Charles H. Tweed, 1895-1970: Pillars in Orthodontics

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Charles H. Tweed, 1895-1970

James L. Vaden
Cookeville, Tenn

n introductory remarks at an orthodontic lecture orthodontic objectives in only 20% of his patients and
delivered March 1, 1965, in Virginia, Charles H. lamented that “These harsh facts all but made me give
Tweed1 (Fig 1) claimed that the most fundamental up the practice of orthodontics.”
paragraph ever written in any orthodontic text could Tweed’s contributions to the specialty of orthodontics
be found in the seventh edition of Angle’s Treatment are legendary. He made a lasting and undeniable impact
of Malocclusions of the Teeth.1 on the specialty. His letters, lectures, articles,3-12 and
The study of orthodontia is indissolubly connected
2-volume textbook13 established a foundation in ortho-
with that of art as related to the human face. The dontic thought and treatment that continues to be used
mouth is a most potent factor in making or marring today. Essentially, Tweed brought the specialty from the
the beauty and character of the face, and the form period of simply “straightening” teeth to a concern for
and beauty of the mouth largely depend on the best balance and harmony of facial lines, the stability
the occlusal relations of the teeth. Our duties, as of the dentition after treatment, a healthy periodontium,
orthodontists, force upon us great responsibilities, and an efficient chewing mechanism. He emphasized
and there is nothing in which the student of these 4 objectives of orthodontic treatment in all that
orthodontia should be more keenly interested than he did. He made the extraction of teeth for correction of
in art generally, and especially in its relation to the a malocclusion acceptable. He started orthodontics on a
human face, for each of his efforts, whether he realizes
path of correcting bialveolar protrusions—not creating
or not, makes for beauty or ugliness, for harmony or
disharmony, or for perfection or deformity of the
them. He enhanced the clinical applications of cephalo-
face. Hence, it should be one of his life studies.2 metrics as he developed the diagnostic facial triangle.
Tweed's diagnostic triangle, which defines the anterior
Tweed went on to say that for more than 6 years he limit of the denture, is, in Tweed's words, “my greatest
practiced and advocated that philosophy of orthodontic contribution to orthodontics.”11,13,14 Tweed's other
treatment, which demanded a full complement of teeth. great contribution was the concept of anchorage
Then, late in 1934, frustrated by his ability to create preparation.13 At the end of his years, he developed a
facial balance in only a few of his patients, he began sound and consistent preorthodontic guidance program
to analyze his practice results. For the next 4 years, he that used serial extractions of deciduous and permanent
spent half of his time analyzing the dental casts, teeth to achieve the desired end results.
photographs, and x-rays of the patients he had treated One can ask how did one man do all these things?
up to that time. He classified the patient photos into 2 How did all of it happen? Therein lies an interesting story.
groups: those with balance and harmony of facial Valuable sources of information are Tweed’s many letters
proportions, and those that lacked these qualities. that are housed at the Charles Tweed International
“In virtually every instance,” he said, “those patients Foundation in Tucson, Arizona. On the pages that follow,
possessing balance and harmony of facial proportions I hope the reader will obtain some insight into Charles
had mandibular incisors that were upright over basal Tweed and understand “the rest of his story.”
bone. The faces that lacked these attributes of facial pro-
portion had teeth that were too prominent and the
mandibular incisors were not upright and over basal THE EDGEWISE APPLIANCE—BEGINNINGS
bone. It must be noted that the lack of harmony in facial The edgewise appliance was the last in a long line of
contour is in direct proportion to the extent to which the inventions by Edward H. Angle.15 Angle decided that
denture has been displaced mesially into protrusion.” He since a tooth could only be moved in 3 planes of space,
observed that he had successfully obtained all 4 all the necessary forces could be incorporated into the
archwire. With that thought in his mind, he designed
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2015;147:S171-9 the edgewise appliance and decided that an article
Copyright Ó 2015 by the American Association of Orthodontists. describing the appliance must be published. He chose the journal Dental Cosmos. Because Tweed had just
S172 Pillars in orthodontics

In 1929, after surveying the curricula of all the schools

of the United States, I was convinced that orthodontia
was being held in bondage by dentistry. The reasons
for this belief were that the University of California,
from which I graduated in 1919, devoted 11 hours
to orthodontics, and any clinical experience was
optional. I found the same situation prevalent in virtu-
ally all the dental colleges in the U.S. The average time
devoted to orthodontics, if my memory serves me
correctly, varied from no hours to approximately
235 hours. And yet our dental laws allowed us to
take a dental examination and with little or no ortho-
dontic training we were allowed to designate ourselves
as specialists in orthodontia. This, of course, is most
unfair, and I made an endeavor in 1929 to correct
this condition in my state.

I visited 95% of all of the dentists in the state of Ari-

zona, traveling 5,000 miles, to interview them person-
Fig 1. Charles H. Tweed. Courtesy of the Charles Tweed ally, with a copy of the bill that was proposed. I acted
International Foundation, Tucson, Arizona, and used with as a lobbyist; addressed various PTA’s; interviewed the
permission. House and Senate of the State Legislature; and finally
succeeded in having the first specialty law of its kind
passed in these United States for my state of Arizona.
finished the Angle course and because Angle admired
and respected Tweed’s abilities, Angle asked Tweed Upon the passage of the law, any man taking the
and Glen Terwilliger to help with the article. For 7 weeks, dental examination in Arizona after 1929 would be
they worked together and, in the process, became close licensed as a dentist and could not practice ortho-
friends. It was during this time that Angle advised Tweed dontia. Any orthodontist passing the orthodontic ex-
that he (Tweed) could never master the edgewise amination would be licensed as an orthodontist and
appliance unless he limited his practice solely to its could not practice dentistry. Those who wished to
use. After completing the article for Dental Cosmos, practice both dentistry and orthodontia would be
Charles Tweed returned to Arizona and established in required to pass the examinations of both the Dental
Phoenix what might have been the first edgewise and Orthodontic Boards.
specialty practice in the United States. In a class previous to the last class that Dr. Angle gave
For the next 2 years, the 2 men worked together was enrolled Dr. Steven (Allen G.) Brodie, now Dean of
closely. Tweed made progress records of his patients the University of Illinois Dental School. There was an
every 4 months and took the records by train to Pasa- understanding between the three of us that Dr. Brodie
dena, California, where Angle studied them and outlined would endeavor to develop a course which would
a treatment plan for the next 4 months. Angle was fulfill the legal requirements necessary to comply
pleased with Tweed’s results, and he was instrumental with our proposed new law here in Arizona; and I
in getting Tweed invited to lecture at several orthodontic was designated to crack the ice and have the first
meetings. During these 2 years, in more than 100 letters law passed. At a later date the University of California,
under Guy S. Milberry, Dean of the Dental School,
now housed in the Tweed Memorial Center library, Angle
instituted training in that institution whereby dentists
urged his young disciple to carry out 2 vital requests: who wished to practice orthodontia would take their
(1) make every effort to establish orthodontics as a minimum requirements in prosthetics and utilize the
specialty within the dental profession, and (2) dedicate greatest part of their time in clinical orthodontics.
his life to the development of the edgewise appliance. This was an effort on the part of Dr. Milberry to fulfill
the requirements made necessary by laws such as were
THE ARIZONA SPECIALTY LAW passed by Arizona in 1929.
Tweed’s work toward the accomplishment of Angle’s Oh yes! The aftermath of this legislative attempt in
first request is outlined in excerpts taken from a letter behalf of orthodontia was the cold treatment applied
that he wrote in 1948 to Dr Whitmarsh, in response to to the ‘energetic crusader' by the dental profession
Whitmarsh’s request for information about the Arizona of Phoenix. So effective was the treatment that yours
specialty law.16 truly had to leave the community of his birth and open

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Fig 2. The 100-case report display in Chicago, 1940. Courtesy of the Charles Tweed International
Foundation, Tucson, Arizona, and used with permission.

his practice here in Tucson. However, great fun was George Hahn, the man who went out of his way to
had by all of us in this “joust.” Having been responsible create the opportunity for Tweed to take the Angle
for the passage of this much needed legislation course, criticized him severely. Angle’s disciples
and observing the great pleasure of my benefactor, considered Charles Tweed to be a traitor to the
Dr. Angle, on its passage, was certainly sufficient
greatest man orthodontics had ever known. Tweed
reward for the efforts put forth for its enactment.
was crushed by the response, but he returned home
My kindest regards to you.
determined to continue his research.18
As a “reward” for Tweed’s efforts to get a specialty He worked even harder than before. By 1940, he had
law passed in Arizona, Angle gave him a diploma from produced case reports, with 4 sets of records, of 100
the Angle School. Tweed had no Angle School diploma consecutively treated patients who were first treated
because he and his 4 classmates had attended an with the nonextraction method and later with extraction
improvised Angle school course given by George Hahn of 4 first premolars. He managed to get himself on the
and other Angle School graduates. Angle had accepted program of the 1940 Angle Society meeting in Chicago,
Tweed’s class, but subsequently closed his school and where he would present a paper and display his case
traveled to Hawaii. He returned while the class was in reports (Fig 2).
session and gave several lectures. Tweed’s class was Dr Robert Strang, the master of the ribbon-arch and
the last of the Angle School. one of Angle’s most respected students, described the
event this way.
I noted that Dr. Charles Tweed was scheduled to be on
the program of the meeting in Chicago. I planned to
In 1932, Tweed had his first article published in the be there with the objective of lacing into him
Angle Orthodontist. It was entitled “Reports of Cases.”17 for violating Dr. Angle’s sacred principle of non-
Tweed held to Angle’s firm conviction that one extraction in treatment.
must never extract teeth. This conviction lasted for
Previous to reading his paper, Dr. Tweed had placed on
3 years. tables before and after casts and photographs of one
In 1936, Tweed delivered a lecture on the extrac- hundred consecutively treated patients. The results
tion of teeth to the membership of the Angle Society. in all of these one hundred patients were magnificent
“Mother” Angle (Angle’s wife, Anna Hopkins Angle), and beyond criticism. I also met Dr. Tweed and noted
the editor of the Angle Orthodontist and a member that he was a most modest, unassuming and friendly
of the Angle Society, refused to attend the lecture. chap.

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Fig 3. First Tweed study course. Courtesy of the Charles Tweed International Foundation, Tucson,
Arizona, and used with permission.

Dr. Tweed read his well-written and illustrated Dr. Tweed’s work was so outstanding as to elevate
paper. He explained his objective of keeping the him, in my mind, to the position of the best clinical
teeth over basal bone, which made it necessary to orthodontist in the world.19
extract teeth in many patients; however, it did pro-
duce stable results. Then he sat down. There was no The first Tweed study club began in 1941 (Fig 3). It
applause. The room filled with shouted demands was called the Tweed Seminar, and its participants met
from the floor. For at least an hour, Charlie got at a machine shop in Tucson, with 36 men present.
the worst tongue-lashing that you can possibly They included Robert Strang, Cecil Steiner, Bill Downs,
imagine and not one word of praise for the beautiful
Herb Margolis, Paul Lewis, and Hays Nance. Tweed
results of treatment. Here was a student of
Dr. Angle’s violating the most fixed and rigid rule
was developing quite a reputation. He was appearing
in his instruction—never extract teeth. on programs at local and national levels. All the
notoriety led to congestion in his office. On a normal
During all this vicious attack, my mind took a com- working day, he might have from 3 to 5 visitors. As a
plete turnover. I could visualize nothing but that result, his practice suffered, and he was forced to curtail
marvelous exhibit of treated cases. Not one individ- his research. The situation culminated in a heart attack
ual in the room had complimented the essayist. in 1945. Charlie Tweed was 50 years old.20
They were all ripping him to pieces for extracting
After Tweed’s recovery, his study club had a meeting
teeth. Finally, I obtained the floor and compli-
mented and defended him to the best of my ability.
and suggested that a better way of handling the visitors
When I sat down, I, too, took a tongue-lashing that would be to invite everyone at the same time. A few days
compared very favorably with the one Charlie had would be devoted to the new men, and a few days would
just received. Subsequently, I took his course, and be given to the study club. Hence, the Tweed Study Course
practiced, taught and published his techniques in was born. It continues to flourish to this day because of the
my textbook. work and effort of the late Levern Merrifield, who

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succeeded Tweed as course director, serving from 1970 to molding procedures; to Dr. George W. Hahn of Berkeley,
1983. Herbert Klontz has served as course director since California, who directed the Angle School during
1983. The study course Tweed started is now international Dr. Angle’s absence in Hawaii and who more than
and welcomes over 300 students per year to Tweed’s office anyone else developed in me whatever digital skill and
and teaching facility in Tucson. love of profession I possess.”
During the 1950s and 1960s, Tweed’s study course
flourished. It was attended by all who wanted to learn TWEED—THE UNIVERSITY PROPONENT
how to use the edgewise appliance and to obtain
Tweed loved and respected university orthodontic
balanced faces to their patients. Tweed worked at his
programs and university graduate program teachers.
practice, gave many lectures, and authored benchmark
He gave of his time and talent to many graduate
articles. His 2-volume text set a standard for orthodontic
orthodontic departments. One of his favorites was the
textbooks and is a treasured collectors’ item today.13 Department of Orthodontics at St Louis University in
Missouri (Fig 4). A letter that Ken Marshall,22 chair of
its graduate program, wrote in1980 to John Rushton,
Contrary to what is sometimes inferred by those who a future president of the Tweed Foundation, is revealing.
are not aware of the facts, Tweed always respected and
appreciated Edward Hartley Angle. Yes, he departed Dear John,
from Angle’s teaching. As a result, many staunch Angle Historically, the first contact between our department
disciples became furious with Tweed, hence the stories and Dr. Tweed was in 1955 when Dr. Peter Sotiropou-
about “bad blood.” But Tweed always treasured his los and I attended the advanced course in Edgewise
mentor and his wife, Anna Hopkins Angle. Technique at Tucson. [Peter and his wife Betty were
Walter Sandusky related the following story. “Charlie on their honeymoon when he attended Tweed’s
told me that he would give $5,000 per child for each of course!] We had previously attended the basic course
his ten grandchildren if they could each spend just one directed by Dr. Samuel Lewis in Detroit. At that time,
it was a requirement that you first attend either Dr.
afternoon alone with Dr. Angle. Of course, I questioned,
Lewis’ or Dr. Strang’s basic course. We were very
why? He retorted, because Dr. Angle was the greatest
enthused over Dr. Tweed’s approach to diagnosis
motivator of men I have ever known, even in such a short and his utilization of the edgewise appliance. I had
time as one afternoon he could plant the seed of ambi- already started a conversion of our graduate depart-
tious achievement in a young person’s heart that he ment clinical teaching to this appliance. The men
would never lose.”21 who taught this technic for us were Dr. Cope Sheldon
According to Francee Chenowth (personal communi- of Kansas City, Dr. Howard Strang of Chicago, and Dr.
cation; April, 1989), Tweed’s devoted employee for Harold Kesling of LaPorte.
approximately 25 years and an employee of the Tweed
Foundation for the next 25 years, Dr Tweed sent Mother Our faculty was so enthused over the treatment and
teaching results we were enjoying with Dr. Tweed’s
Angle a dozen roses on her birthday every year for as
teachings that we wanted to continue to improve
long as she lived.
our program and, at the same time, do what we could
A story related by the late Bob Felix (personal to be of some assistance to Dr. Tweed and his founda-
communication; April, 2013) is equally interesting. tion. He mentioned to me that it was imperative for his
When Dr Felix took the course, Tweed informed all the advanced course to have a good, solid, basic, course
students that Mother Angle was going to come by for available for the men to attend before they could be
a visit. Tweed told the students: “I expect all of you to accepted at Tucson. For several years this had been
be on your best behavior. You are to look sharp, and provided by the courses of both Dr. Strang and
when Anna walks into this laboratory, I would appreciate Dr. Lewis, then by Dr. Lewis at the University of De-
it if everyone would stand and acknowledge her pres- troit. Dr. Lewis and his faculty were having difficulties
ence. She is a grand lady.” arranging for adequate facilities; they soon moved to
an art center in Kalamazoo, Michigan. These problems
The first page of Tweed’s magnificent and final
concerned Dr. Tweed and he suggested that I contact
work,13 the 2-volume textbook on which he labored
Dr. Lewis regarding the possibility of moving his basic
for several years, has the following dedication: “To Dr. edgewise course to St. Louis University. Dr. Cope
Edward Hartley Angle, a dynamic psychologist with the Sheldon who was on our faculty, as well as the faculty
power to mold the character of men; to his devoted of Lewis’ course, assisted me in persuading Sam Lewis
wife, Anna Hopkins (Mother) Angle, who guided his to join forces with us in St. Louis, starting with the
career and bathed the wounds of those undergoing his course presented in the summer of 1957.

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Fig 4. Tweed examines a patient at St Louis University with Peter Sotiropoulos, John Barton, and Leo
Masterokis; also pictured is George Uchiyama. Courtesy of the Charles Tweed International
Foundation, Tucson, Arizona, and used with permission.

The acquisition of the Lewis Course for our depart- the endowment which had been given to the
ment, as well as the ensuing close relation which department by Dr. Tweed personally and also by the
developed with Dr. Tweed and the Tweed Foundation, Tweed Foundation was being used to create the
was undoubtedly the most important single event in Charles H. Tweed Technic Laboratory.
the development of the St. Louis University Graduate
Orthodontic Department to its international position The final project in which St. Louis University and Dr.
of dominance. It was in this same year, 1957, that Tweed were closely linked was in his publication of the
the founding of the St. Louis Orthodontic Education two volumes on his technique and the edgewise
and Research Foundation was established through appliance. For several years, I had tried to persuade
the active and generous assistance of Dr. Tweed. He him to put all of his material together in a book. After
attended each annual meeting of this Foundation he finally made the decision to undertake the project,
until the time of his death. Each year he would go we assisted him in working out an agreement with the
over the student cases presented at the meeting and C.V. Mosby Publishing Co. of St. Louis, to do the pub-
then discuss them before the entire membership. lishing. The art work was done by Dr. “Bill” Brims of
This past meeting of the Orthodontic Education and the University department of medical illustrations.
Research Foundation was the twenty-fifth. Dr. Uchiyama of our faculty, along with several grad-
uate students, assisted Dr. Tweed and Dr. Merrifield in
In addition to attending the St. Louis University bringing it to a successful conclusion. This was a
meeting each year, Dr. Tweed also presented an herculean effort by Dr. Tweed, however, the result is
annual paper, led the clinical discussion, and at the and will continue to be the true classic technique
conclusion of the program, would contribute his hon- publication in the history of our specialty.
orarium, and travel expenses to the department. His
generous enthusiasm for our program attracted Sincerely,
many of his friends and followers who, likewise,
became annual contributors to the department. Most Kenneth C. Marshall, D.D.S., M.S.
notable among this group was Dr. Cecil Steiner who
volunteered his service, teaching several continuing
education courses and presenting papers to the
foundation meeting. At the same time that the Steiner Coupled with Tweed’s burning desire for excellence
Radiology Section was being established, a portion of were humility, kindness, and a sense of humor. He

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Fig 5. Tweed, pedaling backwards on a bicycle, observed by young William Gaylord. Courtesy of the
Charles Tweed International Foundation, Tucson, Arizona, and used with permission.

loved to deliver spontaneous lectures to study course then converted the front part of the teaching space
students as they worked on their typodonts. There across the patio from his own office into a nice
were always certain things that he wished to indelibly orthodontic office for Bob, and there he practiced
impress on each class. When a thought would come happily for the rest of his life (personal communication
to mind, he would stroll up and down the aisles and, from Walter C. Sandusky, Jr; July, 2013).
as the students looked up from their typodonts, The late Charles Burstone (personal communication;
proceed in an emphatic manner to deliver his message. February, 1999) related the story of an insightful
On one such occasion, he was discussing most emphat- moment that he witnessed when he took the Tweed
ically the impossibility of doing excellent orthodontics Course in the 1950s. At that time, every participant
in an overcrowded practice. He said, “Hell is going to had to prepare his or her typodont and have it ready
be full of orthodontists who are carrying five to six for the course. The first day was “check-in day.”
hundred active patients in their practice.” Joe Jarabak, Dr Tweed checked all the typodonts. Dr Burstone re-
a student in that course, quickly asked, “Charlie, ported that Tweed would tell each American student
will they offer the Tweed course in Hell?” The class to do this or that to make the typodont better. He
broke up in laughter. In characteristic manner, he wanted them correct. There was a man from another
beat the palm of his hand to his forehead and stalked country at the course who did not have the resources
disgustedly from the room, taking the squelch to make a good typodont; his typodont was really
good-naturedly (personal communication from Walter bad. The Americans were just waiting for this man to
C. Sandusky, Jr; July, 2013). get up to Dr Tweed’s desk. They were stunned when
Among the well-known stories of Dr Tweed’s Dr Tweed looked at the typodont, quietly put his arm
empathy is the kindness shown to the late Dr Bob around the man, and stated, “Come and sit down
Telford, who became ill with a recurring lung disease with me. Let me help you with this.” Dr Burstone
while in the graduate program at the University of related that Dr Tweed worked with the man for
Washington. He was forced to drop out of school approximately an hour and a half to prepare his
and move to Tucson for his health. Al Moore, the chair typodont. He surmised that Tweed did this because
at the University of Washington, wrote to Dr Tweed he knew that the man did not have the resources
and asked him whether he could be of some help that others had, and he had empathy for his situation.
to Bob. When Bob had recovered sufficiently, he Tweed was a fun-loving person who liked to do all
was brought into Dr Tweed’s office to complete his sorts of interesting and unique things. One of his
training under a preceptorship program. Dr Tweed favorite tricks, because he had strong legs that were

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Fig 6. Tweed hard at work in 1950s. Courtesy of the Charles Tweed International Foundation, Tucson,
Arizona, and used with permission.

developed during his young manhood when he ran always come before practice. The late Dale Wade
track in high school, was to ride a bicycle while sitting (personal communication; February, 1992) related one
backward. He loved to demonstrate to all the children of these stories about Tweed coaching him to spend
in his life who would watch him do it because nobody more time with his family. Dr Wade said that his time
could even come close to doing what the great master with Tweed was special. He appreciated his sage advice
bicycle rider could do, much less with an ever-present during his formative years in orthodontics. This story
cigarette in his mouth (Fig 5). A young boy watching from Dr Wade can be repeated by many other people
him happened to be a future president of the American who went to Tucson to be with Charles Tweed.
Association of Orthodontists, Dr William Gaylord In addition to his many clinical contributions to the
(personal communication; September, 2013) of specialty, Tweed gave guidance, inspiration, and leader-
Flagstaff, Arizona, who sent the photograph to the ship to more orthodontists in the world than anyone else
Tweed Foundation along with a set of bands that of his time. Because of Charles Tweed, the edgewise
Dr Tweed had meticulously fabricated in the 1940s. appliance became universally popular. His diagnostic
Yes, Bill Gaylord and his brother were the beneficiaries facial triangle and his anchorage preparation concepts
of Tweed’s interest and generosity while they were gave generations of patients orthodontic treatment
growing up in Tucson. In fact, Dr Tweed was that was designed for facial balance and stability of
instrumental in Dr Gaylord’s attending Saint Louis the final tooth positions. Charles H. Tweed personified
University to study orthodontics. He probably knew, a conscientious desire to develop the best possible
somehow, that Bill Gaylord would grow up to be the orthodontic treatments for his patients and to teach
president of the American Association of Orthodontists younger men his methods. He was truly an orthodontic
and receive the Merit Award from the Orthodontic icon for the ages.
Education and Research Foundation in St Louis.
His many hours, day and night, devoted to
developing the edgewise technique and the diagnostic
triangle, his continuing research, and the constant 1. Angle EH. Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth: Angle’s system.
requests for lectures caused him to be away from his 7th ed. Philadelphia: S. S. White; 1907.
2. Lecture notes, March 1, 1965. Tucson, Ariz: Tweed Memorial
family much of the time (Fig 6). This he always seemed Center Archives.
to regret. Many who took Tweed’s course and interacted 3. Tweed CH. The application of the principles of the edge-wise arch
with him told stories of his advice that family must in the treatment of malocclusions: II. Angle Orthod 1941;11:5-11.

May 2015  Vol 147  Issue 5  Supplement 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Pillars in orthodontics S179

4. Tweed CH. Soldering technic for steel arch wire. Angle Orthod 13. Tweed CH. Clinical orthodontics. Volumes I and II. St Louis: C. V.
1941;11:68-9. Mosby; 1966.
5. Tweed CH. Indications for the extraction of teeth in orthodontic 14. Tweed CH. The diagnostic facial triangle in the control of
procedure. Am J Orthod Oral Surg 1944;30:405-28. treatment objectives. Am J Orthod 1969;55:651-67.
6. Tweed CH. A philosophy of orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod 15. Angle EH. The latest and best in orthodontic mechanism. Dent
Oral Surg 1945;31:74-103. Cosmos 1928;70:1143-58.
7. Tweed CH. The Frankfort-mandibular plane angle in orthodontic 16. Tweed CH. Letter to DeForest Whitmarsh. Tucson, Ariz: Tweed
diagnosis, classification, treatment planning, and prognosis. Am Memorial Center Archives.
J Orthod Oral Surg 1946;32:175-230. 17. Tweed CH. Reports of cases. Angle Orthod 1932;2:235-43.
8. Tweed CH. Why I extract teeth in the treatment of certain types of 18. Cross JJ. The Tweed philosophy: the Tweed years. Semin Orthod
malocclusions. Alpha Omegan 1952;46:93-104. 1996;2:231-6.
9. Tweed CH. Evolutionary trends in orthodontics, past, present, and 19. Strang RH. Highlights of sixty-four years in orthodontics. Angle
future. Am J Orthod 1953;39:81-108. Orthod 1974;44:101-12.
10. Tweed CH. The Frankfort-mandibular incisor angle (FMIA) in 20. Cross JJ. The Tweed Foundation: A History. In: Dale J, Rushton J,
orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis. Angle editors. A half century of care—a future of caring. Tucson, Ariz:
Orthod 1954;24:121-69. Shandling Lithographing; 1982, p. 72-9.
11. Tweed CH. Was the development of the diagnostic facial triangle 21. Sandusky WC Jr. Dr. Tweed—the man. In: Dale J, Rushton J,
as an accurate analysis based on fact or fancy? Am J Orthod editors. A half century of care—a future of caring. Tucson,
1962;48:823-40. Ariz: Shandling Lithographing; 1982, p. 25-35.
12. Tweed CH. Treatment planning and therapy in the mixed 22. Marshall K. Letter to John Rushton. Tucson, Ariz: Tweed Memorial
dentition. Am J Orthod 1963;49:881-906. Center Archives.

Nostalgia Advertisement from a 1925 issue of the Journal

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2015  Vol 147  Issue 5  Supplement 2

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