Department of Education: Tampakan 1, 2, 3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII Division of
South Cotabato
TAMPAKAN 1, 2, 3
Tampakan, South Cotabato


Grade/Year and Section: District:
Class Adviser: Division: South Cotabato
Instruction: Indicate rating on the appropriate box.
1. Name Plate located at the entrance of the classroom.
 With name, grade and section properly framed in glass or 3
made up of ready-made/personalized name plate.
 With name, grade and section but not framed 2
(laminated/tarpaulin/tarp papel decorated with indigenous
 With name, grade and section not framed and made up 1
of light materials (simply covered with cellophane or
scotch tape).
 Not evident 0

2. Class Program is displayed on the door of the classroom at adult eye level.
 Approved, updated and framed using wood/metal 3
covered with glass displayed on the door of the
classroom at adult eye level.
 Approved, updated and decorated with indigenous materials, 2
covered with cellophane at adult eye level.
 Not approved, not updated and framed or not framed. 1
 Not evident 0
3. The attendance chart and the DepEd forms racks are placed near the door.
 Attendance Chart and Deped Forms Rack are personalized 3
and or made of fiber glass or plyboard.
 Forms are neat, updated, complete and properly filled-up.
(DepEd Forms-SF 1, 2, 3)
 Attendance Chart and Deped Forms Rack is made of tarpaulin 2
or carton materials only.
 Forms are complete and updated
 Attendance Chart and Deped Forms Rack is made of tarpaulin 1
or carton materials only.
 Forms are incomplete and not updated
 Not evident 0
4. Chalkboard
 Properly framed, with full length chalk ledge using 5
wood/bamboo and prescribed curtains (plain green)
installed at a height in accordance with the maximum
comfortable reach of the learners to the top of the board.
(The proper height of the chalkboard from the floor to its
top-edge is determined by multiplying the mean standing
height of the class by the constant 1.2)
 Properly lined with blue and red for K-3, and blue only for
higher grades except for secondary
 Properly framed with chalk ledge and curtains not 3
 Chalkboard without lines guide for writing
 With chalkboard but lacking other evidences 2

 Not evident 0
5. Above the chalkboard, a framed portrait of the current President of the Philippines
shall be displayed at the center and 14 National Heroes visible in the classroom.

 Complete National Heroes arranged in chronological order and 3

the president at the center
 Using uniform frames in wood or metal, covered with glass
 Complete National Heroes arranged in chronological order and 2
the president at the center
 Partially framed/laminated or covered with plastic using
tarpaulin/tarp papel and decorated with indigenous
 Presence of President and National Heroes 1
complete/incomplete, framed, but not arranged in
chronological order
 Not evident 0
6. Presence of DepEd officials
 Photos of current DepEd Officials (DepEd Secretary, RD, ARD, 3
 Properly arranged and framed covered with glass
 Photos of current DepEd Officials 2
 Properly arranged, partially framed/laminated or covered with
plastic using tarpaulin/tarp papel and decorated with
indigenous materials.
 Incomplete/not updated photos of DepEd officials 1
 Not evident 0
7. Pictures and Motto
 Pictures and Motto are properly framed and updated monthly. 3
 Pictures and Motto without frame but updated. 2
 Pictures and Motto displayed not updated. 1
 Not evident 0
8. Above the chalk board, a Framed Copy of National Anthem and Pledge of
 Framed copy of the Pledge of Allegiance /readable and 3
located in the upper left corner while a copy of the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Philippine Flag is located at the upper
right corner
 Copy of National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance in tarpaulin 2
or tarp papel covered with cellophane only.
 Presence of National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance but for 1
compliance only
 Not evident 0
9. The information boards, bulletin boards and tack boards as well as charts are
placed on the walls at the sides or at the back of the room.

 Complete, updated, visible and pleasing to the eye. 5

 Information Board complete but not updated. 3
 Information board incomplete and not updated. 2
 Not evident 0
10. The teacher’s table and chair are located at the rear of the room.

 Teacher’s table and chair is in standard size w/ drawer, 3

in good condition and located at the rear room.

 Non-standard but in good condition with drawers located 2

at the rear room.
 Non-standard and no drawers not located at the rear room. 1
 Not evident 0
11. The teacher’s cabinets/ shelves is located at the rear part of the room.
 Cabinet is in good condition and located at the rear part 3
of the room
 No cabinet but with shelves only 2
 Improvised organizers (carton, plastic container, basket etc.) 1
 Not evident 0
12. One corner of the room is set-up as reading corner with reading materials on it.

 With mini-library and sufficient reading materials that are 3

properly arranged suited to the grade level.
 Without mini-library but with insufficient reading materials 2
 Reading corner for compliance only 1
 Not evident 0
13. Another corner of the room is set up as health corner.
 With first aid kit/medicine/disinfection cabinet with 3
medicine, disinfection, mirror and towel rack with
individual towel.
 With first aid kit/medicine cabinet with 2
medicine/disinfection, mirror towel rack with
incomplete no. of towel
 With first aid kit and mirror only
 Not evident 0
14. Have Washing facilities
 With tiled clean lavatory, functional faucet, sufficient water 3
supply and soap
 With untiled lavatory, functional faucet, sufficient water 2
supply, and soap
 Improvised handwashing facility, water stock in container/gallon, 1
and soap
 Not evident 0
15. Have Drinking Facilities
 With functional electronic water dispensers and 3
complete number of glasses for the learners.
 With drinking jars only with water and 2
complete/incomplete number of glasses
 Without jars/ dispensers and few glasses only 1
 Not evident 0
16. Availability of male and female comfort rooms
 With clean and functional comfort rooms for male and female 3
and with soap and sufficient water supply from faucet or
water stock in containers.
 With functional common comfort room for male and female 2
and with available soap and water from faucet or stock in
 Functional Comfort room but insufficient supply of water and 1
 Not evident 0
B. Basic Education Information System (BEIS for the last 3 years)
17. Module A. Students’ EIS (Students Profile)
 Complete, well organized and recent 3
 Incomplete, unorganized but recent 2
 Student’s EIS not updated 1
 Not evident 0
18. Module B: Teacher’s EIS (Organizational Chart of DepEd Officials, School Officials,
Profile of Adviser and Subject Teachers)
 Complete, well organized and recent 3
 Incomplete, unorganized but recent 2
 Teacher’s EIS not updated 1
 Not evident 0
19. Module C: Curriculum Development (K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum)
 With compilation of newly- developed contextualized 5
Materials based on Curriculum Guide 2016 at least 2 per
quarter per subject
 With compilation of newly- developed contextualized 3
Instructional Materials based on Curriculum Guide 2016 at
least 1 per quarter
per subject
 With compilation of newly- developed contextualized 2
Instructional Materials based on Curriculum Guide 2016
but incomplete
 Not evident 0
20. Module D: Legislative (Rights of a Child, School and Classroom Policies)
 Presence of 3 indicators and updated 3
 Presence of 2 indicators and updated 2
 Presence of only 1 indicator and updated 1
 Not evident 0
21. Module E: Physical Facilities (Inventory of Classroom Property)
 Complete, updated classroom Inventory and 3
checked/noted by Property Custodian and approved by
School Head.
 Incomplete, updated classroom Inventory and checked by 2
Property Custodian but not approved by School Heads.
 No classroom Inventory. 1
 Not evident 0
22. Module F: Finance (HRPTA Proposed Projects and Current Financial
 100% liquidation report of the financial/donations of the 3
parents and stakeholders
 With MOVs of the utilization of funds and properly reported to
the parents/stakeholders supported by the Minutes of the
 100% liquidation report of the financial/donations of the 2
parents and stakeholders
 With MOVs of the utilization of funds but not reported
to the parents/stakeholders
 With liquidation report of the financial/donations of the 1
parents and stakeholders but no MOVs of the utilization and
not reported to the parents/stakeholders
 Not evident 0
23. Module G: Community Involvement (HRPTA and Brigada Eskwela

 At least 81-100% participation of the parents in the meetings 3

conducted whether virtual or face to face supported by the
attendance and minutes of the meeting
 With Brigada Eskwela and Bayanihan reports
 At least 61-80% participation of the parents in the meetings 2
conducted whether virtual or face to face supported by the
attendance and minutes of the meeting
 With Brigada Eskwela and Bayanihan reports
 At least 41-60% participation of the parents in the meetings 1
conducted whether virtual or face to face supported by the
attendance and minutes of the meeting
 Brigada Eskwela and Bayanihan reports are not evident
 Not evident 0

24. Module H: Research and Evaluation

Conducted/Presented the action Research at least in the dist. 3

(current year)
 Conducted action research but not presented 2
 Research Proposal only (Chapter 1-3) 1
 Not evident 0

25. Over-all presentation of BEIS Documents

 Modules A-H are creatively arranged, well kept in BEIS 5
 Modules A-H are kept in folders, paper bags, envelops 3
 Presence of BEIS is for compliance only 2
 Not evident 0

26. Proficiency level per Subject Area per Grading Period for the last 3 Years &
Portfolio of the Current Learners
 Compiled, complete, updated and with analysis 5
 71-100% of the current enrolled learners have portfolios
 Compiled, incomplete and with analysis (2-year data only) 3
 41-70% of the current enrolled learners have portfolios
 Compiled but with no action taken 2
 Very few learners have portfolios
 Not evident 0
27. Lawn

 Landscaped (presence of garden materials such as bricks, 5

jars, pebbles, stones, etc.), clean surroundings and plants are
 Not landscaped but with clean surroundings and plants are 3
 Lawn are not clean and with minimal plants 2
 Not evident 0

28. SLM Distribution/Retrieval and Monitoring of Learners Status

 100% of the learners received the Self-Learning Modules 5

(SLMs) on time (Tracking form of the distribution and retrieval
with signature of the parents/guardians)
 81-100% of the Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) are retrieved
after each quarter and are arranged orderly and aesthetically.
 91-100% of the learners are monitored using the different
platforms whether through calls, texts, messenger/messenger
room, Google Meet, chats, etc.

 100% of the learners received the Self-Learning Modules 3

(SLMs) with 2-3 days delay (Tracking form of the distribution
and retrieval with signature of the parents/guardians)
 61-80% of the Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) are retrieved after
each quarter and are arranged orderly and aesthetically.
 81-90% of the learners are monitored using the different
platforms whether through calls, texts, messenger/messenger
room, Google Meet, chats, etc.

 100% of the learners received the Self-Learning Modules 2

(SLMs) with 1 week delay (Tracking form of the distribution
and retrieval with signature of the parents/guardians)
 41-60% of the Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) are retrieved after
each quarter
 71-80% of the learners are monitored using the different
platforms whether through calls, texts, messenger/messenger
room, Google Meet, chats, etc.

 Not evident 0
29. Over-all Classroom Arrangement and Impact
 Clean, well-arranged, well-lighted/ventilated, decorated and 5
creatively designed classroom pleasing to the eyes
 Chairs are functional, clean/painted and orderly arranged and
with enough chairs for learners and students
 Clean, well-arranged, well-lighted/ventilated, decorated and 3
creatively designed classroom pleasing to the eyes
 Chairs are functional, clean/painted and orderly arranged but
not sufficient to the number of learners

 Classroom preparation is for compliance only 2

30. Classroom Health Protocol Implementation

 Washing area accessible to everyone with clean running water 3
and soap.
 Has designated area for disinfection and temperature check
 Posted clear procedures for the distribution/retrieval of SLMs
and for other school related transactions
 Entrance and exit signage are available
 Washing area accessible to everyone with provision of soap 2
and water stock in containers
 Has designated area for disinfection and temperature check
 Posted clear procedures for the distribution/retrieval of SLMs
and for other school related transactions
 Entrance and exit signage are available
 Washing area accessible to everyone with provision of soap 1
and water stock in containers
 Has designated area for disinfection and temperature check
 No clear procedures for the distribution/retrieval of SLMs and
for other school related transactions
 Entrance and exit signage are not available
 Not evident
Descriptive Rating

Range Descriptive Rating
91 -100 Excellent/Exemplary
81 - 90 Exceptional
71 - 80 Satisfactory
61 - 70 Fair
1 - 50 Needs Development
0 Not Evident


(Signature over Printed Name)

(Teacher’s Signature over Printed Name)

(School Head)

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