Metal-Organic Frameworks-Prospective Industrial Applications (
Metal-Organic Frameworks-Prospective Industrial Applications (
Metal-Organic Frameworks-Prospective Industrial Applications (
The generation of metal–organic framework (MOF) coordination polymers enables the tailoring
of novel solids with regular porosity from the micro to nanopore scale. Since the discovery of
this new family of nanoporous materials and the concept of so called ‘reticular design’, nowadays
several hundred different types of MOF are known. The self assembly of metal ions, which act
as coordination centres, linked together with a variety of polyatomic organic bridging ligands,
results in tailorable nanoporous host materials as robust solids with high thermal and
mechanical stability.
Describing examples of different zinc-containing structures, e.g. MOF-2, MOF-5 and IRMOF-
8 verified synthesis methods will be given, as well as a totally novel electrochemical approach for
transition metal based MOFs will be presented for the first time.
With sufficient amounts of sample now being available, the testing of metal–organic
frameworks in fields of catalysis and gas processing is exemplified. Report is given on the catalytic
activation of alkynes (formation of methoxypropene from propyne, vinylester synthesis from
acetylene). Removal of impurities in natural gas (traces of tetrahydrothiophene in methane),
pressure swing separation of rare gases (krypton and xenon) and storage of hydrogen (3.3 wt% at
2.0 MPa/77 K on Cu-BTC-MOF) will underline the prospective future industrial use of metal–
organic frameworks in gas processing. Whenever possible, comparison is made to state-of-art
applications in order to outline possibilities which might be superior by using MOFs.
1. Introduction based on metals like zinc, nickel, iron, aluminium (but also on
thorium and uranium) employing bi- to tetravalent aromatic
As early as 1965 a first publication by Tomic1 on novel solids carboxylic acids are described . Interesting features of these
was introduced which, nowadays, would be categorized and compounds such as high thermal stability and high metal
addressed as metal–organic frameworks, coordination poly- content were already investigated.
mers or supramolecular structures. Already in the aforemen- However, decades later interest in the field was stimulated
tioned contribution simple syntheses of coordination polymers by the group of O. M. Yaghi, which published the structure of
MOF-5 in late 1999,2 and the concept of reticular design, with
BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Chemicals Research & Engineering, D-67056, totally different carboxylate linkers, in 2002.3–5 Meanwhile,
Ludwigshafen, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]
numerous reviews have addressed this fast growing research
{ Presented at Symposium T: Porous materials for emerging applica-
tions, International Conference on Materials for Advanced efforts, the most comprehensive ones given by Kitagawa6 and
Technologies (ICMAT 2005), Singapore, 3–8 July 2005. Yaghi.7 Structures, properties and possible applications as
626 | J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16, 626–636 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006
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storage media were again studied by Rowsell, from Yaghi’s velocity of molecular traffic through these open structures
group.7,8 Comparisons with oxides, molecular sieves, porous are closely related to the regularity of pores in nanometer size
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Fig. 5 PXRD of large MOF-5 crystals from laboratory preparation indicating superior crystallinity.
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MOF-2 330 94 83
MOF-5 3400 91 56
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Fig. 12 Compression of propane into gas container with and without Fig. 13 Volume-specific storage curves of hydrogen on different
MOF-filling (MOF-5 tablets in lecture bottles, room temperature). MOF-materials in comparison to compression curve of hydrogen into
empty gas containers (77 K, 40 bar; measurement from BASF
prototype setup as described in section 2.5).
Similarly, other gases like methane and hydrocarbons can be
held at a denser state in the same manner.22,24
The same finding holds for propane as well. In Fig. 12 are the empty container and with steepest incline below 10 bar. At
depicted the curves for shaped MOF-5 pellets in gas containers 40 bar the PVT-relation of hydrogen in an empty canister is
over non-filled containers. Again the inflation curves are registered as 12.8 g H2 L21, whereas Cu-BTC-MOF filled into
markedly different. The non-MOF-filled container represents containers reach a plus 44% capacity of up to 18.5 g H2 L21.
the almost linear uptake behaviour, whereas the MOF-filled For comparison, the volume-specific density of liquid hydro-
can is far higher and with a steeper increase at the beginning. gen at its boiling point (20 K) is 70 g H2 L21.
Taking the pressure at about 10 bar it becomes obvious that Above 10 bar, the curves run mostly parallel to the
one MOF-filled container substitutes the amount of three conventional H2-pressure–volume relation. On a per weight-
state-of-art pressurized cylinders. calculation it becomes clear that the saturation of MOFs with
Already today much interest is attributed to the storage of hydrogen is already achieved at pressures of less than 15 bar
hydrogen for mobile and portable fuel-cell application by (Fig. 14). For electrochemically-prepared Cu-BTC-MOF this
using hydrogen as a carrier for electric power supply.25 Due to attributes to about 3.3 wt% H2-uptake.
the need for alternative fuel sources and energy carriers, the This data from our large scale prototype compares reason-
target values of US Department of Energy were recently ably well with the literature.8
reviewed,8 compiling storage data of some 0.2–3.8 wt% of It should be mentioned here, that for many volume-limited
hydrogen on MOFs, the maximum on a weight-specific
fuel-cell applications, i.e. the mobile and portable cases, it
calculation being found by Férey on MIL-537 derived from
will be industrially much more relevant to compare storage
aluminium salts and BDC. Pillaring with secondary amine
data on a volume-specific rather than on a weight-specific
(triethylenediamine) linkers as strategy was employed by
storage capacity basis. Typically the packing densities of
Kim27 and Seki22 and MOF-505 again by Yaghi-group28
MOF powders are around 0.2 to 0.4 g cm23 increasing to
with Cu paddle-wheels connected by 3,39,5,59-biphenyltetra-
0.5–0.8 g cm23 when shaped into tablets or extrudates. So far,
carboxylic acid ranged up to more than 2 wt%. Doubly
this material density is so low that weight limitation in an
interpenetrated nets of zinc frameworks built by NTB-linkers
application is non-existent, in contrast of course to the
(4,49,40-nitrilotrisbenzoic acid) by Suh29 were reported to reach
alternative use of metal hydride as storage media. Much
1.9 wt%. of hydrogen uptake at 77 K. However, it is not
more importantly, however, there is only a strictly confined
yet possible to foresee if large surface area materials like
volume available in both mobile automotive as well as in
MOF-177,29 MIL-10032 or MOF-5 and isoreticular mem-
bers,2–4 or materials with an average surface of between 1000
to 1500 m2 g2126,29 or even small pore MOFs like30,33 will be
the most promising storage media. Neither can it be concluded
if divalent or trivalent metal-clusters34 are the most favourable
ones. Simulations obviously support metal–organic frame-
works as being favorable over zeolites.31
From results of our prototype equipment (77 K tempera-
ture, up to 40 bar) it can be seen, how different MOF-materials
contribute differently to volume-specific hydrogen storage
(cf. Fig. 13).
Comparing to the pressurizing of an empty container with
hydrogen MOF-5, IRMOF-8 and Cu-BTC-MOF increasingly
take up higher amounts of hydrogen, all of them exceeding the Fig. 14 Volume-specific versus weight-specific storage curve of
standard pressure–volume–temperature (PVT) uptake curve of hydrogen on Cu-BTC-MOF from electrochemical preparation.
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33 R. Matsuda, R. Kitaura, S. Kitagawa, Y. Kubota, 35 E. Choi, K. Park, C. Yang, H. Kim, J. Son, S. W. Lee,
R. V. Belosludov, T. C. Kobayashi, H. Sakamoto, T. Chiba, Y. H. Lee, D. Min and Y. Kwon, Chem.—Eur. J., 2004, 10,
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636 | J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16, 626–636 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006