Marian College of Baliuag, Inc
Marian College of Baliuag, Inc
Marian College of Baliuag, Inc
Areas of Concern Objectives Plan of Action Resources Persons Involved Timeframe
Accomplish and file the Updated
personal cumulative students’
Collect, analyze
record of the students. cumulative
and use a variety GC Head
Student record.
of objective and Psychometrician;
Update the personal Cumulative August (Opening
subjective Pre-school, High
Inventory record including the Record of Classes)- Established
personal and school and College
psychometric profile of (via GForms) September knowledge on
social data about students
the students. students’
the students.
information on
various issues
and problems
encountered by
the students. Psychosocial Seminar Presentations Guidance
for Students and Counselor August Increased
Parents (separate Guidance consciousnes
Assist students sessions for each Coordinator s; Provided
and parents in department: Pre-school, Resource Speaker; students
developing their Junior High, Senior High Pre-school, High with useful
understanding and College) school and College strategies on
about the students; how to cope
changes and Parents/Guardians with their
adjustments in new
Distance scholastic
Learning environment
during this
Webinar on Anti Cyber Presentations Guidance September pandemic;
Bullying Counselor Evaluation
Coordinator Full
Resource Speaker; awareness of
High school and the dangers
Create College students of cyber
awareness of bullying and
students about its
the dangers of consequence
bullying as well Mental Health Presentations s, together
as its Awareness Advocacy Guidance with its
consequences in Campaign Counselor October faces, and its
November Increase
of parents in
strategies to
make sure
To provide their
parents with Public Speaking Presentations Guidance children can
necessary Counselor focus despite
knowledge and Guidance of
skills help kids Coordinator captivating
develop healthy Resource Speaker; applications
digital behaviors High School and and
Gender Equity and Presentations December and self-
Equality in Education Guidance esteem of
To provide Seminar Counselor students in
students with Guidance engaging in
the practical Coordinator public
skills and Resource Speaker; speaking
knowledge High School and situations;
necessary to College Students evaluation
clearly, with Established
confidence and mindfulness
power, in a and
variety Leadership Seminar Presentations January consciousnes
of speaking situa s about
tions; assist in gender
boosting their equity and
self-esteem. equality
To provide and
assist students Guidance
about the Coordinator
meaning of Winning Kids’ Resource Speaker; Increase self-
encourage and
students to
become actively
involved in drug
Assists students
in making their
career plans that
adjustment and
and decision- a. Shift from one
making based on course to another.
self- b. Drop
understanding subject/course.
and knowledge c. Transfer to
of the another school.
Assist individual Individual Counseling:
in a. Filling-up of
understanding Counseling Guidance
himself to a Inventory Sheets Counselor
degree which b. Invite students Student Guidance
will enable him who signify Facilitators; Satisfied and
to take positive interest for Student-Client well-adjusted
steps in the light assistance. (all year levels) individuals.
of his new c. Interview Referral
orientation. cases. Guidance
d. Re-orientation of report/
students who All year round referral
committed or
more violation of
the university’s
rules and
Peer Facilitators,
Trainers; Selected
Follow- up Determine if the Follow up previous Gmeet/ Online Resource Person March – April Well-adjusted
individual is counselees, graduates, Interviews Representatives of and well-
adequately school-leavers and Different Colleges placed
potential drop-outs. informed
developing in his Interview students who parents on
and Universities
placement and if are planning to leave career
the opportunities the school. opportunities
presented are Survey of students to for their
Parents Leaders
appropriate for discover the problems children.
him. with which they felt a
need for help.
for curricular
Provide a total GC Head
assessment of Psychometrician
one’s personality Faculty/Students
Identify appropriate students in
services essential for terms of
Determine the
the type of students. their
individual’s High
intelligence Test Instruments Schoolstudents
Administer and
Testing quotient. Personal Data Sheet (transferees) and All year round
Psychological Tests weaknesses.
College freshmen,
Test Results
Discover the
Scoring and and
student’s abilities Interpretatio
interpretation of tests All students who
and personality n
strengths and have taken IQ or
weaknesses. Personality Test