Integrated Learning Activity Sheet in Science 8: Low and High Biodiversity

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Quarter 4 -Week 5


Integrated Learning Activity Sheet

in Science 8
Quarter 4 - Week 5

Low and High Biodiversity


Quarter 4 -Week 5

Farm School Science 8 – Quarter 4-Week 5

Low and High Biodiversity
Activity Sheet No. 1
First Edition, 2022

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of FS SCIENCE 8 Activity Sheet

Writer: Dominique Louise L. Solis

Editor: Minda L. Sodevilla
Layout Artist: Felizardo Valdez III
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Minda L. Soldevilla
Dahlia G. Geonigo
Mary Grace G. Sequio

Division of Guimaras Management Team:

Ma. Roselyn J. Palcat
Ruby Therese P. Almencion
Rowena S. Carillo
Minda L. Soldevilla
Arthur J. Cotimo
Felizardo S. Valdez III
Marve E. Gelera

Department of Education –Schools Division of Guimaras

Office Address: DECS Bldg. Brgy. San Miguel, Jordan, Guimaras
Telefax: (033) 581-2158
Email Address: [email protected]

Quarter 4 -Week 5

Introductory Message
Welcome to FS SCIENCE 8!

The Integrated Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative

efforts of the Schools Division of GUIMARAS and DepEd Regional Office VI -
Western Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division
(CLMD). This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and
responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum.

The Integrated Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional

materials aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace
and time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist
the learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for
productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The FARM SCHOOL SCIENCE 8 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the teaching-
learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made available
to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The FARM SCHOOL SCIENCE 8 Activity Sheet is developed to help you

continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you
with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and
answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

Quarter 4 -Week 5

Integrated Learning Activity Sheet in Science 8

Low and High Biodiversity

Name of Learner: .
Grade and Section: Date: .

I. Learning Competency with Code

Science 8 Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in

maintaining the stability of an ecosystem (S8LT-IVh-21)

1.10 Replant all missing hills to maintain the desired

Agriculture 8 plant population of the area (FSTLE-OA-OV-Iva-c-3)

Enhanced Competency: Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in

maintaining the stability of an ecosystem
when replanting all missing hills to maintain
the desired plant population of the area

II. Background Information for Learners

Why biodiversity is important? Biodiversity is essential for the
processes that support all life on Earth, including humans. People
value nature itself. Without a wide variety of animals, plants and
microorganisms, you cannot have a healthy and sustainable ecosystem
that you rely on in providing you the air that you breathe and the food
that you eat. With the wide range of natural resources, Philippines is
one of the 18 mega-diverse countries of the world that contains two-
thirds of the earth’s biodiversity.

This unique biodiversity is supported by a large variety of

ecosystems, landscapes and habitats which are also greatly threatened
by human activities. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
stated that the Philippines has 7.2 million ha of forest ecosystem,
comprising approximately 24% of the total land area. However, the
Philippines lost 2.1% of its forest cover annually between 2000 and
2005. Philippines became the second fastest rate of deforestation in
Southeast Asia and seventh in the world.

It is also noteworthy that the Philippines has a rich agricultural

ecosystem which produces diverse products such as rice, coconut,

Quarter 4 -Week 5

mung bean, taro and yam. The country is also known as the center of
origin and diversity of bananas across Southeast Asian countries. Yet,
this agricultural biodiversity is experiencing general decline due to the
different human activities.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Site

Department of Education. (2014). K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum. Science 8 Learner’s Material (pp.266-272).

Department of Education. (2009). Science and Technology Textbook for

Second Year. Lesson 8: Importance of Biodiversity (pp. 326-333).

Department of Education-Schools Division of Negros Oriental Region

VII. (2020). TVL-AFA-Organic Agriculture Quarter 4 – Module 2: Perform
Plant Care and Management.

IV. Activity Proper:

Activity 1. Low and High Biodiversity

You have read from the background information that the

Philippines is high in biodiversity that makes the country as the second
largest archipelago, located in the southeast region of Asia and
westernmost Pacific Ocean.

What makes an ecosystem high biodiversity and low

biodiversity? An ecosystem with high biodiversity has a more stable
ecosystem than low biodiversity. While an ecosystem with low
biodiversity is when there are a few prominent species and a low
number of other species within the habitat.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of high

biodiversity and low biodiversity? High biodiversity supports greater
variety of species and results to an increased ecosystem productivity
with a more efficient and complete natural resources. An ecosystem
with low biodiversity cannot sustain a greater variety of species and
results to unhealthy and degraded environment.

A lot of human activities can contribute to the restoration and

upgrading of your natural resources. Two of which is replanting and
transplanting. In agriculture, replanting and transplanting are the
techniques of moving plants from one location to another. Hill planting
is a common method used to plant large vine fruit and vegetable seeds,
including melons, squash, cucumbers, sweet corn, and okra. These two

Quarter 4 -Week 5

techniques can be used to maintain the stability of an ecosystem and

can provide sufficient and healthy natural products.

Directions: Study the figure below and answer the following guide
questions on your answer sheet.

Figure 1. Farm School Cabbage Garden Figure 2. Farm School Backyard

Photo taken by: Gemima B. Galvez Photo taken by: Gemima B. Galvez

Guide questions:

1. Which figure represents high biodiversity? Low biodiversity? Why?

Low diversity_________________________________________________________
High diversity________________________________________________________
2. What will happen to the plants in a low biodiversity ecosystem if pests
will attack?
3. What will happen to the plants if a strong typhoon come and heavy
flooding occurs in the region with high biodiversity?
4. Which is more advantageous high biodiversity or low biodiversity?
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. How are you going to replant all missing hills to maintain the desired
plant population of an area?

Activity 2. Conserving and Protecting Biodiversity

Different organisms in an ecosystem are interdependent upon on each

other for survival, growth, and harmonious ecosystem. This interdependence
among each other demonstrates the importance of biodiversity to an

Quarter 4 -Week 5

Threats to biodiversity differ from one ecosystem to another but the

core threats to biodiversity are the rapid human population growth and the
unsustainable use of natural resources. To this date, the most significant
cause of extinction among a wide variety of species are habitat loss,
introduction of exotic species, climate change and overharvesting of natural
resources. Degradation of biodiversity in the agricultural ecosystem is a
direct consequence of habitat destruction. Large portion of agricultural land
in the Philippines is converted to other uses such as residential lands,
commercial centers and malls. This conversions of agricultural lands causes
devastating effects to animals and in the production of agricultural
products. This also causes for the agricultural economic value to drop.

The observed decline of natural resources, agricultural products and

economic value due to the different threats to biodiversity can also be
sustained. As a learner, you can also help in conserving, sustaining and
protecting the biodiversity. Solutions includes self-awareness, biodiversity
conservations, and use of safe and non-toxic products. Other small actions
can also contribute in protecting the biodiversity and sustaining agricultural

Directions: The table below shows the suggestions of The United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) to help conserve biodiversity in the Farm
School. Copy the table below on your answer sheet and put a check on the
YES column if you think you can do the suggestion and on the NO column if
otherwise. And answer the following question on your answer sheet.

Suggestions YES NO

1. Learn about local species.

2. Support local conservation groups.

3. Spread the importance of conserving species among friends.

4. Plant trees (they provide habitats for many species).

5. Don’t pick wild flowers or plants (unless you will eat them).

6. Don’t disturb wild habitats.

7. Support antipoaching campaigns.

8. Don’t buy products that come from endangered species, e.g.,

seaturtle shell

Quarter 4 -Week 5

9. Replant missing hills to maintain stability of ecosystem.

10. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Guide question:

1. What are the other ways that you can do to conserve and protect
biodiversity aside from the ones suggested? List at least five ways to
conserve and protect biodiversity on your own little way.

V. Reflection
Directions: Complete the statements below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

I learned ___________________________________________________________
I think _____________________________________________________________

Scoring Rubrics for Reflection

Scoring Rubrics
3 Answers shows full understanding of the lesson.
2 Answers shows minimal understanding of the lesson.
1 Answers shows NO understanding of the lesson.

VI. Answer Key

Activity 1.

1. Figure 1 shows low biodiversity primarily because cabbage plant is the

only biotic factor present in the environment. Figure 2 shows high
biodiversity because of the presence of varied biotic factors.
2. Plants in a low biodiversity ecosystem will not propagate and have a
tendency to die.
3. The possible result is a massive destruction of living organisms.
4. An ecosystem with high biodiversity is more advantageous because it
provides efficient habitat and foods to all living organisms. An ecosystem
with high biodiversity means a healthy and productive ecosystem.
5. Answers may vary.


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