Constitution and By-Laws Bula National High School Teachers League Constitution Preamble
Constitution and By-Laws Bula National High School Teachers League Constitution Preamble
Constitution and By-Laws Bula National High School Teachers League Constitution Preamble
WE, the personnel of the BULA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, to promote our moral, social, and economic
well-being; protect and uphold our individual and collective rights, as well as foster harmonious and
progressive labor management relations do hereby promulgate this CONSTITUTION.
Section 1. To establish an organization that will represent the employees of the BULA
NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL in collective bargaining with respect to salaries, wages,
hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment.
Section 2. To promote the moral, social, and economic well-being of all the members.
Section 3. To protect and uphold the individual and collective rights of all the members.
Section 5. To strive for the adoption of legislation, policies and other measures that will promote
the economic, social, and general well-being of all the members, and the working class,
in general.
Section 6. To promote the enlightenment of all the members regarding their rights and obligations
as league members and as employees, the present labor relations systems, the existing
collective bargaining agreements (CBA) and all other matters that directly or indirectly
affect them.
Section 7. The following shall not be eligible for membership nor to election or appointment to any
position in the LEAGUE:
Section 1. The governing body of the LEAGUE shall be the Executive Board whose members shall
be elected through secret ballot by the general membership.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall administer LEAGUE affairs, formulate policies, and
implement programs to effectively carry out the objectives of the LEAGUE and the
Labor Code of the Philippines and manage all the monies and property of the LEAGUE.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall consist of BULA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS
LEAGUE officers, namely:
President Auditor
Vice-President Public Relations Officer
Secretary Sergeants-at-arms
Section 5. The officers of the LEAGUE shall hold office for a period of five (3) years from
the date of their election until their successors shall have been duly elected and
qualified, if they remain members of the LEAGUE in good standing.
Section 6. Vacancies in the Executive Board, except the position of President shall be filled
up by the Board by appointing any member(s) in good standing of the LEAGUE
for a continuous period one (1) year immediately preceding such appointment.
The said appointee(s) shall hold office in acting capacity or until special election
therefore as authorized by the Board or by the general membership.
Section 1. The President shall be the Executive Officer of the LEAGUE. His duties and powers
shall include the following:
a) Preside over all meetings and deliberations of the Executive Board and of the general
b) Appoint all members of standing committees of the LEAGUE with the concurrence of
majority of the members of the Executive Board.
d) Call special meetings of the LEAGUE or the Executive Board whenever he deems
necessary or upon written requests of at least 30% of the general
membership or a majority of the members of the Executive Board.
e) Represent the LEAGUE on all occasions and all maters in which representation of the
. LEAGUE may be agreed upon or required.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties and functions of the President in case
of the latter’s absence, disability, death, or resignation. He shall perform functions that may
assisted to him by the President.
Section 3. The Secretary shall perform the following duties and functions.
a) Take down minutes of the meetings of the general membership and of the Executive
c) Act as a custodian of all records, documents, minutes of the meetings of the Executive
Board and the general membership as well as printed and/or written policies, projects
and activities of the LEAGUE.
d) Submit to the Department of Labor and Employment annually a list of union members,
list of officers and their respective addresses, minutes of election of officers and list of
voters within 30 days from the date of election or from the occurrence of a change in
the union officers and such other documents or papers as may be required.
a) Collect, receive, and issue receipts for all money, funds and contribution to the
b) Make sure that all disbursement and payments made by him are covered by
vouchers and accompanied by the necessary receipts.
- At least once a year within thirty (30) days after the close of the
LEAGUE’s fiscal year.
- Upon vacating his office or dissolution of the LEAGUE for any cause.
Section 5. The Auditor shall audit, verify, and examine all financial accounts of the LEAGUE. He shall
supervise the entries in the books of accounts of the LEAGUE and shall render a report of his
audit as may be required by the Executive Board or by resolution of majority of the general
Section 6. The Public Relations Officer (PRO) shall be in charge of matters involving public relations of the
LEAGUE. With the approval of the Executive Board, he may establish an official
publication of the LEAGUE.
Section 7. The Sgt-at-arms shall be in charge of the presentation of peace and order at meetings of the
Executive Board and of the general membership.
Section 8. The Board of Directors shall be in charge of the legislative functions of the LEAGUE under
guidelines to be issued by the Executive Board. The Board of Directors shall consult the
different standing committees of the LEAGUE on matters, problems and areas that may be
subject to LEAGUE rules, regulation or policy.
Section 9. The officers of the LEAGUE shall not be paid any compensation other than the salaries,
allowances and expenses due their positions as are specifically provided in a written
resolution duly adopted by the majority of all the members as a meeting duly called for the
purpose. The Secretary shall take down minutes of the meetings together with the list of
participants and tally of votes cast, copy of which shall be furnished the Department of Labor
and Employment.
Section I. To ensure coordination and efficiency in the transaction of LEAGUE matters and in order to
realize the objectives of this Constitution, the following three (3) standing committees are
hereby created:
a) Committee on Membership- which shall receive and process application for
membership and make recommendations thereon to the President. It shall
implement rules, regulations and decisions as may be promulgated by the
Executive Board or the general membership for the admission of members in the
b) Committee on Grievance – which shall investigate internal LEAGUE disputes in
accordance with Article XIV of this Constitution. It shall assist in the presentation
and settlement of LEAGUE grievance with Management subject to pertinent
provisions of the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
c) Committee on Labor Education and Research – which shall prepare, adopt and
implement labor education programs and activities, that will promote the
enlightenment of the members in regard to the prevailing labor relations system,
the provisions of the Constitution and the existing CBA, and all labor legislations
rules, issuances and policies that affect the members directly or indirectly.
d) Committee on Collective Bargaining- which shall conduct research and gather all
the data as may be necessary in collective bargaining. It shall assist the LEAGUE
negotiating panel in the preparation of all necessary papers, documents and
materials in collective bargaining agreements and in the administrations of the
existing collective bargaining agreement.
Section 1. The LEAGUE shall hold regular membership meetings at least once month. Notices of the
meeting shall be sent out by the Secretary at least (10) days prior to such meeting by posting
in conspicuous places preferably inside office premises, said notices. The date time and
place for the meeting shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Section 2. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall take place on the FIRST MONDAY of every
month with appropriate notice to be sent out by the Secretary to each member of the Board at
least three (3) working days prior to such meeting. The time and place of the meeting shall
be determined by the Secretary General. The meeting shall preferably be held in the
LEAGUE office.
Section 3. Special meetings of the Executive Board or of the general membership may be called at any
time, either at the call of the President, upon request of majority of the members of the
Executive Board or upon petition addressed to the Secretary
General of at least twenty (30%) percent of all members in good standing of the LEAGUE.
Section 4. The notice for any meeting whether it be of the general membership or of the Executive
Board, regular or special, shall contain the item or items to be discussed and shall include
constitute the agenda of the meeting. Any item or items included in the agenda may be taken
up recommendation of majority of the members of the Executive Board present and
constituting a quorum if it be an Executive Board meeting or majority of the members
present and constituting a quorum if it be a general membership meeting.
Section 5. Any member who absents himself from any regular or special meetings of the general
membership shall within five (5) working days from the date of said meeting submit a written
explanation of the Committee on Membership as to the reason or reasons for his failure to
attend the meeting. The Committee on Membership shall evaluate the explanation and
render a report thereof to the Executive Board.
Section 6. In the event reason or reasons are unacceptable to the Executive Board for being unjustified,
the erring member or members shall pay at the discretion of the Executive Board a fine of not
less than ________PESOS nor more than ________PESOS to the LEAGUE, through the
Treasurer, which may be collected by ___________.
Section 7. Members on official leave of absence are excused from attending meetings whether regular or
Section 8. Any member who absents himself for three consecutive times from any regular or special
meetings of the general membership without justifiable grounds therefore may be expelled or
suspended from the LEAGUE by a vote of the majority of the Executive Board.
Section 9. Absence of a member or members of the Executive Board shall be subject to rules and
regulations to be promulgated by the Board. Such rules and regulations shall be passed upon
by the general membership.
a) Adopt and promulgate rules and regulations that will ensure a free, clean,
honest and orderly election, whether regular or special;
Section 2. The COMELEC shall be composed of a chairman and two members all of whom shall be
appointed by the Executive and are disqualified from running on any elective position.
Section 3. The COMELEC shall be automatically dissolved thirty days (30) after the duly elected
officers are proclaimed.
Section 5. All members of the LEAGUE in good standing shall be eligible to vote in LEAGUE
election. Candidates for elective positions must be members of the union in good
standing for a period of at least one (1) year on the date of the election.
Section 6. Voting shall be by secret balloting and the election shall be decided by plurality of votes.
Section 7. The duly elected officers shall meet within one (1) week following their proclamation to
which time the outgoing administration shall turnover all records and properties of the
LEAGUE to the new administration.
Section 1. Any membership fee of FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (Php500.00) shall be paid by an
applicant before he becomes officially a member of the LEAGUE.
Section 2. Every member shall pay monthly dues to the LEAGUE in the amount of ONE
HUNDRED PESOS (Php100.00), which may be collected monthly through check off
deduction upon previous written authorization of the member concerned.
Section 3. All amounts collected pursuant to the two preceding sections shall constitute the
General Fund of the LEAGUE to be applied to the operational and organizational
expenses of the LEAGUE or for any purposes or object as may be authorized by the Executive Board
in a written resolution adopted at a meeting duly called for the purpose.
Section 4. Every member shall contribute to the LEAGUE such amounts as may be fixed by
the General Membership through written resolution adopted at a general
membership meeting duly called for the purpose to be applied to or expended for
any or all the following objects:
a) School programs
b) Income Generating Projects and;
c) Such other plans and programs that will promote the interest and welfare of
the LEAGUE and the members.
Section 5. Special assessments or other extraordinary fees such as for payment of attorney’s
fees shall be made only upon a resolution duly ratified by the general membership
by secret balloting.
Section 6. Any member who shall be two (2) months in arrears in the payment of his regular
monthly dues or who fails for two times to pay the special assessments, fines or
other payments required to be made, good standing and may be subjected to other
disciplinary actions.
Section 8. Every expenditure of the funds of the LEAGUE shall be evidenced by a receipt
from the person to whom the payment is made which shall state the date, place
and purpose of such payment. Such receipt shall form part of the financial
records of the LEAGUE.
Section 9. The books of accounts and other records of the financial activities of the union
shall be open for inspection by any officer or member anytime during office
Section 1. The LEAGUE will have INCOME GENERATING PROJECTS in the form of
Section 2. The members of the LEAGUE may borrow a minimum amount of FIVE
HUNDRED PESOS (Php500.00) which will incur a TEN PERCENT (10%)
interest per month.
Section 1. In the event of transfer to other stations, the FIVE HUNDRED PESOS
MEMBERSHIP FEE plus the profit/s incurred for such fees only shall be returned
to the transferring member.
Section 1. The membership fee worth FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (Php500.00) paid by each
member of the LEAGUE shall fall under INVESTMENT FUND which will be
the INVESTMENT of the member in the league.
Section 2. The monthly contribution of ONE HUNDRED PESOS (Php100.00) shall fall
Section 3. The INVESTMENT FUND will be used for the INCOME GENERATING
Section 4. The interest incurred in the IGP/Financing will be added to the INVESTMENT
Section 5. In the event of unused GENERAL USED FUND, FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the
unused, remaining amount shall be added to the INVESTMENT FUND at the end
of every FISCAL YEAR. The remaining FIFTY PERCENT (50%) shall remain
in the GENERAL USED FUND to be utilized in the next FISCAL YEAR.
Section 1. The LEAGUE, through the TREASURER AND THE AUDITOR, will provide
and compute, at the end of every FISCAL YEAR, the EXPENSES, PROFIT
Section 2. The profit incurred in the IGP will be called the DIVIDEND.
Section 3. The DIVIDEND maybe withdrawn by the MEMBER or WILL BE ADDED TO
HIS INVESTMENT FUND depending on his decision.
Section 2. Meetings of the LEAGUE shall whenever practicable be governed by the Roberts
Rules of Order.
Section 1. Collective bargaining for and on behalf of the general membership shall be
undertaken by the Executive Board and shall act as the Negotiating Panel the
members of which shall be duly elected by the general membership.
Section 2. The Collective Bargaining Agreement resulting from the bargaining negotiations
shall be subject to ratification and approval by majority vote of the UNION
members at a meeting convened or by a referendum held for such purpose.
Section 1. Dispute involving union members, or its officers shall be made in writing and
submitted to the president who shall undertake to have them settle their
differences amicable.
Section 2. In the event of failure to settle the dispute amicably, the General Secretary who
shall pass on the dispute to the Committee on Grievance/Welfare which shall
undertake to investigate or hear the case on the merits.
Section 3. The Committee on Grievance shall require the respondent within two (2) days
from the date of the aforementioned confrontation of the parties to reduce their answers in
writing. Thereafter, both sides shall be entitled to a hearing.
Section 4. After proper evaluation of evidence submitted, the Committee on Grievance shall
render its written decision on the dispute within three (3) working days from
termination of the hearing.
Section 5. Decisions of the Committee on Grievance shall become final unless appealed to
the General Membership within three (3) days from receipt of a copy of the
decision of the Committee on Grievance.
Section 1. Any of the following shall be a ground for the impeachment or recall of UNION
c) Failure to comply with the obligation to turn over and return to the LEAGUE
Treasurer within three days are unexpected sum or sums of money received
from the LEAGUE funds to answer for an authorized LEAGUE purposes.
Section 2. The following procedure shall govern impeachment and recall proceedings:
ection 1. This Constitution shall take effect on the day following its ratification.
Adopted and ratified this ________ day of ___________at _______________________ with the list of
members, together with their signatures, who ratified the same appearing in Annex “A” hereof.
Page No.___________
Book No.___________
Series of____________
Annex A
F.Y. 2021-2022