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My New Routine: Eat Lunch Take A Shower

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Pon las imágenes en orden cronológico, de la mañana a la noche. Sigue

el ejemplo:
Eat lunch Take a shower


1 Wake up 2

3 4


Go to bed Wake up
Lea el texto sobre Ali y su nueva rutina.


Hi, my name is Ali and I am a high school student from France. My family and I have a new
routine during lockdown.

We wake up at 7 o’clock every morning. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, my grandmother

Zara and I make breakfast, but on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays my parents make breakfast
for the family.

At 8:15 a.m. from Monday to Friday, my father Malik goes to work because he is an essential
worker. He works at a pharmacy, my mother Fatima teaches English from home and I study
remotely using the computer.

After that, my mom and I exercise in the living room every day
for 20 minutes at 11 a.m., and then we clean the house with
my grandma from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

At 1:30 p.m., my grandma, my mom and I have lunch

together and then we rest from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Every evening, when my dad comes home from work at
5 p.m., we play cards together and at 7 o’clock we have
On Sundays, we all make
breakfast together at 8:30 a.m.
and we watch a movie after

Complete el siguiente párrafo usando “at” y “on”. Sigue el ejemplo:

Prepositions of time: AT - ON

Hello! I’m Ruben! My new routine? Well, I wake

up at (1) 6 o’clock every morning.
(2) Mondays and Tuesdays,
I clean the kitchen, and (3)
Thursdays and Fridays I exercise
(4) 10 a.m.
My mom gets up (5) 5:30 a.m.
(6) Tuesdays to water the

* TIP: Go back to the text: “My new routine” (about Ali) to know how to
complete this paragraph correctly.


Read and understand:

To add the time of the day, you can use the preposition
“at” before the time (“at 12:30”).
For example:
• I brush my teeth at 7:00 a.m.
• She wakes up at 6 o’ clock.

To add the day of the week you can use the preposition
“on” before the day of the week (“on Fridays”).
For example:
• On Mondays, I study English.
• She plays tennis on Fridays and

Escribe oraciones usando las palabras entre paréntesis (). Sigue el ejemplo:
Present Simple: Routines

1. (Mondays / he / eat dinner / 7 p.m.).

On Mondays, he eats dinner at 7 p.m.

2. (They / study Math / Wednesdays / 3 p.m.).

3. (My mother / cook dinner / 6 o’ clock / Fridays).

4. (Thursdays / 10:30 a.m. / Zara / clean the house).

5. (Ali and Fatima / exercise / Saturdays / 11 a.m.).

6. (Thursdays / 10:30 a.m. / Zara / clean the house).


Read and understand:

When we talk about routines we write the

activities using the “Present Simple”.

For example:

• I brush my teeth.
• She wakes up.
• They go to work.

Remember: The verb ends with an “s” for

the third person singular (he/she/it).
Complete Dina’s description of her new routine with words from the box. Follow the

takes – On – at – talk – at – 8 o’clock -

Hi! I’m Dina! During the lockdown, my mom and I have a

different routine.

My mother and I wake up (1) at 7 a.m. every day to

have breakfast together. At (2) , she starts
to work in the living room while I study in my room.

(3) Tuesdays, my mom

(4) the bathroom and I clean the kitchen.
Every day at 1:00 p.m. we have lunch. We sit at the table
and (5) about our day. It is important to
have time to share our feelings.

(6) 3:00 p.m. my mom

(7) a nap and I play videogames on the
computer. I only have 30 minutes to play because she
has to work again at 3:30 p.m.

Things are different now, but we try to help each other.

Also, we try to be kind and respectful for one another to
maintain harmony.
Activity Do it yourself
Escribe un texto breve sobre tu nueva rutina durante el encierro.
¿Qué haces? A que hora haces las cosas Que dias de la
semana ¿Qué pasa con los miembros de su familia?
A. Puedes hacerlo sobre una hoja de papel, usando bolígrafo, lápices de colores,

dibujos, pegamento, etc.

B. Puede hacerlo en su computadora, usando Microsoft Word, Power Point o cualquier

otra aplicación de su elección.

¿Qué debo tener en cuenta para escribir la descripción de mi nueva rutina? Tenga en cuenta
las siguientes características que debe tener su texto


The text includes the activities in your new routine during the
The text has your family members’ activities in their new routine
during the lockdown.

3. Prepositions of time like “at” and “on” are used correctly.

4. The verbs are conjugated correctly for the 1st and 3rd person.

5. The text has between 40 and 50 words.

Write a first draft of the description of your new routine and revise if it has the
characteristics above.

Muéstrales tu descripción a tus padres, hermanas y/o
hermanos, a quienes tengas en casa o a tu docente si
están en contacto y explícales las cinco características
que tu texto debe tener. Toma nota de los aportes y
mejora lo realizado para hacer tu versión final del texto
en inglés.

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