Effect On Barrage Raft Floor Due To Intrusion of Rock
Effect On Barrage Raft Floor Due To Intrusion of Rock
Effect On Barrage Raft Floor Due To Intrusion of Rock
Kumar Venkatesh
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India
N. K. Samadhiya, A. D. Pandey
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
ABSTRACT: The analysis for the design of the barrage raft floor, along conventional lines, is done by Hetenyi’s
approach wherein the foundation media is assumed to be uniform. However, field conditions with regard to
foundation media do not present a foundation media having uniform characteristics throughout its extent. It
becomes important to examine the situation when the foundation media is not homogeneous by numerical
techniques such as the finite element method. In order to investigate the effect of non-uniform foundation
condition a typical barrage has been selected, located at the site where the subsoil is partly river bound material
(RBM) and partly rock. Eight noded brick element have been used for modeling the barrage component with
foundation media, whereas the raft floor has been modeled using the plate bending element. Intrusion of the rock
has been considered from the bottom of the models vertically as well as laterally. The analysis has been
performed to find out the variation of moments and deformations at the three sections of the raft floor. The study
has represented that intrusion of rock has affected the moments and deformations behaviour of raft floor under
representative loading condition.
1 Introduction
A barrage is a diversion headwork, which is employed to divert inflows into the canal from a river. In a barrage the
crest is kept at low level and the gates alone affect heading up of water. During the floods, the gates are raised to
pass the high flood flow. When the flood recedes, the gates are lowered and the flow is obstructed, thus
maintaining the required pond level at the upstream of the barrage for feeding the main canal under gravity.
Barrages are usually made of masonry, plain cement concrete or reinforced concrete, depending on the nature of
foundation encountered, availability of construction material, dewatering problems, economy of construction, etc.
A barrage can have gravity or a raft floor. In recent years, the hydraulic and structural engineers have taken up
are seized upon the important task of evolving safe and economic design criteria for barrage raft floor due to
several advantages such as less excavation and dewatering, lesser construction time, superior flexural behavior
A number of analytical methods are available for the design of raft floors, viz., conventional method (Bowles,
1982), Baker’s method (Baker, 1948), Hetenyi’s method (Hetenyi, 1964) and numerical methods (Desai et al
2000). Out of the above Hetenyi,s method ( Verma, 1981) is widely adopted for analysis and design of barrages
raft floor in India as this method has also been recommended by Indian standard code (IS:11130-1984). The finite
element analyses of barrages have been carried out by Sarkar (2001) and Sasidhar (2002). A comparative
analysis of a barrage raft floor has also been carried by Venkatesh et al (2004) and Pandey et al (2005) on
homogeneous foundation media. However, this paper is an attempt to analyze the behaviour of barrage raft floor
resting on varying foundation media with intruded rock below the raft floor.
IV. Calculation of the element load vectors.
V. Assembling the element load vectors.
VI. Imposition of boundary conditions.
VII. Imposition of external forces.
VIII. Calculation of the displacement vectors.
IX. Calculation of the strains and stress field.
A detailed discussion on linear constitutive relationship for elastic finite element analysis is beyond the scope of
this paper but well documented in standard literature. (Desai and Abel, 2000; Krishnamurthy, 2002; Cook et al.,
1989; Bathe, 1982; Zienkiewicz, 1977).
2.25 m
2.25 m
11 m 11 m
A 4 A
13.8 m
49.526 m
Bay 3 Bay 4
SOIL Ogee Section ROCK
Double Pier
Double Pier
Single Pier
24.6 m
Downstream Section
30.5 m
Figure 1. Plan of barrage bays 3-4.
Double Pier
Double Pier
Single Pier
Raft Floor
Side Cut-off
Expansion Soil Expansion
joint joint
4 Condition of analysis
The investigations are based on linear elastic model for representative load cases. The self-weight of
the soil and rock media has not been considered as it has been assumed that entire soil and rock
media is already settled by its own weight. It has also been assumed that within the entire soil & rock
media, elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio remain the same as well as soil and rock junction has
been assumed to be in contact with each other. The intrusion of the rock has been taken up to study
the effect of intruded rock on barrage raft floor bays 3-4, if it extends toward the barrage raft floor
bay 4 and bay 3 from bottom and side. The intrusion of rock is taken in to consideration from the
bottom towards the raft and from the edge of bay 4 towards bay 3. The vertical extent of rock is
studied in 3 cases and the lateral extent of rock is studied in 2 cases thus making a total of 6 cases as
given in Table 1.
Table 1. Vertical and lateral intrusion of rock below bays 3-4 raft floor.
Vertical extent of Lateral extent of rock
Barrage Bays 3-4 rock (From edge of the bay4
(From bottom in m) double pier side in m)
Case 1
(Figure 3) 20
Case 2 30.5
Case 3 15.25
Case 4 30.5
Case 5 15.25
Case 6 60
(Figure 4)
Bay 3
Bay 4
Bay 3
Bay 4
30.5 m
Soil Soil Rock
60 m
15.25 m Rock
20 m
Figure 3. Intrusion of rock (Case1) in bays 3-4. Figure 4. Intrusion of rock (Case 6) in bays 3-4.
rock system has been presented in Figure 6. The dark grey portion in the figure resembles the rock portion. The
total number of elements used for the adopted finite element model is 18744, which resulted in 21204 nodes in
the model. The boundary condition imposed on the finite element models consist of restraining the limiting
boundary of the foundation soil and rock in such manner that displacement normal to the boundary surface are
restrained i.e. the ends along and across the direction of flow, foundation media is restrained against the
horizontal displacement but the base of the foundation media at the depth of 80 m have been restrained against
vertical and horizontal displacement.
Single pier
pier Double
Cut-off Side Cut-off
Downstream Cut-off
Figure 5. 3D-finite element discretization of the pier and raft floor with cut-off of the bays 3-4.
Soil Soil
Figure 6. 3D-Finite element discretization of the pier, raft, soil and rock system of bays 3-4.
6 Influence of intrusion of rock on raft floor
Analyses have been carried out for intruded and non-intruded cases. The effects of intrusion of rock on the
moments of raft floor for all the six cases have been shown in Figures 7 to 9 for upstream, ogee and downstream
sections respectively for gravity load case. The compared moments for all the cases indicates that there is a
significant difference in the moments when rock is intruded beyond 40 m from the bottom of the foundation
media. The moments obtained from first four cases resemble the non-intruded condition whereas the last two
cases represent the change in the magnitude of the moments at upstream, ogee and downstream sections of
barrage raft floor. The quantitative variations at the centre of raft between first four and last two cases at
upstream and ogee section are around 16% whereas for downstream section the variation is about 25% which
specify that intrusion is affecting the moments largely at downstream section compared to upstream and ogee
Figures 10 to 12 represents deformations of raft floor at different sections considering intruded and non intruded
cases. Differential settlement of raft floor can be seen as barrage raft floor is resting on varying foundation media.
Significant reductions in the deformations have been seen with the increase in the intrusion of the rock.
Deformations of the first four cases resemble the non-intruded condition, whereas the last two cases which are at
the height of 40 to 60 m indicate the large quantitative difference at all the section compared to the other cases.
The moments and deformations of raft floor have reduced as the overall stiffness of the foundation media has
also increased.
Figure 7. Moments 'Mz' at upstream section (A-A) considering gravity load with and without rock intrusion.
Figure 8. Moments 'Mz' at ogee section (B-B) considering gravity load with and without rock intrusion.
Figure 9. Moments 'Mz' at downstream section (C-C) considering gravity load with and without rock intrusion.
Figure 10. Deformation at upstream section (A-A) considering gravity load with and without rock intrusion
Figure 11. Deformation at ogee section (B-B) considering gravity load with and without rock intrusion
Figure 12. Deformation at downstream section (C-C) considering gravity load with and without rock intrusion
7 Conclusions
Based on the comparison of moments and deformations at a various sections of the barrage raft floor for intrution
and non-intrution of rock, the following conclusions may be drawn:
i) The moments and deformations reduces with the intrusion of rock and it has been attributed to the
increase in the stiffness of foundation media which influenced the behaviour of raft floor at every
ii) The intrusion of rock from 40 m to 60 m was most critical from the foundation base which signifies
that intrusion of rock within the 40 m of ground level is going to change the behaviour of raft floor
iii) The three-dimensional system as represented by finite element method is able to account for the
geometrical disposition of the raft floor and spatial variation of stiffness for foundation media.
8 References
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