Grade 10 Mathematics
Grade 10 Mathematics
Grade 10 Mathematics
PEAC2020 Page 1
In this unit, you will look at how chords, angles and arcs are related in a circle. You will
also learn the relationships among chords, arcs ad angles, distance formula and the
equation of a circle which are useful in solving real world problems.
Consider these questions: How do the relationships among chords, arcs, and angles of a
circle facilitate finding solutions to real-life problems and making decisions?” How can
problems where two quantities bounded by conditions are solved? How related quantities
do affects each other? How can you apply the knowledge including theorems and
postulates, formula about circles in making pizza?
illustrates secants, E-Math LM p. 157 (items 1-3)
tangents, segments, and Title: Practice and Application I
sectors of a circle. Google forms’ Link:
Clickable Links:
PEAC2020 Page 2
PEAC2020 Page 3
derives inductively GARDENING (Scaffold for Transfer 1)
the relations among Problem: You are a landscape designer. Three bushes are arranged in a garden
chords, arcs, central
angles, and inscribed
as shown. Where should you place a sprinkler so that it is the same distance
angles. (M10GEIIc-1) from each bush?
Process Questions:
Process Questions:
Assess your own understanding of the discussions and activities in this module accomplishing the exit sheet
Disagree Agree Strongl
y Agree
1. I found this topic interesting
2. I understood all the lessons
3. I learned something new
4. I need more clarifications about the topic
5. I could use this information in real life.
Questions/Clarifications about the topic:
Goal Your task is to prepare a vicinity map of your barangay and CCTV
allocation proposal.
Role Security head, Assessment clerk.
Audienc Barangay officials
Situatio You are the head of the barangay security in your barangay that
n is planning to purchase CCTV cameras to be distributed in the
barangay. Your group wants to make sure that the CCTV are
evenly distributed
Product Vicinity Map CCTV allocation Plan
Video presentation
PowerPoint presentation
Blog (
Scoring Rubric
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Progressing Beginning
Authenticity The data used The data Some of the None of the
of Data are authentic used are data used data are
and updated. authentic. are not useful and
Data are taken Data are authentic. authentic.
from reliable taken from
resources. reliable
Accuracy of Computations Computation Computation Most of the
the are accurate s are s are correct computations
computatio and accurate and but and
ns supported supported interpretatio interpretatio
with correct with correct n is incorrect ns are
and clear interpretatio erroneous.
interpretation n.
Application The distance The Distance The Distance The Distance
of the formula Formula Formula Formula used
Concepts of created is created is created does is incorrect.
Distance correct with correct. not use the
formula. additional defined
model to variables.
support it.
PEAC2020 Page 7