Curriculum Map For Grade-10 Mathematics Jennifer T. Oliquino

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San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Jennifer T. Oliquino
Grade-10 Instagram
SY 2022-2023
Term (No) Unit Content Performance Learning Assessment Activities Resources Instructional
Month Topic/Content Standard Standard Competencies Core Values
The learner The learner is 1. 1. Generates Board work activities
demonstrates able to formulate patterns. Develop self-
Patterns and understanding and solve M10AL - Ia – 1 Identification Individual work esteem &
Algebra of key problems 2. 2. illustrates an Identifying the ( Teacher made- independence
concepts of involving arithmetic sequence and printed activities ) 21st Century
1.Sequences sequences, sequences, sequence series defined Mathematics
and Series polynomials polynomials and3. M10AL - Ib – 1 Fill in the blanks M Esparrago Exhibit the
August et al importance of
to and polynomial 4. 3. determines
2.Arithmetic polynomial equations in arithmetic means, Finding the being attentive
September Sequence missing term Games during class
Weeks equations different nth term of an
disciplines arithmetic of the given discussion.
1- 4 3. Arithmetic sequence Math 10 Learning
through sequence and Guide/Module
appropriate and sum of the terms
accurate of a given
4. Geometric Problem
representations. arithmetic
Sequence solving
sequence https://
5. Geometric 5. 4. illustrates a
Series geometric algebra/sequences/
6. M10AL - Id – 1
7. 5. differentiates a
sequence from an
8. M10AL - Id – 2 21st Century
9. 6. determines Board work activities Mathematics
Identifying the
geometric means,
nth term of a sequence and Individual work M Esparrago
geometric series defined ( Teacher made- et al
sequence and printed activities )
sum of the terms Math 10 Learning
of a given finite or Finding the Fill in the blanks Guide/Module
infinite geometric missing term
sequence of the given https://
10. sequence Games


6. Fibonacci The learner The learner is 7. solves Identification Board work activities 21st Century
Sequence demonstrates able to formulate problems Identifying the Mathematics Develop their
understanding and solve involving sequence and Individual work M Esparrago camaraderie in
7. Harmonic of key problems sequences series defined ( Teacher made- et al group activities
Sequence concepts of involving M10AL - If - 2 printed activities )
October Math 10 Learning Enhance their
sequences, sequences,
Week-1 8. Solving Finding the Fill in the blanks Guide/Module critical thinking
polynomials polynomials and
Problems and polynomial missing term skills in solving
involving polynomial equations in of the given https:// problems
Sequences equations different sequence Games
disciplines algebra/sequences/
appropriate and Problem
accurate solving

1.Division of ● The The learner is 1.Performs Finding the https://

polynomials learne able to formulate division of quotient and Games
using the long r and solve polynomials using Remainder algebra/definitions.html Promote
method demo problems long division and using the long reliability with
October nstrat involving synthetic division. method Grouping activity 21st Century regards to
Weeks 2.Prove es sequences, M10AL - Ig – 1 Mathematics their
3-4 remainder under polynomials and Proving Individual Worksheet M Esparrago mathematical
theorem, standi polynomial 2. proves the activity sheets made by the teacher et al skills
factor ng of equations in Remainder
theorem & key different Theorem, Factor Fill in the Math Jingle Math 10 Learning
rational root conce disciplines Theorem and the blanks Guide/Module
theorem pts of through Rational Root
seque appropriate and Theorem. Oral Recitation
3. Factoring nces, accurate Matching type
polynomials polyn representations. 3. factors https://
polynomials. Moving Test
4. Illustrating s and M10AL - Ih – 1 algebra/definitions.html
polynomial polyn
equations 4. illustrates 21st Century
polynomial Mathematics
equations. M Esparrago
M10AL - Ii – 1 et al

Math 10 Learning


Solving The learner The learner is 1. Solves Individual Worksheet https:// Promote
November problems demonstrates able to formulate problems Problem made by the teacher independence
Week- 1 involving understanding and solve involving solving, algebra/definitions.html in answering
polynomial of key problems polynomials and showing individual
equations concepts of involving polynomial complete 21st Century activities
sequences, sequences, equations. solution Mathematics
polynomials polynomials and M10AL - Ij - 2 M Esparrago
and polynomial et al
polynomial equations in
equations different Math 10 Learning
disciplines Guide/Module
appropriate and
1. Illustrating 1.Illustrates Sketching the Board work https://
polynomial The learner The learner is polynomial graph of Activities Develop
functions demonstrates able to conduct functions. polynomial algebra/definitions.html reading
understanding systematically a M10ALIIa-1 functions comprehension
November 2. Interpret of key mathematical given the Answering teacher – 21st Century in solving math
Weeks the graphs concepts of investigation 2. Understand, equation made worksheets Mathematics problems.
2-4 of polynomial involving describe and M Esparrago
polynomial function. polynomial interpret the Matching type et al
functions functions in graphs Oral Recitation
different fields polynomial Yes or No Math 10 Learning Show interest
functions. Activity Sheet Guide/Module in the
3. Solves discussion of
problems 3. Solves the lesson,
involving problems active in
polynomial involving participating
functions polynomial performance
functions task.

1. The learner is
Relationships The learner able to Identification Grouping 21st Century
among chords, demonstrates formulate and Activity Mathematics Develop
arcs, central understanding find solutions Derives Fill in the M Esparrago teamwork
December angles, and of key to challenging inductively the blanks et al
Week inscribed concepts of situations relations among Show
1 chords, arcs, Oral Games willingness to
angles. circles and involving central angles, Recitataion Math 10 Learning learn and
coordinate circles and and inscribed Guide/Module discover new
geometry. other related angles. Individual work ides while
terms in Activity performing the
different M10GEIIc-1 geometry/chords/ task given.
disciplines lesson/
through Central-Angles-and-
appropriate Chords-GEOM-HNRS/
and accurate
3. 2. is able to
formulate and
solve problems
figures on the
plane with
December Proving The learner Proves Identification 21st Century Improve critical
perseverance Grouping
Week 2 theorems demonstrates theorems related Mathematics thinking skills
and accuracy. Fill in the Activity
related to understanding to chords, arcs, M Esparrago
chords, arcs, of key central angles, blanks et al
central angles, concepts of and inscribed
and inscribed circles and angles. Oral Math 10 Learning
angles. coordinate M10GEIIc-d-1 Recitataion Games Guide/Module
Individual work geometry/chords/
Activity lesson/
January Secants, The learner The learner is Illustrates Board work and 21st Century Involved in the
Week 1 tangents, demonstrates able to formulate secants, tangents, Identification individual activity Mathematics performance
segments, and understanding and find segments, and Illustration Team work/grouping M Esparrago task given to
sectors of a of key solutions to sectors of a circle. Activity et al their grouping
circle. concepts of challenging M10GEIIe-1 Moving Test activity
circles and situations Games Math 10 Learning
coordinate involving circles Proves theorems Guide/Module
geometry. and other related on secants,
terms in different tangents, and
disciplines segments maths/sector-of-a-
through M10GEIIe-f-1 circle/
appropriate and
January Solving The learner representations. Solves problems Finding the Grouping 21st Century Show
Week 2 problems on demonstrates 2. is able to on circles. equation of Activity Mathematics activeness in
circles. understanding formulate and M10GEIIf-2 the circle, Reporting M Esparrago the discussion
of key solve problems center and et al of the lesson,
concepts of involving Applies the radius Games sustaining
distance circles and distance formula Math 10 Learning interest as well
geometric figures
formula coordinate to prove some Finding Guide/Module
on the
geometry. geometric distance Individual work
properties. activity sheets Activity
coordinate plane
M10GEIIg-2 maths/sector-of-a-
and accuracy

21st Century
The learner is
Illustrates the Mathematics Determine the
January Circle able to formulate Finding the Reporting
center-radius M Esparrago importance of
Week 2 and find equation of
form of the et al studying circle
solutions to the circle,
equation of a in real life
challenging center and
circle. Math 10 Learning
situations radius
M10GEIIh-1 Guide/Module
involving circles
and other related Determines the
The learner terms in different center and radius maths/sector-of-a-
demonstrates disciplines of a circle given circle/
understanding through its equation and
of key appropriate and vice versa.
concepts of accurate M10GEIIh-2
circles and representations.
January Solving coordinate 2. is able to Graphs and solves Board Improve/ Learn
Week 4 problems geometry. formulate and problems Activity sheets work activity /maths/geometric- to comprehend
involving solve problems involving circles on shapes/ the problem
circles and involving and other Solving given
geometric geometric figures geometric figures problems Groupings 21st Century
figures on the on the on the coordinate involving Mathematics
coordinate rectangular plane. circles and M Esparrago
plane geometric Individual work et al
coordinate plane
with figures on the
perseverance coordinate Math 10 Learning
and accuracy plane Guide/Module


February The Learner The learner Defining Oral recitation https://
Weeks Permutation demonstrates is able to use Illustrates the permutation corporatefinanceinstitut
1 understanding precise counting permutation of Board work activity
of key technique and objects. Solving resources/knowledge/
concepts of probability in M10SP – permutation Individual other/permutation/
combinatorics formulating IIIa – 1 activity sheets worksheets
and conclusions and 21st Century
probability making Solves problems Mathematics
decisions. involving M Esparrago Determine the
permutations et al importance/
M10SP - IIIb – 1 significance of
Math 10 Learning
Guide/Module permutation
February The Learner The learner Illustrates the Differentiating Grouping activity https:// combination
Weeks Permutation demonstrates is able to use combination of permutation corporatefinanceinstitut in real life
2 and understanding precise counting objects. and Game situation
Combination of key technique and M10SP - IIIc – 1 combination resources/knowledge/
concepts of probability in Differentiates Moving Test other/permutation/
combinatorics formulating permutation from
and conclusions and combination of Matching type 21st Century
probability making objects taken at R Mathematics
decisions. a time. M Esparrago
M10SP - IIIc – 2 et al
Solves problems
involving Math 10 Learning
permutations and Guide/Module
M10SP –
IIId - e – 1

March Union and The Learner The learner Illustrates events, Answering Group work https:// Develop
Week 3 intersection of demonstrates is able to use and union and worksheets on corporatefinanceinstitut teamwork
events. understanding precise counting intersection of Union and Individual Task
of key technique and events. intersection of resources/knowledge/ Show
concepts of probability in M10SP - IIIf - 1 events. other/permutation/ willingness to
combinatorics formulating Illustrates the learn and
and conclusions and probability of a 21st Century discover new
probability making union of two Mathematics ides while
decisions. events M Esparrago performing the
M10SP - IIIg - 1 et al task given.

Math 10 Learning
March Probability The Learner The learner Finds the Problem Group work Develop self-
Week 4 demonstrates is able to use probability of solving maths/probability/ esteem &
understanding precise counting ( AUB ) involving Individual Task independence
of key technique and M10SP - IIIg - h - probability 21st Century
concepts of probability in 1 Mathematics
combinatorics formulating M Esparrago Exhibit the
and conclusions and et al importance of
probability making being attentive
decisions. Math 10 Learning during class
Guide/Module discussion


Week 1
April Mutually The Learner The learner Illustrates Problem Group work https://
Week 2 exclusive demonstrates is able to use mutually solving Show interest
events. understanding precise counting exclusive events. activity Individual Task data/mutually- in the
of key technique and M10SP - IIIi – 1 exclusive-events/ discussion of
concepts of probability in the lesson
combinatorics formulating Solves problems 21st Century
and conclusions and involving Mathematics
probability making probability M Esparrago Participate
decisions. M10SP - IIIi - j - 1 et al actively in their
Math 10 Learning activity


Week 3
April Measures of The learners The learner Illustrates the Problem Oral recitation 21st Century
Week 4 position demonstrates is able to use following solving Mathematics
understanding precise counting measures of activity bordwork M Esparrago Develop self-
of key technique and position: et al esteem &
concepts of probability in quartiles, deciles independence
measures of formulating and percentiles. Math 10 Learning
position. conclusions and M10SP - IVa - 1 Guide/Module
making https://
May Measures of The learners The learner Calculates a Problem Oral recitation 21st Century
Week 1 position demonstrates is able to use specified measure solving Mathematics Develop higher
understanding precise counting of position (e.g. activity bordwork M Esparrago order thinking
of key technique and 90th percentile) et al skills
concepts of probability in of a set of data.
measures of formulating M10SP - IVb – 1 Math 10 Learning
position. conclusions and Guide/Module
making https://
May Measures of The learners The learner Interprets Problem 21st Century
Week 2 position demonstrates is able to use measures of solving Mathematics Develop higher
understanding precise counting position. activity M Esparrago order thinking
of key technique and M10SP - IVc - 1 et al skills
concepts of probability in
measures of formulating Math 10 Learning
position. conclusions and Guide/Module
making https://
May Measures of The learners The learner Solves problems Problem 21st Century
Week 3 position demonstrates is able to use involving solving Mathematics
understanding precise counting measures of activity M Esparrago
of key technique and position. et al
concepts of probability in M10SP - IVd - e - Determine the
measures of formulating 1 Math 10 Learning relevance of
position. conclusions and Guide/Module learning
making https:// measures of
decisions. position and its
m/ application in
measures-of-position/ daily activity.

June Application of The learners The learner Formulates Problem 21st Century
Week 1 Measures of demonstrates is able to use statistical mini – solving Mathematics
position understanding precise counting research activity M Esparrago Determine the
of key technique and M10SP - IVf - g - 1 et al relevance of
concepts of probability in learning
measures of formulating Math 10 Learning measures of
position. conclusions and Guide/Module position and its
making https:// application in
decisions. daily activity.

June Application of The learners The learner Uses appropriate 21st Century
Week 2-3 Measures of demonstrates is able to use measures of Mathematics Determine the
position understanding precise counting position and ORAL RECITATION/ M Esparrago relevance of
of key technique and other statistical INTERVIEW/ et al learning
concepts of probability in methods in DEFENSE measures of
measures of formulating analyzing and Math 10 Learning position and its
position. conclusions and interpreting Guide/Module application in
making research data. https:// daily activity.
decisions. M10SP - IVh - j –
1 m/
June Research Oral The learners The learner Research Oral ORAL RECITATION/ 21st Century Apply measures
Week 2-3 Defense demonstrates Is able to use Defense INTERVIEW/ Mathematics of position
understanding precise counting DEFENSE M Esparrago through
of key technique and et al research
concepts of probability in
measures of formulating Math 10 Learning
position. conclusions and Guide/Module
making https://

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