and free and connected to people around you.
It starts with challenging your insecurities rather than letting them you challenge you.
It starts with moving towards your fears rather than moving away from them.
It starts with opening up and sharing yourself rather than closing down and hiding.
Becoming the kind of Man that women are naturally and effortlessly attracted to starts by becoming the
kind of Man that you want to be.
To attract women, you first have to become attractive. And that means becoming attractive to yourself.
Now, I’m not saying that pickup artist tricks can’t work. Of course they can. You can learn to hide and
conceal and pretend and manipulate and get short-term results with gullible women.
But if you’ve ever dreamed of getting long-term results with intelligent, self-aware women, then there’s
only one way to do it.
If a woman calls you a “nice guy,” take it as an insult not a compliment. If a woman has the audacity to
call you “nice” you mustn’t respond with “thanks,” instead, you must respond by telling her to “shut the
f#@k up.”
The benefits of selfishness and narcissism mustn’t be underestimated. The man who’s selfish and self-
centered is much more likely to be successful in life.
He’s more likely to get promoted, get what he wants, and acquire more skills and knowledge along the
He’s more likely to start his own business. And he’s more likely to acquire a greater number of assets and
resources in the process. This is part of the reason why women find dark triad men so attractive.
Dark triad men are not only more resourceful and assertive—two important components of attraction—
they’re also more likely to be charming and humorous.
After all, in a world where most people are conformist, the man who’s unafraid to stand out is a unique
and valuable commodity able to attract girls with ease.
Women want men who have a sense of purpose and ambition. The last thing a woman wants is a man
who’s focused exclusively on her and her erratic emotions.
A woman must feel safe pouring her emotions into you without having to worry that you’ll fold under
In the same way, you wouldn’t want to keep your money in a bank that isn’t safe and secure, women
don’t want to invest their emotions into men who are weak and vulnerable.
This doesn’t mean you should go out of your way to be mean or obnoxious.
You must have purpose, you must have goals, and you must have a mission to give your life meaning.
It doesn’t matter whether you want to become a doctor, artist, businessman, entrepreneur, athlete,
soldier, or entertainer.
Once you have the balls to implement these concepts you’ll be able to attract girls in no time.
Remember, the key to attraction is attitude.
In my opinion, this is the biggest secret to attract women for the long haul. You could look like a toad on
a stool and still attract women during your first impression if you have the confidence.
Think about it this way: How do you think jerks attract women? Is it because they are inattentive to their
feelings? Is it because they don’t call and make a woman feel insecure? No! It is because they are
confident in themselves and women are attracted to confidence.
When you have confidence you do all the right things. You talk smoothly, you make eye contact, you hold
your body language the right way, and your personality shines through.
Even though caveman days are gone, women still look for a man who is a provider, protector, and
everything else a stereotypical man should be.
You do not need to make millions or have a masculine face and body to send off this aura about you. You
do, however, need to project a masculine attitude that you will protect a woman and have her best
interest at heart always, because that is what a masculine man would do!
Funny guys are more attractive to women. Personally, I want a guy who is going to make me laugh for the
rest of my life, not bring me down – and I know that many women are on the same page as me.
However there may be other reasons. For instance, a woman may not be looking for something serious,
and a funny guy may be attractive because he appears not serious also. But, the bottom line is that
humor will attract women, no matter what type of women you are dealing with.
Shoulder back
Chest out
And it takes a lot of courage and confidence to give one to a woman right of the batt!
Be A Great Man
Dressing Right
Dressing right isn’t about wearing the hottest fashions. Truth told, it’s about two things:
Wearing Clothes That Fit You: This is 9/10ths of dressing right — wearing clothes that fit you properly. A
lot of guys aren’t sure what fits them “properly.” For that we advise you head down to the nearest shop
and ask the best-looking salesgirl there to help you find the right fit… before you get her number.
Wearing Clothes You Feel Good In: The other 1/10th is just wearing stuff you like, stuff that makes you
feel good about yourself and that expresses your personality. Every guy has his own style and it doesn’t
really matter what that is. It just matters that you have a clear sense of what’s “you” and what’s not.
Believe me — you’ll know the second you try it on.
Looking Good
Much like dressing right, looking good is a lot more basic than what you think. If we had to boil it down
to some simple stuff it would be these:
Shower and shave or trim your beard before you head out for the night.
Stand up straight and smile; No two things will make you look quite so confident.
Behave in a confident manner — for example high fiving random dudes.
This is all really basic stuff that any man can start doing tonight to level up his game.
Always Approach
One of the things we identified that women find “creepy” are guys who hover around, not making a
move. Don’t be that guy. Instead, be the confident guy who approaches a woman almost immediately
after he notices her. Believe us when we say that she noticed you checking her out. The longer you wait,
the harder it’s going to be to succeed.
You know who attracts the right kind of attention? Guys who travel in packs together — guys who are
being social, having a great time and overall giving off a positive vibe. When you head out for the night,
you want to be with other guys giving off the kinds of positive energy that you want to be giving off.
That’s the best way to seem like the right kind of guy women want to talk to and it is also one of the
biggest secrets to attracting women.
Listen Actively
One of the things we hear time and again that women can’t stand is guys who don’t listen to them —
actively. There’s listening and there’s listening and you want to be the guy who listens. Pay attention to
what she says, look her in the eye and say something to her so she knows that you’ve been paying
attention. It’s really not that hard, but most guys just aren’t doing this. If you can, you’ll have a great
night tonight.
Love Adventure
4. Dress in red.
8. Play an instrument.
A man of status. Women want to be desired by a powerful man. If you’re perceived to be of higher status
around the people you interact with, you hold the magical power to attract infinite women into your life.
– Focus on teasing a girl rather than complimenting her all the time
– Relax your body posture. Keep your chin up and make slow, non-jerky movements when gesticulating
and turning your head.
– When talking to a girl, ask questions to get her qualifying herself to you. eg. “Give me one good reason
I should buy you a drink?”
Self-love. Attracting women isn’t all about appearing attractive, it’s about being attractive from within,
and expressing your positive qualities to the women you interact with.
Playful and exciting. Women love the thrill of danger and excitement. They want to be rescued from the
boredom of everyday life. If you can be that guy and provide the experience a girl craves, she’ll find you
And try role playing different situations. Women love role play. Pretend you’re hiding from FBI agents,
and need a girl’s help to escort you to the bar unscathed.
Smile and hold eye contact. Remain locked in eye contact and follow with a light smile to relieve the
tension and avoid looking like an expressionless garden gnome.
Make her work for your attention. Use your body language to position yourself so she has to lean in to
talk and fight for your attention. Ask questions to get her qualifying herself to you. For example “I have
zero time for dull girls, do you do anything fun in your spare time?”
Tell stories, and never brag. Bragging screams neediness and low confidence. “Pick me, please find me
attractive!…I make lots of money and drive a Ferrari…. did I mention I make lot’s of money?!”
Show your desire for her. The desire of being desired by another man is extremely sexy for a girl. Unleash
the beast! Be the man who goes after what he wants. Tell a girl “You’re the perfect combination of sexy
and cute” (a great quote from Crazy Stupid Love) and don’t apologise for saying it.
#6 Bad hygiene
Awaken her senses by combining nonchalance with a charged sexual presence. Never force anything
physical. Instead lure her into lust, let her believe she is seducing you.
6. Be unpredictable
The moment a woman knows what to expect from you, your enchantment becomes tarnished. Keep her
in suspense then thrill her with a sudden change in direction.
7. Intrigue her
Lofty declarations can raise a woman’s suspicions. Disarm her instead with thoughtful gifts tailored just
for her or subtle gestures that show how much attention you have been paying her. Any restraint on her
part will soon be flung to the winds.
Confidence is an irresistible trait but it’s hard to have when you are not aligned with your purpose.
Purpose is having your eye on something that fulfills you and not letting anyone stand in the way of that.
I like to break down the meaning of purpose like this: Productive, Understanding by, Right, Picking, Of,
Someone’s, Excellence. This does not mean that you have to quit your 9-5 and start something that
fulfills you. No, it means planning and investing time in what fulfills you. What is your passion and how
can you start investing time in it? Finding your purpose can take time, but it requires you to be honest
with yourself.
#4 Stay Educated:
A woman wants to be able to have conversations with a man that she can exchange with and learn from.
She wants a man that will be able to share advice, but also some personal things that he has been
taught. This builds a connection and shows a sense of strength and stability in a man. Yes, we get this all
from being educated.
A man that can keep us on our toes is very exciting. It keeps the endorphin levels up and makes a woman
excited about what’s to come. Don’t be afraid to plan something where both of you can get an
adrenaline rush together. This also shows a huge sense of pride and confidence. It presents you as a man
who does not have a timid, insecure mindset and that is so attractive to women. I also want you to keep
this in mind when you’re wondering about how to keep a relationship interesting.
A man that can keep us on our toes is very exciting. It keeps the endorphin levels up and makes a woman
excited about what’s to come. Don’t be afraid to plan something where both of you can get an
adrenaline rush together. This also shows a huge sense of pride and confidence. It presents you as a man
who does not have a timid, insecure mindset and that is so attractive to women. I also want you to keep
this in mind when you’re wondering about how to keep a relationship interesting.
This is huge! A man without goals has no direction. A man without values has no self-discipline. Women
lose attraction when we have to carry the weight of finding out who you are. This isn’t shouldn’t be her
job. So, you should know this before jumping into any healthy relationship!
“Dark Triad” guys follow their hearts, but use their heads
“Dark Triad” guys care more about results than about intentions
“Dark Triad” guys are not affected by what other people think, say, or do
Stop doubting or ridiculing yourself. Instead, believe in yourself and everything you do.
Put your priorities over the priorities of others. Especially the ones of the woman you are dating.
Be a master manipulator. Learn what motivates women, and use them to get what you want.
Use, develop, and befriend the people around you. But don’t do it to be liked, which is pointless. Do it to
further your own goals.
Only lie as the last resort – but be ready to lie when you need to.
Stop worrying about your woman’s feelings. Not because you don’t care, but because you can’t control
how she feels anyway.
Stop worrying about other people’s opinions. If you’re not committing a crime, everything’s fair game.
Stop worrying about offending other people in pursuit of your goals. Your goals are much more
important. If they don’t want to get hurt, they shouldn’t get in the way.
According to a study by Evolution and Human Behavior men with closed-off body language come off as
less attractive, less active and less persuasive.
So always display open body language. Have a wide stance. Stand tall and confident and Take up space.
She’s then more likely to act more fun a friend around you. You could also say, “Are you adventurous” or
“I like that you are comfortable in your sexuality”. If she agrees she’s likely to continue displaying those
characteristics. So if she sees herself as adventurous or comfortable in her sexuality then she will likely
stay consistent with those attributes as you begin to escalate things further.
Sensual psychophysiologist and neuroscientist, Dr. Nicole Prause studied the human brain when you feel
those ~butterflies~ we like to call romantic tension and describes romantic tension as “Our pleasurable
interpretation of the general body arousal and preparation to engage.”
In other words, your body is feeling the heat and is using that romantic tension as motivation to GET. IT.
ON. When the brain starts thinking that the possibility of sex may occur, dopamine floods the system and
gets us excited.
So get her thinking about intimacy. You can do it directly by asking her a question like “Where’s the
craziest place you’ve ever had sex?” or indirectly by talking about a story that involves two people being
intimate. “One time I was driving with my girlfriend and it was late at night and she just started
unzipping my pants….”
I actually like to take my dates to a sex shop as we just so happen to be walking by one I say “hey let’s go
in here”.
Talking about intimacy can get her to start thinking about the possibility of being intimate with you in the
near future. So make it a point to bring up the subject of sex on the date. Trust me, most women love
talking about it.
So when you say, “We cannot have sex tonight” not only are you creating a psychological barrier which
instinctively creates more desire, but the unconscious brain can only process “We can have sex tonight.”
Now some of these are cool tactics to help take your skills to the next level and others are complete
personality changes you can use to improve your social life and self-esteem. Attracting women should
simply be a byproduct of improving yourself daily, feeling confident, and having a great personality.
Now if you just want to be better with women we created a “Free Escalation Cheat Sheet” that lists out
some of our best ways to spark romantic tension, turn a girl on, and escalate to the bedroom.
It’s filled with Advanced Escalation Techniques that will help you turn a platonic – friendly interaction,
into a more intimate – “I want to rip your clothes off” vibe.
This is very useful when you’re talking to a girl but it’s going nowhere.
Download the Escalation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to take things to the next level!
And if you want us to personally show you how to meet women, click here for a free 1-on-1
breakthrough call.
You can’t make decisions – even personal ones – without getting your girl’s permission first
She doesn’t ask you to do something – she TELLS you, and expects you to obey without question
She makes crazy requests that make no sense… but you feel trapped into complying with them
You believe it’s your “job” to obey her because it’s your “job” to make her happy at all costs
She uses “the silent treatment” and other sneaky tricks to get you to do what she wants
How Dark Triad Personality Traits (Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy) Will Help You Seduce,
Control and Dominate Women
pretty babe in whiteOK, since you’re here, I’m going to assume that you’re already somewhat familiar
with the concept of the “Dark Triad”. In this article, I’m going to share with you how being narcissistic,
Machiavellian and psychopathic will give you a leg up when it comes to dominating and controlling
And if you’re not realized it already, we are as “chauvinistic” and un-politically correct as it gets. If cold,
hard truth about women offends you, then you might want to exit this page immediately.
Are you in a relationship that’s steadily becoming worse and worse over time?
Do you want your girl to start treating you like the leader you’re meant to be?
Do you want her to start treating you with love, respect, and gratitude for all the hard work you do?
If you answered “yes” to any (or all) of the questions above, then guess what: salvation is at hand.
You’ll discover how embracing the principles of the Dark Triad will give you the power, dominance and
authority over women that you’ve always desired.
Sounds good?
Even better – it’s probably something that you’ve never seen elsewhere (at least not in those lame,
cookie cutter “Pickup Artist” blogs). The truth is that not many want to touch the subject on using the
Dark Triad in seducing women for the very real fear of getting attacked by the feminist lynch mob…
1 How Dark Triad Personality Traits (Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy) Will Help You Seduce,
Control and Dominate Women
7 c*nt
10.1 Dark Triad Test – How Do I Know If I Already Possess Dark Triad Personality Traits?
10.2 How Is The Dark Triad Consistent With The IRAE Model?
Pop quiz! See how many of the following apply to your relationship right now:
You can’t make decisions – even personal ones – without getting your girl’s permission first
She doesn’t ask you to do something – she TELLS you, and expects you to obey without question
She makes crazy requests that make no sense… but you feel trapped into complying with them
You believe it’s your “job” to obey her because it’s your “job” to make her happy at all costs
You think her happiness is more important than your own
She uses “the silent treatment” and other sneaky tricks to get you to do what she wants
If any (or all) of the above items apply to your relationship, then the problem is clear.
You’ve cut your balls off and handed them to her on a silver platter.
And you know what? If this crap continues, your relationship WILL crash and burn, no matter what you
Except, of course, if you use the techniques you’re about to learn in this article.
If you want to keep your woman, fix your relationship, and gain her respect and gratitude along the way,
then embracing the principles of the Dark Triad may well be your only bet.
These days, most guys walk into their relationships with, ahem, the “best intentions”:
It’s a far cry from 50-70 years ago, where most relationships had simpler rules:
Today’s relationships may seem “kinder” or “less sexist” than yesteryear’s relationships…
The man brings home the bacon… his wife cooks it.
The man protects his household… his wife keeps it in running order.
The man is the head of his house… his wife respects that.
The result, most times, is a relationship that’s in “Heaven.” The couple is in accord, and everything is
effortless and happy.
And it’s all because the man took the lead, and the woman followed.
For example, tell your wife (if you’re not married, imagine that you are!) that she left a dent in your car.
day dreamingShe may be sure that she didn’t dent the car. However, since there was no reason why
you’d lie to her about something like that, she wondered if she actually did it.
You’ll then tell her: “You know what? You should stop driving my car.”
What you’ve done is that you’ve made sure that she couldn’t go anywhere without you.
Next, tell her that she had spent money that she was not supposed to spend. Of course, that was
another lie.
She might just start questioning her sanity as you take away her credit cards.
Here’s one thing that women hate, and that’s being pigeonholed as “weird” or “unnatural”.
Use this technique to make a woman do what you want her to do (or correspondingly, not do something
you want her not to do).
Then, stay silent. This will make her feel uncomfortable enough to then do whatever you desire.
Let’s say you’ve been seeing a girl, and then one day she goes completely cold…
Here’s the Dark Triad way of solving the problem. Send her a text message with only one word:
That’s it.
(This works extra well if you’ve been nothing but nice to her.)
She will probably get mad at you. But you will get a reaction from her.
When she replies to you, then continue as if nothing happened. Revert back to your old frame.
Chances are that you’ll recover, and her interest in you will be renewed.
There’s a good reason why this works, and it has got to do with how the female mind deals with Intrigue
(see Module 4 of Shogun Method), and the concept of “Pattern Interrupt”.
Look: it’s entirely fine to play “rough” with her once in a while. Some women absolutely adore this shit.
Grow some balls and do it!
1. The aggressive guy gets the girl. Passive guys can pick up the scraps on the floor if the dog hasn’t
already got them. That’s reality. Men need to face this fact if they are going to be successful in attracting
1. The aggressive guy gets the girl. Passive guys can pick up the scraps on the floor if the dog hasn’t
already got them. That’s reality. Men need to face this fact if they are going to be successful in attracting
women.If you want to attract women, you need to kick your supplicating jellyfish side to the curb and get
in touch with your alpha male. Think about it: in every species on earth, it’s the dominant male who
successfully reproduces. You need to be like that dominant male and take a few risks if you want your
DNA in the next generation.
Ramping up your confidence and taking charge of your love life will ultimately help you be more of your
true self – the one who isn’t hiding behind excuses and fears.
e a man who exhibits the Three S’s — self-confidence, self-discipline, and a sense of humor.
With only these three behaviors, you can successfully attract women. Practice these traits and hone
them until they become a natural part of your personality. Keep working on developing them and
someday they will be a part of you the same as your personality.
These three characteristics alone will make you stand out from the crowd of men in the dating arena all
striving for a piece of the pie.
By improving yourself in these ways, you will stand head and shoulders above the rest.
3. Nice guys come in last. Don’t listen to women when they idly say they want a nice guy boyfriend who
is sensitive and will hold their hand and understand their every need and desire. Instead, look at what
women go for. They go for a guy who has a little bit of a mysterious or dangerous edge. They don’t go for
the guy who treats them like he is their new best friend forever.
It’s true, that women want a man who can engage in a decent conversation and can share some of his
feelings. But they don’t want an overly sensitive, overly emotional guy who cries into their shoulder.
They want a man.
4. Get in touch with your sexual power. Men sometimes fall into a trap of thinking that their only way to
be powerful in the sexual arena is to jump through women’s hoops in order to get sex. Men who think
this get resentful and bitter about what they perceive they have to do to get a woman in bed.
In fact, women want sex, too. They want sex with a man who demonstrates the Three S’s — self-
confidence, self-discipline, and a sense of humor.
They have a demand and you have the supply. If you realize this and understand you are a valuable and
desirable commodity, you will never be alone again.
ard. It won’t matter if you are at a club, a coffee shop, or a business function. The first step is going to be
arousing her attention and interest.
2. Your second step is going to be instigating attraction. This is the point where you are going to make
sure she feels that first inkling of desire and attraction toward you. This first sense of attraction can even
be non-sexual. For instance, have you ever met a charismatic guy and wanted to be friends with him. It’s
all a form of creating attraction through personality and it is a form of attraction that appeals to
3. Your third step involves creating a connection and establishing a vibe with a woman. If a woman is
ever going to sleep with you, she needs that sense of connection. That is actually even more important
than a commitment. Women can be just as satisfied with having sex without a commitment as a guy can.
The difference is your attitude and the connection she feels with you.
Part of that connection is that vibe, or feedback loop you establish with one another. Having a vibe with
someone else means you are bouncing back and forth a fun and positive energy between the two of you.
This cements that feeling of connection you are trying to establish.
4. The fourth step in attracting women is making sure her progression of emotions and attraction toward
you follow this pattern:
b. She must be curious about you, which you can encourage through conversational techniques.
c. She must feel some sexual tension between the two of you, which you can cultivate by techniques
such as teasing and the push-pull method.
d. She must find you fun and have a sense of excitement about you. You can do this by making her laugh
and other techniques.
e. She must admire you enough to feel that you are valuable enough that she worries about the risk of
losing you and your attention.
f. She must feel that you are a bit of a challenge to her. You can accomplish this by avoiding expressing all
your feelings and emotions. Instead, keep them close to your chest.
g. She must feel a connection with you. The importance of establishing this sense of connection is
mentioned above.
Be a man who is in control of his actions. Your body language is very important when it comes to
attracting the right kind of women. Women have their standards too. You might have seen before men
who may look stunning but possesses poor body language. This would just deter the opportunity of
attracting women. Women are extremely good at picking up men's body language. They talk as much as
they observe. Trust me. As such, it is important that you work on your body language such that you are
able to maintain a positive look throughout.
This may sound weird, but talking in a loud tone IS one of the secrets to attract women. The reason why
some men don't make it big with women is because they are just too timid to talk. Or to put in crudely,
they do not have a clue as to how to talk like a real man. See, women love manly man. If you are able to
talk with a loud strong and confident tone, women will find this highly attractive. It will impress a woman
more if you are able to offer her your own opinions when you are in a conversation with her. Not only
that you are a manly man, she will think of you who as someone who is intelligent and this builds up on
your charm factor. Be what you really are and just let your natural presence be felt..
Learn how to be the front seater. Don't always try to hide behind people's back. Instead, stand out from
the crowd. Don't get lost among the rest. Be friendly and this will make you look approachable, and
women will get drawn to your outgoing and fun personality. The front seater always gets noticed.
However, do remember not to overdo it. It just makes you too loud a person and this might be the
greatest turn off for most women.
Other secrets to attracting women would include polishing your communication skills. Wouldn't it be
embarrassing if you keep on fumbling and tripping over your words, when the woman you are talking to
is way much confident? It just shows that you are not her type. The way you talk to her shows a lot about
your personality. If your conversation is full of slapstick jokes, some women might find in totally lame.
Instead, be spontaneous and humorous. Make her laugh and she will find you attractive.
These are just some of the secrets that you need to know to attract the women that you want. If you
failed on your first shot, don't give up yet. Not all women go for guys with your kind of personality. Keep
trying and don't quit yet.
A good dressing sense is very important when you want to attract women. Just like men check out
women and go for the exotically clothed ones, women too, check out what men wear. So, suit up for the
occasion and get a little fashion savvy
Smelling great
Dressing well is incomplete if you smell like the zoo. Invest in a good perfume or cologne and attract a
woman to you.
Attitude is everything. If you have a killer attitude, then the world is your oyster. Let your confidence and
success reflect in your attitude and women will get drawn to you. You have to make everyone around
you "feel" your success and that should automatically make everything else around you inconsequential.
Women love men who have a good sense of humor. Cleverly manipulated conversations that are dotted
with funny anecdotes makes a man look worldly and intelligent and both these qualities draw women to
Flirt outrageously and with total abandon. (Don't be offensive though). Women get drawn to men who
are not persuaded to behave in a certain manner according to the time and place that they are in. So
trying to be politically correct and saying the right and the nice things will keep you looking like a good
guy...but being reckless will get you all the attention.
If you give the impression that you do not get impressed easily then you will have women getting drawn
to you. This will also help you in assuming a higher status as it will make everyone else feel like you have
done it and seen it all. Its reverse psychology at play here and the more resistance that you give them
the harder they work for your approval.