Traveller Elementary - Unit 4

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Feeling good

What do you do to stay healthy?

Do you follow a specific type of diet? If
yes, what is it?
Do you eat out?
> What do you do for exercise?

kthrough the module and find...

a man visiting a doctor
two different ways to stay fit
a flyer about an organisation that helps
children in need
a menú from a restaurant
an article about fruit and vegetables

> to give and take an order at a restaurant

> to ask and answer about quantity
> to talk about food preferences
> to talk and write about your eating habits
> to express opinión
> to ask for and give advice
> to talk about ailments
> to write a paragraph giving advice

3.GRAMMAR A. Listen. Notice the difference in pronundation
between should and shouldn't.

You should go to the gym.

Read the examples. When do we
use shouldand shouldn't 7 You shouldn't go to the gym.

A: I have backache. What should I do? B. Listen. Do you hear shouldor shouldn't? Circle.
B: You should stay in bed and you
1. You should / shouldn't eat strawberries.
shouldn't exercise today.
2. You should / shouldn't stay in bed.
Grammar Referente p.132 3. You should / shouldn't take medicine.
4. You should / shouldn't get up early.
Write what the people should or shouldn't do.
1. Andy starts work at 9:00. It's 8:45 and he s still in bed. ROLE PLAY
(getup) Talk in pairs.
2. Sheila wants to play tennis but her arm hurts. Student A: Imagine that you have one of the
problems in activity 1 and that you go to Student B
who is a doctor. Tell him/her what's wrong with you
3. Terry's car is very oíd. and ask him/her for advice.
(buy)_ Student B: Imagine that you are a doctor. Student A
4. Ruth wants to go shopping but she has the flu. has a problem with his/her health. Ask what's wrong.
Listen to him/her and give advice. Use should and
(go) shouldn't and some of the ideas in the box.

take medicine or a painkiller

drink / water
drink warm tea or milk
have / warm soup
eat fruit and vegetables
get some sleep
go / school or work
stay in bed
work hard
have / shower

B. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Why does Mr Hill go to the doctor?
Whatseems to be the problem?
[ 2. Why doesn't Mr Hill eat strawberries? l'm notfeeling very well. /...
3. What else is wrong with Mr Hill? Do you have any otherproblems?
4. What does the doctor think the problem is? Yes, /... /No. What should I do?
You shoutd/shouldn't...
5. What does the doctor give Mr Hill for his rash?

N" 57
Cross-curricular page Economics
A. What's a smoothie? Listen, read and check your answers. *• j


Do you eat enough fruit? Do you have milk or yoghurt every day? Well,
here are a few delicious ideas to help you stay nealthy. Check themout!
Blueberrv Smoothie
Blueberries have lots of
vitamina. Why not enjoy
blueberries and their great
taste in a smoothie?

1 cup blueberries

CT Vz cup yoghurt
1 cup full-fat milk

if .structions
Blend the blueberries with
the yoghurt and milk for
out five minutes and en

i m
Banana Smoothie
For a tasty smoothie »•
full of protein just use 1

1 banana
V2 cup yoghurt I
1 cup non-fat milk

Blend the banana and milk |
together for 30 seconds at 1
high speed. Add the yoghurt I
and blend for one more i
minute at high speed. Now í
you have a delicious high I
"Feeling good" protein smoothie.I
Follow the recipes for smoothies above and créate your own.
Goto page 126. can find more information on this topic at


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