Garba 2021
Garba 2021
Garba 2021
MICE-RPL: Proposing a Mobility, Congestion and Energy Aware Trust Based RPL
Protocol and a Distributed Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to Counter Against
Packet Dropping Attacks
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1 author:
Faisal A. Garba
Ahmadu Bello University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Faisal A. Garba on 18 December 2021.
Faisal A. Garba,
PhD Scholar,
The “Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks” (RPL) is the only standard routing
protocol in IoT networks that is used for the monitoring of the environment, healthcare, smart
home and several other IoT applications. RPL is bedeviled by a lot of insider attacks that
include: version number attack, rank attack, DIS transmission attack, high powered DIO
transmission attack, Sybil, Clone ID attack, Blackhole, Sinkhole, Wormhole attack, redundant
local repair attack and Selective Forwarding (Greyhole) attack. Such attacks ruin the topology
and cause massive control overhead which stands in the way of reliable packet delivery and
diminishes battery lifetime. In Blackhole attack, a malicious node drops all data packets
transmitted to it for forwarding. Sinkhole attack is similar to a Blackhole attack with the
exception that in Sinkhole attack, the malicious node facilitates the attack by advertising a better
routing metrics to attract neighboring nodes to select it as their preferred parent. In Selective
Forwarding attack (also called Greyhole attack), the attacking node forwards packets selectively.
A number of studies have attempted to address Blackhole, Sinkhole and Selective Forwarding
attacks but without consideration for other factors that could results in packet loss such as
mobility, congestion and energy level of the IoT nodes aside from maliciousness. This has
resulted in the punishing of benign nodes mistaken as malicious ones. The attacks in IoT reduces
the wide spread and acceptance of the IoT on a global scale hence if discovered early, could help
IoT designers, manufacturers and research communities to tackle the attacks. The rapid
discovery of these attacks that occurs in the course of transmission of data packets is therefore
very important. This paper proposes a Mobility, Congestion and Energy Aware RPL (MICE-
RPL) Protocol. MICE-RPL is made up of calculation of rank based on trust that includes node’s
residual energy (to address selfish nodes), node’s weight (a metric that considers node’s children
and grandchildren for load balancing) and Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) (for mobile
nodes to pick parents that are within their range). MICE-RPL is coupled with a distributed
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that selects a child node called guardian node for every sub-
tree to monitor the parent node for packet dropping and On-Off attacks.
The interconnection of common objects called ‘things’ that are bundled with sensors, software
and other technologies in order to interconnect and exchange data with other objects, devices and
systems over the Internet is referred to as Internet of Things (IoT). These common objects
include everyday household items such as light bulb, thermostat, smartphone, personal computer
etc to complex industrial devices. Any object can be connected to the IoT using IPv6 (Wallgren
et al., 2013). The objects in the IoT sense the physical environment and/or the host devices and
send out this data to users or other devices over the Internet (Ramasamy and Kadry, 2021; Raoof
et al., 2018). In the year 2025 the number of IoT devices is predicted to attain up to 22 billion
(Oracle, 2021). The utopian dream where anything can communicate is made possible with IoT.
Hence, IoT should be regarded as part of the global Internet (Bahashwan et al., 2021). IoT forms
a network of constrained devices called Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Low Power Wireless
Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) or an IP-connected Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) that
is joined to the regular Internet using 6LoWPAN Border Routers (6BR) (Wallgren et al., 2013).
The device with a little amount of power, memory and processing facility that have to manage on
state, code space and processing cycles making the optimization of energy and network
bandwidth usage a great concern in all its design is referred to as a constrained device. Although
there is no single IoT architecture that is agreed on collectively, the most common architecture
that is in use is the 3-layer architecture as seen in Figure 1 (Upadhyay and Upadhyay, 2021).
Two sub-layers: routing layer and the encapsulation layer makes up the network layer. The
transmission of packets from source to destination is handled by the routing layer. The
encapsulation layer handles the creation of packets. Routing for Low Power and Lossy Networks
(RPL), Cognitive RPL (CORPL), Channel Aware Routing Protocol (CARP) are the routing
protocols used in the routing layer. A routing protocol manages the transmission of packets from
one node to another. To avoid congestion and get the highest throughput in constrained devices,
routing protocols selects the best routing path (Shahdad et al., 2019). The encapsulation layer
uses 6LoWPAN, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) IPv6 over the Time Slotted
Channel Hopping (TSCH) mode of IEEE802.15.4e (6TiSCH), IPv6 Over Networks of Resource
Constrained Nodes (6Lo), IPv6 over G.9959 and IPv6 over Bluetooth Low Energy protocols
(Upadhyay and Upadhyay, 2021). Communication technologies used for IoT are classified into
long range communication technologies (cellular network, Long Range Wide Area Network
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Z-Wave) (Bahashwan et al., 2021). The important
protocol for communication over IoT networks is the 6LoWPAN. 6LoWPAN is a milestone
protocol that joins low-power devices to the IP world. 6LoWPAN network (Kushalnagar et al.,
2007) is a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that uses compressed IPv6 protocol for networking
and IEEE 802.15.4 as a data-link and physical layer protocol. This combination provided a new
dimension in the design of LoWPANs as it facilitates for a full interoperability with the Internet
(Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012). 6LoWPAN enables network connectivity for IPv6 packets over an
IP-based facility such as the Internet (Wang, 2018). This is done through the border router which
is also known as the sink node in an IoT network. 6LoWPAN can also be seen as a network
adaptation layer that allows vertical communications between Medium Access Control (MAC)
layer and the Network layer (Wang, 2018). Inexpensive nodes, small packet size, low bandwidth,
embedded battery source, hidden location for nodes, low reliability in nodes and use of star or
mesh topology are some of the features of LoWPAN networks (Vaziri and Haghighat, 2020).
6LoWPAN is also called Low-Power and Lossy Network (LLN). One of the key topics in
RPL is the single actual standard routing protocol in IoT networks. RPL is used in environmental
monitoring, healthcare, smart home and several other IoT applications (Agiollo et al., 2021).
RPL is a distance vector source routing protocol. Distance vector means routing protocol that
uses distance or hop count as its primary metric for determining the best forwarding path.
Distance-vector routing protocols measure the distance by the number of routers a packet has to
pass, one router counts as one hop. Source routing, also called path addressing, enables a sender
of a packet to partially or completely specify the route the packet takes through the network.
Source-based routing directs traffic to a specific destination based on the source IP address or a
combination of the source and destination IP addresses. RPL is targeted towards collection-based
networks where nodes from time to time transmit data to collection point as well as point-to-
multi-point traffic from the central point to the devices inside LLN. Point-to-point traffic is also
supported in RPL. RPL is based on the topological notion of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs).
The DAG specifies a tree-like structure that makes clear the default route between nodes in the
LLN. The DAG structure however, is more than a tree since a node can associate to more than
one parent nodes in the DAG in comparison to conventional trees where a single parent is
permitted to a node (Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012). In RPL, the nodes are ordered as a set of
Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) (Thulasiraman and Wang, 2019). Most
popular destination nodes (i.e. sinks) or those providing a default route to the Internet (i.e.
gateways) acts as roots of the DAGs. A single root node and multiple sensor nodes support each
DODAG. The architecture of DODAG is known by four key parameters: DODAG ID, DODAG
version number, RPL instance ID and rank. Each DODAG has an identifier known as a DODAG
ID, which is represented by the IPv6 address of the root node (Wang, 2018). A network may
comprised of one or multiple DODAGs which form together an RPL instance identified by a
unique ID called RPLInstance ID. A network may run several RPL instances but those instances
are logically independent. A node may have a membership in several RPL instances but must
only be a member of one DODAG within each instance (Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012). A node’s
rank determines its position in a DODAG. It is an integer that correspond to the position of a
node within the DODAG (Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012). The rank of each node represents it’s
relative position to the root node in the DODAG tree (Wang, 2018). The rank strictly increases
in the downstream direction of the DAG and strictly decreases in the upstream direction. That is
nodes on top of the hierarchy are given smaller ranks than those in the bottom and the smallest
rank is given to the DODAG root (Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012) as seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: A RPL network with three DODAGs in two instances (Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012).
The rank is employed in RPL to avoid and spot routing loops and allows nodes to differentiate
between their parents and siblings in the DODAG (Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012). The root node
also called the sink node has the lowest rank of 1. The sink node is generally the link border
router (gateway) which joins the LLN to IPv6 network (external world or Internet) (Winter et al.,
2012; Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012). The root node is responsible to launch the construction of a
DODAG. The root node correspond to a collection point in the network. The root node has the
capacity to generate a new DODAG that trickles downward to leaf nodes (Gaddour and Koubâa,
2012). Leaf nodes are nodes that do not have any child. The further away a node is from the root
node the more its rank increases. Siblings are nodes with the same rank. Parent node is a node
with a lower rank that joins with a node or nodes with lower ranks within its neighborhood. The
node with the higher rank is it’s child node. All upward routing to the sink node is handled by
having each node on the route forward traffic through a preferred parent. Hence, all nodes in
RPL with the exception of leaf nodes are referred to as routers. A router in this situation means a
device that can forward and generate traffic. A router in RPL does not have the ability to
generate a new DAG but associate to an existing one. Host in RPL refers to a node that is
capable of creating data traffic but is not able to forward traffic (Gaddour and Koubâa, 2012).
Leaf node is therefore also called a host. Every node finds a stable set of parents on the routes
towards the DODAG root and associates to a preferred parent which is selected based on an
objective function (OF) in the construction process of a network topology (Gaddour and Koubâa,
2012). The rank feature is very used when determining a preferred parent. The rank is computed
based on the specified OF for each RPL instance (Winter et al., 2012). An OF is a criteria that
aims to optimize the routing paths in a network (Thubert, 2012). OF is used by RPL to finds the
best route towards the root node (Ji et al., 2018). The OF specifies how RPL nodes transforms
one or multiple metrics into ranks and how to select and optimize routes in a DODAG. OF
computes rank based routing metrics such as – delay, link quality, connectivity etc. It spells out
routing constraints and optimization objectives. Objective Function Zero (OF0) RFC6552 and
The Minimum Rank with a Hysteresis Objective Function (MRHOF) RFC6719 are the two OFs
for RPL specified by IETF Routing Over Low Power and Lossy (ROLL) workgroup. To elect
the best parent and path, OF0 uses the ‘minimum hop counts’ metric (Sharma and Jayavignesh,
2015). MRHOF uses the Expected Transmission Count (ETX) metric to construct paths and
graphs (Tall et al., 2019). MRHOF works better in scalable networks (Sharma and Jayavignesh,
2015) made up of static nodes while OF0 works better with non-stationary nodes (Lamaazi et al.,
2017). Security definitions in RPL were not well elaborated in the RPL RFC 6550 specifications,
at first (Winter et al., 2012). RPL has three basic security modes:
i. Unsecured: RPL control messages are sent without any further security mechanisms in
this mode.
ii. Pre-installed: In this mode, nodes connecting to a RPL instance have pre-installed keys
mode, but these preinstalled keys may only be used to join a RPL instance as a leaf.
A broad security framework for routing over LLNs that is based on previous routing security
protocols was proposed by IETF ROLL working group in Tsao et al., (2012) and adapted to
fulfill the LLN’s constraints and requirements. The RPL security services proposed in Winter et
al., (2012) and Tsao et al., (2012) do not address all possible attacks and remain exposed to some
threats that may compromise RPL security such as broadcasting fake messages by a
compromised internal node. Gaddour and Koubâa (2012) emphasized security in RPL still
deserves further investigations. The core areas for improvement in RPL are energy efficiency,
mobility, reliability, congestion and security (Kharrufa et al., 2019). RPL is exposed to internal
attacks: version number attack, rank attack, DIS transmission attack, high powered DIO
attack and selective forwarding attack (Le et al., 2013; Mayzaud et al., 2016; Mayzaud et al.,
2014; Medjek et al., 2015; Rghioui et al., 2014). In Blackhole and Sinkhole attacks, a malicious
node drops all data packets it has received for forwarding (Pongle and Chavan, 2015; Xing et al.,
2010). So basically a Blackhole attack is similar to a Sinkhole attack the only difference is that in
Sinkhole attack, the malicious node posed as a node with a better rank to lure neighboring nodes
and rank decrease attack. In Selective Forwarding Attack (SFA) (also called Greyhole attack),
malicious nodes selectively forwards packet (Karlof and Wagner, 2003). For instance, an
attacker could transmit all RPL control messages and drop the rest of the traffic (Wallgren et al.,
SFA-I: In this first type of SFA a malicious node selectively transmits packets to conduct Denial
of Service (DoS) attacks. We would give additional name to SFA-I as Selective Victim SFA,
SFA-II: In this second type of selective-forwarding attack called Neglect and Greed (Yang et al.,
2018), the malicious node still participate in the exchange of lower level protocols (control
messages such as DIS, DIO, DAO and DAO-ACK) and may even acknowledge the reception of
the packets to the sender but it do not forward data packets (Khan et al., 2011).
SFA-III: In this third type of SFA the malicious node forwards the messages to the wrong path,
SFA-IV: In this type of SFA malicious node delay packets passing through them creating
In neighbor attack, the attacker broadcast DIO packets it receives from nodes of lower rank
without adding information about itself. The nodes upon receiving the DIO believes the DIO is
from their new next neighbor. The original sender of the DIO may have a good rank value and
the victim node may elects it as it’s preferred parent even though it is out of it’s range thereby
disrupting the routing path (Raoof et al., 2018). Neerugatti and Reddy, (2020), Lahbib et al.,
(2020), Ribera et al., (2020), Hassan et al., (2021) and Muzammal et al., (2021) have proposed
solutions to Blackhole, Sinkhole and SFA-II. These research works have attempted to address
Blackhole, Sinkhole and SFA-II without considering that packet loss and dropping could be due
to other reasons such as mobility, congestion and energy level of a node (which may leads to
selfishness) apart from maliciousness. Packet drop and loss are not necessarily indications of a
selfishness), congestion or mobility related issue (Khan et al., 2017). There is therefore a need to
have a more accurate scheme that could detect Blackhole, Sinkhole and SFA-II attacks with
considerations for – mobility, load balancing and energy level that is simple and appropriate for
the resource constrained nodes in the LLN. This paper proposes a Mobility, Congestion and
Energy Aware RPL (MICE-RPL) Protocol. MICE-RPL proposed an OF that incorporate trust,
node’s residual energy (to deal with selfish nodes), node’s weight (a metric that considers node’s
children and grandchildren for load balancing) and Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) (to
assist mobile nodes in selecting parents that are within their range. The use of RSSI would also
mitigate neighbor attack in both static and mobile nodes. Since nodes can now determine the
nodes that are exactly within their range for selection as parents.
Related Works
A method based on packet drop rate (PDR) to detect SFA was proposed by Neerugatti and
Reddy (2020). A PDR value is computed for every node in the network. A PDR may be
negative, zero or positive. A node is detected as a malicious node if its PDR value is anything
other than zero. This according to Neerugatti and Reddy (2020) is an indication that of a
A trust based scheme called LT-RPL to diminish packet dropping attacks was proposed in Lahbib
et al., (2017) and enhanced in Lahbib et al., (2020). In LT-RPL, trust is a relationship derived
from direct observations and interactions referred to as direct trust and recommendations
exchanged between neighboring nodes referred to as indirect trust. LT-RPL is made of four
phases: information gathering, trust composition, trust database and trust application. LT-RPL
considers four dimensions: Quality of Service (QoS) dimension, energy awareness dimension,
reputation dimension and security dimension. Trust computation involves using node ID,
neighbour ID, Residual Energy (RE) percentage, Packet Forwading Rate (PFR) value, Expected
Transmission Count (ETX) value, Packet Reception Ratio (PRR) value, Packet Error Rate (PER)
value, transmission delay as well as the entity time. Node related trust and link related trust is
computed for each node. Node related trust is computed using both direct and indirect trust.
Direct trust is computed using node cooperativeness and node competence. Packet Forwarding
capability to carry out its routing tasks and to assess it, Remaining Energy (RE) percentage is
utilized. Recommended trust is computed from the reputation information gotten from trust
recommenders. Trust recommenders are nodes selected based on a credibility factor to avoid
malicious recommenders. The aim of link trust computation is to reinforce the routing DAG
establishment and maintenance process through the use of quality and performance of the
varying links joining the participating entities. Quality is measured using ETX and Packet
Reception Ratio (PRR). Performance is computed based on the Packet Error Rate (PER) and
transmission delay.
Ribera et al., (2020) proposed a technique based on the modification to the Lightweight
Hearbeat Protocol (LHP) proposed by Wallgren et al., (2013) to detect a packet dropping
attacks particularly SFA-II. LHP works by sending ICMPv6 echo requests from a dedicated node
to the rest of the nodes in the network. If a response is not received, this indicates a Blackhole
attack. To detect SFA-II attack in LHP, IPSec with Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) have
to be enabled so that the malicious node cannot differentiate between normal traffic and ICMPv6
echo and response messages. Ribera et al., (2020) improved LHP by employing User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) based heartbeat messages. UDP is used in RPL for transmitting data for IoT
devices to the gateway, hence a UDP packet is more likely to be dropped by a malicious SFA-II
node. The use of the UDP packets leads to a faster and more accurate detection compared to
ICMPv6 based heartbeat messages. This way both SFA-II and Blackhole attacks are detected.
Hassan et al., (2021) proposed a control layer based trust mechanism for supporting secure
routing in RPL. The proposed scheme is split into three layers: device layer, sink layer and
control layer. The scheme assessed the trust of nodes based on their forwarding behaviour. To
save computational space, storage and energy resources at the node level, complex trust related
computations are moved to a higher layer referred to as the controller. The proposed scheme uses
Muzammal et al., (2021) implemented an earlier work SMTrust proposed in Muzammal et al.,
(2020). SMTrust aim is to provide security against packet dropping attacks in RPL based IoT
networks. The proposed solution is integrated into the standard RPL as a modified OF and the
results are compared with the RPL’s OF0 and MRHOF. The selected trust metrics used in
SMTrust include: successful transactions of node (direct trust), energy level, historical
observations and recommended trust, mobility of nodes, location and link stability. Trust index
rated based on fuzzy judgement and only the reliable nodes are elected for routing based on the
trust threshold. The trust index is then transmitted to the parent selection algorithm in the
objective function of the routing protocol along with the rank and ETX values. The packet
dropping attack is detected via the calculated trust trust index of the nodes as well as the success
Considered Gaps/Improvements
maliciousness. Packet
congested parent
node, mobility or
node with an
exhausted battery.
Lahbib et al., Residual Energy Blackhole attack No consideration for A very good
both direct
and indirect
of misbehaviour.
related or mobility
computation at the
more complexity to
the scheme.
index is obtained
aggregated. The
packet dropping
and Reddy, (2020), Lahbib et al., (2020), Ribera et al., (2020), Hassan et al., (2021) and
Muzammal et al., (2021)) have lots of limitations. Packet loss in a network could be due many
factors. Mobility is one factor for a packet loss in heterogenous RPL network consisting of both
mobile and static nodes. RPL has a low adaptability to dynamic networks since it cannot
differentiate between mobile and static nodes (Korbi et al., 2012). The RPL standard does not
consider the provision of robust paths, as mobile nodes may be used in the routing path causing
frequent path disconnections (Bouaziz et al., 2019). For instance, if a mobile parent leaves the
network, that may lead to sudden packet loss in the network since child nodes may not be aware
that their preferred parent has moved away (Pancaroglu and Sen, 2021). All the nodes in this
sub-tree have now lost path to the root node and the RPL has take charge and fix this issue. RPL
will attempt to fix this issue using the local repair mechanism which may triggers the global
repair mechanism leading to the creation of a new DODAG with a new version number. Extra
energy and delay is incurred as a result of global repair. As more mobile nodes increases in the
DODAG, this situation becomes frequent which consequently leads to an increase in routing
overhead, end-to-end delay, energy consumption and reduces PDR (Cyriac and Durai, 2021).
RPL was initially meant for static topologies (Vidhya and Mathi, 2018). Although RPL was not
aimed at mobile nodes, real life applications however, may consists of mobile nodes (Korbi et
al., 2012). Many important applications of IoT in clinical or industrial environments however,
involve mobile nodes (Ko et al., 2010; Park et al., 2010; Park et al., 2017). These applications
require a hybrid multi-hop network that comprise of both static backbone nodes (routers) and
mobile nodes (e.g. medical staffs and patients in hospital, robots and machines in a factory) (Kim
et al., 2017). The Trickle Timer also do not help matters with regards to mobile nodes. The
Trickle Timer gives offers a slow response to a swift changing mobile network or even a zero
response (Korbi et al., 2012). One of the main reasons behind increased energy consumption,
delay and decreased reliability in LLNs is congestion (Al-Kashoash et al., 2018). IoT devices
suffers severe congestion issue leading to a packet loss and delay in the absence of the right load
balancing mechanism (Wang et al., 2020). There is no efficient load balancing routing
mechanism in RPL that guarantee a balanced distribution of traffic among respective nodes and
at the same time reduce the overhead (Ghaleb et al., 2018). There is a need for RPL to enable a
fair traffic load amongst nodes to ensure a balanced energy usage (Kim et al., 2017). Poorly
implemented load balancing results to a herding effect/flocking effect a situation where the
network suffers topological instability caused by sets of nodes continuously switching preferred
parent in a bid to achieve load balancing (Kim et al., 2015; Hadaya and Alaba, 2021). Load-
imbalanced network leads to increased energy consumption (Pancaroglu and Sen, 2021) in
overloaded parents nodes. This may leads to selfishness amongst overloaded parents with a
depleted battery. A selfish node is a node with a depleted battery that refuses to forward packets
for other nodes so as to preserve its energy (Airehrour et al., 2018; Lahbib et al., 2017). A selfish
node is also known as a non-cooperative node (Glissa et al., 2016). The scheme proposed by
Neerugatti and Reddy (2020) and Hassan et al., (2021) can lead to the persecution of benign
nodes since it considers every packet drop as an indication of maliciousness. In addition Hassan
et al., (2021) introduces the need for a dedicated high end node to compute trust calculation
thereby making the scheme unnecessarily complex. Lahbib et al., (2020) would lead to the
herding effect and parent node selfishness since there is no measure to ensure load balancing and
in the end destabilizes the network. As a result of lack inherent mechanism in the standard RPL
that addresses mobility, energy level and load balancing, the centralized IDS scheme proposed
by Ribera et al., (2020) will not accurately detect packet dropping attacks. Ribera et al., (2020)
scheme will detect a mobile parent node and overloaded parent node as malicious node. Packet
loss could be due to node related issue, congestion related or mobility related issue (Khan et al.,
2017). In Muzamal et al., (2021) it was not clear how the trust ranking index is obtained from
the trust metrics aggregated even though the metrics include battery level (energy) and mobility.
There was no attempt to enable any mechanism that ensures load balancing which would make
From the reviewed works it could be deduced that there is research gap that creates the need for
RPL scheme that accurately tackles packet dropping attacks with consideratation for mobility,
load balancing and energy level that is simple and appropriate for the resource constrained nodes
in the LLN. The reviewed literature also concentrated on SFA-II neglecting SFA-I, SFA-III and
SFA-IV. There is also therefore a need for security schemes that will deal with SFA-I, SFA-III
and SFA-IV types of SFA. Ribera et al., (2020) appears to be very good candidate with
improvements made to it. However, Ribera et al., (2020) is also susceptible to single point of
failure vulnerability (Autkar et al., 2015; Baroutis and Younis, 2017; Conti et al., 2017; Denzel
and Ryan, 2018; Haider et al., 2020; Kaur, 2019; Kohno et al., 2009; Sha, 2010; Shahare and
Chavhan, 2014; Tani et al., 2017; Tanuja, 2015; Tariq et al., 2021;) since the IDS is only placed
at the border router (root node/sink node). Once the IDS on the border router is maliciously
tampered with, the whole IDS scheme will break. Distributed detection method is better where
the task of detection is distributed amongst nodes. In addition the scheme is silent on mobile
nodes and a selfish node (Karkazis et al., 2012). A mobile parent node will end up being
punished by the Ribera et al., (2020) scheme as a malicious node. A mobile node should never
be selected as a parent in the first place (Lalani et al., 2020). A mobile node selected as parent
can move away from the vicinity of its children and will be regarded as a malicious node with
Ribera et al., (2020) scheme. A mobile node should be left as a leaf node and prevented from
sending out a DIO message (Gara et al., 2015). Node’s buffer congestion resulting from large
number of children or nodes sending data at a high data transmission rate which in turn leads to
packet drop has not been considered by Ribera et al., (2020). Routers are configured for best-
effort packet forwarding. The router receives and forwards all packets. The packet is queued if
the router cannot process the packet immediately. The packet is dropped if the queue is full.
Packets are normally processed on a first-come, first-served basis. If more packets are queued up
and router’s buffer size is not able to process the packets then those packets are dropped (Reetika
and Saini, 2014). Router’s buffer size should be three times greater than the total nodes in
environment (Reetika and Saini, 2014). Therefore, an OF that incorporates consideration for
mobility, congestion and node’s residual energy level can be introduced into Ribera et al., (2020)
for accurate detection of malicious nodes and makes the Ribera et al., (2020) more effective.
There is also the need to address the single point of failure vulnerability in the Ribera et al.,
(2020) scheme.
MICE-RPL consists of two phases. The first phase involves designing a mobility, congestion and
energy aware trust-based OF. The second phase involves the placement of a distributed IDS
scheme to check for SFA-II and also On-Off attack (OA). The proposed OF alone can help to
attack a malicious node threatens the IoT trust security scheme through nodes performing good
and bad behaviors randomly, to avoid being rated as malicious (Caminha et al., 2018). An OA
attacker can also behave differently with different neighbors to achieve conflicting trust opinions
of the same node. This kind of attack is hard to detect using traditional trust management
schemes (Guo et al., 2016). An OA attacker can evade through the trust based OF and later
unleash packet dropping attacks (Blackhole, Sinkhole and SFA) on the nodes in the DODAG.
Phase I
This phase proposed a mobility, congestion and energy aware trust-based OF. The OF is
composed of trust value of a node, RSSI and node’s weight. Mobility is addressed through the
use of RSSI. This would enable a mobile child node select a parent within its vicinity. In the
DODAG construction of MICE-RPL also mobile nodes would not be permitted to transmit a
DIO packet so that they don’t get selected as parent node. The energy level of a node is part of
the metric in trust computation. Congestion is addressed through node’s weight metric which is
Lahbib et al., (2020) method of computing trust is adopted in this work to compute trust. Lahbib
et al., (2020) proposes a trust computation method that reduces the selection of malicious parent
node and at the same time preserve Quality of Service (QoS). In addition the trust computation
method also considers energy level of node which is of particular interest to this study. The term
trust expresses the relationship between two entities: a trustor and a trustee. A trustor is the node
making attempts to join the DODAG or update its preferred parent. The trustee is the node
evaluated for election as the preferred parent. The relationship between trust and trustee is
derived from direct trust (direct observation) and recommended trust (recommendations). The
T(x →y)t = w1 ∗ NT(x→y)t + w2 ∗ LT (x→ y)t
Where T(x →y)t represents the value of trust the node x has for its candidate parent y at time t
and it is narrowed to a continuous range from 0 to 1, where 0 denotes complete distrust and 1
denotes absolute trust. It is the aggregation of node trust (NT) and link trust (LT). The weight
factors w1 and w2 are assigned to NT(x → y)t and LT(x→y)t respectively where w1 + w2 = 1; 0
≤ w1 ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ w2 ≤ 1.
NT is the aggregation of node’s direct trust NT(x→y)td and third parties’ recommended trust
Where wd and wr are the weights assigned to the direct and the indirect trust respectively. The
computation of the direct trust involves both node’s cooperativeness and competence.
and computed using the packet forwarding ratio (PFR), while NT(x →y)tcomp represents the
degree of the node’s ability to carry out its tasks within the routing process and it is computed
To diminish the effect of malicious recommenders this study will adopt SecTrust’s (Airehrour et
taking into consideration quality and performance of the various links joining the nodes so as to
where LT(x→y)tqual represents the conviction that the connecting link is good enough to fulfill
the QoS constraints. It is computed from ETX and packet reception ratio (PRR) as the guarantors
of quality between the trustor node and the trustee node. LT (x →y)tper f depicts the performance
of the link based on Packet Error Rate (PER) and transmission delay.
Node’s weight represents the number of children and grandchildren node it has on its subtree. An
algorithm from Sanou et al., (2021) is adopted to compute the potential parent node’s weight.
Algorithm 1
Each child node on parent p subtree:
If not a leaf node:
Send DAO packet with with its x number of children to the parent p
Parent node increment's its weight counter with x + 1.
At the expiration of the Trickle Timer:
Parent node p decreases its weight by the number of children node that have not
transmitted packets at the elapsed time.
The preferred parent of a node is selected based on a modified rank computation. The node with
the highest computed rank is selected as a preferred parent. The rank is computed as an
aggregation of the node’s trust value, node’s RSSI value and node’s inverse weigh thus:
(Hassani et al., 2021c). Thus, we change the nodeWeight value to −nodeWeight (called
Phase II
The proposed OF proposed in Phase I will effectively diminish the chances of selecting
Blackhole, Sinkhole and SFA-II malicious node as parent node using the packet forwarding
behavior monitoring. Nodes in RPL operating in promiscuous mode can overhear their
neighbour packet transmissions. The number of packets a node can successfully transmit on
behalf of the requesting node represents the actual reflection of the reliability of the node. This
represents the node’s packet forwarding behavior used in the trust value computation. However a
malicious node might excel in the rest of the metrics used in the trust value computation. OA can
also successfully evade the trust computation process and eventually get selected as a preferred
parent to unleash packet dropping attacks on the children on its subtree. For these reasons we
propose a Distributed Intrusion Detection System (DIDS) to address these concerns and serve as
a multi-layer security measure against packet dropping attacks. DIDS is based on enhancement
to Ribera et al. (2020) to address Single Point of Failure (SPF) posed by Ribera et al. (2020).
In the proposed DIDS (Figure 4), a node amongst the children is selected as a guardian node.
The guardian node is elected based on the OF proposed in phase I. The child node with the
highest rank is elected as the guardian node. If there is a tie, then any of the children is randomly
selected. In a single child parent scenario, the child by default becomes the guardian node. After
a time interval k, the guarding node sends a UDP request packet to the parent node. The guarding
node keeps a counter to track the number of UDP requests sent to the parent node. After a certain
threshold and no UDP response is received, the guarding node declares the parent node as a
malicious node. UDP is commonly used for delivering data for IoT devices to the sink node.
Therefore, such UDP messages would be more likely to be dropped by a malicious node as part
of a SFA-II. Blackhole by default drop any kind of packet nevertheless so it will be detected with
DIDS by default.
Enhanced MICE-RPL
The DIDS proposed in MICE-RPL as an improvement to the work of Ribera et al. (2020) might
be susceptible to bad mouthing attack (BMA) and ballot stuffing attack (BSA). BMA and BSA
are a form of collaborative attacks to the trust system to damage the reputation of and
discriminate against benign nodes and to boost the reputation of malicious nodes (Guo et al.,
2016). We imagine a scenario where OA attacker was able to successfully pass the guarding
node selection process of MICE-RPL. In that situations to two types of attacks are possible to the
MICE-RPL: bad-mouthing and ballot stuffing attacks. To counter BMA and BSA this study
propose an enhanced MICE-RPL (ENMICE-RPL) through an idea we called Who will guard the
guard? (“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?"). Who will guard the guard primarily consists of
electing an extra child node through the proposed OF in MICE-RPL refer to as verifying node
(Figure 5) elected to verify the claim of the guarding node. The verifying node will go through
the same procedure of sending UDP request packet and accepting UDP response packet from the
preferred parent. A guarding node caught guilty of BMA or BSA is blacklisted as a malicious
For a single child parent, BSA won’t have any effect, since the sole child node will end up the
one that will be affected. To verify against bad-mouth attack however, the study propose the use
of the root node or any other node within the vicinity of the sub-DODAG to help verify against
ENMICE-RPL will incur additional overhead in the form extra verification step performed by
the verifying node but it will help to check against BMA and BSA that MICE-RPL is exposed to.
In this study we have proposed a trust based mobility, congestion and energy aware RPL (MICE-
RPL) protocol for accurate mitigation of packet dropping attacks (Blackhole, Sinkhole and SFA-
II). MICE-RPL can also check against neighbor attack and OA packet dropping attack. MICE-
RPL might be susceptible to BMA and BSA and to provide solution against that ENMICE-RPL
was proposed. ENMICE-RPL will incur additional overhead but help check against BMA and
BSA that MICE-RPL is exposed to. As a future work MICE-RPL and ENMICE-RPL will both
be simulated using Cooja simulator and evaluated against related works. A testbed
N.B.: This is a conceptual paper extracted from the author’s PhD thesis proposal at Ahmadu
Bello University, Zaria, working with Prof. S. B. Junaidu, Prof. A. A. Obiniyi and Prof. A. M.
Ibrahim as thesis advisors who will eventually be added to the paper after they have reviewed the
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