KnaveX - GM Binder
KnaveX - GM Binder
KnaveX - GM Binder
Table of Contents
Potion Maker
his book is a rules toolkit for running old school
fantasy RPGs without classes. Adding,
subtracting and modifying rules is both
expected and encouraged. KnaveX’s features
Character Creation
Character Creation
1. Determine Abilities Dwarf
PCs have six abilities: Strength(STR), Dexterity(DEX), Bold and hardy, dwarves are
Constitution(CON), Intelligence(INT), Wisdom(WIS), and known as skilled warriors, miners,
Charisma(CHA). Each ability has two related values: a and workers of stone and metal.
defense and a bonus. Reroll CON or STR.
When creating a PC, roll 3d6 for each of their abilities, in
order. The lowest of the three dice on each roll is that ability’s Hearty: Advantage on resisting
bonus. Add 10 to find its defense. poisoning
and illness.
After you’ve finished rolling, you may optionally swap the
scores of two abilities.
2. Choose a Race
Choose a race for your character. You may choose to reroll Elf
one of the indicated abilities for your race and choose the Elves are a magical people of otherworldly
highest roll. Write the race’s special abilities on your character grace, living in the world but not entirely part
sheet. of it.
Dragonborn Reroll WIS or INT.
Dragonborn look very much like Elven Wisdom: Advantage on detecting lies.
dragons standing erect in humanoid
form, though they lack wings or a tail.
Reroll STR or CHA
Breath Weapon: Each creature
within 15' must make a Save vs DEX. Goblin
Damage is 1d6 on a failed Save, and
half damage on a successful Save. To Clever and destructive, that is the
use it again you must complete a long way of the goblin.
rest. Reroll DEX.
Nimble Escape: Impose
disadvantage on
incoming attacks
when ambushed.
Character Creation
Gnome Tabaxi
A gnome’s energy and enthusiasm for Tabaxi are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect
living shines through every inch of their interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes
tiny body. on all the world's wonders. Ultimate travelers, the
inquisitive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their
Reroll CHA or INT. innate nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered,
Tinkerer: Advantage on rolls for creating no treasures or legends lost.
modifying, or repairing devices. Reroll DEX.
Darkvision: See in dim light for 60' like it is bright light,
and in darkness like it is dim light. Only see shades of gray
in darkness
Halfling Cat's Claws: Use your claws to make unarmed attacks to deal
The diminutive halflings survive in a damage equal to 1d4 + your STR bonus.
world full of larger creatures by avoiding
notice or, barring that, avoiding offense. 3. Determine Starting Gear
Reroll CHA or DEX. PCs start with 2 days of rations and one weapon of their
Merry Soul: Advantage on rolls to charm choice. Roll on the Starting Gear tables to determine starting
when using humor. armor and equipment.
PCs have a number of item slots equal to their CON
defense, and items they carry must fit into available slots.
Most items take up one slot, but some take up more. Some
small items can be bundled together into a single slot. Ask the
GM if you are unsure.
Half-Orc Armor comes with an armor defense value. Note that value
on your character sheet with its corresponding Armor bonus
Half-orcs’ grayish pigmentation, sloping (always 10 less than the defense). If the PC is not wearing any
foreheads, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, armor, their armor defense is 11 and their armor bonus is +1.
and towering builds make their orcish
heritage plain for all to see.
4. Hit Points
Reroll STR. Roll 1d8 to determine your PC’s starting and maximum hit
Orcish Frenzy: Once per session, count points(HP). Their exploration speed is 120ft per exploration
successful Attack Roll as a critical hit. turn, and their combat speed is 40ft per round.
Character Creation
Three Items 5
6. Traits Clothing
Physique 1. Antique 8. Filthy 15. Oversized
2. Bloody 9. Flamboyant 16. Patched
1. Athletic 8. Ripped 15. Statuesque
3. Ceremonial 10. Stained 17. Perfumed
2. Brawny 9. Rugged 16. Stout
4. Decorated 11. Foreign 18. Rancid
3. Corpulent 10. Scrawny 17. Tiny
5. Eccentric 12. Frayed 19. Torn
4. Delicate 11. Short 18. Towering
6. Elegant 13. Frumpy 20. Undersized
5. Gaunt 12. Sinewy 19. Willowy
7. Fashionable 14. Livery
6. Hulking 13. Slender 20. Wiry
7. Lanky 14. Flabby Virtue
Face 1. Ambitious 8. Generous 15. Loyal
2. Cautious 9. Gregarious 16. Merciful
1. Bloated 8. Pinched 15. Sunken
3. Courageous 10. Honest 17. Righteous
2. Blunt 9. Hawkish 16. Sharp
4. Courteous 11. Honorable 18. Serene
3. Bony 10. Broken 17. Soft
5. Curious 12. Humble 19. Stoic
4. Chiseled 11. Impish 18. Square
6. Disciplined 13. Idealistic 20. Tolerant
5. Delicate 12. Narrow 19. Wide
7. Focused 14. Just
6. Elongated 13. Ratlike 20. Wolfish
7. Patrician 14. Round Vice
Skin 1. Aggressive 8. Gluttonous 15. Rude
2. Arrogant 9. Greedy 16. Suspicious
1. Battle Scar 8. Perfect 15. Sallow
3. Bitter 10. Irascible 17. Vain
2. Birthmark 9. Pierced 16. Sunburned
4. Cowardly 11. Lazy 18. Vengeful
3. Burn Scar 10. Pockmarked 17. Tanned
5. Cruel 12. Nervous 19. Wasteful
4. Dark 11. Reeking 18. War Paint
6. Deceitful 13. Prejudiced 20. Whiny
5. Makeup 12. Tattooed 19. Weathered
7. Flippant 14. Reckless
6. Oily 13. Rosy 20. Whip Scar
7. Pale 14. Rough Speech
Hair 1. Blunt 8. Formal 15. Rapid-fire
2. Booming 9. Gravelly 16. Dialect
1. Bald 8. Filthy 15. Oily
3. Breathy 10. Hoarse 17. Slow
2. Braided 9. Frizzy 16. Ponytail
4. Cryptic 11. Mumbling 18. Squeaky
3. Bristly 10. Greased 17. Silky
5. Drawling 12. Precise 19. Stuttering
4. Cropped 11. Limp 18. Topknot
6. Droning 13. Quaint 20. Whispery
5. Curly 12. Long 19. Wavy
7. Flowery 14. Rambling
6. Disheveled 13. Luxurious 20. Wispy
7. Dreadlocks 14. Mohawk
Character Creation
Blue Dragon Fight
Background General Gear 1 Back
Ball B
1. Alchemist 8. Cultist 15. Outlaw 1. Bottle 8. Caltrops 15. Hourglass
2. Beggar 9. Gambler 16. Performer 2. Bear Trap 9. Chisel 16. Net
3. Butcher 10. Herbalist 17. Pickpocket 3. Shovel 10. Pliers 17. Tongs
4. Burglar 11. Magician 18. Smuggler 4. Backpack 11. Fish Rod 18. Lockpicks
5. Charlatan 12. Mariner 19. Student 5. Ram 12. Ball Bearings 19. Metal File
6. Cleric 13. Mercenary 20. Tracker 6. Saw 13. Sealing Wax 20. Nails
7. Cook 14. Merchant 7. Bucket 14. Pick
Misfortunes General Gear 2 Buck
1. Abandoned 8. Discredited 15. Poor 1. Incense 8. Spyglass 15. Cook Pot Caltr
2. Addicted 9. Disowned 16. Pursued 2. Sponge 9. Tar Pot 16. Face Paint Cand
3. Blackmailed 10. Exiled 17. Rejected 3. Magnifying 10. Twine 17. Whistle Card
Glass Case
4. Condemned 11. Framed 18. Replaced 11. Fake Jewels 18. Instrument
4. Perfume Case
5. Cursed 12. Haunted 19. Robbed 12. Blank Book 19. Quill & Ink
5. Horn Chain
6. Defrauded 13. Kidnapped 20. Suspected 13. Card Deck 20. Bell
6. Bottle Chalk
7. Demoted 14. Mutilated 14. Dice Set
7. Soap Ches
Item Costs Ches
1-5: 6-15: 16-20: Chise
Tools & Gear
Law Neutrality Chaos Cook
Starting Gear
1-3: 4-14: 15-19: 20:
No armor Leather Scale Chain
Dungeoneering Gear
Roll twice on this table, and once on the following two.
1. Rope, 50ft 8. Grap. hook 15. Mirror
2. Block&Tackle 9. Hammer 16. Pole, 10ft
3. Candles, 5 10. Waterskin 17. Sack
4. Chain, 10ft 11. Lantern 18. Tent
5. Chalk, 10 12. Oil, flask 19. Spikes, 5
6. Crowbar 13. Lock 20. Torches, 5
7. Tinderbox 14. Manacles
Character Creation
Crowbar 5 gp Spike, iron 1 sp Dagg
Dice 1 sp Sponge 2 sp (d6
Face Paint/Makeup 4 sp Spyglass 1000 gp Spea
Fake Jewels 1 gp Tar Pot 5 sp (d8
Fishing Rod 1 gp Tent 2 gp Halbe
Grappling Hook 2 gp Throwing Dagger Case (holds 5 daggers) 50 gp (d1
Hammer 1 gp Tinder Box, with flint & steel 1 gp Sling
Horn 3 gp Tongs 4 sp (d4
Hourglass 25 gp Torch 1 cp Bow
Incense 1 gp Twine, 300’ 5 sp (d6
Ink, 1 oz 10 gp Waterskin 1 gp Cross
Lantern 8 gp Whistle 5 sp (d8
Lock 10 gp Arrow
Lockpicks 30 gp Quiv
Magnifying Glass 100 gp Shield 10 gp
Pouch, belt 2 gp
Quill 2 cp
Quiver, 1 doz. arrows cap. 8 sp
Quiver, 1 score arrows cap. 12 sp
Quiver, 1 score bolts cap. 15 sp
Quiver, 2 score bolts cap. 1 gp
Ram, portable 4 gp
Rope, 50’ 4 sp
Sack 5 cp
Saw 10 gp
Scroll Case, Watertight (holds 5 scrolls) 100 gp
Sealing wax 5 sp
Shovel 2 gp
Soap 2 cp
Character Creation
Clothing Provisions Barge
Belt 3 sp Ale, pint 1 sp
Boots, high, hard 2 gp Beer, small, pint 5 cp
Boots, high, soft 1 gp Food, merchant’s meal 1 sp
Boots, low, hard 1 gp Food, rich meal 1 gp
Boots, low, soft 8 sp Grain, horse meal, 1 day 1 sp
Cap 1 sp Mead, pint 5 sp
Cloak 5 sp Rations, iron, 1 week 5 gp
Girdle, broad 2 gp Rations, standard, 1 week 3 gp
Girdle, normal 10 sp Wine, pint, good 10 sp
Hat 7 sp Wine, pint, watered 5 sp
Robe 6 sp
Religious Items
Herbs Beads, Prayer 1 gp
Belladona, sprig 4 sp Incense, stick 1 gp
Garlic, bud 5 cp Symbol, Holy*, iron 2 gp
Wolvesbane, sprig 10 sp Symbol, Holy*, silver 50 gp
Symbol, Holy*, wooden 7 sp
Livestock Water, Holy*, vial 25 gp
Chicken 3 cp or Unholy
Cow 10 gp
Dog, guard 25 gp
Tack and Harness
Dog, hunting 17 gp Barding, chain 250 gp
Donkey 8 gp Barding, leather 100 gp
Goat 1 gp Barding, plate 500 gp
Hawk, large 40 gp Bit and Bridle 15 sp
Hawk, small 18 gp Harness 12 sp
Horse, draft 30 gp Saddle 10 gp
Horse, heavy war 300 gp Saddle Bags, large 4 gp
Horse, light war 150 gp Saddle Bags, small 3 gp
Horse, medium war 225 gp Saddle Blanket 3 sp
Horse, riding (light) 25 gp
Mule 20 gp
Ox 15 gp
Pigeon 2 cp
Piglet 1 gp
Pig 3 gp
Pony 15 gp
Sheep 2 gp
Songbird 4 cp
Character Creation
PART IIPlaying The Game
• Added Races.
• Abbreviated Abilities.
• Added artwork
• Added Knacks.
• Container Rule
• Ammo rule
KnaveX is a free, easy to play, rules lite rpg. Knave is
reminiscent of Old School games, but also had a 5e feel. It's
the best of both worlds in one.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.