Oau Past Questions Sci 11 15
Oau Past Questions Sci 11 15
Oau Past Questions Sci 11 15
Past questions
10. He is a lout and can’t be relied A. stealthy
upon at all. B. sloppy
C. snaky
A. vagabond D. succulent
B. thug
C. unserious Choose the most appropriate
D. liar option to complete the gaps in
the following sentences.
11. The undisputed boxer was
quite a mouthful for his opponent. 14. The new inspector General of
Police will be alleged that
A. not a match terrorists had the rank and file of
B. undefeated the force.
C. evenly match
D. boastful A. proliferated
B. conquered
12. Such stories are difficult to C. infiltrated
believe because they are make- D. insulated
15. He lay awake, his whole body
A. lies sleep.
B. vituperations
C. genuine A. acting for
D. fantasy B. looking for
C. drumming for
13. All those who mistook D. aching for
President Buhari’s demeanour for
cowardice will soon know him for 16. Please think everything and
who he actually is. let me have your answer
A. thoroughly to travel this month.
B. through
C. around A. propelled
D. on B. restricted
C. disturbed
17. I asked you . D. hoodwinked
A. when you are going to get 20. The criminal s answers to the
marry questions during interrogation
B. the time when you are going to were evasive.
get marry
C. at what point you are getting A. harsh
married B. outspoken
D. when you were going to get C. clever
married D. direct
Choose from the options A-D Read the passage below and
the word opposite in meaning answer the questions under
to the underlined word(s). it.
splendid apologia, he himself to expounding
explained that for him linguistic history for its own
‘linguistic investigation’ sake, he sees his work as
involved primarily 'combating mark’ of which ‘is
‘understanding the texts….to antipathy’, disdain, finally
penetrate into the innermost hatred’. ‘Especially now since
thoughts of the best men arid the World-war this is a task of
women.’ ‘Speech is the noblest the greatest importance, since
instrument to bind man to it is necessary that the wounds
man, and… it is by speech as of this gruesome time should
by literature, or best by both be healed.’ Thus, he spoke to
combined, that one comes to his students in 1925. Sadly,
understanding the people from this noble friend of mankind
whom they emanated.’ First was to see a still more
and foremost, of course, a gruesome manifestation of
student of language, he nationalism and to die in 1943
insisted on studying language when his country had already
at its best and in that way, he suffered for some years the
hoped, he says, ‘to have horrors of the Nazi occupation,
imparted to my hearers some of when there was little
my own enthusiasm for the opportunity ‘to diffuse
great poets. knowledge and love of what is
best in other peoples’.
My greatest enjoyment, and no
doubt that of my hearers as 21. Another word used in the
well, has been in my Chaucer passage that can serve as a
classes, partly because synonym to ‘ghastly’ is
Chaucer has such a wonderful
power of describing human A. expanding
beings.’ So far from confining B. essential
C. splendid human beings
D. gruesome
24. According to the writer, he
22. The figure of speech used by derived greatest enjoyment in
the writer in ‘though English
studies were fortunate that so A. Chaucer, the great
youthfully creative a 'fogey ' was personality he befriended when he
to go on writing for almost a was in school
further two decades’ in describing B. the profound ideas
the person being talked about is . expounded by his teachers while
he was in school
A. hyperbole C. series of lectures he received
B. irony about Chaucer and his writings
C. innuendo D. the wonderful ways his
D. sarcasm teacher described human beings
in many of his lectures
23. The writer believes that .
25. We can categorically pinpoint
A. human beings are best on the passage that the writer
understood by what they say or was talking about .
by what is written about them
B. human beings are very difficult A. a former student of his who is
to penetrate in a linguistics intelligent
investigation B. disturbing trend in linguistic
C. the innermost thoughts of all study
men and women are the major C. distinguished scholar who had
preoccupations of linguistic impacted positively on the field of
D. literature and language are discussion
combined in any worthwhile D. the ghastly malady of our time,
linguistic enquiry to understand nationalism’, 'the essential mark '
of which ‘is antipathy, disdain,
finally hatred.’
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. A
8. A 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. A
14. C 15. D 16. B 17. D 18. A
19. A 20. D 21. D 22. D 23. D
24. C 25. C
A. metaphor Choose the most appropriate
B. simile option from A to D to complete
C. hyperbole the gaps in the following
D. pun sentences.
A. biological kept.
B. geographical
C. circumventing A. pilfered
D. economical B. missed
C. lost
8. The jailed businessman has D. robbed
left his family in due to
the confiscation of his property by 11. I was waving frantically but
the government. you drove me.
A. bliss A. past
B. quandary B. pass
C. opulence C. passed
D. Eldorado D. passing
9. The Federal Government has 12. The driver was reckless, the
expressed the fear that the road was slippery due to the early
violent activity of the insurgents morning downpour, and there
may if powerful was a crash that claimed two
foreign assistance is not received lives.
A. frantically
A. extrapolate B. subsequently
B. proliferate C. constantly
C. metamorphose D. unequivocally
D. escalate
13. Did you know we were very
10. I am sure that if you probe fortunate to run for the newly
further, the accused person will elected president of the country
reveal where the ____ money was when he was campaigning for the
office? D. origin
A. Philistine victory use terms that are meaningful
B. pyrrhic victory within the _24 cash flow, kinship
C. crocodile victory structure, paranoid, and so forth.
D. pseudo victory But those same terms become
jargon when used out of _25 _.
19. The aspirant for the highest
office in the coming elections has 20. A. jargon
started distributing live cows to B. Vernacular
each electorate in his ward; but C. Dialects
some rejected it because they D. Wazobia
considered it a .
21. A. Generalized
A. an Eldorado gift B. Technical
B. Grievous gift C. Restricted
C. Greece gift D. straightforward
D. Greek gift
22. A. Addressed
Fill out the gap in the passage B. Written
below with the correct option C. Expressed
from the list provided in D. Spoken
brackets in front of the gaps.
23. A. Paper
20. is specialized language, B. Document
that appears in a non- specialized C. Treaties
context, thus giving a 21_ flavour D. Pamphlet
to statements that would be
better _22_ in everyday words. 24. A. Pool
When you are writing _23_ in, B. Conundrum
say, economics, anthropology, or C. Register
psychology, you can and should D. Field
25. A. Place
B. Meaning
C. Contest
D. Context.
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C
8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. D 13.
B 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. D 18. D
19. B 20. A 21. B 22. D 23. A
24. D 25. D
maximum number of children B. man should control the birth-
possible rate
C. mankind has started to C. man should change nature’s
interfere with the work of nature course gradually
D. Man’s present relationship D. pestilence causes more deaths
with nature in matters of birth than war.
and death is a happy one.
In each of questions 6- 8,
3. ‘humane’ as used in the choose the option nearest in
passage means meaning to the word(s) or
phrase in italics.
A. wise
B. human 6. Nobody could say precisely
C. benevolent when the landlord became a
D. sensible recluse
8. Don’t talk like that; you know 11. She devoted too much time to
the Professor will not entertain the peripheral aspects
such vituperative remarks
A. superficial
A. irresponsible B. minor
B. insulting C. main
C. angry D. real
D. illiterate
In each 4 questions 12-16, fill
In each of questions 9-11, each gap with the most
choose the most appropriate appropriate option from the
option opposite in meaning to list provided.
the word or phrases in Italics.
12. My daughter would become if
9. He has been advised to beware I paid no attention to her
of political jobbers if he hopes to behaviour
A. rhascally
A. neophytes B. rhapsodically
B. masquerades C. rascally
C. stockbrokers D. rascality
D. masterminds
13. When the soldiers saw that
10. What a tangled web we resistance was they stopped
weave, when we try to deceive! fighting
A. complicated A. inadvertent
B. crooked B. futile
C. simple C. inappropriate
D. loose D. insurmountable
14. The last time the man saw his For question 17, choose the
ex-wife, she letter which contains the
correct phonetic symbol in the
A. was thinking of a proposal of underlined sounds below.
starting a new business
B. was intending to start a new 17. Women
C. intended to start a new A. /l/
business B. /e/
D. was going to start a new C. /ou/
business. D. /u/
15. Two days before the For question 18, choose the
execution, the robber was taken word which contains the
to the place where he would be correct sound as given in each
With doleful eyes, he looked of the sound below.
at the spot where his execution
18. /v/
A. hunged/was to be taken place
B. hanging/shall take place A. off
C. hung/would take place B. fan
D. hanged/was to take place C. of
D. four
16. Don’t !, said the leader, I
want a decision now In each of questions 19 and
20, choose the option that
A. prevaricate best completes the gap(s)
B. predicate
C. precipitate 19. The car owner does not think
D. be pejorative about the …………. of his vehicle
and other payments involved in A. few
owning it B. little
C. only a little
A. transportation D. a few
B. depreciation
C. calculation Fill in the gaps in the following
D. appreciation sentences with appropriate
20. We shall offer a good job to a
………….. to register guests in the 23. Lawrence did not win the
Central Hotel. contract ……….. the long run
A. waiter A. at
B. watchman B. in
C. cashier C. on
D. receptionist D. to
C. at
D. over
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A
8. B 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. D
14. B 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. C
19. B 20. D 21. D 22. D 23. B
24. B 25. B
B. dexterity C. clever
C. power D. direct
D. creativity
10. I guess he is indifferent to our
7. He cannot hide his aversion for plans to rid Nigeria of societal ills.
Kemi’s unrepentant behaviour.
A. interested in
A. Abhorrence B. bothered
B. sadness C. opposed to
C. ignominy D. not interested in
D. moodiness
11. The girl is very sombre in her
8. My sister is known by style of dressing.
everybody to be scurrilous.
A. solemn
A. pleasant B. pleasant
B. vituperative C. provocative
C. active D. exposing
D. inactive
Select from the options A-D
Choose from the options A-D the correct meaning of the
the word opposite in meaning idiom underlined.
to the underlined word.
12. The manager behaved as if he
9. The criminal’s answers to the had bats in the belfry.
questions during interrogation
were evasive. A. he was pleasant
B. he had strange ideas
A. harsh C. he was speechless
B. outspoken D. he was angry
13. I learnt Agnes was off colour 15. A. law
this morning. She was not in B. document
class. C. war
D. ruling
A. busy somewhere else
B. not able to wake up early 16. A. quarrel
enough B. law
C. not in her right mind C. matter
D. not in good health D. case
Choose from the options A-D Choose from the options A-D
the appropriate verb that best the correct spelling.
completes the following
sentences. 4. A. embaras
B. embarrass
21. Although she suffered a lot C. embarrass
of hardship she still D. embarrass
A. gloated 5. A. conterfit
B. glowed B. contertiet
C. flowed C. counterfeit
D. splashed D. counterteet
treacherous and infamous leader D. it depends entirely on
who should be erased from all people’s opinion of him during his
historical memory. lifetime
A. reasons for destoolment C. respect
B. how to live a worthy life by an D. tolerance.
Akan ruler
C. an aspect of traditional custom 7. Femi was very open about his
of the Akan people ambition
D. stool blackening by the royal
personages A. silent
B. withdrawn
5. The most basic condition that C. closed
qualifies anybody for stool D. secretive.
darkening is
8. Angela is very indolent.
A. dying a worthy death
B. having being crowned as a A. perfect
ruler B. devoted
C. being a ruler with tangible C. diligent
achievements D. trustworthy.
D. having respect for traditional
customs 9. Rather than support the
chairman, Olu slept off.
In the following sentences,
choose the option that is most A. deny
nearly opposite to the B. oppose
underlined word C. doubt
D. back.
6. In any group there are people
who display apathy 10. Ngozi’s beauty is natural
A. enthusiasm A. unnatural
B. patience B. artificial
C. awkward We have to make sure that they
D. fake. are paid their salaries 18 so that
they could play the game of their
Passage 2 lives. The government has done
very well, but it will be a big
The passage below has gaps morale 19 to get paid for them to
numbered 11 to 20. go out there and play. Siasia
Immediately following each informed MTNFootball.com that
gap, four options are Heartland plan to employ the
provided, Choose the most counter 20 to get a result in
appropriate option for each Cairo.
11. A. leftover
Coach Samson Siasia has asked B. outstanding
that Heartland be paid their 11 C. owed
salaries and 12 so as to 13 them D. late
to victory against Al-Ahly of Egypt
in Sunday’s all-important CAF 12. match bonuses
Championships League match. B. match payments
Heartland are third in Group B C. match wages
with four points 14 as many D. match fees
matches and need to 15 defeat at
second-placed Al-Ahly to stay in 13. A. push
the 16 for a place in the semi- B. instigate
final of Africa’s most prestigious C. spur
club competition. Siasia told D. move
MTNFootball.com that the team
would be better motivated if they 14. A. from
at least receive their August B. in
salaries before the Al- Athly 17. C. at
D. which D. goal
C. Camilla waited for her friend 25. Women
rather more than sixty minutes.
D. It was good for Camilla to A. /I/
wait an hour for her friend B. /e/
C. /ou/
23. This is your instruction and I D. /u/
have had no hand in it. From this
sentence we know that the writer ANSWERS TO ENGLISH
A. does not support the
instruction 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D
B. is refusing to obey the 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. C
instruction 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. B 18. D
C. dislikes the person that issues 19. C 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. A
the instruction 24. A 25. A
D. is somehow happy with the
24. Plumb
A. /m/
B. /b/
C. /ph/
D. /p/
A. y =
B. y =
3. A circle has an eccentricity of
….. C.
A. < 1
B. 1
7. For what values of x is x – 1 <
C. > 1
D. 0
A. 0 < x < 1
4. If two elements A and B are
B. x < -1, x > 0 D.
C. x > 1, x < 0
D. -1 < x < 0
11. Given that the sum of infinity
S∞ = a + ar2 + … = to what
8. In how many ways can the
sum does the infinity series 1 -
letters of the word NWAFOR be
permuted? + - + … coverage.
A. 7200 A.
B. 72
C. 720
D. 72000
9. If are the roots of equation
18 + 15x – 3x2 = 0, find - 12. What is the value of x for
which x2 – 5x + 6 is minimum?
A. 11 A.
B. -11
C. 10
C. 3
D. -10
D. -3
A. - A. –e-x + 5x + k
B. + B. e-x + x5 + k
C. –e-x – x-5 + k
C. +
D. –e-x + x4 + k
14. If X = {2, 3, 6, 7, 8} and Y = C. 400ϖ sq. units
{6, 7, 10, 3, 17}, find Y –{X Ո Y} D. 100ϖ sq. units
A. 1 – 2x
17. Find the area of circle
B. 1 + 2x
4x2 + 4y2 – 400 = 0
C. 2x – 1
D. -1 – 2x
A. 10ϖ sq. units
B. 40ϖ sq. units
21. Find the value of k in the
A. 4/3
B. ¾
C. -3/4
D. -4/3
22. Evaluate
A. 3
B. 4
C. 1
D. 2
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D
8. C 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. A
14. B 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. B
19. A 20. B 21. C 22. D
MATHEMATICS A. x – x2 + k
B. x + x2 + k
C. –x – x-2 + k
1. Evaluate +
D. x – x-2 + k
A. 8
5. If and β are the roots of the
B. 10
equation cx2 – ax + b = 0, find
C. 9
D. 6
2. Find the remainder when
x4 – 11x + 2 is divided by x B.
A. 2 D.
B. 6
C. -2
6. The binary expression ⊗ is
D. 5
divided by a⊗ b is defined by a⊗
b = 2a – 1. Find 3⊗ (2⊗ 1)
3. If cos A = and A is an acute
B. D. 6
7. Two coins are tossed, find the
D. probability of at least having two
4. Integrate the function 1 – 2x.
A. ½
B. ¾ 11. If equation 6 – kx + 2x2 = 0
C. ¼ has equal roots , find k2 + 4
D. 1
A. 48
8. If x is a real number and x + B. 52
11 < 0, evaluate C. 44
D. 96
A. 0
B. -1 12. Simplify
C. 1
D. 2 A.
9. If P is directly proportional to
P = 20 when Q = 4, find Q
when P = 100
A. 3 cos 3x
B. 3 tan 3x 19. Simplify
D. 3 sin 3x A. 128n3m-1
B. 8n3m-1
16. Find the equation of a line C. 8n3m
which passes through a point D. 8n4m
(-2, 3) and makes an angle 45⁰
with positive x-axis. 20. Solve the equation
A. y – x – 5 = 0 21. Simplify:
B. y + x = 0
C. x – y – 5 = 0
D. y – x + 5 = 0
17. Find the sum of the infinity of
the sequence: 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1,..
C. 1
D. ½ A.
18. Differentiate 2 – sin(2 – ax)
with respect to x
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. C
8. C 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. C
14. C 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. A
19. B 20. A 21. B 22. C
B. x = ,y=
C. x = ,y=
D. x = ,y=
A. 65
B. 66
3. Find the diameter of the circle
C. 68
2x2 + 2y2 – 50 = 0
D. 67
A. -10 units
7. What is the distance between
B. 14 units
the points (-1, 5) and (-7, -3)
C. 25 units
D. -25 units
A. 9
B. 10 B. 1
C. 11 C. 0
D. 12 D. 2
15. Integrate
A. -1
A. In x + x4 + k 19. Solve the equation 3x+1 =271-x
B. x-1 + x4 + k
C. 12x2 – x-2 + k A.
D. x5 + x-2 + k B.
16. If X = {2, 3, 6, 7, 8} and Y =
{6, 7, 10, 3, 17}, find X Ո Y
x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y = 10
21. Differentiate sin (2x – 5) with
B. (1, 2)
C. (-1, 2) A. cos(2x – 5)
C. -11
D. 11
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. B
8. C 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. D 13.
C 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. C
19. A 20. C 21. A 22. D
value of If 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 B. 1101002
C. 22205
A. 8 D. 11447
B. 4
C. 2 5. Simplify
D. 16
A. 128n3m-1
2. The fifth term in the
B. 8n3m-1
progression 9, 27, 81, … is
C. 8n4m
D. 8n3m
A. 243
B. 37
The universal sets U consists of all
C. 729
integers subsets of U are defined
D. 38
A = {y: y ≤ 3}
3. The interior angles of an
B. = {y: -5 < y < 12}
hexagon are 120⁰, 100⁰, 80⁰,
C. = {y: -2 ≤ y < 5}
150⁰, x⁰ and 130⁰. The value of x
Use the information above to
answer question 6
A. 170⁰
B. 20⁰
6. A Ո(B Ս C)’ is ………..
C. 120⁰
D. 140⁰
A. {y < -4}
B. ø
3. Obtain the product of 11002
C. {y < 0} A. x2 – 3x – 4
D. {-4 ≤ y ≤ 3} B. x2 + 9x + 9
C. 2x2 + 2x + 2
7. Make k the subject of the D. x2 + 2x + 1
11. Integrate
D. C.
8. Evaluate
roots are (x – 3) and (x + ) is ….. A. sin ax
B. sin ax
A. x2 + –1=0 C. –a sin ax
B. x2 – 2x – 3 = 0 D. sin ax
C. x2 - -1=0
A. sin 0⁰
16. A number is selected at
B. sin 30⁰
random from a set of integers 1
C. sin 60⁰
to 30 inclusive. The probability
D. sin 90⁰
that the number is prime is ………
C. A. 8
D. B. 6
C. 7
respect to x(a)
21. Which of these lines is a right ANSWERS TO 2012
angle with the line x = -7 MATHEMATICS QUESTIONS
A. 2x + y = -1 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B
B. 2x – y = 1 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. B 13.
C. y = 0 B 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. C
D. x = 49 19. C 20. C 21. C 22. B
Scores 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Students 1 1 3 5 3 4 2 0
A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
(M Ս N)’? D.
2. cos(180 – θ) is equivalent to …
A. cos(θ – 180) C.
B. cos θ D.
C. –cos θ
D. –cos (180 + θ) 7. If the mean of the numbers a,
b, c, d, e is x, find the mean of
3. Find , if y = the numbers a + k, b + 2k, c – k,
d – 2k, e.
A. x
B. x + k
C. C. x – k
D. 2x
8. Factorize: C.
A. 2a
B. 2a(a – b)
12. The speed of 30 kilometres
C. 2a(a + b)
per minute, expressed in
D. 2b(b – a)
centimetre per second is ………
A. 3 or -3
10. Convert 6910 to a number in
B. 5 or -5
base two
C. 5 or -3
D. 3 or -5
A. 10011012
B. 10100012
14. Given that a =
C. 10001012
D. 1001012 find the value of a2 + b2
11. The reciprocal of
B. 7
C. 14 +
A. D. 14
15. If the binary operation * is
defined as x * y = 2, find 2*(4*5) A. (0, ) and 2
B. (0, ) and 1
A. 4
C. ( , 0) and 2
B. 5
C. -5 D. (0, ) and 1
D. 2
19. The line perpendicular to the
16. Find the value of straight line y + has the
A. -2 B.
B. 2 C. 3
C. 6 D.
D. 3
A. C. -4 or 4
B. D. -4 or 2
D. 21. Express in partial fraction
A. 80
B. 1600
C. 100
D. 160
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A
8. C 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. – 13. B
14. D 15. D 16. D 17. D 18. D
19. D 20. A 21. D 22. C
A. Cu(OH)2
B. [Cu(NH3)4](OH)2
C. CuSO4 A. methoxyethane
B. methyl propanoate
D. [Cu(NH3)2]SO4
C. ethyl ethanoate
D. propyl methanoate
2. If 7.0 g of ethane at s.t.p
occupy 5.6 dm3, what volume will
5. Which of these elements has
7.5 g of ethane at the same
the highest first ionization
condition occupy? (C = 12; H =1;
GMV at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3)
A. Rb
A. 6.0 dm3
B. Li
B. 5.6 dm3
C. Na
C. 5.2 dm3 D. K
D. 9.4 dm3
6. Which of the following is
3. Which of the alcohol below is responsible for the conduction of
likely to be oxidized to give the electricity in a gas enclosed in a
glass tube containing two A. CH3CH2CHO
electrodes at a reduced pressure B. CH3COCH3
and to which a high voltage is C. CH3COOH3
applied? D. CH3CH2COOH
A. displace to form oxygen ANSWERS TO 2014
B. decomposed to form oxygen CHEMISTRY QUESTIONS
C. oxidized to oxygen
D. reduced to oxygen 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B
8. C 9. D 10. B. 11. D 12. C 13.
19. 150 cm3 of nitrogen II oxide C 14. A 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. C
19. D
were sparked with 100 cm3 of
oxygen, what volume of nitrogen
IV oxide will be produced at s.t.p?
A. 100 cm3
B. 75 cm3
C. 50 cm3
D. 150 cm3
A. Na+
B. NH4+
C. CN-
D. 13.3%
1. A motor truck releases an
average of 5.0g CO into air for 3. Given the half-redox reaction
every km covered. How many O2 + 4H+ 4e− ⟶ 2H2O, how
molecules of CO will be emitted many moles of electron will be
into the air if the truck travels 8
required produce 3.0 x 1022
km?[C = 12;O = 16; NA = 6.02 x
molecules of water
10 ]
A. 0.05
A. 4.32 x 1022 B. 0.10
B. 2.48 x 1022 C. 0.15
D. 6.82 x 1021
4. The quantum number l in an
atom defines
2. A sample of an organic
compound was weighed to 0.250g
A. the shell K, L, M
and subjected to Kjeldahl
B. orbitals
treatment. The ammonia
C. multiplicity
produced was neutralized by
D. degeneracy of orbitals
27.0cm3 of 0.100 mol dm-3 HCI.
What is the percentage of
5. The hybridization of the
nitrogen in the compound? [H =
central atom in a molecule
1; N = 14]
molecule D. ethyne
C. distorts the shape of the
molecule 9. 100cm3 of ethyne was mixed
D. serves to explain the shape of
with 240cm3 of oxygen in a
the molecule.
combustion chamber. What
volume of carbon (iv) oxide is
6. Lithium with atomic number of
3 is a
A. 100cm3
A. Strong reducing agent
B. 24cm3
B. Strong oxidizing agent
C. Weak reducing agent C. 138cm3
A methylethanoate below:
235 1 94
B. ethylethanoate + ⟶ + Ba + 31
C. ethylmethanoate
D. propylethanoate The atomic number and mass of
Ba respectively are
8. When CaC2 reacts with
water, the organic product formed A. 46 and 126
is B. 36 and 116
C. 56 and 139
B. ethanoic acid
C. ethane 11. The reduction potential of
two electrodes are 0.98gcm-3?
X2+ + 2e- ⟶ X , E0 = 0.042V Y+
I. Butanone A. 55
II. Propanoic acid B. 48
III. Ethanol C. 45
IV. Benzaldehyde D. 42 6
V. But-2-one
19. Consider the following-
A. I and II reactions
B. I and III
C. IV and V I. LiOH + CO2 ⟶ Li2CO3 + H2O
D. II and III II. 2H2 + O2 ⟶ 2H2O
III. 2Cu + O2 ⟶ 2CuO
17. The complete combustion of IV. HCl + AgNO3 ⟶ AgCl + HNO3
one mole of an alkanol is shown
below CnH2n+1CHO + xO2 ⟶ Which of these reactions are
yCO2 + 2H2O. What is the value redox reactions?
of x in terms of n?
A. I and III only
A. B. I, II and III only
B. C. II and IV only
C. D. II and III only
20. Which of the following metals
18. An ion has a charge of +3. cannot displace 8 hydrogen from
The nucleus of the ion has a mass steam?
of 120. The number of neutrons in
the nucleus is 1.50 times that of A. Copper
the number of protons. How many B. Iron
electrons are in the ion? C. Strontium
D. Lithium
21. Consider the exothermic 19. D 20. A 21. C 22. A
reaction 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⟶
SO3(g). If the temperature of the
reaction is reduced from 600°C to
300°C and no other changes take
place then
A. 0.537moldm-3
B. 0.208moldm-3
C. 0.551moldm-3
D. 0.333moldm-3
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C
8. D 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. D 13.
D 14. - 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. C
A. 16.8cm3
5. Given the half-cell reaction,
B. 14.2 cm3
2Br ⟶ Br2, how many moles of
C. 10.4 cm3
electron will be required to
D. 8.3 cm3
produce 0.56dm3 of bromine at
s.t.p.? [molar volume of gas at
3 3
3. When 70cm of 3.0 moldm
s.t.p 22.4 dm3]
Na2CO3 is added to 30cm of
1.0moldm3 NaHCO3, the
A. 0.05
concentration of ions in
B. 0.10 isotopes 20 and 10 present in
C. 020 ratio 2:3. The relative atomic
D. 1.00 mass of B is
(g) + ½ O2
9. What quantity of current is
A. 9.65A
7. An atom has a core and
B. 10.81A
outside the core an electron
C. 12.33A
occupies an orbital for which the
D. 15.54A
principal quantum number = 4,
ℒ = 0, = 0 and = + 1
or – 1.
10. Platinum electrodes are
The atom is likely to be
dipped into copper sulphate
solution in a voltammeter. The
A. boron
solution left after electrolysis is
B. sodium
C. potassium
A. clear
D. fluorine
B. blue
C. pale
8. An element B, has two
D. sky blue
11. What volume of water is 13. The main organic product
produced when a mixture of named when bromine water is
of oxygen is exploded in a
eudiometer? A. 1-bromobutane
B. 2-bromobutane-1-ol
C. 1-bromobutan-2-ol
A. 250cm3
D. 2-bromobutan-2-ol
B. 150cm3
C. 100cm3
14. The standard reduction
D. 50cm3 potentials for the following half-
cell reactions are, 2 2O( ) → O2( )
12. A chloroform solution of pure +4 + o
= −1.23 2 2O2 →
( ) +4
organic What is the value of K for
2O2(g) + 4 +
+4 = −0.68
the reaction,
O2( ) → 1 O
( ) + 2(g)2 A. -0.66V
compound was spotted at a B. -1.23V
distance 0.80cm from the base of C. +0.554V
a 20cm long chromatoplate. If the D. +1.91V
compound has the value of 0.505
and moves half way up the 20cm 15. Bonding in ammonium
long plate, which is the distance chloride is
of the solvent front from the top
of the plate upon elution? A. ionic, covalent and dative
B. ionic and covalent
A. 0.80cm C. covalent and dative
B. 1.0cm D. ionic
C. 1.2cm
D. 1.4cm 16. Valence shell electron pair
theory through hybridization forming the products
predicts that boron trichloride is C. concentrations of the
reactants and products remain
A. Arrhenius acid unchanged
B. Lewis base D. reactants in the system are
C. Lewis acid completely transformed to
D. Lowry-Bronsted base products
21. Forty (40) grams of sodium A. 146
+ +
+ +
C. + ⟶ +
+ +
1. What condition favours the D. + ⟶ +
formation of the product for the
endothermic reaction, 2O4( ) ⟶ 4. An element, Y has the
2 O2( ) electronic configuration of
A. A decrease in pressure
B. A decrease in volume A. Y is a period III element
C. An increase in pressure B. Y contains three electrons in
D. A constant volume the outer shell
C. Y is a transition metal
2. What is the percentage yield D. Y can engage in bonding with
of water if 0.90g of water is the s and p orbitals
obtained when 29.0g of butane is
burned in excess oxygen? 5. Which of the following is NOT
implicated as a major cause of
A. 0.02% global warming?
B. 0.20%
C. 2.0% . A. NO2
D. 10.0% B. CO2
C. CFCl 3
3. The order of reactivity of five D. CF2Cl 2
metals is P>Q > R> S>T. Which
of the following reactions can 6. Which of the following shows
occur spontaneously? little or no net reaction when the
volume of the system is
+ +
A. + ⟶ + decreased?
A. 2O3( ) ⇌ 3O2( ) be represented by the equation, r
B. 2 O2( ) ⇌ 2O4( ) = k[A][B], k in this equation is
C. 2 + 2( ) ⇌ 2 ( )
D. 5( ) ⇌ 3( ) + 2( )
A. proportionality constant
A. 0.30 mol
B. 0.10 mol A. Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/Cu
C. 0.20 mol B. Zn/Zn2+//Cu/Cu2+
D. 0.40 mol C. Zn2+/Zn//Cu2+/Cu
D. Zn2+/Zn//Cu/Cu2+
8. A given volume of methane
diffuses in 20s. How long will it
11. Which of the followings is
take the same volume of sulphur
composed of the elements, H, O,
(IV) oxide to diffuse under the
Al, and Si?
same conditions? [C = 12, H = 1,
S = 32, O = 16].
A. Urea
B. Silica
A. 5s
C. Bauxite
B. 20s
D. Bauxite
C. 40s
E. Clay
D. 60s
A. 80% C. 3d
B. 60% D. 4p
C. 5%
D. 2% 17. An aqueous solution of a
crystalline salt reacts with dilute
C. triethylamine
D. tetraethylarnine A. 2 2O3. 5 2O.
B. 2 2O3. 10 2O
18. The oxidation states of B. 260 cm3
nitrogen in ammonium nitrate are
C. 400 cm3
D. 450 cm3
A. -3, +3
21. 226 ⟶88 + − . What is
B. +3, +5 88
A. 226
19. Which of these reagents can
B. 220
confirm the presence of a triple
C. 222
D. 174
A. Hypochlorous acid
22. In the electrolysis of copper
B. Bromine water
(II) sulphate using copper
C. Acidified KMnO4
electrodes, the processes that
D. Copper I chloride
occur at the anode and cathode
respectively are
20. An excess 0.10 mol dm3 HCl
was poured into a big beaker
A. dissolution and evolution
containing 2g of limestone. The
B. dissolution and deposition
unreacted acid required 25cm3 of
C. deposition and evolution
0.10moldm-3 potassium D. evolution and deposition
carbonate to neutralize it. What
was the original volume of the
acid? [Ca = 40, C = 12, O = 16]
A. 250 cm3
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. A
8. C 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. D 13.
D 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B
19. D 20. D 21. C 22. C 23. B
BIOLOGY D. schizocarp.
A. Adenine A. heterotrophic
B. Guanine B. multicellular
C. Cytosine C. sessile
D. Thymine D. motile at some stage of life
2. In the evolutionary trend, in
which phylum do we begin to see 5. The cnidarians use their
a complete digest tract? nematocysts only for
A. lateral growth
A. capsule B. upward growth
B. follicle C. downward growth
C. legume D. aerial growth.
7. Which type of placentation D. holozoic mode of nutrition
does the diagram below can be seen in animals,
represent? carnivorous plants and some
A. parietal
B. axial 10. In which biome would you
C. marginal expect to have the shortest
D. free-central. growing season?
daughter cell have? A. the presence of villi
B. its length
A. 23
B. 12 C. its thin walls
C. 46 D. all the above.
D. 92. 16. One of these is an agency
responsible for conserving natural
13. Example of genetic diseases resources in Nigeria
include any of the following
except A. PDP
A. diabetes C. ACC
B. cystic fibrosis D. NEMA
C. hepatitis
D. epilepsy. 17. Which of these statements
about succession is incorrect?
14. In his theory of evolution,
Darwin identified as the main A. succession is a change of
cause of natural selection species composition, community
structure and function over time
A. physiological pressure and space
B. ecological pressure B. succession is usually set in
C. environmental pressure motion by some sort of
D. biological pressure. disturbance
C. succession is both directional
15. Absorption is maximum in and predictable
the small intestine because of D. succession begins only on a
bare ground
18. What happens to a tadpole A. genotype
after 45 days old? B. phenotype
C. allele
A. It becomes fully, mouth D. locus.
becomes wider, horny jaw 21. One of these organisms is
disappears completely not an Autotroph
B. it becomes fully grown,
mouth becomes wider, tail A. spirogyra
disappears completely B. zea mays
C. it becomes fully grown, C. rhizobium
mouth becomes wider, external D. mushroom.
gill disappears completely
D. it becomes fully grown, 22. In the diagram below, the
mouth becomes wider, slit part labeled “a” is
disappears partially.
A. formation of carboxyl
A. apex
B. fruit
B. displacement of digested food
C. apical meristem
C. lowering plant yield
D. flower.
D. damage breathing organs.
C. synthesis of ATP
D. contraction.
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A
8. D 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. C 13.
A. hypermetropia
C 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. D 18. C
B. astigmatism
19. B 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. A
C. myopia
24. D 25. B
D. cataract
A. respiratory syndrome
B. carcinoma syndrome
C. Klinefelter
D. down syndrome.
C. Mitragyna ciliate B. the non-living parts of an
D. Triplochiton scleroxylon ecosystem.
C. all component of an ecosystem
6. Bacteria that live in the D. all the members of a single
human intestine assist in the species in a habitat
digestion and feed on nutrients
the human consumed. This 9. Muscles fatigue is caused by
relationship might best be
described as A. Accumulation of ethanol in
the muscle cells
A. Commensalism B. Accumulation of methanol in
B. Ectoparasitism the muscle’s cells
C. Endoparasitism C. Accumulation of lactic acid in
D. Mutualism the muscle cells
D. Accumulation of pyruvic acid
7. The xylem elements perform in the muscle
the function of transport but they
also help to support plants 10. At what stag of the meiotic
because they prophase do the homologous
chromosomes attract each other
A. are internally located and then pair up?
B. are lobular
C. have rigid thick wall A. Leptotene
D. Constantly absorb water B. Pachytene
C. Zygotene
8. Biosphere is best described as D. Diplotene
A. all parts of the earth where life 11. Which of the organelles is
exists. not directly connected to cell
division process? 14. The mechanisms of opening
and closing the stomata is
A. centromere associated with the
B. microtubules.
C. Golgi bodies A. guard cells
D. spindle apparatus B. stoma
C. lenticels
12. During the light dependent D. air spaces
15. Holozoic is seen in
A. glucose is formed
B. carbon IV oxide is fixed A. Animals, carnivorous plants
C. NADPH and ATP are and protozoans
synthesized using electron B. Animals, protists and
released from water. carnivorous plants.
D. water is split and the electrons C. Animals, carnivorous plants
produced are used for glucose and fungi
synthesis. D. Animals, fungi and protists
stored in readiness for time of blood vessels
food shortages are
20. Which of these is not a
A. Carbohydrates water-soluble vitamin?
B. Fats and Oils
C. Proteins A. Thiamine
D. Vitamins B. Riboflavin
C. Folic Acid
18. Which of these is the role of D. Calciferol
the liver in digestion?
21. Which of these following
A. Synthesis of lipase biomes is currently being ravaged
B. Secretion of trypsin by desertification?
C. Secretion of bile and
bicarbonate for emulsification of A. Derived savanna
fats. B. southern Guinea savanna
D. Storage of bile for hydrolyses C. Northern Guinea savanna
of starch. D. Sudan savanna
structure, physiology and ANSWERS TO 2014 BIOLOGY
behaviour in order to survive is QUESTIONS
known as
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. D
A. Evolution 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. C
B. Adaptation 14. A 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. C
C. Succession 19. A 20. D 21. B 22. C 23. C
D. Aggregation 24. A 25. A
24. Which of these plants can
withstand extreme dryness?
A. Cactus dryness?
B. Cactus
C. Raphia palm
D. Triplochiton scleroxylon
E. Parkie biglobosa
A. Homoiothermic
B. Poikilothermic
C. Amphibians
D. Reptiles.
7. During the light dependent the organism
reaction C. The first trophic level is
occupied by the autotrophs
A. glucose is formed D. There are few numbers of
B. carbon IV oxide is fixed organisms at the start of a food
C. NADPH and ATP are chain.
synthesized using electron
released from water 10. All these statements about
D. water is split and the electrons plants succession are correct
produced are used for glucose except
A. Plant succession is the
8. Eutrophication refers to growth process of community change at
of one place over time
B. Plant succession is usually
A. Bacteria measured over the course of
B. Fungi several years to hundred years
C. Protophytes C. Succession proceeds from
D. Algae pioneer to climax phases
D. Succession is often not
9. All the following statements directional and so difficult to
are consistent with the concept of predict
trophic structure except
11. Which of the followings is not
A. At every feeding stage some true about finger print?
energy is wasted from the chain
B. The nearer the organism to A. It is useful in detecting crime
the beginning of a food chain, the B. No two individuals have the
greater the available energy of same finger print
C. It is a heritable character gene on a chromosome
D. It is environmentally induced D. number of chromosomes in the
12. The factors for two pairs of
contrasting characters are 15. One of these statements
inherited independent of each about sympathetic Nervous
other. This is system is untrue
A. Gonium A. Nitrogen
B. Volvox B. Iron
C. Pandorina C. Calcium
D. Anabaena D. Magnesium
B. Influenced by the environment in response to the stimulus
C. Occurs in a normal distribution received from the motor nerves
curve D. efferent neurons
D. most of the organisms in the
population fall at the tail ends of 20. The mechanism of opening
the range and closing the stomata is
associated with the
18. Homeostasis is defined as
A. guard cells
A. Regulation of both external B. stoma
and internal conditions of C. lenticels
organisms D. air spaces
B. Maintenance of internal
environment of an organism 21. The part of the kidney where
C. Maintenance of internal and each tubule begins is called
external environment of an
organism A. Capsule
D. Regulation of the chemical B. Cortex
environment of an organism C. Glomerulus
D. Ureter
19. Effectors are
22. The number of cranial nerves
A. muscles which work in that connect the brain to various
response to the stimulus received parts of the body is
from the motor nerves
B. glands which work in A. 10 pairs
response to the stimulus received B. 11 pairs
from the motor nerves C. 12 pairs
C. muscles or glands which work D. 13 pairs
23. The following pair of ions is ANSWERS TO BIOLOGY 2013
involved in transmission of
impulses by neurons: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C
8. D 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. B 13.
A. K and Na ions D 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. B
B. Na and Mg ions 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. C 23. A
C. K and Cl ions 24. C 25. C
D. K and Ca ions
A. 1/3
B. ¼
C. ½
D. 2/3
A. Anti-toxin
B. Phagocytes
C. Antigens
D. Antibodies
B. Drainage 9. This tissue is made up of
C. Sunlight tracheids, vessels, fibres and
D. All of the options parenchyma. What is it?
12. The system of membrane- ordination
lined sacs that forms channels D. are not produced in specific
throughout the cytoplasm and glands.
whose membrane is continuous
with the nuclear membrane is the 15. If 80 grasshoppers are found
in a field with a total area of
A. Mitochondrion 100m2 what is the population
B. Ribosomes density of grasshopper in the
C. Endoplasmic reticulum field?
D. Golgi apparatus
A. 0.08 per m2
13. The type of Farming which
B. 0.8m2
involves raising livestock only is
C. 80m2
D. 100 m2
A. Mixed farming
B. Subsistence farming 16. Which of the following is part
D. Monoculture mammal?
Hormones C. Sacrum
D. Patella
organs known as
A. Parthenocarpic fruits Arachnids
B. Aggregate fruits B. In Annelids, body consists of
C. Simple fruits similar segments unlike in
D. Epicarpic fruits Arachnids
C. In Arachnids, the
18. Grasping fingers and toes as cephalothorax is not distinct
well as eyes positioned in front of unlike in Arachnids
the head are features of D. In Annelids, the
A. Cretaceans cephalothorax is distinct unlike in
B. Carnivores arachnids
C. Rodents
D. Primates 21. The process in which the
internal environment of an
19. One of the major differences organism is maintained is called
between DNA and RNA is that
A. Co- ordination
A. DNA is made of ribose sugars B. Homeostasis
and double stranded unlike RNA C. Excretion
B. DNA is made of ribose sugar D. Metabolism
and single stranded unlike RNA
C. RNA is made of ribose sugar 22. Which of the following is the
and double stranded like DNA hardest material in the body of
D. RNA is made of ribose sugar animals?
and single stranded unlike DNA
A. Cartilage
20. A major difference between B. Bone
Arachnids and Annelids is that.... C. Enamel
A. In Annelids, body consists of D. Dentine
dissimilar segments unlike in
23. One of these statements is ANSWERS TO BIOLOGY 2012
true of caryopsis
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. - 5. D 6. B 7. C
A. Pericarp and seed coat are 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. D 12. C 13.
fused C 14. D 15. - 16. C 17. A 18. D
B. Pericarp is free from seed coat 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. A
C. pericarp splits open 24. A 25. C
D. pericarp with a superior ovary
24. A biological species must
possess the following
characteristics except
A. crown
B. Cement
C. Pulp cavity
D. Gum
B. commensalisms 9. Which of the following phyla
C. parasitism has been found to be the most
D. mutualism successful in the animal kingdom?
12. The distribution of plants in B. cell wall and chloroplast
rainforest is governed mainly by C. cell membrane and cytoplasm.
D. cell membrane and chloroplast
A. Vegetation.
B. soil types 16. Workers in deep mines
C. amount of rainfall usually suffer from dehydration
D. rainfall pattern because
D. Sucrose direction of growth and
development of the organism.
19. The rate of heart beat in an
adult human being is A. The nucleus
B. The DNA
A. 71 beats per minute C. The neuron
B. 72 beats per minute D. The RNA
C. 73 beats per minute
D. 74 beats per minute 22. The chromosome number in
man is
20. One of the following is not
true A. 46
B. 23
A. Saprophytic nutrition involves C. 92
feeding on soluble organic D. 58
material from inorganic
substances 23. Effectors are
B. Symbiosis is a nutritional
relationship in which both A. muscles which work in
organisms involved derive benefit response to the stimulus received
C. A parasite causes injuries to from the motor nerves.
its host in the course of getting its B. glands which work in
food response to the stimulus received
D. Holozoic mode of nutrition from the motor nerves.
can be seen in animals, C. muscles or glands which work
carnivorous plants and some in response to the stimulus
protists received from the motor nerves.
D. efferent neurons.
21. is responsible for the
24. The following are formed in
the bone marrow except
A. platelets
B. basophils
C. granulocytes
D. lymphocytes
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B
8. B 9. C 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. C
14. A 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. C
19. C 20. B 21. A 22. B 23. A
24. C 25. D
A. Mirage 8.
B. Binoculars
C. Optical Fibres
D. Driving mirror
A. 250C B. 0.13 g
C. 0.15 g
B. 400C
D. 0.39g
C. 450C
9. A train starting from rest
A. 2.10 Kj A. 4.0km
B. 4.20 Kj B. 4.4 km
C. 3.21 kJ C. 4.8 km
D. 5.71 kJ D. 3.6 km
10. Anomalous behaviour of 12. Which of the following is the
water refers to function of a p-n junction
semiconductor device?
D. sand A. 6C/11
B. C/6
15. Which of the following is not C. 17C/6
an eye defect? D. 6C
i. Temperature
ii. nature of liquid exposed
iii. Impurities
Calculate the equivalent iv. Pressure
capacitance between the v. Humidity
terminals. vi. Drought
vii. linear expansivity
viii. electro negativity
1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. D
8. B 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. C
14. D 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. D
19. D 20. C
of a system in a conservative of 60%. If the machine applied a
field? force of 2000N to overcome a
load of 5000N, calculate the
A. total energy is zero velocity ratio of the machine
B. total energy is the sum of the
kinetic energy and the potential A. 2.4
energy B. 3.3
C. total energy is equal to the C. 4.2
maximum value of kinetic energy D. 5.5
D. total energy is equal to the
maximum value of potential 8. Which of the following
energy. statements is true about the
hydrostatic pressure?
6. Surface tension is the
I. Pressure increases with height
A. pressure per unit length on II. Pressure is independent of the
either side of the imaginary line shape and volume of the vessel
drawn on the liquid surface at rest III. Pressure is the same at all
B. force per unit length on either points on the same horizontal
side of the imaginary line drawn plane in a fluid
on the liquid surface at rest IV. Pressure is independent of the
C. current per unit length on surface area in contact
either side of the imaginary line
drawn on the liquid surface at rest A. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
D. area per unit length on either B. (i), (ii), and (iii) only
side of the imaginary line drawn C. (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
on the liquid surface at rest D. (i), (ii), and (iv) only
resistance thermometer is 160.5Ω 11. Which of the following is not
at steam point and 60.5Ω at the an application of expansion of
melting point of ice. Calculate the solids?
resistance of the thermometer at
70oC A. Rivets
B. Bimetal strips
C. 130.5Ω D. Regelation.
D. 170.5Ω
12. Which of the following is true
bath mixed 50kg of water at a A. 6.0cm
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. C
8. C 9. C 10. D 11. D 12. B 13.
A 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. B
19. A 20. B 21. D 22. C
A. 50.0cm
B. 32.0cm
C. 27.5cm A. 2.60 × 106Pa
C. 2.60 × 105Pa
2. A rectangular block measures D. 1.03× 105Pa
40cm x 25cm x 5cm and is made
of a material of density 4. Three knives made of steel,
7800kg/m3. Calculate the plastic and fiat wood respectively
pressure the block exerts on the is placed on a table for an equal
floor when it stands on the amount of time. The steel knife
smallest of its surfaces. feels coldest to touch because
A. 312 × 103N/m2
knives have absorbed more heat A. 0.5π seconds
from the environment than the B. π seconds
steel knife C. 2π seconds
C. Both wooden and plastic D. 4π seconds
knives have lower densities than
the steel knife 7. The coefficient of linear
D. The steel knife conducts heat expansion of aluminium is 23 x
faster from the finger than the 10-6 K-1. If the volume of a pot
wooden and plastic knives. made with aluminium at
temperature To is Vo, what will be
5. Two plane mirrors are inclined the change in temperature
at angle 45o one to another. A resulting in a decrease of 0.20%
ray of light has incident angle 20° in volume of the pot?
at the surface of the first mirror.
The reflected ray is then incident A. -87oC
on the second mirror. Calculate B. +87°C
the angle of C. +29°C
D. -29°C
A. 65°
B. 45° 8. A resonance tube is 40cm
C. 25° long. The second resonance is
D. 20° heard when the tube is three-
quarter full. What is the frequency
6. When the length of the string of the tuning fork placed near the
of a simple pendulum is L, its mouth of the tube? [velocity of
period is 0.5π seconds. The period sound in air is 334 m/s]
when the length is increased to 4L
will be A. 2511 Hz
B. 1670Hz
C. 835 Hz under a velocity-time graph?
D. 345 Hz
A. Acceleration
9. A coin is at the bottom of a B. distance travelled
bucket tilled with a liquid whose C. Average velocity of motion
refractive index is 1.35. The coin D. total time taken.
appears to be 12.0cm below the
surface of the liquid. Calculate the 12. A 25 N force pulls a 2.0kg
depth of the liquid. body up a 30° inclined plane. If
the force is parallel to the plane
A. 16.2cm and the body moves up the plane
B. 13.4cm at constant velocity, calculate the
C. 8.9cm magnitude of the frictional force
D. 5.4cm between the body and the plane
[g = 10m/s2]
10. A car accelerates at 5.0
D. 0.16m/s
A. The space between the two
B. The vacuum flask is of the object.
separated from the outer wall
with corks A. 3.0cm
C. The surfaces of the vacuum B. 6.0cm
flask are silvered C. 12.0cm
D. The inner and outer walls of D. 24.0cm
the flask are made of steel.
17. Five 100-Watt bulbs are put
14. Which of the following on for 45 days during which the
quantities is a scalar quantity? home-owner is on vacation. If
1kW-hour of electricity costs
A. Electric field ₦7.50, how much does it cost the
B. Coulomb force home- owner?
C. Electric potential
D. Acceleration due to gravity A. ₦168.75
B. ₦90.00
15. The process by which a solid C. ₦4050.00
changes directly to vapour is D. ₦810.00
18. To convert an a.c. generator
A. Evaporation to a d.c. generator, one needs to
B. Fusion
C. Condensation
D. Sublimation A. Remove the brush touching the
slip rings
16. A 3.0cm object is placed B. Laminate the armature
12.0cm in front of a bi-convex C. Replace the permanent
tens of focal length 8.0cm. magnets with soft iron-core
Calculate the height of the image armature
D. Replace the slip rings with split D. 9⁄2
21. Two 2µF capacitors are
19. To use a multi-ammeter to connected in parallel. The
measure current up to 10A, what combination is connected in series
connection needs to be made? with a 6µF capacitor. What is the
equivalent capacitor for the
A. A small resistance must be combination?
connected in series with the milli-
ammeter A. 10.0µF
B. A small resistance must be B. 8.0µF
connected in parallel with the C. 1.5µF
milli-ammeter D. 2.4µF
C. A high resistance must be
connected in parallel with the 22. A student afraid that the
milli-ammeter substance near him is radioactive
D. The milli-ammeter must be places his lecture note between
disconnected from the circuit. him and the substance. If truly
the substance is radioactive,
20. Two resistors A and B are which of the following radiations
made of the same material. The can the notebook shield him
radius of A is three times that of B from?
and the length of A is half of B.
The ratio of the resistance of A to A. Gamma rays
that of B is B. Neutrons
C. Alpha particles
A. 3⁄2 D. Energetic beta ray
B. 2⁄3
C. 2⁄9
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C
8. A 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. B
14. C 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. D
19. B 20. - 21. D 22. C
deviation are D. 800 N
D. mqt/2E
A. 4.4km
B. 1600 N
C. 1200 N A. 0.1A
B. 2.0A efficiency of the system?
C. 5⁄6 A
D. 2.0A A. 40%
B. 50%
11. An object is said to be in C. 20%
simple harmonic motion (SHM) if D. 10%
A. Thermocouple
B. Pyrometer
A. force C. Hydrometer
B. Energy D. Platinum resistance
C. volume thermometer
D. pressure.
19. Dry air of column length
16. A cigarette lighter in a car is a 10cm is trapped by a pellet of
resistor that, when activated, is mercury of length 15 cm, with the
connected across the 12V battery. open end uppermost. When the
If the lighter dissipates 33W of capillary tube is inverted the
power, find the resistance of the length of the air column increased
lighter. to 25 cm while that of mercury
remained constant. Calculate the
A. 9.90Ω atmospheric pressure (in cm of
B. 6.60Ω Hg).
C. 4.36Ω
D.17.50Ω A. 35cmHg
B. l5cmHg
17. A p-n junction can act as C. 20cmHg
D. 10cmHg
distance between the source and emitted. [1eV = 1.6 x 10-19J, h =
the obstacle. [speed of sound =
6.6 x 10-34Js]
A. 6.35Ev
A. 990m
B. 8.25eV
B. 660m
C. 14.60eV
C. 1320m
D. 2.30Ev
D. 1750m.
21. Which of the following is not
true about a chemical cell?
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. D
A. In primary cells the process
8. C 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. A 13. B
through which current is
14. B 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. C
generated is irreversible.
19. A 20. – 21. D 22. –
B. Secondary cells can be
recharged after they run down by
passing a current into the cell in
the reverse direction
C. Positive ions are attracted to
the positive electrode where they
become neutralized by acquiring
D. Primary cells can be
Speaking of which,