Lesson Plan

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Class Description: Where is class located? What is the dominant class, race/ethnicity/culture? Etc.
My center is located in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I have eleven girls and nine boys in my class. Twelve of my students are African American, seven
are white, and one little girl that recently immigrated from Barcelona, Spain. She is an ELL student and her first language is Spanish. Fifteen of my
students are Christian, or practice some form of Christianity. Three of my students are Muslim. Two of them are Hindu. Three of my students live below
the poverty line. Fifteen students are middle class. Two students are upper class. Students are dropped off by their parents/guardians to the classroom in
the morning and picked up in the afternoon/at night. Twelve students live within ten or fifteen minutes of the center and are driven by their
parents/guardians. Five students live within walking distance of the center and walk with their parents every day. Three students live about half an hour
away and their parents/guardians drive them to school.

Childs Name: Maria

Strong interest (circle one): Loves fairies
Other info about this child: Maria is a little girl who loves fairies. She dresses up as a fairy every morning in the dress-up area and tries to wear the
costume for the rest of the day. She brings in a new fairy doll every time she has show and tell and she loves to build fairy houses outside on the
playground. She has trouble anytime there is a transition after the students are allowed choice time to play at the centers because she refuses to let
anyone else wear the costume and she will not take it off.

1 individual goal for the week: AL.1 PK. B Demonstrate a willingness to participate in new and challenging experiences
1 way you will plan for and support this goal: Maria will always be encouraged to play in different centers. On the day that the dramatic play center is
closed, the teacher will point out specific centers that she can participate in.
Highlight 3 adaptations in your lesson plan.

Childs Name: Ella

Challenging behavior (circle one): has trouble managing transitions
Other info about this child: Ella has trouble managing all transitions. She is very shy and does not interact with any of the students and will only
interact with the teacher when she is forced to. The students that she does interact with, are very quiet and shy, but not to the extreme that she is. She is
very kind and sweet. All the students like her, but she has trouble interacting with them. She does not talk to any of the other students and refuses to
participate in class. She struggles during lunch because she gets so overwhelmed with everyone talking and laughing that she often ends up crying. She
has the most trouble, however, transitioning from one activity to the next because everyone is moving around and it gets very chaotic.

PreK Lesson Plan by

1 individual goal for the week: 16.2 PK. C Engage in reciprocal communication with adults
1 way you will plan for and support this goal: The teacher or teachers aide will periodically check in with Ella throughout the day to encourage her to
communicate. The teacher will also place her next to students that she knows Ella will talk to. The teacher or teachers aide will also check in with Ella
to make sure that she is not overwhelmed by any of the transitions or procedures throughout the day.
Highlight 3 adaptations in your lesson plan.

Childs Name: Aiden

Special need (circle one): mild autism
Other info about this child: Aiden is a little boy with autism. He is very possessive and will lash out at any of the students if they try to take something
that he thinks is his. He has trouble transitioning from morning play time to gross motor because he does not like to let other students clean up the toys
that he is using. He is a very good reader and is at a higher reading level than any of the other students in the class.

1 individual goal for the week: 16.3 PK. B Recognize there are socially acceptable ways to behave in different places
1 way you will plan for and support this goal: Aiden will always be given individual extra warnings before it is time to transition or clean up. He will
have a system where he is a rewarded with a smiley face sticker for good behavior. If he gets five or more stickers, there will be time for him to play on
an ipad at the end of the day.
Highlight 3 adaptations in your lesson plan.

PreK Lesson Plan by
Description of learning centers: Overview or map of how they are set up followed by list of centers and materials.
Sensory: There will be a sensory table with either sand or water depending on the day. The materials used for water are fishing poles, rings to catch,
floating toys (i.e. rubber ducks), for sand: rakes, shovels, buckets, sand castle molds
Blocks: The materials for the blocks center will be on the shelves around the rug. The materials are: wooden blocks, large legos, foam blocks, large
hollow blocks, people and animal figures, transportation vehicles. Each set of blocks or transportation vehicles will be in different bins that the students
can take off the shelves.
Dramatic Play: The materials for dramatic play will be stored on the shelves next to the rug. The materials are: dress-up clothes, costumes for different
occupations, kitchen set, play food, play dishes, play cups, play silverware, real food (i.e. graham crackers, oranges), mirror. The costumes will be in a
chest and the kitchen food and utensils will be stored in bins on the shelves.
Fine Motor/Manipulatives: The materials for this center will be stored on the shelves around the rug. Students will be able to play on the rug with the
blocks. The materials are: map puzzles, wooden puzzles, large-piece puzzles, small-piece puzzles, box with a lot of locks on it, peg boards, dolls, stuffed
animals. The puzzles will be stacked on the shelves and the dolls and stuffed animals will be stored in bins.
Writing: The materials will be stored on the writing/reading shelves. The materials are paper, pencils, pencil grips, larger pencils for students that need
help with grasping a pencil, letter sheets for tracing, highlighters, letter flashcards, number sheets for tracing, letter stamps. Students will bring their
materials to one of the tables if they want to use the writing center. The pencils and highlighters will be stored in smaller containers that the students can
move off the shelves.
Art: The materials will be stored on the art/music shelves. The materials are: easels with large sheets of paper, colored paper, white paper, paints, paint
brushes, smocks, colored pencils, crayons, scissors, glue, different buttons and beads, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, feathers, playdough. Students will
only be allowed to use certain materials on certain days. The materials will be stored in smaller containers that they can easily move. They will not be
able to use everything whenever they want. Students can use the easels or take their supplies from the shelves to the tables.
Music: The materials will be stored on the art/music shelves and students can use them at the color tables. The materials are diverse cultural music
recordings, CD player and headsets, rhythm instruments, picture songbooks, sample sheet music, props for movement, scarves, flags, streamers. The
different materials will be stored in bins that the students can move.
Science: The materials will be stored on the science/math shelves. The materials are plants, pets, fish tank, natural objects, shells, rocks, leaves, soil,
magnifying glasses, stethoscope, magnets, funnels, lenses, balance scales, journals, clipboards. Students will be able to use the kidney table for science
activities. The materials will be sorted in to bins that the students can move.
Math: The materials will be stored on the math/science shelves. The materials are a variety of objects to count and sort, buttons, bottle caps, tangrams,
pattern blocks, number cards, interlocking cubes, attribute games, graphing mats, dice, card, and board games. Students will be able to use the kidney
table for science activities. The different games will be in bins.
Library: This center will also serve as the meeting area for large group activities. There will be bean bag chairs on the rug. Different themes for books:
nonfiction, fiction, action, culturally diverse, animals, music, going to sleep, eating, the seasons. There will be poems as well. There will be books for
advanced readers and books for students that are struggling with reading.

PreK Lesson Plan by

PreK Lesson Plan by
Theme for the Week: Pathways
Is this the first week of this project/theme (circle one)? Yes/No If not briefly describe what the children have already done and learned in
relation to this theme?

Goals for the class this week make sure you support this goal through practices and materials at least once in the week.
1 approach to learning goal: AL.3 PK.C Use materials and objects to represent new concepts
1 language and literacy goal: 1.3 PK. C With prompting and support, answer questions to identify characters, setting, and major events in a story
1 mathematical goal: 2.1 PK. A.1 Know number names and the count sequence
1 scientific thinking goal: 3.3 PK.A.7 Participate in simple investigations of earth structures
1 social studies thinking goal: 7.1 PK. A Explain how a map is a representation of places
1 creative expression goal: 9.1.V PK. A Know and use basic elements of visual arts
1 gross motor skill: 10.4 PK. A Demonstrate coordination of body movements in active play
1 fine motor skill: 10.5 PK. B Coordinate eye and hand movements to perform a task
1 interpersonal skill (social/emotional): 16.2 PK. A Interact with peers and adults in a socially acceptable manner

***IMPORTANT NOTE RE. STANDARDS be specific about the content or competency this activity supports. Ex. if you have a small group
activity that involves playing a new board game. You might put Standard AL.1.PK.C Engage with other children in simple games with rules with adult
support. (p.14)
Welcome Procedures: Teacher will wait at the door in the morning for all students to arrive. As students arrive with their parents, the teacher will greet each one
routine and individually and speak to the parents about any concerns they have or about any upcoming events that they should know about. As the students come in, they
breakfast: will put their backpacks and lunch boxes in their cubbies. Each student has a clipboard on top of their cubby. They will sign their name on their clipboard to
What children sign in for the day. After the students sign in, they will move to the sink and wash their hands before they begin playing. One table in the classroom will be
do upon arrival designated as the table for breakfast. Any student who wants to eat breakfast will sit at the table and the teachers aid will pass out breakfast. Any student who
prior to morning is not eating breakfast will be allowed to have free play. The centers with sand and water, and the computer center will not be open in the morning. Students can
meeting. (not read, play with puzzles, cars, or different toys with their friends. Once students finish with breakfast, they will have to wash their hands again and sing the hand
all arrive at washing song twice. Students will be given a ten-minute warning and a five-minute warning before they have to be finished eating and playing.
Standards Alignment/Concept or Competency: 16.2 PK.C Engage in reciprocal communication with adults and peers
7:30 9:00 PL 2. Families experience relationships with early care and education programs that are affirming, reciprocal, and build upon their strengths.

Individualized Instruction? Maria will be encouraged to play in another center besides the one with the fairy costume. If she does end up with the fairy costume,
she will be given a separate warning before it is time for everyone to clean up so that she knows that she has to take the costume off. Aiden will be individually
spoken to, to give him a ten minute and then a five-minute warning. Aiden will always be encouraged to share. If Aiden shares his toys during play time and
transitions well, he will be given a smiley face stamp on his behavior chart. If he gets five smiley faces by the end of the day, he will be allowed play for five
minutes on the ipad.

PreK Lesson Plan by
Sources: Bredekamp, pg.249/Lab 4
Morning Mtg. Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures:
9:00 9:20 For the welcome part of the For the welcome part of the For the welcome part of the For the welcome part of the For the welcome part of the
routine, students will first sing a routine, students will first sing a routine, students will first sing routine, students will first sing a routine, students will first sing a
(includes daily song all together and then greet song all together and then greet a song all together and then song all together and then greet song all together and then greet
routine followed each other differently every each other differently every greet each other differently each other differently every each other differently every
by something morning. They will sit in a circle morning. They will sit in a circle every morning. They will sit in morning. They will sit in a circle morning. They will sit in a circle
new) and the teacher will start by and the teacher will start by a circle and the teacher will and the teacher will start by and the teacher will start by
greeting the student directly to her greeting the student directly to her start by greeting the student greeting the student directly to greeting the student directly to
right. The student will repeat the right. The student will repeat the directly to her right. The her right. The student will repeat her right. The student will repeat
greeting to the teacher and then greeting to the teacher and then student will repeat the the greeting to the teacher and the greeting to the teacher and
turn to their right and greet the turn to their right and greet the greeting to the teacher and then turn to their right and greet then turn to their right and greet
student next to them. This will student next to them. This will then turn to their right and the student next to them. This the student next to them. This
continue until all the students continue until all the students greet the student next to will continue until all the students will continue until all the students
have been greeted. The students have been greeted. The students them. This will continue until have been greeted. The have been greeted. The
will have to say good morning and will have to say good morning and all the students have been students will have to say good students will have to say good
the students name that they are the students name that they are greeted. The students will morning and the students name morning and the students name
greeting. The students will also greeting. The students will also have to say good morning and that they are greeting. The that they are greeting. The
have to make direct eye contact have to make direct eye contact the students name that they students will also have to make students will also have to make
with the student that they are with the student that they are are greeting. The students will direct eye contact with the direct eye contact with the
greeting. Some greetings that can greeting. Some greetings that can also have to make direct eye student that they are greeting. student that they are greeting.
be used are: handshakes, a high- be used are: handshakes, a high- contact with the student that Some greetings that can be Some greetings that can be
five, a sign-language good five, a sign-language good they are greeting. Some used are: handshakes, a high- used are: handshakes, a high-
morning, saying good morning in morning, saying good morning in greetings that can be used five, a sign-language good five, a sign-language good
Spanish or another language, or a Spanish or another language, or a are: handshakes, a high-five, morning, saying good morning in morning, saying good morning in
bow. The teacher will use a bow. The teacher will use a a sign-language good Spanish or another language, or Spanish or another language, or
different greeting for every different greeting for every morning, saying good morning a bow. The teacher will use a a bow. The teacher will use a
morning. For the calendar part of morning. For the calendar part of in Spanish or another different greeting for every different greeting for every
the routine, the teacher will use a the routine, the teacher will use a language, or a bow. The morning. For the calendar part morning. For the calendar part
giant calendar to go over the day. giant calendar to go over the day. teacher will use a different of the routine, the teacher will of the routine, the teacher will
Students will first go over what Students will first go over what greeting for every morning. use a giant calendar to go over use a giant calendar to go over
month it is, then the day, and then month it is, then the day, and then For the calendar part of the the day. Students will first go the day. Students will first go
the date. If there are birthdays or the date. If there are birthdays or routine, the teacher will use a over what month it is, then the over what month it is, then the
a holiday on the day, the teacher a holiday on the day, the teacher giant calendar to go over the day, and then the date. If there day, and then the date. If there
will go over that as well. Students will go over that as well. Students day. Students will first go over are birthdays or a holiday on the are birthdays or a holiday on the
will repeat the entire date at the will repeat the entire date at the what month it is, then the day, day, the teacher will go over that day, the teacher will go over that
end. For the weather part of the end. For the weather part of the and then the date. If there are as well. Students will repeat the as well. Students will repeat the
routine, one student will be the routine, one student will be the birthdays or a holiday on the entire date at the end. For the entire date at the end. For the
weather person for the week. weather person for the week. day, the teacher will go over weather part of the routine, one weather part of the routine, one
The student will look out a The student will look out a that as well. Students will student will be the weather student will be the weather
window and report the weather to window and report the weather to repeat the entire date at the person for the week. The person for the week. The

PreK Lesson Plan by
the class. The teacher will have a the class. The teacher will have a end. For the weather part of student will look out a window student will look out a window
visual aid that she will put the visual aid that she will put the the routine, one student will and report the weather to the and report the weather to the
weather report on for the class to weather report on for the class to be the weather person for class. The teacher will have a class. The teacher will have a
see. The report will change each see. The report will change each the week. The student will visual aid that she will put the visual aid that she will put the
day depending on the weather of day depending on the weather of look out a window and report weather report on for the class weather report on for the class
the day. Depending on the the day. Depending on the the weather to the class. The to see. The report will change to see. The report will change
weather, the students can sing a weather, the students can sing a teacher will have a visual aid each day depending on the each day depending on the
song as well. If it is raining, they song as well. If it is raining, they that she will put the weather weather of the day. Depending weather of the day. Depending
can sing Its raining, its pouring, can sing Its raining, its pouring, report on for the class to see. on the weather, the students can on the weather, the students can
the old man is snoring The the old man is snoring The The report will change each sing a song as well. If it is sing a song as well. If it is
weather visual aid that the weather visual aid that the day depending on the weather raining, they can sing Its raining, they can sing Its
teacher has will keep track of the teacher has will keep track of the of the day. Depending on the raining, its pouring, the old man raining, its pouring, the old man
weather for the week so the weather for the week so the weather, the students can is snoring The weather visual is snoring The weather visual
students can look back and students can look back and sing a song as well. If it is aid that the teacher has will keep aid that the teacher has will keep
compare as the week goes on. compare as the week goes on. raining, they can sing Its track of the weather for the week track of the weather for the week
raining, its pouring, the old so the students can look back so the students can look back
Monday: To introduce the theme Tuesday: Students will work on a man is snoring The and compare as the week goes and compare as the week goes
of pathways, the teacher will bring KWL chart as a class. They will weather visual aid that the on. on.
in large maps, toy bridges, toy tell the teacher what they know, teacher has will keep track of
vehicles, and a play rug for the what they want to know, and then the weather for the week so Thursday: Students will go Friday: Students will pick their
cars. The students will pass at the end of the week they will the students can look back around the circle and each share favorite song from the week to
around the maps and the teacher discuss what they learned. The and compare as the week something interesting that sing and their favorite book from
will have the rug set up in the teacher will write it on a big poster goes on. happened to them during the the week. They will sing the
middle of the circle with the cars board so all the students can see week. song and the teacher will read
and bridges set up on it. it. Wednesday: Students will the book that they pick. They will
sing wheels on the bus follow up with their KWL chart
song. Each student will take a and discuss what they learned
turn driving the bus on the this week.
Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment: pathways on the rug in the Standards Alignment:
2.1 PK.A.1 Know number names 2.1 PK.A.1 Know number names middle of the circle. 2.1 PK.A.1 Know number names
and the count sequence. and the count sequence. and the count sequence. Standards Alignment:
3.3 PK.A.5 Identify seasons that 3.3 PK.A.5 Identify seasons that 3.3 PK.A.5 Identify seasons that 2.1 PK.A.1 Know number names
correspond with observable correspond with observable correspond with observable and the count sequence.
conditions and identify how conditions and identify how Standards Alignment: conditions and identify how 3.3 PK.A.5 Identify seasons that
weather affects daily life. weather affects daily life. 2.1 PK.A.1 Know number weather affects daily life. correspond with observable
names and the count conditions and identify how
Individualized Instruction? sequence. weather affects daily life.
Morning meeting will have nothing 3.3 PK.A.5 Identify seasons
to do with fairies, so the teacher Individualized Instruction? that correspond with Individualized Instruction?
will have to keep Maria engaged Morning meeting will have nothing observable conditions and Morning meeting will have
and paying attention to the other to do with fairies, so the teacher identify how weather affects nothing to do with fairies, so the Individualized Instruction?

PreK Lesson Plan by
activities. will have to keep Maria engaged daily life. teacher will have to keep Maria Morning meeting will have
Sources: and paying attention to the other engaged and paying attention to nothing to do with fairies, so the
Observation NWES, Morning activities. the other activities. teacher will have to keep Maria
Circle at Preschool video engaged and paying attention to
Individualized Instruction? the other activities.
Sources: Morning meeting will have
Observation NWES, Morning nothing to do with fairies, so Sources:
Circle at Preschool video the teacher will have to keep Observation NWES, Morning Sources:
Maria engaged and paying Circle at Preschool video Observation NWES, Morning
attention to the other Circle at Preschool video

Observation NWES, Morning
Circle at Preschool video

Changes to Centers: Changes to Centers: Changes to Centers: Changes to Centers: Changes to Centers:
Free Play/ Matchbox cars will be added to The dramatic play center will be The sand in the sensory table The art center will be closed. Students will be able to use any
Independent the sand sensory table so the closed. Students will only use the will be taken out and water New songs will be added to the material that they would like in
Learning children can make pathways in easels for painting in the art will be put in. music center along with new the art center.
Centers the sand. center. dance moves.
Changes only
Standards Alignment: 16.2 PK.
9:20 10:20 Standards Alignment: 10.5 Standards Alignment: 16.2 PK. Standards Alignment: 10.5 Standards Alignment: 16.2 PK. A Interact with peers and adults
PK.C Use tools that require use of A Interact with peers and adults in PK.C Use tools that require A Interact with peers and adults in a socially acceptable manner
*attach fingers, hands, and/or wrists to a socially acceptable manner use of fingers, hands, and/or in a socially acceptable manner 10.5 PK.C Use tools that require
overview of all accomplish a task. wrists to accomplish a task. use of fingers, hands, and/or
centers wrists to accomplish a task.
usually Individualized changes? Individualized changes? Individualized changes?
available* Individualized changes? Since the dramatic play center will Individualized changes?
be closed today, Maria will be
Sources: Bredekamp pg. 295, shown the other centers and her Sources: Bredekamp pg. Sources: Bredekamp pg. 295
Observation Pierpoint Early other options. The teacher will 295, Observation Pierpoint Sources: Bredekamp pg. 295
Learning Center(Head Start) encourage her to branch out and Early Learning Center(Head
try something new. Start)

Sources: Bredekamp pg. 295

Small group Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures Instructional Procedures
instruction (20 The teacher will work with small The teacher will work with small The teacher will work with The teacher will work with small The teacher will work with small
PreK Lesson Plan by
min approx.) groups while the other students groups while the other students small groups while the other groups while the other students groups while the other students
play in then centers that are open. play in the centers that are open. students play in then centers play in then centers that are play in then centers that are
(takes place The teacher will group the The teacher will group the that are open. The teacher will open. The teacher will group the open. The teacher will group the
during center students based off their color students based off their color group the students based off students based off their color students based off their color
time while other table. She will call over one color table. She will call over one color their color table. She will call table. She will call over one color table. She will call over one color
children at a time to do group work. First, at a time to do group work. First, over one color at a time to do at a time to do group work. First, at a time to do group work. First,
engage in free the teacher will read, My Bus by, the teacher will read, 10 Little group work. First, the teacher the teacher will read, Choo the teacher will read, The Secret
play at centers) Byron Barton. The students will Rubber Ducks by, Eric Carle. will read, Supertruck by, Choo: The Story of a Little Path by, Nick Butterworth.
use the maps that they were The teacher will look up Google Stephen Savage. The Engine Who Ran Away by, Students will pick their favorite
introduced to at morning meeting. Earth on the SMART board. The students will share their own Virginia Lee Burton. The type of pathway that they
They will take different colored students will look at different stories of what their favorite students will use train tracks to learned about this week. They
markers and draw different routes rivers on the screen. They can try type of vehicle is and why. build an entire system around will draw their favorite pathway
for the bus from the book to and see if they can see any ducks They will draw a picture of it the whole classroom. Each small on a huge sheet of paper so that
drive on. Once they finish drawing or other animals on the screen. and then the teacher will group will add its own part until by the time everyone draws their
their routes they will tell me a The teacher will look up different record their answers on the the train tracks spread all favorite pathway, it looks like a
story like My Bus all along their rivers all over the world and follow paper. throughout the classroom. big map.
own route. the path of the rivers to see where
they end up.
Standards Alignment:
Standards Alignment: 10.5 PK.C Use tools that require
Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment: 10.5 PK.C Use tools that Standards Alignment: use of fingers, hands, and/or
10.5 PK.C Use tools that require 15.4 PK.B Demonstrate require use of fingers, hands, 10.5 PK.A Use hands, fingers, wrists to accomplish a task.
use of fingers, hands, and/or responsible use of technology and/or wrists to accomplish a and wrists to manipulate objects. 9.3 PK.G Formulate and share
wrists to accomplish a task. and equipment. task. 10.5 PK.B Coordinate eye and an opinion about others art
9.3 PK.G Formulate and share an 9.3 PK.G Formulate and hand movements to perform a products.
opinion about others art products. Individualized Instruction? share an opinion about others task.
While he is in different centers, art products.
Individualized Instruction? Aiden will be checked on and Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?
While he is in different centers, encouraged to share with his Individualized Instruction? While he is in different centers, While he is in different centers,
Aiden will be checked on and classmates. If the teacher sees While he is in different Aiden will be checked on and Aiden will be checked on and
encouraged to share with his him sharing, he will receive a centers, Aiden will be checked encouraged to share with his encouraged to share with his
classmates. If the teacher sees smiley face that will get him iPad on and encouraged to share classmates. If the teacher sees classmates. If the teacher sees
him sharing, he will receive a time at the end of the day. with his classmates. If the him sharing, he will receive a him sharing, he will receive a
smiley face that will get him iPad teacher sees him sharing, he smiley face that will get him iPad smiley face that will get him iPad
time at the end of the day. Sources: ECSU Investigating will receive a smiley face that time at the end of the day. time at the end of the day.
Pathways Video will get him iPad time at the
Sources: ECSU Investigating end of the day. Sources: ECSU Investigating Sources: ECSU Investigating
Pathways Video Pathways Video Pathways Video
Sources: ECSU
Investigating Pathways

PreK Lesson Plan by

Transition to Procedure (general and Procedure(general and Procedure(general and Procedure(general and Procedure(general and
Gross changes): If students are changes): If students are changes): If students are changes): If students are changes): If students are
Motor/Outdoor playing at centers, they will be playing at centers, they will be playing at centers, they playing at centers, they will playing at centers, they will
given a ten-minute warning given a ten-minute warning will be given a ten-minute be given a ten-minute be given a ten-minute
10:20 10:30 and then a five-minute and then a five-minute warning and then a five- warning and then a five- warning and then a five-
warning before it is time to warning before it is time to minute warning before it is minute warning before it is minute warning before it is
clean up. Once it is time to
clean up. Once it is time to time to clean up. Once it is time to clean up. Once it is time to clean up. Once it is
clean up, children will be
clean up, children will be time to clean up, children time to clean up, children time to clean up, children
instructed to clean up. The
teacher and the teachers aid instructed to clean up. The will be instructed to clean will be instructed to clean up. will be instructed to clean up.
will help the students teacher and the teachers aid up. The teacher and the The teacher and the teachers The teacher and the teachers
wherever it is needed. will help the students teachers aid will help the aid will help the students aid will help the students
Students will first clean up wherever it is needed. students wherever it is wherever it is needed. wherever it is needed.
whatever they were playing Students will first clean up needed. Students will first Students will first clean up Students will first clean up
with, and then they will look whatever they were playing clean up whatever they whatever they were playing whatever they were playing
around and help their friends with, and then they will look were playing with, and with, and then they will look with, and then they will look
wherever needed until the around and help their friends then they will look around around and help their friends around and help their friends
classroom is clean. Once the wherever needed until the and help their friends wherever needed until the wherever needed until the
classroom is clean, students classroom is clean. Once the wherever needed until the classroom is clean. Once the classroom is clean. Once the
will put their jackets on and classroom is clean, students classroom is clean. Once classroom is clean, students classroom is clean, students
then line up. One student will
will put their jackets on and the classroom is clean, will put their jackets on and will put their jackets on and
be the line leader for the day
and another student will be the then line up. One student will students will put on their then line up. One student will then line up. One student will
caboose. The teacher will be the line leader for the day jackets and then line up. be the line leader for the day be the line leader for the day
stand at the door in front of the and another student will be the One student will be the line and another student will be and another student will be
line. To make sure the caboose. The teacher will leader for the day and the caboose. The teacher will the caboose. The teacher will
students are paying attention stand at the door in front of the another student will be the stand at the door in front of stand at the door in front of
she will do different hand line. To make sure the caboose. The teacher will the line. To make sure the the line. To make sure the
motions (i.e. reaching above students are paying attention stand at the door in front of students are paying attention students are paying attention
her head, patting her stomach, she will do different hand the line. To make sure the she will do different hand she will do different hand
touching her nose, etc.). The motions (i.e. reaching above students are paying motions (i.e. reaching above motions (i.e. reaching above
students have to mirror the her head, patting her stomach, attention she will do her head, patting her her head, patting her
teacher so that she knows all touching her nose, etc.). The different hand motions (i.e. stomach, touching her nose, stomach, touching her nose,
eyes are on her and the
students have to mirror the reaching above her head, etc.). The students have to etc.). The students have to
students are paying attention.
teacher so that she knows all patting her stomach, mirror the teacher so that she mirror the teacher so that she
Once the teacher feels
satisfied that the students are eyes are on her and the touching her nose, etc.). knows all eyes are on her and knows all eyes are on her and
paying attention, they will students are paying attention. The students have to mirror the students are paying the students are paying

PreK Lesson Plan by
recite this poem: Hands are Once the teacher feels the teacher so that she attention. Once the teacher attention. Once the teacher
by my side. Im standing satisfied that the students are knows all eyes are on her feels satisfied that the feels satisfied that the
straight and tall. My eyes are paying attention, they will and the students are paying students are paying attention, students are paying attention,
facing forward. Im ready for recite this poem: Hands are attention. Once the teacher they will recite this poem: they will recite this poem:
the hall. Students will follow by my side. Im standing feels satisfied that the Hands are by my side. Im Hands are by my side. Im
the teacher outside, and the straight and tall. My eyes are students are paying standing straight and tall. My standing straight and tall. My
teachers aid will be in the
facing forward. Im ready for attention, they will recite eyes are facing forward. Im eyes are facing forward. Im
back of the line.
the hall. Students will follow this poem: Hands are by ready for the hall. Students ready for the hall. Students
the teacher outside, and the my side. Im standing will follow the teacher will follow the teacher
Individualized Instruction? teachers aid will be in the straight and tall. My eyes outside, and the teachers aid outside, and the teachers aid
Aiden will be given an individual back of the line. are facing forward. Im will be in the back of the line. will be in the back of the line.
ten-minute warning and then a ready for the hall.
five-minute warning. The teacher Students will follow the
will use visual prompts to give him teacher outside, and the
warnings and then tell him when Individualized Instruction?
teachers aid will be in the
its time to transition. Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction? Aiden will be given an individual
Aiden will be given an individual back of the line. Aiden will be given an individual ten-minute warning and then a
ten-minute warning and then a ten-minute warning and then a five-minute warning. The teacher
Sources: Bredekamp, five-minute warning. The teacher five-minute warning. The teacher will use visual prompts to give
pg.252/Observation NWES will use visual prompts to give him will use visual prompts to give him warnings and then tell him
warnings and then tell him when Individualized Instruction? him warnings and then tell him when its time to transition.
its time to transition. Aiden will be given an when its time to transition.
individual ten-minute warning
and then a five-minute
warning. The teacher will use
Sources: Bredekamp, visual prompts to give him Sources: Bredekamp,
pg.252/Observation NWES warnings and then tell him Sources: Bredekamp, pg.252/Observation NWES
when its time to transition. pg.252/Observation NWES

Sources: Bredekamp,
pg.252/Observation NWES

Gross Special place, activities, or Special place, activities, or Special place, activities, or Special place, activities, or Special place, activities, or
Motor/Outdoor plans: As a class, students will plans: Students will be given plans: In the sand box, plans: Students will bring toy plans: Students will pretend
Exploration walk around the school pieces of paper and crayons to outside, students will trucks, cars, airplanes, and that they are different types
10:30-11:30 looking for different draw different pathways. They create different pathways trains outside. They will use of transportation vehicles.
PreK Lesson Plan by
pathways. Whenever a student will work together with the using their hands. Once chalk to draw the different The playground will be their
finds one, he/she will be given other students at their table to they each create a path pathways for each vehicle, city. They will drive
a little flag to mark the create a map and draw using their hands, they will and then they will move the through the different
pathway with. The teacher will different pathways on the map. find a different material on vehicles all around the pathways in the city. There
take a picture of each pathway There will be twenty minutes the playground to make a pathways that they created. will be twenty minutes of
that the students find. There of free time at the end where different pathway. All the There will be twenty minutes free time at the end where
will be twenty minutes of free students can play on the students will make of free time at the end where students can play on the
time at the end where students playground with their peers. different pathways that students can play on the playground with their peers.
can play on the playground intersect each other and playground with their peers.
with their peers. create a map in the sand
box. There will be twenty
minutes of free time at the
Standards Alignment: 3.3 Standards Alignment: AL.3 end where students can Standards Alignment: AL.1
PK.A.7 Participate in simple PK.C Use materials and play on the playground Standards Alignment: Al.3 PK. C Engage in complex
investigations of earth objects to represent new with their peers. PK.C Use materials and play sequences with two or
structures concepts objects to represent new more children.
Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?
Standards Alignment: AL.1 Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?
Sources: ECSU Investigating Sources: ECSU Investigating PK. B Demonstrate a
Pathways Video Pathways Video willingness to participate Sources: ECSU Investigating Sources: ECSU Investigating
in new and challenging Pathways Video Pathways Video

Individualized Instruction?

Sources: ECSU
Investigating Pathways

Transition to
Lunch Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and
changes): Students will be changes): Students will be changes): Students will be changes): Students will be changes): Students will be
11:30-11:40 called to line up all at once. called to line up all at once. called to line up all at once. called to line up all at once. called to line up all at once.
The line leader will stand at The line leader will stand at The line leader will stand The line leader will stand at The line leader will stand at
the front of the line and the the front of the line and the at the front of the line and the front of the line and the the front of the line and the
caboose will be in the back. caboose will be in the back. the caboose will be in the caboose will be in the back. caboose will be in the back.
Teacher will be at the front of Teacher will be at the front of back. Teacher will be at the Teacher will be at the front of Teacher will be at the front of
the line facing the students. the line facing the students. front of the line facing the the line facing the students. the line facing the students.

PreK Lesson Plan by
She will start doing hand She will start doing hand students. She will start She will start doing hand She will start doing hand
motions (i.e. patting her head, motions (i.e. patting her head, doing hand motions (i.e. motions (i.e. patting her head, motions (i.e. patting her head,
putting one hand in the air, putting one hand in the air, patting her head, putting putting one hand in the air, putting one hand in the air,
etc.) to ensure that her etc.) to ensure that her one hand in the air, etc.) to etc.) to ensure that her etc.) to ensure that her
students are paying attention students are paying attention ensure that her students are students are paying attention students are paying attention
and looking at her. Then they and looking at her. Then they paying attention and and looking at her. Then they and looking at her. Then they
will do hips and lips before will do hips and lips before looking at her. Then they will do hips and lips before will do hips and lips before
they start walking. Students they start walking. Students will do hips and lips they start walking. Students they start walking. Students
place one hand on their hip place one hand on their hip before they start walking. place one hand on their hip place one hand on their hip
and one finger in front of their and one finger in front of their Students place one hand on and one finger in front of and one finger in front of
mouth as if saying shhh. mouth as if saying shhh. their hip and one finger in their mouth as if saying their mouth as if saying
Students will walk quietly to Students will walk quietly to front of their mouth as if shhh. Students will walk shhh. Students will walk
the classroom with the the classroom with the saying shhh. Students quietly to the classroom with quietly to the classroom with
teachers aide in the back of teachers aide in the back of will walk quietly to the the teachers aide in the back the teachers aide in the back
the line. Students will take the line. Students will take classroom with the of the line. Students will take of the line. Students will take
their jackets off and then they their jackets off and then they teachers aide in the back their jackets off and then they their jackets off and then they
will be instructed to sit at their will be instructed to sit at their of the line. Students will will be instructed to sit at will be instructed to sit at
color tables. Each color will color tables. Each color will take their jackets off and their color tables. Each color their color tables. Each color
be called to the sink one at a be called to the sink one at a then they will be instructed will be called to the sink one will be called to the sink one
time. The students will wash time. The students will wash to sit at their color tables. at a time. The students will at a time. The students will
their hands. After each student their hands. After each student Each color will be called to wash their hands. After each wash their hands. After each
at the table washes their hands at the table washes their hands the sink one at a time. The student at the table washes student at the table washes
they will get their lunch and they will get their lunch and students will wash their their hands they will get their their hands they will get their
sit back down. Once every sit back down. Once every hands. After each student lunch and sit back down. lunch and sit back down.
student at the table has washed student at the table has washed at the table washes their Once every student at the Once every student at the
their hands, the next table will their hands, the next table will hands they will get their table has washed their hands, table has washed their hands,
be called until all the students be called until all the students lunch and sit back down. the next table will be called the next table will be called
have washed their hands and have washed their hands and Once every student at the until all the students have until all the students have
gotten their lunches. All gotten their lunches. All table has washed their washed their hands and washed their hands and
students will sit back down students will sit back down hands, the next table will gotten their lunches. All gotten their lunches. All
and start eating once they get and start eating once they get be called until all the students will sit back down students will sit back down
their lunches. their lunches. students have washed their and start eating once they get and start eating once they get
hands and gotten their their lunches. their lunches.
lunches. All students will
sit back down and start
Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction? eating once they get their
Ella will be at a table with quieter Ella will be at a table with quieter lunches. Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?
students that will not overwhelm students that will not overwhelm Ella will be at a table with quieter Ella will be at a table with quieter
her. She will line up at the sink her. She will line up at the sink students that will not overwhelm students that will not overwhelm
with those same students. The with those same students. The her. She will line up at the sink her. She will line up at the sink
teachers aide will check in on her teachers aide will check in on her Individualized Instruction? with those same students. The with those same students. The

PreK Lesson Plan by
periodically and encourage her to periodically and encourage her to Ella will be at a table with teachers aide will check in on teachers aide will check in on
participate in the song with the participate in the song with the quieter students that will not her periodically and encourage her periodically and encourage
other students. other students. overwhelm her. She will line her to participate in the song her to participate in the song
up at the sink with those same with the other students. with the other students.
Sources: Observation, Sources: Observation, students. The teachers aide
NWES/Thelen/Klifman NWES/Thelen/Klifman will check in on her Sources: Observation, Sources: Observation,
article/Bredekamp, pg. 252 article/Bredekamp, pg. 252 periodically and encourage NWES/Thelen/Klifman NWES/Thelen/Klifman
her to participate in the song article/Bredekamp, pg. 252 article/Bredekamp, pg. 252
with the other students.

Sources: Observation,
article/Bredekamp, pg. 252

Lunch Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and
11:45 12:15 changes): Students will have changes): Students will have changes): Students will changes): Students will have changes): Students will have
to stay seated at their specific to stay seated at their specific have to stay seated at their to stay seated at their specific to stay seated at their specific
tables. They will be tables. They will be specific tables. They will tables. They will be tables. They will be
encouraged to talk and interact encouraged to talk and interact be encouraged to talk and encouraged to talk and encouraged to talk and
with their friends at their table. with their friends at their table. interact with their friends interact with their friends at interact with their friends at
The teacher will sit at a The teacher will sit at a at their table. The teacher their table. The teacher will their table. The teacher will
different table each day and different table each day and will sit at a different table sit at a different table each sit at a different table each
eat her own lunch with the eat her own lunch with the each day and eat her own day and eat her own lunch day and eat her own lunch
students so that she can talk students so that she can talk lunch with the students so with the students so that she with the students so that she
and interact with them as well. and interact with them as well. that she can talk and can talk and interact with can talk and interact with
interact with them as well. them as well. them as well.

Standards Alignment: 16.2 PK.

Standards Alignment: 16.2 PK. A Interact with peers and Standards Alignment 16.2 Standards Alignment: 16.2 Standards Alignment: 16.2
A Interact with peers and adults in a socially acceptable PK. A Interact with peers PK. A Interact with peers and PK. A Interact with peers and
adults in a socially acceptable manner and adults in a socially adults in a socially acceptable adults in a socially acceptable
manner 16.2 PK. C Engage in acceptable manner manner manner
16.2 PK. C Engage in reciprocal communication 16.2 PK. C Engage in 16.2 PK. C Engage in 16.2 PK. C Engage in
reciprocal communication with adults and peers reciprocal communication reciprocal communication reciprocal communication
with adults and peers with adults and peers with adults and peers with adults and peers

Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?

Each day, the teachers aide Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction? Each day, the teachers aide
will start out by sitting next to Each day, the teachers aide Each day, the teachers Each day, the teachers aide will start out by sitting next

PreK Lesson Plan by
Ella and talking to her. She will start out by sitting next to aide will start out by sitting will start out by sitting next to Ella and talking to her. She
will try and bring other Ella and talking to her. She next to Ella and talking to to Ella and talking to her. She will try and bring other
students in to the conversation will try and bring other her. She will try and bring will try and bring other students in to the
as well. If Ella starts to show students in to the conversation other students in to the students in to the conversation as well. If Ella
signs of being really upset, the as well. If Ella starts to show conversation as well. If conversation as well. If Ella starts to show signs of being
teachers aide will take her for signs of being really upset, the Ella starts to show signs of starts to show signs of being really upset, the teachers
a walk around the school to teachers aide will take her for being really upset, the really upset, the teachers aide will take her for a walk
make sure that she calms a walk around the school to teachers aide will take her aide will take her for a walk around the school to make
down. make sure that she calms for a walk around the around the school to make sure that she calms down.
down. school to make sure that sure that she calms down.
she calms down.

Routine Procedure (general and changes): As the students finish lunch, they will be instructed to throw out their trash and wash their hands at the sink. After they wash
Transition to their hands, they will go and sit on the rug to wait for the other students to finish eating their lunch. While they are waiting on the rug, the teacher will play
Story and Nap different songs from a radio or her computer that the students can sing along to. They can also dance along with the people on the screen. There will also be
(not all puzzles and books out on the rug for students to use while they are waiting.
children will
finish lunch at Standards Alignment: 16.3 PK. B Recognize there are socially acceptable ways to behave in different places
same time)
Individualized Instruction?
Sources: Bredekamp, pg.252/Pierpoint Early Learning Center (Head Start)

Naptime Story Book: Book: Book: Book: Book:

(not a lesson): Where the Wild Things Are by, Moo, Baa, LaLaLa by, Sandra If you give a Moose a The Kissing Hand by, Dont Eat the Teacher by,
Maurice Sendak Boynton Muffin by, Laura Numeroff Audrey Penn Nick Ward
12:25 12:40

Rest General procedurare:

12:45-2:15 Once all the students finish their lunch, wash their hands, and are sitting on the rug, the teacher will begin to read a story. During the story, the teachers aide
will set up mats all around the classroom for the students to sleep on. Once the story is finished, the teacher will send the children to their mats. She will send
the children based on what they are wearing. For example, she might say, All the children wearing red go over to their mats. She will continue calling them
over until all the children are at their mats. Once the students are all at their mats, the teacher will turn most of the lights off. The library center will be open for
students that are not tired, and there will be paper and crayons set up at one table so that students can draw. There will be quiet, naptime music in the

Adaptations/activities for non-nappers/early risers: Library center will be open and students can draw quietly at their tables.
PreK Lesson Plan by

Standards Alignment: 16.3 PK. B Recognize there are socially acceptable ways to behave in different places

Sources: Observation NWES

Routine for General Procedure: The students that are not asleep and are doing activities will be the first to wash their hands before snack. They will line up in front of the
transition to sink and wash their hands one at a time. As soon as they wash their hands, they can go to their backpacks and get their snacks. They must bring their snacks to
snack (some their seats. As the students are washing their hands, the teachers aide will wake up the students that are sleeping so that they can wash their hands as well and
will be doing get their snacks. She will first wake up the students that she knows usually take longer to wake up and then move to the students that she knows will wake up
activities and right away and be fine.
some just
waking up) Standards Alignment: 16.2 PK. B Identify similarities and differences between self and others

Individualized Instruction?

Sources: Bredekamp, pg.252

Snack Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and Procedure (general and
2:30-2:50 changes): Students will sit at changes): Students will sit at changes): Students will sit changes): Students will sit at changes): Students will sit at
their color table and eat their their color table and eat their at their color table and eat their color table and eat their their color table and eat their
snack. Once they are finished, snack. Once they are finished, their snack. Once they are snack. Once they are snack. Once they are
they can go to the rug to play they can go to the rug to play finished, they can go to the finished, they can go to the finished, they can go to the
with the puzzles, dance, or with the puzzles, dance, or rug to play with the rug to play with the puzzles, rug to play with the puzzles,
read a book. The teacher will read a book. The teacher will puzzles, dance, or read a dance, or read a book. The dance, or read a book. The
roam around the room chatting roam around the room chatting book. The teacher will teacher will roam around the teacher will roam around the
and talking to all the students. and talking to all the students. roam around the room room chatting and talking to room chatting and talking to
chatting and talking to all all the students. all the students.
the students.
Standards Alignment: 16.3 PK. Standards Alignment: 16.3 PK.
B Recognize there are socially B Recognize there are socially Standards Alignment: 16.3 Standards Alignment: 16.3 Standards Alignment: 16.3
acceptable ways to behave in acceptable ways to behave in PK. B Recognize there are PK. B Recognize there are PK. B Recognize there are
different places different places socially acceptable ways to socially acceptable ways to socially acceptable ways to
16.2 PK. A Interact with peers 16.2 PK. A Interact with peers behave in different places behave in different places behave in different places
and adults in a socially and adults in a socially 16.2 PK. A Interact with 16.2 PK. A Interact with 16.2 PK. A Interact with
acceptable manner acceptable manner peers and adults in a peers and adults in a socially peers and adults in a socially
socially acceptable manner acceptable manner acceptable manner

PreK Lesson Plan by

Individualized Instruction? Ella

Individualized Instruction? Ella will always sit with students Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?
will always sit with students that are a little bit quieter than Ella will always sit with Ella will always sit with Ella will always sit with
that are a little bit quieter than the other students so that she students that are a little bit students that are a little bit students that are a little bit
the other students so that she does not get too overwhelmed. quieter than the other quieter than the other quieter than the other
does not get too overwhelmed. She will be encouraged to students so that she does students so that she does not students so that she does not
She will be encouraged to interact with the other not get too overwhelmed. get too overwhelmed. She get too overwhelmed. She
interact with the other students. She will be encouraged to will be encouraged to interact will be encouraged to interact
students. interact with the other with the other students. with the other students.
Sources: Gadzikowksi 2013 Sources: Gadzikowksi 2013 Sources: Gadzikowksi 2013 Sources: Gadzikowksi 2013
Sources: Gadzikowksi

Transition General procedure: Once a student says he/she is finished, the student will tell the teacher something interesting or exciting that they would like to share. After
from Snack to they share, they will throw away their trash and wash their hands. This allows the teacher to build strong relationships with all her students. Once they finish
Large Group sharing and washing their hands, they will go over to the rug for small group work. There will be a song playing and students can read a book or play with a
(not all will puzzle until all the students are finished.
finish at once)
Standards Alignment: 16.3 PK. C Actively engage in assisting others when appropriate

Individualized Instruction?

Sources: Bredekamp, pg.249/ Thelen/Klifman article

Afternoon Mtg Instructional Procedures Instructional Procedures Instructional Procedures Instructional Procedures Instructional Procedures
3:00-3:20 Students will sit in a circle on the Students will sit in a circle on the Students will sit in a circle on Students will sit in a circle on the Students will sit in a circle on the
rug. Everyone will share their rug. Everyone will share their the rug. Everyone will share rug. Everyone will share their rug. Everyone will share their
favorite part of the day and why it favorite part of the day and why it their favorite part of the day favorite part of the day and why favorite part of the day and why
was their favorite. The students was their favorite. The students and why it was their favorite. it was their favorite. The it was their favorite. The
will pick one of their favorite will pick one of their favorite The students will pick one of students will pick one of their students will pick one of their
songs to sing and dance to as a songs to sing and dance to as a their favorite songs to sing favorite songs to sing and dance favorite songs to sing and dance
class, or they can choose to do class, or they can choose to do and dance to as a class, or to as a class, or they can choose to as a class, or they can choose
five minutes of kid yoga that can five minutes of kid yoga that can they can choose to do five to do five minutes of kid yoga to do five minutes of kid yoga
be shown on the SMART board. be shown on the SMART board. minutes of kid yoga that can that can be shown on the that can be shown on the

PreK Lesson Plan by
be shown on the SMART SMART board. SMART board.

Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment:
10.4 PK. A Demonstrate 10.4 PK. A Demonstrate 10.4 PK. A Demonstrate 10.4 PK. A Demonstrate 10.4 PK. A Demonstrate
coordination of body movements coordination of body movements coordination of body coordination of body movements coordination of body movements
in active play in active play movements in active play in active play in active play

Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?

Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?
Sources: Observation NE and
Sources: Observation NE and NW elementary schools
Sources: Observation NE and
NW elementary schools Sources: Observation NE and Sources: Observation NE NW elementary schools
NW elementary schools and NW elementary schools
small group
3:20 4:20

4:20 4:30
Motor/Outdoor PLAYGROUND, ETC.
Transition to Activities/ Activities/ Activities/ Activities/ Activities/
Departure (not Centers Available Centers Available Centers Available Centers Available Centers Available
all will leave at Students will be called to pack Students will be called to pack Students will be called to Students will be called to Students will be called to
once) up their belongings and leave up their belongings and leave pack up their belongings pack up their belongings and pack up their belongings and
them by their seats. The them by their seats. The and leave them by their leave them by their seats. The leave them by their seats. The
teacher will call the students teacher will call the students seats. The teacher will call teacher will call the students teacher will call the students
Departure based on one of their based on one of their the students based on one based on one of their based on one of their
routine characteristics or what they characteristics or what they of their characteristics or characteristics or what they characteristics or what they
are wearing. For example, Go are wearing. For example, Go what they are wearing. For are wearing. For example, are wearing. For example,
get your backpack if you are get your backpack if you are example, Go get your Go get your backpack if you Go get your backpack if you
5:20-6:00 wearing a dress. Once wearing a dress. Once backpack if you are are wearing a dress. Once are wearing a dress. Once
students get their backpacks, students get their backpacks, wearing a dress. Once students get their backpacks, students get their backpacks,
they will bring everything they will bring everything students get their they will bring everything they will bring everything

PreK Lesson Plan by
back to their seats and leave it back to their seats and leave it backpacks, they will bring back to their seats and leave back to their seats and leave
there. A couple of the centers there. A couple of the centers everything back to their it there. A couple of the it there. A couple of the
will be open for students to will be open for students to seats and leave it there. A centers will be open for centers will be open for
use as they wait for their use as they wait for their couple of the centers will students to use as they wait students to use as they wait
parents to pick them up. The parents to pick them up. The be open for students to use for their parents to pick them for their parents to pick them
library center will always be library center will always be as they wait for their up. The library center will up. The library center will
open and the writing center open and the writing center parents to pick them up. always be open and the always be open and the
will and the dramatic play will and the dramatic play The library center will writing center will and the writing center will and the
center will be open as well. center will be open as well. always be open and the dramatic play center will be dramatic play center will be
Once the parents come, the Once the parents come, the writing center will and the open as well. Once the open as well. Once the
student will clean up whatever student will clean up whatever dramatic play center will parents come, the student will parents come, the student will
he/she was playing with and he/she was playing with and be open as well. Once the clean up whatever he/she was clean up whatever he/she was
the teacher will chat with them the teacher will chat with them parents come, the student playing with and the teacher playing with and the teacher
as the student puts on their as the student puts on their will clean up whatever will chat with them as the will chat with them as the
coat and grabs their backpack. coat and grabs their backpack. he/she was playing with student puts on their coat and student puts on their coat and
The teacher will say goodbye The teacher will say goodbye and the teacher will chat grabs their backpack. The grabs their backpack. The
to each child individually. to each child individually. with them as the student teacher will say goodbye to teacher will say goodbye to
puts on their coat and grabs each child individually. each child individually.
their backpack. The teacher
Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment: will say goodbye to each
16.2 PK.C Engage in 16.2 PK.C Engage in child individually. Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment:
reciprocal communication reciprocal communication 16.2 PK.C Engage in 16.2 PK.C Engage in
with adults and peers with adults and peers Standards Alignment: reciprocal communication reciprocal communication
16.2 PK.C Engage in with adults and peers with adults and peers
PL 2. Families experience PL 2. Families experience reciprocal communication
relationships with early care relationships with early care with adults and peers PL 2. Families experience PL 2. Families experience
and education programs that and education programs that relationships with early care relationships with early care
are affirming, reciprocal, and are affirming, reciprocal, and PL 2. Families experience and education programs that and education programs that
build upon their strengths. build upon their strengths. relationships with early are affirming, reciprocal, and are affirming, reciprocal, and
care and education build upon their strengths. build upon their strengths.
programs that are
affirming, reciprocal, and
Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction? build upon their strengths.
Individualized Instruction? Individualized Instruction?
Sources: Bredekamp, Sources: Bredekamp,
pg.249/Lab 4/Lecture 3/27 pg.249/Lab 4/Lecture 3/27 Sources: Bredekamp, Sources: Bredekamp,
Individualized Instruction? pg.249/Lab 4/Lecture 3/27 pg.249/Lab 4/Lecture 3/27

Sources: Bredekamp,
pg.249/Lab 4/Lecture 3/27

PreK Lesson Plan by

PreK Lesson Plan by
Note: Some of the items listed below may also be included in lessons above. That is fine.

Practices supporting anti-bias/culturally responsive and intentionally One individualized assessment for each of the 3 students with
multicultural classroom (some may be in the plan itself. Note that here.) individualized learning goals:
In the very beginning of the year, the teacher will have conferences with all the parents to Aiden will have a portfolio where the teacher keeps written anecdotal records of what goes on
discuss their expectations for the year. If the parents cannot make it to the conference, the during the day. There will also be a record of how many smiley face stickers he gets each day.
teacher will call the parents or email them. The parents will inform the teacher of their These observations will be both spontaneous and pre-planned.
cultural background, what language they speak at home, what religion they practice, and Ella will also have a portfolio, but this will keep track of her interactions with other students and
anything else they think the teacher should know to help their child feel comfortable in the the way that she transitions to certain activities. For a pre-planned observation, Ella will be
classroom. In the classroom, there will be dolls of different races and posters with children of filmed while she interacts with other students.
different races and religions. There will also be little post-its all throughout the classroom that There will also be records for Maria if she does something wrong. The teacher will again keep
have items in the classroom labeled in Spanish and English. The posters in the classroom that anecdotal records of whenever Maria acts out or refuses to take off her costume or refuses to
have numbers and letters on them will also have those numbers and letters in Spanish. The share. The teacher will also document when she lets another student wear the costume. The
teacher will also ensure that the rules of the classroom are explained explicitly to all the
teacher can pre-plan an observation and observe her reaction when told that she is not allowed
children, in case they differ from their rules at home.
to use the fairy costume on a particular day.
Sources: Lecture week 6/Lab 3/Observation Pierpoint Early Learning Center (Head Start)
Sources: ECSU Video on Observing Young Children

Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up ~ A.A. Milne

Practices encouraging family partnerships (could be for whole class or Assessment plans for 3 of the learning goals for the whole group
1 mathematical goal: 2.1 PK. A.1 Know number names and the count sequence:
in relation to individual students, or both some may be in the plan Teacher will use documentation as dynamic assessments and document students math work to see
itself. Note that here.) if they understand number names and the count sequence.
Teacher will wait at the door in the morning for all students to arrive. As students arrive with 1 scientific thinking goal: 3.3 PK.A.7 Participate in simple investigations of earth
their parents, the teacher will greet each one individually and speak to the parents about any structures:
concerns they have or about any upcoming events that they should know about. The teacher Teacher will use observation during the gross motor activity where students find different
will also talk to parents at the end of the day about the days events and any concerns that the pathways outside. Teacher will take pictures and document any observations that she has.
teacher feels the parents should know about. If the teacher ever has any concerns about a 1 interpersonal skill (social/emotional): 16.2 PK. A Interact with peers and adults in
student, she will schedule a meeting with the parents/guardians. She will schedule the meeting a socially acceptable manner:
by sending a note home with the student, calling the parent, or emailing the parent. During the Each child will have a portfolio that the teacher will frequently add to throughout the year. This
meeting, she will express the concerns and work with the parent to figure out a solution. The will be able to demonstrate an individuals progress over a long period of time. There will be
teacher will also build reciprocal relationships with the parents with mutual trust, respect, and multiple sources of information, photos, anecdotal records, observations. It can be shown to the
communication. To make sure there is lots of communication and the parents are always parents.
informed, the teacher will schedule consistent meetings with the parents to show the students
work and progress.

Sources: Bredekamp, pg.249/Lab 4/Lecture, week 7 Sources: ECSU Video on Observing Young Children/Bredekamp pg. 370 21
PreK Lesson Plan by
Full Citation for any sources that were not specifically assigned in class: (see plan instructions)


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