Time Tracking heading.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 212
Note: To display the Calendar or Reminders portlet on your home page, click the Personalize
link at the top of the Home page, and then select Calendar or Reminders from the Standard
Content panel.
■ Quick Accept — Accept the event without responding to the event organizer or setting a reminder.
For more information, see Quickly Accepting Event Invitations.
■ Accept — Agree to go to the event. With this option you have the option to send an email response to
the event organizer.
■ Tentative — Wait to respond to this event.
■ Decline — Defer from going to this event. With this option you also have the option to send an email
response to the event organizer.
If the status for an event is Declined, the event is removed from your calendar.
■ Decline This Date — Decline only this occurrence of a recurring event.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 213
Unless you click Quick Accept in NetSuite, when you respond to the event, a popup window opens. Here,
you can email your response to the event organizer, and set your personal reminder for this event. For
more information, see Setting Up Event Reminders.
If you choose not to send an email when you respond to the event invitation, the event organizer can still
see the status for each invitee on the event record. People with permission to see the event's record can
also see the status of those invited.
To set default preferences for events, see Personal Preferences for Activities.
■ Accepts the event without asking you to set a reminder or respond to the event organizer.
■ Marks the event accepted.
■ Makes the event appear on your calendar.
To quickly accept an event, open the event record, and click Quick Accept.
If you accept your events from the email invitation, you can click the Accept the event link on the email
message to quickly accept the event.
When you receive a popup reminder, you can choose from the following:
By default, reminders are set to include audio. You can change this preference, and set other preferences
for event reminders on the Activities subtab at Home > Set Preferences.
When you are logged in to NetSuite with your default role, the preference you set for Default Reminder
Type determines the type of reminder you receive for events. If you are not logged in with your default
role, then the type of reminder you receive is determined by a company-wide preference set by an
account administrator. For more information, see Personal Preferences for Activities.
You set event reminders when you create or edit an event, or when you accept or tentatively accept an
event invitation. For instructions, see the following help topics:
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 214
To ensure that you receive your reminder at the correct time, make sure the clock on your computer is set
to your time zone, and then go to Home > Set Preferences to set the same time zone in NetSuite.
Note: If you select None in either the Reminder field or the Reminder Type field, you will not
receive a reminder.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 215
5. In the Reminder field, select the amount of time before the event's start time that you want to
receive a popup or email reminder.
6. In the Reminder Type field, select which kind of reminder you want to receive: popup, email or
Note: If you select None in either the Reminder field or the Reminder Type field, you will
not receive a reminder.
7. Click OK.
Your event now shows on your calendar with a reminder icon. Note that if you decline an event invitation,
you are not given the option to set a reminder. The event does not show on your calendar.
When canceling an event, you can use the event record to alert attendees and to update the event's
status. If your event is recurring, you can choose to cancel one instance or cancel the entire series of
Canceled and deleted events are both removed from the calendar unless you enable the Show Canceled
Events option in your portlet setup. For more information, see the help topic Calendar Portlets.
Note: To edit events from the calendar, you must have checked the Edit Activities from Calendar
box on the Activities subtab at Home > Set Preferences.
■ Canceling Events
■ Deleting an Event
Note: Administrators can mass delete events for an employee no longer with your company. See
the help topic Mass Deleting an Employee's Events
Canceling Events
You can cancel an event from the Events list or from your calendar. Only an event's organizer can cancel
or delete an event.
Note: If you use NetSuite for iPhone, canceled events are not included in the iCalendar export.
To cancel an event:
NetSuite Basics
Working with Events 216
5. On the Attendees subtab, check the Notify Attendees by Email box to update everyone invited
about the status of the event.
6. Click Save.
If you do not need to notify those invited and want to remove the event from your Events list, you can
delete the event. For more information, see Deleting an Event.
Deleting an Event
You must be the organizer to delete an event. Note that when you delete an event, the attendees are not
notified, and the event is removed from the calendar.
To delete an event:
Note: Administrators can mass delete events for an employee no longer with your company. See
the help topic Mass Deleting an Employee's Events
Important: Defining the Date filter alone displays only the matched events which you
are invited to. Set additional filters to expand the search.
3. Click Submit.
For more information about running simple searches in NetSuite, see the help topic Defining a Simple
NetSuite Basics
Working with CRM Tasks 217
CRM Tasks
You can create a task record and assign it to an employee for completion or create a task and then assign
it to yourself as a reminder.
You can also assign tasks to partners. Go to Lists > Partners, click the partner record you want to work
with, and then check the Assign Tasks box on the partner's record. The Assign Tasks box appears only if
your administrator has enabled the company general preference Assign Tasks to Partners.
Each record contains details about the work that needs to be completed. If you were assigned a task, you
can change or update information by clicking Edit next to a task from the tasks list. You can also update
the status of your tasks as you make progress or complete them. A task shows on your list of tasks until
you mark it Completed or you delete it. For more information, see Creating CRM Task Records.
If your administrator has enabled the Time Tracking for CRM feature, you can track time of tasks records
to help you manage your time. For more information, see Tracking Time on CRM Tasks.
CRM tasks may be associated with a project but are not considered part of the project's schedule unless
they are explicitly included using the Include CRM Tasks in Project Totals box. For more information, see
the help topic Including CRM Tasks in Project Totals.
You can view tasks associated with a customer record in the Tasks portlet of the customer dashboard.
For information about displaying CRM Tasks and Project Tasks on your dashboard, see Tasks and Project
Tasks Portlets on Your Dashboard. Tasks that are related to one or more customers are displayed in each
dashboard’s Activities portlet. If you want to see the list of companies that are related to a task record,
go to the Task page through the Task portlet or through Activities > Scheduling > Tasks. Then, go to the
Related Records subtab and see the list under Companies and Contacts.
NetSuite Basics
Working with CRM Tasks 218
Project Tasks
Use project task records instead of CRM task records to track information for projects. For more
information, see the help topic Setting Up Project Management.
You can create a project task record only if you use the Project Management feature. Each project
task represents an individual work item that must be completed to finish a project, and can only be
created on a project record. Project tasks are used to facilitate project planning. On project records, the
Financial subtab now shows the Project Revenue Recognition Summary information, which is visible when
the Project Revenue Recognition feature is enabled. The summary information shows total revenue,
recognized revenue, planned revenue, and a link to Revenue Arrangement. This improvement helps you
find the respective revenue arrangement for the project and it provides more transparency.
To track tasks associated with projects, use Project Task records. For more information, see the help topic
Project Task Records.
To set a preference for CRM Tasks to display on your calendar, go to Activities > Setup > Calendar
Preference > Preferences subtab. Check the Display Non-blocking Tasks in Calendar box.
Note: In NetSuite OneWorld accounts, employees from all subsidiaries show in this
■ Check the Notify Assignee by Email box to send an email notification to the person who is
assigned to the task. This email informs the person that a task has been created or edited and
assigned to them. If this person's record does not include an email address, no message is sent.
■ Select the appropriate level of priority for this task.
■ Use the Insert Before field to change the order of tasks. Select a task from the list that the new
task should be placed above.
■ Select a Status for this task. Only someone with permission to edit the task record is allowed
change the status.
■ (Optional) Check the Private Task box if you want only you or the person in the Assigned
To field to see this task. If you also use Time Tracking for CRM, only the person assigned to a
private task can track time against the task.
NetSuite Basics
Working with CRM Tasks 219
Note: The value in the Date Completed field can be modified even after you set the
Status to Completed.
■ (Optional) Check the Reserve Time box to turn the task into a scheduled task which can be
displayed on the calendar. When you check this box, the Start Time and End Time fields
become required fields.
□ Select the Start Time and End Time.
Note: Use the Availability subtab to view when the person assigned to the task is
□ In the Reminder Type field, select a type of reminder for scheduled tasks that appear on the
None – No reminder is triggered.
Email – An email reminder is sent to the email address on the employee record for the
person selected in the Assigned To field.
Popup – A popup reminder opens when the person assigned to this task is logged in to
□ In the Reminder field, select a time before the task begins when you want to see the
Note: You must select both a Reminder Type and a Reminder time to trigger the
reminder. The person assigned to this task can edit the task record to change the
reminder settings.
NetSuite Basics
Working with CRM Tasks 220
■ Click the Files subtab to attach a file to this event. For more information about attaching files,
see Attaching Files to Records.
■ Click the User Notes subtab to add any notes concerning this event.
Time Tracking subtab:
If you have enabled either the Time Tracking for CRM or Project Management feature, you can
track time for this task. For more information, see Tracking Time on CRM Tasks.
5. After entering information about these subtabs, click Save.
You can change or update information for existing tasks by clicking Edit next to a task from the tasks list.
As you work on your tasks or complete them, update the status of the tasks. If the tasks are not marked
private, others can see your progress and know what you are working on. This facilitates communication
between departments within your company.
With Time Tracking for CRM, you can track time on tasks, phone calls, events, and cases. Tracking time on
these activities can help you manage your company by being aware of how much time is spent on certain
1. Click Edit next to an existing task record on the Tasks list at Activities > Scheduling > Tasks. For
more information, see Creating CRM Task Records.
2. Click the Time Tracking subtab on the task record.
Note: If any case, task, or event record has more than 9500 time entries to display on
the Time Tracking subtab, all CRM tasks display a static list of time entries. You cannot edit
entries directly from the list.
Note: If you use the Project Management feature, you can include CRM tasks in project
totals. Note, however, that you must use project task records to track tasks associated with
specific projects.
The fields below display on the Time Tracking subtab only when you use the Project Management
■ Initial Time Budget – Enter your first estimate of the time this task requires. Later you can
increase or decrease your time estimate in the Current Time Budget field. By maintaining an
initial time estimate in this field, you can compare your initial estimate to your current estimate.
If you entered a time estimate on a project task template, that amount shows in this field.
NetSuite Basics
Working with CRM Tasks 221
■ Current Time Budget – If your estimate of the time required by this task increases or
decreases from your original estimate, enter the revised estimate in this field.
■ Actual Time – This field shows the total amount of time entered against this task.
■ Time Remaining – This field shows the estimated remaining amount of time for this task. Time
remaining is calculated as (Initial Time Budget - Actual Time).
If you have entered a Current Time Budget amount to update your initial time budget, then
the time remaining for the task is calculated as (Current Time Budget - Actual Time).
■ Percent Time Complete – This field shows the calculated total of work that has been
completed to date in percent format. The percent complete is calculated as (Actual Time *
100%) / Initial Time Budget.
If you have entered a Current Time Budget amount, then the percent complete is calculated
as follows (Actual Time * 100%) / Current Time Budget.
■ Percent Complete – Enter an estimate of how much of the total amount of work for this task
is already completed. For example, if half the work toward completion is done, enter 50%. The
percentage you enter in this field overrides the auto-calculated figure in the Percent Time
Complete field and is used for task calculations.
3. Your name appears in the Employee field. Depending on your role access, you can select another
employee if you are entering time for someone else.
Note: For private tasks, only employees listed as assigned to the task can track time
against the task.
For instructions on limiting employees' ability to enter time records, see the help topic Restricting
Employee Time Tracking Entries . Employees can also use the Employee Center to track their time. For
more information, see the help topic Giving an Employee Access to Time Tracking.
You can view employee time on the Reports page under the Time & Billables heading.
If you use the Inline Editing feature, you can change a task's status to Completed in the Tasks portlet.
Changes made to a task in the portlet are automatically changed on the task record. You can also click
Edit next to a task in the Tasks portlet to update the information about a task. For more information, see
Using Inline Editing.
NetSuite Basics
Working with CRM Tasks 222
By default, the Tasks portlet displays each task's due date, title, company involved, priority, and status.
To change the displayed fields, click Customize View on the portlet menu or choose from the View field if
■ Choose an option in the Quick Sort field to change the order in which tasks appear.
■ Click New Task on the portlet menu to enter a new task record.
■ Click Set Up to set the number of tasks that show in the portlet.
■ Click the refresh icon to update the portlet after you update or complete tasks.
For information about working with CRM tasks, see Working with CRM Tasks.
If you use the Inline Editing feature, you can change a project task's status in the Project Tasks portlet.
Changes made to a task in the portlet are automatically changed on the task record. You can also click
Edit next to a task in the Tasks portlet to update the information about a project task record.
By default, the project tasks portlet displays the project, task ID, task name, estimated work, actual work,
start date, and end date for each task. To change the displayed fields, click Customize View on the portlet
menu or choose from the View field if available.
Use the portlet filter options to select the range of tasks to display in the portlet. Filter selections are
sticky changes, meaning your selections are saved until you change them.
■ Assignee – Display all project tasks or only tasks assigned to a specific resource or group of resources.
You can also select to display unassigned tasks.
■ Priority – Select to view project tasks by importance.
■ View – Create a custom database view if you want to limit the project tasks displayed in the portlet to a
segment of all project tasks.
■ From-To – View a range of tasks based on the project task column selected. For example, if you select
to sort by task name, you can then select a range of task names to display on the portlet.
For information about working with project tasks, see the help topic Project Tasks.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Phone Calls 223
For more information about working with phone calls, see the following:
■ Scheduling or Logging Phone Calls describes how to create phone call records in NetSuite.
■ Tracking Time on Phone Calls describes how to use phone call records in NetSuite to track time spent
on each call. Note that you must use the Time Tracking for CRM feature to take advantage of this
■ Making Calls From NetSuite describes how to make outbound calls directly from records in your
NetSuite account.
Note: The Telephony Integration feature must be setup and enabled by your account
administrator. See the help topic Using Telephony Integration. After the feature is enabled, users
must set their personal preferences. See Personal Preferences for Telephony.
To make a call, click on the phone icon or underlined phone number from a list or record.
To end the call, you can hang up the phone or click the next phone number to end the current call and
begin a new call.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Phone Calls 224
For example, you go to Activities > Scheduling > Phone Calls > Search and click Create Saved Search to
create a search of the phone calls that need to be completed today. From your list of results, you click the
phone icon next to the first phone number in the list. Your phone then rings to signal the call is ready.
When you pick up the receiver, the phone number is dialed, and your call is connected. To end the call,
you click the phone number of the next customer and continue with the process.
When you receive a phone call from a customer, for example, go to the customer record, click Call in the
New bar at the top of the record, and enter the details and reason the customer is calling.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Phone Calls 225
Your phone call is now documented. If the phone call was set as completed when it was created, it
remains in the tasks list until it is marked Completed.
To mark a phone call Completed, go to Activities > Scheduling > Phone Calls and click Edit next to the
phone call that has already been placed to open its record and change the status. If inline editing is
enabled, you can change the status directly in the list. For more information, see Using Inline Editing.
Note: If any case, task, or event record has more than 9500 time entries to display on
the Time Tracking subtab, all phone calls display a static list of time entries. You cannot edit
entries directly from the list.
4. Click New Time. A popup window opens with a new time entry form.
5. Your name appears in the Employee field. Depending on your role access, you can select another
employee if you are entering time for someone else.
Note: For private phone calls, only employees and vendors listed as participants on the
phone call record can track time against the call.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Phone Calls 226
For more information about entering time for Time Tracking, see the help topic Entering a Time
For more information about entering time for Timesheets, see the help topic Timesheets.
7. Repeat this process to track time for additional customers or employees for this call.
8. When you have finished entering information for this call, click Save.
Employees must enter their time in the Employee Center even if they also track time on phone calls.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Email 227
You can also install NetSuite for Outlook which enables you to save messages from your Outlook mail
account to NetSuite records. For more information, see the help topic NetSuite for Outlook.
For a complete list of accepted top level domains you can use for setting up your email address, see the
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Web site.
For information about size limits for outbound and inbound email, see the help topic Size Limits for Emails
and Attachments.
Email sent from NetSuite uses one of the following as the From address:
■ the email address set in the From Email Address field at Home > Set Preferences > General under User
Profile, or
■ if there is no from email address entered on the Set Preferences page, the employee's login email
When the recipient replies to the email message, this reply is sent to the email address used to send the
original message.
NetSuite Basics
Sending Email from NetSuite 228
For more information about where to find the sent email list, see the help topic Using the Sent Email List.
To generate the list of all email, you can use the Message record to define a saved search. For more
information, see the help topic Saved Searches.
You can also send personalized email messages in bulk using the Email Merge feature. For more
information, see the help topic Working with Mail Merge.
The attachment folders are system-generated folders in the File Cabinet only used to hold these files, so
files in these attachment folders are not available to select as attachments when sending email. If you
want to attach a file from one of these folders to an email message, you must move the file to another
folder prior to sending the email message.
For more information, see Moving and Copying Files in the File Cabinet. See also, Sending Email from
Note: If you want your emails to include records of phone calls or tasks, for example, export
them at Activities > Scheduling > Phone Calls into a file of your preference and send them
You can choose to email a contact from the following types of records:
■ Contact
■ Customer
■ Lead
■ Prospect
■ Vendor
■ Company
■ Other Name
■ Partner
■ Opportunity
■ Transactions
1. On the record you want to send an email message from, click the Communication subtab. For
some non-administrator roles and record types, click the General subtab.
NetSuite Basics
Sending Email from NetSuite 229
Note: You cannot forward messages on employee records or on contact records that
are not associated with a company.
3. On the Recipients subtab, select the contact you want to email in the Recipient field and enter an
email address.
1. In the Recipient Type field, select the record type you want to send the message to. This
field is only visible if the Recipient has more than one type of relationship assigned, such
as an employee who is also a contact. For more information, see the help topic Records as
Multiple Types.
2. In the Additional Recipients column, select the other contact you want to send this
message to.
3. In the Email field, enter an email address if the contact does not have one preset already.
4. Check the To box to add another recipient. This contact is expected to react to the
message. Check the Cc box to send a copy of the message. To send a blind copy to the
contact, check the Bcc box.
5. Click Add for each contact you want to include.
4. Click the Message subtab.
1. To use an email template in this message, select a category to filter the list of templates to
show only those in this category.
This field is only available if you have enabled the CRM Template Categories feature.
2. Select a template you have uploaded to NetSuite.
For more information about creating email templates, see the help topic Creating New
Email Templates.
3. Check the Update box to update your template with any edits you make in the Message
4. In the Subject field, enter a subject for this message. This field is required.
5. Check the Request Read Receipt box to request read receipts from individual recipients.
For more information about creating email templates, see Requesting Read Receipts.
6. Choose the template format you want to use for this message.
For more information, see the help topic Creating New Email Templates.
NetSuite Basics
Sending Email from NetSuite 230
7. Use the Field Type field and the Insert Field to add field tags in your message.
8. In the Message field, enter your email message. NetSuite uses your browser’s spelling
checker to check your text. Click CTRL + right-click to view the context menu and select the
correct spelling.
If you selected a template file, you can edit the message in this field.
Note: You can send an inline picture by copying and pasting the picture into the
message field.
If contacts for your customers, vendors or partners reply to the email you send from NetSuite, that reply
is both sent to the email address you log in with and automatically saved to the Messages subtab of the
contact record and customer, vendor or partner's record.
You can also save messages you receive. For example, if you receive a phone call from a customer
contact, you can record the message of the call on the customer's record. For more information, see the
help topic Saving Messages from Contacts.
Note: If you use the UK Edition, to comply with UK law, your business address and VAT number
are included in the footer of all email you send to those outside of your company. You can click
View History to view all messages sent to and from contacts.
NetSuite Basics
Sending Email from NetSuite 231
When you check the Request Read Receipt box on an email message in NetSuite, the email client of the
recipient receives a read receipt request. Email clients handle read receipt requests in various ways.
Depending on the configuration of the recipient’s email client, the recipient can decide to respond to the
read receipt request when the message is viewed. All received read receipts are forwarded to the original
sender of the message and tracked on the message record in NetSuite, providing an audit trail within the
application. You can view the status of read receipts on the Read Receipts subtab of a message record.
The status may contain either of the following values:
■ Confirmed — The message was displayed to someone reading the recipient's mailbox. There is no
guarantee that the content has been read or understood.
■ Message Deleted — The message was deleted without reading. There is no guarantee that the
recipient has seen the message
Important: These messages are not saved in NetSuite, and you cannot receive replies to these
messages in NetSuite.
Tip: NetSuite uses your browser’s spelling checker to check your text. Click CTRL + right-click to
view the context menu and select the correct spelling.
NetSuite Basics
Sending Email from NetSuite 232
1. On the record, click the icon next to an email address for a contact. This opens a new message
window in your personal email account with the To field completed.
2. Enter a subject and message text, and click Send. Then you can continue working in NetSuite.
■ For information about sending email directly from a report results page, see the help topic Emailing a
■ For information about sending email directly from a search results page, see the help topic Emailing
Search Results.
If you are an administrator or have at least Create level of the Publish Search permission, you can enable
system-generated search email messages on the Email subtab of a saved search page. You can use
saved search email to share complete search results with other users, to schedule long-running searches
for low usage times, and to alert targeted users about changes to their important records. For more
information, see the help topic Saved Search Email.
Note, however, that files in the Attachments Sent and the Attachments Received folders are not available
to be attached. These attachment folders are system-generated folders used as repositories for files you
attach from your computer to email messages you send from NetSuite and also for files attached from
messages you save in NetSuite.
If you want to attach a file from one of these folders to an email message, you must move the file to
another folder prior to sending an email message. For more information, see Moving and Copying Files in
the File Cabinet.
Note: Email messages cannot exceed 15,000,000 bytes (approximately 15 MB) in size. This
includes the size of the message body and all attachments.
Note: Files in the Attachments Sent folder and the Attachments Received folders are not
available to select here.
4. When you are finished composing your email, click Merge & Send.
NetSuite Basics
Sending Email from NetSuite 233
1. Go to Home > Set Preferences, in the User Profile area of the General subtab.
2. In the Nickname field, enter the name you want to appear in the From field on the email you send.
3. In the Signature field, enter an email signature using HTML markup.
For information about how to create an HTML signature file, see Adding Images and Links to an
Email Signature.
4. In the From Email Address field, enter the email address you want to appear in the From field on
email you send.
5. Click Save.
To include your email signature, you must include the following FreeMarker syntax in the email:
${preferences.message_signature} You can also place this marker in email templates. If you do not enter
a nickname or a From address, your login email address appears in the From field.
NetSuite Basics
Sending Email from NetSuite 234
4. Return to the email editor. Click the image icon (top left hand corner of editor).
5. Paste the File Cabinet image URL into the Source field. Input sizing and alignment options as
required. Click Save.
6. Switch to the editor’s markup view by clicking the Source code icon (top left corner of editor).
7. Copy all lines of the markup code.
a. Optional: save the email template file for future use.
b. Discard the template file.
For more information about how to create, modify, and delete email templates, see the help topic
Working with Email Templates.
NetSuite Basics
File Cabinet Overview 235
Only users with the Administrator role and users with the Documents and Files permission can use the
File Cabinet.
You can use the NetSuite File Cabinet to store and organize your business documents in much the same
way as you store any files on your computer. You can store files that you receive or plan to send by email.
Also, you can attach files stored in the File Cabinet to records in NetSuite, such as customer records,
transactions, and issues. Most File Cabinet folders can be restricted either by the folder owner or an
The File Cabinet in NetSuite includes some folders that are created by default, depending on the features
enabled in your account. You can identify the folders that are created by NetSuite because the Internal
ID is a negative number. In some cases, these folders serve a specific purpose. For example, SuiteScript
script files are stored in the SuiteScripts folder.
Some files in the File Cabinet contain links that use URLs. Ensure that the URLs linking to
those files contain account-specific domains. For example, the File Cabinet link should be
<accountID>, where <accountID> is a variable representing your account ID. Use the
Traffic Health tool to identify any existing data center-specific domains in links that you should update
to account-specific domain links. For more information, see the File Cabinet Traffic Health topic in Traffic
You can prevent unauthorized access to a File Cabinet file through the internet, or enable all company
users to have view access to a file by checking the required preference box. For more information, see
Preferences on File Records.
System notes for JSON, XML, and JavaScript files also include a File Content Hash field. The File Content
Hash field is calculated by NetSuite based on the file contents, so it changes every time the file changes.
NetSuite Basics
The File Cabinet and Your Website 236
When a remote file that was added to the File Cabinet using a URL is modified, the File Content Hash
field changes when you download this file or its parent folder from the File Cabinet. The value of the File
Content Hash field also changes when NetSuite accesses the modified file through an internal process,
such as a SuiteScript method call, or a SuiteFlow workflow step. This change is reflected in the system
notes for that file.
■ For information about hosting HTML files for a Site Builder website, read the help topic Website
Hosting with Site Builder.
■ For more information about SSP Applications, read the help topic SSP Application Overview.
■ For more information about SuiteCommerce Advanced, read .
You can also create a company intranet site and post links to files stored in the File Cabinet. The following
features are required to publish files to an intranet site:
■ File Cabinet
■ Document Publishing
■ Intranet
■ Enabling Features
■ Setting Permissions
■ Permissions and File Cabinet Files
To access the File Cabinet, go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.
The File Cabinet page consists of two main panes. The left pane contains a full table of contents which
you can use to browse the folder structure and locate the files you need. The right pane provides more
detailed information about the folders or files, which includes size, last modified date, and type. To
download a file or the contents of a folder, click the related Download link.
NetSuite Basics
File Cabinet Page Overview 237
You can click a file name to view the file. If the file is an image file or PDF, a preview window opens and
displays the file. Other types of files are automatically downloaded.
If you want to print a report of files saved in the File Cabinet, use NetSuite search pages. For more
information, see the help topic Running Searches.
NetSuite Basics
Searching for and Viewing Files in the File Cabinet 238
Note: Users without the Documents and Files permission can access the content of files if they
are provided with a URL that is based on file ID, and if the file is related to a record the user has
access to. For example, if a user with the Customer Center role uses a URL to access a file on an
invoice, they also must have access to the invoice record.
This is the second video in a 2–part series of videos about the File Cabinet. To watch the first part of the
series, go to Working with Files in the File Cabinet.
Note that you cannot restrict files on an individual basis. To learn about how to restrict access to files in
certain folders, read Restricting Access to File Cabinet Folders.
Preference Description
Inactive Prevents files from appearing on lists. When you check this box, the file or files no longer
appear on lists unless you check the Show Inactives box.
Hide in SuiteBundle Prevents the viewing of the file contents by those who install this file as part of a SuiteBundle.
This setting is most applicable to server SuiteScripts.
NetSuite Basics
Permissions and File Cabinet Files 239
Preference Description
Note: If this file is a client SuiteScript file, checking this box result in a validation
error. You may also receive a validation error on client SuiteScript files that do not have
this box checked but reference another file that has this preference set.
Available Without Makes the file available on your website. If files will not be published on your website, clear this
Login box. Note that Available Without Login takes precedence over Company-Wide Usage.
This box is checked by default in the Images folder and the Web Site Hosting Files folder.
Note: Users with the Administrator role can also use Web Site Hosting Files Always
Available and SuiteBundle Files Always Available preferences. For more information,
see the help topic Making Web Site Hosting Files Always Available.
Company-Wide Adds view access to a file for every company user. For example, if an image used in an email
Usage message is marked for company-wide usage, all company users can view the image. You can
make a file available for all company users, even if the file is within a private folder or otherwise
inaccessible to a specific group. When you enable the Company-Wide Usage feature, company
users with existing permission to edit the file continue to have both view and edit access. Other
company users can only view the file.
The Company-Wide Usage feature applies to all centers and roles, including users with
specialized center roles. For more information about specialized centers, see the help topic
NetSuite Specialized Centers.
Note that Available Without Login takes precedence over Company-Wide Usage.
If this box is not checked, the file will not be available in any advanced template printouts that
reference the file.
You can also perform a mass update to define a list of files that should be available for
company-wide usage. For more information about mass updates, see the help topic Mass
Changes or Updates.
You can configure an image available in an advanced printing template to make it available
to all company users. For more information, see the help topic Including Images in Advanced
Generate URL Time Adds a time stamp parameter to the URL for this file. This is useful when you are building a
Stamp web site and you want to view the most recent updates to the files on your site. The URL time
stamp is ignored by NetSuite but indicates to the browser cache and network that content has
NetSuite Basics
Permissions and File Cabinet Files 240
Users with the Administrator role can make files in the Web Site Hosting Files and SuiteBundles folders
always available to override the Available Without Login box and the Company-Wide Usage box. For more
information, see the help topic Making Web Site Hosting Files Always Available.
For more information about the filecabinet FreeMarker directive, see the help topic Syntax for Advanced
Template Fields.
For more information about setting the File Cabinet property, see the help topic Including Images in
Advanced Templates.
When you use OneWorld, access to various NetSuite records, including File Cabinet files, can be restricted
by subsidiary. For more information, read the following topics:
You can also restrict access to files in folders that you create. For more information, read Permissions and
File Cabinet Files.
NetSuite Basics
File Cabinet Folders 241
Note: Large file sizes and many subfolders may affect performance and slow down
processing time as you work with the files and folders. Avoid creating large numbers of
subfolders wherever possible. If you attempt to move files to another folder using the Move
To dropdown list, the number of displayed folders is limited to 20,000. Furthermore, you
should not create more than 50,000 subfolders because it becomes increasingly difficult
to organize files in a large number of subfolders. If you do require a large number of
subfolders, you should manage file movements using the mass update files method. For
more information, see the help topic Defining a Mass Update.
5. NetSuite populates the Type field with the appropriate type for the subfolder selected. In most
cases, the type folder is set to Documents and Files.
6. In the Description field, enter a brief message describing what you store in this folder.
7. You can restrict the folder based on various classification settings in your account. Only users with
the selected settings can access the files in the folder. Folder contents do not appear in searches
or any other area of NetSuite for users outside of the selected class, department, location, group,
or subsidiary. Users with the Administrator role and the owner of this folder can always access the
contents of this folder.
Complete the restriction fields, as required. For more information, see Restricting Access to File
Cabinet Folders.
8. If you want to make the contents of this folder visible only by you, check the Private box.
9. If you want to make this folder inactive, check the Inactive box.
10. If the User Notes subtab is displayed, add any notes pertaining to this File Cabinet folder, as
11. Click Save.
Your folder is immediately available in the File Cabinet. You can upload files to the folder. The files are
available to others who have access to your NetSuite account, based on the restrictions you set on the
NetSuite Basics
File Cabinet Folders 242
b. Find the internal ID for the folder. The internal ID displays at the bottom left of the browser
window. You can also set your personal preferences to display the folder internal IDs on the
File Cabinet page. For more information, see General Personal Preferences.
3. Click the Home tab.
4. In the Shortcuts portlet, click New Shortcut.
Note: If the Shortcuts portlet does not display on your Home tab, click Personalize in the
upper right, and then select Shortcuts in the Personalize Dashboard area.
5. Add your folder's internal ID to the end of the URL that displays a File Cabinet folder:
For example:
After creating the shortcut, you can go directly to this folder by clicking the link in the Shortcuts portlet on
your NetSuite Home page.
When a folder is marked as private, only the person who created that folder and the account
administrator have access to it. Administrators can view the contents of any folder, including private
folders and folders that have been restricted. If you create a folder, you become the owner of that folder.
The owner of a folder always has access to the folder regardless of restrictions.
NetSuite Basics
File Cabinet Folders 243
■ If a subfolder is created under a parent folder after the parent folder was restricted to a group,
the subfolder automatically inherits the parent folder's restriction. You can change the subfolder's
■ If a parent folder's restriction is changed after a subfolder was created, the subfolder does not
automatically inherit the new restriction. You can manually apply the restriction to the subfolder.
All files in the folder are available based on the restricted access settings you selected.
You can delete a folder that contains files and subfolders, or you can delete an empty folder. If the folder
contains a file that is attached to a record, the delete operation fails. A popup alert displays indicating that
you must remove the file from the record to proceed.
NetSuite Basics
File Cabinet Folders 244
4. A list displays of files and subfolders in the parent folder. Check the box next to the folder you want
to delete.
5. Click Delete.
This is the first video in a 2–part series of videos about the File Cabinet. To watch the second part of the
series, go to Using Permissions in the File Cabinet.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 245
upload files by clicking the Communications subtab on transaction records and relationship records.
When you attach files to records, you are required to select or create a folder where the document can be
stored in the File Cabinet.
If Use Employee Specific Expense Folders is enabled, expense file attachments automatically submit to a
dedicated employee expenses folder, predefined by the system.
You can make the files available to all company users, even if the file is within a private folder or otherwise
inaccessible to a specific group. Check the Company-Wide Usage box on the file record. For example,
you may want to make images that will be used in advanced PDF/HTML template printing available to
company users only. For more information, see Preferences on File Records.
All files uploaded to the File Cabinet are scanned for viruses and malicious content automatically. For
more information, see the help topic Antivirus Scanning on File Cabinet Files.
Note: When a remote file that was added to the File Cabinet using a URL is
modified, the File Content Hash field changes when you download this file or its
parent folder from the File Cabinet. The value of the File Content Hash field also
changes when NetSuite accesses the modified file through an internal process, such
as a SuiteScript method call, or a SuiteFlow workflow step. This change is reflected in
the system notes for that file. For more information, see File Cabinet Overview.
d. Verify that the Destination Folder is where you want to upload the files.
e. To automatically extract files into the Destination folder as they are uploaded, check the
Unzip files box.
f. (Optional) To make the files available on your website, check the Make all Files Available
Without Login box. If files will not be published on your website, clear this box. Note that
Make All Files Available Without Login takes precedence over Make All Files Available
for Company-Wide Usage.
Note: Enabling the Files Available Without Login capability prevents broken images
and links in your website. This box is checked by default in the Images folder and the
Web Site Hosting Files folder.
g. (Optional) To make the files available to all company users, check the Make All Files
Available for Company-Wide Usage box.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 246
Note: When the box is checked, files are also available for viewing in the Customer,
Vendor or Partner Centers.
h. To overwrite files that exist in the File Cabinet with the files in the .zip file, check the
Overwrite Files with Same Name box. When the box is checked, files of the same name
are automatically updated with the latest version you upload in this archive. When this box
is cleared, files in the .zip archive that have the same path and name as existing files in
File Cabinet are not extracted to the File Cabinet. The same rules apply to individual files
uploaded using a URL path.
Only users with the Administrator role and users with the Edit level permission or higher can
overwrite files in the File Cabinet.
Important: This setting does not apply to locked files and folders that have been
installed by a bundle. You cannot edit or overwrite locked files and folders installed
by a bundle.
To inactivate files being added using the Advanced Add form, check Make all Files Inactive. When you
check this box, the file or files no longer appear on lists unless you check the Show Inactives box.
Note: Users with the Billing Information permission can look up the amount of space the File
Cabinet currently uses on the Billing Information page. Go to Setup > Company > View Billing
Information. The Current Used Quantity column for File Cabinet Size (GB)** component shows the
current amount of space used.
Additional Information:
Best Practices for Preparing Files for Upload to the File Cabinet
The following list contains best practices for preparing your files for upload to the File Cabinet:
■ When uploading files, include the file extension according to the file type. For example, PDF files must
include the file extension, .pdf.
■ Work with files of 100 MB or smaller. Note that various factors may affect the time it takes to upload
and download files greater than 100 MB, such as network speed, time-out settings, and overall space
■ Ensure the name of the file you upload is fewer than 99 characters including the file extension.
■ Ensure that any File Cabinet files containing URL links use account-specific domains. For more
information, see the File Cabinet Traffic Health topic in Traffic Health.
Important: Unless you have purchased additional storage space, each NetSuite account comes
with 10 GB of total storage space.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 247
they can cause unexpected behavior when used on systems and browsers that do not support them. This
is especially important when adding multiple files to a ZIP archive, as these files cannot be pre-validated.
Also note that zip files containing file names with international characters are supported only if they meet
the following conditions:
When zipping your files, you should use a dedicated zipping application that supports these conditions.
Note: The preceding information is applicable to the file names only, and is not related to the
content of the zipped files.
Character Description
: colon
/ forward slash
? question mark
\ backslash
* asterisk
“ quotation mark
% percentage sign
& ampersand
When you edit your file records in the File Cabinet, you can update your preferences to grant or restrict
access to your files. For more information, see Preferences on File Records.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 248
■ Plain Text
■ JavaScript
■ SuiteScript Page
■ SuiteScript File
■ Text
To edit larger files and other file types stored in the File Cabinet:
1. Click the Documents tab.
2. Click a folder to find the file you want to edit.
3. Click Edit next to the file.
4. Click download on the file record.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 249
To move a file:
4. Check the box next to the file you want to move. You can move more than one file at a time.
5. Under the Filters subtab, select Move To. Then, select the folder where you want to move the file.
The selected file is now stored in the new folder and has been removed from the original location. You
can move files in bulk by using the Move Files to Folder mass update at Lists > Mass Update > Mass
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 250
Important: The Move Files action is not available for files that have been installed from a
bundle and are marked as locked in the bundle, or to files that are contained in a folder that has
been installed from a bundle and is marked as locked in the bundle. If you choose Move Files for a
File Cabinet folder that includes any locked files, the Folder Contents page clears the box for these
files and displays a lock icon for each one.
Copying Files
You can also copy files to other folders to store files in multiple folders.
To copy files:
1. To access the File Cabinet, go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.
2. Go to the folder that contains the files you want to copy.
3. Click Copy Files.
4. Check the box next to each file you want to copy.
5. Under the Filters subtab, select Copy To. Then, select the folder where you want to save copies of
the files.
6. When you have finished, click Copy.
The selected files are now saved in both the original folder and the new folder.
When you download a folder, all of the files and subfolders are downloaded in a ZIP file to maintain
the folder hierarchy. File names must include the file extension so that you can use the appropriate
application to open your files after unpacking the downloaded ZIP from the File Cabinet.
Note: You should work with files of 100 MB or smaller. Note that various factors may affect the
time it takes to upload and download files greater than 100 MB, such as network speed, time-out
settings, and overall space limitations.
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 251
Important: The Delete Files action is not available for files that have been installed from a
bundle and are marked as locked in the bundle, or to files that are contained in a folder that has
been installed from a bundle and is marked as locked in the bundle. If you choose Delete Files
for a File Cabinet folder that includes any locked files, the Folder Contents page clears the box for
these files and displays a lock icon for each one.
To delete files:
1. Click the Documents tab.
2. Go to the folder that contains the files you want to delete.
3. Click Delete Files.
5. Click Delete.
You cannot delete files that are referenced by other records in NetSuite. Alternatively, you can inactivate
files you no longer use.
The Mass Update functionality enables you to specify the criteria that define the files you want to delete.
For more information about Mass Deletes, see the help topic Performing Mass Deletes.
Certificate File .cer, .crl, .crt, .csr, .der, .key, .p10, .p12, .p7b, .p7c, .p7r, .p8, .pem, .pfx, .spc
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 252
JSON Response
NetSuite Basics
Working with Files 253
Text File .txt, .css, .htm, .html, .xml, .htc, .sql, .csv, .log
NetSuite Basics
Exporting Reports, Searches, and Lists 254
■ Exporting a Report
■ Exporting Search Results
■ Exporting Lists
■ Exporting to Word
■ Exporting to PDF
■ Exporting to Excel
■ Exporting to CSV
■ Exporting to Tableau
Exporting to Word
■ Supported Versions – Reports are exported in Word 97 - 2003 format.
■ Expand/collapse – Settings are maintained. The report will be displayed as it is currently viewed on
the screen. If you have collapsed a section of the report (hiding some rows), then those rows will not
be available in the word document. You will not be able to expand and view hidden rows.
■ Company Logo – The logo will display when the report is exported to MS Word, if it has been set as a
preference in the Analytics subtab at Home > Set Preferences.
Exporting to PDF
■ Expand/collapse – Settings are maintained. The report will be displayed as it is currently viewed on
the screen. If you have collapsed a section of the report (hiding some rows), then those rows will not
be available in the word document. You will not be able to expand and view hidden rows.
■ Company Logo – The logo will display when the report is exported to MS Word, if it has been set as a
preference in the Analytics subtab at Home > Set Preferences. However, the uploaded image is used
as is, and is not resized to fit the PDF layout.
■ Formatting – By default, a PDF of an exported report/search has a font size of 8 and a portrait
orientation. You can change these settings by modifying the PDF Page Orientation and PDF Font Size
preferences on the Analytics subtab at Home > Set Preferences. See the help topic Setting Formats for
Reports Exported to PDF.
■ Size Limitations – Exported PDFs currently have some output limitations. You may encounter issues
if your report results include a large number of rows or columns, or extremely long field values.
You cannot export reports with more than 30 columns and NetSuite truncates exported records for
reports with more than 10 columns. To work around these issues, try adding criteria to reduce the
NetSuite Basics
Exporting Reports, Searches, and Lists 255
number of rows and columns in results, or try eliminating fields with long values. For details, see
Limitations on Exports to PDF.
Exporting to Excel
■ Supported Versions - Only XLS files are supported. XLSX files are not supported.
■ Expand/collapse - Settings are not maintained. All rows included in the report are exported.
Collapsed (hidden) rows are also exported and will appear in the excel spreadsheet fully expanded
■ Company Logo - The company logo is not displayed when the report is exported to Excel, even if the
Print Company Logo option is enabled on the Analytics tab at Home > Set Preferences.
■ Unicode - Supported.
■ Decimal precision - Excel offers high decimal number precision (same precision as displayed in the
■ Limitations - For item records that include the Detailed Description field, the length of this field in the
search results is limited to 1,300 characters.
Exporting to CSV
■ Expand/collapse - Settings are not maintained. All rows included in the report will be exported.
Collapsed (hidden) rows will also be exported and will appear in the excel spreadsheet fully expanded
■ Company Logo - The company logo is not exported.
■ Unicode - Not supported.
■ Decimal precision - All decimal numbers are truncated at 2 decimal places. If you require a higher
level of precision, you should export the report to Excel. After you open the file in Excel, you can save it
as a CSV file.
■ Handling Special Characters - If you use Microsoft Excel to open an exported CSV file that contains
data in languages other than English, some special characters may appear corrupted. If you encounter
this issue, you should export data to Excel instead of CSV. After you open the file in Excel, you can save
it as a CSV file. For more information, see Limitations on CSV Exports of Data with Special Characters.
Exporting to Tableau
■ Supported Versions - Tableau Desktop 8.3 or later.
■ Expand/collapse - Settings are not maintained. All rows included in the report or search results will be
■ Company Logo - The company logo is not displayed when the report or search is exported as a
Tableau workbook.
■ Unicode - Supported.
■ Decimal precision - Tableau Desktop supports the same level of precision as displayed in each report
or search.
■ Limitations - Sort settings may not be preserved when search or report results are exported as a
Tableau workbook.
NetSuite Basics
Limitations on Exports to PDF 256
To avoid performance problems, exports with more than 30 columns are not supported. Exports with
more than 10 columns are truncated to a limited number of rows, as shown in the following table:
All PDFs you export are verified against the BFO document type definition (DTD). BFO is a a set of third-
party libraries used for generating PDF documents. The BFO documentation is available at http://
Exported CSV files are plain text files that do not include any BOM (byte order marker) characters to
provide character encoding information. These files use UTF-8 character encoding, but their lack of BOM
causes Excel to use a character encoding other than UTF-8 for them, causing their special (non-ASCII)
characters to appear corrupted.
This issue does not occur when you open an exported XLS file in Microsoft® Excel. It also does not occur
when you open an exported CSV file in Notepad, or in another text or CSV editor.
NetSuite Basics