E Ductulator09
E Ductulator09
E Ductulator09
Rectangular Duct
Fitting Eqv. Length @ Eqv. Length @
Δh/L=0.1”/100’ Δh/L=0.3”/100’
Type w/h=1 w/h=4 w/h=1 w/h=4
T rans itio n
Rectangular Elbow 65 90 70 100 2 S traight s id es
Rect. Elbow with Vanes 14 14 25 25 S q ua
45º Rectangular Elbow 18 27 20 30 T ee
Radius Elbow (R/w=.75) 24 40 27 45 R ec tangular
E lb o w
Radius Elbow w. Vanes 2 4 2 5
Square Tee 50 90 55 100 w
Square Tee w. Vanes 16 30 18 34
Radius Tee (R/w=1.5) 16 30 18 34 h
(Base Leqv on outlet size) Ain/Aout=2 Ain/Aout=4 Ain/Aout=2 Ain/Aout=4 C o nic al
T ake-o ff
Square Transition 12 13 19 21
3-Straight Side Transition 5 5 5 5
2-Straight Side Transition 5 5 5 5
Return Grill Box 19 20 21 22 R
Plenum Outlet (no radius) 40 40 44 44 w
Tapered (45°) Ret.Grill 8 9 9 10 P lenum
Ain/Aout=0.5 Ain/Aout=0.25 Ain/Aout=0.5 Ain/Aout=0.25 C o il C ab
P lenum
C o il C ab
F ittin gs an d T ee
T ran sitio n s S tub W ye
B ranc h A ngle B o o t
fo r T ab le 9 .8
F ull F lo w T ee
E lb o w
R egis ter
(90, 4-p iec e) S ad d le S id e C eiling B o x
P lenum o r
C o il C ab inet R eturn G rill
45 B o x T rans itio n
T ap ered
R eturn 45
T ap ered R eturn
G rill T rans itio n
T rans itio n
3 S traight s id es
T rans itio n
2 S traight s id es
S q uare R ec t-R o und R ad ius T ee
T ee T rans itio n
R ec tangular
Elb o w
S q uare
w T rans itio n
S m o o th
h R ad ius 45R ec t.
C o nic al E lb o w T ake-o ff
T ake-o ff R ec tangular
T ake-o ff
R o und T ake-o ff
45 R o und
T ake-o ff
P lenum o r
C o il C ab inet R eturn G rill
45 B o x T rans itio n
T ap ered
R eturn 45
T ap ered R eturn
G rill T rans itio n
R o und T ake-o ff
45 R o und
T ake-o ff
P lenum o r
C o il C ab inet R eturn G rill
45 B o x T rans itio n
T ap ered
R eturn 45
T ap ered R eturn
G rill T rans itio n
Table 9.7 Air Filter Performance and Ratings
(ASHRAE, 2004, c. 24; American Filtration, 2004, AirGuard, 2004)
Type Depth Std. 52.2 Δh (in.) @ Δh (in.) @ Rec. Final Dust
(inches) MERV 300 fpm 500 fpm Δh (in.) Spot Eff.
Fiberglass 1 4 0.10 0.20 0.5 -
Disposable 2 4 0.13 0.28 0.5 -
Pleated 1 6 0.20 0.45 1.0 25-30%
2 6 0.13 0.30 1.0 25-30%
4 6 0.12 0.25 1.0 25-30%
Pleated 1 8 0.29 0.59 1.0 30-35%
2 8 0.20 0.40 1.0 30-35%
Extended 1 11 0.27 0.54 1.0 60-65%
Surface 2 11 0.18 0.38 1.0 60-65%
Pleated 4 11 0.10 0.22 1.0 60-65%
Ext. Pocket 22 11 0.13 0.37 1.5 60-65%
, AirGuard, 2004)
nal Dust
.) Spot Eff.
Major Dia. DMajor 28 Inches
Minor Dia. DMinor 18 Inches
T50/Lmin = 1.4
T50/Lmax = 2.7
Lx 10 ft
Ly 12 ft
T50min 16.8 ft
T50max 27.0 ft
cfm1-table cfm2-table cfm-Reqd
435 520 500
T50 22 26 25.1 ft
NC 27 31 30.1 NC
TP 0.094 0.136 0.126 in. water