DRR1112 IIc D 32
DRR1112 IIc D 32
DRR1112 IIc D 32
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of potential hydrometeorological
1. Typhoon
2. Thunderstorm
3. Flash flood
4. Flood
5. Stormsurge
6. El Niño
7. La Niña
B. Performance
Standards The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on
what to do before, during and after the occurrence of events that cause
hydrometeorological hazards.
C. Learning The learners distinguish and differentiate among and between different
Competencies hydromoeteorological hazards:
Write the LC code Identify the different hydrometeorological hazards,
for each Compare and contrast the different hydrometeorological hazards;
II. CONTENT Hydrometeorological hazards
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction by R.E. Rimando and J.G. Belen pp. 181
- 226
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or Why are landslide and sinkhole consider as geological hazard?
presenting the new
B. Establishing a
purpose for the Setting objectives of the lesson:
lesson identify the different hydrometeorological hazards;
compare and contrast the different hydrometeorological hazards.
1 | P a g e M o d i fi e d D a i l y L e s s o n L o g f o r S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l
5. They are given 5 minutes to the activity.
6. After finishing the activity they will present their output in class.
E. Discussing new Procedure:
concepts and 1. From the set of unrevealed pictures with numbers 1 to 7, the
practicing new student will choose two of it then they will compare and contrast
skills #2 the hydrometeorological hazards shown in the picture.
2. Make a venn diagram for their output.
3. They are given 10 minutes to the activity
F. Developing Presentation of output.
mastery(Leads to Procedure:
Formative 1. After finishing the activity they will present their output in class.
Assessment) 2. They are given 2 minutes for presentation.
3. The teacher will deepen the students answer.
G. Finding practical
applications of Why do you think it is important to know and differentiate the
concepts and skills hydromoeteorological hazards?
in daily living
H. Making Based on what you have learned how will you distinguish and
generalizations differentiate the different hydrometeorological hazards such as:
and abstractions 1. Typhoon
about the lesson 2. Thunderstorm
3. Flash flood
4. Flood
5. Stormsurge
6. El Niño
7. La Niña
I. Evaluating
Activity embedded assessment
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
2 | P a g e M o d i fi e d D a i l y L e s s o n L o g f o r S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which
I wish to share
with other
Prepared by:
Organization and The introduction The introduction The introduction is The introduction
captures audience states the unclear or fails to captures audience
Mechanics attention and purpose but does capture audience attention and
gives a clear not capture the attention. gives a clear
statement of attention of the statement of
purpose. audience. purpose.
3 | P a g e M o d i fi e d D a i l y L e s s o n L o g f o r S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l
the presentation is organized and confusing with presentation
well organized, sequential with limited supporting needs
sequential, and some supporting details. organization and
well supported by details. supporting details
Illustration Presentation aids Presentation aids Presentation aids No presentation
are clearly linked are appropriate to do not enhance aids.
to the material, the topic but are audience
well executed, not well integrated understanding or
and informative to into the overall are confusing
the audience. presentation.
Presentation Strong, clear Good speaking Clarity of speech Control of
speaking voice voice; recovers is uneven; speaking tone,
easily understood easily from delivery is halting. clarity, and
by audience. speaking errors. volume is not
Speaker conveys Speaker is in Speaker is not
confidence in command of the completely sure of Speaker is visibly
talking about the topic but appears topic but appears nervous and does
topic. slightly nervous in nervous or not convey
delivery. disengaged. interest in the
Excellent eye Good eye contact Limited or
contact with with audience sporadic eye
audience throughout most contact with Speaker does not
throughout of the audience. make eye contact
presentation. presentation. with audience.
4 | P a g e M o d i fi e d D a i l y L e s s o n L o g f o r S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l
5 | P a g e M o d i fi e d D a i l y L e s s o n L o g f o r S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l