My New Routine: Eat Lunch Take A Shower
My New Routine: Eat Lunch Take A Shower
My New Routine: Eat Lunch Take A Shower
1 Wake up 2
3 4
Go to bed Wake up
Lea el texto sobre Ali y su nueva rutina.
Hi, my name is Ali and I am a high school student from France. My family and I have a new
routine during lockdown.
At 8:15 a.m. from Monday to Friday, my father Malik goes to work because he is an essential
worker. He works at a pharmacy, my mother Fatima teaches English from home and I study
remotely using the computer.
After that, my mom and I exercise in the living room every day
for 20 minutes at 11 a.m., and then we clean the house with
my grandma from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Prepositions of time: AT - ON
* TIP: Go back to the text: “My new routine” (about Ali) to know how to
complete this paragraph correctly.
To add the time of the day, you can use the preposition
“at” before the time (“at 12:30”).
For example:
• I brush my teeth at 7:00 a.m.
• She wakes up at 6 o’ clock.
To add the day of the week you can use the preposition
“on” before the day of the week (“on Fridays”).
For example:
• On Mondays, I study English.
• She plays tennis on Fridays and
Escribe oraciones usando las palabras entre paréntesis (). Sigue el ejemplo:
Present Simple: Routines
For example:
• I brush my teeth.
• She wakes up.
• They go to work.
4. The verbs are conjugated correctly for the 1st and 3rd person.
Write a first draft of the description of your new routine and revise if it has the
characteristics above.
Muéstrales tu descripción a tus padres, hermanas y/o
hermanos, a quienes tengas en casa o a tu docente si
están en contacto y explícales las cinco características
que tu texto debe tener. Toma nota de los aportes y
mejora lo realizado para hacer tu versión final del texto
en inglés.