Lard-8y9awf r1 en
Lard-8y9awf r1 en
Lard-8y9awf r1 en
20/30/45/60/90/120 A
Harmonic mitigation and
correction of Displacement
Power Factor (DPF) for
installations up to 1000 kVA,
with or without distributed
neutral circuit
Energy savings
AccuSine also corrects the Cos ø either
lagging or leading, up to 1.0
Less current and a Cos ø close to unity
signify a lower factor in terms of
apparent and reactive power
A right-sized installation
Fewer harmonics and greater Cos ø signify
less current, with the following benefits
¾ Smaller cable cross-sections
cross sections and a
reduction in the size of switchgear
¾ Less overloads on transformers and
¾ Secured operation of generator sets
AccuSine SWP
* Product numbers ending in “U” are Unitary and require the option expansion kit to be connected in parallel to other AccuSine SWP
products. Product numbers ending in “P” are shipped in a parallel enabled configuration and can be connected to other AccuSine
SWP products
d t ffor hi
h rated
t d solutions.
l ti U
Up tto ffour products,
d t off th
the same rating,
ti can b
be connected
t d iin parallel
ll l ffor up tto 480 A
compensation capacity per phase.
**208 VAC voltage is supported with the field installation of an autotransformer
See the document “AccuSine SWP 20-480A Autotransformer for 208V Mains Installation Manual“ for more information