Sexuality Education For Children and Adolescents: Clinical Report
Sexuality Education For Children and Adolescents: Clinical Report
Sexuality Education For Children and Adolescents: Clinical Report
The purpose of this clinical report is to provide pediatricians with PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
an update on the research regarding evidence-based sexual and Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
reproductive health education that has been conducted since the original
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
clinical report on the subject was published by the American Academy
no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
of Pediatrics (AAP) in 2001.1 Education about sexuality that is provided
by pediatricians can complement the education children obtain at school FUNDING: No external funding.
or at home,2,3 but many pediatricians do not address it. In a review of POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated
health maintenance visits, 1 of 3 adolescent patients did not receive they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
any information on sexuality from their pediatrician, and if they did, the
conversation lasted less than 40 seconds.4
To cite: Breuner CC, Mattson G, AAP COMMITTEE ON ADO-
CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH. Sexuality Education for Children
and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2016;138(2):e20161348
PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 2, August 2016:e20161348 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
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BACKGROUND affection, love, and intimacy in ways increased use of contraception at first
consistent with one’s own values, intercourse and in the use of dual
Children and adolescents with and
sexual preferences, and abilities. methods of condoms and hormonal
without chronic health conditions
The various dimensions of healthy contraception in already sexually
and disabilities will benefit when
sexuality comprise the anatomy, active teenagers.13 Nevertheless,
they are provided with accurate
physiology, and biochemistry the United States continues to
and developmentally appropriate
of the sexual response system; lead industrialized countries with
information about the biological,
identity, orientation, roles, and the highest rates of adolescent
sociocultural, psychological,
personality; and thoughts, feelings, pregnancy.14 Importantly, 88% of
relational, and spiritual dimensions
and relationships.6 Ideally, children births to adolescents 15 to 17 years
of sexuality. Information about
and adolescents receive accurate of age in the United States continued
sexuality can be taught and shared
information on sexual health from to be unintended (unwanted or
in schools, communities, homes,
multiple professional resources.8,9 mistimed).15
and medical offices using evidence-
based interventions. Children All children and adolescents need Sexual health information
and adolescents should be shown to receive accurate education about messages are received by children
how to develop a safe and positive sexuality to understand ultimately and adolescents multiple times
view of sexuality through age- how to practice healthy sexual throughout the day from the media,
appropriate education about their behavior. Unhealthy, exploitive, or religious organizations, schools, and
sexual health. Sexuality education risky sexual activity may lead to family peers, parents/caregivers, and
can be disseminated through the health and social problems, such as partners, although the quality of the
3 learning domains: cognitive unintended pregnancy and sexually information varies.16,17 In an article
(information), affective (feelings, transmitted infections (STIs), published in 2013 on how sexually
values, and attitudes), and behavioral including gonorrhea, Chlamydia, experienced adolescents in the
(communication, decision-making, syphilis, hepatitis, herpes, human United States receive sexual health
and other skills).5 papilloma virus (HPV); HIV infection; information, parents and teachers
and AIDS.10 From a 2012 informative were the source of information
Sexuality education is more than for 55% of girls and 43% of boys
report by the National Campaign
the instruction of children and about birth control and for 59%
to Prevent Teen and Unplanned
adolescents on anatomy and the of girls and 66% of boys about
Pregnancy that surveyed 1200 high
physiology of biological sex and STIs/HIV.18 Only 10% of sexually
school seniors, many senior girls and
reproduction. It covers healthy experienced adolescents reported
boys reported having mixed feelings
sexual development, gender health care providers as a source of
about the first time they had sex, with
identity, interpersonal relationships, birth control/STI/HIV information.
more than three-quarters responding
affection, sexual development, More than 80% of adolescents 15
that they would change the way their
intimacy, and body image for all to 19 years of age received formal
first sexual experience occurred.
adolescents, including adolescents instruction about STIs, HIV, or how to
Interestingly, seniors in this study
with disabilities, chronic health say "no" to sex between 2011-2013,
wanted their younger peers to know
conditions, and other special needs.6 yet only 55% of males and 60% of
it was “fine to be a virgin” when they
Developing a healthy sexuality is a females received instruction about
graduated from high school.11
key developmental milestone for birth control.19 Strong support of
all children and adolescents that It has been demonstrated that multilevel expanded and integrative
depends on acquiring information sexuality education interventions sex education is warranted now more
and forming attitudes, beliefs, can prevent or reduce the risk of than ever.20
and values about consent, sexual adolescent pregnancy HIV, and
orientation, gender identity, STIs for children and adolescents
relationships, and intimacy.7 Healthy with and without chronic health Delivery of Sexuality Education
sexuality is influenced by ethnic, conditions and disabilities in
racial, cultural, personal, religious, the United States.12 Adolescent Pediatricians/Health Care Providers
and moral concerns. Healthy sexual activity and teen births and Pediatricians are in an excellent
sexuality includes the capacity to pregnancies have been decreasing position to provide and support
promote and preserve significant since 1991, with the exception of longitudinal sexuality education to
interpersonal relationships; value 2005 to 2007, when there was a all children, adolescents, and young
one’s body and personal health; 5% increase in birth rates. The adults with and without chronic
interact with both sexes in respectful decrease in adolescent birth rates health conditions and disabilities as
and appropriate ways; and express in the United States reflects an part of preventive health care. Over
Most adolescents have the school-based sexuality education Two-thirds of states and the District
opportunity to explore intimacy and appropriate to students’ age, of Columbia allow parents to remove
sexuality in a safe context, but some developmental abilities, and cultural their children from participation or
others experience coercion, abuse, background as an important part opt out from sexuality education.
and violence. In fact, unwanted first of the school curriculum at every Fewer than half of states and
sexual encounters were reported grade.34 A comprehensive sexuality the District of Columbia require
in the National Survey of Family program provides medically accurate parents to be notified that sexuality
Growth among 11% of female information, recognizes the diversity education will be provided. Other
and male subjects 18 to 24 years of values and beliefs represented in states have specific content
of age who had first intercourse the community, and complements requirements, including “stressing
before age 20 years.28 Teenagers and augments the sexuality education abstinence” or precluding discussion
who report first sex at 14 years of children receive from their families, of homosexuality or abortion.41
age and younger are more likely religious and community groups, The status of sexuality education in
to report that it was nonvoluntary, and health care professionals. private schools is less well known.
compared with those who were 17 Adolescents and most parents agree There is little to no information
to 19 years of age at sexual debut.29 that school-based programs need available from parochial or private
Unwanted encounters may include to be an important source of formal scholastic institutions on the
dating violence, stranger assaults, education for adolescent sexual provisions of sexuality education.
and intrafamilial sexual abuse/incest. health.35–37
Although policies exist requiring
Screening for sexual violence and The protective influence of sexuality sexuality education, it may not
nonconsensual sexual encounters education is not limited to the be occurring in an unbiased and
is important when evaluating all questions about if or when to have systematic manner. From the 2012
sexually active adolescents, especially sex, but extends to issues of partner School Health Policies and Practices
for adolescents with chronic health selection, contraceptive use, and Survey, only 71% of US high school
conditions and disabilities, because reproductive health outcomes.38 districts have adopted a policy
they may be more likely to be victims Creating access to medically specifying that human sexuality is
of sexual abuse.5,30 accurate comprehensive sexuality taught. In a separate study comparing
education by using an evidence- high schools, middle schools, and
In the Schools based curriculum and reducing elementary schools, sexuality
Formal sexuality education in sociodemographic disparities in education taught in middle schools
schools that includes instruction its receipt remain a primary goal across states was more likely to
about healthy sexual decision- for improving the well-being of be focused on “how to say no to
making and STI/HIV prevention teenagers and young adults. Ideally, sex” rather than other topics, with
can improve the health and well- this education happens conjointly in approximately 1 in 5 teenagers
being of adolescents and young the home and in the school.39 reporting that they first received
adults.31 If comprehensive sexuality Factors that shape the content and instruction on “how to say no to sex”
education programs are offered in delivery of sexuality education while in the first through fifth grade.
the schools, positive outcomes can include state and school district Adolescent boys were slightly more
occur, including delay in the initiation policies, state education standards, likely than girls to be instructed on
and reduction in the frequency of funding from state and federal how to say no to sex or were using
sexual intercourse, a reduction in the sources, and individual teacher birth control while in middle school
number of sexual partners, and an comfort, knowledge, and skills. Fewer (52% of male teenagers, compared