SAMN32C: System Administration and Maintenance
SAMN32C: System Administration and Maintenance
SAMN32C: System Administration and Maintenance
Group Members:
1. 3.
2. 4.
Midterm Period
Common Computer Problems
Activity No. 8:
Directions: Your teacher will group you into 4 members and to discuss the common computer
problems. Each member will collaborate his/her team and to complete the given table by
answering the probable cause for the software and hardware failures. Please refer to the
example given below. The teacher will facilitate and organize the MS Team Channel for the
breakout session for the group activity.
3. Peripheral commands
interpreted incorrectly
4. App command not Probably the application was Cause by many different
working unable to start properly due programs resulting the
hardware in computer, lack
to corrupted system files,
of system resources or
missing download files and
software bugs can cause app
command to stop working
Sometimes cause by
unresponsive application
software abnormally while
you attempt to start or exit
Probably caused by hard
the application program and
drive, an overheating CPU,
7. Computer freezes too many apps running on
bad memory, or failure to
task manager/ computer
power supply
where it may cause PC to run
low on resources as memory
is used by several
13. : Force-close
unresponsive tabs.
Sometimes, Chrome
tabs lock up Internet performing slow due
or freeze. In such to two reasons. May be one
situations, use app is running in your pc
the Chrome task which consuming more
manager to force- bandwidth than it requires or
12. Google performing oddly
close individual tabs. your hard disk may be failed.
Go to
the More menu, then
select More
Tools > Task