Managing Users & Roles: September 9, 2020 2020.2
Managing Users & Roles: September 9, 2020 2020.2
Managing Users & Roles: September 9, 2020 2020.2
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■ For an introduction to the NetSuite access model, including definitions of users and roles, see NetSuite
Access Overview.
■ For details about standard roles provided by NetSuite, how to create customized roles, and tools for
managing roles, see NetSuite Roles Overview.
■ To understand how to work with the different kinds of users that can access NetSuite, see NetSuite
Users Overview.
■ For tips for working with permissions, see NetSuite Permissions Overview.
Note: The following link provides access to a Microsoft Excel worksheet listing the usage of
most NetSuite permissions: NetSuitePermissionsUsage.xls. You can use this list to understand
the implications of assigning a specific permission, or to find the permission required to provide
access to a specific task or page. For more information, see Permissions Documentation.
A user is an individual who has access to a NetSuite account.
■ Generally, most users are employees, but vendors, partners, and customers also can be users.
■ Users need to be set up in the NetSuite system through the creation of employee, vendor, partner, or
customer records. For users to have access to NetSuite, their records must include an email address,
which serves as their user ID. Users must also have a password to access NetSuite. Administrators can
send an access notification email that includes a link that lets users create their own passwords.
For information about setting up different user types, see Manage Different Types of Users.
A role is a defined access configuration that can be assigned to users.
■ Each role includes a set of associated permissions that determine the data users can see and the tasks
they can perform. For example, the A/P Clerk role lets users enter bills and vendor credits, pay bills and
sales tax, and view A/P and inventory reports.
■ Each role is tied to a center, meaning a set of tabbed pages that display as the NetSuite user interface.
Each center is tailored to the business needs of users in a specific functional area, such as accounting
or sales. A role's center determines the pages that users see when they log into NetSuite.
■ A user may be assigned multiple roles. In this case, the user has a default role used for login, and can
switch among roles by using the Change Roles icon available from the NetSuite user interface. For
more information, see the help topic Switching Between Roles.
■ The first step for setting up account access is to set up roles. See NetSuite Roles Overview.
□ To get an understanding of NetSuite roles, review the standard roles and associated permissions.
See Standard Roles Permissions Table.
□ You cannot modify standard roles, but you can create customized versions of them. In most
cases, assigning customized roles is more practical for maintenance and update purposes. See
Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
□ NetSuite provides some tools for managing roles. See Showing Role Permission Differences and
Use Searches to Audit Roles.
■ After roles have been set up, users can be given access and assigned roles. See NetSuite Users
□ NetSuite lets you monitor users' login activity. See Login Audit Trail Overview.
■ NetSuite has a complex permission structure, with permissions divided into different types and
different access levels. See NetSuite Permissions Overview.
□ The following link provides access to a Microsoft Excel worksheet listing the usage of most NetSuite
permissions: NetSuitePermissionsUsage.xls. You can use this list to understand the implications of
assigning a specific permission, or to find the permission required to provide access to a specific
task or page. For more information, see Permissions Documentation.
□ A global permissions feature can be enabled, so that permissions can be assigned directly to
employees, as well as to roles. Please note that usage of the Global Permissions feature is not
recommended. See Using the Global Permissions Feature.
■ NetSuite’s Advanced Employee Permissions feature can be enabled to give you more flexibility and
control over the employee information that users with certain roles can access in NetSuite. When this
feature is enabled, administrators can customize or create roles to use the Employee Self, Employee
Public, Employee Confidential, Employee Compensation, Employee System Access, Employee Record
Full, and Employee Administration permissions. For more information, see the help topic Advanced
Employee Permissions Overview. Administrators also can create custom employee permissions and
custom restrictions when this feature is enabled. For more information, see the help topics Custom
Advanced Employee Permissions and Custom Restrictions for Advanced Employee Permissions.
■ In addition to permissions, NetSuite has role restrictions that define the record instances of a record
type that can be accessed by a role. See Permissions and Restrictions.
Note: Users need the SuiteAnalytics Connect permission for access to the NetSuite
SuiteAnalytics Connect schema. See the help topic Verifying the SuiteAnalytics Connect Permission.
■ Ensure logical access and application security. Users should have only the information that they need
to do their jobs.
■ Segregate duties and transaction processing.
■ Ensure that your organization has user administration controls in place, including:
□ Process for requesting and approving access. If possible, the request, approval, and granting of
access should be segregated among different individuals to ensure appropriate application of the
□ Access should be reviewed periodically for changes in responsibilities, assurance that terminated
employees have had their access revoked, list of users with sensitive/critical access is confirmed
that the appropriate individuals have access to these permissions.
□ Process access termination in a timely manner.
■ Maintain a mapping of role assignment to job function, and map role assignment to job title.
■ Periodically audit the permissions that make up each role to ensure they are appropriate.
■ The administrator role is very powerful, and access to this role should be extremely limited. Ideally
your organization could have one administrator and one back-up administrator.
Note: You can designate a user's role as Web Services Only. When a user logs in with a role
that has been designated as Web Services Only, validation is performed to ensure that the user is
logging in through web services and not through the user interface. For details, see the help topic
Setting a Web Services Only Role for a User.
Standard Roles
NetSuite provides many standard roles with predefined permissions. Most of these roles map to common
employee positions, such as Accountant and Sales Rep. Standard roles also are available for vendors,
partners, and customers who have account access. For more information, see Standard Roles Permissions
Custom Roles
Standard roles cannot be modified, so it is a good idea to use these roles as templates to create your own
customized roles that you assign to users in your account. The process for customizing a standard role
is easier than creating a new role from scratch. If you assign custom roles rather than standard roles to
users, you can make permission changes to users' assigned roles as needed. The ability to modify a role
without having to change multiple users' role assignments simplifies maintenance.
■ For instructions for customizing roles, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
Note: Because of their design as limited access roles, Retail Clerk roles, unlike other standard
NetSuite roles, cannot be customized. For details, see Retail Clerk Roles.
■ For information about changes you can make to roles, see the following:
Role Search
You can use the role search to find a particular role or set of roles, or to return a list of roles and their
characteristics. To access this search, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > Search. Role fields also
are available as criteria filters and results for Employee searches. For more information, see Use Searches
to Audit Roles.
Note: To see a list of all users assigned a particular role, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage
Users, and select the role from the Role dropdown list at the bottom of the Manage Users page.
As with other standard roles, the standard Administrator role cannot be customized. NetSuite
recommends that you create and use a custom administrator role rather than using the standard role.
The Administrator role has full access to all tasks and pages in NetSuite, including:
As of NetSuite 2018.1, Administrators must use two-factor authentication in newly provisioned accounts.
For information, see the help topic 2FA in the NetSuite Application.
The Administrator role is available in the list of roles on the Manage Roles page, however, since you
cannot customize the Administrator role, the Customize and Edit buttons are not available. The
Administrator role page shows all permissions in the system assigned with Full access level, or the highest
access level available for the given permission, and it provides a quick and easy way to see all users who
have the Administrator role assigned.
The Administrator role is a global role that applies to the entire NetSuite account. Other, localized,
administrator roles apply to specific areas of the NetSuite application, such as the Issues Administrator,
Marketing Administrator, and Sales Administrator roles.
Note: Several administration permissions are separate from the Administrator role so that they
can be assigned to non-administrator roles. For more information, see Separate Administration
If you need to configure a role that behaves like the standard Administrator role but limits access to
sensitive information, consider using Core Administration Permissions. Core Administration Permissions
is made up of a set of permissions that mimics the behaviors that the Administrator role has access to.
Core Administration Permissions can be assigned to any role and restricted through role configuration.
For more information, see Core Administration Permissions.
■ Enable Features
■ Set Up Company
■ View Billing
■ View SOAP Web Services Logs
■ Integration Application
■ SuiteScript Scheduling
These permissions can be found on the role record’s Permissions Setup tab.
Note: If you need to configure a role that behaves like the standard Administrator role but limits
access to sensitive employee information, consider using Core Administration Permissions. Core
Administration Permissions is made up of a set of permissions that mimics the behaviors that the
Administrator role has access to. Core Administration Permissions can be assigned to any role and
restricted through role configuration. For more information, see Core Administration Permissions.
Use of the Full Access role is not considered a best practice. The Full Access role is being deprecated as
a security enhancement. Currently, there are two nearly identical high-access roles that you can assign
to users (Full Access and Administrator). The Full Access role is being deprecated because it has become
a redundant role as the roles and permissions options have greatly expanded. Also, the Full Access role
probably provides more access than most users require.
For the first phase of the deprecation process, the following changes have been made to the Full Access
role as of 2019.1:
■ The Full Access role has been renamed to Full Access (deprecated).
■ You cannot assign the Full Access role to new users.
■ When users log in with the Full Access role, they see a notification indicating that the Full Access role is
being deprecated. Users will still be able to access NetSuite using the Full Access role.
As of 2020.2, this role has been inactivated for all users. The Full Access role no longer appears in the list
of roles available for users who had this role assigned.
Before your account is upgraded to 2021.1, make sure that any customizations in your account that are
running under the Full Access role work under another role without causing any errors. You should also
determine which users need the Full Access role for their job functions and consider the following:
■ If any users can use another existing role in your account instead of the Full Access role, assign this
other role to them and encourage them to start using it as soon as possible. For more information,
see the help topic Assigning Roles to an Employee.
■ Analyze the needs of other users to determine the access granted by the Full Access role that is not
available through existing roles or global permission assignments. Develop a strategy to configure the
desired access for these users.
□ You can customize standard roles or create new custom roles as needed to provide users with the
specific access they require. For more information, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
□ A new permission called Core Administration Permissions is available. This permission provides
access to some of the same functions that are currently available to users with the Full Access role.
You may be able to use Core Administration Permissions as an alternative to the Full Access role.
For more information, see Core Administration Permissions.
□ If the Global Permissions feature is enabled in your account, you can also assign additional global
permissions to users as needed. Please note that usage of the Global Permissions feature is not
recommended. For more information, see Using the Global Permissions Feature.
Note: Standard roles with the Two-Factor Authentication base permission include Marketing
Administrator, Sales Administrator, Support Administrator, and System Administrator.
For more information about Mandatory 2FA and Two-Factor Authentication, see the following:
Note: If a role is already designated as a SAML Single Sign-on (SSO) role, the 2FA requirement is
ignored. The requirement for SAML SSO authentication takes precedence.
After you create a custom role, you can assign it to users. A role's assigned users are listed on the Users
subtab of the role record. See NetSuite Users Overview.
Role customization functionality varies according to the NetSuite product you have purchased and the
features you have enabled. Some of the fields described in the steps below may not be available to you.
For example, location restrictions are not available for NetSuite Small Business users. Also, because of
their design as limited access roles, Retail Clerk roles, unlike other standard NetSuite roles, cannot be
customized. For details, see Retail Clerk Roles.
You can apply the class, department, location, and subsidiary restrictions that you define here to custom
records. See the help topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.
Be aware that updates made to the default role are not pushed to custom instances of that role. You
must manually update custom roles to include new default role functionality. Additionally, when a new
feature is enabled for an account, permissions associated with that feature are not automatically given to
custom roles that existed prior to enabling the feature. These permissions must be manually assigned to
custom roles that existed prior to enabling the feature.
Important: When the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled, restrictions set
on the Role page are only applicable to the Employee Record Full, Employee System Access,
and Employee Administration permissions. The Employee Self, Employee Public, Employee
Confidential, and Employee Compensation permissions ignore the restrictions set on this page.
For more information, see the help topic Advanced Employee Permissions Overview.
After you enter basic information for the role, set optional restrictions for the role.
■ To assign Core Administration Permissions to a role, check the Core Administration Permissions
Warning: Use caution when assigning Core Administration Permissions to a role, because the
role will become similar to the standard Administrator role in terms of exclusive administrator
Note: You do not need to install the Administrator – No HR/Employee Access SuiteApp to assign
the Core Administration Permissions to a role.
Note: From June 2019 onward, SuitePeople HR and U.S. Payroll include an Administrator –
No HR/Employee Access role that allows administrative functionality while controlling access to
sensitive employee data. Please see your SuiteSuccess SuitePeople Leading Practices for more
information, and review the role in your environment.
You can search for the Administrator – No HR/Employee Access SuiteApp using the following information:
For more information about installing SuiteApps, see the help topic Installing a Bundle.
After you install the Administrator – No HR/Employee Access SuiteApp, you can customize the role on the
Manage Roles page. You can assign the role to employees on the Employees page.
1. On the Role page, under Subsidiary Restrictions, choose one of the following options:
■ All – Grants the role access to all subsidiaries, including inactive subsidiaries.
■ Active – Grants the role access to the active subsidiaries only.
■ User Subsidiary – Restricts the role’s access to the user’s subsidiary only. When users log
in with this role, they can only access their own subsidiary. A user’s subsidiary is set on the
employee record. For more information, see the help topic Assigning a Subsidiary to an
■ Selected – You select the subsidiaries to which you want to restrict the role’s access. You must
select at least one subsidiary from the list.
2. If you choose Selected, in the autogenerated list of active and inactive subsidiaries, select the
subsidiaries that you want the role to have access to. To select multiple subsidiaries, hold down
the Ctrl key while selecting subsidiaries.
3. To allow users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, records for subsidiaries to which the
role does not have access, check the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing box. You cannot
use this setting to view employee payroll or commissions data.
Note: If the Book Record Restriction option is enabled for a user, this restriction
overrides permissions granted by the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing option.
The restrictions set here may also limit the values that users logged in with this role can assign to these
fields on records. These restrictions do not affect access to contact records.
■ none - no default – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not determined
by this field. A default selection does not appear.
■ none - default to own – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not
determined by this field. Fields of this type will select the user by default.
■ own, subordinate, and unassigned – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee,
sales rep, or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor
hierarchy. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates. If the select field is optional, then
the user may leave the value unassigned. Note that unassigned is technically a null value when used
for filtering.
■ own and subordinates only – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee, sales rep, or
supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor hierarchy with the
exception of unassigned records. Consequently, unassigned records are filtered and denied access.
Users may only select themselves or their subordinates.
Note: In some cases, a role might include both the own and subordinates only restriction
and the process payroll and commit payroll permissions. In this case, to ensure that the user
can create a payroll batch and view all the employees who are included in the payroll batch,
the process payroll and commit payroll permissions override the own and subordinates only
Important: These restrictions can also be used to restrict access to custom records, based on
values in an Employee list/record custom field, if the Apply Role Restrictions box is checked for
the field. See the help topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.
Check the Allow Viewing box to allow users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, data for
employees to which the role does not have access. Note that this setting does not allow viewing of
employee payroll or commissions data. Also, users cannot view non-subordinate employee records other
than their own record when the Employee Restrictions field is set to own and subordinates only.
Check the Do Not Restrict Employee Fields box to allow users with this role to select any employee
in employee fields. For example, a sales manager could select any sales rep in the Sales Rep field on a
customer record even if that sales rep is part of another team.
Check the Restrict Time and Expenses box to restrict the time and expenses employees with this role
can enter, edit, and view when you add the Track Time and Expense Report permissions. Employees
with this role will not be able to enter or edit expense reports or time transactions on behalf of other
employees. Employees with this role will be able to view expense reports and time transactions for
their subordinates. Reports and searches will only return time or expense transactions entered by the
employee or their subordinates. Class, department, location, and subsidiary restrictions will not be applied
for expense and time transactions.
Note: Clearing the Restrict Time and Expenses box enables this role to enter, edit, and
approve time transactions and expense reports for all other employees when you add the Track
Time and Expense Report permissions.
If you have set restrictions in the Employee Restrictions field, check the Sales Role box if employees
using this role should be restricted based on the Sales Rep field on records and transactions.
If you use the Customer Service and Support feature and have set restrictions in the Employee
Restrictions field, check the Support Role box if employees using this role should be restricted based on
the Assigned To field on cases.
If you use the Partner Relationship Management feature and have set restrictions in the Employee
Restrictions field, check the Partner Role box to restrict partners to records and transactions based on
the Partner field.
■ Segment – Select the Segment by which to restrict the role. Select either Class, Department, or
■ Restrictions – Select the appropriate restriction level for the role:
□ none - default to own – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not
determined by this field. Fields of this type will select the user by default.
□ own, subordinate, and unassigned – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee,
sales rep, or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor
hierarchy. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates. If the select field is optional,
then the user may leave the value unassigned. Note that unassigned is technically a null value
when used for filtering.
□ own and subordinates only – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee, sales rep,
or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor hierarchy
with the exception of unassigned records. Consequently, unassigned records are filtered and
denied access. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates.
■ Allow Viewing – Check this box to allow users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, data for
departments, classes and locations to which the role does not have access. Note that this setting does
not allow viewing of employee payroll or commissions data. Also, users cannot view non-subordinate
records other than their own department, class or locations records when the Restrictions field is set
to own and subordinates only.
■ Apply To Items – Check this box to apply the department, class and locations restrictions defined
here to item records, in addition to transaction, employee, and partner records.
Important: Any account in the Chart of Accounts list that does not have an assigned
department is not subject to the own, subordinate, and unassigned or own and subordinates
only restrictions.
You can also apply role-based, class restrictions to custom records. For more information, see the help
topic Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.
This setting prohibits a user from accessing the user interface with permissions and privileges that are
created specifically for web services development, adding to the security of your integration. For more
details, see the help topic Setting a Web Services Only Role for a User.
Important: You cannot use NetSuite for Outlook with a Single Sign-on Only role.
For more information about two-factor authentication, see the help topic Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
Setting Permissions
Important: If you have enabled the Advanced Employee Permissions feature in your NetSuite
account, see the help topic Advanced Employee Permissions for more information.
■ You can set permissions for a role on the Permissions subtab. Permissions are divided into four
different types on the Transactions, Reports, Lists, Setup, and Custom Record subtabs.
□ To add a permission, click a line in a list, click Insert, and select a permission. Or you can click the
blank line at the bottom of a list, select a permission, and click Add.
Important: When you newly enable a feature in your account, you must consider permissions
associated with the added feature. Customized roles that you have already assigned to users may
need to be updated to reflect the proper permissions associated with the added feature. See the
help topic Enabling Features.
For general information about permissions, see NetSuite Permissions Overview. For access to a list of
NetSuite permissions and their related tasks and records, see Permissions Documentation.
A mass update is available to add, remove, or change the level of a permission for multiple custom roles
simultaneously. See Mass Updating a Permission on Custom Roles.
Important: If you have enabled the Advanced Employee Permissions feature in your NetSuite
account, see the help topic Advanced Employee Permissions for more information.
■ External forms, meaning forms with names appended with (External), can be marked Preferred for the
Customer Center roles, but not for other roles.
■ Forms that are not external cannot be marked as Preferred for Customer Center roles, so they are not
listed on the Forms tab of Customer Center role records.
■ For a standard role, click the Dashboard subtab to select a published dashboard to be used by the
Only dashboards that have been published to the role's assigned center are available. See the help
topic Publishing Dashboards Overview.
■ For a custom role, click the Dashboard subtab to view the dashboard currently published to the role.
Dashboards cannot be published from the Dashboard tab of a custom role. Publishing a dashboard to
a custom role can only be done from the Publish Dashboard link in the Home Settings portlet.
Note: If you assign an additional role to a user who is currently logged in to NetSuite, that user
will need to log out and log back in to NetSuite to see the newly assigned role. The same is true
if you add permissions to an existing role while a user is currently logged in to NetSuite. The user
needs to log out and log back in to exercise the new permissions.
If you edit a custom role after you've assigned it to employees or vendors, the changes are automatically
Note: A mass update is available to add, remove, or change the level of a permission for multiple
custom roles simultaneously. See Mass Updating a Permission on Custom Roles.
Warning: Copy to Account is a beta feature. The contents of this feature are preliminary and
may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. Any changes may impact the feature’s
operation with the NetSuite application. NetSuite warranties and product service levels shall
not apply to the feature or impact of the feature on other portions of the NetSuite application.
NetSuite may review and monitor the performance and use of this feature. The documentation of
this feature is also considered a beta version and is subject to revision.
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage custom objects as part of file-
based customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview.
You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy a customized role to another of your accounts. To copy
a customized role, follow the instructions to edit a custom role, and click Copy to Account (Beta) on the
Role page.
For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
Inactivating Roles
You can inactivate custom or standard roles that you do not want to use in your account.
When you inactivate a role, you can no longer select it in the Role field on records, and those assigned to
the role can no longer access your account with that role.
Warning: If you inactivate the only role an employee is assigned, you can lock that person out
of your account. Before inactivating a role, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Users to view who
may be assigned to that role.
You can delete a custom role if it is not currently assigned to any users AND if has never been used to log
in to NetSuite. If a role has previously been used to log in, or is currently assigned to any users, you need
to inactivate the role rather than delete it.
A role is a set of permissions that lets customers, vendors, and employees access specific areas of your
data. You assign roles on customer, vendor, and employee records.
By setting a default form for your users you can control the entry and transaction forms they use to enter
data. Note that Employee Center roles are given limited access to forms such that only one form is ever
made available to this type of role. For other types of roles, in addition to setting a default, you can also
restrict access to particular forms.
For example, you can set a custom case entry form as the only form your support reps can use. This
maintains consistency in your company and lets you capture the information that is most important for
your business.
Note: To make a custom transaction or entry form a default form, you must first customize and
save your forms.
6. In the Enabled column, clear any boxes for forms this role should not have access to. (not available
for Customer Center roles)
If you disable all forms for a record or transaction type, users with this role will use the standard
7. Check the box in the Preferred column next to any form that should be the default for this role.
Note: Be aware of the following about marking a transaction or CRM form Preferred
for Customer Center roles: External forms, meaning forms with names appended with
(External), can be marked Preferred for Customer Center roles, but not for other roles.
Forms that are not external cannot be marked as Preferred for Customer Center roles, so
they are not listed on the Forms tab of Customer Center role records.
8. To have this form to be the only form available to this role, check the box in the Restricted column.
9. Click Save.
If you set default forms and do not make the defaults restricted, your users can still change the form they
use when they are entering transactions or records.
After you have set default forms, you need to assign your customized roles to your employees. You can
assign roles on the Access tab of employee records.
For example, Jennifer Sawyer, A/R manager for Wolfe Electronics' Japan location, has her accounts
restricted to include only her local bank account. This account appears by default when she accepts
customer payments. This increases Sawyer's efficiency and reduces her chances of making data-entry
To restrict access to accounts, you first set restrictions on account records. By default, NetSuite roles do
not restrict users by class, department, or location. To restrict accounts, you must set up both account
restrictions and role restrictions.
Important: Any account in the Chart of Accounts list that does not have an assigned
department is not subject to the own, subordinate, and unassigned or own and
subordinates only restrictions.
6. To allow users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, data for departments to which the role
does not have access, check the Allow Viewing box. You cannot use this setting to view employee
payroll or commissions data. Also, users cannot view non-subordinate department records other
than their own department records when the Department Restrictions field is set to own and
subordinates only.
7. To apply the department restrictions defined here to item records (in addition to transaction,
employee, and partner records), check the Apply to Items box.
8. If you have NetSuite OneWorld, you can use subsidiary restrictions to restrict what users with this
role can access. Under Subsidiary Restrictions, select one of the following options:
■ All – Grants the role access to all subsidiaries, including inactive subsidiaries.
■ Active – Grants the role access to the active subsidiaries only.
■ User Subsidiary – Restricts the role’s access to the user’s subsidiary only. When users log
in with this role, they can only access their own subsidiary. A user’s subsidiary is set on the
employee record. For more information, see the help topic Assigning a Subsidiary to an
■ Selected – You select the subsidiaries to which you want to restrict the role’s access. When
you choose Selected, you need to select the subsidiaries from an autogenerated list of all of
the active and inactive subsidiaries. You must select at least one subsidiary. To select multiple
subsidiaries, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting subsidiaries.
9. To allow users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, records for subsidiaries to which the role
does not have access, check the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing box. You cannot use this
setting to view employee payroll or commissions data.
Note: If the Book Record Restriction option is enabled for a user, this restriction overrides
permissions granted by the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Viewing option.
The Customer Center role is also applied to the My Accounts section of your website. For information on
setting forms to use in your website, see the help topic Shopping Preferences.
Customizing this role also enables you to ensure a customer uses a custom form when entering sales
orders or making payments in the center.
Note: After you create a custom Customer Center role, you will need to manually assign this role
to each customer that you want to use it, on the Access tab of each customer record.
Note: To create custom forms for transactions, go to Customization > Forms >
Transaction Forms. Custom transaction forms must use Basic printing for Customer Center
roles. To create custom forms for records, go to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms.
3. To allow customers to view search results as a list, select the name of the saved search in
the List View column. Searches must be marked both Public and Available as List View to
be selected here.
For example, a public transaction saved search marked Available as List View allows
customers to view transactions matching the criteria of the search in their transaction lists.
4. To allow customers to view search results in a list on the Customer Center dashboard,
select the name of the saved search in the Dashboard View column. Searches must be
marked both Public and Available as Dashboard View to be selected here.
5. To allow customers to view search results in subtab lists, select the name of the saved
search in the Sublist View column. Search must be marked both Public and Available as
Sublist View to be selected here.
6. Check the box in the Restricted column to only allow customers to view the results of this
search in the list view, dashboard view or sublist view, respectively.
If you clear this box, customers can select this view in a View filter at the bottom of the list,
and the list of all the customer's transactions or records for that page is shown by default.
7. Click the Preferences tab to set preferences for the custom center role. The preferences set here
are applied to new users assigned to a role and to existing users in a role who have not previously
set that preference. See the help topic Setting Personal Preferences.
You can now select this custom role on the Access tab of customer records to assign the role.
Note: To prevent errors in the website, you cannot inactivate the standard Customer Center
role you enable the Web Site feature. If this role was inactivated before the Web Site feature was
enabled, you must temporarily disable the Web Site feature, activate the standard Customer
Center role again, and enable the Web Site feature again. You will not lose any website data. For
more information see, Inactivating Roles.
Users can be assigned the Retail Clerk role to complete point-of-sale tasks in the NetSuite user interface.
The Retail Clerk (Web Services Only) is intended for use in web services transactions and is marked as a
Web Services Only role. For details about Web services roles, see the help topic Setting a Web Services
Only Role for a User.
Because of their design for limited access, these roles differ from other NetSuite standard roles in the
following respects:
■ The permissions for these roles cannnot be customized. To review the permissions assigned to these
roles, see the following roles in Standard Roles Permissions Table:
□ Retail Clerk
□ Retail Clerk (Web Services Only)
■ These roles are provisioned differently than other standard roles. Users assigned these roles may be
counted differently than users assigned other roles, as described below:
□ If a user is assigned the Retail Clerk role or Retail Clerk (Web Services Only) roll and any other full
access role, the user counts as one Retail Clerk.
□ If a user is assigned the Retail Clerk role or Retail Clerk (Web Services Only) role and any other non-
Employee Center role, the user counts only as a full access user, but not as a Retail Clerk.
□ If a user is assigned the Retail Clerk role or Retail Clerk (Web Services Only) role and an employee
center role, the user counts as both a Retail Clerk and Employee Center.
Note: Role record searches do not support the nlapiLoadSearch(type, id) search API.
You can do role record searches for general information about roles in your account, such as permissions
assigned to a custom role. Role record body fields are available for role record searches.
Related record fields are also available; see the help topic Related Records Fields Available for Advanced
Searches. Additionally, the following permissions fields are available:
■ Permission: Provides the name of each permission assigned to a role. If you include this field in a
search with the permission change fields, results information for the permission change fields is
displayed in every row that a permission name exists. To display search results efficiently, create
separate searches to return values for for the permission name field and the permission change fields.
■ Permission Change: Provides the name of a permission to which a change was made.
■ Permission Change Date: Provides the date a change was made to a permission.
■ Permission Change Level: Provides the level a permission was changed to.
To see this list, you would create a Role record advanced search. For the search criteria, you would add
a Is Sales Role filter set to Yes. For the results, you would select Name, Permission and Level.
Related record fields are also available, see the help topic Related Records Fields Available for Advanced
Searches. Additionally, the following role fields are available:
To gather this information, you would create an Employee record saved search. For the search criteria,
you would add a Location filter equaling the office location. For the search results, you would select the
Name, Permission Change, Permission Change Date, and Permission Change Level fields.
Some role-based preferences are also available at the company level, and in NetSuite OneWorld accounts,
at the subsidiary level. A role-based preference overrides the system default setting, the corresponding
company-level preference, if any, and the corresponding subsidiary-level preference, if any. Note that if
a company preference has been set not to allow override, it is not available to be set as a preference on
role records.
For more information, see the help topic NetSuite Preference Levels Overview.
When the NetSuite user interface is set to a different language, translated role names display in roles lists,
including the popup that displays when a user clicks the icon next to the current role in the upper right
Before you can translate roles names, you need to select translation languages at Seup > Company
> General Preferences, on the Languages subtab. For details, see the help topic Configuring Multiple
Note: The Languages subtab at Seup > Company > General Preferences lists both system-
supported languages that can be used for the NetSuite user interface (and are available at Home
> Set Preferences), and additional languages that can be used for website translations only (and
are not available at Home > Set Preferences ). You should only enter translations for role names in
system-supported languages, because these are the only languages that can be displayed in the
user interface.
you have selected languages, you can enter translations on custom role pages, either when you first
create a role, or when you later edit it.
Users cannot modify permissions for standard roles, so this mass update can only be applied to custom
roles. Also, this mass update is not available to customized Customer Center, Employee Center, Partner
Center, or Vendor Center roles.
For general information about mass updates, see the help topic Mass Changes or Updates.
1. Go to List > Mass Update > Mass Updates, expand Roles & Permissions, and select Add/Edit
Permission on Roles.
2. In the Title of Action field, enter a name for this update.
3. In the Permission field, select the permission that you want to change for selected roles.
The steps below provide steps for creating this type of field. For further details, see the help topics
Creating a Custom Field and Other Record Fields.
1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Other Custom Fields > New.
2. From the Record Type dropdown list, select Role.
3. In the Label field, enter a name for the field.
4. From the Type dropdown list, select the type of field.
For example, you can choose List/Record if you want the field to be a dropdown list with multiple
options. For this choice, you need to select the list or record that supplies dropdown list options.
You may need to first create a custom list of these options, then return to creating this custom
field. See the help topic Custom Lists.
5. To add the field to the role page, select a value in the Insert Before field.
6. Complete other fields as necessary.
7. Click Save.
After you have created this custom field, you can set its values on role records as desired, then use it as a
filter criteria for the Add/Edit Permission on Roles mass update.
The following screenshots show the record for a sample custom field, its associated custom list, and the
field on the role record:
For example, if you customize your Customer Center role and want to assign the new custom role to all of
your customers, you can use the mass update to do so.
For general information about mass updates, see the help topic Mass Changes or Updates.
The standard roles available in your account may differ, depending upon the modules you have
purchased, and the features you have enabled. You can see the roles available in your account at Setup
> Users/Roles > Manage Roles, and you can review a role's details by clicking its link on the Manage Roles
You cannot modify standard roles. It is recommended that you create a custom version of any standard
role before assigning it to users, so that you can modify the role as needed in the future, even after it has
been assigned.
The Administrator role has all permissions available in your NetSuite account at all levels. For more
information about the Administrator role, see The NetSuite Account Administrator.
The Full Access role can be used for token-based authentication. This role can log in, create a token for
itself, and tokens for other users. For more information about token-based authentication in NetSuite, see
the help topic Token-based Authentication (TBA).
Note: As of NetSuite 2018.1, Administrators and users with Full Access roles must use two-
factor authentication in newly provisioned accounts. For information, see the help topic 2FA in the
NetSuite Application.
Important: If you have the Advanced Employee Permissions feature enabled, see the help
topic Advanced Employee Permissions and Standard NetSuite Roles for a list of the employee
permissions that are assigned to standard NetSuite roles when this feature is enabled.
A/P Clerk
A/R Clerk
A/R Clerk
Access Payment Audit Log Balance Accounting Lists Fixed Asset Registers Automated Cash
Account Detail Transactions by Accounting Generate Revenue Application
Accounts Payable Segments Management Commitment Bill Of Distribution
Accounts Payable Balancing Journals Accounts Generate Revenue Blanket Purchase
Graphing Export Lists Accounts Payable Commitment Order
Accounts Receivable Kudos Register Reversals Calendar
Accounts Receivable Recognize Gift Accounts Receivable Invoice Contacts
Graphing Certificate Income Register Invoice Sales Orders Count Inventory
Amortization Reports Resource Adjust Inventory Issue Components Create Inventory
Balance Sheet Tableau® Amortization Items Counts
Bill Of Materials Inquiry Workbook Export Schedules Locations Deleted Records
Check Item Availability Bank Account Long Term Liability Distribution Network
Commit Orders Registers Registers Documents and Files
Component Where Used Bill of Materials Make Journal Entry Employee Record
Costed Bill Of Materials Bill Purchase Orders Mark Work Orders Events
Inquiry Bills Built Find Transaction
Deferred Expense Build Assemblies Mark Work Orders Global Inventory
Reports Build Work Orders Firmed Relationship
Employee Public Cash Sale Charge - Run Rules
Accountant (Reviewer)
Access Payment Audit Income Statement Export Lists Bills Bill Of Distribution
Log Inventory Kudos Email Template Blanket Purchase
Accounting Lists Invoice Resource Mass Updates Order
Accounting Issue Components Tableau® Override Payment Calendar
Management Item Revenue Category Workbook Hold Charge - Run Rules
Accounts Items Export SuiteAnalytics Contacts
Accounts Payable Lead Snapshot/Reminders Workbook Count Inventory
Accounts Payable Locations Track Messages Create Inventory
Graphing Long Term Liability Counts
Accounts Payable Registers Deleted Records
Register Make Journal Entry Distribution Network
Accounts Receivable Mark Work Orders Built Documents and Files
Accounts Receivable Mark Work Orders Firmed Employee Record
Graphing Mark Work Orders Events
Accounts Receivable Released Find Transaction
Register Memorized Transactions Global Inventory
Adjust Inventory Net Worth Relationship
Amortization Reports Non Posting Registers Inventory Cost
Amortization Notes Tab Template
Schedules Other Asset Registers Item Demand Plan
Balance Sheet Other Current Asset Item Revisions
Balance Transactions Registers Item Supply Plan
by Segments Other Current Liability Log in using Access
Balancing Journals Registers Tokens
Bank Account Other Lists Manufacturing Cost
Registers Other Names Template
Bill Of Materials Pay Sales Tax Manufacturing Routing
Inquiry Period End Financial Mobile Device Access
Bill of Materials Statements Notifications
Build Assemblies Period End Journals Perform Search
Build Work Orders Price Books Phone Calls
Cash Sale Price Plans Planned Standard Cost
Charge Project Budget Posting Period on
Charge Rule Project Profitability Transactions
Check Project Revenue Rules Project Tasks
Check Item Availability Projects Report Customization
Classes Purchase Contract Report Scheduling
Close Work Orders Purchase Order REST Web Services
Commit Orders Purchases SOAP Web Services
Competitors Recognition Treatment Standard Cost Version
Component Where Recognition Treatment Rule Subsidiary - Tax Engine
Used Reconcile Reporting selection
Costed Bill Of Request For Quote Tasks
Materials Inquiry Requisition Tegata Accounts
Create Allocation Revalue Inventory Cost Tegata Payable
Schedules Revenue Arrangement Tegata Receivables
Credit Card Revenue Arrangement Template Categories
Credit Card Refund Approval Vendor Bill Approval
Credit Card Registers Revenue Commitment Vendor Payment
Credit Memo Approval
Accountant (Reviewer)
Accountant (Reviewer)
Access Payment Audit Log Export Lists Accounting Lists Automated Cash
Accounting Management Kudos Adjust Inventory Application
Accounts Recognize Gift Bill Purchase Orders Bill Of Distribution
Accounts Payable Certificate Income Bill of Materials Calendar
Accounts Payable Register Resource Bills Charge – Run Rules
Accounts Receivable Tableau® Workbook Cash Sale Contacts
Accounts Receivable Register Export Charge Count Inventory
Bank Account Registers Charge Rule Create Inventory Counts
Bill Of Materials Inquiry Check Deleted Records
Check Item Availability Classes Distribution Network
Commit Orders Competitors Documents and Files
Component Where Used Credit Card Employee Record
Credit Card Registers Credit Card Refund Events
Deferred Expense Reports Credit Memo Find Transaction
Employee Public Credit Returns Global Inventory
Employee Reminders CRM Groups Relationship
Equity Registers Currency Revaluation Inventory Cost Template
Fixed Asset Registers Customer Deposit Invoice Approval
Access Payment Export Lists Email Template Accounting Lists Edit Forecast Pay Bills
Audit Log Kudos Fax Messages Accounting Employee Pay Sales Tax
Accounts Payable Recognize Fax Template Management Commission Payment Card
Accounts Payable Gift Certificate Letter Messages Accounts Transaction Payment Card
Graphing Income Letter Template Accounts Payable Employee Token
Accounts Tableau® Mail Merge Register Commission Payment
Receivable Workbook Mass Updates Accounts Transaction Instruments
Accounts Export PDF Messages Receivable Approval Payroll Liability
Receivable PDF Template Register Employee Record Payments
Graphing Reconcile Adjust Inventory Employees Perform Search
Amortization SuiteAnalytics ADP Import Data Enter Completions Phone Calls
Reports Workbook Approve Online Enter Opening Planned Standard
Amortization Track Messages Bill Payments Balances Cost
Schedules Audit Trail Enter Vendor Post Vendor Bill
Balance Sheet Automated Cash Credits Variances
Bill Of Materials Application Enter Year-To-Date Posting Period on
Inquiry Bank Account Payroll Adjustments Transactions
Check Item Registers Equity Registers Presentation
Availability Bill Of Distribution Events Categories
Commission Bill Purchase Expense Report Price Books
Reports Orders Finance Charge Price Plans
Commit Orders Bill of Materials Financial History Print Shipment
Component Where Bills Find Transaction Documents
Used Blanket Purchase Fixed Asset Process GST
Costed Bill Of Order Registers Refund
Materials Inquiry Blanket Purchase Fulfill Orders Project Tasks
Create Allocation Order Approval General Token Projects
Schedules Build Work Global Inventory Publish Forms
Custom Orders Relationship Purchase Contract
Recognition Event Calculate Time Import Online Purchase Contract
Type Calendar Banking File Approval
Employee Public Cash Sale Inbound Shipment Purchase Order
Cash Sale Refund Internal Publisher Quote
Access Payment Credit Memo Inventory Receive Order Export Lists Bills Blanket
Audit Log Credit Returns Invoice Receive Returns Kudos Email Template Purchase Order
Accounting Lists Currency Invoice Sales Reconcile Tableau® Fax Messages Calendar
Accounting Revaluation Orders Reporting Workbook Fax Template Contacts
Management Customer Issue Compone Refund Returns Export Letter Deleted Records
Accounts Deposit nts Request For Messages Documents and
Accounts Customer Item Fulfillment Quote Letter Template Files
Payable Payment Item Receipt Requisition Mail Merge Employee
Accounts Customer Items Resource PDF Messages Commission
Payable Payment Lead Snapshot/ Allocations PDF Template Transaction
Graphing Authorization Reminders Return Auth. SuiteAnalytics Employee
Accounts Customer Locations Approval Workbook Record
Payable Refund Long Term Return Track Messages Events
Register Customers Liability Authorization Find Transaction
Accounts Departments Registers Return General Token
Receivable Deposit Make Journal Authorization Inbound
Accounts Deposit Entry Reports Shipment
Receivable Application Mark Work Revenue Log in using
Graphing Edit Forecast Orders Built Recognition Access Tokens
Accounts Employee Mark Work Reports Mobile Device
Receivable Commission Orders Firmed Sales Access
Register Transaction Mark Work Sales By Partner Notifications
Adjust Inventory Approval Orders Released Sales By Outlook
ADP Import Employee Public Memorized Tran Promotion Integration 2.0
Data Employee sactions Sales Force Ownership
Amortization Reminders Net Worth Automation Transfer
Reports Employees Non Posting Sales Order Payment Card
Approve Online Enter Registers Sales Order Payment Card
Bill Payments Completions Notes Tab Approval Token
Audit Trail Enter Opening Opportunity Sales Order Payment
Balance Sheet Balances Other Asset Fulfillment Instruments
Bank Account Enter Vendor Registers Reports Perform Search
Registers Credits Other Current Sales Order Phone Calls
Bill of Materials Enter Year-To- Asset Registers Reports Project Tasks
Bill Of Materials Date Payroll Other Current Sales Order Report
Inquiry Adjustments Liability Transaction Customization
Bill Purchase Equity Registers Registers Report Report
Orders Expense Report Other Lists Set Up Budgets Scheduling
Build Work Expenses Other Names Shipping Partner Resource
Orders Finance Charge Partner Package Resource
Calculate Time Financial History Authorized Com Shipping Partner Allocation
Cash Sale Financial mission Reports Shipment Approval
Cash Sale Statements Partner Commis Statement REST Web
Refund Fixed Asset sion Reports Charge Services
Check Registers Pay Bills Statistical SOAP Web
Classes Fulfill Orders Pay Sales Tax Account Services
Close Work General Ledger Payroll Liability Registers System Status
Orders Generate Price Payments Subscription Tasks
Commission Lists Posting Period Plan Template
Reports Generate on Transactions Subscriptions Categories
Competitors Statements Price Books Subscription Transfer Order
Credit Card Import Online Price Plans Change Orders Approval
Credit Card Banking File Print Shipment System Journal Vendor Bill
Refund Income Documents Tax Approval
Credit Card Income Print Shipping Tax Details Tab Vendor Payment
Registers Statement Documents Tax Records Approval
Individual Process GST Tax Reports
Paycheck Refund Tegata Accounts
Projects Tegata Payable
Project Tegata
Profitability Receivables
Customer Center
Employee Center
Employee Center
Engineering Manager
View Full
Account Detail Net Worth Access Token Customer Individual Process Payroll
Report Payroll Check Management Payment Paycheck Promotion Code
Accounts Payable Register (TBA) Customer Profile Internal Publisher Purchase Order
Graphing Payroll Journal Accounting Lists Customer Refund Invoice Receive Items
Accounts Payable Report Accounting Customers Item/Category Receive Purchase
Report Payroll Liability Management Departments Layouts Orders
Accounts Report Accounting Deposit Items Receive Returns
Receivable Payroll Reports Preferences Direct Deposit Jobs Reconcile
Graphing Purchases Accounts Status Job Management Record Custom
Accounts Reconcile Accounts Distribute Job Requisitions Field
Receivable Report Reporting Payable Register Inventory Journal Approval Refund Returns
Accounts Reminders Accounts Documents and Knowledge Base Related Items
Receivable Un- Sales Receivable Files Kudos Report
Billed Sales By Partner Register Edit Forecast Locations Customization
Balance Sheet Sales By Adjust Inventory EFT Status Log in using Resource
Budget Promotion Code Adjust Inventory Email Template Access Tokens Resource
Cash Flow Report Sales Force Worksheet Employee (TBA) Allocation
Certificate access Automation Advanced Change Reason Long Term Approval
Certificate Sales Graphing Government Employee Liability Registers Return Auth.
management Support Issued IDs Effective Dating Mail Merge Approval
Employee Support Case Allow JS / HTML Employee Make Journal Return
Confidential Snapshot/ Uploads Related Entry Authorization
Employee Public Reminders Allow Non GL Lists(Other Lists) Marketing Revenue
Expenses Tax Changes Employees Template Commitment
Form 1099 Time Tracking Approve Direct Enter Opening Mass Updates Revenue
Form 940 Transaction Detail Deposit Balances Media Items Commitment
Form 941 Trial Balance Approve EFT Enter Vendor Memorized Reversal
Form W-2 Web Site Report Approve Online Credits Transactions Run Payroll
General Ledger Web Store Report Bill Payments Enter Year-to- Non Posting Sales Order
Income Audit Trail date Payroll Registers Sales Order
Income Statement Bank Account Adjustments Notes Tab Approval
Inventory Registers Equity Registers Online Bank Set Up Budgets
Lead Snapshot/ Bill Purchase Establish Quotas Statement Set Up Company
Monthly Summary Orders Estimate Opportunity Ship Items
Reports by Bill Sales Orders Events Organization Shipping Items
Employee Billing Setup Expense Value Shortcuts
Monthly Summary Bills Categories Other Asset Statement Charge
Reports by Item Blanket Purchase Expense Registers Store Categories
Period End Order Approval Registers Other Current Store Content
Financial Calculate Time Expense Report Asset Registers Categories
Statements Calendar Finance Charge Other Current Store Content
Resource Campaign Financial History Liability Registers Items
Allocations Campaign Find Transaction Other Expense Store Tabs
Suppliers History Fixed Asset Registers Subsidiary - Tax
Tax Reports Cases Registers Other Income Engine selection
View Gateway Cash Sale Fulfill Sales Registers SuiteAnalytics
Asynchronous Cash Sale Refund Orders Other Names Workbook
Notifications Categories Generate Outlook Tasks
Check Revenue Integration 2.0 Tax Details Tab
Classes Commitment Outlook Tax Items
Color Themes Generate Integration 3.0 Termination
Companies Revenue Partners Reasons
Competitors Commitment Pay Bills Time-Off
Contacts Reversals Pay Sales Tax Administration
Cost of Goods Generate Paychecks Timer
Sold Registers Statements Payment Methods Track Messages
Credit Card Global Inventory Payroll Items Track Time
Relationship Transfer Funds
View Full
Credit Card Government Payroll Liability Transfer Inventory
Refund Issued ID Types Payments Two-Factor
Credit Card Import CSV File Period End Authentication
Registers Import Online Journals base
Credit Memo Banking (QIF) File Posting Period on User Access
CRM Group Import XML Transactions Tokens (TBA)
CRM Lists (Other Transaction Presentation Vendor In-Transit
Lists) Income Registers Print Shipment Payment Approval
Currency Documents Vendors
Currency View Online Bill
Revaluation Pay Status
Custom Record Website (External)
Entries publisher
Intranet Manager
Bill Of Materials Inquiry Export Lists Email Template Allow JS / HTML Uploads
Employee Compensation Kudos SuiteAnalytics Workbook Bill of Materials
Employee Confidential Resource Track Messages Calendar
Employee Public Tableau® Workbook Color Themes
Employee Record Export Custom Item Fields
Find Transaction Deleted Records
Notes Tab Documents and Files
Web Site Report Events
Web Store Report Internal Publisher
Item/Category Layouts
Log in using Access Tokens
Mobile Device Access
Online Customer Form
Perform Search
Phone Calls
Presentation Categories
Publish Employee List
Publish Forms
Publish RSS Feeds
Related Items
Report Scheduling
REST Web Services
Set Up Image Resizing
Set Up Web Site
SOAP Web Services
Store Categories
Store Content Categories
Store Content Items
Store Tabs
Template Categories
Website (External) publisher
Issue Administrator
Issue Administrator
Marketing Administrator
Marketing Administrator
Marketing Assistant
Marketing Assistant
Marketing Manager
Partner Center
Payroll Manager
Payroll Setup
Payroll Setup
PM Manager
PM Manager
Product Manager
QA Engineer
QA Engineer
QA Manager
Resource Manager
Audit Trail Import CSV File Custom Body Customers Deleted Records
Bill of Materials Items Fields Events Documents and Files
Calendar KPI Scorecards Custom Center SuiteAnalytics Employee Record
Contacts Locations Categories Workbook Mobile Device Access
Custom Entity Mass Updates Custom Center Notifications
Fields Notes Tab Links Project Tasks
Custom Entry Other Custom Fields Custom Centers Projects
Forms Outlook Integration Custom Column Resource Allocation Approval
Custom Event 2.0 Fields Resource Allocations
Fields Price Books Custom Review Custom GL Plug-in
Custom Fields Price Plans Transaction Executions
Custom HTML Project Profitability Forms Subscriptions
Layouts Project Templates Kudos Subscription Change Orders
Custom Item Report Customization Perform Search
Fields Report Scheduling Publish Forms
Custom Item Subscription Plan Publish Search
Number Fields Subsidiaries
Custom Lists SuiteScript
Custom PDF SuiteSignOn
Layouts Tasks
Custom Record Template Categories
Entries Time Tracking
Custom Record Two-Factor
Types Authentication
Custom Sublists Two-Factor
Custom Subtabs Authentication base
Email Template Usage
Employee Public Vendors
Resource Manager
Retail Clerk (Note that this role cannot be customized. See Retail Clerk Roles.)
Retail Clerk (Web Services Only) (Note that this role cannot be customized. See Retail Clerk Roles.)
Retail Clerk (Web Services Only) (Note that this role cannot be customized. See Retail Clerk Roles.)
Revenue Accountant
Revenue Accountant
Revenue Manager
Sales Administrator
Access Payment Audit Export Lists Cash Sale Bulk Manage Roles Find Transaction
Log Kudos CRM Lists Calendar Internal Publisher
Accounts Receivable Resource Custom Body Fields Commission Feature Item Collection
Accounts Receivable Tableau® Custom Column Setup KPI Scorecards
Register Workbook Fields Companies Lead Conversion
Bill Of Materials Inquiry Export Custom Entity Competitors Lead Conversion
Bill of Materials Fields Contact Roles Mapping
Commission Reports Custom Event Contacts Letter Messages
Employee Public Fields CRM Groups Letter Template
Employee Reminders Custom Fields Custom Entry Forms Log in using Access
Financial History Custom Lists Custom Transaction Tokens
Items Custom Subtabs Forms Mail Merge
Lead Snapshot/ Custom Customer Segments Manage Users
Reminders Transaction Fields Manager Marketing Template
Marketing Campaign Mass Updates Customer Status Mobile Device Access
Reports SuiteAnalytics Customers Notes Tab
Non Posting Registers Workbook Deleted Records Notifications
Project Templates Documents and Files Online Customer Form
Quota Reports Duplicate Detection Opportunity
Resource Allocations Setup Outlook Integration 2.0
Sales Duplicate Entity Override Estimated Cost
Sales By Partner Management on Transactions
Sales By Promotion Edit Forecast Partner Authorized
Sales Force Automation Edit Manager Forecast Commission Reports
Sales Order Fulfillment Email Template Partner Commission
Reports Employee Commission Reports
Sales Order Reports Schedules/Plans Partner Commission
Sales Order Transaction Employee Commission Schedules/Plans
Report Transaction Partner Commission
Shipping Items Employee Record Transaction
Shipping Partner Employees Partner Contribution
Registration Establish Quotas PDF Messages
Statistical Account Events PDF Template
Registers Fax Messages Perform Search
Subscription Plan Fax Template Phone Calls
Unbilled Receivable Price Books
Registers Price Plans
Units Project Tasks
Usage Projects
View Gateway Promotion
Asynchronous Publish Dashboards
Notifications Publish Search
View Payment Events Quote
Work Calendar Report Customization
Report Scheduling
Resource Allocation
REST Web Services
Sales Campaigns
Sales Force Automation
Sales Order
Sales Order Approval
Sales Territory
Sales Territory Rule
Set Up Domains
SOAP Web Services
Sales Administrator
Sales Manager
Access Payment Audit Export Lists Campaign History Bill Of Distribution Events
Log Kudos Cash Sale Calendar Find Transaction
Accounts Receivable Resource CRM Lists Commission Feature Global Inventory
Accounts Receivable Tableau® Custom Body Fields Setup Relationship
Register Workbook Custom Column Companies Internal Publisher
Bill Of Materials Inquiry Export Fields Competitors Item Collection
Bill of Materials Custom Entity Contact Roles Lead Conversion
Cases Fields Contacts Lead Conversion
Check Item Availability Custom Event CRM Groups Mapping
Commission Reports Fields Custom Entry Forms Log in using Access
Commit Orders Custom Fields Custom Transaction Tokens
Employee Compensation Custom Lists Forms Marketing Template
Employee Confidential Custom Subtabs Customer Segments Mobile Device Access
Employee Public Custom Manager Notes Tab
Employee Record Transaction Fields Customer Status Notifications
Financial History Fax Messages Customers Online Customer Form
Item Revisions Fax Template Deleted Records Opportunity
Items Letter Messages Distribution Network Outlook Integration 2.0
Lead Snapshot/ Letter Template Documents and Files Override Estimated Cost
Reminders Mail Merge Edit Forecast on Transactions
Marketing Campaigns Mass Updates Edit Manager Forecast Partner Commission
Marketing Campaign Override Payment Email Template Schedules/Plans
Reports Hold Employee Commission Partner Commission
Non Posting Registers PDF Messages Schedules/Plans Transaction
Project Templates PDF Template Employee Commission Partner Contribution
Quota Reports SuiteAnalytics Transaction Perform Search
Resource Allocations Workbook Establish Quotas Phone Calls
Sales Price Books
Sales By Partner Price Plans
Sales By Promotion Projects
Sales Force Automation Project Tasks
Sales Order Fulfillment Promotion
Reports Quote
Sales Order Reports Report Customization
Sales Order Transaction Report Scheduling
Report Resource Allocation
Statistical Account Approval
Registers REST Web Services
Subscription Plan Sales Campaigns
Sales Order
Sales Manager
Sales Person
Sales Person
Access Payment Audit Log Export Lists Campaign History Bill Of Distribution
Accounts Receivable Kudos Cash Sale Calendar
Accounts Receivable Register Tableau® Workbook Fax Messages Companies
Bill Of Materials Inquiry Export Fax Template Competitors
Bill of Materials Letter Messages Contact Roles
Cases Letter Template Contacts
Check Item Availability Mail Merge CRM Groups
Commission Reports Mass Updates Customers
Commit Orders Override Payment Hold Distribution Network
Component Where Used PDF Messages Documents and Files
Costed Bill Of Materials Inquiry PDF Template Edit Forecast
Employee Public SuiteAnalytics Workbook Edit Manager Forecast
Employee Record Email Template
Item Revisions Establish Quotas
Items Events
Lead Snapshot/Reminders Find Transaction
Marketing Campaigns Global Inventory
Non Posting Registers Relationship
Price Books Manufacturing Cost
Price Plans Template
Quota Reports Manufacturing Routing
Sales Mobile Device Access
Sales By Partner Notes Tab
Sales By Promotion Notifications
Sales Force Automation Opportunity
Sales Order Fulfillment Reports Perform Search
Sales Order Reports Phone Calls
Sales Order Transaction Report Quote
Statistical Account Registers Report Customization
Subscription Change Orders Report Scheduling
Subscriptions Sales Campaigns
Subscription Plan Sales Order
Usage Sales Order Approval
View Gateway Asynchronous Subsidiary - Tax Engine
Notifications selection
View Payment Events Tasks
Web Site Report Template Categories
Web Store Report Track Messages
Store Manager
Access Payment Audit Log Export Lists Companies Allow JS / HTML Project Tasks
Accounts Receivable Kudos Competitors Uploads Publish Forms
Bill Of Materials Inquiry Resource Custom Item Fields Bill of Materials Publish RSS Feeds
Employee Compensation Custom Lists Calendar Purchase Order
Employee Confidential Customers Cash Sale Related Items
Employee Public Email Template Cash Sale Refund Report Customization
Store Manager
Support Administrator
Access Payment Export Lists Bill of Materials Admindocs Delete Event Publish Search
Audit Log Kudos Classes Audit Trail Deleted Records Record Custom
Bill Of Materials Receive Returns Color Themes Backup Your Documents and Field
Inquiry Refund Returns Departments Data Files Report Customizati
Employee Public Return Auth. Email Template Bulk Manage Duplicate Entity on
Employee Approval Items Roles Management Report Scheduling
Reminders Return Locations Calculate Time Employee Record Resource
Financial History Authorization Marketing Calendar Employees Resource Allocation
Lead Snapshot/ Tableau® Template Case Alerts Escalation Approval
Reminders Workbook Export SuiteAnalytics Cases Assignment REST Web Services
Memorized Workbook Companies Escalation Shortcuts
Transactions Track Messages Competitors Assignment Rule SOAP Web Services
Price Books Units Contact Roles Events Subscriptions
Price Plans Contacts Fax Messages Subscription
Project Templates Create Public Fax Template Change Orders
Promotion Search Find Transaction Support
Quota Reports CRM Groups Import CSV File Support Case Issue
Resource Allocations CRM Lists Internal Publisher Support Case Origin
Return Authorization Custom Body Knowledge Base Support Case
Reports Fields KPI Scoreboards Priority
Sales Force Custom Column Letter Messages
Automation Fields Letter Template
Support Administrator
Support Manager
Bill Of Materials Inquiry Export Lists Competitors Admindocs Online Case Form
Bill of Materials Kudos Custom Event Fields Calendar Perform Search
CRM Lists Resource Customers Case Alerts Phone Calls
Employee Compensation Tableau® Email Template Cases Project Tasks
Employee Confidential Workbook Export Fax Messages Companies Publish Knowledge
Employee Public Fax Template Contact Roles Base
Employee Record Issues Contacts Report Customization
Items Letter Messages CRM Groups Report Scheduling
Lead Snapshot/Reminders Letter Template Deleted Records Resource Allocation
Price Books Mail Merge Documents and Files Approval
Price Plans Mass Updates Duplicate Entity REST Web Services
Project Templates PDF Messages Management SOAP Web Services
Resource Allocations PDF Template Escalation Support Case Issue
Sales Projects Assignment Support Case Origin
Sales By Partner Subscriptions Escalation Support Case Priority
Sales By Promotion Subscription Change Assignment Rule Support Case Status
Sales Order Reports Orders Events Support Case Territory
Subscription Plan SuiteAnalytics Find Transaction Support Case Territory
Support Workbook Internal Publisher Rule
Support Case Snapshot/ Track Messages Knowledge Base Support Case Type
Reminders Log in using Access Support Setup
Units Tokens System Email
Usage Mobile Device Access Template
Work Calendar Notes Tab Tasks
Notifications Template Categories
Track Time
Support Person
System Administrator
System Administrator
Tax Engine
Vendor Center
Warehouse Manager
Warehouse Manager
On each record, you need to provide an email address, which serves as the user ID. Each record has
an Access tab, where you can enable the Give Access option and assign roles. For users to have access
to NetSuite, they must also have a password. Administrators can send an access notification email that
includes a link that lets users create their own passwords.
For links to instructions for adding NetSuite users, see the topics in Manage Different Types of
If you assign an additional role to a user who is currently logged in to NetSuite, that user will need to log
out and log back in to NetSuite to see the newly assigned role. The same is true if you add permissions to
an existing role while a user is currently logged in to NetSuite. The user needs to log out and log back in
to exercise the new permissions.
Note: When the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled, the Employee System
Access permission must be assigned to a role to give access and assign roles to employees. For
more information, see the help topic Employee System Access Permission Overview.
1. Click a user name to open his or her record. You can then click the Edit button in the record to
make changes.
Note: In some cases, users' login to NetSuite is ended when they have not explicitly logged out
of NetSuite. For example, this situation occurs when a user's NetSuite session times out. If the
logout is not explicit, the system does not create a logout entry in the Login Audit Trail.
■ Employee Users
■ Vendor Users
■ Partner Users
■ Customer Users
Note: Only active users with access count against the Full User Count purchased for your
account. Inactive users that have access do not count. For details about making users inactive, see
the help topic Terminating an Employee.
Employee Users
You can give NetSuite access to employees by checking the Give Access box on the Access tab of the
Employee record. You assign roles to an employee on the Roles subtab of the Access tab. Most roles in
the system are available to employees, and you can assign multiple roles to each employee.
■ For instructions for setting up NetSuite access for employees, see the help topic Giving an Employee
Access to NetSuite.
■ For instructions for assigning roles, see the help topic Assigning Roles to an Employee.
■ For instructions for limiting employees' ability to enter time records, see the help topic Restricting
Employee Time Tracking Entries.
■ For instructions for adding employees, see the help topic Adding an Employee.
After you have set up employees with access and one or more roles each, you can return to their records
and make changes to their assigned roles as necessary. The Access tab includes a History subtab that lists
changes made to role assignments.
If the Global Permissions feature is enabled, you also can assign permissions directly to employees,
on a Global Permissions subtab of the Access tab. These permissions supersede permissions for the
employee's assigned role, in the event of a conflict. Please note that usage of the Global Permissions
feature is not recommended. For more information, see Using the Global Permissions Feature.
You can use employee searches to track employees' roles and changes to them. The following role fields
are available to be used as filters for employee searches: Center Type, Custom, Inactive, Internal ID,
Level, Name, Permission, Permission Change, and Permission Change Date. The following role fields
are available to be displayed as results for employee searches: Center Type, Custom/Standard, From
Bundle, Inactive, Internal ID, Level, Name, Permission, Permission Change, Permission Change Date, and
Permission Change Level.
Important: When an employee leaves your company, you should modify the person’s
record to reflect the termination date and remove any previously granted user roles and
access permissions. You can also inactivate the employee record if you want to prevent it from
appearing in lists or as choices anywhere in your account. For more information, see the help
topic Terminating an Employee.
Vendor Users
Vendor access is supported if you have enabled the Vendor Access option on the Web Presence subtab
at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. If this feature is disabled, Vendor records do not
include an Access tab.
You can give vendors access by checking the Give Access box on the Access tab of the Vendor record. You
assign roles to a vendor on the Roles subtab of the Access tab. Most roles in the system are available to
vendors, and you can assign multiple roles per vendor. There may be a Vendor Center role available.
After you have set up vendors with access, you can return to their records and make changes to their
assigned roles as necessary. The Access tab includes a History subtab that lists changes made to role
For more information about setting up vendors, see the help topics Adding a Vendor Record, Assigning
Roles to Vendors, and Using the Vendor Center.
Partner Users
Partner access to your account is supported if you have enabled the following features at Setup >
Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features:
You can give partners access by checking the Give Access box on the Access tab on the Partner record.
You can assign one role per partner. Available roles may include the Partner Center, the Advanced
Partner Center, or your customized versions of these roles. You also can grant access to individual
partner contacts based on their email addresses.
Customer Users
Customer access to your account is supported if you have enabled the Customer Access option on the
Web Presence subtab at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. If this feature is disabled,
Customer records do not include an Access tab. For more information, see Giving Customers Access.
You can give customers access by checking the Give Access box on the Access tab of the Customer
record. You can assign one role per customer, usually the Customer Center role, or your customized
version of it. You also can grant access to individual customer contacts based on their email addresses.
For more information about giving access to customers, see the following:
When customer access has been enabled, roles can be assigned to customer users individually or by CVS
import to give access to multiple customers.
You should use the Send New Access Notification Email feature that lets customers set up a NetSuite
password for themselves. However, if you prefer to set their passwords yourself, use the procedure in Set
a Customer’s Password Manually instead.
6. If you run multiple websites, you can restrict a customer’s login access to a specific website (for
example, the website that the customer registered on). To assign a customer to a website, in
the Assigned Website field, select a website. For more information, see the help topic Assign
Customers to Websites.
7. To assign the standard Customer Center role, in the Role field, select Customer Center. If
you customized the Customer Center role, select the name of the custom role. For more on
customizing this role, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
8. Check the Send New Access Notification Email box to notify your customer of this new access.
As of 2018.2, the new access notification email includes the user’s email address (used for logging
in to NetSuite), the administrator’s email address, and explains login procedures. It also contains a
URL so that the customer can set up a NetSuite password. The email containing the link is sent as
secure email, and comes from NetSuite <[email protected]>.
To customize the email message, go to Setup > Company > System Email Templates. Next to
Standard Customer Center Access E-mail, click Edit.
9. To assign individual logins to the customer's contacts, on the Access tab, check the Access box
next to the contacts you want to grant access to.
Note: If this is a new customer, you might need to save the record before you can view
contacts on the Access tab.
a. Make sure that an email address is listed for each of the contacts that you want to assign
login access to.
b. Check the Manually Assign Password box and enter a password for each of the contacts.
c. Check the Notify box for the contacts that you want to notify by email.
For security reasons, the contact’s password is not included in the email message.
10. Click Save.
Note: When customers register on your website, the passwords they enter are saved
For details about password requirements, see the help topic NetSuite Password Requirements.
11. Click Save.
12. Next, tell your customer to go to your customer center login page. To find the URL, go to Setup >
Company > Company Information in the Customer Center Login field. Your customer can log in
with the email address and the password you entered on the customer’s record. Do not send the
customer the password by email.
The customer can now use the email address and password to log in to your NetSuite account with
the Customer Center role. Customers can log in to see their own sales orders, invoices, estimates, and
You must have the Import CSV File permission to complete this task. For general instructions for using the
Import Assistant, see the help topic Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant. For general information
about setting up CSV files for import, see the help topic Guidelines for CSV Import Files. See also Boolean
Values in CSV Files.
Important: There are two procedures in this section. The recommended procedure uses
CSV import to provide access to your NetSuite account to multiple customers without assigning
passwords. The other procedure also uses CSV import to provide access to your NetSuite account,
but requires that you assign a password for each customer.
As of 2018.2, administrators no longer need to create the initial passwords when giving access to users.
You should use the following procedure to provide access, setting the value for the Send New Access
Notification Email field to Yes. The standard access notification email includes a link that lets users create
their own passwords for accessing NetSuite.
As of 2018.2, you should follow this procedure to provide access to your NetSuite account for multiple
1. Create a CSV file of customer data, with (at minimum) the following fields. You can include other
fields in the CSV file, if necessary.
■ Unique ID
You should use the Internal ID for the customer record. For information about obtaining
internal ID values, see the help topic Displaying Internal IDs. However, using the Customer ID is
■ Email address
Required for NetSuite access. You can omit the value for customers whose email address is
already populated in their NetSuite records.
■ Give Access
Set the value of this field to Yes for all customers included in your CSV file to which you want to
provide access.
■ Send New Access Notification Email
Set this value to Yes. The notification email includes a link that lets customers create their own
passwords for accessing NetSuite.
■ Role
For most customers, this value should be Customer Center.
2. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.
3. In the Import Assistant, do the following:
a. Select an Import Type of Relationships.
b. Select a Record Type of Customers Only.
c. Click the Select button and browse to the CSV file you created.
d. Click Next.
4. Choose a Data Handling value of Update and click Next.
5. Map all of the fields listed in step 1 and any other required fields. Click Next.
■ For information about importing customer records, see the help topic Customers Only Import.
■ For information about mapping import fields, see the help topic CSV Field Mapping Tasks.
6. Give the import map a name and click Save & Run.
If you prefer to assign passwords to customers, as well as give them access to your NetSuite account,
follow this procedure.
1. Create a CSV file of customer data, with (at minimum) the following fields. You can include other
fields in the CSV file, if necessary.
■ Unique ID
You should use the Internal ID for the customer record. For information about obtaining
internal ID values, see the help topic Displaying Internal IDs. However, using the Customer ID is
■ Email address
Required for NetSuite access. You can omit the value for customers whose email address is
already populated in their NetSuite records.
■ Give Access
Set the value of this field to Yes for all customers included in your CSV file to which you want to
provide access.
■ Manually Assign or Change Password
Set the value of this field to Yes.
■ Password
The minimum password length for customers is eight characters.
■ Confirm Password
Note: After the CSV import completes successfully, you must tell each customer the
password you assigned. Do not send passwords by email.
■ For a sales order created in the Customer Center or entered directly into NetSuite, the order is
displayed using the preferred sales order form defined at Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms
at the time the order was saved.
■ For a sales order created through the Web Store, the order is displayed using the form that was
defined at the time the order was saved in the Sales Order Type field at Setup > Site Builder > Set Up
Web Site on the Shopping subtab, Checkout Preferences.
Important: If this form preference is changed, sales orders saved prior to the change are
displayed using the originally saved form.
If your default external form is an invoice form instead of a cash sale, perform the following procedure to
determine which fields show on the form.
4. Click Save.
Note: Be aware of the following about marking a transaction or CRM form Preferred for
Customer Center roles: External forms, meaning forms with names appended with (External),
can be marked Preferred for Customer Center roles, but not for other roles. Forms that are not
external cannot be marked as Preferred for Customer Center roles.
■ For instructions written for users to change their own passwords, see the help topic Change Password
■ For more information written for Administrators about passwords, see the help topic Password Reset
Tips for Administrators. See also Password Requirements and Policies in NetSuite.
To change a user’s NetSuite password with the User Access Reset Tool:
As of 2019.2, the User Access Reset Tool is the preferred method for changing a user’s NetSuite
password. You can also perform other actions to assist users: clear security questions, unlock NetSuite
access, and reset (clear) the user’s two-factor authentication (2FA) settings.
Important: To initiate a password reset for a user who has access to multiple NetSuite
accounts, you must be an Administrator in all of those accounts.
1. In your Administrator role, go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > User Access Reset
2. On the User Access Reset page, enter the email address of the user who requires your help.
3. Check the appropriate box or boxes. You can check multiple boxes if the user needs help with
more than one thing.
a. Initiate Password Reset: check this box to send an email to the user containing a link so
that the user can reset the NetSuite password.
b. Clear User’s Security Questions: check this box to clear the user’s security questions. The
user will be prompted to set up new security questions and answers after the next login to
c. Unlock The User’s Access: check this box to unlock NetSuite access for a user who is locked
out of NetSuite after submitting six consecutive incorrect passwords.
d. Reset 2FA Settings: check this box to reset (or clear) the user’s settings for 2FA. The user
will be prompted to enter new 2FA settings after the next login to NetSuite with a 2FA
required role.
4. Click Save.
■ If the user is not an employee, go to List > Relationships, and then click Customers, Partners,
or Vendors.
2. Next to the user’s name, click Edit.
3. Click the Access tab.
4. Verify that the Give Access box is checked.
5. Click the Manually Assign or Change Password box.
6. Enter a password in the Password field. As you type, the characters are validated against password
policy criteria and the results are displayed.
7. Enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
8. Do not check the Send New Access Notification Email box.
9. To require the user to create and save a new password, check the Require Password Change on
Next Login box. For security reasons, you should select this option.
Note: The Require Password Change on Next Login option is not available on Customer
Important: If a message appears saying that only the user can change this password,
click OK to close the message. Some users access multiple NetSuite accounts with the
same email address and you might not have management over all of the accounts.
11. You must tell the user the password you created. For security reasons, do not send the password
by email or in a chat application.
NetSuite permits each user a maximum of six failed login attempts. When a user exceeds this maximum
(usually because of an incorrect password), an email message is sent to notify the account administrator,
and the user is locked out of NetSuite for 30 minutes.
Note: Inactive users do not appear in the Users list, but they can appear in the different Entity
Lists if the Show Inactives box is checked. For example, you can get a list of all Employee records at
Lists > Employees > Employees and if you check the Show Inactives box, you can see the inactive
Employee records too.
The Login Audit Trail captures and records the IP address at the beginning of the user’s session. It does
not capture changes in IP addresses that might occur during a session, such as when a user connects to
a Virtual Private Network (VPN) while the session is active. If the user logs out of NetSuite, then logs back
in while the VPN is still open, the IP address of the VPN will be captured for that session.
This search returns a list of login activity, that can include each session listed by date and time of initial
login, the user's name, and the IP address from which the user logged in. When you drill down on
individual login entries, you view a list of the transactions completed during the user's session. If no data
appears, then the user did not complete any transactions during the period you are viewing.
Note: The Login Audit Trail search also is available from general search task links, like Reports >
New Search, and Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.
■ Simple search mode, where you can select from a limited set of filters, including IP address, user
name, date range, and role.
■ Advanced search mode, with more options, including filtering by formulas and join fields, display of
formula and join fields as results, and sorting and grouping of results. Available join fields include Role,
Employee, and in some cases, Customer, Partner, and Vendor fields.
■ Saved searches that you can define and run repeatedly. Saved searches offer all advanced search
options, and more, including defining audiences and sending emails of search results.
When you open the Login Audit Trail Search page it displays in the mode last used, initially simple
For instructions for using the Login Audit Trail, see the following:
Important: By default, the Administrator role has permission to create, edit and view the Login
Audit Trail Search. You can also add permission to any role that can make changes on the Manage
Roles page.
Note: If a user enters an incorrect 2FA verification code, it is counted as a login Failure.
■ Security Challenge — select an option: Success, Failure, or Either. (For details about this
column, see Login Audit Trail Security Challenge Column.
■ Generally, a user is determined by a combination of email address and password. There is not
necessarily a one-to-one mapping between email addresses and users, because two users
might share the same email address but use different passwords.
■ If an email address is used by only one user, then a login audit trail search filtered by that email
address and a search filtered by the matching user produce the same results.
■ If an email address can be matched to more than one user, then a login audit trail search
filtered by that email address and a search filtered by one of the matching users would produce
different results sets.
3. Choose one of the following actions:
■ Click the Submit button to run the search and open a NetSuite page with a list of results.
■ Click the Reset button to clear the filters you defined.
■ Click the Export button to run the search and save results to a .csv file that you can save to disk
or open on your desktop. For more information about exporting search results, see the help
topic Exporting Search Results.
■ Click the Personalize Search button to open a saved search page with no filters defined, where
you can define a personalized search form to be your default search form for audit trail.
■ Click the Create Saved Search button to open a saved search page that includes the filters you
defined. For more information, see the help topic Saved Searches.
5. After you have defined criteria and results display options for an advanced search, you can:
■ Click the Submit button to run the search and open a NetSuite page with a list of results.
■ Click the Reset button to clear the criteria and results options you defined.
■ Click the Export button to run the search and save results to a .csv file that you can save to disk
or open on your desktop. For more information about exporting search results, see the help
topic Exporting Search Results.
■ Click the Personalize Search button to open a saved search page with no criteria or results
options defined, where you can define a personalized search form to be your default search
form for the record type.
■ Click the Create Saved Search button to open a saved search page that includes the criteria
and results options you defined. For more information, see the help topic Saved Searches.
■ ExplicitLogout – A value in the Detail column that indicates the user clicked the Log Out link in the
NetSuite UI and the active session was terminated.
■ RoleSwitchLogout – A value in the Detail column that indicates the user switched to a different role
in the account, or to a role in a different account. Switching roles terminates the session and is
considered a logout.
■ SAMLIdPInitiatedLogout – A value in the Detail column that indicates the SAML Identity Provider
initiated a logout and the NetSuite UI active session was terminated.
In some cases, a user's NetSuite session is ended even when the user has not explicitly logged out of
NetSuite. For example, this situation occurs when a user's NetSuite session times out. If the logout is not
explicit, the system does not create a logout entry in the Login Audit Trail.
Important: If you use the data from the Login Audit Trail for the purpose of counting the
number of successful logins, you should not include the successful logout entries. You can do this
by filtering out the new values for successful logouts.
For more information about the Login Audit Trail, see Login Audit Trail Overview.
Inactivating Users
If an employee is terminated, or you revoke a customer's access, you might also want to inactivate the
record. Inactive users do not appear in record lists.
Here are some cases in which you would want to inactivate a user record:
■ You do not want to delete the record because it contains information that you might need in the
future for record-keeping or auditing purposes. Also, the user could return (employee might be
rehired or a vendor might sign a new contract) and you could make the record active again.
■ You want to temporarily remove the user’s access to NetSuite and restore it later.
■ The user’s login credentials and role assignments are saved. If the record is later made active again,
the user can access NetSuite as they did before being inactivated.
■ If the user set up schedules to run reports, the reports are not run. The schedule definition is still
available, but the task stops running because one part of the schedule was deleted.
■ If the user owns calendar events, those events remain in the calendar.
■ If the user owns saved searches, they remain in the list of saved searches.
Inactive users do not appear in entity lists unless the Show Inactives box is checked.
Any jobs, for example, reports or scripts, that were scheduled by a user who is now inactive are not run.
The jobs are still available, but the schedule is deleted.
Mass Updates process inactive records unless criteria is added to the update to exclude inactive records.
To inactivate a user:
1. Open the record list page.
■ Lists > Employees > Employees
■ Lists > Relationships > Vendors
■ Lists > Relationships > Partners
■ Lists > Relationships > Customers
2. Click Edit beside the user record you want to inactivate.
3. Click the System Information subtab.
4. Check the Inactive box.
5. Click Save.
For example, a bookkeeper might want to approve purchase orders for a single location. Restricting her
view allows her to view only the purchase orders for that location. Additionally, reports and search results
only show records and transactions associated with that location.
You can restrict your view for the current login session at Home > Set Preferences. The next time you log
in, the normal restrictions set for your role are restored.
3. In the Subsidiary, Department, Location, or Class fields, select the classification for which you
want to restrict your view in this login session.
Important: If you restrict your subsidiary view, the departments, locations, and classes
available to you are limited to those associated with the selected subsidiary.
4. Check the Include Sub box if you want to also see records and transactions associated with child
subsidiaries, departments, locations, or classes of the selections.
5. Check the Include Unassigned box if you want to see those records and transactions that have
not been associated with a department, location, or class.
6. Click Save.
Standard roles for specific business functions include predefined sets of permissions. You can create
custom roles to vary from these standard sets. For information about setting up roles, see NetSuite Roles
Overview. For information about assigning roles to users, see NetSuite Users Overview.
■ Each role definition page lists permissions already assigned to that role, and other permissions that
can be assigned. Permissions are divided into different types: Transactions, Reports, Lists, Setup, and
Custom Records. To see this page, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles, and click Customize
for a role. For more information, see Reviewing Permissions Assigned to Roles. For many permissions,
different access levels are available. For information, see Access Levels for Permissions.
■ NetSuite provides a page where you can compare the permissions assigned to two or more roles and
identify differences. To access this page, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Show Role Differences.
■ The Help Center provides a link to a spreadsheet listing how permissions are used, meaning the
record types, pages, and/or tasks to which permissions provide access. To access this spreadsheet,
click here: NetSuitePermissionsUsage.xls For more information, see Permissions Documentation.
■ If the Advanced Employee Permissions feature is enabled in your account, you can customize or create
roles to use the Employee Self, Employee Public, Employee Confidential, Employee Compensation,
Employee System Access, Employee Record Full, and Employee Administration permissions. For more
information, see the help topic Advanced Employee Permissions Overview.
■ If the Global Permissions feature is enabled in your account, you can assign permissions directly
to employees. Employees retain these global permissions with all of their roles. If there is a conflict
between role-based permissions and global permissions, global permissions take precedence. Please
note that usage of the Global Permissions feature is not recommended. For more information, see
Using the Global Permissions Feature.
■ A special permission is required to see unmasked credit card numbers, the View Unencrypted Credit
Card Numbers permission. To make this permission available to be assigned to roles in your account,
you need to complete a signed agreement. For information, see the help topic Payment Card Number
Security and Compliance.
■ A special permission is available that masks employee information on financial reports. For more
information, see Hiding Employee Information on Financial Reports.
■ When you newly enable a feature in your account, you must consider permissions associated with the
added feature. Customized roles that you have already assigned to users may need to be updated
to reflect the proper permissions associated with the added feature. See Customizing or Creating
NetSuite Roles.
Note that users with create or full permissions to a restricted record type are able to create and submit
new instances of that record type. However, these users are not able to view these newly created
restricted records. In other words, users cannot view records to which they are restricted, regardless of
their permissions and levels.
In addition, a restriction might be applied to your role so you can only access employee records of
members of your team.
Permissions are generally assigned to roles, and apply to users to which roles are assigned. If the global
permissions feature is enabled, permissions can also be assigned to employees, independently of roles.
For details about NetSuite permissions, see NetSuite Permissions Overview.
Restrictions are defined on roles, and apply to users to which roles are assigned. The following types of
restrictions are available:
■ Employee Restrictions: You can restrict a role's access to transaction, customer, and employee
records, based on values in the employee, sales rep, and supervisor fields on these records. These
restrictions may also limit the values that users logged in with this role can assign to these fields on
records. These restrictions do not affect access to contact records. You can choose an option to allow
viewing of records that are not available for editing due to these restrictions.
■ Department Restrictions: You can restrict this role's access to transaction, employee, partner, and
optionally item records, based on values in the department field on these records. These restrictions
may also limit the values that users logged in with this role can assign to the department field on
records. You can choose an option to allow viewing of records that are not available for editing due to
these restrictions.
■ Class Restrictions: You can restrict this role's access to transaction, employee, partner, and optionally
item records, based on values in the class field on these records. These restrictions may also limit the
values that users logged in with this role can assign to the class field on records. You can choose an
option to allow viewing of records that are not available for editing due to these restrictions.
■ Location Restrictions: You can restrict this role's access to transaction, employee, partner, and
optionally item records, based on values in the location field on these records. These restrictions may
also limit the values that users logged in with this role can assign to the location field on records.
You can choose an option to allow viewing of records that are not available for editing due to these
■ (OneWorld only) Subsidiary Restrictions: You can limit the subsidiary values that users with
this role can select for customer and vendor records, and to limit the transaction, customer, and
vendor records that users with this role can edit, based on these records' selected subsidiaries.
You can choose an option to allow viewing of records that are not available for editing due to these
For instructions for setting restrictions on a role, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
You can audit assigned permissions through searches of role and employee records. You can audit
assigned restrictions through searches of role records.
For information about assigning permissions to roles, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
Important: When you newly enable a feature in your account, you must consider permissions
associated with the added feature. Customized roles that you have already assigned to users may
need to be updated to reflect the proper permissions associated with the added feature. See the
help topic Enabling Features.
■ VIEW - User has access to view existing files only. The user cannot create new, edit existing, or delete
existing files.
■ CREATE - User can create new and view existing files. The user cannot edit or delete existing files.
■ EDIT - User has access to create new, view existing, and edit existing files. The user cannot delete
existing files.
■ FULL - User has access to create new files and view, edit, and delete existing files.
Note that for some permissions, only the minimum view level is required for usage, and other levels do
not provide any additional capabilities. In the model defined by the above access level definitions, each
successive level (view, create, edit, full) of a permission provides increased usage of the related record
type, task, or page, but the usage of some permissions does not fit exactly into this model. Generally, any
user with at least VIEW access to a record type has the ability to print records of that type.
Permissions Documentation
The following link provides access to a Microsoft Excel worksheet listing the usage of most NetSuite
permissions. You can use this list to understand the implications of assigning a specific permission, or to
find the permission required to provide access to a specific task or page. The spreadsheet format lets you
search and sort fields in the manner most useful for you. Autofilters are provided for each column.
Note: Most browsers will download this file in “Protected View” mode to your Downloads
folder. If the Autofilters are not working, click the Enable Editing button on the yellow bar in the
worksheet header.
■ SUBTAB - Subtab of the Roles page Permissions subtab where each permission is listed: Lists, Reports,
Setup, and Transactions (sorted alphabetically)
■ PERMISSION NAME - Name of each permission (sorted alphabetically)
■ USAGE DESCRIPTION - Description of how each permission is used, meaning the record types, tasks,
and/or pages that each permission makes accessible (sorted alphabetically)
■ MINIMUM SELECTABLE LEVEL - The minimum selectable level (view, create, edit, or full) for each
■ MINIMUM SYSTEM LEVEL - Contains the minimum valid level of permissions in the system. This level
takes precedence in case it differs from the level in the Minimum Selectable Level column. This column
is blank from most rows.
Note: This worksheet does not detail how different access levels affect each permission usage;
it simply lists the minimum level required. Some permissions fit an access model where each
successive level (view, create, edit, full) provides increased usage of the related record type, task,
or page, as described in Access Levels for Permissions. Note that some permissions do not fit
exactly into this model. For some permissions, only the minimum view level is required for usage,
and other levels do not provide any additional capabilities. Generally, any user with at least VIEW
access to a transaction type on the Transactions subtab, or to a record type on the Lists subtab,
has the ability to print records of that type.
The worksheet lists some permissions multiple times because they provide access to multiple record
types, tasks, and/or pages. Note that usages of some permissions may have dependencies on other
permissions, and this spreadsheet does not include these dependencies.
For a list of permission IDs to use with SuiteScript, see the help topic Permission Names and IDs.
Core Administration Permissions is a feature that can be enabled for a role and gives the role access
to a functionality that is currently only accessible to the standard Administrator role. You can use Core
Administration Permissions to customize a role so that it behaves almost like the Administrator role, while
also restricting access to other areas of NetSuite using role permissions and restrictions. For example,
with Core Administration Permissions you can create a role specifically for an IT administrator who is
responsible for the general administration of the system, but who should not have access to sensitive
employee information.
By default, Core Administration Permissions is not assigned to any roles. Before you can assign the
Core Administration Permissions to a role, you need to enable the Core Administration Permissions
feature on the Enable Features page. For more information, see Customizing or Creating a Role with Core
Administration Permissions.
Important: Use caution when assigning a role with Core Administration Permissions to a user,
because the role will become similar to the standard Administrator role in terms of exclusive
administrator privileges.
Core Administration Permissions Administrator Role
Searches ■ Can only view saved searches through the user ■ Can view, edit, make inactive, and
interface delete ALL saved searches, including:
■ Can only view private and saved searches by □ Shared searches, with or without
entering an URL the Allow Audience to Edit option
enabled, whether or not they
include the administrator as the
□ Public searches, with or without
the Allow Audience to Edit option
□ Private searches owned by users
other than the administrator
Account ■ Cannot edit employees that are assigned the ■ Can edit employees that are assigned
administration Administrator role the Administrator or role
■ Cannot assign the Administrator role ■ Can assign the Administrator role
■ Role with Core Administration Permissions ■ Administrator role can only be edited
assigned can be edited by users with non- by a user with an Administrator role
administrator roles
Contact Records ■ When the Advanced Employee Permissions
feature is not enabled, any role using Core
Administration Permissions must include the
Lists > Employees permission when the Show
Employees as Contacts box on the General
Preferences page is checked
■ When the Advanced Employee Permissions
feature is enabled, Show Employees as
Contacts is not supported
■ For details, see Advanced Employee Permissions
and Contact Records.
■ Use caution when assigning Core Administration Permissions to a role, because the role will become
similar to the standard Administrator role in terms of exclusive administrative privileges.
■ When you assign Core Administration Permissions to a role, you should consider making two-
factor authentication required for the role. For more information, see the help topic Two-Factor
Authentication (2FA).
You can assign Core Administration Permissions to any role, and then configure the role to restrict access
to areas of NetSuite.
Note: To assign Core Administration Permissions to a role, you must be logged in using the
Administrator role or a role with Core Administration Permissions and Manage Roles permissions
To assign Core Administration Permissions to a role, you must be logged in using the Administrator role
or a role with Core Administration Permissions and Manage Roles permissions assigned.
Important: If you are logged in with a role where mandatory two-factor authentication
(2FA) is required and you select Not required in the Two-Factor Authentication Required
dropdown list, the mandatory 2FA policy supersedes the role setting. This means that two-
factor authentication is required for the role even though it says two-factor authentication is not
required on the Role record. For more information, see the help topics Mandatory Two-Factor
Authentication (2FA) for NetSuite Access and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
Administrator Features
■ Add SAML Single Sign-on Permissions to Roles
■ Required Permissions for CSV Imports
■ Permissions Requiring Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
SuiteCloud Platform
■ Configuring Permissions by Editing the Role
Required Permissions for SuiteFlow
■ Permission Names and IDs
■ SuiteScript Debugger Metering and Permissions
Order Management
■ Dunning Permissions and Access
■ Electronic Invoicing Permissions and Access Levels
■ Granting the Override Estimated Costs on Transactions Permission
■ Roles and Permissions for Contract Renewals
■ Roles and Permissions for Grid Order Management
■ Setting Up Payments Tab Permissions
■ Setting Up Electronic Bank Payments
■ SuiteBilling Roles and Permissions
■ Recurring Billing — this is a PDF. For permissions information in this document, see Roles and
Permissions for Recurring Billing.
■ Access to Reports
■ Permissions for Searches
■ Providing Users with SuiteAnalytics Connect Permissions
■ Publish Dashboards Permission
■ Report Customization Permission
■ Verifying the SuiteAnalytics Connect Permission
■ Set Execute as Role Permissions for .ss and .ssp Files
■ Audience Permissions for Hosted Sites
■ Customer Center Custom Permissions
■ Feature Access Permissions
■ My Account Menu Permissions
■ SCIS Roles and Permissions
■ SuiteCommerce InStore Permissions
■ SuitePeople Permission Requirements
Step 2: Grant Permissions (part of Using the SuiteSocial Admin Setup Assistant)
Note: Not all permissions that are supported for assignment to roles are available for
assignment as global permissions.
When this feature is enabled, each employee record includes the Global Permissions subtab on the
Access tab.
You still need to assign one or more role to each employee on the Access subtab's Roles subtab. When
an employee logs in, the applicable permission set is a combination of the employee's global permissions
and the currently used role's permissions. Where conflicts between an employee's role-based permissions
and global permissions occur, global permissions take precedence, even if global permissions are at a
lower level.
The global permissions are not taken into account for the Administrator role. It is not possible to
downgrade access for the Administrator by using the global permissions.
The Financial History permission gives a role access to the Transactions subtab. Additionally, the role must
be given access to the specific types of transactions shown on the Transactions subtab.
For examples of where to find the Transactions subtab, see Transactions Subtab on Entity Records.
Now, users assigned this customized role can view the Transactions subtab on entity records and click
the links to view those transactions.
When the employee logs in again, they will see the Transactions subtab on entity records.
Users also must have the Report Customization permission to be able to customize financial statements
in the Financial Report Builder and to rename, delete, or reassign financial statement layouts. The View
level of this permission is sufficient.
For information about financial statement reports, see the help topic Financial Statements Overview.
Important: The Payroll feature must be enabled on your account to use the Hide Employee
Information on Financial Reports permission.
Now users with roles that have this permission will not be able to see personal employee information on
financial reports.
1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types, and select a record type from the
2. On the Permissions subtab, choose a role and set the access level.
3. Repeat to provide access to additional roles, then Save.
You also can add the Custom Record Entries permission to a role, to provide users with that role access to
all custom records.
1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles, and select a role from the list.
2. Click the Lists subtab, select Custom Record Entries from the dropdown list, set the access level,
and click Save.
you make either of these changes, users may need to log out and log back in for the changes to take
For more information about custom record permissions, see the help topic Setting Permissions for a
Custom Record Type.
If the OIDC configuration is shared between different NetSuite accounts, users can switch between
OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-on roles without requiring a separate login. User credentials and
policies are managed by the OIDC provider (OP). NetSuite is the client, or relying party (RP).
When this feature is enabled, you can provide OIDC SSO access to your account users by assigning the
OIDC Single Sign-on permission to their roles.
See the help topics Customize Roles for OpenID Connect and OpenID Connect Permissions for more
information about the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-on permission and granting OIDC access to
center roles.
For more information about the OIDC feature in NetSuite, see the help topic OpenID Connect (OIDC)
Single Sign-on.
When this feature is enabled, you can provide SAML Single Sign-on access to your account users by
assigning the SAML Single Sign-on permission to their roles.
See the help topic Add SAML Single Sign-on Permissions to Roles for more information about the SAML
Single Sign-on permission, granting SAML access to center roles, and limitations and restrictions that
apply to SAML permissions.
For more information about the SAML feature in NetSuite, see the help topic SAML Single Sign-on.
■ As of the 2020.1 upgrade, customers will no longer be permitted to use this OpenID SSO
feature to create new solutions.
■ Targeted to occur before the 2020.2 release, customers should migrate their existing solutions
to a different single sign-on solution:
□ Use the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-on feature released with 2019.2. See the help
topic OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-on.
□ Another alternative is to use the SAML Single Sign-on feature for access to NetSuite. See the
help topic SAML Single Sign-on.
As of 2020.2, any solutions still using the OpenID SSO feature will not work.
The OpenID Single Sign-on feature supports inbound single sign-on to NetSuite from Google Apps,
using Google Account authentication. This feature allows users who have logged in to Google Apps to go
directly to NetSuite. Users do not need to log in separately to NetSuite, because their Google identity is
used to access their NetSuite data.
When this feature is enabled, you can provide Google OpenID access to your account users by assigning
the OpenID Single Sign-on permission to their roles. To access NetSuite from Google Apps, a user must
have at least one role with this permission.
For more information, see the help topic OpenID Single Sign-on.