Units, Physical Quantities, Measurement, Errors and Uncertainties, Graphical Pre-Sentation, & Linear Fitting of Data
Units, Physical Quantities, Measurement, Errors and Uncertainties, Graphical Pre-Sentation, & Linear Fitting of Data
Units, Physical Quantities, Measurement, Errors and Uncertainties, Graphical Pre-Sentation, & Linear Fitting of Data
Topic / Lesson Name GP1 – 01: Units, Physical Quantities, Measurement, Errors and Uncertainties, Graphical
Presentation, and Linear Fitting of Data
Content Standards 1. The effect of instruments on measurements
2. Uncertainties and deviations in measurement
3. Sources and types of error
4. Accuracy versus precision
5. Uncertainty of derived quantities
6. Error bars
7. Graphical analysis: linear fitting and transformation of functional dependence to lin-
ear form
Performance Stan- Solve, using experimental and theoretical approaches, multi-concept, rich-context prob-
dards lems involving measurement, vectors, motions in 1D, 2D, and 3D, Newton’s Laws,
work, energy, center of mass, momentum, impulse, and collisions.
Learning Competen- 1. Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units, expression
cies (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-1) of measurements in scientific notation
2. Differentiate accuracy from precision (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-2)
3. Differentiate random errors from systematic errors (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-3)
4. Use the least count concept to estimate errors associated with
single measurements (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-4)
5. Estimate errors from multiple measurements of a physical quantity using variance
6. Estimate the uncertainty of a derived quantity from the estimated values and uncer-
tainties of directly measured quantities (STEM_GP12EU-Ia-6)
7. Estimate intercepts and slopes—and their uncertainties—in experimental data with lin-
ear dependence using the “eyeball method” and/or linear regression formula
Specific Learning
Time Allotment 180 minutes
Lesson Outline:
1. Physical Quantities
Introduction/Motivation (10 minutes): Talk about the discipline of physics, and the discipline required to
understand physics.
Instruction / Delivery (30 minutes): Units, Conversion of Units, Rounding-Off Numbers
Evaluation (20 minutes)
2. Measurement Uncertainties
Motivation (15 minutes): Discuss the role of measurement and experimentation in physics; Illustrate issues
surrounding measurement through measurement activities involving pairs (e.g. bidy size and pulse rate
Instruction/Delivery (30 minutes): Scientific notation and significant figures; Reporting measurements with
uncertainty; Significant figures; Scientific Notation ; Propagation of error; Statistical treatment of uncertain-
Enrichment (15 minutes ): Error propagation using differentials
3. Data Presentation and Report Writing Guidelines
Instruction/Delivery (60 minutes): Graphing; Advantages of converting relations to linear form; “Eye-ball”
method of determining the slope and y-intercept from data; Least squares method of determining the slope
and y-intercept from data; Purpose of a Lab Report; Parts of a Lab Report
Since 1960 the system of units used by scientists and engineers is the
“metric system”, which is officially known as the “International System”
or SI units (abbreviation for its French term, Système International).
To make sure that scientists from different parts of the world understand
the same thing when referring to a measurement, standards have been de-
fined for measurements of length, time, and mass.
Since 1960 the system of units used by scientists and engineers is the
“metric system”, which is officially known as the “International System”
or SI units (abbreviation for its French term, Système International).
To make sure that scientists from different parts of the world understand
the same thing when referring to a measurement, standards have been de-
fined for measurements of length, time, and mass.
2. Conversion of units
Discuss that a few countries use the British system of units (e.g., the United
States). However, the conversion between the British system of units and SI
units have been defined exactly as follows:
Length: 1 inch = 2.54 cm
Force: 1 pound = 4.448221615260 newtons
The second is exactly the same in both the British and the SI system of units.
A rich farmer has 87 goats—round the number of goats to the nearest 10.