EOI, Which Is Not in The Prescribed Pro-Forma, Shall Be Rejected. Any

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EOI Document for Jmpoct Study of ADIP

No.4-2 (27)/2017 /DD-I

Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities(Divyangjan)

5th Floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhavan,

CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003

Dated: the January, 2018



Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)

invites "Expression of Interest" from reputed agencies
/organizations/ institutions for conducting Comprehensive and In-depth
Assessment of the Impact of Central Sector Scheme of Assistance to Disabled
Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/ Appliances (ADIP) and submit their EOis
in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-111). The EOI along with the requisite
documents should be placed in a sealed cover and super-scribed as "EOI for
Impact Evaluation Study of ADIP Scheme". The brief features of the ADIP
Scheme are given in Annexure-11.
2. EOI, which is not in the prescribed pro-forma, shall be rejected. Any
EOI with inadequate information and those which do not meet the requisite
criteria or received after the closing date will not be considered. EOI should be
as concise and as focused as possible to give the requisite information.

4. Last date of receipt of EOI: The EOI, complete in all respects, should
reach the undersigned at the address mentioned above by 19th February, 2018.

5. It may please be noted that only the shortlisted agencies sha]l be invited
to submit detailed technical and financial proposals. /
' -

(M.L. Meel"la)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Tele No: Ol 1-24369045

Encl: Annexure I to III

Copy to: Under Secretary (Admn), DEPwD, with the request to upload this
Notice on the website of the Department.

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ED I Docum ent for Im pact Study of AD IP




The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) [hereinafter

referred to as DEPwD] has been running a scheme titled Scheme of Assistance to Disabled
Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/ Appliances (ADIP) (hereinafter referred to as the Scheme or
ADIP in short). The brief features of the Scheme are given in Annexure-Il. The ADIP Scheme is
in operation since 1981 with the main objective to assist the needy disabled persons in procuring
durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured, modern, standard aids and appliances to
promote physical, social, psychological rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities by reducing the
effects of disabilities and at the same time enhance their economic potential. Assistive devices are
given to Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) with an aim to improve their independent functioning
and to limit the extent of disability and occurrence of secondary disability. The aids and
appliances supplied under the Scheme must have due certification. The scheme also envisages
conduct of corrective surgeries, whenever required, before providing an assistive device. The
Scheme has been last revised w.e.f. 01.04.2014.

2.1 Scope and Objective of the study

The Evaluation study would be aimed at comprehensive and in-depth impact assessment
of above mentioned Central Sector Scheme of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with
Evaluation must bring out the results in quantitative and qualitative terms of Scheme
separately, in terms of geographical coverage, institutional coverage (rural and urban),
beneficiaries. The Evaluation Agency, as part of the Evaluation Study, will be required to cover
the following objectives":-
, To assess the coverage of the Scheme in all States/UTs covering rural, urban and remote
areas of the country (physical targets achieved).
, To examine the implementation process including availability, adequacy and timelines of
funds earmarked for ADIP Scheme.
, To assess the quality of the aids / appliances provided to the persons with disabilities
under the scheme.
, To examine the capability of the implementing agencies including the NGOs in providing
aids/appliances to the PwDs and how far they have taken care and succeeded in making
suitable arrangements for fitting and post fitting of the aids and appliances distributed
under the scheme.
, To examine how far the main objective of the scheme has been achieved in assisting the
needy PwDs in procuring durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured, modem,
standard aids and appliances that have promoted their physical, social and physiological
rehabilitation, by reducing the effect of disabilities and enhanced their economic potential.
r To assess the durability of aids and assistive devices and the system ofrepair /replacement
of such devices by implementing agencies.

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EOI Docum ent for Impact Study of ADIP

'r To examine linkage of the scheme with educational & economic empowerment schemes
for disabled and suggest strengthening of the linkage.
', To examine the system to prevent duplication of beneficiaries and suggest suitable
measures, including IT based solutions for preventing such duplication.
'r To examine the present system of monitoring the implementation of the scheme and

suggest suitable improvements.

> To suggest ways and means for spreading awareness about the scheme.
'r To find out the bottlenecks of the scheme, if any, and to suggest remedial measures for

2.2 Study Reference Period

The study reference period is from the financial year 2014-15 to 2016-1 7 and Current
Year (up to 30.12.2017).

3. Eligibility conditions for submission of RFP

(a) A Company registered under Companies Act, 1956 or a Society registered under
Registration of Societies Act, 1860.
(b) The agency must have at least ten years' experience of conducting studies of the Central
Government programmes and schemes for conducting comprehensive and in-depth
assessment of the Impact.
(c) The average annual turn-over of the bidding agency shall be not less than Rs.5.00 crore in
the last three financial years.
(d) The agency must have a valid (a) PAN/TAN No. (b) Goods and Service Tax Registration
(e) Non-Blacklisted: No organization which has been blacklisted or placed under funding
restrictions by any Ministry or Department of Government of India/State Government (s)
may apply. However, if the bid is within the restrictions so imposed, if any, the same shall
be stated conspicuously in the introduction itself.
(f) The bidding organization must have carried out at least one research project worth Rs.
25.00 lakh or more in any of the three preceding years;
(g) The agency must have executed at least five evaluation studies for Central Government
Schemes or social audit of any flagship scheme of the Government oflndia;
(h) The team leader must have experience in independent research (i.e. at least a Master's
degree and a paper to his credit) and at least two other members of the team shall have
experience in research (i.e., at least a Graduate Degree and having assisted another
independent researcher);
(i) The bidder shall furnish the list of two experts in the field who have consented to work on
the project, if awarded to the bidder.

4. Criteria for short list of Consultants:

Consultants shall be short listed as provided in Table 2: Qualification criteria and their weightage,
stipulated in the Manual of Procurement of Consultancy & Other Services 201 7 published by the
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India:

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EOI Document for Impact Study of AOIP

S.No. Criteria Weig_htage

Sub-criteria Criteria Total Sub-criteria
Past experience of the consultant ( 60%
track record)

• Number of years' relevant 20%

experience Past experience of
studies of similar nature
• Past experience in carrying out
• Studies in the related sector
• Studies carried out in the

2 General profile of qualification, 25%

experience and number of key staff
(not individual CV s)

• Qualifications 30%
• Relevant experience 70%
3 Overall financial strength of the 15%
consultant in terms of turnover.
profitability and cash flow (liquid
assets) situation

• Turnover figure for last three 50%

• Net profit figure for last three
Total 100%

NOTE: A Consultant who secures 75% (seventy five per cent) and above marks shall be
5. Furnishing of documents:
Along with the Expression of Interest, the following documents regarding the consultancy firm
will be submitted, with self-attestation on each page thereof:

a) Registration/ Incorporation Certificate of the bidding organisation,

b) Audited Accounts for three preceding years (2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17) of the
c) Latest valid Income Tax Clearance certificate (ITCC) of the organisation:
d) Organisation structure of the bidder giving the details of actual strength of its employees:
e) All Documents/ Statements to support that the bidding organisation fulfils the eligibility
conditions as mentioned in para- 3 herein above.

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EOI Document for Impact Study of ADIP

f) A declaration that the agency has never been black listed or restricted to apply for any
such activities by any Government Department or Court of Law anywhere in the country.

6. Opening of Expression of Interest:

(i) The EOis received up to the last date shall be opened on the notified date in presence
of the Tender Opening Committee of this Department. Representatives of the
participating organisations (one person from each organisation) may be present
during the opening of the EOis, if they like.
(ii) The EOls shall be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee to be set up by DEPwD.
The Committee may like to have presentation of the bidders before final evaluation.

7. Shortlisted agencies shall be invited to submit detailed Technical and Financial Bids. Final
selection of the consultancy firm shall be done on the basis of evaluation of the Technical and
Financial Bids.

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EO I Docum ent for Im pact Study of AD IP

Annexure II

Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances (ADIP)

Under the ADIP Scheme, grant-in-aid is released to various implementing agencies

(National Institutes/ Composite Regional Centres/ Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of
India(ALIMCO)/District Disability Rehabilitation Centres/State Handicapped Development
Corporations/other local bodies/ NGOs) to assist the needy disabled persons in procuring
durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured, modern, standard aids and appliances to
promote physical, social and psychological rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities by
reducing the effects of disabilities and at the same time enhance their economic potential. A copy
of the scheme is available on the website of the Department www.disabilityaffairs.gov.in.

Implementing Agency under the Scheme

The following agencies are eligible to implement the Scheme on behalf of Department of
Disability Affairs under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, subject to fulfillment of
following terms and conditions:

(i) Societies and their branches, if any, registered separately under the Societies Registration
Act, 1860.
(ii) Registered Charitable Trusts.
(iii)Indian Red Cross Societies and other Autonomous Bodies headed by District
Collector/Chief Executive Officer/District Development Officer.
(iv)National/ Apex Institutes, CR Cs, RCs, DDRCs, National Trust, ALIM CO functioning
under administrative control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment/Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare.
(v) National/State Handicapped Development Corporation and Section 25 Companies in the
Private Sector.
(vi)Local Bodies - Zilla Parishad, Municipalities, District Autonomous Development
Councils and Panchayats etc.
(vii) Hospitals registered as separate entity, as recommended by State/UT/Central Govt.
(viii) Nehru Yuva Kendras.
(ix)Any other organization as considered fit by Department of Empowerment of Persons with
Disabilities (Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.

Eligibility of the Beneficiaries

A person with disabilities fulfilling following conditions would be eligible for assistance under
ADIP Scheme.

i. An Indian citizen of any age.

ii. Holds a 40% Disablement Certificate.
iii. Has monthly income from all sources not exceeding Rs. 20,000/- per month.
iv. In case of dependents, the income of parents/guardians should not exceed Rs.
20,000/- per month.
v. Who have not received assistance during the last 3 years for the same purpose from
any source. However, for children below 12 years of age, this limit would be one year.

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ED I D ocum ent for Im p act Study of A D IP

The following activities are undertaken under the ADIP Scheme:

(a) Camps

(b) AD IP-SSA Camps

Assistive aids and appliances are distributed to the children below 14 years of age and
attending School under the Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan Scheme of the HRD Ministry. As per
the agreement with HRD, ALIM CO, the implementing agency, is reimbursed 40% of the
expenditure by the State Government Authorities and 60% of the expenditure through
grants under ADIP Scheme.

(c) Headquarter Activity

1. The National Institutes/CRCs/ ALIM CO require ADIP grant to attend to eligible

beneficiaries who approach the Institute or their Regional Centres.

11. Some well established NGOs have Centres/Sub-centres that carry out OPD
activities and also undertake corrective surgery operations for Persons with
Disability. Many disabled persons approach their centres/sub-centres for assistive
aids and devices. Therefore, ADIP Grant is released for their HQ activities.

( d ) Camps at the District.

Under the ADIP Scheme, grants are also released for holding camps by the Implementing
Agencies at the district level for distribution of assistive aids and devices.

Revision of ADIP Scheme

The ADIP scheme has been last revised w.e.f. 01.04.2014.

Quantum of Assistance:

o Aids/appliances which do not cost more than Rs. 10.000/- are covered under the
Scheme for single disability. However, in the case of Students with Disabilities
(SwDs), students beyond IX class, the limit would be raised to Rs.12,000/-.

o The amount of assistance will be as follows:-

Total Income Amount of Assistance

Up to Rs. 15,000/- per month Full cost of aid/appliance
Rs.15,001/- to Rs. 20,000/- per month 50% of the cost of aid/appliance

o Implementing agencies shall use 5% of the grant-in-aid as

administrative/ overhead expenses for conducting awareness, assessment and
follow-up camps.

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EO I D ocum ent for Im p act Study of A D IP

Motorized Tricycle and Wheelchair:

Under the Scheme, subsidy for motorized tricycles is Rs.25,000/- for severely disabled
and for Quadriplegic (SCI), persons suffering from Muscular Dystrophy, Stroke, Cerebral Palsy,
Hemiplegia and any other person with similar conditions where either three/four limbs or one
half of the body are severely impaired. This will be provided to the persons of age of 16 years
and above, once in 10 years. Requirement of 80% disability is essential. However, severely
disabled persons of 16 years and above age having mental impairment shall not be eligible for
motorized tricycles and wheelchairs since it puts them at a risk of serious accidents/physical
harm. The actual cost of ALIMCO's motorized tricycle is Rs.37.000/-. The difference amount of
Rs.12.000/- and transportation cost, wherever applicable, is met either by the beneficiaries or
through convergence with MP/MLA fund/CSR funding.

Cochlear Implant:
Provision of Cochlear implant for 500 children per year with Hearing disability with
a ceiling of Rs. 6.00 lakh per unit included. This will result in providing life long relief for
hearing impaired children in the age group of O to 5 years. The Ministry has made Ali Yavar
Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped (A YJNIHH). Mumbai, as the nodal agency
for cochlear implant. They invite applications by issuing advertisements in news papers (all India
editions) and also through their website: vvww.avjnihh.nic.in. Applicants have to apply based on
advertisement/details on website to A YJNIHH, Mumbai. Cochlear Implant shall be procured by
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO), Kanpur and provided at the
nominated hospitals. Surgery would be done at identified Government/State Government
approved hospitals. For conducting cochlear implant surgery. the Ministry has approved
empanelment of 172 Hospitals (Both Government and Private). So far 940 Cochlear implant
surgeries have been conducted throughout the country.

High-End Devices:
Based on the recommendation of the Expert Committee, the Department has notified
high-end aids and assistive devices for Visually Impaired, Leprosy Affected, Hearing Impaired,
Kits for persons with intellectual & developmental disabilities and Orthopedically Impaired.
Detailed lists of high-end devices are available on the website of the Department
(www .disabilityaffairs.gov .in).
The extent of financial support would be limited to Rs. 10,000/- for each disability and
Rs. 12,000/- for students with disabilities in respect of devices costing up to Rs. 20,000/-. For all
expensive assistive devices costing above Rs. 20,000/- . Government shall bear 50% of cost of
these items and the remainder shall be contributed by either the State Govt. or the NGO or any
other agency or by the beneficiary concerned, subject to prior approval of Ministry on case to
case basis, limited to 20% of the Budget under the Scheme.
Budget Allocation and expenditure during the last three Financial Years and current year:

Allocation RE Allocation Amount released No. of

Year BE
(Rs. in crore) (Rs. in crore) (Rs. in crore) Beneficiaries
110.00 110.00 l O 1.28 265602
151.40 151.16 245584
2015-16 125.50
170.00 170.00 290295
2016-17 130.00
-- 142.56 134102
2017-18 150.00

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Annexure - III to EOI No.4-2 (27)/2017/DD-I dated 23rd January, 2018 issued by
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)

Expression of Interest

1. Name of the Firm --------------------

2. Name & Designation of the Contact Person _

3. Address ---------------------

4. Telephone No. Fax No. _

Mobile No. E-mail --------

5. Date of Registration/incorporation

6. PAN/TAN No.
7. Goods and Service Tax Registration No. _

8. Details of the proposed Team Leader:

(i) Name -
(ii) Designation-
(iii) Qualification-
(iv) Relevant Experience -
[Use Separate sheet if the space provided is insufficient]
9. Details of the other Team-Members:
(i) Name -
[Provide other relevant details in a Separate sheet]

10. Annual Turn Over of the firm/agency as per its audited accounts:

Year Turnover (in Rs. Lakh)


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EO I Docum ent for Im pact Study of AD IP

11. Experience Profile :

SI. Name of the Nature of Name of the Duration Total

NO. Project/Study Study organisation for cost
whom the study was

(Additional sheet may be used if the space provided below is insufficient)

12. Undertaking:
We do hereby undertake that -

(i) we accept the terms & conditions laid down in DEPwD's EOI Notice No.4-2
(27)/2017/DD-I dated 23rd January, 2018.

(ii) the firm/agency namely is not blacklisted by any

Government Department/Organisation.

(iii) we shall comply with all statutory obligations related to the discharge of the
functions under the assigned work.

Dated: (Signature of the authorized signatory of the Firm)

Full Name: ~-----------

Company Seal
List of Enclosures:
(i) Copy of TAN/PAN No.
(iii) Copy of Registration/Certificate of Incorporation
(iv) Copy of Goods and Service Tax Registration No.
(v) Copy of Audited Accounts of the firm for the last three years
(vi) Latest valid Income Tax Clearance certificate (ITCC) of the organisation;
(vii) Organisation structure of the firm,
(viii) All Documents of Statements to support that the organisation possesses the requisite
experience and qualifications for the tender.

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