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Tan’Activ® GT

The Natural Stabilisation Aid

Beer, one of the oldest processed alcoholic beverages of our society, finds it origins about 9.000
BC. Over many centuries beer was stored in large barrel like recipients of various natures and
was consumed locally, shortly after
production. In the 20th century, with mass
marketing, available technology and
refrigeration, apart from kegs, beer was stored
aside in bottles and transported over long
distances, gradually across the world. This led
to the need for stabilisation of the typical
lager beer. In fact, during most of the previous
millennium, the prevention of oxidation was
carried out by the tannins naturally present tin
the most used packaging, oak barrels (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Aging beer in oak barrels.

Gallotannins in Brewery, Conceived in Belgium

In Belgium, the world’s Beer Paradise, the famous brewery professors at the University of Leuven,
Prof. J. De Clerck and his French colleague, Prof. L. Chapon conceived the concept of using a
different type of tannin, aside from oak barrel tannins, to determine and remove haze sensitive
proteins in beer. Their researches have confirmed that the best performing tannins for
brewery are gallotannins. These polyphenols are obtained through the extraction and
purification of selected gallnuts (Figure 2) since their high molecular weight fraction guarantees
optimal performance in removing haze active proteins during the brewery process. The
botanical raw materials are predominantly harvested commercially in China, Vietnam and Korea.

Over the past 40 years other stabilisation

processing aids were developed, mainly from
synthetic origin, being the most popular ones
PolyVinylPolyPyrolidone (PVPP) and Silicagel.
Equally enzymes, initially natural like papain
and later engineered enzymes, found their way
into the brewery world.

Today, the trend is more and more focused

towards natural processing aids whenever
possible, so it makes it a perfect time to
reconsider the traditional way of beer
Figure 2 Chinese gallnuts.
stabilisation such as gallotannins.

Silvateam and Tannins

Application Sheet

Tan’Activ® GT, The Natural Stabilisation Aid

Silvateam S.p.A. is a world leader in the production and marketing of functional vegetal
extracts. The company sells its branded products in more than 60 countries, with a turnover of
more than 145 million Euros (2017).

Figure 3 Silvateam headquarters located in San Michele Mondovì, Italy.

Silvateam was formed in 1854 with the acquisition of the first company in Corsaglia di Frabosa
which is located in Cuneo, Northern Italy for the extraction of chestnut tannins.

The Group brings together the knowledge of six companies, operating in Italy, South America
and China and many commercial offices on the five continents, the US offices and warehouses
are located in southern California. Its strategic locations allow the company to offer products
and services to more than 10,000 clients worldwide.

The Silvateam brand name is derived from the Latin word Silva which means forest and the
English word Team which means a group of individuals working together to reach the same goal
and objective.

High quality products, efficient and responsive technical assistance and high levels of
innovation and technology is what Silvateam is all about.

Silvateam has acquired more than 160 years of know­how in the production and marketing of
selected tannins for brewery, oenology and food applications (Figure 3).

Thanks to its flexible manufacturing system Silvateam offers customer­oriented solutions. A
high level of customer support is made possible by our extensive expertise and in­house
research capabilities, our broad application
knowledge and creativity. Silvateam provides to its
customers a high level of technical comfort
throughout the entire products lifecycle.

These tannins are commercialised under the

Tan’Activ® brand name and they are typically
extracted by using water (Figure 4) or food approved

Silvateam tannins are obtained from different

botanical sources, such as Tara (Caesalpinia spinosa), Figure 4 Tannin water extraction process.
gallnuts (Quercus infectoria and Rhus semialata), oak
wood (Quercus robur, Quercus petraea and Quercus
alba), chestnut wood (Castanea sativa), quebracho
wood (Schinopsis lorentzii), grapes (Vitis vinifera) and
tea (Camellia sinensis).

Silvateam has recently developed Tan’Activ® GT grade

for brewery applications.

Tan’Activ® GT is a highly purified gallotannin

offering a unique solution for both physical as well as
organoleptic stability (Figure 5) and includes:

 Tan’Activ® GTH is used in the hot process steps, Figure 5 Tannins for food, wine and beer.
such as mashing­in, brew­house and whirlpool
 Tan’Activ® GTC is used in the cold process steps, such as maturation and end filtration.

Tan’Activ® GT is considered as a brewing processing aid and it can be used in all countries of the
world. Tan’Activ® GT is under evaluation to comply with the German Rheinheitsgebot.

CAS N°: 1401­55­4

EINECS/ELINCS N°: 215­753­2

FEMA­GRAS N°: 3042


Application Sheet

Tan’Activ® GT, The Natural Stabilisation Aid

Colloidal Stability of Beer

Colloidal instability during storage is
due to the interaction of haze active
(HA) or sensitive proteins and HA or
sensitive polyphenols which form a
visible haze that reduces the product’s
physical shelf life. HA proteins originate
mainly from barley (Figure 6) and the
most common are proline, globulin and
albumin. HA polyphenols are mainly
derived from barley: flavonoids such as
cathecin & proanthocyandins and hops.

The organoleptic instability during

storage and over time is due to various
interactions but can mainly be
attributed to the oxidation reaction
Figure 6 Barley, wonderfully versatile cereal grain.
known as the Fenton reaction. Metal
ions such as iron play a very important role in this process as well as radicals. Also LOX enzymes
activity can have a negative organoleptic impact.

Tan’Activ® GT, a highly purified gallotannin, is the ideal partner to increase colloidal stability,
since it instantly forms a complex with HA proteins. This complex precipitates and is totally
removed during a subsequent filtration step: lautering, whirlpool, tank bottom, centrifuge
and/or end filtration. The mechanism in the hot process (brew­house) is based on entropy, in
the cold process the mechanism is based on hydrogen bonding (Figure 7).

Tan’Activ® GT is multi­active as it simultaneously

forms multiple bonds with different types of HA
proteins as well as co­complex metal ions such as
iron in the HA protein ­ Tan’Activ® complex.
Additionally, Tan’Activ® GT will also scavenge
radicals which support an increased antioxidant
potential. There is no other processing aid offering
such a wide multi­activity.

It is important to note that the HA proteins are

completely removed unlike, for example, enzymes
that cut proteins into smaller protein fractions.

Figure 7 Chemistry of brewery.

Furthermore, Tan’Activ® GT only 4,0
removes HA proteins through 3,5
precipitation and it leaves a
maximum amount of proteins in

Haze (D EBC)
the beer to preserve the desired 2,5
mouthfeel as well as texture. 2,0
The haze sensitive proteins have
been reduced by more than 40% 1,0

compared to the reference, by 0,5

using Tan’Activ® GTC at a dosage 0,0
of 2 g/hl. The sensitive protein Reference Tan'Activ GTC Tan'Activ GTC
1 g/hl 2 g/hl
content was determined by the
Figure 8 Haze sensitive protein decrease using Tan’Activ® GTC.
Analytica EBC 9.40 method (Figure

It can also be observed that the 700

total amount of nitrogen does 600
not change whereas the level of 500
Total N (mg/l)

HA proteins are substantially

reduced. In fact, using Tan’Activ®
GTC at a dosage of 2g/hl, the total 300
nitrogen content has been reduced 200
by only 4% compared to the 100
standard. The total protein content
in beer was determined by EBC Reference Tan'Activ GTC Tan'Activ GTC
9.9.1. method (Figure 9). 1 g/hl 2g /hl
Figure 9 Total nitrogen content is stable using Tan’Activ® GTC.

Application Sheet

Tan’Activ® GT, The Natural Stabilisation Aid

Setting aside the taste aspects typical of today’s breweries, the efficiency of all processing aids is
under review. The effectiveness
of Tan’Activ® GTC as a colloidal
stabilisation processing aid was
investigated and compared to a
widely used protein stabilisaty
EBC (25°)

processing aid, silicagel. The

addition of 45 g/hl of silicagel
4 was compared to different
dosage levels of Tan’Activ® GTC
2 during the end of filtration.

0 Different forcing tests were

Reference Silicagel Tan'Activ GTC Tan'Activ GTC carried out to assess the
45 g/hl 1 g/hl 2 g/hl
advantage of using Tan’Activ®
Figure 10 Forcing test (48h at 60°C, overnight 0°C). GTC in terms of colloidal
stability. Figure 10 illustrates
the results of a typical forcing
test exposing the beer for 48
25 hours at 60°C followed by
overnight at 0°C. The haze was
Haze (EBC units)

measured at 25°C.
Another easy and quick method
10 to determine colloidal stability
(or instability) is the Chapon test.
This test was developed by Prof.
0 Chapon in 1993. Also in this case
Reference Silicagel Tan'Activ GTC Tan'Activ GTC the effectiveness of Tan’Activ®
45 g/hl 1 g/hl 2 g/hl GTC is shown in comparison to
Figure 11 Chapon test. silicagel (Figure 11). While
Chapon test gives a quick
indication of colloidal stability, it’s clear from the above 2 measurements that, in order to obtain
comparable colloidal stability, a dosage of about 1.5 g/hl of Tan’Activ® GTC provides equivalent
stability as 45 g/hl of silicagel.

Two trials conducted in a semi commercial pilot brewery on 2 different commercial beers,
comparing the efficiency at different dosage levels of brewery grade gallotannin versus silicagel,
confirm the above benefits on colloidal stability. The results of these trials are shown in Figure
12. On the first trial the colloidal stability of beer was assessed comparing 35 g/hl of silicagel with
1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 g/hl of gallotannin. It is interesting to observe that a better colloidal stability was
obtained using gallotannins, even at 1.0 g/hl, rather than 35 g/hl of silicagel. The second trial,
on a different beer, was conducted comparing the addition of 45 g/hl of silicagel with different

dosages of gallotannin. Again, even at a low dosage level of gallotannin (1.0 g/hl), the result is
an excellent colloidal stability.

This analysis clearly presents the positive and efficient effect of using brewery gallotannin, like
Tan’Activ® GT, to improve the colloidal stability of beer.

Days until turbidity exceeded a
Delta of 2EBC at 0/60 °C cycle







Reference Silicagel Gallotannin Gallotannin Gallotannin Silicagel Gallotannin Gallotannin Gallotannin
35 g/hl 1.0 g/hl 1.5 g/hl 2.0 g/hl 45 g/hl 1.0 g/hl 1.5 g/hl 2.0 g/hl

Figure 12 Influence of high purified tannin stabilisation on colloidal stability of beer.

Obviously, the high effectiveness of Tan’Activ® can result in important financial savings to
the brewery, reducing physical stabilisation costs to below 30,000 € / million hl.

Reference: the mentioned trials were conducted by Dr. S. Hanke at Bitburger Braugruppe GmbH pilot brewery Germany with comparable tannin.

Organoleptic Stability of Beer 0,20

Free metal ions conc. (ppm)

Another very important aspect related 0,15

to beer is taste stability, being beer
produced in large centralised 0,10

breweries and exported globally. 0,05

Tannins have the unique ability of co­
complexing metal ions into protein­ Al V Cr Fe Zn
polyphenol complexes, this obviously ­0,05
resulting in a delay of the oxidation Reference Silicagel 45 g/hl
process, hence an increase in Tan'activ GT 1 g/hl Tan'activ GT 2 g/hl
organoleptic stability. Figure 13 Metal reduction (Al, V, Cr, Fe and Zn).

Application Sheet

Tan’Activ® GT, The Natural Stabilisation Aid

The results obtained from a trial carried

out at Bitburg pilot brewery clearly show
the metal ions reducing effect of
gallotannin in beer. The trial was
conducted on a commercial beer
obtained via a Kieselguhr filtration using
ICP­AES method (Figure 13). Tan’Activ® GT
removes free available metal ions such as
Iron (Fe), Aluminium (Al), Vanadium (V),
Zinc (Zn) and Chromium (Cr). It’s
recommended to use Tan’Activ® GT at
different ­ and multiple stages in the
brewery process as it will subsequently
remove further metal ions, e.g. Fe3+ is
removed, the remaining Fe2+ will oxidise
to Fe3+ which on its turn will again be
removed. The levels of Manganese,
Nickel, Copper and Barium are not
affected. Tan’Activ® GT acts as a radical
scavenger aid, hence increasing the
antioxidant potential of the beer
significantly (measured by ESR). When
used during mashing­in, it supports
inhibition of LOX­enzyme activity as
well as co­complexing of some lipids.

Other aspects observed when using

Tan’Activ® to the brewing and sparging
water is a better wort filtration
performance, a clear inhibition of the
LOX reaction, a reduction in the
concentration of some aldehydes in the
wort, especially some Strecker and
Maillard products, and a significant
increase in the reducing power of the
beers. Tan’Activ® GT has no negative
impact on taste up to a maximum dosage
of 160 ppm.

Brew­house Yield Improvement
The use of Tan’Activ® GTH in the brew­house may generate additional benefits such as an
increase of extract yield, a faster lauter tun run­off rate, less tank bottoms, better hot­break
formation, increased whirlpool, shorter maturation time
Gallotannin Extract
and a longer filter runs. Tan’Activ® GTH can also allow to
addition Lauter tun
reduce other processing aids, resulting in an increased (g/hl) (%)
brew­house yield. The data, obtained in a commercial 3 97.50
brewery, presented an increase in the extract yield of about 2 97.30
2% (Figure 14) when the gallotannin was added during 0 95.50
mashing­in. In the case a beer producer has already an
Figure 14 Increased brew house yield.
extract yield of above 98%, the possible impact is reduced.
As often it depends on the brewery set up as well as the
type of beer and raw materials.

Foam Stability of Beer

A major concern for all lager beers, although mainly from an image perspective, is the foam and
any possible impact processing
aids could have on the foam
stability. As Tan’Activ® GT only 250
reduces HA proteins selectively it
Foam stability (sec)

has no negative impact on foam 200

stability. The following graphic
(Figure 15) shows the results of a 150
NIBEM foam test on beers treated
with silicagel and different
dosage levels of Tan’Activ®. No 50
impact on foam stability was
observed in Tan’Activ® GT treated 0
beer with regards to the Reference Silicagel Tan'Activ GT Tan'Activ GT
45 g/hl 1 g/hl 2 g/hl
reference nor silicagel treated
beer. Figure 15 Foam stability of beer.

Today there’s no other processing aid on the market that offers such a world of
benefits with no negative side effects, aside maybe a fresher and crisp tasting beer.

Application Sheet

Tan’Activ® GT, The Natural Stabilisation Aid

Application & Dosages

Tan’Activ® GT, as already mentioned, can be added in various stages of the brewery process.
This is subject to the specific goal, whether it is a organoleptic stability improvement, a colloidal
stability enhancement and/or an increase in yield. Due to its high and fast reactivity, Tan’Activ®
GT must always be dosed as a solution, ideally between 5 to 10%, in order to enable a good
contact time / interface between Tan’Activ® GT and HA proteins.

The typical stages in which Tan’Activ® GT can be used are listed below (Figure 16):

 Tan’Activ® GTH can be added at beginning of mashing­in with a dosage from 2 to 4

g/hl, end of boiling at the same dosage 2 to 4 g/hl and/or in­line transfer to the
whirlpool (100% malt 12P final beer, 5% solution).

 The typical time of application for Tan’Activ® GTC is beginning of maturation 0.7 to 2.0
g/hl or before centrifuging, in the holding tank or in­line before Kieselguhr / perlite
filtration at the same dosage 0.7 to 2.0 g/hl (100% malt 12P final beer, 5% solution).
Tan’Activ® GTC is the only processing aid that allows the brewers to have a sharp
filtration when using 100% perlite as Kieselguhr free filtration.

Figure 16 Tan’Activ® GT multiple dosage points in brewery process.

Tan’Activ® GT can be added during a single or multiple stages. The multiple addition is
recommendable in order to maximise colloidal, organoleptic stability and to improve
process yield. The dosing rates should be adjusted in accordance with the use of possible
adjuncts and subject to single stage ­ or multiple stages dosage.

Application Sheet

Tan’Activ® GT, The Natural Stabilisation Aid

Practical Guidelines
Tan’Activ® should always be dosed as a 5 to 10% solution (Figure 17). A transparent solution
can be obtained by gradually adding Tan’Activ® GT in lukewarm brewing water while stirring
gently. The equipment used must be made of stainless steel or plastic equipment, since
gallotannin complexes iron. If a blue or purple colour is observed in the solution some metal
ions are present.

Brewery process steps Tan’Activ® usage / point of addition

Mashing­in / Lautering Add the Tan’Activ® GTH solution into the mashing water before
charging of the malt and/or add to the sparging water.

End of Boiling Add the Tan’Activ® GTH solution about 10 minutes before end of
boiling. When using copper finings e.g. Isinglass please dose
Tan’Activ® GTH before adding the copper finings.

Transfer to Whirlpool Use a proportional dosing pump to dose the Tan’Activ® GTH solution
in line while transferring from the boiling kettle to the whirlpool.

Beginning of Maturation Use a proportional dosing pump to dose the Tan’Activ® GTC solution
in line while transferring from fermentation to maturation (after a
possible yeast centrifuging).

End Filtration Use a proportional dosing pump to dose the Tan’Activ® GTC solution
in line during transfer to the filter (DE or perlite) or into the holding tank
prior to filtration.

Figure 17 Tan’Activ® GT usages at different brewery production steps.

Application Sheet

Tan’Activ® GT, The Natural Stabilisation Aid

A World of Perceived Benefits

Tan’Activ® GT, used at different stages throughout the brewery process, provides a unique
combination of benefits for both colloidal ­ and organoleptic stability, as well as possible
improved process yield which are presented below (Figure 18). The addition of Tan’Activ® GT, at
the beginning of the process, permits to protect the taste stability while obtaining also some
early colloidal stability and possibly increasing brew­house performance. If it is used during
maturation and in the first part of filtration, the focus is on physical stability and less on taste
stability (e.g. radicals will already have been formed). Furthermore, when used with a Kieselguhr
filtration, Tan’Activ® GTC prevents any extra Fe3+ pick up. In any case the brewer will always
benefit of the three fold effects. It is important to take this in consideration when comparing
Tan’Activ® GT versus other processing aids, paying attention to evaluate each individual benefit.

Colloidal stabilisation Process improvement Organoleptic stabilisation

Figure 18 Tan’Activ® GT permits to improve colloidal and organoleptic stabilisation and process yield.

Possible perceived benefits are:

 Reduction of LOX enzyme activity;
 Co­complexing of lipids;
 Reduction of certain aldehyde formation (e.g. phenylacetaldehyde, furfural, benzaldehyde);
 Metal ion co­complexing;
 Increased extract yield (less protein aggregates from thiol containing proteins) up to 2%;

 Improved lauter tun run off rate (prevention of the formation of disulphide bridges, no
formation of gels of ‘teig’) up to 30%;
 Early on protein correction in case of high protein malt (> 12%).

End of boiling / Transfer to whirlpool:

 Pre­colloidal stability;
 Reduction of metal ions e.g. Fe, Al, V;
 Radical scavenging;
 Increase antioxidant potential, reduction of light struck effect;
 Protection of hop polyphenols and prolonged bitterness;
 Increased whirlpool performance, better hot trop separation, more compact cone, more
clear wort;
 Less tank bottoms, shorter maturation time and longer filter runs;
 Reduction of copper finings and stabilisation processing aids.

 Good colloidal stability;
 Reduction of metal ions;
 Increased organoleptic stability.

End filtration:
 Very good colloidal stability;
 Most cost­efficient stabilisation processing aid;
 Prevents uptake of Fe­ions with Kieselguhr filtration;
 Allows a sharp filtration with perlite filtration (Kieselguhr free filtration);
 Reduces possible lingering aftertaste effects;
 Virtually no waste.

Application Sheet

Tan’Activ® GT, The Natural Stabilisation Aid

Sometimes with ageing or a less balanced beer there’s the risk of having an unpleasant lingering
aftertaste. Taste panels
1,2 revealed that beer treated
with 1 g/hl of Tan’Activ®
GTC this lingering aftertaste
can be reduced significantly,

0,6 hence increasing drinkability

0,4 (Figure 19). Dosage of 2 g/hl
did not provide the same
result hence it is quite
0,0 important to find the
Time optimum minimum dosage
Desired taste Lingering aftertaste Tan'activ GTC/E 1 g/hl level for your beer to obtain
a good colloidal stability
Figure 19 Reduction of lingering aftertaste using Tan’Activ® GTC.
while also maximising taste
stability for a fresh and crisp tasting beer.

Perceived improved final beer quality: final shelf life prolonged for extra
 Prolonged stability of hop bitterness (Figure 20);
 Reduction of degradation of the unstable Trans­Iso alpha acids;
 Prolonged lag phase period of staling (40°C, 9 days);
 Increased flavour Resistance Staling Value (RSV) of up to 30%;
 Lower Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) values of up to 30% at 530 nm (aldehydes);
 Very good Protein ­ Polyphenol values for beers with high proantocyanidins in combination
with PVPP;
 Clean and crisp taste.

120% 120%
Total bitterness

Trans – Iso ratio

100% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%

20% 20%

0% 0%
Day 0 Day 5 Day 10 Day 20 Day 0 Day 5 Day 10 Day 20
Non treated beer Tan'Activ GT treated beer Non treated beer Tan'Activ GT treated beer

Figure 20 Total bitterness in beer. Figure 21 Trans­Iso alpha acids ratio in beer.

In a typical forced ageing test at 40°C it was observed the degradation of the hop bitterness and
the Trans­Iso ratio into the beer over a period of 20 days (Figure 21). Tan’Activ® GT provides a
longer hop bitterness to the beer and, at the same time, permits to dose lower amounts of
hop and thus to achieve potential savings.

Trans­Iso alpha acids provide a good and nice taste to the beer. Therefore, beer treated with
Tan’Activ® GT will protect the Trans­Iso alpha acids and hence the beer will taste fresher after
the ageing and transportation. Trans­Iso alpha acids ratio was measured by HPLC. Beer treated
with Tan’Activ® GT offers a longer Trans­Iso ratio versus non­treated beer.

Tannins: Natural Feelings

Tan’Activ® GT is a 100% natural solution, made from raw materials abundantly spread around
the world. Small quantities of the tannin ­ protein complex precipitates are completely removed
after filtration and create the least amount of waste of all stabilisation processing aids. Dosage
levels are typically 30 to 40 times less than other widely used stabilisation processing aids
hence it has definitively the lowest CO2 footprint.

In many beers, Tan’Activ® GT in combination with PVPP shows a better synergistic effect
than a silicagel / PVPP combination. Reduction of PVPP quantities of up to 30% can be
observed while achieving the same colloidal stability.

Above all these presented benefits for the beer, Tan’Activ® GT is perceived by the consumer as a
natural process aid for its fresh, clean and crisp tasting physical stable beer, making it without
any doubt the stabilisation method of the future.

Silvachimica S.r.l.
Via Torre, 7 ­ 12080 San Michele Mondovì (CN) ­ Italy

Tel. +39 0174 220256 ­ Email: [email protected]


Rev. 2018

The information presented is exclusively for brewers and professionals. All the suggestions and recommendations from this application sheet are given in good faith and are based on results
obtained from tests, industrial trials and brewer feedback. Silvateam guarantees the quality of its products, but it cannot and will not assume any risks or liabilities which may result from the use
thereof, as it is beyond the Company’s control. Information without commercial purposes. A special thanks to BrewTwins bvba for its assistance in writing this brochure.

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