C 11

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New Problem 11.10:

Consider steam at 500 kPa and 300 C and check for the validity of the following
Maxwell relation:
 s   v 
    
 p T  T  p


Write the given Maxwell relation:

 s   v 
    
 p T  T  p

Modify above differential equation to corresponding finite quantities as follows:

 s   v 
     …… (1)
 p T 300 C  T  p 500 kPa

Use steam tables to obtain the property values at the corresponding pressure or

Now, consider the left hand side of equation (1) and determine its value.
 s   s700 kPa  s300 kPa 
   
 p T 320 C   700  300  kPa T 320 C

 7.3697  7.7722  kJ / kg  K
 700  300  kPa
 0.001 m3 / kg  K

Now, consider the right hand side of equation (1) and determine its value.
 v   v360 C  v280 C 
    
 T  p 500 kPa   360  280  C  p 500 kPa
  0.5796  0.5034  m3 / kg 
  
  360  273   280  273 K 
 0.00095 m3 / kg  K

It can be observed that the left hand side and right hand differ by within 5% of each other
and it is due to conversion of differential quantities to comparatively large finite
quantities. Therefore, the two values can be assumed to be in agreement and thus, the
given Maxwell equation is valid.
New Problem 11.13:
Use ideal gas equation to verify the
 p   v   T 
(a) cyclic relation:        1
 v T  T  p  p v
 v  1
(b) reciprocity relation:    T , for constant pressure p
 T  p  
 
 v  p


(a) Write the ideal gas equation.

pv  RT …… (1)

From equation (1),

p  p  v, T  

Differentiate above expression with respect to v at constant T to obtain:

 p  RT
   2
 v T v

From equation (1),

v  v  p, T  

Differentiate above expression with respect to T at constant p to obtain:

 v  R
  
 T  p p

From equation (1),

T  T  p, v  

Differentiate above expression with respect to p at constant v to obtain:

 T  v
  
 p v R

 p   v   T   RT   R   v  RT
         2     
 v T  T  p  p v  v   p   R  pv
From equation (1),  1 , therefore,
 p   v   T 
       1
 v T  T  p  p v

Thus, the cyclic relation is proved.

At constant pressure,

From equation (1),

v  v  p, T  

Differentiate above expression with respect to T at constant p to obtain:

 v  R
   …… (2)
 T  p p

From equation (1),

T  T  p, v  

Differentiate above expression with respect to v at constant p to obtain:

 T  p
   …… (3)
 v  p R

Multiply equations (2) and (3).

 v   T  R p
      1
 T  p  v  p p R
 v  1
   T
 T  p  
 
 v  p

Thus, the reciprocity relation at constant p is proved.

New Problem 11.14:

Use the equation p  v  a   RT to verify the

 p   v   T 
(a) cyclic relation:        1
 v T  T  p  p v
 p  1
(b) reciprocity relation:    , for constant specific volume v.
 T v  T 
 p 
 v


(a) Write the given equation.

p  v  a   RT …… (1)

From equation (1),

p  p  v, T  

Differentiate above expression with respect to v at constant T to obtain:

 p  RT
  
 v T v  a

From equation (1),

v  v  p, T   a

Differentiate above expression with respect to T at constant p to obtain:

 v  R
  
 T  p p

From equation (1),

p v  a
T  T  p, v  

Differentiate above expression with respect to p at constant v to obtain:

 T  v  a
  
 p v R

 p   v   T  RT R v  a RT
         
 v T  T  p  p v v  a p
R p v  a 

From equation (1),  1 , therefore,
p v  a
 p   v   T 
       1
 v T  T  p  p v

Thus, the cyclic relation is proved.

(b) At constant specific volume,

From equation (1),

p  p  v, T  

Differentiate above expression with respect to T at constant v to obtain:

 p  R
   …… (2)
 T v v  a

From equation (1),

p v  a
T  T  p, v  

Differentiate above expression with respect to p at constant v to obtain:

 T  v  a
   …… (3)
 p v R

Multiply equations (2) and (3).

 p   T   R   v  a 
       1
 T v  p v  v  a   R 
 p  1
  
 T v  T 
 p 
 v

Thus, the reciprocity relation at constant v is proved.

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Continued on next slide

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Problem 11-17 continued

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New Problem 11.18

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Continued on next slide

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Problem 11-24
11.22 continued

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New Problem 11.32:

Estimate the enthalpy of vaporisation of Refrigerant R-22 at 24 C by using Clapeyron

equation. Compare the result with the steam table value.


According to Clapeyron equation,

 dp  hg  h f
  
 dT sat,24 C T  vg  v f 
 dp 
hg  h f    T  vg  v f  …… (1)
 dT sat,24 C

Slope of above equation can be written as

 dp   p 
   
 dT sat,24 C  T sat,24 C
psat,28  C  psat,20  C

 28  20  C
Use table A-7 to obtain the values of saturation pressures and substitute the obtained
values in above expression.
 dp 

11.313  9.1030  bar
 
 dT sat,24 C  28  20  C

11.313  9.1030  bar 105 N / m 2 1 kJ
 28  273.15   20  273.15 K 1 bar 10 N  m

 27.5875 kJ / m3  K

Refer the following values corresponding to 24 C from table A-7:

vg  0.0232 m3 / kg
v f  0.8369 103 m3 / kg

Substitute all the obtained values in equation (1).

h fg  hg  h f   27.5875 kJ / m3  K    24  273.15  K   0.0232  0.8369 103  m3 / kg
=183.32 kJ / kg

Thus, the enthalpy of vaporisation of Refrigerant R-22 at 24 C is found to be

183.32 kJ / kg .
From the table A-7, the value of enthalpy of vaporisation of Refrigerant R-22 at 24 C is
183.4 kJ/kg. The obtained result is almost equal to the tabulated value. The reason for this
difference is the approximation of the differential quantities to comparatively large finite

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New Problem 11.38:
Use data from table of Refrigerant R-22 to estimate the saturation pressure of refrigerant
R-22 at 65 C .


It can be observed in table A-7 that value of saturation pressure at 65 C is not
available. It is required to estimate this pressure by extrapolation method.

For extrapolation use the following Clausius-Clapeyron equation (Eq. 11.42).

 d ln p  hg  h f
  
 dT sat RT 2

Upon integration at some average value of enthalpy of vaporisation and at two saturation
states above expression becomes
p  h  hf  1 1 
ln  2   g    …… (1)
 p1 sat R  T1 T2 sat

Refer the following values at 60 C from table A-7:

hg  223.81 kJ / kg
h f  21.55 kJ / kg
psat , 60°C  p1  0.3749 bar

Substitute kJ / kg  K for R and other obtained values in equation (1).
 p2  223.81   21.55  kJ / kg  1 1 
ln     
 0.3749   8.314

   60  273.15 K  65  273.15 K 
 kJ / kg K 
 86.48 
 0.287619
 0.75
p2  0.2812 bar

Thus, the saturation pressure of refrigerant R-22 at 65 C is 0.2812 bar .

Problem 11.38
According to Trouton’s rule,
h fg
 88 kJ / kg  mol  K
Where, TB is the boiling point of a substance at 1 atm and h fg is the latent heat of
vaporisation of the substance.

Use this rule in conjunction with Clapeyron equation to determine the approximate vapor
pressure of benzene at 300 K if the boiling point of benzene at a pressure of 1 atm is 353


It can be observed in table A-7 that value of saturation pressure at 65 C is not
available. It is required to estimate this pressure by extrapolation method.

Start with the following Clapeyron equation (Eq. 11.40).

dp h fg

dT Tv fg

Use ideal gas equation to modify the above expression.

dp ph fg
  pv  RT 
dT RT 2
dp h fg
 dT
p RT 2

Upon integration at some average value of h fg above expression becomes

p2 dp T2 h fg
 p1 p
T1 RT 2

p  h 1 1
ln  2   fg   
 p1  R  T1 T2 

Substitute the value of h fg from Trouton’s rule.

 p  88TB  1 1 
ln  2     
 p1  R  T1 T2 

Substitute 8314 kJ / mol  K for R , 353 K for TB , 353 K for T1 , 101.325 kPa for p1 and
300 K for T2 .
 p2   88  353  1 1 
  
8.314   353 300 
ln 
 101.325 
 1.8699
 0.154
p2   0.154 101.325  kPa
=15.6 kPa

Thus, the vapor pressure of benzene at 300 K is 15.6 kPa .

New Problem 11.44:

Estimate the sublimation pressure of water at 28 C by using the triple point data of
water and the Clapeyron-Clausius equation. Compare the obtained result to the value in
Table A-6.


Use the following form of Clausius-Clapeyron equation to determine the sublimation

pressure  p sub  :
p  h 1 1
ln  sub   ig    …… (1)
 p1  R  T1 T2 
The first entry in table A-6 corresponds to the triple point of water at which
p1  0.6113 kPa and T1  0.01C .

Take the value of hig from the table A-7 corresponding to T2  28 C .
hig  2839 kJ / kg

Substitute kJ / kg  K for R and other obtained values in equation (1).
 p  2839 kJ / kg  1 1 
ln  sub     
 0.6113   8.314 kJ / kg  K    0.01  273.15  K  28  273.15  K 
 
 18.02 
 2.572
 0.07638
psub  0.0467 kPa

Thus, the sublimation pressure of water at 28 C is 0.0467 kPa .

Take the value of pressure p2 from the table A-7 corresponding to T2  28 C .
p2  0.0469 kPa

Calculate the percent difference in the calculated value and the value obtained from the
0.0469  0.0467
Percent difference  100  0.4%

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New Problem 11.56:

Steam is throttled slightly from 5 bar and 320 C . Determine whether the temperature of
steam will increase, decrease or remain the same during the process.


Refer the following value of specific enthalpy from table A-4 corresponding to
p1  5 bar and T1  320C :
h1  3105.6 kJ / kg

During throttling process, specific enthalpy remains the same that is

h2  h1  3105.6 kJ / kg .

Now, during throttling let us assume that the pressure has reduced to 3 bar (Data is
available at this pressure in steam table), now, use the data of table A-4 and determine the
value of temperature corresponding to h2  3105.6 kJ / kg and p2  3 bar .
T2  316 C

It can be observed that the temperature has decreased during the throttling process.
New Problem 11.61:

For liquid water at 1 bar and 30 C estimate the percent error in cv that would result if it
were assumed that c p  cv .


Use equation 11.69 for the difference between c p and cv as follows:

c p  cv  v …… (1)

Here, v is specific volume, T is temperature,  is expansivity and  is isothermal

Refer the following values from table 11.2 corresponding to T  30 C  303 K :

v m3 / kg
  303.1106 K 1
  44.77 106  bar 

Substitute all the obtained values in equation (1).

 303.1106 K 1 
 1 
c p  cv   m / kg    303 K  

44.77 106  bar 

 995.65 
105 N / m 2
  6.2448 104 bar  m3 / kg  K 
1 kJ
1 bar 10 N  m

 0.0624 kJ / kg  K

Refer the following value of c p from table 11.2 corresponding to T  30 C  303 K :

c p  4.1794 kJ / kg  K

cv  c p  0.0624
 4.1794  0.0624
 4.117 kJ / kg  K

 c c   0.0624 kJ / kg  K 
Percentage error   p v  100    100  1.52% .
 cv   4.117 kJ / kg  K 

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New Problem 11.66:

Estimate the Joule-Thomson coefficient of refrigerant R-22 at 0.15 MPa and 10 C .


Take the following value of specific enthalpy of refrigerant R-22 corresponding to

p  0.15 MPa and T  10 C from table A-9:
h  263.66 kJ / kg
Write the expression for Joule-Thomson coefficient.
 T 
J   
 p h

Modify the approximate differentials by finite difference about the specified state to
obtain the following relation:
 T 
J   
 p h 263.66 kJ/kg

Now, consider a throttling process from 0.2 MPa to 0.1 MPa at h  263.66 kJ / kg . Use
the data in table A-9 at these pressures and there corresponding temperatures to
determine  J .
 T0.2 MPa  T0.1 MPa 
J   
  0.2  0.1 MPa  h  263.66 kJ/kg

11.28  8.69  C
 0.2  0.1 MPa
 25.9 C / MPa

Thus, the Joule-Thomson coefficient of refrigerant R-22 at the specified state is

25.9 C / MPa .
New Problem 11.68:

Prove that for an ideal gas Joule-Thomson coefficient is zero.


From equation 11.77, Joule-Thomson coefficient  J  is given by

1   v  
J  T    v …… (1)
cp   T  p 

Write the ideal gas equation.

pv  RT

It implies
 v  R
  
 T  p p

Substitute this value in equation (1).

1  R 
J  T    v 
cp   p  
  Rt  pv 
 0  pv  Rt , from ideal gas equation 

Hence proved.

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Continued on next slide

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Problem 11.62
11-76 continued

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11.63 (continued)
11.63 (continued)
11.63 (continued)
New Problem 11.79:
Van der Waals equation is followed by a gas with specific heat capacity at constant
volume, cv  A  BT , where A and B are constants. On this basis derive an expression for
the change in internal energy of the gas .


For a compressible system, internal energy change is given by equation 11.51.

T2 v2   p  
u2  u1   cv dT   T    p  dv …… (1)
T1 v1
  T v 

According to Van der Waals equation,

RT a
p  2 …… (2)
v b v

It implies
 p  R
  
 T v v  b

 p  R
  
 T v v  b
Multiply both sides by T.
 p  RT
T  
 T v v  b

Combine above expression with equation (2) to get

 p  a
p T   2
 T v v
a  p 
T   p
 T v

  p   a
Replace cv by A  BT and T    p  by 2 in equation (1).
  T v  v
v2  a 
u2  u1    A  BT  dT    2  dv

T1 v1
v 

Upon integration the following result is obtained:

1 1
u2  u1  A T2  T1   
B 2
T2  T12   a   
2  v1 v2 

Above expression is the desired relation of internal energy change of the gas obeying Van
der Waals equation.
New Problem 11.80:

Prove that the internal energy is a function of temperature only that is u  u T  for
(a) an incompressible substance
(b) an ideal gas


Use equation 11.49 for internal energy change.

  p  
du  cv dT  T    p  dv …… (1)
  T v 

(a) For an incompressible substance, v remains constant and two specific heats are
equal that is,
v  constant
cv  c p  c

  p  
Therefore, the term T    p  dv  0 . Substitute this value in equation (1) to obtain
  T v 
du  cdT …… (2)

It is known that
 c p    2v 
   T  2 
 p T  T  p

For an incompressible substance, v  constant , therefore, above expression becomes

 c p 
  0
 p T

This implies that c p depends on temperature only and is independent of specific volume
or pressure.

Thus, from equation (2) it can be deduced that internal energy of an incompressible
substance depends on temperature only.

(b) Write the ideal gas equation.

pv  RT
It implies
 p  R
  
 T v v

Multiply both sides by T.

 p  RT
T  
 T v v
  pv  RT 

 p 
Substitute p for T   in equation (1).
 T v
  p  
du  cv dT  T    p  dv
  T v 
 cv dT   p  p  dv
 cv dT …… (3)

It is known that
 cv   2 p 
  T  2  …… (4)
 p T  T v

From ideal gas equation,

 p  R
  
 T v v
 2 p 
 2  0
 T v

Substitute this value in equation (4).

 cv 
   T  0   0
 p T

The value of cv does not depend on neither on temperature nor specific volume.

From equation (3) it can be deduced that it can be deduced that internal energy of an ideal
gas depends on temperature only.
New Problem 11.81:
Nitrogen enters a turbine operating at steady state at 120 bar and 320 K and exits at 50
bar and 260 K. Using the enthalpy departure chart, determine the work developed, in kJ
per kg of nitrogen flowing, if heat transfer with the surroundings can be ignored. Changes
in kinetic and potential energy from inlet to exit also can be neglected.


Neglect the effect of kinetic and potential energies and write the steady state energy rate
balance equation as follows:
0  cv  cv   h1  h2 
m m

There is no heat transfer with the surroundings that is  0 , therefore,
 h1  h2
1  *  h *  h   h *  h   
  1
h  h2
 RTc      …… (1)
M   RTc 1  RTc  2  

Refer the following values at T1  320 K and T2  260 K from table A-23:
h1*  9,306 kJ / kmol
h2*  7,558 kJ / kmol

Refer the following values for Nitrogen from the table A-1:
Tc  126 K
pc  33.9 bar

At the inlet,
320 K
TR1   2.54
126 K

120 bar
pR1   3.54
33.9 bar

At the exit,
260 K
TR2   2.06
126 K
50 bar
pR2   1.47
33.9 bar

By inspection from Fig. A-4

 h*  h   h*  h 
   0.5 and    0.32
 RTc 1  RTc 2

Substitute all the obtained values in equation (1).

Wcv  1 
   9306  7558   8.314 126  0.5  0.32  
m  28  
 55.7 kJ / kg
New Problem 11.82:
Oxygen enters a turbine operating at steady state at 140 bar and 300 K and exits at 60 bar
and 220 K. Using the enthalpy departure chart, determine the work developed, in kJ per
kg of oxygen flowing, if heat transfer with the surroundings be ignored. Changes in
kinetic and potential energy from inlet to exit also can be neglected.


Neglect the effect of kinetic and potential energies and write the steady state energy rate
balance equation as follows:
0  cv  cv   h1  h2 
m m

There is no heat transfer with the surroundings that is  0 , therefore,
 h1  h2
1  *  h *  h   h *  h   
  1
h  h2
 RTc      …… (1)
M   RTc 1  RTc  2  

Refer the following values for oxygen at T1  300 K and T2  220 K from table A-23:
h1*  8736 kJ / kmol
h2*  6404 kJ / kmol

Refer the following values for oxygen from the table A-1:
Tc  154 K
pc  50.5 bar

At the inlet,
300 K
TR1   1.95
154 K

140 bar
pR1   2.77
50.5 bar

At the exit,
220 K
TR2   1.43
154 K
60 bar
pR2   1.19
50.5 bar

By inspection from Fig. A-4

 h*  h   h*  h 
   0.7 and    0.67
 RTc 1  RTc 2

Substitute all the obtained values in equation (1).

Wcv  1 
   8736  6404   8.314 154  0.7  0.67  
m  32  
 71.7 kJ / kg
New Problem 11.90:
Carbon dioxide is compressed adiabatically by a steady-flow compressor from 2 MPa and
280 K to 10 MPa and 380 K at a rate of 0.60 kg/s. Determine the required power input to
the compressor by using the generalized charts.


Neglect the effect of kinetic and potential energies and write the steady state energy rate
balance equation as follows:
0  cv  cv   h1  h2 
m m

There is no heat transfer with the surroundings that is  0 , therefore,
 h1  h2
1  *  h *  h   h *  h   
 h1  h2  RTc 
   
M   RTc 1  RTc  2  
m  *  h *  h   h *  h   
Wcv  h1  h2  RTc 
     …… (1)
M   RTc 1  RTc  2  

Refer the following values for CO2 at T1  280 K and T2  380 K from table A-23:
h1*  8,697 kJ / kmol
h2*  12,552 kJ / kmol

Refer the following values for CO2 from the table A-1:
Tc  304 K
pc  73.9 bar

At the inlet,
280 K
TR1   0.92
304 K

2 MPa 10 bar
pR1   0.27
73.9 bar 1 MPa
At the exit,
380 K
TR2   1.25
304 K

10 MPa 10 bar
pR2   1.353
73.9 bar 1 MPa

By inspection from Fig. A-4,

 h*  h   h*  h 
   0.4 and    0.75
 RTc 1  RTc 2

Substitute all the obtained values in equation (1).

Wcv  0.60 
  8697  12552   8.314  304  0.4  0.75  
m  44.01  
 40.5 kW
New Problem 11.91:

Determine the enthalpy change of carbon monoxide  CO  per unit mass as it undergoes
a change of state from 250 K and 70 bar to 280 K and 120 bar by using generalized


The enthalpy change of carbon monoxide is given by

h  h2  h1
1  *  h *  h   h *  h    …… (1)
  2h  h1
 RTc     
M  
  RT c 2  RTc 1  

Refer the following values for CO at T1  250 K and T2  280 K from table A-23:
h1*  7,266 kJ / kmol
h2*  8,140 kJ / kmol

Refer the following values for CO from the table A-1:

Tc  133 K
pc  35 bar

At the inlet,
250 K
TR1   1.88
133 K

70 bar
pR1  2
35 bar

At the exit,
280 K
TR2   2.1
133 K

120 bar
pR2   3.43
35 bar

By inspection from Fig. A-4

 h*  h   h*  h 
   0.8 and    0.75
 RTc 1  RTc 2

Substitute all the obtained values in equation (1).

 1 
h    8140  7266   8.314 133 0.75  0.8  
 28.01 
 33.18 kJ / kg

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New Problem 11.111:
Determine the fugacity, in bars for
(a) Oxygen at 140 bar and 300 K
(b) Nitrogen at 140 bar and 300 K


(a) Refer the following values for oxygen from the table A-1:
Tc  154 K
pc  50.5 bar

At T  300 K ,
300 K
TR   1.95
154 K

And at p  140 bar ,

140 bar
pR   2.77
50.5 bar

By inspection from Fig. A-6

 0.93
f  0.93 p
  0.93140 bar 
 130.2 bar

(b) Refer the following values for Nitrogen from the table A-1:
Tc  126 K
pc  33.9 bar

At T  260 K
260 K
TR   2.06
126 K

And at p  50 bar
50 bar
pR   1.47
33.9 bar
By inspection from Fig. A-6,
 0.975
f  0.975 p
  0.975  50 bar 
 48.75 bar

Continued on next slide

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11.90 continued
Problem 11-114 continued

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New Problem 11.115:

Determine the entropy change of carbon monoxide  CO  per unit mass as it undergoes a
change of state from 250 K and 70 bar to 280 K and 120 bar by using generalized charts.


The enthalpy change of carbon monoxide is given by

s  s2  s1
1  *  s *  s   s *  s   
  s2  s1  R 
   
M   R 2  R 1  
  p2  
 s  T2   s  T1   R ln   
1   p1  
   …… (1)
M   s *  s   s *  s   
  R  R    R   
  2  1  

Refer the following values for CO at T1  250 K and T2  280 K from table A-23:
s  T1   192.411 kJ / kmol  K
s  T2   195.173 kJ / kmol  K

Refer the following values for CO from the table A-1:

Tc  133 K
pc  35 bar

At the inlet,
250 K
TR1   1.88
133 K

70 bar
pR1  2
35 bar

At the exit,
280 K
TR2   2.1
133 K

120 bar
pR2   3.43
35 bar

By inspection from Fig. A-5

 s*  s   s*  s 
   0.22 and    0.3
 R 1  R 2

Substitute all the obtained values in equation (1).

 1   120  
s    195.173  192.411   8.314   ln    8.314  0.3  0.22  
 28.01    70  
 0.085 kJ / kg  K
New Problem 11.122:

Nitrogen enters a turbine operating at steady state at 120 bar and 320 K and exits at 50
bar and 260 K. Using the enthalpy departure chart, determine the rate of entropy
production, in kJ / kg  K if heat transfer with the surroundings can be ignored. Changes
in kinetic and potential energy from inlet to exit also can be neglected.


Write the steady state entropy rate balance equation as follows:

 cv
 s2  s1
 *
1  s *  s   s *  s   
  2 1
s  s *
 R     
M  R  2  R 1  
  p2  
 s  T2   s  T1   R ln   
1   p1  
   …… (1)
M   s *  s   s *  s   
 R  R    R   
  2  1  

Refer the following values for Nitrogen at T1  320 K and T2  260 K from table A-23:
s  T1   193.562 kJ / kmol  K
s  T2   187.514 kJ / kmol  K

Refer the following values for Nitrogen from the table A-1:
Tc  126 K
pc  33.9 bar

At the inlet,

320 K
TR1   2.54
126 K

120 bar
pR1   3.54
33.9 bar

At the exit,
260 K
TR2   2.06
126 K

50 bar
pR2   1.47
33.9 bar

By inspection from Fig. A-5

 s*  s   s*  s 
   0.21 and    0.17
 R 1  R 2

Substitute all the obtained values in equation (1).

 cv  1    50  
   187.514  193.562   8.314   ln    8.314  0.17  0.21 
m  28    120  
 0.056 kJ / kg  K

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