Sol Me201 - HW 11

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ae, “The spool hat mats of 40 kg and a radius of gyration of ky ='03 mI the 10kg block ss released from test, termine the distance the block mut fallin orde forthe spool to have an angular velocity w = 15 rad/s Also, what iz the tension in the cord while the block is in motion? Neglect the mass of the cord SOLUTION Kinetic Energy Since the system is released from rest T, = 0.The final velocity fof the block ist, = wr = 15(03) = 450mn/s.The mass moment of netia of the spool about O isfy ~ mk = 40(03") = 360 Ky rmy-Thus 1 aver = Feo (as) + Lao(as0!) = 506253 1 For the block, 7, = Oand 7; = Eau = $(10)(450%) = 101.255 Work, Retersng tothe FRD ofthe system Fig. «only W, does work when the block splacessverbelly downwaté, which sis postive Uy, = Wis = 10(981)s = 98:15 Referring to the FBD of th egative work, ck, Fig b W, doct positive work while T does Up=—ts Uy, = Ws = 100081) Principle of Work and Bnergy. For the system, 5.1606 m2 As For the block using the result of Te wWasn 0 + 98:1(5:1606) ~ T{5.1606) = 101.25 T1848 ~ 785 As. ¥6=4009-80N 03m’ Wyes0C7-80N @ | \4y-100 981) () ro S16m 785N sss, The 30-kg disk is originally at rest, and the spring is unstretched A couple moment of M— SON-m ie then applied tothe ditk at shown Determine its angular velocity then ite mass center G has moved 0.5 m along the plane ‘The disk rolls without sipping. SOLUTION Kinetic Energy. Since the disk i ares initially, T; = 0. The disk rolls without We300980N ipping, Thus, vg = w, = e(0.5). The mats moment of inertia ofthe disk about its en ree Ln = Lo0(0s) center of gravity Gis Je 35 kg-m? Thus, oe + Leojeost 025 0? ‘Work Since the disk sols without slipping, the ftietion F does no work. Also when fo _ 05 the center ofthe disk moves Se = 0.5m. the disk rotates 8 100 rad, 105 Here, couple moment M does postive work whereas the spring fore does negative work, 1 Je(os') = -2s03 Principle of Work and Energy. T+ 30. 0+ 80 + (-250) = S025 ut 2 SDM rad/s — 3.3 rad/s As. 15-48, “The two 12-kg slender rods are pin connected and released from rest at the position @ = 60° If the spring has an unstretched length of LS m, determine the angular velocity fof rod BC, when the system ita the poition# = 0° Neglect the mats ofthe roller st C. SOLUTION Kinetic Bnergy. Since the s9stem i teloased from ses, T, ~ 0. Referring to the kinematics diagram of rod BC at the final position, Fig.« we found that [Cis located ‘Also, (oacdetnics Os (oncherenci (als (oe = Canetasi— (wach) = (oan) (oa): = (acs 1 1 Leteat T= qIntwan + sTolonek * Zolved = fha2,2) Jono +f Leave? rod = Hatoroucn? = 160(048 Potential nergy. With reference to the datum set in Fg. the intial and Snal ravtational potential energies ofthe system are Was Wo “The stretch ofthe spring when the system i at initial and final postion are 2m 2mgy: 2{12(981)(1 sin 607] = 203.907 4 = 212.0860") 15 = 05m =4-15= 250m ‘Thus, the intial and final elastic potential encepes ofthe spring is (Wy = Fat = Fom(o05" (os= ot = Len (250!) = 053 1st, “The 12-kg slender rod ie attached toa spring, which hae an unstretched length of 2m. If the rod is celeaed from rest ‘when 0 = 30°, determine its angular velocity a the instant 9 = 90" SOLUTION Kinetic Energy. The mass moment of inertia of the tod about A is y= Hy) +128) ~ 16044 Ten 1 Paka aso 2000 ‘Since the td it releated from rest, T, = 0. Potential Energy. With reference to the datum set in Fig. a, the gravitational potential energie of the rod at postions © and D ae (W) = may) = 12@81)(-1 Hn 30") = —$8867 (Ws = may) = ESN = 117-73 “The stretches ofthe spring when the rodis at postions © and ® are ay = 22sin 75) 2-= 18687 m uo VETER -2= 082m ‘Thos, the initial and final elastic potential energies ofthe spring are = Hat = Hass) = 943 (ip, = Hast Heoiosase) «13393 Conservation of Energy. 0 + (5836) + 6947 = BODw! + (11772) + 13.78 w= ATO rad/s = 378 raa/s As oe ATBrad/s

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