SD Tax Config
SD Tax Config
SD Tax Config
OBJECTIVE This document will detail the configuration required on the SD side to enable computation of Service tax and Education Cess in the output Service order. PROCEDURE: Initial Steps Create two new Tax conditions: JSE4, JES4. Steps for creation of Tax Condition is illustrated below * Create new condition types SAP Standard IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Basic Settings -> Check Calculation Procedure. (Transaction OBYZ) Select Define Condition Types Select Condition Type JIN1 and Click on Copy as (F6) and give the Condition type as JSE4 and the Name as Service Tax. Select Condition Type JIN5 and Click on Copy as (F6) and give the Condition type as JES4 and the Name as ECS on Service Tax. Outcome: The two tax conditions, one for Service Tax and the second for Education Cess on Service Tax have now been created.
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Go to Details of the Transaction VS9 (Service Tax GL account) and enter the Chart of accounts Select the Tax Code Check Box if you want to have Tax Code Specific GL accounts or Blank when the common GL accounts
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Click on Accounts. Enter the GL codes If you have tax code specific GL then enter the tax and GL account. After completing select the VS0 and do the same steps for ECS on Service tax. A separate account for every tax code can be maintained as follows: Now maintain different account based on the tax code. Since the tax code will be specific for a plant you can achieve posting to specific account for a plant. This should be maintained after configuring the tax procedure.
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Maintain G/L accounts for every tax code at an account key level.
Steps are: You have to define the required tax codes. Create separate G/L accounts. While creating the posting key, please follow the customizing settings given below:
SPRO Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Setting Tax on Sales/Purchase Basic Setting Check Calculation Procedure Define Procedures: Select TAXINJ and click on control data. The screen will look like as shown below.
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Click on New Entries and add the following two entries in your system Step 270 and 280 the Condition type JSE4 and JES4 respectively. The from step for JSE4 is 100 and 270 for the condition JES4. You have to assign the accounting key VS9 for JSE4 and VS0 for JES4. After adding the new condition types the procedure will look like as shown below
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Changes to Tax Code: SPRO Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Setting Tax on Sales/Purchase Calculation Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases. Country: IN Enter the Tax code and Tax jurisdiction Code (If it is applicable in your system).
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Enter the 10% for the Condition type JSE4 and 2% for JES4. (Please note that in the screen below have condition type ZSER in place of JSE4 and ZSTE in place of JES4.)
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Changes to Pricing Procedure: ING Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define Condition Types. Select Condition Type JIN1 and Click on Copy as (F6) and give the Condition type as JSER and the Name as Service Tax. Select Condition Type JIN5 and Click on Copy as (F6) and give the Condition type as JSTE and the Name as ECS on Service Tax. ING Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define and Assign Pricing Procedure Maintain Pricing Procedures (V/08) Select Pricing Procedure JFACT and click on control data.
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Click on New Entries and add the step 310 and 320 and put the conditions JSER and JSTE respectively For condition JSER enter the from and to step as 100 and 190 For condition JSTE enter the from step as 310 Mark both the condition as Manual and Statistical.
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LST/CST Calculation Changes: Click on New Entries in the Pricing procedure and add the subtotal line 380 and Change the Description as Service Tax and give the from and to step and 310 to 320 and mark this total as statistical.
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Click on New Entries in the Pricing procedure and add the subtotal line 390 and Change the Description as Base Price + Service Tax and give the from and to step and 375 to 380 and mark this total as statistical.
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Change the step 475 description as Base Price + Service Tax / BED and the from and To step as 390 to 400
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