The Physical Structure of Fiber

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Physical Structure of Fiber

Towfik Aziz
Assistant Manager (QC)
Multazim Group
1. Introduction:
Fibre physics is the study of the structure and physical properties of fibres. These two
aspects are not, however, independent: the properties must be explained by the structure. Textile
fiber possess some property such as

1. Mechanical property
2. Chemical property.
3. Electrical property
4. Visual property.
These properties are mainly comes from atomic structure and type of bond between them.
1. Type of bond that form between fiber molecules.
a. Covalent bond
b. Van der Waals bond.
c. Hydrogen bond

2. Orientation / Atomic Structure

Orientation is the angle between fiber axis and polymer chain molecule. Based on orientation
and arrangement of atom there are two type of atomic structure.

1. Crystalline orientation or structure.

2. Amorphous orientation.

2.1. Crystalline Structure

A three dimensional regular arrangement of fiber molecules is called crystalline structure. In this
structure polymer chains are highly parallel to each other.

2.2. Amorphous Structure

A three dimensional ir-regular structure of fiber molecule is called crystall

ine structure.

3. Measurement of
crystalline and amorphous
The degree of crystallinity of the polymer is defined as the fraction of the sample which
is crystalline. It can be either expressed in terms of the mass fraction or the volume

The degree of crystallinity by a volume fraction is given by


Xₘ = Degree of crystallinity by mass

V = Specific volume of the sample
Vₐ = Specific volume of fully amorphous polymer
Vc = Specific volume of fully crystalline polymer

4. Methods of investigation fiber structure

The elucidation of fibre structure has been based on many sources of information, which
 The chemistry of the fibre material – its preparation, composition, molecular
formula and reactions;
 The absorption of infrared radiation;
 Raman scattering of light;
 Optical and X-ray diffraction studies;
 Optical and electron microscopy
 Electron diffraction;
 Nuclear magnetic resonance;
 Optical properties;
 Thermal analysis;
 Density;
 General physical properties.

4.1. Absorption of infrared radiation

When electromagnetic waves interact with matter, they are scattered and absorbed. In
infrared spectroscopy, radiation with wavelengths between 1 and 15 m is absorbed
at certain characteristic frequencies, which yield structural information. Elastic
scattering does not give molecular information, though light scattering does give
larger-scale information. Raman spectroscopy results from the few photons that are
in-elastically scattered.
Infrared absorption spectrum of nylon: Full-line: electric vector perpendicular to
fibre axis. Broken line: electric vector parallel to fibre axis. Inset: Crystal
structure of nylon 6.6 (Bunn and Garner [5]).

By using an infrared spectrometer, the variation in absorption can be found and

plotted against wave length, or, more commonly, its reciprocal, the wave number.
This is illustrated in Fig. 1.5, which is the absorption spectrum of nylon. The peaks
occur where the frequency of the electromagnetic waves corresponds with the natural
frequency of vibration between two atoms in the material. The fundamental
oscillations occur at wave numbers less than 4000 cm–1. These give strong
absorptions and so can be studied only in very thin films or fibres. At higher wave
numbers, nearer optical frequencies, absorptions will occur that are due to harmonics
of the fundamental frequencies. The absorption spectrum in this range is more
complex and less used, but, since the absorptions are weaker, thicker specimens, such
as fibre bundles, can be studied. The wave number at which absorption takes place
depends primarily on the nature of the two atoms and of the bond between them. Thus
there will be absorption frequencies characteristic of such groupings as C- H, C= O,
C -O , O- H, N- H, C= C , C- C and so on. To a smaller extent, the absorption
frequency is influenced by the other groups in the neighborhood: for example, the
absorption frequency for a carbon–hydrogen bond in a terminal group,
—CH3, is different from that for the same bond in a chain, —CH2—.

4.1.1. Advantage of IR absorption:

 Gives information about crystallinity and amorphous region.
 Can identify the function group.
 Can find the chemical formula.
 Compare between alpha and beta structure.
 Can determine the amount of water present in specimen.
4.2. Optical and X-ray diffraction method
When a beam of light is passed through a photographic slide, the light is scattered
in many directions. By using a lens in the right place, we can recombine this
scattered information about the picture into an image on a screen.

Reflection of X-rays from a

crystal lattice. Retardation of rays reflected
from successive layers = AB + BC = 2d sin .

A crystal can be regarded as made up of layers of atoms, themselves regular in

their two-dimensional plan, stacked regularly on top of one another 2. Although
analysis of the diffraction from such a three-dimensional lattice is more
complicated than for a simple grating, it does result in a very similar equation; for
it can be shown that, if a beam of X-rays is directed at a crystal, it is strongly
reflected whenever it strikes layers of atoms at an angle n= 2d sin  (prove).
4.2.1. Advantages of X-ray diffraction over optical diffraction.
Optical-diffraction effects, including optical microscopy, even by using ultraviolet
radiation, will give information only on relatively coarse features of fibre
structure with spacings greater than about 0.1 µm. Indeed, optical microscopy
becomes very difficult as soon as one approaches 1 µm, which is not much less
than typical fibre diameters.

Atomic and molecular spacings are more than a thousand times smaller than this:
typical values lie between 0.1 and 0.5 nm. Consequently, in order to obtain
information about the fine structure of fibres, we need to use much shorter
electromagnetic waves, namely X-rays. X-ray diffraction is a most important tool
for the study of fibre structure, firstly because it gives information at the most
important level of fine structure, and secondly because focusing of X-rays is not
possible, so that diffraction methods have to be used.

4.2.2. Advantages of X-ray diffraction

 Give information about only crystallinity of fiber.
 Orientation of fiber particle
 Shape of fiber particle.
 More internal information.

4.3. Electron microscopy method

 A high-voltage electricity supply powers the cathode.
 The cathode is a heated filament, a bit like the electron gun in an old-
fashioned cathode-ray tube (CRT) TV. It generates a beam of electrons that
works in an analogous way to the beam of light in an optical microscope.
 An electromagnetic coil (the first lens) concentrates the electrons into a more
powerful beam.

 Another electromagnetic coil (the second lens) focuses the beam onto a
certain part of the specimen.
 The specimen sits on a copper grid in the middle of the main microscope tube.
The beam passes through the specimen and "picks up" an image of it.
 The projector lens (the third lens) magnifies the image.
 The image becomes visible when the electron beam hits a fluorescent screen
at the base of the machine. This is analogous to the phosphor screen at the
front of an old-fashioned TV.
 The image can be viewed directly (through a viewing portal), through
binoculars at the side, or on a TV monitor attached to an image intensifier 

4.3.1. Disadvantage
 Obtaining sufficient vacuum is very difficult.
 Applicable to very thin sample ( less than 0.1µm)
 Sample must be dry.

4.3.2. Advantage
 Higher magnifying power (6000-20000).
 Explain the molecules of amorphous region.
 Give information about internal structure of fiber.

HW: Difference between X-ray and IR method

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